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‘To whom it may concern: am a first-year teacher in HISD with Mrs. Harrison at Durkee Elementary. Recently, I started accompanying her to Teach Like a Champion, TLAC Tuesday, monthly meetings. At these meetings, we have discussed methods to use inside our classroom as well as collaborate with other educators in making ‘our scholars the best they can be. Earlier this week, Mrs. Harrison came in to my room of 4" and 5" grade scholars to film a math lesson using TLAC strategies. The kids were given four math problems, and asked to solve one at a time using any and all leaning strategies. Once they were finished, they had to raise their hand and get their answer checked. If the final answer was correct, they could move on to the next problem. During a TLAC ‘Tuesday visit, this was a strategy discussed for scholars of all ages, and it worked well in small group! Mrs. Harrison came into my room for another lesson last semester to film a math whole group segment as well. On this day, I asked scholars to show their work on the SmartBoard and be teacher leaders for the class, The kids were shy at first, but came to really enjoy showing others why their answer was correct, and how they got the end result. This school year has been an absolute joy with Mrs. Harrison’s TLAC Tuesday meetings, and debriefing sessions on our campus for other educators. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to learn from an educator who has such an effervescent passion for teaching, as well as getting the chance to teach others alongside her when di sussing the strategies we have leamed. ‘TLAC is a wonderful program, with an equally as wonderful representative on the Durkee Elementary campus. ‘Thank you for your time. Marguerite Nutt

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