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Unit 7 Test A

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Use of English: Grammar CHECKED

I _______________________ free of
1 Complete the text with the
correct passive form of the verb
in brackets.
4 They got Tom to cook our dinner.
Peer-to-peer marketing
We _______________________ by
(1)____________(employ) at present
by companies enabling them to
advertise for free. It
5 Theyd sent us the bill in the
(2)____________(believe) that viral
marketing is a popular form of peer-
to-peer marketing. Viral advertising
Wed had
(3)____________(use) for many years,
_______________________in the
but companies using this method
are now targeting children as young
as four years old.
When playing games on the
computer, both online and offline, 3 Choose the correct alternative.
children (4)____________ (show) a
series of advertisements. The 1 Sadly none of/most of the
purpose of these adverts is for celebrities gave their autograph
children to subconsciously associate to the thousands of fans waiting
them with the game they are outside the cinema.
playing. According to statistics, 2 Neither of/All of their customers
during the last three months, an are loyal to the brand and they
estimated 2500 adverts would never buy anything else.
(5)____________ (click on) by children 3 He couldnt believe that
ranging from seven to thirteen years each/every pair of trousers he
old. tried on was either too baggy or
too tight.
/5 4 The fact that no/some freebies
were given out at the event came
as an unpleasant surprise to the
2 Rewrite the sentences using the
words given. Use no more than
5 Most/Most of salesmen push their
six words.
clients to buy their products
because they need to hit their
1 Mum usually does his washing.
He usually_______________________
by his mum.
2 Her friend called her after dinner.
She got _______________________.

3 The mechanic checked my car

free of charge.

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Use of English: Vocabulary submitted the old version to the

television studio. The company
apologized for the
4 Complete the sentences with
(4) ____________(EXPLAIN) mistake
the correct words or
and they released the original
expressions related to
campaign a few days later. As
advertising and selling.
expected, it made a
(5) ____________(POWER) impact on
1 Tim was given
the market.
t______h______s______ for over
fifteen minutes, until he told the
salesman that he wasnt really
2 I know you work in telesales, but 6 Fill in the gaps with the correct
do you personally have to make word. Several words may be
c______c______ to potential possible for one gap.
3 As there are so many different baggy
brands of tea on the market, it is classic
surprising that b______l______ loose
exists. scruffy
4 Beyonc will be working in Paris sophisticated
in December. Shes going to be
e______ a new cosmetic product. At work, there isnt any official dress
5 Alex knew the best thing to do code. Therefore, people wear what
was to s______a______ and then they consider appropriate. On the
pick the best offer. whole, there are two distinctive
groups of people. In the first group,
/5 there are men that wear (1)
__________ suits with a tie and
women that wear trouser suits.
5 Read the text and then fill in the
These people look smart. We refer
gap with the correct form of the
to these people as the (2) __________
word in brackets.
ones. Then there are the men and
women that come to work wearing
When the washing powder company
(3) __________ trousers or jeans and
released their latest TV advertising
(4) __________-fitting upper garments
campaign, those awaiting the
with trainers. These people, on the
release were (1) ____________
whole, look (5) __________. We refer
(RELATE) surprised. The image of a
to them as the carefree ones.
pair of trousers covered in dirt
entering a washing machine with a
magical powder had been replicated
so many times. At first, it seemed
the creators had lost their (2)
____________(IMAGINE) side, but it
was later revealed that the advert
shown on TV was in fact an advert
that had been broadcast ten years
ago. It was apparent that someone
had (3) ____________(CARE)

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Reading then determine the cost of your

campaign. These means of
advertising, despite being costly,
7 You are going to read a leaflet
are extremely effective as they tend
that gives information about the
to persuade consumers to buy. Well,
BestAdvertising company.
a good advert does anyway!
Decide if the statements are
true (T), false (F) or not stated
Print Advertising
Different ways to advertise your
Placing an advert in a newspaper or
business with BestAdvertising
magazine has a multitude of
advantages. Firstly, you can select
With customers demands and
your audience on the basis of
technology constantly changing, we
common interests, geographic
thought it important to keep you
location and age. Secondly, you can
informed about the different ways
choose the size, colours and overall
you can advertise your companys
design and layout of your ad. Before
products with BestAdvertising. When
placing an advert, it is essential you
choosing the most appropriate
have identified the section of the
method, you should consider your
newspaper or magazine where you
businesss needs, reputation and
intend to put your advertisement
budget. Typically, a successful
and also the amount of time you
company will use several forms of
want the campaign to run. Often, a
media to ensure maximum
discount will be given for a
exposure. Listed below, you will find
campaign that runs for a prolonged
the different advertising options we
duration. In general, print
have available.
advertising can be moderately
affordable but the success rate is
Television & Radio Advertising
Television and radio adverts
continue to be popular ways to
On-line advertising
advertise products to large
On-line advertising is our most
audiences with companies on a
popular form of marketing. The main
moderately large budget. However,
reasons being that (1) its
with the wide selection of television
comparatively cheap nowadays, and
channels and radio stations in
(2) companies are able to locate and
existence, it is important to
advertise to their target market both
investigate the age and social class
quickly and directly. The
of the viewers or listeners of the
development of location-based
particular channel or station that
advertising technology now means
your company is contemplating, and
that businesses can get their
then choose the right channel or
message to potential customers at
station based on your products
any time of the day and at any
target market. That said, choosing
given location.
the correct channel or station is only
part of the process. You also need to
With BestAdvertising, we have two
consider the number of times you
forms of on-line advertising
would like the advert to be played.
available: banners and mini ads. A
These two important choices will
banner is characteristically an

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image placed on a web page which

the user can click on and be taken 2 To publicize on the television or
directly to the advertising on the radio, the only thing a
companys web page. A mini ad is a company needs to do is
small ad which is placed in the determine the channel or station
corner of a web page together with they want to employ.
other similar ads that a client can T / F / NS
click on and open if interested. Mini
ads are placed on a web page 3 Clients that advertise in a
related in some way to the web newspaper for a two month
page the client is viewing. For period commonly receive a 20%
example, if a user opens a web page discount from the total cost.
and looks at office furniture, mini T / F / NS
ads might appear in the corner of
the web page offering alternative 4 An online banner usually contains
furniture companies. text which promotes a company
With the development of tracking and when clicked on, takes you
technology and more and more directly to the advertising
people accessing the internet, not companys web page.
only from computers and laptops T / F / NS
but also from smart phones, on-line
advertising is definitely a more 5 Facial recognition advertising
efficient option. could possibly become one of
BestAdvertisings modes of
Perhaps in the future at advertising in the future.
BestAdvertising... T / F / NS

Facial Recognition Advertising 6 According to BestAdvertising, the

A new means of advertising is at most efficient advertising option
present being tested in Japan. It is is on-line advertising.
known as Facial Recognition T/ F / NS
Advertising and could be used on
billboards or small digital screens in
the underground, shops or even in /6
bars and restaurants. If successful,
the facial recognition system will
identify the gender, ethnicity and
approximate age of a passerby and
will then transmit bespoke
advertisements based on the
information given. This advertising
method has been portrayed in many
films, but it might now become a
reality. Watch this space!

1 A successful business employs a

variety of media forms to
guarantee the greatest coverage.
T / F / NS

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Listening Writing
8 You are going to hear a 9 You have been asked to write a
talk about how consumers can report for an international student
help the environment. Complete magazine on the following topic:
sentences 1-6. Use no more
than three words in each gap. What makes an advertisement
1 At birthday parties and
celebrations people tend to In your report you should mention a
forget about _____________. few adverts from your country and
2 Waste from our rubbish bins is how and why they are/were
deposited in _____________. successful or unsuccessful. Write
3 In the UK, _____________ of waste your report.
is recycled by citizens and
companies. Write 200-250 words.
4 One of the ways we can educate _____________________________________
consumers is by showing them a _____________________________________
selection of _____________ of what _____________________________________
happens if we dont recycle. _____________________________________
5 If we dont act now, our country _____________________________________
is going to be overcrowded with _____________________________________
_____________. _____________________________________
6 Companies can improve the
situation by ensuring their goods
are wrapped in _____________
packaging. _____________________________________
/6 _____________________________________


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