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Figure Known for Time

Hammurabi Code of Hammurabi 1700 BC

Zoroaster Zoroastrianism 1000 BC

Hatshepsut Woman pharaoh 1400 BC

Ramses II Pharaoh at the time of the Exodus 1200 BC

Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) Monotheistic pharaoh 1300 BC

Confucius (Kung Fu Tze) Confucianism 500 BC

Shi Huangdi Great wall and Terracotta army 200 BC

Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism 500 BC

Chandragupta Uniting India as Mauryan empire 300 BC

Darius (King of Persia) Battle of Marathon 400 BC

Xerxes (King of Persia) Battle of Thermopylae, son of Darius 400 BC

Pericles General of Athens during Peloponnesian 400 BC


Alexander the Great King of Macedon, invaded Persian empire 300 BC

Hannibal General of Carthage (2nd Punic war) 200 BC

Cato Carthage must be destroyed (3rd Punic 100 BC


Crassus, Pompey, Julius First triumvirate 60-53 BC


Cleopatra VII Last pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt 69-30 BC

Brutus and Cassius Assassination of Julius Caesar 44 BC

Marcus Antonius, Lepidus, Second triumvirate 43 BC


Marcus Antonius (Marc 83-30 BC


Octavian (Caesar Augustus) Julius Caesars nephew and adopted son, 27 BC - 14 AD

first emperor of the Roman empire

Tiberius Son of Octavian, second emperor 14-37 AD

Caligula Great nephew of Tiberius and adopted son, 37-41 AD
third emperor

Claudius Fourth emperor 41-54 AD

Nero Fifth emperor 54-68 AD

Marcus Aurelius Last of the Five Great Emperors 161-180 AD

Constantine Edict of Milan 300 AD

Atilla the Hun Pushed Goths into Roman empire 400 AD

Mansa Musa Emperor of Mali, converted to Islam and 1300

made an extravagant hajj

Genghis Khan (Temujin) Ruler of the Mongols 1162-1227

Kublai Khan Grandson/successor of Genghis Khan 1215-1294

Charlemagne 800 AD

William I (the Conqueror) First Norman King of England, Domesday 1066-1087


Richard I (Lionhearted) King of England, 3rd crusade 1189-1199

Joan of Arc Hundred Years War (England and France) 1337-1453

Isabella of Castile and Spanish inquisition 1478

Ferdinand of Aragon

Saladin Crusades 1100

Frederick Barbarossa Holy Roman Emperor, 3rd crusade 1100

Martin Luther 95 Theses 1517

Ignatius of Loyola Founder of Jesuits (counter-reformation) 1540

Hernando Cortes First European to see Tenochtitlan 1519

Montezuma Ruler of Tenochtitlan killed by Cortes men 1502-1520

Henry VIII 1509-1547

Edward VI Child of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour 1547-1553

Lady Jane Grey Great grandniece of Henry VIII, chosen by 1553 (9 day
Edward to rule after his death reign)

Mary I (Bloody Mary) Child of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon 1553-1558
Elizabeth I (Virgin Queen) Child of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn 1558-1603

Mary Stuart (Mary Queen of Executed after assassination plot on 1542-1567

Scots) Elizabeth I of England

James I Son of Mary Queen of Scots, successor of 1603-1625

Elizabeth I of England, King James Bible

Guy Fawkes Gunpowder plot 1605

Charles I Star chamber, lost English civil war and 1625-1649


Oliver Cromwell Leader of Roundheads against Charles I in

English civil war

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