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The Effects of Atrazine and Glyphosate on the Cell

Development of Spirogyra Algae

Arooba Lodhi
Niles North High School

Graphs and Results

Average Spirogyra Cell Development over Three Weeks

Testing Groups # of Filaments # of Chloroplasts

per Filament
Control 1 10.75 8
Control 2 10.33 7.67
Atrazine 1 5.42 5.23
Atrazine 2 5.25 5.25
Glyphosate 1 6.63 4.63
Glyphosate 2 5.67 4

Data Analysis Experimental Error

Control Groups Pesticide Exposure
Group 1- filament count remained at high averages above 10 and the Certain spirogyra samples could have more or less exposure to the
number of chloroplasts per filament established the baseline above 7 pesticide present , thus increasing or decreasing the counts
Group 2- number of filaments gradually decreased as the weekly trials To reduce error- atrazine and glyphosate were concentrated to the
proceeded but remained above 9 and chloroplast count averaged above 7 maximum EPA standard & same amount of spirogyra was distributed
Atrazine Groups Natural Deterioration/Death of Algae
Group 1- decrease in number of filaments starting at an average of above Random samples selected to be viewed under the microscope may have
7 for week one but reaching an average of 4 for week three; low been deteriorating or dead, thus decreasing the counts
chloroplast count ranging from 4 to 6 To reduce error- create a more controlled environment with better
Group 2- decrease in filament count starting at an average of 7 for week light and temperature settings determined through pre-tests
one and ending at 3.5 for week three; higher chloroplast count than
group 1 with averages close to 5
Contaminated Environment
Group 1- survived until day four of week three trials Deterioration and death of some spirogyra samples contaminated the
Group 2- survived until day three of week three trials environment in the beaker as a whole
Lowest average filament count Could not determine if lower counts were correlated with pesticide
exposure or with contaminated soil-water medium
Glyphosate Groups To reduce error- Declare whole group as deceased if one sample was
Group 1- decreases in number of filaments starting at an average above 7 dead; create method of changing soil-water medium on a weekly basis
for week one and ending at an average below 6 for week two; chloroplast
count decreased from 5 at week one to 4 at week two
Spirogyra Sample Consistency
Group 2- filament count ranging from 4 to 6 over the three week Size of the algae could have been larger or smaller, resulting in
period; decreasing chloroplast count starting with 5 and ending with 3.5 counting more or less filaments
Group 1- survived until day one of week three trials To reduce error- create method to cut same amount of algae per
Group 2- survived until day 3 of week three trials group or design new method to only observe one sample over the
Lowest average chloroplast per filament count testing period

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