Category 1-Student Achievement and Instruction

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The following areas were rated basic.

The following section explains action steps

that will move the basic level indicators to the proficient level.

Category 1- Student Achievement and Instruction

Target Indicator Basic Level Action Plan to Move to
Description Proficient
Information Literacy Information Literacy Media specialist will
Standards are Skills curriculum is collaborate with classroom
integrated into content comprised of basic teachers to integrate CCGPS
instruction. library media and GPS standards into the
orientation skills and lessons conducted in the
AASL Standards for the instruction on how to media center.
21st-Century Learner are find information
integrated into content
Collaborative planning The Library Media The media specialist will meet
includes both the Specialist with grade levels during their
Library Media participates in grade level planning on
Specialists and teachers collaborative Tuesdays. Media specialist will
to ensure use of library planning when familiarize themselves with the
initiated by the classroom content standards.
media center resources
teacher. Media specialist will participate
that support on-going
in grade level planning to
classroom instruction encourage collaborative
and implementation of planning among the teachers
state curriculum and the and with the media specialist.

Professional library The Library Media Instead of simply making

media staff are engaged Specialist makes suggestions to teachers, the
in active teaching role/s. recommendations to media specialist will make
students for class herself an important part of
projects and pleasure instruction. The media center
reading. The Library will be an extension of the
Media Specialist classroom and planning and
provides basic teaching will be done
orientation and collaboratively.
instruction on
information location
Student achievement is The classroom The media specialist, in
routinely assessed. teacher is collaboration with the
responsible for classroom teacher, will do
assessing student assessments in the media
achievement. center.
Category 2- Technology
Target Indicator Basic Level Action Plan to Move to
Description Proficient
The school library media The school library The media specialist will direct
specialist integrates the media specialist uses teachers and students to use
use of emerging technology to deliver technology tools. Students will
technologies as a curriculum content or select technology tools and
means for effective and instructions to use it for the task given rather
creative teaching and to than being observers of the
support P-12 students' media specialist using
conceptual The SLMS technology
understanding, critical occasionally attempts Integrating technology will be
thinking and creative more consistent and stat
to integrate
processes. standards will be used in
emerging addition to AASL standards.
technologies into The media specialist will
instruction to collaborate more frequently
reinforce the skills, with teachers and staff to
dispositions, suggest technologies to use in
responsibilities, and their classroom instruction
self- assessments in
AASL Standards for
the 21 -Century
Learner and Georgia
state standards that
support student

The SLMS rarely

technology tools to
enhance instruction.

Category 4-Facilities, Access, and Resources

Target Indicator Basic Level Action Plan to Move to
Description Proficient
There shall be a plan for Flexible scheduling The media center will
flexibly scheduled makes resources and implement a flexible schedule.
library media center assistance available Teachers will choose their
access for students and at the time of media center time rather than
teachers in groups or as learning need, but being assigned a time to
attend the library. After school
individuals school schedules
hours will become available for
simultaneously may override this
students and teachers to
throughout each preferable flexibility. access the media center.
instructional day. Library media staff is
Accessibility shall refer available to teachers
to the facility, the staff, and students for
and the resources and most of the school
shall be based on day.
instructional need.

Category 5- Administrative Support

Target Indicator Basic Level Action Plan to Move to
Description Proficient
Administrative staff The school principal Regular meetings with school
support at both the provides support to administration will take place
school and district levels the library media to discuss how to integrate
is essential for the program and makes media resources into the
development of a strong time to meet with the curriculum.
library media program. Library Media

Each local board of System and local A library advisory committee

education shall adopt a school library media will be formulated to meet
library media policy that committees support more than once per year. The
provides for the implementation of the committee will discuss media
establishment of a library media center policies, technology,
and classroom teacher needs
media committee at the program. A media
in regards to the media center.
system level and at advisory committee
each school. A library exists and meets once
media committee or twice a year. (This
makes committee may be
recommendations and the same as the
decisions relating to technology committee
planning, operation, in some local
evaluation, and schools.)
improvement of the
library media program.
This committee shall
annually evaluate
library media services
and develop a multi-
year media plan for
budget services and

Local Board approved A written library A library media policy will be

library media policy is media policy exists created, shared, and
current. This policy and is implemented implemented consistently.
requires development of and updated Revisions will be made based
procedures for the inconsistently. on the needs of the school
and the media center.
school system and for
selecting materials
locally, handling
requests for
reconsideration of
materials, considering
gifts of instructional
resources, using non-
school owned materials,
and complying with the
copyright law.

The following areas were rated proficient. The following section explains action
steps that will move the basic level indicators to the exemplary level.

Category 1- Student Achievement and Instruction

Target Indicator Proficient Level Action Plan to Move to
Description Exemplary
Services are The library media staff Media specialist will meet
provided to students selects resources and with teachers to collaborate
who have diverse informs teachers of these on strategies to collect
learning abilities, resources with student data to design
styles, and needs. recommendations to activities that lead to
student achievement. The
support students diverse
media center will support
learning abilities and styles. instruction and help to meet
individual needs.

Category 4- Facilities, Access, and Resources

Target Indicator Proficient Level Action Plan to Move to
Description Exemplary
Streamingvideoisused Streaming video is used on The media center currently
throughouttheschoolto a regular basis to support has an interactive
supportthecurriculum. the curriculum. whiteboard but it is not used
on a regular basis. The
The school has several media specialist will design
andcomputersareused lessons to incorporate the
white boards located
forteachingand whiteboard more
throughout the building
learningthroughoutthe consistently.
and used on frequent
school.Acentral More interactive whiteboards
electronicmedia will be purchased and
distributionsystemis Electronic distribution trainings will be conducted
alsoavailable. to ensure that those
system meets state
whiteboards are used on a
more consistent basis.

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