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Perform irrigation and drainage practices

Agricultural irrigation is the application of water to crops through artificial means.
Irrigation is primarily used in areas with sporadic rainfall or potential drought conditions to ensure
that crop soil receives adequate water for cultivation. The water utilized in agricultural irrigation
can come from various sources, such as groundwater, rivers, springs, lakes, wells, or surface water.
Benefits of irrigation
1. Irrigation is insurance against drought.
2. It enables the growing of quick maturing crops.
3. It is a guarantee to the quick germination of seeds.
4. It is a means of securing early maturity on most crops.
5. It increases the quality, attractive appearance, and yield of crops.

Methods of irrigation
The are several methods of irrigating the field;

1. Manual irrigation is one of the most basic types of agricultural irrigation. Farmers or
laborers use watering cans to saturate the crops by hand. Since manual irrigation is often
time consuming and physically demanding, it tends to be used for small farms or in poverty-
stricken areas.

2. Before advances were made in irrigation technology, surface irrigation tended to be

the most implemented irrigation system for large scale watering. In surface irrigation, small
canals are dug across the entire length of the crop area and water is poured at the top of
the canals. Surface irrigation uses no pumps or other mechanisms and relies on gravity to
distribute water across crops through the canals.

3. Sub-irrigation is a method often used for vegetable crops such as peppers or tomatoes.
The method applies water to crops from below the soils surface. A pipe system is buried
beneath the roots of the crops and the water is pumped upwards into the roots to ensure
the roots receive the correct water amounts.

4. Center pivot irrigation uses an automated system of sprinklers that are attached to fixed
towers in the center of the crop area. The sprinklers rotate in a circular motion to evenly
distribute water across the entire crop area. Center pivot is often used in flat, spacious crop

5. Windmill irrigation is done by a machine that harnesses wind energy for a purpose like
grinding grain, pumping water, or generating electricity.

6. Drip irrigation is a system that delivers water directly to the root zone of a plant, where it
seeps slowly into the soil one drop at a time.

7. Irrigation by power machinery is done when water pumps are set in the source of water.
Water is then delivered to the field through a water hose.

8. Irrigation by hand requires hand labor. This system is used only where a valuable crop
can be grown in a small piece of land, as in school and home gardens. Water is applied either
early morning or late in the afternoon

Causes of loss of irrigation water

According to Calacala (1977), the causes of loss of irrigation water are:

1. Over irrigation. A farmer should not use more water than his crop needs. The amount of
water needed by crops varies with the crop, and a farmer should ascertain what amount is for
each crop and how it is best distributed among the different times of application.

2. Poor grading of land. When a piece of land to be irrigated is not uniformly or properly
graded, as for example, when certain spots are high while others are low, or when there is
hardly any grade at all to allow movement of water by gravity, there will be loss of water.

3. Seepage is the horizontal passage of water from an irrigation canal through the
surrounding ground. Loss of water by seepage is prevented by lining the canal properly

with a clay puddle.

4. Deep percolation. Percolation is the vertical downward movement of water. Water that
sinks much deeper than the roots of the plants is wasted water. Skillful cultivation should
prevent much loss of water due to deep percolation.

5. Run-off at the ends of fields or furrows. To avoid waste of water in the form of run
offs, it is necessary to supervise carefully the irrigation work so that only enough water is
allowed to flow in the irrigation furrows.

6. Direct evaporation. This refers to the loss of water from plant parts, soil surface and even
from bodies of water with the aid of sunlight.

Drainage is defined as the process of removing excess water from the soil in order to increase
its productivity.
Drainage is important on lands for growing vegetable upland crops. This requirement has
particular reference to fertilizer application, mechanical weeding and cultivation, aeration,
soil temperature and structure, readiness for the next rotation of crop, early and deep root
development, and many others.
According to Calacala (1977), there are benefits derived from drainage as follows:
1. It improves the tilth of the soil.
2. It leads to the improvement of soil aeration.
3. It improves the temperature condition of the soil.
4. It increases availability of plant food.
5. It encourages multiplication and development of useful organisms in the soil.
6. It increases benefits obtained from the use of fertilizers.

Systems of drainage
Drainage systems may be divided into two categories, surface and subsurface. Each has
several components with similar functions but different names. At the lower, or disposal, end of
either system is an outlet. In order of decreasing size, the components of a surface system are the
main collection ditch, field ditch, and field drain; and for a subsurface system, main, submain, and
lateral conduits from the submain. The outlet is the point of disposal of water from the system;
the main carries water to the outlet; the submain or field ditch collects water from a number of


Water management is very essential in rice production. This lesson presents the types of
irrigation system, schedule of irrigation, water use and disposal and the six stages of rice growth
when the field is to be drained. You will learn these in thirteen days.

Due to climate change, the supply of water is becoming scarce nowadays. The extreme
changes of weather conditions in the different regions of the country caused a dramatic impact in rice
production. Places with extreme rainfall experience flooding while those with scarce rainfall face long
drought. Both situations cause soil degradation, resulting in loss of agricultural production.

Dams that hold water for irrigation purposes become destructive during rainy season due to
excessive supply of water, yet becomes inutile to supply water during summer when it is needed
most in the rice fields. Farmers turn to use of water pumps to source out water from deep wells but
the water level below is getting deeper each year making it very expensive for farmers to sustain a
profitable rice production.

Water is life. It is one of the most important factors in increasing production of our staple food.
It determines the availability of nutrients in the soil and control weeds. Hence, efficient utilization and
conservation of irrigation water are necessary.

Water insufficiency in any stage most especially during the vegetative and reproductive growth
stages is evident. It reduces plant height, tiller number, and yield. Water is most critical from panicle
initiation to grain development. Lack of water during these stages leads to production of unfilled

Water Management

For efficient water management in irrigated rice production, take note of the following desirable
recommended water depth at different stages of growth:

a. After transplanting, irrigate the puddied field with a depth of 2 - 3 centimeters.

b. Maintain this water depth from 35 D A T (Days After Transplanting), then gradually increase the
level up to 5 cm as the crop grows. Avoid deep flooding to minimize percolation and seepage.
Keep farm ditches well-shaped and free of weeds to allow quick flow of irrigation water with
minimum loss.
c. At tillering stage, keep water depth at 2 - 3 centimeters.
d. Maintain the water depth at 35 cm during panicle initiation stage.
e. At ripening stage, maintain deep inflow of water 20 days after flowering then drain the field 2
3 weeks before harvesting.

For rainfed areas construct bigger and higher dikes to impound more water. It should be about
25 30 cm high to free it from rats, holes and breaks. Start impounding water during the early stage
of growth gradually increasing from 5 cm. to a maximum of 15 cm as the crop becomes taller.

When there is abundant water supply, the field must be kept submerged for 3-5 days after
transplanting. A depth of 2-3 cm is enough to get higher yield. But a depth of 5-10 cm helps control
weeds. However, there are periods when the rice field has to be drained for a specific purpose and
water efficiency. These are:

1. during transplanting, for ease and more accurate distance and spacing of planting
2. during early stage of growth, to attain maximum tillering and to prevent late tillers to come out
for a uniform plant growth and development
3. during weeding, for easier control of weeds using a mechanical weeder
4. fertilizer application, for the plants to be able to absorb the maximum nutrients from the applied
5. maximum tillering stage, to attain uniform growth, and
6. two weeks before harvesting, to facilitate grain development and maturity and for ease of
harvesting and transport

Draining the field during the maximum tillering stage prevents the emergence of late tillers and
the accumulation of toxic nitrogen which the plant needs. It is necessary to let the water flow out of
the rice field while the paddy is being drained. Water must be channeled to other paddies that need

Types of Irrigation System

a. Reservoir type. A large dam or a small water impounding dam is constructed across a stream
of river where water is impounded for irrigation and for domestic use. The flow of irrigation water
is dependent on the selection of the methods of water distribution to meet the water needs of
the service area. The rotation method is usually employed to ensure even distribution of
available water supply and to ensure that a wider area will be supplied with irrigation water.

b. The run-off-the-river type. In this method a controllable gate is constructed along the river or
stream. When water outlet is closed, water level rise which could be diverted to the canals and
laterals. The quantity of water entering the main canal is regulated at the intake gate. The
available water supply is dependent on the elevation at the source. As a general rule, the supply
is proportionate to the height of the source and volume flowing from the source. During periods
of high flow when available supply becomes abundant, the continuous method is usually
practiced. When the supply is scarce, the rotational method is employed.

c. Pumping type. This method makes use of a pump powered by an engine installed to draw
water from underground or open sources like rivers and lakes. The available water supply is
dependent upon the capacity of the pumps and the water level. Energy is used to run the
system, hence, higher operation expenses are incurred. When using this type, never allow the
rice paddies to dry and have cracks, which will cause water seepage making irrigation more

Whatever type of irrigation is used, cooperation among farmers is to be practiced at all times in
order to implement the schedule of irrigation calendar for an efficient and effective rotation method.

Irrigating the field using water pump, at the panicle initiation stage of rice where water supply is very

Efficient Water Use and Disposal

To determine the right amount of water to use, consider the following:

1. Rice variety. You may need more water for the late maturing varieties than early maturing
2. Season. Wet season crops need less water than dry season crops.
3. Types of soil. Clay or clay loam soil needs less water than light soil such as sand.
4. Presence of weeds. Flooding the field always prevent the growth of weeds.

Water may be lost through the following processes:

1. Evaporation. It is the direct loss of water from the water surface or moist soil surface. The
amount of water that evaporates is influenced by high intensity of sunlight, strong and dry wind,
and high temperature. Second crop rice production which is on time with the summer season
needs more water to sustain growth and yield.

2. Transpiration. It is the loss of water from the leaves. Transpiration is affected by the weather
condition. More water will be lost during dry season which explains the need of constant

3. Seepage. Water moves sideways within the soil. It may pass through the dike or below the
ground. This can be minimized if the dikes and levees are well-maintained.

4. Percolation. It is the downward flow of water. Its occurrence is high if the soil is sandy, deep,
and has a deep water table. Well-puddled rice paddies minimize percolation and tend to hold
water efficiently.


The three systems of irrigation are:

1. reservoir type
2. run off the river or free flowing

3. pumping type

The methods of water distribution are:

1. rotational
2. continuous method

The factors to consider in determining the right amount of irrigation water to use are:
1. rice variety
2. season
3. type of soil
4. presence of weeds

The six stages of rice growth when the rice field has to be drained:
1. during transplanting
2. early stage of growth
3. weeding
4. fertilizer application
5. maximum tillering stage
6. two weeks before harvesting

Adequate water supply is needed to:

o facilitate land preparation especially leveling;
o ensure good crop establishment with faster root development;
o promote seedling vigor and normal crop growth and development with minimal lodging; and
o facilitate better nutrient uptake with the right amount and timing of water.
Efficient water management means
o Achieve 3-5 cm water depth every irrigation time from early tillering until 1-2 weeks before
crop maturity or harvest.

A water depth of about 3-5 cm will be maintained from 10 DAT or 10-15 DAS to near crop maturity
will ensure water status for optimum crop growth and yield. However, under field conditions, irrigation
water supply may be insufficient to maintain a flooded soil condition or a certain surface water depth.
While a certain flood water depth can control weeds, saturated soil condition at an early crop growth
stage can reduce snail mobility and damage.

Stop irrigation one week before harvesting for medium textured soil and 2 weeks before
harvesting for fine textured soil.
This ensures sufficient moisture to complete grain filling and facilitates harvest operations. This also
helps ensure better grain appearance, i.e., grains will not be splashed with mud and water.

DAT days after transplanting

Tillering stage starts with the development and appearance of the first shoot/tiller and ends when
the plant stops producing tillers

Panicle initiation beginning of the reproductive phase characterized by the formation of the panicle
within the stalks

Milk stage stage of rice growth when the content of the grain becomes milky

Irrigation the application of water needed by the plant by means of any method

Drainage a shallow canal to remove excess water from the field when not needed


The primary function of farm irrigation systems is to supply crops with irrigation water in the
quantities and at the time it is needed. Specific function includes:
1. Diverting water from the water source.
2. Conveying it to individual fields within the farm.
3. Distributing it within each field.
4. Providing a means for measuring and regulating flows.
Other functions of farm irrigation system include crop and soil cooling, protecting crops from
frost damage, delaying fruit and bud development, and controlling wind erosion, providing water for
seed germination, application of chemicals, and land application of wastes.


A project plan enables the designer to lay out the irrigation system in the most cost effective
way. The plan is used to generate a material list and to evaluate the anticipated project costs.
The plan provides step by step information on system installation. Information on crop spacing,
sprinklers, pumping requirements, pipeline sizes and lengths should be included on the plan.
Pertinent obstructions such as roads, trees, gas, oil, water, telephone or transmission lines
must also be indicated.
Specification, design standards and work schedules as set out on a plan form the basis of any
contractual agreements between the installation contractor and the farmer.
The plan provides a record for future reference. It can be used for overall farm planning and
identifies limits of expansion potential.

Topographic Data - the field shape must be accurately drawn showing pertinent obstructions,
features and elevation details.

Water Source Capacity - the water supply must be clearly indicated showing location and
available capacity.

Depending on the water source, a well log or water license must accompany the
irrigation plan. Irrigation reservoirs also require Water Management Branch licensing.

Soil and Crop Characteristics - soil and crop limitations must be accounted for to reduce
runoff and deep percolation by mismanagement of the irrigation system.

Design Parameters - soil water holding capacity, maximum application rate and climatic data
must be used to select the correct irrigation system design.

Design Data - the nozzle selected, operating pressure, discharge rate and sprinkler spacing
must all be shown on the plan. The irrigation interval, set time, application rate and net amount
applied must also be calculated.

1. SURFACE IRRIGATION- water is applied to the field in either the controlled or uncontrolled
Surface irrigation consist of:
1.1 Furrow system

The Major Design Considerations in Surface Irrigation Include:

1. Storing the readily available moisture in the root zone, if possible;

2. Obtaining as uniform water application as possible;
3. Minimizing soil erosion by applying non-erosive streams;
4. Minimizing runoff at the end of the furrow by using a re-use system or a cut back stream;
5. Minimizing labor requirements by having good land preparation,
6. Good design and experienced labor and
7. Facilitating use of machinery for land preparation, cultivation, furrowing, harvesting etc.

1.2 Border Irrigation System

1. In a border irrigation, controlled surface flooding is practiced whereby the field is divided up
into strips by parallel ridges or dikes and each strip is irrigated separately by introducing water
upstream and it progressively covers the entire strip.
2. Border irrigation is suited for crops that can withstand flooding for a short time e.g. wheat.
3. It can be used for all crops provided that the system is designated to provide the needed water
control for irrigation of crops.
4. It is suited to soils between extremely high and very low infiltration rates.
5. In border irrigation, water is applied slowly.
6. The root zone is applied with water gradually down the field.
7. At a time, the application flow is cut-off to reduce water loses.
8. Ideally, there is no runoff and deep percolation.
9. The problem is that the time to cut off the inflow is difficult to determine.
Design Parameters of Border Irrigation System

a) Strip width: Cross slopes must be eliminated by leveling.

Since there are no furrows to restrict lateral movement, any cross slope will make water move
down one side leading to poor application efficiency and possibly erosion.

-The stream size available should also be considered in choosing a strip width.

-The size should be enough to allow complete lateral spreading throughout the length of the

-The width of the strip for a given water supply is a function of the length -The strip width
should be at least bigger than the size of vehicle tract for construction where applicable.

b) Strip Slope: Longitudinal slopes should be almost same as for the furrow irrigation.
c) Construction of Levees: Levees should be big enough to withstand erosion, and of sufficient
height to contain the irrigation stream.
d) Selection of the Advance Stream: The maximum advance stream used should be non-
erosive and therefore depends on the protection afforded by the crop cover. Clay soils are less
susceptible to erosion but suffer surface panning at high water velocities. Table 3.4 gives the
maximum flows recommendable for bare soils.

e) The Length of the Strip: The ideal lengths can be obtained by field tests.

1.3 Basin Irrigation System

1. In basin irrigation, water is flooded in wider areas. It is ideal for irrigating rice.
2. The area is normally flat.
3. In basin irrigation, a very high stream size is introduced into the basin so that rapid movement
of water is obtained.
4. Water does not infiltrate a lot initially.
5. At the end, close the water inlet to avoid water loss in the pond.
6. The opportunity time difference between the upward and the downward ends are reduced.
The size of basin is related to stream size and soil type.

The sprinkler system is ideal in areas where water is scarce.

A Sprinkler system conveys water through pipes and applies it with a minimum amount of

-Water is applied in form of sprays sometimes simulating natural rainfall. -The difference is that
this rainfall can be controlled in duration and intensity.

-If well planned, designed and operated, it can be used in sloping land to reduce erosion where
other systems are not possible.

Types of Conventional Sprinkler Systems
a) Fully portable system: The laterals, mains, sub-mains and the pumping plant are all

The system is designed to be moved from one field to another or other pumping sites that are
in the same field.

b) Semi-portable system: Water source and pumping plant are fixed in locations. Other
components can be moved.

The system cannot be moved from field to field or from farm to farm except when more than
one fixed pumping plant is used.

c) Fully permanent system: Permanent laterals, mains, sub-mains as well as fixed pumping
plant. Sometimes laterals and mainlines may be buried. The sprinkler may be permanently
located or moved along the lateral. It can be used on permanent irrigation fields and for
relatively high value crops e.g. Orchards and vineyards. Labor savings throughout the life of the
system may later offset high installation cost.



a. Water is applied directly to the crop ie. entire field is not wetted.
b. Water is conserved
c. Weeds are controlled because only the places getting water can grow weeds.
d. There is a low pressure system.

e. There is a slow rate of water application somewhat matching the consumptive use. Application
rate can be as low as 1 12 l/hr.
f. There is reduced evaporation, only potential transpiration is considered. g.There is no need
for a drainage system.

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