Ans For Ques

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9. Can anybody tell me how can i generate the back order value?

Ans.Co09 for finish goods for using mb1a .

SE16 > MKPF > Transaction code (Tcode2) enter MB1A and MB1B and fill other relevant fields to get precise
records. Copy the document numbers.

SE16 > MSEG > fill in the details and paste the documents copied from MKPF table. Enter the required
movement type. You would get a list of document line items you needed.


Purchase requisition is a request that is made to purchasing organization to

procure certain list of material.

Purchase requisition is an internal document; specifically it remains within

the organization.

Purchase requisition needs approval from purchasing organization.

If purchase requisition is approved then changes are possible only to limited


Purchase requisition can be created for the following procuremen

t-code: ME51N

19.Reverse calculation based Pricing procedure and Forward calculation based Pricing procedure

Forward Backward
Base Price 100 End Price 95
Discount 10 Tax 5
Tax 5 Discount 10
End Price 95 Base Price 100

In the forward u begin wid 100 and arrive at 95. In the backward u being with 95 and arrive at 100.

22. From Which Tcode can I view customer wise back order (Open Order?) | SAP SD QUESTIONS ANSWERS

24.what type of tools do u use after creation of a sales order
for quality checks???
First we have to specify in the 'quality management' view of the material master cthat quality
inspection is to be carried out for the material.
Then when outbound delivery is created, QM utomatically creates an 'inspection lot' for the
delivery items that are relevant for inspection.
You initiate printing of a certficate of quality from output control of the outbound delivery at item

32.Dunning procedure

Ans. In a simple understanding, Dunning is a process of reminding our customers about the outstanding
payments period wise.

Assume a particular customer's credit limit is Rs 1Lakh.

If we are delivery goods worth up to 1 lakh system will allow to create billing, but if the value crosses 1 Lakh
billing will not be generated & if work flow is set up it will alert corresponding Marketing chief/Finance Chief.

Dunning is also been done with Vendors in MM.

Reward if found useful.

46. "General Item category group" is mainly used for Inbound Delivery, it is maintained at the client level.

60. It is nothing but you honour your commitment given to your customer.

For example, in April you would have received an order from your customer and you have commited to supply on
5th May. Meanwhile, you make all arrangements to make the material available ready for shipment and on 5th
May, if you made a shipment, that is called time bound deliveries.

In short wherever you keep up your commitment with your customer, they are called time bound deliveries.

Refer to the following site

Check Below links for FAQ on SD

1. What is EDI invoices, how it reflects in SAP R3 system

Ans: Quite generally, you create an invoice by a normal way, but after this you generate an output
(print document) in the form of an IDOC. This IDOC can be sent to the customer. The process is
similar to the standard print output of the invoice. The Idoc should be of a message type INVOIC.
The function module is IDOC_OUTPUT_INVOIC.

There is also a self-billing process with the invoice creation. In this case the customer sends the
IDOC for himself. This IDOC must be processed via EDI on Sd side, then the SD invoice will be
created. To learn this process, please call the function module IDOC_INPUT_SBINV in the
transaction SE37 and the press the button "Function Module Documentation". The SBINV
process can be realized via EDI only.

2. What is meant by Explosion in SD?

Ans: It is related to Bill of Material where one parent item is linked with several child items. For
creation/edit/display, T-Code is CS01/02/03

3. What is the usage of configuration nprofile in variant configuration

Ans: configuaration profile is a place where we will configure configurable material (mmk1) with
class type 300 and class which u have defined. Here the values of variant characteristics will be


a). We use the configuration profile to assign the configurable material to one or more variant
classes. This links the material to the characteristics of the class for configuration.

b).You can define settings that affect the display options and scope of characteristics on the

value assignment screen. (i.e. CU50)

c). You can use the configuration profile to assign dependencies to a configurable object.

d). For maintaining configuration parameters for BOM explosion.

You maintain the configuration parameters for a configurable general maintenance task list in the
configuration profile.

The settings that you make here also concern the BOM explosion for the piece of material. In
addition, at least one class, whose class type allows variant configuration, must be assigned to
each configuration profile. The class contains the characteristics that the system proposes for
characteristic evaluation when you create a maintenance or service order.

4. What do you mean by tickets? Could you please give me some examples of tickets?

Ans: Tickets in SD can be considered as the problems which the end user or the employee in the
company face while working on R/3. Tickets usually occur during the implementation or after the
implementation of the project.

There can be numerous problem which can occur in the production support and a person who is
working in the support has to resolve those tickets in the limited duration, every ticket has the
particular deadline alert so your responsibility is to finish it before that deadline.

End user is not able to

1. Create Sales order for a customer from a New plant, since shipping point determination is not
happened. (Without Shipping point the document becomes INCOMPLETE and he will not be
able to proceed further like DELIVERY, BILLING).

He raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the below

1.Low 2. Medium 3. High.

Now you need to solve this ticket. You would analyze the problem and identify that the SP
configuration has to be done for the new plant.

You would request a transport for DEV CLIENT to BASIS. You do the change and Request one
more Transport to BASIS for QA client. The End user will test the same by creating a sales order
for the new plant and approve it.

Finally u request a transport to move the changes to PRODUCTION.

Once the change is deployed in production the TICKET is closed.

What I have given is a small ex. You would get some real issues with severity HIGH in your day-
day support

1. kofo error?

2. Defecit in sales order stock?

3. Pgi is not possible?

4. Ship conformation is not possible?

5. Picking or packing pgi is not possible?

/thread/459563 [original link is broken]

5. What is the difference between sales process and business process?

Ans. Sales Process: is also a business process where in only sales related activities are involved.
I.e. for e.g.: sales order, purchase order, etc.,

Business Process: any activity or business event where in business is involved we can those
processes as Business Process

BUSINESS PROCESS: Sequentially and logically related series of processes and functions for
an internal or external target group to deliver a defined good or service. The R/3 Reference
Model provides sample business processes in scenarios as EPCs.

6. What is the difference between transit time and transportation time


Transit time: time taken by the material to reach customers place. for eg: this is the time period
right after the goods have left the shipping point of the business to the customer till the goods are
received by the customer at his place..

Transportation time: time taken to schedule the materials by shipping company. For eg: this is the
time period right from the material manufacturing to the delivery of the material to the customer.

Transit time: is the time taken by the material to reach customers place.

Transportation time: is the time taken to schedule the materials by shipping company.

7. What is the difference between free goods and bonus buy?

Ans. Free goods are either inclusive or exclusive if a customer orders for 10 products he will get 1
free for that no price is charged this is exclusive scenario

If a customer orders 10 products he will get 9+1 for 1 product he will not charged this inclusive

For bonus buy if a customer orders regularly 10 products in one occasion if he orders 1000
products he will be given less price than the price he will get for 10 products this bonus buy

Free goods are considered to be merchandise, moveable belongings or personal property. Free
goods are those which economists are not interested in because in free goods doe not offer the
opportunity for creating a cost for usage. The best example of free goods is air because there is
no scarcity of air. Economists are interested only in goods, which can be manipulated to create
cost for usage. Free goods are plentiful; you have as much as you want without a chance for
future cost to society.

A bonus buy refers to any product manufactured or otherwise made available for purchase at a
lower cost for a certain period of time. A bonus buy can relate to food, cars, stocks, bonds,
insurance, bank loans or almost any product you can think of.

Examples of Bonus buys are: buy one and get one free, 20% original price, 15% Reduced
Mortgage today.

Free Goods: Free goods :

A bonus buy refers to any product manufactured or otherwise made available for purchase at a
lower cost for a certain period of time. A bonus buy can relate to food, cars, stocks, bonds,
insurance, bank loans or almost any product you can think of.

Examples of Bonus buys are: buy one and get one free, 20% original price, 15% Reduced
Mortgage today.

Bonus Buy: [VBK1] T.Code

example TV---10000

DVD 5000

total 15000

if u go for bonus buy u will get both for 12000

8. What is the difference between static and dynamic in credit management

Ans: Static Credit Limit Check

The customer's credit exposure may not exceed the established credit limit. The credit exposure
is the total combined value of the following documents:

- Open orders

- Open deliveries

- Open billing documents

- Open items (accounts receivable)

The open order value is the value of the order items which have not yet been delivered. The open
delivery value is the value of the delivery items which have not yet been invoiced. The open
invoice value is the value of the billing document items which have not yet been forwarded to
accounting. The open items represent documents that have been forwarded to accounting but
not yet settled by the customer.

Dynamic Credit Limit Check with Credit Horizon

The customer's credit exposure is split into a static part; open items, open billing, and delivery
values (see above), and a dynamic part, the open order value. The open order value includes all
undelivered or only partially delivered orders. The value is calculated on the shipping date and
stored in an information structure according to a time period that you specify (days, weeks, or
months). When you define the credit check, you can then specify a particular horizon date in the
future (for example: 10 days or 2 months, depending on the periods you specify). For the
purposes of evaluating credit, you want the system to ignore all open orders that are due for
delivery after the horizon date. The sum of the static and dynamic parts of the check may not
exceed the credit limit.

Main difference is horizon period is related for dynamic check not for static check


It Considers the Doc.Value + Open Items.

Doc.Value: Sales Order has been saved but not delivered

Open Item: Sales Order has been saved, Delivered, Billed & Transferred to FI, but not received
the payment from the customer.

Eg: Customer Credit Limit is Rs.1,00,000/-

Suppose Doc.Value + Open Item Value is Rs.1,10,000/-

Here credit limit exceeds then system reacts.

Options: A) Warning Message

B) Error Message (Sales Order won't be saved)

C) Error Message with Delivery Block

AUTOMATIC CREDIT CHECK: Give extra credit facilities to the particular customer.

STATIC CREDIT LIMIT DETERMINATION: Checking Group + Risk Catageory + Credit Control

A) Credit Checking Groups: Types of Checking Groups.

01) Sales

02) Deliveries

03) Goods Issue

At all the above 3 levels orders can be blocked.

B) Risk Catageory: Based on the risk Categories Company decide how much credit has to give
to the customer.



MEDIUM RISK(0003) : Average Credit

Static Credit Check it checks all these doc value & check with the credit limit

1) Open Doc.Value / Sales Order Value : Which is save but not delivered

2) Open Delivery Doc.Value : Which is delivered but not billed

3) Open Billing Doc.Value : Which is billed but not posted to FI

4) Open Item : Which is transferred to FI but not received from the customer.


2) Open Delivery

3) Open Billing

4) Open Items

5) Horizon Period = Eg.3Months

Here the System will not consider the above 1,2,3& 4 values for the lost 3 months

Then assign the Sales Doc & Del Documents.

Sales Doc.Type(OR) + credit Check (0) + Credit Group (01)

Credit Limit Check for Delivery Type : Del.Type (LF) + Del Credit

Group (02) + Goods Issue Credit Group (03)

9. Difference between 4.6 version and 4.6c ,4.7ee

Ans. There are so many differences between the versions in different objects

1. In the customer master in 4.6 version there is no partner function tab in the customer in xd01 t-
code and also there is no CIN tab in that version but it is there in the 4.7 EE version

This is the major change from the 4.6cc to 4.7EE

2. in 4.7EE there is some settings that are related for CIN which cannot be done in 4.7EE that
means they need some patches for doing the configuration setting for the CIN

But we can do the same in the 6.0 versions

These are the some of the settings that are differed in the two versions and in that two objects

Difference Between SAP Version ECC 4.6, 4.7, SAP 5.0, 6.0 with SA

Differences between ECC 6.0, 4.7 and 4.6

ecc 6.0

10. Where is rebate define for quantity REBATE

Ans: Following explains how to create a rebate agreement, test it using a sales order and billing
it. Then settling it partially or fully using a rebate credit memo. Please use the basic procedure
and tweak your IMG settings according to your unique requirements.

Rebate processing:
1. First requirement is that the rebate processing must be active for

a. the customer ( check in customer master) ,

b. for the billing type ( check in IMG > Billing > rebate processing > active rebate processing >
select billing documents for rebate processing. )

c. For the sales organization:

( check in IMG > Billing> rebate processing > active rebate processing > Active rebate
processing for sales org. )

2. Next create a rebate agreement for this us T-code VB01. For the rebate agreement type you
can choose either 0001

(group rebate) or 0002 material rebate or 0003 (customer rebate) etc

b. Enter your rebate conditions. Dont forget to enter the accrual rate here.

3. Now test your rebate functionality: create a sales order for the particular customer, sales org
(ensure that the billing type used in your sales order is relevant for rebate). Create outbound
delivery, transfer order to do picking and post goods issue.

4. Now go to T.Code VB03 and check your rebate by choosing conditions, selecting the condition
line and choosing payment data. You will see that the accruals and business volume are updated
when accounting doc is created for billing.

5. Settling your rebates:

Once your rebates have been accrued you need to settle the rebate.

For this first release the rebate for settlement by using T.Code VB02. As a trial basis choose B
(you can choose other settings based on your requirement) and choose Create manual accrual.
Now enter the amount to be paid and save the rebate agreement.

6. Next display your rebate agreement using T.Code VB03.

Enter your rebate agreement number. Next choose rebate payments > Rebate documents and
select partial settlement. Click on the choose button to note down your credit request number.

7. Use T.Code VA02 and release the billing block for your credit request. (Use item overview tab)

8. Now use VF01 to create a rebate credit memo by entering the credit memo request number
and save it

9. Now release the credit memo to accounting using vf02.

Quantity Rebate:

In rebate agreement details we will define the rebate basis whether it is the quantity rebate or
volume based rebate.

A rebate is a special discount which is paid retroactively to a customer. This discount is based on
the customer's sales volume over a specified time period.

You can process rebate agreements when the following prerequisite conditions are met:
sales org is relevant for rebate processing

payer (customer master record) is relevant for rebate processing

billing type (invoice, credit memo) is relevant for rebate processing

Condition types for rebate agreements:

BO01 Customer/Material or Customer/Rebate group = % rebate

BO02 Customer/Material = quantity dependent

BO03 Customer = % rebate

BO04 - Customer hierarchy = % rebate

BO05 Customer hierarchy/Material = % rebate

BO06 Sales vol independent

Creating Rebate Agreements

Logistics Sales and distribution Master data

Agreements Rebate agreement Create

To create a condition record for a rebate agreement:

When youcreating or changing rebate agreements, Conditions to get to the

can create condition records by choosing Goto Agreement Overview screen.

Enter the data necessary to create a condition record (for example: customer and condition rate).

Choose ENTER.

If you do not enter a value for the accrual rate, the system automatically proposes the value you
entered as the condition rate.

To create a pricing scale for a condition record, select the condition record and choose Scales.

To display or change details in a condition record, select the condition record and choose Details.

It is possible to see an overview of condition records that already exist in other rebate
agreements and that have the same key combination (customer/material, customer/rebate group,
and so on).

To view the list, select Validity periods.

You is to becan set for each rebate agreement whether it Rebate calendar
renewed automatically or not. Select Extras Reactivate or Remove in the
Change Rebate mode.

Rebate Process with Ref. to SO

Rebate agreemnts is based on agreement types.Conditon records which are created like B001
and B002 are linked to the rebate agreeements specifying the rebate rate + the accrual
rates.condition records specify the rebate rate and the accrual rates.
Consider an example..

You decided to give a rebate of 3% to a customer whose sales vol is $1000 for a particular SO

Then the rebate value is $30..

Now when you make the rebate settlement by doiing the Credit memo and you decide to pay
$27, then the accounting will be generated saying 27$ paid towards rebate and 3$ is the accrual
which you owe to the customer


Rebate agreement: Transaction code: VB01

When you go to VB01, choose agreement type 0002 and then in conditions give

Material rebate

1 20

20 30

Now create a sales order with a material say M-11 for SOrg 1000 12 00 with QTY 6

Now check VB03 and see rebate agreemtent it will say Accruals 120 and payments 0

since your rebate is not settled still.

Rebate setllement

Go to VB02 enter ur sales deal no, and change the agreemetn status to B then enter Shift+F12
and enter the amount to be paid for example u say $80

Then check in rebate payments rebate doc and partial setllemetn since you have not paid in full.

View the credit memo request

Remove the Billing bloock Go to VA01 and put order type G2 ,,,go to create with ref and enter ur
Sales order no,,,save the doc now...

Then go to VF01 and enter the credit memo reqst no the doc no and go to VF02
and say release to accounting

Now the final settlement will be this way


Accrual reversed:80

Rebate pay:80

Amount payable:40

So the balance 40 is still the accrual

This is an example how a rebate will be processed with ref to a SO with an example.

11. what is solution manager?what is purpose of it? support what type of tool we can use?
3.what is change
Ans: SAP Solution Manager is a centralized, robust solution management toolset that facilitates
technical support for distributed systems with functionality that covers all key aspects of
solution deployment, operation, and continuous improvement. It combines tools, content, and
direct access to SAP to increase the reliability of solutions and lower total cost of ownership.

With SAP Solution Manager, you can be sure your entire SAP solution environment is performing
at its maximum potential. The toolset addresses your entire IT environment, supporting SAP and
non-SAP software and covering current and forthcoming SAP solutions. As part of SAP
NetWeaver, SAP Solution Manager is included in the annual maintenance fee for SAP solutions.

SAP Solution Manager targets both technical and business aspects of your solutions, focusing
strongly on core business processes. It supports the connection between business processes
and the underlying IT infrastructure. As a result, it eases communication between your IT
department and your lines of business. And it ensures that you derive the maximum benefits from
your IT investments.

SAP Solution Manager features and functions include:

SAP Business Suite implementation SAP Solution Manager provides content that accelerates
implementation. Configuration information and a process-driven approach to implementation
speed the blueprint, configuration, and final preparation phases. SAP Solution Manager enables
efficient project administration and centralized control of cross-component implementations.

Global rollout The toolset eases process standardization and harmonization across
organizations and locations by providing proven methodologies and all necessary functionality.
You can more easily implement standardized settings at local sites, because configuration
settings needn't be re-entered into local components.

Synchronization of custom settings With SAP Solution Manager, you can maintain
consistency as you customize your heterogeneous IT environment. It enables safer
administration of customization, less error-prone replication of custom settings, and simpler
consistency checks. SAP Solution Manager reduces manual synchronization efforts by
automatically distributing custom settings to various systems simultaneously, and by centrally
managing all requests to synchronize settings.

Testing SAP Solution Manager speeds test preparation and execution. It provides a single
point of access to the complete system landscape and enables centralized storage of testing
material and test results to support cross-component tests.

IT and application support The support desk included in SAP Solution Manager helps you
manage incidents more efficiently and eases the settlement of support costs. Centralized
handling of support messages makes the support organization more efficient.

Solution monitoring SAP Solution Manager performs centralized, real-time monitoring of

systems, business processes, and interfaces, which reduces administration effort. It can even
monitor intersystem dependencies. Proactive monitoring helps you avoid critical situations, while
automatic notifications enable fast response to issues.

Service-level management and reporting SAP Solution Manager allows easy definition of
service levels and provides automated reporting. Service reporting covers all systems in the
solution landscape and provides a consolidated report containing the information you need to
make strategic IT decisions.

Service processing SAP Solution Manager makes appropriate service recommendations and
delivers SAP support services. These include SAP Safeguarding, which helps you manage
technical risk; SAP Solution Management Optimization, which helps you get the most from your
SAP solutions; and SAP Empowering, which helps you manage your solutions.


12. How can we define sales order (VA01) & scheduling agreement (VA31)

Ans: Sales Order: its a reference document for the order placed by the customer with the
business. refer the link for more info:

Scheduling Agreement:

13. What is gap analysis and when it will be use in the time of project.

Ans: Business blue print stage is called as is process. Fit gap means, before implementing the
SAP all the business data is in the form of documents, we cannot keep this data as is in the SAP.
There should be a gap. So by filling this gap, we make configuration with the help of these
documents. This is called as fit gap analysis. In this stage, we should analysis the gap between
as is and is as process

GAP Analysis

A through gap analysis will identify the gaps between how the business operates ad its needs
against what the package can can't do. For each gap there will be one of three outcomes which
must be recorded and actioned, GAP must be closed and customized software can be developed
close the gap, GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is
required, GAP does not need to be closed.

In simple terms: Gap means small cracks. In SAP world. In information technology, gap analysis
is the study of the differences between two different information systems or applications (ex;
existing system or legacy system with Client and new is SAP), often for the purpose of
determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimes spoken of as "the
space between where we are and where we want to be." Gap analysis is undertaken as a means
of bridging that space.

Actual gap analysis is time consuming and it plays vital role in blue print stage.

Cut Over Plans

Detailed plans need to be developed for cutting over from the old system(s) to the new. Parallel
runs of what will happen over the conversion period using test data, convert and watch for a
period after wards to ensure nothing unexpected happens.

Train Users

Well trained users will support and defend the system on site. Unsupportive users will continually
undermine the system and eventually it will be replaced. Therefore the more effort you put into
helping the users master the system early the better. Fit gap means, before implementing the
SAP all the business data is in the form of documents, we cannot keep this data as is in the SAP.
There should be a gap. So by filling this gap, we make configuration with the help of these
documents. This is called as fit gap analysis.

GAP Analysis

A through gap analysis will identify the gaps between how the business operates ad its needs
against what the package can can't do. For each gap there will be one of three outcomes which
must be recorded and actioned, GAP must be closed and customized software can be developed
close the gap, GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is
required, GAP does not need to be closed.

In simple terms: Gap means small cracks. In SAP world. In information technology, gap analysis
is the study of the differences between two different information systems or applications (ex;
existing system or legacy system with Client and new is SAP), often for the purpose of
determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimes spoken of as "the
space between where we are and where we want to be." Gap analysis is undertaken as a means
of bridging that space.

Actual gap analysis is time consuming and it plays vital role in blue print stage

The Gaps can differ from company to company. Most commonly, however, missing functionality is


1. MGM Studios and Lycos sometime back worked with SAP to develop its new intellectual
property management and media advertising management functionality, respectively.
2. A leading Oral care product company wanted the promotion of free-goods where they wanted
'Buy one get 2 different products free'.

2 gaps are, In customer master data the client requirement needs legacy customer number which
can be solved with User exit.,

In sales order we need customer Phone number, We can use user exit

These 2 are gaps, which we cant, find in Standard SAP

1. If client want new field in customer master like nearest fire station..

2. Order will be uploaded directly with out va01. Through BDC... bcoz lot of orders if they get
daily, they can opt these...

Movement type 1 uses when a material have two movement types. Like example 101 and 261.
One is incoming raw material and going for production...

A through gap analysis will identify the gaps between how the business operates ad its needs
against what the package can can't do. For each gap there will be one of three outcomes which
must be recorded and actioned, GAP must be closed and customised software can be developed
close the gap, GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is
required, GAP does not need to be closed.

In simple terms: Gap means small cracks. In SAP world. In information technology, gap analysis
is the study of the differences between two different information systems or applications( ex;
existing system or legacy system with Client and new is SAP), often for the purpose of
determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimes spoken of as "the
space between where we are and where we want to be." Gap analysis is undertaken as a means
of bridging that space.

Actual gap analysis is time consuming and it plays vital role in blue print stage.

Cut Over Plans Detailed plans need to be developed for cutting over from the old system(s) to the
new. Parallel runs of what will happen over the conversion period using test data, convert and
watch for a period after wards to ensure nothing unexpected happens.

Train Users Well trained users will support and defend the system on site. Unsupportive users
will continually undermine the system and eventually it will be replaced. Therefore the more effort
you put into helping the users master the system early the better.

This is a part of Second Phase in project implementation

14. How to get cash sale invoice with rd03 and tell me the process cashsale delivery and invoice

15. What is the difference between rebate and discount?

Ans: Rebate is nothing but this is also a type of discount given by the business but unlike
Discount this is not given immediately to the customer, say rebates are given after a certain
amount of purchase is reached by the customer, or during a particular period of time, whereas in
Discount the customer is benefited by a reduce of bill amount immediately when a purchase is
done by the customer.
Rebate is a partial repayment, whereas a refund is a repayment of the total purchase price and
Discount is reduction in Price


Rebate: an incentive to be given to a customer. Clubbed with qty purchased by a customer within
the period specified (say one month)-conditional.

Discount: unconditional, to be given to a customer on account of heavy purchase by one single

billing. From the price List (Base price).

16. How to configure pod. Where to enter pod no in billing idoc is triggered

17. What are tickets available in implementation project in sd module.

Ans. /thread/459563 [original link is broken] > search for Tickets will get more info..

18. What controls the schedule line what is the movement type of delivery?

Ans: schedule Line Refer the link:

movement type: 601

19. Implementation interview questions of sap sales and distribution modules

20. how system determines shipping point for a line item in the sales order?

Ans: The shipping point is assigned to the shipping conditions, loading group and plant. i.e
shipping point determination. through which shipping point is determined in the line item at order


system determines shipping point for a line item inthe sales order by shipping conditions from the
cust master and loding grp from material mater and plant

21. can you able to delete the company code data in customer master data?

Ans: No you cannot delete company code..

22. what is the tool used in sap sd support to communicate with the user for handling the tickets

Ans: CITRIX is the tool to acces client's enviornment.Under CITRIX u can find an icon called
SYNERGY (in synergy u can check your tickets.)

23. How can the sales documents be combined for the stock ordering purposes??More
specifically...a regional

24. please,explain condition records in pricing

25. how the data is transferred from r/3 to crm server

26. how to configure partial deliveries?


Partial Delivery:

Delivery Processing:

27. What is the difference between ATP check and availability check how these reflect in sales

Ans: ATP Check:

Configuring ATP :

Rules Based ATP:

ATP with MRP:

Availability Check:


28. After the completion of the implementation if the end user is unable to process a
transaction,how do

29. what is the difference between free goods & bonus buy?How do you configure bonus buy?

Ans: refer to ur Ques.7

30. what is the control parameter in setting item category

31. what are tickets/issues in sap SD? who handles these things and give a brief description of
the same?

Ans: refer to ur Ques.17

32. What is Bonus Buy and how would I process?

Ans: refer to ur Ques.7

33. what is availability check, how to configuration of it?


Availability check-----stock confm qty--Urgent reply.....

Also Refer to the links below for more info

u can get most of the queries cleared up at sap techies

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