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Abraham Lincoln.

Maria Cabrera 4thhr. 10/12/13

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States; he guided
his country through the most disastrous event in its national history: the Civil
War. He is considered by many historians the greatest American president.
Abraham Lincoln was president from 1860-1865. When he was president he
was also the Commander-in-Chief of the Union Army, which is the highest-
ranking military officer.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 opened lands previously closed to slavery

to the possibility of its extension by popular sovereignty; as a congress
member with a reputation as a firm opponent of slavery Lincoln viewed the
provisions of the act as immoral, although he was not an abolitionist and
thought slavery undeniable protected by the Constitution in states where it
already existed, Lincoln also thought that America's founders had put slavery
on an extinction way by restricting its spread to new territories. He saw this
act, by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas, as a new and alarming

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