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Sunway Academic Symposium


Topics for Paper

Oral Presentation and Poster

›› Cognition
›› Developmental Psychology
›› Health/Forensic Issues
›› Social/Culture/Human Resource
›› Other related topics

Submission of Paper
Submissions of paper are now being invited for the 3rd Academic
Symposium on “The Influence of Sociocultural Pressures on
Thought Processes”. Accepted papers and poster presentation by a
registered author will be published in a CD which would be
included as part of the symposium package.

Instruction for Authors

Researchers interested in submitting paper for the parallel session

are requested to send papers written in clear and precise English.
The page limit for paper summary is 5 pages.

All submission should follow the guideline and templates,

(MSWord) given to ensure the quality of papers for the
Please refer to guideline for paper proceeding in APA format.
Only paper presentation and poster presentation that have been
submitted and paid-up the registration fees by the registration
date, would be accepted for publication in the CD.

Important Dates

Call for papers 28th of September 2009 –
29th of March 2010
Submission of abstract
and summarized paper
(Oral presentation and
Poster presentation)

Deadline for poster and 29th of March 2010

paper submission
Notification Before 28th of May 2010

Early Bird Registration Before 29th of March 2010

Symposium 25th of September 2010

Author Guidelines for Proceedings

1. Format after the title, then type the name(s) of the
author(s) in capital letters using font size 12.
All manuscripts must be in English. These Immediately below, the affiliated institution(s)
guidelines include complete descriptions of the and address(es) should be given, single-spaced,
fonts, spacing, and related information for font size 11, capitalizing the first letter of all
producing your proceedings manuscripts. main words. An address of correspondence with
Manuscripts of paper should not exceed 5 pages telephone, fax numbers and e-mail address
inclusive of tables, charts, diagrams and should be given.
references, and should be printed single-spaced
in Times New Roman on A4 paper. The text area 3. Abstract and Key words
should be B5 (JIS) size (7.17 x 10.12 inches),
with 1-inch top and bottom margins, and 0.75- Leave two blanks lines (font size 11) after the
inch left and right margins. Microsoft Word address(es). Then type the word ABSTRACT
format is preferred. Please refer to the American capitalized, font size 9, centered and bold. The
Psychological Association (APA) publication abstract (font size 9, nonbold, fully justified)
manual for instructions on manuscripts should be factual and contained the main results
preparation. The decision of the Editorial Board and conclusions of the paper. It should not
is final. exceed about 150 words. Up to six key words
(font size 9) may be included in a separate line
2. Main title below the abstract.

The title should be brief and typed in capital

letters, bold, font size 14, and centered. If more
than one line is required, single-spacing should
be used. Leave two blank lines (font size 11)

heading is placed above the table.
4. Main text Tables, when they are part of the text,
should have two spaces above and below
The text follows the abstract and key the table. Tables should be self-
words. Leave two spaces (font size 11) explanatory and footnotes (font size 9)
between the key words and the first may be added using symbols. Figures
heading. Text should be clear and should carry an Arabic numeral followed
concise. Use font size 11 throughout for by a period; the caption (font size 11) is
text and blank lines. Section headings placed below the figure. Figures should
(left-aligned, bold, font size 11) have be self-explanatory.
two spaces above and one space below.
Main section headings are all capitals; 6. References
for secondary headings, the first letter of
each major word is capitalized. The first List and number all bibliographical
sentence of the first paragraph should references in 10-point Times, single-
start at the margin. First sentences of spaced, at the end of your paper. When
subsequent paragraphs should start at referenced in the text, enclose the
0.25 inch from the margin. Tables, citation number in square brackets, for
figures and footnotes should be cited in example [1]. Where appropriate, include
an orderly sequence. the name(s) of editors of referenced
books. Examples of APA format for
5. Tables and figures references:

Tables should carry an Arabic numeral [1] Fiedler, F.E. (1999). A theory of leadership
effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill.
followed by a period (full stop). Each
major word in the table heading (font [2] Porter, M. E., & Scott, S. (2001). Innovation:
size 11) should be capitalized; the Location matters. Review of Management, 42 (4), 28-

Guidelines for Preparing an APA

The poster should be typed using a slightly larger than normal font. Presenters will
display the pages of their poster on tack boards like those used at psychology
conventions. The poster should include a title and the names of the authors. Presenters are
encouraged to produce posters which are attractive and easy to read so that people will
want to learn about their work.

Here are some guidelines for poster presentation. You need to write a poster that will
include an introduction, a method section, and an expected results and conclusions


You need to identify questions left unanswered, or issues that were not addressed in the
previous research. Then you need to summarize your thoughts regarding the question or
issue of interest, providing a rationale for why this is important to study. You should
clearly state your predictions or hypotheses. Your introduction should be no more than
two pages.


After identifying your question, you need to decide how to test your idea. How could you
go about answering your questions? In other words, you need to decide on a method to
investigate your questions. You need to make decisions about the participants you would
need, materials, and procedures you would use. You need to summarize your method in
1-2 pages.


You need to have a clear idea of what you expect to find, for example, which groups will
differ and how will they differ. You should present this information either in a table or in
a figure. You will need to indicate in your poster whether your results involve an
interaction and you should follow the analysis plan appropriate to your expected results.
Your poster concludes with a brief statement of the conclusions and implications of your
You need to summarize your results and conclusions in 1-2 pages.

Your poster should have a title page and not more than 5 text pages.

Please attach brief description of biodata (not more than 100 words).
Manuscripts, biodata, and posters should be sent to Dr Lin Mei Hua.
Please send manuscripts in the form of two hard copies and a CD or diskette, or by
electronic mail to:

The Secretariat,
Dr Lin Mei-Hua,
Department of Psychology,
School of Health and Natural Sciences,
Sunway University College,
No. 5, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway,
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03-7491-8623
Extension: 3505
General Line: 03-7491-8622
Fax: 03-5635-8633


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