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Gravity in the Solar System Activity

1) Gravitational force depends on _____________.

a) The mass of the objects

b) The distance of the objects

c) The volume of the objects

d) Both a and b

2) The greater an objects mass, the greater the force of attraction.

a) True

b) False

3) The farther the distance between two objects, the greater the

a) True

b) False

4) This famous scientist was first to discover the principal of gravity.

a) Galileo Galilei

b) Sir Isaac Newton

c) Albert Einstein

d) Erwin Schrodinger

5) The gravitational pull from the __________ is keeping all the planets in our
solar system in orbits around it.

6) Which of these planets experiences the weakest gravitational pull to
the Sun?

a) Venus

b) Mercury

c) Jupiter

d) Neptune

7) Which of these planets experiences the strongest gravitational pull

from the Sun?

a) Earth

b) Mercury

c) Mars

d) Venus

8) Which of the planets in our solar system has the greatest gravitational

a) Neptune

b) Uranus

c) Saturn

d) Jupiter

9) If you are on the top of a mountain and drop an apple, it will fall to the
ground, even though the apple is gravitationally attracted to you. Why?

a) Earth is larger and has a much stronger gravitational pull.

b) Apples always fall down.

c) Centrifugal forces pull the apple to the Earth and that is stronger than your
gravitational pull.

d) None of these.

10) The planets are all really far from the Sun, but they continue to orbit
the star because

a) The Sun and the planets are all really large.

b) The Suns gravity increases with distance from it.

c) Centrifugal forces continue to operate even when two objects are too far for

d) Space has fibers that keep the planets orbiting the Sun.

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