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Dr A.B.M.
Dr. A B M Toufique Hasan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET

6 March 2017

ME 323: Fluid Mechanics-II (Jan. 2017) 1

Compressible flows
Flows in which density changes significantly between points on a streamline, are
called compressible flows.
There are many flows, in which density variations must be accounted for. Included
among these are airflows around commercial and military aircraft, airflow through
jet engines, flow of a gas in compressors and turbines (gas and steam),
b ti chambers,
h b natural
t l gas transmission
t i i etc.t

Because the density of a gas is related to both the pressure and temperature, all
changes of density involve thermodynamic effects.
The fluid equation of state (EOS) is vital in the analysis of compressible flows.
Also, temperature variations for compressible flows are generally significant, and
thus the energy equation is important to be considered.
Thus, in case of compressible flow,
Thus flow energy equation must be satisfied in addition
to the laws of continuity (conservation of mass) and motion (conservation of

Dept. of ME, BUET ME 323: Fluid Mechanics-II (Jan. 2017) 2


Compressible flows cont

Curious phenomena can occur with compressible flows. For example,

with compressible flows we can have fluid acceleration in diverging duct (and vice
versa), fluid temperature decrease with heating, and the formation of abrupt
discontinuities in flows across which fluid properties change appreciably (shock
waves and d others.)
th )

In this introductory study of compressible flow, we

mainly consider the steady, 1-D, zero viscosity
(inviscid) compressible flow of an ideal gas.
(inviscid), gas
A p A p

Dept. of ME, BUET ME 323: Fluid Mechanics-II (Jan. 2017) 3

Compressible flows cont

In case of simple uniform flow (velocity does not vary normal to flow direction), the
continuity equation takes the form:
A A( x)
( x), V V ( x)

m 1 A1V1 2 A2V2 1-D flow

The momentum equation for uniform flow (velocity does not vary normal to flow
direction), takes the form:

F m (V 2 V1 )

The energy equation, neglecting potential energy (/datum) is written as:

Q W V22 V12
h2 h1
m 2 where h specific enthalpy u p/
u specific internal energy of fluid
p pressure
fluid density
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Compressible flows cont

Considering the fluid as ideal gas, then EOS is

p RT ; p is fluid pressure, is density and T is the temperature.

R = gas constant = 287 J/kgK for air

And with constant specific

p heats, thermodynamic
y relations are

h2 h1 c p (T2 T1 ) ; c p specific heat at constant pressure

c p R cv ; cv specific heat at constant volume
k ; k ratio of specific heats

Then the energy equation, can be written as:

Q W V22 V12
h2 h1
m 2
Q W V22 V12
c p (T2 T1 )
m 2

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Compressible flows cont

For an ideal gas

c pT c p ; since p RT (ideal gas)
cp p
c pT ; gas constant, R c p cv
c p cv
k p cp
c pT ; ratio of specific heats, k
k 1 cv

Use this expression in the energy equation:

Q W V22 V12
c p (T2 T1 )
m 2

Q W V22 V12 k p1 p2

m 2 k 1 1 2

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Compressible flows cont

If no heat is transferred to or from the fluid between these points, and there is no work involves;

Q W V22 V12 k p1 p2

m 2 k 1 1 2
V22 V12 k p1 p2
0 ; for Q 0 (adiabatic),W 0
2 k 1 1 2

k p1 V1 k p2 V2
2 2

k 1 1 2 k 1 2 2

k p V
k 1 2 Energy equation for compressible flow

In contrast;
p V2
constant ; for incompressible flow

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Compressible flows cont

For compressible flows, changes in thermodynamic property entropy are

important. From the definition of entropy;
s s2 s1
T reversible

where Q represents the differenti al heat trans fer.


For an ideal gas with constant specific heat; the change of entropy becomes as:

T2 p
s c p ln R ln 2
T1 p1

If the process is adiabatic (no heat transfer), the entropy change is zero and then
the flow is said to be isentropic. In this case

T2 p
s 0 c p ln R ln 2
T1 p1

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Compressible flows cont

T2 p
s 0 c p ln R ln 2
T1 p1

k 1
k 1
T2 p k
2 2
T1 p1 1

p1 1

Thermodynamic property relations for isentropic flows

Dept. of ME, BUET ME 323: Fluid Mechanics-II (Jan. 2017) 9

Stagnation condition (total condition)

The stagnation condition (total condition) defines a convenient reference state for
a flowing fluid. This condition is extremely useful in the analysis of compressible
fluid flow. These are the quantities with zero subscript.
The stagnation state of a flowing fluid is defined by the state attained by the
flowing fluid when it is decelerated to zero velocity isentropically. Alternatively, it
p y in order
can be defined as the static state from which a fluid must be accelerated isentopically
to attain the actual state for a given flow.

V= 0
Stagnation condition V= 0
Stagnation condition

V 0; p T

Stagnation (total) properties are-

Total pressure, p0
Total temperature, T0
Total density, 0
Total enthalpy, h0

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Stagnation condition (total condition)

Pressure cooker Aerosol spray

Spray paint

CNG cylinder in a vehicle

Accidents due to CNG cylinder bursting

Dept. of ME, BUET ME 323: Fluid Mechanics-II (Jan. 2017) 11

Stagnation temperature (total temperature)

Consider two points in a flowing fluid: where 0: stagnation point (V0 = 0) and any other
local point (V1 0). The energy equation for 1-D isentropic flow-
V= 0
k p1 V1 k p2 V2
2 2
Stagnation condition

k 1
1 2 k 1
2 2
Local points
k p k p0 V0
V 0
Static condition
k 1 k 1
0 2
k V2 k 02
RT RT0 ; p RT
k 1 2 k 1 2
V kR
c pT c pT0 ; cp
2 k 1
T V2
0 1
T 2c pT
T0 (kR) V 2
T 2c p (kRT )
T0 (kR) V 2
1 ; speed of sound, a kRT
T 2c p a 2
T0 k 1 2

M 2 ; Mach number, M V 1 M
T 2(kR k 1) T 2
Relation between stagnation and static temperatures

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Stagnation pressure (total pressure)

Thermodynamic property relations for isentropic flow-

k 1
T2 p k
T1 p1
k 1
T p k
0 0 ; 1 is any local point and 0 is stagnation point
T p
k 1
T k 1 2 p0 k
0 1 M
T 2 p

p k 1 2 k 1
0 1 M
p 2

Relation between stagnation and static pressures

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Stagnation density (total density)

Thermodynamic property relations for isentropic flow-

p1 1
0 ; 1 is any local point and 0 is stagnation point
k k
p k 1 2 k 1 0
0 1 M
p 2

k 1 2 k 1
0 1 M

Relation between stagnation and static density

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are all gas flows compressible flows??

Not all gas flows are compressible flows, neither are all compressible flows
gas flows

Table: Variation of density with M

M 0/ 1
0 k 1 2 k 1
0.1 1 005
1.005 0 5%
0.5% 1 M
0.2 1.02 2%
0.3 1.04 4%
0.4 1.08 8%
0.5 1.13 13%
1.0 1.58 58%
2.0 4.35 335% For air k =1.4

At low speeds, less than Mach number of about 0.3 (~100 m/s, 360 km/hr at STP),
gas flows may be treated as incompressible flows since the density variations
caused by the flow are less than 3% which is insignificant in engineering sense.

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