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- T5 -

No Mark Scheme Sub Total

Mark Mark
1 (a) Able to state the importance of septum

P1: The septum prevents the oxygenated blood in left side of the 1
blood from mixing with the deoxygenated blood in the right 2
side of the heart.
P2 : This is to ensure that the enough amount of oxygen is
supplied to the body cells.
(b) Able to explain how the artificial pacemaker works.

P1: The artificial pacemaker generates small amount of 1

P2: The electrical charges stimulate the nerve impulses to be
transmitted to the both atrium.
P3: This cause both atria to contract simultaneously 4
P4: The contraction of atria causes high pressure of blood in the
P5: The impulses generated by sinoatrial node (SA node) reach
the atrioventricular node (AV node)
P6: The AV node ensure that all blood in from the atria has
entered the ventricles
P7: The AV node relays the impulses to the bundle of His and
the Purkinje fibres
P8: The impulses than reach the apex of heart
P9: The ventricles contract and cause the blood pressure to
P10: Blood is pumped out of the heart
P11: The pacemaker could be adjusted to pump 72 times per
minutes as to ensure the normal blood flow
[Any Four]

(c) Able to state the consequence of using artificial pacemaker


P1: Causes atrial septal defect (hole in the heart) 1

P2: Causes infection 1

P3: Agglutination of blood 1

P4: Internal bleeding after operation 1

P5: Difficulty in breathing 1

P6: Irregular heart beat rate 1

P7: Faulty of artificial pacemaker can cause death 1

P8: Artificial pacemaker must be changed after a period of 1


*note that all answer about the implication of surgery can be

[Any Three]
(d) Able to suggest the steps that you should do to reduce the
risk of cardiovascular disease

P1: Consume balance diet// Reduce intake of sugar/ fats 1

P2: Physically active// Exercise regularly 1 3

P3: Maintain the healthy body weight 1

P4: Do not smoke 1

P5: Managing the stress level 1

[Any Three]

2 (a) Able to draw diagram correctly



(b) Able to explain the type and mechanism of bodys defence.


F: Second line defence 1

E1: Phagocytosis (process) 1 3

E2: Phagocyte engulf pathogen 1

E3: digest the pathogen 1

[Any three]
(c) Able to name Cell A and Substance X

Cell A: Lymphocyte// White blood cell 1

Substance X: Antibody 1
(d) Able to state the types of body defence shown in Diagram
Answer 1 1

Third line (body) defence

(e) Able to explain one characteristic of the third line defence

F: Specific// Targeted defence 1

E: The antibodies recognise/ destroy/ against specific pathogens 1

(f) Able to explain the effects of the HIV on the body defence

F: The immune system gradually/ slowly/ become weakened/ 1

defenceless against disease

E1: T cell cannot recognise/ detect antigen/ pathogen/ microbes/ 1

bacteria/ virus 2

E2: Lymphocytes cannot produce (specific) antibodies 1

E3: The person is prone to infection/ easily infected 1

[Any two]

No Mark Scheme Sub Total

Mark Mark
1 (a) Able to state the type of skeleton of an earthworm.

Hydrostatic skeleton 1 1
Rangka hidrostatik

(b) Able to explain how the earthworm moves forward.


P1: The circular and longitudinal muscles / antagonistic pair of

muscles contract and relax 1
Otot lingkar dan membujur / pasangan otot antagonistik
mengecut dan mengendur

P2: To produce peristaltic waves along the body 1

Untuk menghasilkan gelombang peristaltik sepanjang
1 3
P3: When the circular muscles contract, the longitudinal
Apabila otot lingkar mengecut, otot membujur mengendur 1

P4: The earthworm becomes thinner and longer

Cacing menjadi mengecil dan memanjang 1

P5: When the longitudinal muscles contract, the circular

muscles relax
Apabila otot membujur mengecut, otot lingkar mengendur 1

P6: The earthworm becomes thicker and shorter

Cacing menjadi menebal dan memendek

[Any three]
[Mana-mana tiga]

(c) (i) Able to identify the fracture bone


Fibula 1 1

(c) (ii) Able to explain why the cast is use to treat fracture leg

P1: To immobilize / realign bone 1

Untuk tidak menggerakkan / menyusun semula tulang
P2: Prevent affected bone from moving / to prevent further 1
Mengelakkan tulang yang cedera daripada bergerak / untuk
mengelakkan kecederaan yang lebih serius 4

P3: Bone cells / tissues build / grow new bone cells / tissues // 1
repair / connect the fracture / broken bone
Sel tulang / tisu bina / tumbuh sel / tisu tulang yang baru //
membaiki / menyambungkan tulang yang retak / patah

P4: Artificial bone is used to replace severely damaged / discard 1

Tulang buatan digunakan untuk menggantikan tulang yang
rosak / tidak boleh digunakan

(c)(iii) Able to suggest the diet that should consumed by patient


P1: Food rich in calcium and phosphorus 1

Makanan yang kaya dengan kalsium dan fosforus

P2: To increase the formation of bone mass 1

Untuk meningkatkan penghasilan jisim tulang 3

P3: Food rich in Vitamin D 1

Makanan yang kaya dengan Vitamin D

P4: To increase reabsorption of calcium 1

Untuk meningkatkan penyerapan semula kalsium

[Any three]
[Mana-mana tiga]


No Mark Scheme Sub Total

Mark Mark
1 (a) Able to complete Diagram 1 by drawing the neurons and
arrows to show the direction of impulse transmission in a
reflex arc.
Able to label all the neurones.
Afferent neurone

Efferent neurone

Correct pathways and arrows 1

Correct label (afferent neurone) 1
Correc label (efferent neurone) 1 3

(b)(i) Able to state how the quadriceps muscle changes when the
tendon is tapped gently.

Quadricep muscle becomes stretched 1 1

(b)(ii) Name the structure that detects this change.


Stretch receptor 1 1

(c)(i) Name the structure that is formed when two neurones meet.

Synapse 1 1

(c)(ii) Name the part of the spinal cord that has this structure.

Grey matter
1 1

(d) Able to name two reflex actions that involve glands as the

(i) Production of saliva 1

(ii) Production of sweat 1 2

(e)(i) Able to state what the response in Diagram 1 is.


Leg jerks upward 1 1

(e)(ii) Able to state the difference between the response in Diagram 1
and the response when kicking a ball.

P1: Response in Diagram 1 is a reflex action whereas the response 1

when kicking a ball is a voluntary action

P2: Response in Diagram 1 does not involve the cerebrum/brain 1 2

whereas the response when kicking a ball involves the


No Mark Scheme Sub Total

Mark Mark
1 (a) Able to name the label

A: Pollen tube 3 2M
Tiub debunga 2
2 1M
B: Embryo sac
Pundi embrio 1 0M

C: Male gametes
Gamet jantan

(b) (i) Able to explain the function of Structure A


F: It grows down the style in ovary / enters the ovule

Ia memanjang menuruni stil di ovari / masuk ke ovul 1
P2: By secretes enzymes to digest the stil tissues as it
grows towards an ovul 1
Dengan merembeskan enzim untuk mencernakan tisu stil
semasa pemanjangannya ke arah ovul

(b) (ii) Able to explain the process occur


P1: One of the male gamete / Structure C fuse with egg cells to
form a diploid zygote 1
Satu daripada gamet jantan / Struktur C bercantum dengan
sel telur untuk menghasilkan zigot diploid.

P2: The other male gamete / Structure C fuses with the two 3
polar 1
nuclei forming a triploid nucleus
Gamet jantan yang lain / Struktur C bercantum dengan dua
nukleus kutub membentuk nukleus triploid
P3: This process is known as double fertilization
Proses ini dikenali sebagai persenyawaan ganda dua.

(c) Able to explain the developement of fruit and seed


E1: After fertilization, the ovary becomes a fruit 1

Selepas persenyawaan, ovari menjadi buah
E2: The ovule become a seed 1
Ovul menjadi biji benih
E3: The triploid nucleus becomes the endorsperm 1
Nukleus triploid menjadi endosperma

E4: Integuments becomes the seed coat. 1

Integumen menjadi kulit biji

[Any three]
[Mana-mana tiga]

(d) Able to suggest to prevent germination of A


P1: Place it in dry condition 1

Letakkan ia dalam keadaan kering 2

P2: Keep in air tight container 1

Simpan dalam bekas kedap udara



1(a) Able to state the genotype and phenotype of A and C.
Genotype and phenotype A: Grey body normal wing GGNN 1
Genotype and Phenotype C: Grey body normal wing GgNn 1 2

(b) Able to explain why the inheritance is dihybrid

Suggested answer:
F: Involve two characteristic 1 1

(c) Able to draw a genetic diagram between T and U to show ratio

V, W, X and Y using Punnett Square
Suggested answer:

Parent (P) Grey body normal wing X Grey body normal wing
GgNn GgNn 1
Gamete GN Gn gN gn GN Gn gN gn 1
GN Gn gN gn
GN Grey body Grey body Grey body Grey body
normal normal normal normal
wing wing wing wing
GGNn GGnn GgNn Ggnn
Gn Grey body Grey body Grey body Grey body
normal normal normal short
wing wing wing wing
GgNN GgNn ggNN ggNn
gN Grey body Grey body black body black body
normal normal normal normal
wing wing wing wing
GgNn Ggnn ggNn ggnn
gn Grey body Grey body black body black body
normal short normal normal
wing wing wing wing
Notes: accept genotype only

Correct Genotype 12 16 2m 2
7 11 1m
Phenotype Grey body Grey body Black body Black body 1
Ratio normal wing short wing normal wing short wing
9 : 3 : 3 : 1 1
(d) Able to explain why the ratio of genetic diagram from the
above diagram follow Mendel Second Law.
Suggested answer:
F: during metaphase 1, homologous pair of chromosome/ paternal 1
and maternal chromosome arrange at random// independent
assortment of chromosome
E1: results in a variety of gametes/ each with different 1
combinations of maternal and paternal chromosome 2
E2:result new combination/ recombination trait in F2 generation 1

5(e) Able to state Mendel Second Law

Suggested answer:
E1: During gamete formation, each member of a pair of alleles 1
may combine randomly 2
E2: with either member of another pair of allele 1


No Mark Scheme Sub Total

Mark Mark
1 (a)(i) Able to state the types of variation shown by the Diagram
1.1 (a) and 1.1 (b).

Diagram 1.1 (a) : Discontinuous variation 1

Diagram 1.1 (b) : Continuous variation 1
(b) Able to state two differences between the two types of


Continuous variation Discontinuous variation

D1: Differences are not clear/ D1: Differences are clear/
not distinctive distinctive 1
D2: Controlled by
D2: Controlled by
environmental and 1
genetic factor only
genetic factor
D3: Shows the graph normal D3: Shows the graph discrete
distribution distribution 1 2
D4: Shows intermediate D4: Do not shows
character intermediate character
D5: Controlled by
D5: Controlled by one gene/
polygene/many pairs of 1
one pair of alelle
D6: Quantitative// Can be D6: Qualitative// Cannot be
measured measured 1

[Any two]

(c) Able to explain the importance of variation.


P1: (Some individuals) adapt better to environment condition 1

P2: These individuals are better adapted for survival 1 2

P3: They can transmit the advantageous genes to their offspring 1

[Any two]

(d) (i) Able to name the processes involved in the mutation of P

and Q.

P: Deletion 1
Q: Duplication 1
(ii) Able to explain one factor that causes mutation.

F1: Mutagen is radioactive radiation// X-ray// Formaldehyde// 1

Carcinogens// monosodium glutamate/ Any suitable
E1: The mutagen has high penetrating power/ high radiation// 1
mutagen able to reach the DNA in the cells/ nucleus/
E2: causing (drastic) change to the structure of chromosome

E3: resulting section P to be deleted// gene to be missing// 1

Section Q to be duplicated

[Any two]
(iii) Able to explain one bad effect caused by mutation.

P1: Mutation that occurs in a somatic cell may damage the cell 1
P2: This makes the cell cancerous cell// kill the cell 1

- T5 -

Question 1
1 (a) [KB0603 - Measuring Using Number]
Score Criteria
3 Able to state all the change in volume of water in cm3.
C1 Correct value with or without the correct unit
C2 One decimal place

Sample answers:
Mass of calcium chloride (g) 20 40 80
Change in volume of water (cm3) 2.8 4.6 8.2

2 Able to state any 2 of the change in volume of water OR 3 correct value with wrong unit.

1 Able to state any 1 of the change in volume of water OR 2 correct value with wrong unit.

1 (b) (i) [KB0601 - Observation]

Score Criteria
3 Able to state any two observations correctly according to the criteria:
C1 Mass of calcium chloride (g)
C2 Change in volume of water (cm3)

Sample answers:
1. (When the) mass of calcium chloride is 20g, the change in volume of water is 2.8cm3.
2. (Air with) 20g calcium chloride, the water level is 2.8cm3.
3. When more (mass of) calcium chloride is used, the level of water decreases.
4. 20g of calcium chloride, the level of water is high / higher / highest.

2 Able to state any one observation correctly and one incomplete observation.
Able to state any two incomplete observations.
Sample answers for incomplete observations:
1. 20g of calcium chloride is used.
2. The level of water decreases.

1 Able to/state any one idea of observation (Any 1 criterion)

Sample answers:
1. Different mass of calcium chloride is used.
2. The level of water change.
1 (b) (ii) [KB0604 - Making inference]
Score Criteria
3 Able to make one logical inference for each observation based on the criteria:
C1 Plant / root absorbs water
C2 Plant / shoot loses water // Water is transpired // Water is evaporated from plant
C3 Air contains less water (vapour) // Relative humidity / air humidity is less / low
// Air is drier.
Sample answers:
1. Plant absorbs less water because less water is lost.
2. More transpiration / lost by plant so more water is absorbed (by plant).
3. More water is lost by plant so more water is absorbed.
4. Plant absorbs more water because the air drier.
5. In low air humidity, more water is absorbed by plant.
6. More water is lost by plant because the air is drier.

2 Able to make one logical inference for any one observation and one inaccurate inference
for the other observation.
Able to make two inaccurate inferences base on one criterion (C1, C2 or C3) for each
Sample answers for incomplete inferences:
1. Plant / root absorbs water
2. Plant / shoot loses water // Water is transpired // Water is evaporated from plant
3. Air contains less water (vapour) // Relative humidity / air humidity is less / low
// Air is drier.

1 Able to make an idea of inference with one criterion.

Sample answers:
1. Water is absorbed
2. Water is lost // Water is evaporated
3. Humidity is less / low // No water

For 1(b)(i) Observation and (ii) Inference:

Score Accurate Inaccurate Idea Wrong





1 (c) [KB061001 - Controling Variables]
Score Criteria
3 Able to state all the variables and the method to handle the variables correctly.

Sample answers:
Variables Method to handle the variables
Manipulated variable:
Mass of calcium chloride Use different mass/amount of calcium chlorida
// Relative humidity // Air humidity // Use 20, 40, and 80g of calcium chloride

Responding variable:
Water level (in the pipette) after 10 (Measure and) record by using the pipette
minutes // Final water level (in the
// Change in water level/volume // Calculate (change in water level/volume) by
using formula:
Final level/volume Initial level/volume
// Rate of transpiration // Calculate (rate of transpiration) by using
Change in water level/volume

Controlled variable:
Type of plant/shoot Fix / use hibiscus plant/shoot
// Size of U-tube // Use same U-tube
// Size/volume of glass box // Use same glass box
// Initial water level in the pipette // Initial water level (in the pipette) is 0 cm3
// Time // Fix 10 minutes

2 Able to state 4 - 5 of the variables and the method to handle the variables correctly.
1 Able to state 1 - 3 of the variables and the method to handle the variables correctly.

1 (d) [KB0611 - Making Hypothesis]

Score Criteria
3 Able to state a hypothesis to show a relationship between the manipulated variable and
responding variable and the hypothesis can be validated, base on 3 criteria:
C1 Manipulated variable
C2 Responding variable
C3 Relationship (more/less) (Accept if wrong theory)

Sample answers:
1. The lower/higher the air humidity, the lower/higher rate of transpiration.
2. When less/more calcium chloride (is used), the lower/higher the final water level (in the
3. The lower/higher the relative humidity, the less/more the change in the water
level/volume (in the pipette)
4. The lower/higher the amount of calcium chloride, the lower/higher the water level (in the
pipette) after10 minutes.
2 Able to state less accurate hypothesis to show a relationship between manipulated variable
and responding variable base on 2 criteria.

Sample answers:
1. The lower/higher the humidity, the lower/higher rate of transpiration. (No C1)
2. The lower/higher the air humidity, the lower/higher the transpiration. (No C2)
3. When less/more calcium chloride (is used), the lower/higher the water level. (No C2)
4. The lower/higher the relative humidity, the less/more the water level/volume. (No C2)
5. The amount of calcium chloride affects the water level after10 minutes. (No C3)
6. The rate of transpiration depends on the air humidity. (No C3)
7. The air humidity depends on the rate of transpiration. (Reverse / No C3)

1 Able to state idea of hypothesis to show a relationship between manipulated variable and
responding variable base on 1 criterion.

Sample answers (Idea of C1 and C2):

1. The lower/higher the humidity, the lower/higher the transpiration.
2. When calcium chloride is used, the lower/higher the water level.
3. Transpiration occurs based on humidity.
4. The water level affects the calcium chloride.

1 (e) (i) [KB0606 - Communicating]

Score Criteria
3 Able to tabulate a table and fill in data accurately base on three criteria:
C1: Titles with correct units
C2: Recording data, for Mass of calcium chloride and Change in volume of water
C3: Calculation, for Rate of transpiration

Sample answer:
Mass of calcium Change in volume of
chloride water Rate of transpiration
3 -1 3

(g) // (gram) (cm3) (cm minute ) // cm per minute)

20 2.8 0.28
40 4.6 0.46
80 8.2 0.82

2 Able to tabulate a table base on two criteria.

1 Able to tabulate a table base on one criterion.

1 (e) (ii) [KB0608 - Space and Time Relationship]

Score Criteria
3 Able to draw a line-graph based on three criteria:
C1: The x-axis and the y-axis are marked with appropriate values and constant scale.
C2: All points are transferred correctly
C3: Smooth/straight line touching all points (No extrapolation; not more than 3
small squares)

2 Any two criteria

1 Any one criterion
1 (e) (iii) [KB0607 - Interpreting Data]
Score Criteria
3 Able to state and explain the relationship between the rate of transpiration and the mass
of calcium chloride and any two explanations.
C1: Relationship
Sample 1 The more/higher the mass of calcium chloride, the more/higher the rate of
transpiration. (If reverse idea only)
Sample 2 The rate of transpiration increase linearly with the increase in the mass of
calcium chloride. (If reverse idea only)
(Reject: Proportional)
C2: Two Explanations:
Sample 1 Plant / root absorbs more water
Sample 2 Plant / shoot loses more water // More water is transpired // More water is
evaporated from plant
Sample 3 Air contains less water (vapour) // Low relative humidity / air humidity is low
// Air is drier.

Sample answer:
1. The higher the mass of calcium chloride, the higher the rate of transpiration, because the
plant absorbs more water and more water is transpired.
2. The more the mass of calcium chloride, the more the rate of transpiration, because the air is
drier and more water is evaporated from the plant.

2 Able to state the relationship and any one explanation, or idea of relationship and two
1 Able to state the relationship, or idea of relationship and one explanation.

1 (f) [KB0609 - Define Operationally]

Score Criteria
3 Able to state the meaning of transpiration operationally, based on the experiment.
C1 Transpiration is the evaporation of water from hibiscus plants / shoot.
C2 Determined by the change in volume of water in 10 minutes
/ change in water level in the pipette after 10 minutes
C3 Depends on air humidity / amount of water vapour in the air
Sample answer:
1. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from hibiscus shoot. The rate of transpiration is
determined by the change in the volume of water in 10 minutes and is affected by the
amount of water vapour in the air.

2 Able to state any two criteria

Sample answers:
1. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from shoot. The rate of transpiration is
determined by the change in the volume of water in 10 minutes and is affected by the
amount of water vapour in the air.
2. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from hibiscus shoot. The rate of transpiration is
determined by the change in the volume of and is affected by the amount of water vapour
in the air.

1 Able to state any one criterion or at idea level only.

Sample answers:
1. Transpiration is the lost of water in the form of water vapour from plants // Theory
2. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from shoot.
3. The rate of transpiration is determined by the change in the volume of water.
4. Transpiration is affected by the amount of water vapour.

1 (g) [KB0605 - Predicting]

Score Criteria
3 Able to predict the rate of transpiration when another hibiscus shoot with six number of
leaves is used and the air is treated with 40g of calcium chloride, and explain the prediction
based on three criteria.
C1 Prediction: Any value more than 0.46 cm3 minute -1 // Higher than 0.46 cm3 minute -1.
(Higher / without unit idea level, no marks, can consider C2 and C3)
C2 Explanation 1: Larger surface area of leaves // More number of stomata
C3 Explanation 2: More water evaporated from leaves
Sample answer:
1. (The rate of transpiration is) 0.50 cm3 minute-1 because larger surface area of leaves and
more water is evaporated from the leaves.
2. More than 0.46 cm3 minute-1 because more stomata so more water is transpired out from
the plant.

2 Able to predict less accurately (Prediction+1explanation//Prediction (idea)+ 2 Explanations)

Sample answer:
1. The rate of transpiration is more because more stomata so more water is transpired out
from the plant.
2. 0.50 cm3, because larger surface area of leaves and more water is evaporated from the

1 Able to give idea of prediction. (Prediction // Prediction (idea) + 1 Explanation)

Sample answer:
3. 0.50 cm3, because more water is evaporated from the leaves.
4. More because more stomata on the leaves.

1 (h)
[KB0602 - Classifying]
Score Criteria
3 Able to classify each character to the correct category of factor.

Sample answer:
Biotic factor Abiotic factor
Surface area of leave Relative humidity
Number of stomata Topography
- Temperature
- Light intensity

2 Able to classify any 4 correctly.

1 Able to classify any 2 correctly.
Question 2

Problem Statement
Score Criteria
Able to state the problem statement of the experiment correctly that include criteria:
Manipulate variables
Responding variables
Relation in question form and question symbol [?]
Sample answers:
1. Does the number of leaves affect the rate of transpiration (in hibiscus plants)?
2. What is the relationship between the number of leaves and the rate of
transpiration (in a hibiscus plant)?

Able to state the problem statement of the experiment with two criteria.

Sample answers:
2 1. Do leaves affect the rate of transpiration (in a plant)?
2. Does the number of leaves affect the rate of transpiration.
3. What is the relationship between the number of leaves and transpiration?

Able to state the of problem statement with one criteria.

Sample answers:
1. Do leaves affect the transpiration (in a plant)?
2. Does transpiration occurs through the leaves (in plants)?

Score Criteria
3 Able to state the hypothesis correctly according to the criteria:
Manipulate variables
Responding variables
Relationship of the variables

Sample answers:
1. The more the number of leaves the higher rate of transpiration.
2. When the number of leaves increases the rate of transpiration increases.
Correct hypothesis but wrong concept based on theory
3. The more the number of leaves the lower rate of transpiration.
4. More leaves cause the rate of transpiration to decrease.
2 Able to state the hypothesis with two criteria

Sample answers:
1. When the number of leaves increases the transpiration increases.
2. The number of leaves affects the rate of transpiration in plants.

1 Able to state the idea of the hypothesis.

Sample answers:
1. The number of leaves affects transpiration in plants.

Score Criteria
Able to state the three variables correctly

Sample answers:
Manipulated variable: Number of leaves / stomata
Responding variable: Distance travelled by air bubble (in five minutes)
// The rate of transpiration
Controlled variable: Type of (terrestrial) plant / hibiscus // Light intensity //
Surrounding temperature

Materials and Apparatus

Score Criteria
3 Able to state all functional materials / 2*materials + 1 other material and
2*apparatus + 4 other apparatus for the experiment.

Materials: *Hibiscus shoot / plant, water, and plasticine.

Apparatus: *Ruler / weighing balance, capillary tube + rubber tubing // potometer //
stoppered conical flask, beaker / basin, (sharp) knife, stopwatch, string
/ marker pen and tissue paper / filter paper.

2 Able to state all functional materials / 2*materials and 2*apparatus + 2 other

apparatus for the experiment.

1 Able to state all functional materials / 2*materials and 2*apparatus for the
Score Criteria
3 Able to state five procedures P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 correctly.
P1 : How to Set Up The Apparatus (5P1)
P2 : How to Make Constant The Control Variable (1P2)
P3 : How to Manipulate The Manipulated Variable (1P3)
P4: How to Record The Responding Variable (2P4)
P5 : Precaution / Accuracy (2P5)

2 Able to state three of any procedures: 4P1 / 1P2 / 1P3 / 2P4 / 2P5 correctly

1 Able to state two of any procedures: 4P1 / 1P2 / 1P3 / 2P4 / 2P5 correctly

Example of Procedure:
1. (Diagram of experimental setup with at least 5 functional labels). P1
2. Obtain a hibiscus shoot P1
and immediately immerse in water. P5
3. By using a sharp knife, cut off 4 cm of the hibiscus stem under water. P5
4. Fill in the capillary tube with attached rubber tubing / potometer with water. P1
5. Fix in the stem of the hibiscus shoot into the rubber tubing / potometer. P1
Make sure no air bubble trapped. P5
6. Immerse the capillary tube / potometer in a beaker of water. P1
7. Wipe dry the leaves with tissue papers. P5
8. Leave the setup for 5 minutes (for the plant to adapt with the new environment). P5
9. Lift the capillary tube from the water to trap a column of air bubble // Trap an air P1
bubble in the capillary tube / potometer.
10. Tie a string on the capillary tube to mark the initial position of the air bubble. P1
11. Start the stopwatch. P1
12. After 5 minutes tie another string to mark the final position of the air bubble. P1
13. Repeat step 12 to get another reading. P5
14. Measure both distances by using a ruler. P4
Calculate the average distance traveled by the air bubble in 5 minute. P4
Record in a table // Tabulate the data. P4
15. By using the same plant, P2
repeat steps 7 until 13 by removing one leave each time. P3
16. Calculate the rate of transpiration. P4
Score Criteria
Able to construct the correct table with titles and units based on three criteria.
Number of leaves
Distance travelled (cm) // Time taken (minute)
1m Rate of transpiration (cm minute-1)

Sample answers:
Distance travelled by air bubble
Number of Rate of transpiration
in 5 minutes (cm)
leaves First reading Second reading Average (cm minute-1)

Time taken for the air bubble to travel a
Number of Rate of transpiration
distance of 5 cm (minutes)
leaves First reading Second reading Average (cm minute-1)

(*First and second readings + average = 1P5 Procedure)



NO 1
(a) KB0603 Measuring using numbers

3 Able to record all eight data correctly

Sample answer

Volume of Volume of urine produced

water intake (ml)
(ml) First time Second time
100 ml 80 82
200 ml 150 170
300 ml 200 250
400 ml 360 370

2 Able to record 5-7 data correctly

1 Able to record 2-4 data correctly

0 Not able to give any response or wrong response

(b) (i) KB0601 Observing

3 Able to state any two observations correctly

Sample answer
1. At the first time volume of water intake (about 100ml mineral water),
student A produces urine about 80ml and at the second time volume of
water intake (about 100ml mineral water), student A produces urine Accepted:
about 82ml. Any suitable
2. At the first time volume of water intake (about 400ml mineral water), answer
student D produces urine about 360ml and at the second time volume of
water intake (about 400ml mineral water), student D produces about
3. At the first time volume of water intake, student A produces the least
urine about 80ml and 82ml compare to the student B/C/D which
produces urine about 150ml and 170ml/200ml and 250ml/360ml and

2 Able to state any one of the above observation correctly and one idea of
Sample answer
1. When student A drinks less mineral water, he/she produce less
2. When student D drinks more mineral water, he/she produced more

1 Able to state two ideas of the above observations correctly

Sample answer
1. Student A produced less urine
2. Student D produced more urine

0 Not able to give any response or wrong response

(b) KB0604 Making inference

3 Able to state two possible inferences for each observation based on the
P1: More / less water reabsorbed from the tubule of
kidney into blood capillary
P2: High/ low blood osmotic pressure

Sample answer
1. Student A produces less urine because more water can be reabsorbed
from the tubule of kidney into blood capillary due to high blood osmotic
2. Student D produces more urine because less water can be reabsorbed
from the tubule of kidney into blood capillary due to low osmotic
3. Student A produces less urine than student B/C/D because more water

2 Able to state any one possible inference for each observation and one
inference that less accurate
Sample answer

1. Student A produce less urine because more water can be reabsorbed

from the tubule of kidney into blood capillary /due to high blood
osmotic pressure
2. Student D produce more urine because less water can be reabsorbed
from the tubule of kidney into blood capillary / due to low blood
osmotic pressure

1 Able to state two inferences but less accurate
Sample answer
1. Student A kidneys tubule reabsorbs more water
2. Student D has low osmotic pressure

0 Not able to give any response or wrong response

(c) KB0610 Controlling variables

3 Able to state any 5-6 items from the table

Variable Particular to be implemented
Manipulated variable Used different volume of water intake by
Volume of water intake each student such as 100ml, 200ml, 300ml
and 400ml

Responding variable Measure and record the volume of urine

Volume of urine produce by using a measuring cylinder
Constant variable Fixed the time about 30 minutes before
Time (before collecting the urine produced by each student Constant
collecting urine) variable :
Same student // carry out by the same student Accepted
any suitable

2 Able to state any 3-4 items from the above

1 Able to state any 2 items from the above

0 Not able to give any response or wrong response

(d) KB0611 Stating a hypothesis

3 Able to write a complete hypothesis statement showing the relationship P1 volume

between manipulated variable and responding variable correctly. of water
P1 = manipulated variable intake
P2 volume
P2 = responding variable
of urine
H = Link/ relationship
Sample answer relationship
1. The higher the volume of water intake, the higher the volume of urine * wrong
produced/ output. hypothesis
2. If more / higher volume of water intake, so more / higher volume of was accepted
urine produced/ output

2 Able to write any two from the above
P1 and P2 // P1 and H // P2 and H
Sample answer
1. The different volume of water intake, the different volume of urine
2. The volume of water intake affect the volume of urine produced

1 Able to write any one from the above

Sample answer
1. The volume of water intake affect urine produced

0 Not able to give response or wrong response

(e) KB0606 Communicating

3 Able to prepare a table and shows the following :

H Heading in the table are labeled with correct units

D All data are correct
P All the students are correct

Student Volume of water intake (ml) Volume of urine produced (ml)

first second
A 100 80 82
B 200 150 170
C 300 200 250
D 400 360 370

2 Able to prepare a table and show the following

1. H and D // D and P // H and P

1 Able to prepare a table and show the following

1. Either H or D or P
(f) KB0607 Using spatial and time relationship
Able to plot a bar chart with the following criteria:
P all axis with uniform scale and correct units
T all point is transferred correctly
B all bar chart ware plotted

2 Able to give any 2 criteria correctly

1 Able to give any 1 criteria correctly

0 Not able to give response or wrong response

(g) KB0608 Interpreting Data

Able to explain the relationship between the volume of water intake and
the volume of urine produced
Sample answer:

If the volume of water intake is higher, more volume of urine will be

produced because low blood osmotic pressure will cause less water to be
reabsorbed from the tubule of the kidney into blood capillary

2 Able to write any two from the above

E1 and E2 // E1 and E3 // E2 and E3

1 Able to write any one from the above

E1 // E2 //E3

0 Not able to give response or wrong response

KB0605 Predicting
3 Able to predict the

Sample answer
E1 volume of urine produced decrease / reduced/low/less than 370ml
E2 because orange juice contains more sugar/solute substance
E3 causing blood osmotic pressure is high, so more water can be
reabsorbed from the tubule of the kidney into blood capillary

2 Able to state any two from the above

1 Able to state any one from the above

0 Not able to give response or wrong response

KB0609 Defining by operation
3 Able to describe the concept of osmoregulation correctly based on the

Sample answer
Osmoregulation is
E1 a process of maintaining blood osmotic pressure of the four
student/student A, B, C and D
E2 which can be determined by the volume of urine produced in first
and second time
E3 Volume of urine produced is affected by the volume of water intake.

2 Able to state any two from the above

1 Able to state any one from the above

0 Not able to give response or wrong response

(j) KB0602 Classifying

3 Able to classify correctly the list of apparatus and materials according to

the variables
Sample answer

Variable Apparatus Material

Manipulated Mineral bottle Mineral water
Responding Measuring cylinder Urine
Controlled Stopwatch Student

2 Able to classify the list of apparatus and materials according to any two

1 Able to state the materials in any one class completely

0 Not able to give response or wrong response

Question 2

Problem Statement
Score Criteria
3 Able to state the problem statement of the experiment correctly that includes criteria:
Manipulate variables
Responding variables
Relation in question form and question symbol [?]

Sample answers:
1. What is the effect of water intake on urine output?

2. Does drinking a lot of mineral water causes high amount of urine produced?

2 Able to state the problem statement of the experiment with any 2 criteria.

Sample answers:
1. Does drinking a lot of mineral will have an effect to human?
2. What is the effect of water intake?

1 Able to state the of problem statement with any 1 criterion.

Sample answer:
Water intake causes urine production.

0 Not able to response or wrong response.

Score Criteria
3 Able to state the hypothesis correctly according to the criteria:
Manipulate variables
Responding variables
Relationship of the variables
Sample answers:
1. If more water is taken, more urine will be released.
2. The higher the volume of water intake, the higher the amount of urine produced.

2 Able to state the hypothesis with any 2 criteria
Sample answer:
1. Drinking a lot of mineral water will cause a higher amount of urine production.

1 Able to state the idea of the hypothesis.

Sample answer:
1. Water intake causes urine production.
0 Not able to response or wrong response.

Score Criteria
3 Able to state the 3 variables correctly.

Sample answers:
Manipulated variable: Volume of water
Responding variable: Volume of urine released
Controlled variable: Same student / same environment
2 Able to state the any 2 variables correctly.
1 Able to state the any 1 variable correctly.
0 Not able to response or wrong response.

Materials and Apparatus

Score Criteria
3 Able to state all functional materials= 2 materials and 4 apparatus

Materials : 1. Drinking water

2. Student

Apparatus : 1. Beakers
2. Measuring cylinder
3. Cup/mug
4. Stopwatch

2 Able to state 3 materials and 2 apparatus s for the experiment.

1 Able to state 2 materials and 1 apparatus for the experiment.

0 Not able to response or wrong response.

Score Criteria
3 Able to state five procedures K1, K2, K3, K4 and K5 correctly.

K1 : Steps to set up the apparatus ( at least three K1)

K2 : Steps to handle the fixed variable (one K2)
K3 : Steps to record the responding variable (one K3)
K4 : Steps to handle the manipulated variable (one K4)
K5 : Precautionary steps / steps taken to get accurate results / readings (one K5)

2 Able to state 3-4 of any procedures correctly

1 Able to state 2 of any procedures correctly
0 Not able to response or wrong response.

Presentation of Data
Score Criteria
Able to draw a complete table to record the relevant data base on the 2 criteria:
Volume of water intake (ml)
Volume of urine produced (ml)

Sample answers:
Volume of water intake (ml)
200 400 600 800 1000

Volume of

1 Able to tabulate the data with any 1 criterion.

0 Not able to response or wrong response.


(a)[KB0603-measuring using number]
Score Item Criteria
Able to record correctly all the mass of 10 tomatoes and average mass for each
3 1(a) tomato in Table 1.

Sample answer:

Glass house Duration tomato plant Mass of 10 Average mass of

exposed to the light tomatoes (kg) each tomato (kg)
intensity daily (hour)

A 12 3 0.3

B 6 2 0.2

2 Able to record 3 readings correctly

1 Able to record 2 reading correctly
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(b) (i) [KB0601 - Observation]

Score Item Criteria

3 1(b)(i) Able to state the correct observations based on the following criteria:

P1: Glass house/Duration tomato plant exposed to the light intensity daily
P2: Mass of 10 tomatoes/ Average mass of each tomato
Sample answer:
1. When the duration of tomato plant exposed to the light intensity
Daily is 12hours , the mass of 10 tomatoes is 3 kilograms.
2. When the duration of tomato plant exposed to the light intensity daily
is 6hours , the mass of 10 tomatoes is 2 kilograms.
3. In Glass house A, average mass of each tomato is 0.3kg.
4. In Glass house B, average mass of each tomato is 0.2kg.

2 Able to state any one observation correctly with or

Able to state any two incomplete observations.
1 Able to state any one idea of observation
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(b) (ii) [KB0602- Making Inference]

Score Item Criteria

3 Able to state correct inference for each observation based on any two

P1: time exposed to the light/light intensity

P2: growth rate of tomato
P3: causes variation on tomatoes
Sample answer:
Inference 1:
When time exposed to the light is long/light intensity is high, the growth rate
of tomato is high//Light intensity is high, it causes variation on tomatoes.

Inference 2:
When time exposed to the light is short/light intensity is low, the growth rate
of tomato is low//Light intensity is low, it causes variation on tomatoes.

2 Able to state any one inference correctly or

Able to state any two incomplete inferences
Sample answer:
1. High/low light intensity affect growth in tomato plant
2. Variation of tomato influenced by light intensity
1 Able to state any one idea of inference
Sample answer:
1. Light intensity cause growth

0 Not able to response or wrong response

(c) [KB0610 controlling variable]

Score Item Criteria

3 1(c) Able to state all the variables and method to handle correctly. [ 6 items]
Sample answer:
Variable Method to handle the variable
Manipulated variable: Used different duration of tomato
Duration of tomato plant exposed plant exposed to the light intensity
to the light intensity daily//Glass daily// Planted the tomato plants in
house different glass house.
Responding variable: Record the mass of 10 tomatoes
Mass of 10 tomatoes// Average using compression
mass of each tomato//growth rate balance//Calculate the average
of tomato mass of each tomato using formula
= mass of 10 tomatoes
Calculate the growth rate of tomato
using formula
= Mass of 10 tomatoes
Time taken for planting

Constant variable: Used same duration of planted

Duration of planted//amount of tomato such as 4 months//fixed
water/minerals same amount of water/minerals.

2 Able to state any 4-5 items correctly

1 Able to state any 1-3 items correctly
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(d) [KB0611 Making hypothesis]

Score Item Criteria

3 1(d) Able to state all threecriterias correctly based on :
P1 : state the manipulated variable.
P2 : state the responding variable
R : relationship between P1 and P2
Sample answer:
1. The longer the duration tomato plant exposed to the light intensity
(daily), the increase the mass of 10 tomatoes / the higher the growth
rate of tomato.
2. Glass house A has the highest growth rate of tomato compare to
glass house B.
2 Able to state any two criterias correctly or any two criterias inaccurately.
Sample answer:
Different duration of tomato plant exposed to the light intensity(daily),
different growth rate of tomato( plant).
1 Able to state any one criteria correctly or at idea level.
Sample answer:
Growth of tomato is influenced by glass house
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(e)(i) [KB 0606 Communicating skill ]

Score Item Criteria

3 Able to construct a table and record all the data correctly based on :
T: Title with correct units
D: Correct data
S: Correct growth rate of tomato
Sample answer:

Glass Duration tomato plant Mass of 10 tomatoes Growth rate of

house exposed to the light (kg) tomato (kg/months)
intensity daily (hour)

A 12 3 0.75

B 6 2 0.50

2 D correctly
Able to state any two criterias S
1 Able to state any one criterias correctly
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(e) (ii) [KB0607 Using spatial and time relationship]

Score Item Criteria

3 Able to draw a bar chart graph based on the following criteria :
P :Correct axis label with unit/ uniform scale.
T : all points are plotted correctly.
B: Correct shape of graph

2 Any two criterias

1 Any one criteria
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(e)(iii) [KB0608- Interpreting data ]

Score Item Criteria

3 Able to explain the relationship between the growth rate of tomato against
duration of tomato plant exposed to the light intensity dailybased on:
P1: correct conclusion
The longer the duration of tomato plant exposed to the light intensity daily,
the higher the growth rate of tomato.
P2: more photosynthesis/more organic substances/glucose produced
P3:causes mass of tomato increases/variation
Sample answer:
The longer the duration of tomato plant exposed to the light intensity daily,
the higher the growth rate of tomato because more organic substance is
produced causes variation between the tomatoes.

2 Able to state P1 and P2 / P3

1 Able to state P1 only
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(g) [KB0605 Predicting]

Score Item Criteria

3 Able to predict the mass of 10 tomatoes that will be provided when exposed
the tomato plant to the light intensity for 4 hours daily correctly based on :
P1: Mass of 10 tomatoes less than 2kg
P2: less photosynthesis/less organic substance/glucose produced
P3: causes growth rate of tomato decrease
Sample answer:
Mass of 10 tomatoes less than 2 kg because less photosynthesis causes
growth rate of tomato decrease
2 Able to predict any P1 and P2 / P3
1 Able to predict any P1 only
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(h) [ KB060902 - Operational definition]

Score Item Criteria

3 Able to define continous variation operationally based on :
P1: Differences between the tomato plants that have same genetic
P2: Shown by the mass of 10 tomatoes
P3: Growth rate of tomato is affected by the duration of tomato plant
exposed to the light intensity daily/glass house
Sample answer:
Continuos variation is the differences between the tomato plants that have
same genetic and can be shown by the mass of 10 tomatoes.
Growth rate of tomato is affected by the duration of tomato plant
exposed to the light intensity daily/glass house

2 Able to predict any 2 criterias
1 Able to predict any one criteria
0 Not able to response or wrong response

(i) [ KB0602 - Classifying]

Score Item Criteria

3 Able to classify correctly based on 3 materials and 3 apparatus ( 6 correct

Sample answer:
Variable Apparatus Material
Pembolehubah Radas Bahan
Manipulated Light bulb Tomato plant
Responding Compression balance Tomato
Bergerak balas
Controlled Calendar Tomatoes Fertiliser
2 Any 4 to 5 ticks
1 Any 1 to 3 ticks
0 Not able to response or wrong response

Question 2

Problem statement

Score Criteria

3 Able to state the problem statement of the experiment correctly that include criteria

Manipulate variables
Responding variables
Relation in question form and question symbol [?]

Sample answer

Does ability to roll the tongue is discontinuous variations?

What is the types of variation of ability to roll the tongue?

Score Criteria

Able to state the hypothesis correctly according to the criteria:

Manipulate variables
Responding variables
Relationship of the variables
Sample answers:
1. Ability to roll the tongue is discontinuous variation

Correct hypothesis but wrong concept based on theory

2. Ability to roll the tongue is continuous variation

Score Criteria
Able to state the three variables correctly:

Manipulated variable: Type of trait// Ability to roll the tongue

Responding variable: Number of student which able and unable to roll the tongue

Constant variable: Total number of students

Materials and apparatus
Score Criteria
Able to state all the functional apparatus and materials.

Sample answer
Table of ability to roll tongue classification, students, graph paper, ruler

Score Criteria
Able to state five procedures P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 correctly.

K1 : How to Set Up The Apparatus (4 K1)

3 K2 : How to Make Constant The Control Variable (1K2)
K3 : How to Manipulate The Manipulated Variable (1K3)
K4: How to Record The Responding Variable (1 K4)
K5 : Precaution / Accuracy (1 K5)

Sample answer
1. Choose 30 students from form 5 students as samples of the experiment.
2. Conduct survey among them to determine ability to roll the tongue
3. Count and record ability of students to roll tongue in a table.
4. Draw a bar chart based on data collected

Presentation of data

Score Criteria

2 Able to construct the correct table with titles and units based on two criteria.

Ability to roll the tongue Number of students





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