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Eritreas president is a One

Man Show
by Amanda Orduno-Frank

Background: Eritrea is a country Legal system: Judicial branch:

which has been in turmoil for over two Eritrea has a mixed legal system of
thousand years. Originally part of the civil, customary, and Islamic religious The High Courts which consist of 20
first Ethiopian kingdom until the 8th law. judges and organized into civil,
century, Eritrea has been ruled by the commercial, criminal, labor,
Ottoman Empire, Egyptians, Italy, Executive branch: administrative, and customary
Britain, and again back to Ethiopia, President Isaias Afworki has been the sections are all appointed by the
and returned to its native Eritrians in head of the government since 1993. president.
1993. Its strategic location on the Red He holds multiple positions in the
Sea, fertile agricultural lands, and government including: Subordinate courts consisting
ease of transport for trade, have Chief of State, Head of government, of regional/zonal courts; community
enticed countries to invade, and Head of the State Council, Head of courts; special courts; sharia courts
attempt take-overs. the National Assembly (for issues dealing with Muslim
marriage, inheritance, and family);
The Government of Eritrea: Legislative branch: military courts are also part of the
The government in Eritrea is considered The Legislative branch consists of a Judicial branch.
to be a presidential republic. A unicameral National Assembly or
"presidential republic" is a term used to Hagerawi Baito containing 150 seats; Political parties and leaders:
describe countries where the president The National Assembly committee
is a figure actively involved in the 75 members indirectly elected drafted a law on political parties in
governance of the country. Like the by the ruling party January 2001, but the full National
United States, Eritreas president has Assembly never debated or voted on
significant powers under their 75 directly elected by simple it. Therefore, there is only one party,
constitution. Theoretically the majority vote. The People's Front for Democracy
government of Eritrea has committed and Justice or PFDJ. The only political
publicly to being a democratic country, In 1997 however, Eritreans formed a leader is President Afworki.
however, since President Isaias Afworki Transitional National Assembly to
took office in 1993 all, all other elections serve as the country's legislative body References
have been indefinitely postponed. until countrywide elections to form a Bula, M. Y. (2016, September 13). Eritrea is building 'its
own type of political system'. Retrieved from
National Assembly were held. All Deutsche Welle:
Constitution: members of the National Assembly
Eritrea choose to adopt a constitution in should be elected by secret ballot of

1997 which was never fully all eligible voters; however, all Eritrea Government. (2017, February 22). Retrieved from
implemented; Eritrea began drafting of elections have been postponed
a new constitution in 2014, and has not indefinitely (due to the war with ritrea_government.html
been completed yet. Ethiopia.) Tzehaie, H. v. (2017). Political Structure in Eritrea.
Retrieved from

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