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1. Anthony saw him _______ distance.

a) in the b) in a c) at the d) at a

2. I am _______ a loss what to do.

a) at b) of c) - d) on

3. This text must be translated word _______ word.

a) by b) for c) after d) of

4. _______ a May morning she recovered _______ her illness.

a) in, from b) on, from c) on, of

5. Keep _______ the grass!

a) away b) from c) off d) out

6. He did not know, _______ could he guess the reason of our attitude.
a) nor b) neither c) either d) or

7. Run home at once, _______ you will be late.

a) on account of b) provided that
c) beneath d) or else

8. Hardly had he come home _______ he was recalled.

a) when b) that c) than d) then

9. No sooner had I spoken to him _______ the guests arrived.

a) than b) that c) while d) when

10. I'm going _______ Bath_______ Monday _______ Tom. Would you
like to come _______ us?
a. to, on, with, with
b. to, in, with, to
c. in, on, with, by
d. to, in, to, with

11. Mr. Jones is very keen _______ punctuality. His lessons always start
_______ time and you get _______ trouble if you're late.
a. at, on, in
b. on, on, into
c. at, on, into
d. on, in, in

12. Have you heard _______ John ______ his return? I had a letter _______
Monday. He's thinking _______ going back _______ America.
a. from, after, -, of, to
b. from, since, on, of, to
c. of, since, on, about, for
d. from, since, on, of, in

13. I rely _______ you to remind _______ me to pay Jack _______ the
books he bought _______ me.
a. to, to, for, -.
b. on, -, with, -.
c. on, -, for, for
d. -, to, for, for.

14. "_______ accordance _______ the wishes _______ my people, " the
president said, " I'm retiring _______ public life".
a. to, with, of, -
b. in, with, of, off.
c. -, with, of, off.
d. in, with, of, from.


15. I hear you had _______ yesterday.

a) company b) companys
c) companies d) a company

16. I did a lot of _______ today.

a) shopping b) shoppings
c) a shopping d) shops

17. Scientists usually do a great deal of _______ .

a) researchess b) researchs
c) researches d) a research
18. The _______ of our company is very strict.
a) politics b) political
c) policy d) politique

19. I have _______ sore throat.

a) a b) -
c) the d) an

20. This soil is _______ than the one in the mountains.

a) fertiler b) more fertile
c) the fertilest d) more fertiles

21. Mary is _______ of all.

a) shy b) shier c) the shiest d) the shyest

22. The _______ half of January was very cold.

a) last b) latter c) latest d) later

23. He fell ill, _______ made us very unhappy.

a) that b) what c) which d) who


24. Am bnuit c trebuie s te fi vzut.

a) I guessed he should have seen you.
b) I guessed he must have seen you.
c) I guessed he had to have seen you.
d) I guessed he had to see you.

25. Poate ca nu s-a culcat inca.

a) Perhaps she may not go to bed yet.
b) Perhaps she may have not go to bed yet.
c) She may have not gone to bed yet.
d) She may not have to go to bed yet.

26. Poate c nu s-a culcat nc.

a) Perhaps she may not go to bed yet.
b) Perhaps she may have not go to bed yet.
c) She may not have gone to bed yet.
d) She may not have to go to bed yet.

27. E imposibil ca ea s fie acas acum.

a) She can't be at home now.
b) It's impossible that she might be at home now.
c) It's impossible that she could be at home now.
d) She couldn't been at home now.

28. She didn't feel well. She _______ be in bed now.

a) can b) could c) must d) had to

29. Nu a fost nevoie s vin, dar am venit.

a) I didn't need to come, but I came anyway.
b) I needn't have come, but I came anyway
c) I didn't have to come, but I came anyway.
d) I couldn't have needed to come, but I came anyway.

30. Ar trebui s-i faci datoria.

a) You must do your duty.
b) You have to do your duty
c) You ought do your duty.
d) You should do your duty.

31. I _______ speak English when I was five.

a) am able to b) could to
c) might d) could

32. Va trebui s fii acas pn la miezul nopii.

a) You will must be at home by midnight.
b) You shall be at home by midnight.
c) You will have be at home by midnight.
d) You will need be at home before midnight

33. Nu i s-a dat voie s telefoneze.

a) She was not permitted to make a phone call.
b) She was not able to make a phone call.
c) She didn't have to make a phone call.
d) She hasn't allowed to make a phone call

34. Whenever the dog wants to go out I _______ get up and open the door.
a. have to
b. must
c. should
d. ought to

35. Railway notice: 'Passengers _______ cross the line by the foot bridge.'
a. will
b. must
c. ought to
d. should

36. It isn't necessary for him to earn his living. He has plenty of money.
a. He shouldn't have to earn his living.
b. He didn't have to earn his living
c. He doesn't need to earn his living
d. He shouldn't have had to earn his living.

37. Perhaps you will find you have made a mistake.

a. You may find
b. You could find
c. You must find
d. You mightnfind

38. 'He must be at least sixty.' 'Oh, no" He can't be so old.'

a. John said he had to be at least sixty but Peter thought he wasn't able to be
so old.
b. John said he had to be at least sixty, but Peter thought he couldn't be so
c. John said he must be at least sixty, but Peter thought he couldn't be so old.

39. My headmaster had great authority. Whenever he spoke, everyone used

to listen attentivelly.
a. everyone had to to listen
b. everyone could listen
c. everyone should listen
d. everyone would listen

40. The house had just been decorated so it wasn't necessary for us to do
a. we didn't need to do
b. we mustn't have done
c. we needn't have done
d. we might have done

41. Each competitor _______ wear a number on his T-shirt.

a. may
b. can
c. will
d. shall


42. She will look after Wayne while I _______ away.

a) shall be b) will be
c) am d) have been

43. Ring me up as soon as he_______ home.

a) will get b) has get
c) gets d) got

44. Plec la Viena mine la ora 5.

a) I shall leave for Vienna at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.
b) I am about to go to Vienna at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.
c) I am going to go to Vienna at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.
d) I am leaving for Vienna at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.

45. On Sundays, when he _______ breakfast, he always _______ the

a) finishes, reads b) has finished, reads
c) has finished, has read d) finishes, has read

46. We _______ for a week.

a) are married b) have married
c) have been married d) have got married

47. This tomato soup _______ .

a) smells well b) is smelling good
c) smells good d) is smelling well

48. I often _______ Saturday afternoon playing tennis.

a) am spending b) spend
c) am to spend d) am going to spend

49. The students _______ a course of lectures right now.

a) hear b) are hearing to
c) listen d) are listening to

50. I _______ the story now.

a) have remember b) remember
c) am remembering d) remind


51. He said :"I want to leave here today".

a) He said that he wants to leave here today.
b) He said that he wanted to leave here today.
c) He said that she wanted to leave there that day.
d) He said that he wanted to leave there that day.

52. "Where are you going on holiday?" she asked me.

a) She asked me where I am going on holiday.
b) She asked me where I will be going on holiday.
c) She asked me where I was going on holiday.
d) She asked me where was I going on holiday.

53. How often does George phone Lily?

a) Mary wants to know how often does George phone Lily.
b) Mary wants to know how often George phones Lily.
c) Mary wants To know how often George will phone Lily.
d) Mary wants to know how often George and Lily phone.
54. Ei au recunoscut c nu vor putea merge la discotec disear.
a) They recognized that they won't be able to go to the disco tonight.
b) They recognized that they wouldn't be able to go to the disco that night.
c) They admitted that they couldn't go to the disco that night.
d) They admitted that they wouedn't be able to go to the disco that night.

55. M ntrebam dac s le spun sau nu.

a) I was wandering if I had to tell them or not.
b) I was asking myself whether I can tell them or not.
c) I was wondering whether I should tell them or not.
d) I wondered whether to tell or not

56. Galilei a spus c pmntul se nvrte n jurul soarelui.

a) Galilee said that the earth went round the sun.
b) Galilee said that the earth was going round the sun.
c) Galilee said that the earth is going round the sun.
d) Galilee said that the earth goes round the sun.

57. El mi-a spus c o iubea mult.

a) He told me that he had loved her dearly.
b) He told me that he loved her dearly.
c) He told me that he was loving her dearly.
d) He told me that he had been loving her dearly.

58. i-am spus c ateapt de mult.

a) I told you he had waited for ages.
b) I told you he waited for ages.
c) I told you he was waiting for ages.
d) I told you he had been waiting for ages.

59. "I wish I knew what to do", she said.

a) She said she wishes she knew what to do.
b) She said she wished she knew what to do.
c) She said she wished she had known what to do.
d) She said she wished I knew what to do.

60. 'Peter will go into the Army next year', said his father.
a. Peter's father informed us that Peter would go into the Army the next year.
b. Peter's father informed us that Peter will go into the Army the following
c. Peter's father informed us that Peter should go into the Army the next year.

61. 'My wife wants to take a job but I'd rather she concentrated on our
home', he said.
a. He said his wife wants to take a job but he'd rather she concentrated on
their home.
b. He said his wife wanted to take a job but he'd rather she concentrated on
their home
c. He said his wife wanted to take a job but he'd have rather she concentrated
on their home

62. 'Where are you going? Where do you live? Have you been to Bucharest
before?', he wanted to know.
a. He wanted to know where I went, where I lived and whether I had been to
Bucharest before.
b. He wanted to know where I was going, where did I live, if I had been to
Bucharest before.
c. He wanted to know where I was going, where I lived and whether I had
been to Bucharest before.

63. 'After I've been walking for an hour I found the loveliest spot I have ever
seen in my life', the tourist confessed.
a. The tourist confessed that after he had been walking for an hour he had
found the loveliest spot he had ever seen in his life.
b.The tourist confessed that after he had been walking for an hour he found
the loveliest spot he had ever seen in his life.

64. M-a ntrebat dac am mai fost la Ploieti i dac tiu unde este Teatrul
a. He asked me whether I had been to Ploiesti before and if I knew where the
National Theatre was.
b. He asked me if I was to Ploieti before and if I knew where was the
National Theatre.

65. I-am promis c l voi suna cnd voi ajunge acas

a. I promised him I'd phone him when I'd get gome
b. I promised him I'd phone him when I got home
c. I promised I'd phone him when I got at home
d. I promised I'll phone him when I get at home.

66. Nu se gndise cum va reaciona cnd va afla cu cine i-a petrecut

a. She didn't think how he would react when he'd found out who she had
spent her holiday with.
b. She hadn't thought how he would react when he found out whom she had
spent her holidays with.
c. She hadn't thought how he would react when he'd find out whom she
spent her holidays with.

67. A fi vrut s aflu la ce se gndete cnd lucreaz la piesa pe care tocmai

a nceput-o.
a. I'd have liked to find out what he had been thinking when he was working
on the play he had just begun.
b. I'd have liked to find out what he was thinking of when he was working
on the play he had just begun.


68. He _______ on a farm all last summer.

a) worked b) had been worked
c) had worked d) had been working

69. She _______ me to replace her while she _______ on holiday.

a) asked, would be b) has asked, was
c) asked, was d) asked, was being

70. They _______ down town and I _______ home.

a) were going, was going b) went, was coming
c) were going, went d) had gone, went

71. As a boy, I sometimes _______ in the school football team.

a) played b) was playing
c) had played d) have played

72. I _______ him before, but I _______ his name.

a) saw, hadn't known b) had seen, didn't know
c) saw, didn't know d) had seen, hadn't known

73. He promised he _______ to see us in a week or so.

a) will come b) came
c) would came d) would be coming

74. The sun _______ in splendour over the waves of the sea every morning.
a) was raising b) rose
c) raised d) was rising

75. He _______ considerably since I last _______ him.

a) had aged, have seen b) has aged, saw
c) aged, had seen d) aged, have seen

76. My soul _______ slowly day by day.

a) was dieing b) was dyeing
c) was dying d) died

77. My father _______ in Canada for the last year, so by the time he
_______ the month after next I not _______ him for forteen months.
a. had worked/ has returned/ shall not have seen
b. has been working /returns/ shall not have seen
c. had worked/ had returned/ shouldn't have seen
d. had worked/returned/wouldn't have seen.

78. We _______ our holidays at the seaside this summer. Last summer we
_______ our holiday in the mountains.
a. spent, spent
b. spent, had spent
c. have spent, spent
d. have been spending, spent

79. I _______ buy the book, but when I _______ the opinion of the critics, I
_______ my mind.
a. would buy/ had heard/ changed.
c. would have bought/ wouldn't have heard/ changed
d. would have bought/ had heard/ changed
e. was going to/ heard/ changed
80. Why _______ me you _______ lend me the money? I _______ it
from the bank.
a. didn't you tell /could/needn't have borrowed
b. haven't you told/ could/ needn't borrowed
c. hadn't you told/ could/ wouldn't have needed to borrow
d. don't you tell/ can/ needn't borrow

81. When you _______ him again you _______ by the way his health
_______ since he _______ to Switzerland.
a. will see/ have been struck/ has improved/ went
b. see/ has been struck/ has improved/ went
c. will see/are struck/ has improved/ went
d. see/ will be struck/ has improved/ went

82. At last you're here. I _______ here for more than half an hour. I might
_______ you _______ late.
a. have been waiting/ have known/ shall be
b. have waited/ know/ shall be
c. waited/ know/ be
d. have been waiting/ have known/ would be


83. Rdea lumea de ei.

a) They were been laughed at. b) They were being laughed at.
c) They were laughing at. d) They have being laughed at.

84. S-a trimis dup un doctor.

a) A doctor sent for. b) A doctor was being sent for.
c) A doctor was sent for. d) A doctor was been sent for.

85. Ea s-a tuns.

a) She cut her hair at the hairdresser's.
b) She had her hair cut.
c) Her hair was cut at the hairdresser's.
d) Her hair had cut.

86. Nu i-au curat mnuile la spltorie.

a) They hadn't their gloves cleaned at the dry cleaner's
b) They didn't clean their gloves at the dry cleaner's.
c) They hadn't cleaned their gloves at the dry cleaner's.
d) They didn't have their gloves cleaned at the drz cleaner's

87. You _______ a sum of money by the company.

a) allotted b) have allotted
b) were been allotted d) have been allotted

88. The thief _______ by now.

a) should be caught b) was being caught
c) should have been caught d) has been caught

89. The news _______ by them all before he came home.

a) had heard b) were being heard
c) were heard d) had been heard

90. They _______ how to play the piano by the great maestro.
a) were teaching b) had taught
c) were being taught d) had been teaching

91. You can't go into the bedroom. The walls _______.

a. are painted
b. are being painted
c. were painted
d. were being painted

92. 'Did the ancient Greeks fight with guns?' 'Of course not. They _______
a. weren't being invented
b. haven't been invented
c. weren't invented
d. hadn't been invented

93. It is said that he was killed in the war.

a. It's known to have been killed in the war
b. He's known to have been killed in the war
c. It's known to be being killed in the war
d. He's known to have killed in the war
94. The Supervisor told the candidates that___________
a. they would have been given the papers soon
b. they will be given their papers soon
c. they would be given their papers soon
d. they were given their papers soon

95. Laboratorul se ncuia ca nu cumva s fure hoii ceva n timpul nopii.

a. The lab was being locked lest the thieves should steal nothing during the
b. The lab was locked lest the thieves should steal anything during the night.
c. The lab was locked lest the thieves would steal something during the


96. I should be kinder than you if I _______ a woman.

a) am b) would be
c) shall be d) were

97. We'll go skiing next winter if we _______ enough money.

a) had b) shall have
c) will have d) have

98. If I _______ the Queen, I'd have servants.

a) was b) were
c) would be d) shall be

99. What _______ you do if your baby _______ into the water?
a) should, falls b) would, falls
c) would, fell d) should, had fallen

100. If I _______ a lot of money, I _______ you.

a) find, wouldn't tell b) found, wouldn't tell
c) shall find, wouldn't tell d) found, wouldn't told

101. Dac ai fi spus adevrul, te-ar fi crezut.

a) If you spoke the truth they would believe you.
b) If you speak the truth they will believe you.
c) Had you spoken the truth they would have believed you.
d) If you had spoken the truth, they would believe you.

102. Dac a fi mai tnr, a nva s cnt la vioar, dar sunt prea btrn
a. If I'm younger, I'll learn how to play the violin, but I'm too old now.
b. If I were younger, I would learn how to play the violin, but I am being too
old now.
c. If I'm younger, I should learn how to play the violin, but I am too old now.
d. If I were younger, I would learn how to play the violin, but I'm too old

103. Dac a fi preedintele rii mele a construi mai multe spitale.

a) If I were the president of my country, I should built more hospitals.
b) Was I the president of my country, I would build more hospitals.
c) If I were being the president of my country, I would built more hospitals.
d) If I were the president of my country, I would build more hospitals.


104. Supposing water _______ poured on chloric acid, what is the reaction?
a) is b) would be
c) was d) were

105. I doubt that the manager _______ here tomorrow.

a) is b) would be
b) were d) will be

106. Study more lest you _______ the exams.

a) fail b) should fail
c) had failed d) will fail

107. He wishes he _______ the project before.

a) did b) had done
c) would do d) do

108. Mother treats me as if I _______ a little girl.

a) am b) was
c) be d) were

109. It is high time you _______ up.

a) should grow b) to grow
c) grew d) would grow

110. I suggest that they _______ punished.

a) are b) were being
c) would be d) should be

111. However intelligent he _______ he still has to study hard.

a) must be b) may be
c) should be d) be

112. The old man is drinking tea. Doesn't he wish he _______ wine?
a. is drinking
b. were drinking
c. drank
d. had drunk

113. If only ________ I taller in ten years time! Then I'll become a famous
basketball player.
a. was being
b. were
c. had been
d. would be

114. I'd much rather you _______ exactly what you think.
a. was saying
b. would have said
c. had been saying
d. said

115. Paul didn't help his friend. That's why he didn't succeed. I'd rather he
_______ him. Then he would have succeeded.
a. had helped
b. were helping
c. helped
d. was helping

116. I don't think he's going to bring his cassette recorder tomorrow. But he
talks as if he _______ to bring it.
a. would be going
b. is going
c. were going
d. had been going

117. The family have finished breakfast.

a. It's time I have washed the dishes
b. It's time I wash the dishes
c. It's time for me to wash the dishes
d. It's time I'll wash the dishes

118. Numai de a gsi cuvintele cele mai potrivite.

a. If only I could find the most suitable words.
b. If only I will find the most suitable words.
c. If only I were finding the most suitable words.
d. If only I was finding the most suitable words.

119. Prietena ei vorbete de parc nu ar ti nimic despre conferin.

a. Her friend talks as if she hadn't known anything about the conference.
b. Her friend is talking as though she didn't know anything about the
c .Her friend is talking as if she wouldn't know anything about the


120. I shall go to the cinema when I _______ work.

a) shall finish b) am finishing
c) have finished d) would finish

121. As long as you _______ what you do, you won't feel useless.
a) like b) shall like
c) have liked d) will like

122. They had scarcely left the party when I _______ my words.
a) have regretted b) had regretted
c) regretted d) was regretting

123. At last morning came, so we _______ our journey.

a) may continue b) might continue
c) can continue d) could continue

124. I wouldn't drive the car alone for fear I _______ lost.
a) got b) can get
c) should get d) have got

125. Oricine l vede rmne uimit.

a) No matter who sees him, is amazed.
b) He who sees him is amazed.
c) Whoever sees him is amazed.
d) Who sees him is amazed

126. Se crede c aici s-a dat lupta.

a) It is believed that the battle was given here.
b) It is believed that the battle was fought here.
c) They believe that the battle was taken place here.
d) We believe that the battle took place here.

127. E de mirare cum au reuit s ajung acolo.

a) It's a wonder how they managed to get there.
b) It's wonderful how they managed to get there.
c) It is to be wondered how they managed to get there.
d) It's wondering how they managed to get there.

128. Se tie c rul acesta e adnc.

a) We know that this river is deep.
b) They knew that this river is deep.
c) It is known that this river is deep.
d) It is common knowledge this river being deep.

129. As soon as the holidays _______ this beach _______ very crowded.
a. begin, will become
b. begins, will become
c. will begin, becomes
d. will begin, will become

130. I'm sure I _______ if the meeting _______ .

a. 'd be informed, would be cancelled
b. 'll be informed, will be cancelled
c. would be informed, were cancelled
d. 'll be informed, was cancelled

131. It's typical of him. He expects everyone else to do all the work.
a. It's typical of him that he might expect everyone else to do the work.
b. It's typical of him that he may expect everyone else to do all the work.
c. It's typical of him that he should expect everyone else to do all the work.
d. It's typical of him that he would expect everyone do all the work.

132. The police gave instructions that members of the public _______ not
approach the two men but _______ report to the nearest police station.
a. should/ should
b. would/ would
c. should/ would
d. would/ should

133. The colonel decided that his troop _______ at dawn.

a. should have to attack
b. shall have to attack
c. should attack
d. might have to attack


134. Niciodat nu a venit nimeni s-mi spun asta.

a) No one didn't ever come to tell me that.
b) Anybody never came to tell me that.
c) Somebody didn't never come to tell me that.
d) No one ever came to tell me that.

135. S-a dus acas s studieze.

a) She went home for study.
b) She went home studying.
c) She went home for to study.
d) She went home to study.

136. S-a anunat c ajunseser n inuturile arctice.

a) They were reported to reach the arctic regions.
b) They were reported to reaching the arctic regions.
c) They were reported to have reached the arctic regions.
d) They were reported to have been reaching the arctic regions.

137. ntotdeauna m faci s rd!

a) You always make me to laugh!
b) You always make me laughing!
c) You always make me laugh!
d) You always make me be laughed!

138. Din ntmplare tie englezete.

a) By chance he knows English.
b) It happens him to know English.
c) He happens to know English.
d) He chanced to know English.

139. Am terminat de scris scrisoarea.

a) I finished to write the letter.
b) I have finished to write the letter.
c) I have finished writing the letter.
d) I finished having written the letter.

140. Faptul c a ntrziat a fost comentat.

a) The fact that she was late was remarked.
b) That she was late was remarked upon.
c) Her being late was remarked upon.
d) She being late was remarked.

141. Nu are rost s ne ducem de pe acum la culcare.

a) It's no use we go to bed yet.
b) It's no use our going to bed yet.
c) It's no use us going to bed yet.
d) It's no use we going to bed yet.

142. Mi-am adus aminte s m duc la Emilia.

a) I reminded to go to Emily.
b) I reminded going to Emily.
c) I remembered to go to Emily.
d) I remembered going to Emily.

143. He had no sooner put down the receiver with a sigh of relief than the
phone rang.
a. No sooner he had put the receiver down with a sigh of relief than the
phone did ring.
b. No sooner had he put down the receiver with a sigh of relief when the
phone rang.
c. No sooner had he put down the receiver with a sigh of relief than the
telephone rang.

144. The teacher explained the point a second time, but not even then
_______ .
a. they did understand.
b. did they have to understand.
c. did everyone understand
d. had everyone understood.

145. You know I hate _______ you, but as much as I'd like _______ out
this evening, I have to finish _______ this room.
a. disappointing/ to go/ decorating
b. being disapponted/ going/ decorating
c. disappointing/ going/ decorating
d. disapponting/ to go/ to decorate

146. She can't bear _______ alone in the dark, _______ accustomed as a
child to _______ a light on all night.
a. being left/ being/ having
b. to be left/ having been/ having
c. being left/ having been/ having
d. being left/ having been/ have

147. I can well understand _______ unwilling _______ on him after

_______ you down on a previous occasion.
a. your being/ to rely/ his letting
b. your being/ relying/ his letting
c. your being/ rely/ to let
d. you being/ to rely/ let

148. He said he would be late again this evening _______ ?

a. did he?
b. didn't he?
c. wouldn't he?
d. would he?

149. I'm making rather a lot of mistakes, _______ ?

a. are I?
b. am I?
c. aren't I?
d. am I not?

150. There wasn't enough time, _______ ?

a. wasn't there?
b. was it?
c. wasn't it?
d. was there?

151. Ann hasn't got a colour TV, _______ ?

a. hasn't she?
b. has she?
c. doesn't she?
d. does she?

152. Peter hardly ever goes to parties, _______ ?

a. does he?
b. isn't it?
c. doesn't he
d. will he?

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