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W_GeoSoft / Geo2X Informations

First of all, you must convert your seismograph file format to SU format. You
must know your seismograph file type.

Recent seismograph use SEG2 or SEG-Y format. For older recorder you will find the
most used format. If you don't find the good one, call us or better mail a copy of your
file. We can read all files, if we have the file structure. Usually recorder manual
provides such information.

Just click on the corresponding button and then press on CONVERT button. Another
one panel will be displayed. Click on INFO button for more details. For some
modules, you must have to enter the number of samples per trace, the number of
trace per record and the number of records and the sample rate (1024) in
microseconds (100).

Record to convert must have increasing numbers: FILE01.DAT, FILE02.DAT,

FILE03.DAT, the same number of sample, sample rate and trace/record.

SEG-Y file structure

Trace data size is number of samples x 4

File headers
3200 bytes text header (EBCDIC)
400 bytes binary header

Seismic traces 1
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

Seismic traces 2
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

Seismic traces 3
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

Seismic traces 1
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

Seismic traces 2
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

Seismic traces 3
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

SU file structure
Trace data size is number of samples x 4

Seismic traces 1
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

Seismic traces 2
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

Seismic traces 3
240 bytes trace header
seismic trace data

All information about traces are recorded into the 240 bytes header as WORDS:
shot location x, y, z, receiver location, number of sample, sample rate..
Header words con be short or long integers (4 bytes). Header words can be found in
Visual SUNT manual

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