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| Gamers Lived Experiences


Goddess Wells L. Batadlan

Kimberly Kate F. Bautista

Jimmy Faizal A. Andang

Chelsea Joreyle D. Buhat

Noela Theresa N. Tan

Angielou S. Asunto

Sandra T. Abdullah

General Santos Doctors Medical School Foundation, Inc.

ii | Gamers Lived Experiences


The research paper is made possible through the help and support of the important

persons. It is fuelled by the full determination and teamwork of the researchers to achieve

the goal and also including: The financial support from the researchers parents, the

patience of the researchers teachers, the moral support from the co-researchers and

friends, and also by the help of the participation and willingness of the respondents.

First and foremost, the researchers would really like to thank God for His

unconditional guidance and wisdom throughout the research.

Second, the researchers would hereby like to express their profound sense of

gratitude to their Research Instructor, Ms. Ester Rodulfa RN, MAN, MM, whose

expertise, understanding, encouragement and knowledge that were generously shared;

The researchers dedicate this research to their parents and teachers, who

supported all the way. They earnestly feel that without their inspiration, guidance and

dedication, they would not be able to pass through the rigorous process of the research.

Table of Contents

Contents Page

Title Page i

Acknowledgement ......... ii

Table of Contents ...iii

3 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

List of Figures .... v

List of Appendices .vi

Introduction .... 1

Statement of the Problem .. 2

The Lived Experiences of teenage Computer Gamers .. 2

Research Design ............................................................................................. 5

Sampling/Procedure Design . 5

Rigour . 6

Bioethical Consideration .....6

Research Protocol .. .7

Data Collection and Analysis .....8

Figure 1 :.10

Figure 2 :.......11

Figure 3 : ......12

Results and Discussion ..13

Insight/ Implication ...21

Bibliography .....22
4 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Appendix A .......28

Appendix B ........29

Appendix C .... ...30

Appendix D ............31

Appendix E .........33

Curriculum Vitae .35

List of Figures


1 The Lived Experiences of Teenage Computer Gamers 10

2 The Advantages of Being a Computer Gamer 11

3 The Disadvantages of Being a Computer Gamers 12

5 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

List of Appendices


A Letter to the Validators 28

B Validation Sheet 29

C Questionnaire 30

D Consent Form 31

E Analysis of Interview Results 33


The Problem and Its Setting

There is an increasing number of computer gamers who stay longer than

necessary in front of the computers. They spend an excessive time just playing different

computer games. Instead of engaging themselves on the real world, they are trap on their
6 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

so-called virtual world. They are being criticized by the older persons as being

unproductive and useless. They are also being stereotyped as addicts. However, when

they were asked about computer gaming, they would reply about the positive

consequences of their action. They said that computer gaming gives them satisfaction

More than 1.2 billion people are playing games worldwide according to a

state of the industry report by Spil Games. Of those, about 700 million play online

games. That amounts to 44% of the worlds online population according to comScore

data cited by Spill Games (Takahashi, 2013). According to an NCBI study (date),

Surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated prevalence rate of computer

addiction between 1.5% and 8.2%. (Date) Recent data from South Korea and China

points not only to a high prevalence of Internet addiction, but also to significant public

health consequences. This could have been due to withdrawal symptoms, depression,

obsessive-symptoms, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, and/or other issues. In the

Philippines, NIKO (stands for) Media Research (2014) projected the number of PC

Gamers rose from 21 million in 2012 to 28.72 million in 2014.

Parents made efforts to solve computer habits, some of these involve taking

the computer away as a form of punishment, establishing clear boundaries for limited

Internet usage, and introducing alternative activities like sports, outdoor games and etc.

In Internet cafes, there are policies being set where teenagers below 18 years old arent

allowed to enter the computer shops during class hours. Some shops also implemented

that only educational websites and programs are allowed to access for teenagers, online

games are prohibited. However, this issue remains unsolved because there are still many
7 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

teenagers who are hook to computer games. They insist about the positive effects of

computer gaming.

Due to the foregoing situation, the researchers find it important to determine

the lived experiences of teenage computer gamers. This study will enable the community

to gain awareness and develop strategies to prevent computer addiction. This can help in

finding ways to manage the computer habits of these teenagers.

Statement of the problem

The study aims to determine the lived experiences of teenage computer

gamers. Specifically, the study aims to answer the research question:

What are the lived experiences of a teenage computer gamer?

The Lived Experiences of Teenage Computer Gamers

There are number of approaches accessing into computer gamers and their

experiences. The studies mostly discuss about the gamers addiction towards computer

games. One study (Kuss, D., 2013) provides an insight into current perspective on

internet gaming addiction using a holistic approach, taking consideration the mass appeal

of online games, the context of internet gaming addiction, and associated neuroimaging

findings. A study conducted by Muhammad, H., Zufadli, Y., Zulkarnaez, Z., Dinhi, F.,

and Shamsul, N. talked about the effects of online game; the gamers health issues, the

inconsistent emotional reaction during playing online games and reality versus fantasy

realization that is shown due to reduction of social interaction which eventually affect the

gamers relationship with others.

8 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Another research was conducted by (Pellis & Pellis , 2007) a neuroscientific

research with rats suggests specific brain mechanism that help explain how play fighting

in particular leads to the development of social competence. In addition to several unique

factors, the same emotional themes identified in childrens play experiences in general

(e.g. dominance, nurturance, anxiety and growth) are explored in video games, allowing

for important cognitive, emotional, and social competencies to be acquired. Also a recent

research has revealed a number of other positive and negative consequences of video

game play, such as beneficial effects of prosocial on helping (Greitemey & Osswald,

2010), positive effect of action games on visual- spatial skills (Green & Bavelier, 2007),

harmful effects of fast paced games on cognitive control (Bailey, West and Anderson.

2010), and the phenomenon of video game addiction (Gentile et.al., 2011).

There are also encouraging signs that game playing can actually benefit school

performance. For example, the Pillay (2003) study found signs that: playing

recreational computer games may influence childrens performance on subsequent

computer-based educational tasks. However, the extent of this influence depended on the

types of games played during the learning phase. Linear cause-and-effect games tended

to encourage meansend analysis strategy, whereas adventure games encouraged

inferential and proactive thinking. (Pillay 2003, page 336)

Computer games have been particularly effective in raising achievement levels of

both children and adults in areas such as maths and language, where specific objectives

can easily be stated (Randel et al. 1992), and have been used to support National

Curriculum learning (Kirriemuir 2002). Information-processing educational game

components that have been designed to imitate popular computer games have been found
9 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

to help poor readers to make significant learning gains, with the greatest improvement

shown by the poorest readers (Schwartz 1988) and resource-deprived learners

(Herselman 1999).

From the studies collected, the important points the researchers took consider

were the effects of computer gaming towards the daily experiences of the gamers. Some

studies discussed about the negative effects of computer gaming but some researchers

supported computer gaming like how it can help the gamers in academics. The literatures

are related to the researchers study as to describing the lived experiences of computer

gamers and the advantages and disadvantages of computer gaming. The literatures can be

a helpful source for the researchers to further understand the phenomenon under study.


Research Design

The researchers utilized a qualitative research design. In the handbook of

qualitative research Denzin and Lincoln (2005) describe qualitative research as involving
10 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

an interpretive naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative

researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret

phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. (p. 3). The research design

applied was phenomenological method. A phenomenology is a study that attempts to

understand people's perceptions, perspectives and understandings of a particular situation

(or phenomenon). In data collecting, the researchers utilized in-depth interview which

proceeds as a confidential and secure conversation between an interviewer and a

respondent to explore the experiences and perception of the participant. The method of

data analysis was purely inductive or grounded method wherein codes were being

developed line by line. This study was done through an iterative process.

Sampling Procedure/Design

The researchers adapted a snowball design, a non-probability sampling procedure

that required of selection of participants based on the characteristics of the population of

interest. The informants were asked to refer another participant who meets eligibility

criteria. It is the best for the study for the researchers to easily to gather participants and

to have uniform characteristics. The recruitment was done on the month of February

2017. The informants of the study were composed of teenage computer gamers who are

living at General Santos City with the inclusion criteria are the following: 1.) Age 13 to

19 years old 2.) Willingness to participate in the study 3.) Have parents consent 4.)

Residents of General Santos City. The exclusion criteria are the following: 1.) below 13

and above 19 years old 2.) Not willing to participate in the study 3.) Do not have parent s

consent 4.) Not residents of General Santos City.

11 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences


The researchers had set aside their assumptions and emotions while conducting

and gathering data for the study to limit the researchers bias of the phenomenon. The

researchers used a recording device to record all statements of the participants and noted

all of the important information that had been given. The researchers also applied the

iterative process. They used a semi-structured questionnaire that was validated by the

professionals. The questions abled to measure the objectives of the researchthe

computer gamers feelings and daily routines, also the advantages and disadvantages of

computer gaming. The study was able to reduce the bias by applying bracketing,

establishing rapport and validating the questionnaire.

Bioethical Consideration

The participants on the study entitled The Lived Experiences of Teenage

Computer Gamers was been told about the purpose of the study, what will happen while

conducting the study and has been assured that all of the data collected from them will be

coded to protect their identity and privacy. In addition to this the participants were given

a parents consent to inform their parents that they will be used as participants in the said

study. The researchers should assure that their participants will be free from any harm and

discomfort. Participants and researchers should keep from being harm and liabilities.

Also, participants have the right to refuse to any decisions of the researchers whenever

they want to.

Researchers should always respect the dignity of the participants especially when

the participants dont want to participate anymore in the study. Researchers should treat
12 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

the informants fairly. The identity of the participants will be strictly confidential and

should not be revealed to anyone except the researchers without the consent of the said

participants. Researchers will be the one whos in charge of the participants identity and

make sure that the participants will not be harmed or abused during and after

participating in the said study.

Research Protocol

The objective of the study is to describe the lived experiences of teenage

computer gamers. The research will determine their daily routines as computer gamers,

as well as the advantages and disadvantages of computer gaming. It will also elaborate

how the computer gaming can affect the teenage lives of these computer gamers.

The samples will be the teenage computer gamers aging from 13 to 19 years old

who engage their time playing computer games for 5 or more hours. The gamers should

have consent from their parents and are interested to participate in the study. Exclusion

criteria include computer gamers who are less than 13 years old and above 19 years old,

teenagers who play for less than 5 hours, not interested to participate and dont have

consent from their parents.

Data Collection and Analysis

The researchers developed four major themes for the lived experiences of teenage

computer gamers. These include the self-perception, enjoyment and excitement, love and

hate relationship and societal perception. The results are shown under the Figure 1. The
13 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

researchers were able to formulate five major themes for the advantages of being a

computer gamer. These include the communication skills, critical thinking, computer

skills, social interaction and earning money. The results are shown in the Figure 2 below.

The researchers articulated five major themes for the disadvantages of being a computer

gamer. These include the family issues, health problems, bad peer influence, chaos and

poor school performance. The results are shown in the Figure 3 below.

Phase 1: Bracketing

The researchers suspended their preconceived ideas, beliefs, opinions and

judgments about the natural world of computer gaming to limit the researchers bias of

the phenomenon and to instead focus on analysis of the experiences of computer gamers.

Phase 2: Immersion

Before starting the interview, the researchers have introduced themselves to the

informants and informed them about the purposes and benefits of the study. They

established rapport towards the informants for them to feel comfortable and open while

participating on the study.

Phase 3: Intuiting

The researchers focused all awareness and energy on the subjects. They are open

to meanings attributed to the phenomenon. They have also set their absolute
14 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

concentration and complete absorption of the study. They transcribed verbatim about the

answers given by the respondents.

Phase 4: Data Reduction

The researchers read the transcripts over and over. They were able to simplify the

large amount of data from the interview and from the respondents. They have culled out

the significant information so the data will be organized and somehow meaningfully

reduced or reconfigured.

Phase 5: Analyzing and Describing

The researchers clustered the significant meanings of the data given in order to

formulate the major themes and sub themes. They were able to define and interpret the

meanings of the phenomenon under study through the process of coding.

Phase 6: Validation

The researchers went back to the respondents to validate the themes to be proven

true and valid.

Figure 1: The Lived Experiences of Teenage Computer Gamers

Physical Endurance
15 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Confident on Problem
solving, strategies, and
decision making
Game strategies

Virtual Battle

Figure 1: The Lived Experiences of Teenage Computer Gamers

16 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Enjoyment and Aggression

Figure 2: The Advantages of Being a Computer Gamer
Thrill to face-to-face
Happy Yet ICT
Love & Hate
Acceptance, teamwork
Decision Software
and family spirit
Making Problem
Lack of Time &
Computer Skills
Critical Thinking Misunderstanding
Societal Perception

Fellow Gamers Respect

Independent & Skilful
Social Interaction

Communication Skills
Addict Gather Friends Gain respect from
Stereotyping peers
Earning Money

English Skills

Tournament & Bets

Figure 1: The Lived Experiences of Teenage Computer Gamers

17 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Figure 3: The Disadvantages of Being a Computer Gamer

Lack of Sleep

Health Problems
Poor School Performance
Exposure to Radiation

Cutting Classes Low Grades

grades Lack of Quality Time
Unhealthy and Destructive
Family Issues Criterion

Dishonest & Disobedience

Physical Fight

Bad Peer Influence

Foul Words Inappropriate Hand Signals

Acceptance, teamwork
Lack of Time & and family spirit
Societal Perception Love & Hate
Community Misunderstanding
Fellow Gamers AcceptanceFriends
Stereotyping Relationship
Family Respect
Figure 1: The Lived Experiences of Teenage Computer Gamers
18 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Results and Discussion

The informants aged from 13 to 19 years old who engage their time on computer

games were asked about the lived experiences as a teenage computer gamer. The

researchers were able to cull out the significant information through face to face

interview. This leads to the four major themes and sub themes that describe the lived

experiences of teenage computer gamers. The table 1 below shows the code structure of

the lived experiences of teenage computer gamers. The self- perception, they can endure

any pain while playing computer because with computer gaming, they can gain

confidence in problem solving, making strategies and decision making. The societal

perception, in community or family, they have been stereotyped as useless and addict

without knowing their sides, while on their fellow gamers they are being accepted and

respected. The enjoyment and excitement, they feel the enjoyment and excitement while

playing especially in virtual battles and they develop the feeling of aggression that makes

them more excited in face to face fighting. Lastly, the love and hate relationship, they

were able to develop teamwork and bond towards their friends but they are being judged

and scolded by their family.


mafeel nako siyempre habang ga dula ko sakit akong kamot.

tapos gutom dili ko ka makakaon kay siyempre computer lagi.

tulad ng ano maka experience pud ka ug sakit sa lawas
Sadia Vanjara is a physical therapist. She says that the number of young

children with chronic pain in their necks, arms and shoulders is on the rise. Dr.

Vanjara says the pain is not from aging, accidents or disease. It is from poor

posture, or body position, while playing video games.

19 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Societal Perception

sa my experience about computer gaming siyempre minsan gina stereotype


mga tao na uy adik ka so ganoon. Oo they cant understand us na bakit

Michael Atkison, former South Australian Attorney-General, has made

public his views about games and gamers during his push to block an R18+

classification for video games, referring to the games as terrorist simulators and

going even further, stating that his family was more at risk from gamers than we

are from the outlaw motorcycle gangs who also hate me. But its not only Mr

Atkinson that has this view of Gamers

Enjoyment and Excitement

sa computer games man gud enjoyment tapos mabuhat nimo tanan

happy ko siyempre makapildi ko sa ilaha mas angat gud ko sa ilaha

sa emotional pud kay maka happy kayo ing ana na feeling ambot di ko kabalo

basta happy

The effect of violent video games appears to be cognitive in nature. In the

short term, playing a violent video game appears to affect aggression by priming

aggressive thoughts. Longer-term effects are likely to be longer lasting as well, as

the player learns and practices new aggression-related scripts that become more

and more accessible for use when real-life conflict situations arise.

Love and Hate Relationship

sa dula oh oo ay sa mga good experiences madami kang mga kaibigan

20 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

daghan ug, daghan advantages kagaya tong maka gain ka ug friendship.

ako yung pinagalitan ako pinahiya ako sa labas ng bahay ganoon

sa family makatuon naka sukol sa ilaha kay ginabawalan ka nila

tapos sa family medyo murag wala na gud kay time may dula naman pud mi

Brigham Young University undergrad Alex Jensen and his faculty mentor,

Laura Walker, publish their results Jan. 23 in the Journal of Youth and

Adolescence. The research is based on information collected from 813 college

students around the country. As the amount of time playing video games went up,

the quality of relationships with peers and parents went down.

The informants aged from 13 to 19 years old who play 5 or more hours in

front of computer were asked about the advantages of being a computer gamer.

With the important information given by the informants, the researchers were able

to develop five major themes specifically: Computer skills, the gamers are experts

when it comes to computers. They know lot of things concerning the computer

programs like editing and etc. Communication skills, their skills in

communicating are improved because they are able to engage in different people

in gaming. Critical thinking, with computer gaming they are more expose to

decision making and problem solving thus can help in their real life situations.

Social interaction, they are able to meet a lot of people, not just locally but

nationally and internationally. Earning money, they gain large amount of money

just by computer gaming through tournaments and bets.

Computer Skills
21 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

sa ano ga excel pud ko sa pag type

ay oo sa ICT didto jud ang akong forte jud

Video games equip children with state-of-the art technology. This may

help overcome technophobia (a condition well-known among many adults). Over

time it may also help eliminate gender imbalance in IT use (as males tend to be

more avid IT users).

Communication Skills

doon ako maka learn mag English tapos paano mag communicate in terms of ano

ganon mas nagging propitiate ako ng grammar building structures.

sa computer gaming actually sa school mag English dati

ang kalaban minsan taga ibang bansa so kung mag trashtalk ka dapat English

Videogame play being able to facilitate (i) discussing and sharing, (ii)

following directions (understanding prepositions etc.), (iii) giving directions, (iv)

answering questions, and (v) having a discussion topic with visual aides to share

with others.

Critical Thinking

sunod maka gain ka ng knowledge ug diskarte

kay kung magdula man ka kay kailangan gyud nang diskarte kagaya gud sap ag

hanap buhay

na maka add siya sa critical analysis ng isang tao na cognitive aspects

On the other hand, there are encouraging signs that game playing can

actually benefit school performance. For example, the Pillay (2003) study found
22 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

signs that: playing recreational computer games may influence childrens

performance on subsequent computer-based educational tasks. However, the

extent of this influence depended on the types of games played during the

learning phase. Linear cause-and-effect games tended to encourage meansend

analysis strategy, whereas adventure games encouraged inferential and proactive

thinking. (Pillay 2003, page 336)

Social Interaction

uhmm sa friends maging close jud mo ana kay sa dula man sad kanang basta

basta parehas sa dota.

mas damo ka makaila

computer gaming especially sa onling game siguro maka meet man kayo ng mga

Americans, Russian mga outside

When games were played in the groups there was a remarkably high level

of interaction and cooperation during the game playing. (Susan Young and Keys


Earning Money

yang mga P30, P40 gamay lang madaugan

maximum mga P1500 sa easy game
yong sa tournament kasi either bayad ka ng registration pero meron kang

consolation prize except sa pusta yung mga ganon. Range of 500 to 2000 yung

According to the article published by Jurica Dujmovic, millennial kids can

earn $10,000 a month playing video games.

23 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

The informants aged from 13 to 19 years old who play 5 or more hours in

front of computer were asked about the disadvantages of being a computer gamer.

The informants were able to share enough data needed by the researchers that

assist them to develop five major themes of the disadvantages of a teenage

computer gamer specifically: Family issues, they loss spending quality time with

their family, they have been criticize as useless and they also learn to be dishonest

and disobedient. Health problems, it includes the lack of sleep and too much

exposure in radiation. Bad peer influence, they were able to learn inappropriate

hand signs and foul words. Chaos, they are engage in face to face physical fights.

Poor school performance, they engage themselves on cutting classes just to play

computer games and because of that they get low grades in school.

Family Issues

ginakasab an usahay pag gabi na mu ulli

kasab an ko kay sige rag dula ing ana kay wala naman kay gibuhat sa balay

tapos family gamay nalang ang ma bonding

karon kay kung maglaag sila kay di nako ka uban

If the adolescent is spending more time playing video games then there is

less time for the parents and siblings of the adolescent to communicate with him

or her. In this instance, the adolescents choice to play more video games may

have affected the entire family system. As a result, communication with family

members may drop, as the data suggests. (Redmond, D., 2010)

Health Problems

ana ng sa mata pud medyo ga blur na ako mga panan aw dahil sa sige
24 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

ano radiation expose na dahil sa sige ano sa ano

so mao to sakit sa mata karang ano jud ga blurred gyud siya intawon

oo sa health kulang sa tulog 1:00 AM

mga karanasan nako siyempre ano dira kay siyempre puyat

We found various materials on the impact of frequent gaming on young

peoples health. Players have complained of eyestrain, headaches, chest pain,

fatigue and mood swings (Tazawa et al. 1997). This is compatible with findings

that where game play causes sleep deprivation it is also associated with black

rings under the eyes and muscle stiffness in the shoulder (Tazawa and Okada


Bad Peer Influence

makagawa ka ng masama, maka suntok ka makasakit ka ng isang tao mga


mga kaibigan nasangot sa gulo tulad ng mga masama ang tawag sa amin tun-og

tapos barkada mga ano mga 8 pako nag start na mainpluwensyahan sa barkada

tulad ng makipag trashtalk, makipagfriend, makipag away

According to the study Toxicity Detection in Multiplayer Online Games

by Marcus Martens , Siqi Shen, Alexandru Iosup and Fernando Kuipers, the

communication channels that were meant to coordinate the team effort can then

be used to verbally assault other players, often by using profane terms and heavy


25 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

masali man kami nag rumble na kami sa loob nung mga taga Notre Dame

marami maraming kaaway mga makasuntukan ng mga ganyan gud

usahay gani mag dinungabanay pa gani

The American Psychological Association concluded while there was "no

single risk factor" to blame for aggression, violent video games did contribute.

"The research demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video game use

and increases in aggressive behaviour, aggressive cognitions and aggressive

affect, and decreases in pro-social behaviour, empathy and sensitivity to

aggression," said the report." It is the accumulation of risk factors that tends to

lead to aggressive or violent behaviour. The research reviewed here demonstrates

that violent video game use is one such risk factor."

Poor School Performance

usahay ga cutting ga dula ug internet

na mga bagay gud atom aka cutting class ko

maapektuhan imong grado ing ana problema na gud

nawala sa isip ko ang pag-study tapos wala man sanay naman sila na bagsak


Frequent gaming reduces the time available for homework, which can

negatively affect academic performance (Roe and Muijs 1998). It has been found

that academically unsuccessful boys spend more time playing video games (3

hours or more at a time) than their high-achieving peers (Benton 1995; Colwell et

al. 1995). Frequent playing of video games may encourage a preference for iconic

representation, while instant gratification

26 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences


The researchers found out and realized that teenage computer gamers are not just

computer gamers but they also have their own different stories. They are just like many

others that need to be understood. Their experiences have ups and downs. The researchers

found out that being a gamer can be both challenging and meaningful. From the results,

the researchers found out that their lived experiences are happy yet misunderstood by

others. They got lots of great experiences to share but they cant help to feel bad when

they are being misunderstood by the society.

Actually, there are good benefits or advantages of being a computer gamer. They

become more independent and skilful. With computer gaming, they learn lot of things

that enhance themselves as a person but too much playing can lead to serious problems

that are unhealthy and destructive like the health concerns. But when their gaming habit

is controlled, they will be able to minimize these problems.

From the results, the researchers realized that there is no need to stop suddenly the

teenagers in playing computer games just because they engage too much time on it. The

best thing to do to avoid too much playing computer games and avoid computer addiction

is that the parents should be there to guide their children in what is the right thing to do.

The parents will be the one to support them and guide them especially on playing

computer games. They should be the one to discipline their children. To avoid the

problem of rapidly increasing computer addicts, the solution starts at home and that is the

guidance of the parents or family.

27 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

This study will benefit the teenager computer games as to minimizing the

unhealthy habits of playing computer and as to lessening the rapid growth of computer

game addiction among teenagers. They'll be motivated to engage themselves more on

productive activities. This can lessen the concern and worry of the parents regarding the

affected teenagers. This will give them an idea to guide and help these teenagers to a

brighter path. It will alarm the school administrators regarding the computer gaming issue

thus they will implement school rules and regulations concerning the problem. The

Department of Education will gain awareness about the computer gamers and will

conduct certain programs and organizations that may help these teenagers. This can also

resolve the problem concerning health, family, social, psychological and etc. It can assess

the future researches wholl conduct a study that is related to computer gaming. Also this

will give contribution to the society as to spreading awareness to prevent the rapid growth

of computer game addiction and to find ways to minimize the teenagers habit of playing

computer games on lengthy hours.


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33 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Letter to the Validators

General Santos Doctors Medical School Foundation Inc.

Bulaong, General Santos City, Philippines

To whom it may concern,

We are conducting a research entitled The Lived Experiences of Teenage Computer

Gamers as a course requirement. With your expertise, we humbly ask for permission to
validate the attached questionnaire. We believe that your valuable observation and
experiences will help along the way in improvement of knowledge in the academe.
Attached here are the draft of the said questionnaire and the validation tool. We are
looking forward that our request would merit your positive response.

Thank you and more power.

Respectfully Yours,

Goddess Wells Batadlan

Group Leader

Noted by:

Ms Ester Rodulfa, RN, MAN

34 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences


Validation Sheet

Content validity tool for semi-structured Questionnaire

This instrument is designed to describe the

Please Indicate your answer with each statement by circling a number from 1-5

4-Very Good

Criteria for Evaluation Rating

1.Clarity of items 1 2 3 4
The questions are presented in a manner that is clear and
comprehensible. Not confusing.
2. Relevance of the items 1 2 3 4
The questions are appropriate to determine the variables
being measured.
3. Adequateness of items 1 2 3 4
The number of questions is enough to answer the need for
the research.
4. Objectivity of the items 1 2 3 4
The questions being asked do not suggest bias on the part
of the researcher?
5. Attainment of the purpose 1 2 3 4
The instrument as a whole fulfils the goal to which it was

35 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences


Semi-structured Questionnaire
What are the lived experiences of teenage computer gamers?
(Anu-ano ang mga karanasan sa buhay ng mga manlalaro ng kompyuter?)
1.) What are your experiences as a computer gamer? (Anu-ano ang mga karanasan
mo bilang isang manlalaro?)
Possible Answers/Probing Guide:

Physical (Pisikal)- What are your physical experiences when playing

computer games? ( Anu-ano ang iyong mga pisikal na karanasan habang
naglalaro ng kompyuter?)
Emotional (Emosyonal)- What do you feel while playing the game? (Ano ang
nararamdaman mo habang naglalaro?)
Social (Sosyal)- Describe your relationship with your family, friends and co-
gamers? (Ilarawan mo ang relasyon mo sa iyong pamilya, kaibigan at kapwa
Mental (Isip)- What are your thoughts while playing the game? (Anu-ano ang
iyong mga iniisip habang naglalaro?)
2.) What are the advantages of being a computer gamer? (Anu-ano ang mga
magagandang naidulot ng pagiging manlalaro ng computer?)
Possible Answers/Probing Guide:

Computer skills (Kahusayan sa paglalaro)- Where do you excel? (Saang

bagay ka magaling?)
Money Involvement (Pakikisangkot ng Pera)- How do you benefit from
playing? (Paano ka nakakabenepisyo sa iyong paglalaro?)
3.) What are the disadvantages of being a computer gamer? (Anu-ano ang mga
masasamang naidulot ng pagiging manlalaro ng kompyuter?)
Possible Answers/ Probing Guide:
Health Problems (Problema sa Kalusugan)- What time do you sleep?
(Anong oras ka natutulog?)
Lack of Family Time (Kawalan ng oras sa pmailya)- How often do you go
out with your family? (Gaano kadalas ka lumalabas kasama ang iyong
Involvement in School ( Iskwela)- Hows your performance in school?
(Kamusta ang marka mo sa iskwela?)
36 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences


Consent Form


BulaongSubd., Barangay West, General Santos City
Tel No.: (083) 302-3507
Fax No.: (083) 552-9793

The Lived Experiences of Teenage Computer Gamers

(Parents Consent)

To Mr./Ms. ____________

Your child has been invited to join a research study about the lived experiences of
teenage computer gamers. Please take whatever time you need to discuss the study with
your family and friends, or anyone else you wish to. The decision to let you child join, or
not to join, is up to you. In this research study, we are going to describe the lived
experiences of the teenage computer gamers. This study is done to gain awareness and
develop prevention strategies against the computer addiction. This can help in finding
ways to stop the unhealthy habits of the teenagers who spend excessive time on computer
games instead of engaging themselves to productive activities.

Your child will be asked to answer some questions relating to their experiences as
computer gamers. He/she will be having a one-on-one interview with us. We think that
this will take him/her less or more than an hour.
37 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

This study will benefit the teenagers as to stopping the unhealthy habit of playing
computer games for 5 hours or more and as to lessening the rapid growth of computer
game addiction among teenagers .They'll be motivated to engage themselves more on
productive activities.

Your childs name will not be used when data from this study are published.
Every effort will be made to keep research records, and other personal information
confidential. We will take the following steps to keep information confidential, and to
protect it from unauthorized disclosure, tampering, or damage

Participation in this study is voluntary. Your child has the right not to participate
at all or to leave the study at any time. Deciding not to participate or choosing to leave
the study will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which your child is entitled.

Call 09399426929, if you have questions about the study, any problems, if your child
experiences any unexpected physical or psychological discomforts, any injuries, or think
that something unusual or unexpected is happening.

As parent or legal guardian, I authorize _________________________________ (childs

name) to become a participant in the research study described in this form.

Parent or Legal Guardians Signature Date:


Sincerely Yours,
Goddess Wells Batadlan
Group Leader
38 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences


Analysis of Interview Results


1. What are your P1.2: Status ko pag Self- Physical
experiences as lalaro pero minsan pag perception Endurance
a computer sobrahan syempre Confident on
gamer? migraine Problem solving
P2.2: Kung mag dula strategies, &
mang ugat atong kamot decision making
uhmm, pasmo tapos
ano karang medyo mag
kubal imo diri oh.
P3.2: So mao to sakit Enjoyment Virtual Battle
sa mata karang ano jud and o Game Strategies
wala man ga blurred excitement Thrill to face
gyud siya intawon. fight
P4.2: Mga karanasan o Aggression
nako siyempre una dira
kay siyempre puyat.
P5.2: Usahay walay Love & Friends
kaon kay sige rag dula Hate o Acceptance,
Relationshi teamwork &
p family spirit
o Lack of time &
39 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences


Societal Fellow gamers

Perception o Respect and
o Stereotyping
2. What are the P1.2: Naka add siya sa Communica English skills
advantages of critical analysis ng tion skills
being a isang tao na cognitive
computer aspects. Earning Tournament &
gamer? P2.2: Ah, una kay money bets
teamwork man.
P3.2:Oo, benifits pud Social Gather friends
na maka kwarta pud ka Interaction Gain respect from
dira peers
P4.2:Oo eh. Ano man
once na madaog ka Software
murag gina respect gud ICT
ka nila.
P5.2:Ay oo. ICT ay
Critical Problem Solving
dira oo didto jud ang
akong fort jud Thinking Decision making

3. What are the P1.2: Usahay gani mag Health Exposure

Disadvantages dinung gabanay pa gani. problems Radiation
of being a P2.2: Kasaban ka kay
sige rag dula ingnan kag Poor school Lack of sleep
wala man kay gibuhat sa performance Low grades
gamer? balay uy. Cutting
P3.2: Disadvantage, classes
uhmm parehas sa imong Chaos
family wala na kaayoy
time. Physical
P4.2: Nawala sa isip ko
Bad peer fight
ang pag study tapos wala Foul words
man sanay naman sila na
bagsak ko.
Family Inappropriate
P5.2: Mga tao na Uy
adik ka so ganon. Oo issues hand signals
they cant understand us
na bakit. Dishonest &
40 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

k of

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details:

Name: Goddess Wells L. Batadlan

Address: Bombil Ext. Cahilsot Village Calumpang

Mobile Number: 09399426929

Birth Date: April 28, 2000

E-mail: goddesswellsbatadlan@ymail.com

Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino


2003-2012: Banisil Central Elementary School

2012-2015: General Santos City National High School

2015-2016: Passionist Sisters School

41 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

2011-2012: Valedictorian of Banisil Central Elementary School

2011-2012: Best in Science, Best in Filipino, and Best in A.P

2012: English Quiz Bee Champion in General Santos City National High School

2012-2015: 2nd honors of General Santos City National High Schools Science
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Curriculum

2012-2015: Best in English and Best in Science

2016-2017: 1st Honors of Passionist Sisters School

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Noela Theressa N. Tan

Address: Purok 12, Phase Aklinan 5 Brgy. Mabuhay G.S.C.

Mobile Number: 09462406659

Birth Date: February 26, 2000


Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Education :

2011-2012 Mabuhay elementary school

2015-2016 General Santos City SPED Integrated Schoo


2011-2012: With honors Grade 6 in Mabuhay Elem. School, Girl Scout of the Year, Band
Member of the Year.

2012: Grade 7 Music Smart and Word Smart.

42 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

2013: Grade 8 Word Smart and Number Smart, Chef of the year.

2015: Word Smart , Nature smart and Number Smart Grade 9

2015-2016: Junior High Achiever in Over All rank, Nature smart ,

Outstanding student.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details:

Name: Kimberly Kate F. Bautista

Address: Prk. 1 Katangawan, general Santos City, Mindanao, Philippines

Mobile Number: 09125069907

Birth Date: November 29, 1999

E-mail: kimkatebautista_29@gmail.com

Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino


2003-2006: City Alliance Church and Pre-school

2006-2012: West Central Elementary School


2012-2016: with Honors in Junior High

43 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences
44 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details:

Name: Sandra T. Abdullah

Address: Purok Malakas Brgy. San Isidro

Mobile Number: 09366311354

Birth Date: June 24, 1999

E-mail: Sandraabdullah@yahoo.com

Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino


2003-2012: Bandiangon Elementary School

2012-2013: New Era University

2013-2015: Palimbang National High School

2015-2016: Holy Trinity College


2011-2012: Valedictorian of Badiangon Elementary School

Best in in Math, Best in Science, Best in MAPEH

2012-2013: 9th Honors of New Era University

2013-2014: 2nd Honors of Palimbang National High School

2014-2015: 3rd Honors of Palimbang National High School

45 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details:

Name: Chelsea Joreyle D. Buhat

Address: Acmonan Tupi South Cotabato, Mindanao,


Mobile Number:09073394768/091039844996

Birth Date: June 15, 1999

E-mail: joreylechelsea@icloud.com

Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino


2003-2005: Banga Adventist Elementary School

2005-2007: Tupi Alliance Elementary School

2007-2010: Matutum View Academy Elementary school

2010-2011: Shalom Crest Wizard Academy

2011-2012: General Santos City Atis Elemetary School

2012-2016: Matutum View Academy


Pre-school Valedictorian

Gold Medalist in Swimming 2011

46 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details:

Name: Angielou S. Asunto

Address: Purok Maliwanag Ext. Calumpang

Geral Santos City, Mindanao, Philippines

Mobile Number:

Birth Date: Novermber 26, 1999

E-mail: dealwithangie@gmail.com

Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino


2003-2006: Four Square Academy

2006-2012: H.N Cahilsot Central Elementary School

2012-2016: General Santos City National High School


2012-2013: 3th Honors of General Santos National High School

2013-2014: 5th Honors of General Santos National High School

2014-2015: 13th honors of General Santos National High School

2015-2016: RCY Volunteer of the Year

47 i. |Gamers Lived Experiences

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details:

Name: Jimmy Faizal A. Andang

Address: Doa Solidad Subdivision

Mobile Number: 09399291080

Birth Date: May 25, 1999

E-mail: andangjimmyfaizal@yahoo.com

Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino


2006-2012 St. John Learning Center, Inc.

2012-2016 Notre Dame of Tacurong College


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