Restoring Image (Up-Board)

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1 Restoring the image........................................................................................ 2

1.1 Booting the CloneZilla software................................................................2

1.2 Restoring the image................................................................................. 2

2 Restoring the boot-loarder............................................................................ 14

2.1.1 Loading the boot-loader from the EFI-shell.........................................14

2.1.2 Re-installing the boot-loader on the machine.....................................14

2.1.3 Testing the boot-loader.......................................................................15

1 Restoring the image
Here you will find instructions to restore the earlier created image onto another
1 Booting the CloneZilla software
In order to restore the previously created image we will have to use CloneZilla
once again. Read below steps to complete the restoration process:
Stap 1. Grab your bootable USB-drive with CloneZilla
Stap 2. Place it in the up-board you wish to restore
Stap 3. (Re)start the upboard and boot into the CloneZilla software.
2 Restoring the image
When you boot into the CloneZilla software you will get to the following screen:

Press Enter in order to proceed ( We simply choose the default Clonezilla live
(Default settings, VGA 1024x768, but you can choose any option you want )
Clonezilla software will start booting:

After this proces is completes you will have to choose your language:

Simply choose whatever language you desire, but I will choose English
Next you will need to configure the keymapping for your keyboard:

Here I will choose Dont touch keymap in order for my mapping to remain the
same, but once again choose which you need.
The wizard will now ask in which way we want to use the software:

Start_Clonezilla will simply open a GUI with a wizard, whereas the Enter_shell will
allow you to use a shell for configuring. Here I will choose Start_clonezilla
In the above menu you will have to choose if youre going to use an image or a
disk-to-disk clone. Weve made an image in the previous document so here we
pick device-image and press Enter.
Now i twill as kus to choose where the image is located:

Since were using a USB-drive to restore the image we will choose: local_dev.
By picking the above option you will see the following screen:

As you can read here, now we need to insert the USB-drive that contains the
image( If you didnt do do this already.
Now insert the USB-drive with the image, Wait for about five seconds, And then
press Enter. Now youll see a screen containing the drives that are available to
the machine. You should see the name of the USB-drive that contains the
image here.
Now simply press CTRL-C to exit this screen.
In this following screen we need to choose our Image repository, this is the drive
where our image is located.

In my case this was sdb1 but this could differ. This is where you need to choose
your USB-drive with the image on it.
If youve picked the right option you should see the name of the image in the
following screen as followed:

Pay attention: Dont press Enter on the image, instead, simply press
the <Done> button when you can see the image file name.
When the black screen at the bottom appears, press Enter.
Now a new screen opens where you can pick the wizard mode for restoring:

Here we choose for the option: Beginner_mode.

Next we can choose what to do with the software:

Since we want to restore the image back on to the up-board we will choose the
option restoredisk.
In the following menu you will have to choose which image you want t orestore to
the up-board. Make sure to pick the correct image based on what you want to do
with the up-board.

In this case theres only one option available so we simply press Enter
Now we need to choose the destination disk for the image:
There should only be one option in this menu: mmcblk0
Pick this option and press Enter
Clonezilla will ask if youre absolutely sure you want to restore this image, press

When you see above screen, press Enter

Press the y key and press Enter

Once again, press the y key and press enter

Once youve completed above steps clonezilla will show some information in the
shell and start the restoration process, which will look as followed:

Now you can leave the up-board and wait for the restoration process to be

Once its all done you will get to the above screen, where you need to press
Lastly, we will have to choose what to do with the up-board. Since the restoration
process is now complete we will have to choose poweroff or reboot

During the start-up you will get the following message:

Once you get this message, remove both usb-drives and press enter
2 Restoring the boot-loarder
Since the boot-loader doesnt get installed by only restoring the image, we will
have to do this manually. In order to do this we will need to complete a couple of
1. Loading the boot-loader from the EFI-shell
2. Re-installing the boot-loader on the machine
3. Testing the boot-loader
1.1.1Loading the boot-loader from the EFI-shell
First, we will have to load the boot-loader from the EFI-shell. This is the shell that
will load once youve restarted the up-board. In order to do this you can follow
these simple steps:
Stap 1. Type: FS01: and press enter.
Stap 2. Type: dir EFI and press enter.
Stap 3. Type: cd <linuxdistro> and press enter.
Stap 4. Type: grubx64.ef and press enter.
Following these steps the boot-loader should start and you can choose your linux
installation. In my case this would be:
*ubilinux GNU/Linux
Now the up-board will boot into your linux distro.
( If you dont know the name of your distro, after Step 2 you can simply type ls
to see the different files in EFI. There should be one folder that has the name of
your distro. )
1.1.2Re-installing the boot-loader on the machine
Now you can boot into the Linux distro you can re-install the boot-loader. Firstly
you will have to login as a user.
Once youve logged in follow these steps:
Stap 1. Type: sudo su and press Enter
Stap 2. Type: grub-install /dev/mmcblk0 and press Enter
If everything went okay, the following message should appear:
- Installation finished. No error reported
Now the boot-loader is back in place and should work like before.
1.1.3Testing the boot-loader
To test the boot-loader, simply restart the up-board and see if it boots into the
boot-loader. If this doesnt work try to re-do the previous steps once again and
see if it works then.

For me I had to re-install the boot-loader twice in order for it to work

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