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Regulation of the sodium pump in pregnancy-related tissues in

Cynthia V. Maxwell, MD, Qing-Feng Tao, MD, Ellen W. Seely, MD, John T. Repke, MD, and Steven
W. Graves, PhD
Boston, Massachusetts

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the expression of the three -isoforms of the sodium pump in preeclamp-
sia. Reductions in sodium pump number and activity in smooth muscle may underlie hypertension in
STUDY DESIGN: Northern and Western analyses were used to determine whether sodium pump -isoform
regulation in myometrium, placenta, and umbilical artery of women with preeclampsia differed from those
with normotensive pregnancies.
RESULTS: Levels of 1 and 3 messenger ribonucleic acid were reduced in myometrium of women with
preeclampsia compared with normotensive pregnancies, as was 2 messenger ribonucleic acid in
preeclamptic placenta. Protein expression of the -isoforms was unaltered in placenta and umbilical artery
from women with preeclampsia versus those with normotensive pregnancies, but myometrial 2 protein lev-
els were reduced significantly in women with preeclampsia. Moreover, myometrial 1 protein expression was
CONCLUSIONS: Reduced smooth muscle sodium pump expression in preeclampsia may raise cell sodium,
increase pressor sensitivity, or increase tone directly, which may contribute to hypertension in preeclampsia.
(Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179:28-34.)

Key words: Preeclampsia, sodium and potassiumactivated adenosine triphosphatase, my-

ometrium, placenta, umbilical artery, messenger ribonucleic acid

Preeclampsia is a potentially severe form of pregnancy- two general ways: a reduction in the number of sodium
induced hypertension characterized by vascular endothe- pump units, for example, Miyamoto et al6 found reduced
lial damage, hypertension, and increased vascular tone.1, 2 sodium pump sites in erythrocytes from pregnant
The mechanisms mediating the increased vascular tone women with preeclampsia compared with normotensive
are incompletely understood.1, 2 One cellular transport pregnancy or an increase in levels of circulating sodium
system affecting smooth muscle tone is the sodium and pump inhibitors, as also reported in women with
potassiumactivated adenosine triphosphatase (Na,K- preeclampsia.10 Sodium pump inhibitors can directly re-
ATPase) or sodium pump. Reductions in its activity can duce Na,K-ATPase activity but may also reduce sodium
result in increased muscle contraction.3 Studies of blood pump number in the cell membrane through a process
cells from patients with essential hypertension have gen- similar to endocytosis.11, 12
erally demonstrated reductions in Na,K-ATPase activity.4 The sodium pump contains two subunits: an -sub-
Most similar studies in pregnant women carefully defined unit, which is catalytically active, and a -subunit, which
as preeclamptic have found similar reductions.5-8 may be instrumental in protein assembly and membrane
Reductions in sodium pump activity increase intracellu- insertion.13 The -subunit occurs as three isoforms that
lar sodium and calcium levels,3 and similar increases are differ enzymatically, for example, different turnover
seen in blood cells from women with preeclampsia.9 Such rates, and in their tissue distribution.14 Recent studies of
alterations in sodium pump activity might be achieved in experimental hypertension have suggested that alter-
ations in the -isoforms may contribute to reduced
sodium pump activity in some tissues.15 Our hypotheses
From the Endocrine-Hypertension Division, Department of Medicine,
and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Harvard Medical for this study were two. First, we predicted that sodium
School, Brigham and Womens Hospital. pump -isoform expression would be modified in re-
Supported in part by Howard Hughes Institute. sponse to pregnancy. Second, we hypothesized that
Received for publication June 23, 1997; revised September 15, 1997; ac-
cepted December 29, 1997. sodium pump -isoform expression would be altered in
Reprint requests: Steven W. Graves, PhD, Endocrine-Hypertension critical tissues in preeclamptic pregnancies compared
Division, Brigham and Womens Hospital, 221 Longwood Ave, Boston, with normotensive pregnancies. Reductions in -isoform
MA 02115.
Copyright 1998 by Mosby, Inc. number or alterations in their distribution in preeclamp-
0002-9378/98 $5.00 + 0 6/1/88530 sia, whether a primary or compensatory event, may con-

Volume 179, Number 1 Maxwell et al 29
Am J Obstet Gynecol

tribute to increased smooth muscle tone and hyperten- (cDNA) fragments of human 1 (2.2 kb), 2 (125 bp),
sion in preeclampsia. Studies of sodium pump -isoforms or 3 (100 bp) isoforms of Na,K-ATPase (gifts of Dr Paul
have not been thorough in human pregnancy, especially Allen, Childrens Hospital, Boston) and cDNA fragments
when complicated by preeclampsia. of mouse -actin (to assess potential loss of messenger
RNA (mRNA), 500 bp, Ambion, Austin, Tex) as de-
Material and methods scribed elsewhere.19 Signal density was linear over the
Subjects. Women in this study were patients at range of 1 to 16 g RNA. After the intensive dissection re-
Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, quired to isolate umbilical arteries was performed, -iso-
Massachusetts. The protocol had been approved by the form mRNA was reduced to undetectable levels in almost
Human Subjects Committee, and all participants gave in- all specimens.
formed signed consent. All normotensive and Western blot analysis. Microsomal [Na,K]ATPase (20
preeclamptic pregnant women enrolled in the study g) was separated by 7.5% sodium dodecyl sulfatepoly-
whether undergoing elective or emergency cesarean de- acrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred to nitrocellu-
livery (normotensive 19/19, preeclamptic 13/16) had lose membranes (Schleicher and Schuell, Keene, NH),
their medical records reviewed to confirm diagnosis and and probed only once with well-characterized, isoform-
obtain other relevant data. None of these women was in specific murine monoclonal antibodies, 1: McK1, 1:50
labor or had undergone induction. Two preeclamptic dilution; 2: McB2, 1:40 dilution (gifts of Dr Kathleen
women who underwent vaginal delivery provided speci- Sweadner, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston)20;
mens of placenta only. Both were in spontaneous labor. 3: 1:1000 dilution (MA3-915, Affinity Bioreagents Inc,
Normotensive pregnant women had no history of hyper- Neshanic Station, NJ), as described previously.21 Signal
tension and no evidence of hypertension or proteinuria response was linear over the range of 5 to 20 g protein.
during the current pregnancy. First-, second-, and third- Statistical analysis. Results were expressed as the mean
trimester ambulatory blood pressure readings were veri- SEM. Comparisons of demographic data or myometrial
fied as normal (blood pressure <140/90 mm Hg). -isoform abundance among nonpregnant and nor-
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists cri- motensive women and normotensive pregnant and
teria were used to define women as preeclamptic.16 All preeclamptic women were tested by analysis of variance
preeclamptic women had normal first-trimester blood with post hoc Newman-Keuls analysis. Comparisons of
pressures. No pregnant subject had other diseases, in- placental or umbilical arterial -isoform abundance for
cluding diabetes and renal disease. preeclamptic and normotensive pregnant subjects were
In an attempt to model human vascular smooth mus- made by unpaired Student t test. Interrelationships of
cle, we used uterine smooth muscle.17 Additional tissues two parameters were evaluated by Pearsons product mo-
were also obtained: placenta as a mechanically inactive ment correlation analysis. A P < .05 was considered statis-
control and umbilical artery to represent fetal smooth tically significant.
muscle. Tissue specimens obtained at cesarean section
included an ~1-cm3 specimen of myometrium taken Results
close to the incision and placenta and umbilical cord. Patient data. Of the 50 patients sampled, 38 met crite-
The placental tissue excluded the chorion and amnion ria (Table I). Of the 27 pregnant subjects, 19 were nor-
but may have included a small amount of decidual tissue. motensive, whereas 8 were preeclamptic. Eleven patients
Myometrial samples were collected from nonpregnant were nonpregnant and normotensive. Reasons for the 12
women undergoing hysterectomy. Only normal tissue exclusions included chronic hypertension (n = 8), dia-
was used. Tissue samples were immediately frozen on dry betes (n = 2), hyperthyroidism (n = 1), and transient hy-
ice and stored at 70C until processed. pertension of pregnancy (n = 1). By study design
Preparation of tissue microsomes. Tissue samples were preeclamptic women had significantly higher systolic and
minced with a razor, homogenized with 6 strokes at diastolic blood pressures than normotensive pregnant or
medium speed with a glass-Teflon homogenizer in ice- nonpregnant women. As expected, these same women
cold homogenization buffer (320 mmol/L sucrose, 1 had lower parity (P = .01) and gestational age (P = .0008).
mmol/L ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 50 mmol/L Urine protein, measured in the preeclamptic women
Trishydrochloric acid; pH 7.4), and then centrifuged ac- only, was 1534 mg. Normotensive nonpregnant women
cording to published methods.18 were significantly older, typical of women undergoing
Northern blot analysis. Equal amounts of total ribonu- hysterectomy. Racial composition and gravidity were not
cleic acid (RNA) (8 to 10 g) were separated with elec- different among the groups.
trophoresis on a 1% agarose and formamide (0.47 Myometrial sodium pump -isoform mRNA abundance
mmol/L) gel, transferred to nylon membrane (Duralon- and membrane protein expression
UV Membranes, Stratagene, La Jolla, Calif), and probed Myometrial -isoform gene expression in nonpregnant
with labeled complementary deoxyribonucleic acid compared with normal pregnant women. mRNA was de-
30 Maxwell et al July 1998
Am J Obstet Gynecol

Table I. Patient data

Parameter NNP NTP PE significance

No. 11 19 8
Age (y) 44.2 2.3 35.8 1.0 32.4 3.1 P = .0007
Gravidity 3.1 0.7 2.9 0.3 1.8 0.3 P = .14
Parity 2.4 0.5 1.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 P = .013
Nulliparity (%) 9 32 63 P < .01*
Gestational age (wk) 39.1 0.1 33.8 1.0 P = .0008
Race (black/white/Asian) (%) 18/82/0 11/84/5 13/87/0 NS
SBP (mm Hg) 113 2 110 2 147 4 P < .0001
DBP (mm Hg) 70 1 69 1 91 2 P < .0001
Urine protein (mg/24 h) 1534 544

NNP, Normotensive nonpregnant; NTP, normotensive third-trimester pregnant; PE, preeclamptic third trimester; NS, not significant;
SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure.
*2 analysis.

Table II. Myometrial changes with pregnancy and with preeclampsia

Isoform NNP NTP PE significance

Absolute mRNA (No.)* 8 6 6

-Actin 75.8 16.3 78.6 13.8 30.8 6.7 P = .06
1 9.0 2.4 12.0 1.4 1.1 0.3 P = .0006
2 90.5 12.8 118.0 12.3 58.7 9.8 P = .02
3 15.9 3.1 17.2 2.0 2.9 1.2 P = .007
Ratio /actin mRNA
1 0.12 0.02 0.18 0.03 0.05 0.01 P = .03
2 1.5 0.2 1.9 0.6 1.8 0.1 P = .62
3 0.29 0.07 0.31 0.13 0.12 0.02 P = .39
Protein (No.) 11 11 8
2 19.0 3.1 9.2 1.4 3.0 1.7 P = .0002
3 10.6 2.1 15.5 4.6 15.5 4.3 P = .54

NNP, Normotensive nonpregnant; NTP, normotensive third-trimester pregnant; PE, preeclamptic third trimester; ND, not detectable.
*Values are 104 optical density units.

tected for all 3 -isoforms of the sodium pump in dicating that the antibody was not at issue. Myometrial
human myometrium (Table II). Neither the absolute specimens run in the absence of nonspecific blocking
abundance of any -isoform mRNA nor the -isoform agent showed a weak 1 band, indicating it was present
abundance normalized to -actin mRNA (Table II) or to but at very low levels.
18s ribosomal RNA (not shown) differed significantly be- In contrast to the mRNA data for the -isoforms in
tween nonpregnant and pregnant myometrium. -Actin nonpregnant and pregnant myometrium, levels of ex-
mRNA levels did not differ significantly between the nor- pressed 2 protein in the myometrial membrane prepa-
motensive pregnant and nonpregnant myometrium. The rations were significantly decreased in normotensive
presence of 2 and 3 mRNA in human myometrium pregnant compared with normotensive nonpregnant tis-
has not been previously reported. Although not quantita- sue (Fig 1). No significant correlation was found between
tive, the data suggest markedly greater 2 isoform abun- the gestational age and 2 protein expression (r = .44, P
dance. = .18), maternal age, and 2 protein expression (r = .32,
Myometrial -isoform protein expression in normal preg- P = .34) or parity and 2 protein expression (r = .20, P =
nancy. In contrast to the mRNA, only 2 and 3 isoform .56). Myometrial 3 protein levels were unchanged by
protein could be detected in the cell membrane of pregnancy.
human myometrium (Table II), even after the anti-1 an- Myometrial -isoform gene expression in preeclampsia.
tibody titer was increased to 1:40. Positive controls, rat Absolute mRNA levels of all 3 -isoforms of the sodium
kidney, human placental, and umbilical artery microso- pump mRNA were significantly decreased in preeclamp-
mal samples clearly demonstrated the 1 isoform with tic compared with normotensive pregnant myometrium
comparable or lower antibody titers (data not shown), in- (Table II). Absolute mRNA levels of -actin were not sig-
Volume 179, Number 1 Maxwell et al 31
Am J Obstet Gynecol

Fig 1. Comparison of amount of 2 isoform protein expressed in Fig 2. Comparison of amount of 2 isoform protein expressed in
plasma membrane of myometrium from normotensive nonpreg- plasma membrane of myometrium from normotensive third-
nant women (NNP) and normotensive third-trimester pregnant trimester pregnant women (NTP) and preeclamptic third-
women (NTP). Normotensive pregnant women had 52% reduc- trimester women (PE). Myometrium from preeclamptic women
tion in 2 expression (P = .01). demonstrated 65% reduction in 2 expression compared with
myometrium from normotensive pregnant women (P = .023)
and 83% reduction compared with normotensive nonpregnant
nificantly decreased in preeclamptic myometrium but women (P = .0009).
were nearly so. Consequently, we compared myometrial
-isoform mRNA levels with -actin mRNA and 18s
rRNA. The -isoform/-actin mRNA levels described a pregnant tissue, when expressed as absolute mRNA
significant reduction in 1 message (Table II), whereas abundance, but 2 mRNA abundance was no longer sig-
the 1 and 3 to 18s RNA ratio demonstrated significant nificantly reduced (P = .078) when normalized to -actin
reductions in abundance in preeclamptic compared with mRNA. 3 mRNA levels did not differ between the two
normotensive pregnant myometrium (Table III). The groups.
18s rRNA levels were slightly reduced in preeclampsia; Placental -isoform protein expression in preeclampsia.
however, this would actually reduce the differences in the Despite easily detectable mRNA bands for all 3 of the
-isoform ratios in preeclamptic compared with nor- -isoforms, membrane protein expression of the 2 iso-
motensive pregnant women. form was undetectable in placenta (Table IV). Rat skele-
Myometrial -isoform protein expression in preeclampsia. tal muscle, used as a control, and human myometrial and
As was the case for normotensive nonpregnant and nor- umbilical arterial 2 protein were consistently positive.
motensive pregnant women, no 1 protein was detected Although significant decreases in 1 mRNA abundance
in myometrium of preeclamptic women. A further sub- have been found in placenta from preeclamptic com-
stantial reduction in 2 protein expression occurred in pared with normotensive pregnant women, 1 protein
preeclamptic compared with normotensive pregnant my- expression was not significantly different, nor was placen-
ometrium (Fig 2). Again, no significant correlation was tal 3 protein expression.
seen between 2 protein expression and gestational age Umbilical artery sodium pump -isoform expression
(r = .21, P = .62), maternal age (r = .43, P = .29), or par- Umbilical artery -isoform mRNA expression in preeclamp-
ity (r = .13, P = .76). In contrast to the reductions in 3 sia. Because of the difficulty of dissection of umbilical
mRNA abundance in preeclamptic myometrium, protein artery, most arterial RNA extracts were degraded. Only 2
levels of 3 were similar in normotensive pregnant and samples (1 normotensive, 1 preeclamptic) were success-
preeclamptic myometrium. fully processed and revealed expression of all 3 -iso-
Placental sodium pump -isoform mRNA abundance forms.
and membrane protein expression Umbilical artery -isoform protein expression in preeclamp-
Placental -isoform gene expression in preeclampsia. As sia. Expressed protein levels of all 3 -isoforms of the
was found for myometrium, mRNA for all 3 -isoforms sodium pump in the umbilical artery were not signifi-
was identified in human placenta, a previously unre- cantly different in preeclamptic versus normotensive
ported finding (Table IV). Placental -actin mRNA ex- pregnant tissues (Table V).
pression did not differ significantly between normoten-
sive pregnant and preeclamptic tissues (Table IV). Comment
Placental 1 and 2 mRNA levels were significantly de- Changes with pregnancy. Our first hypothesis, that
creased in preeclamptic compared with normotensive sodium pump -isoform expression would be altered in
32 Maxwell et al July 1998
Am J Obstet Gynecol

Table III. Myometrial changes with preeclampsia corrected for 18s RNA
Isoform NTP PE Statistical significance

No. 6 6
Absolute 18s rRNA* 8.5 0.2 6.8 0.8 P = .04
Ratio mRNA/18s rRNA
1 142.2 18.3 28.0 12.1 P = .005
2 1389 133 1115 244 P = .31
3 204.3 27.3 39.5 16.5 P = .017

NTP, Normotensive third-trimester pregnant; PE, preeclamptic third trimester.

18s rRNA values are 102 optical density units.

Table IV. Placental changes with preeclampsia

Isoform NTP PE Statistical significance

Absolute mRNA (No.) 10 6

-Actin 6.6 0.9 5.5 1.0 P = .40
1 22.7 4.3 9.8 3.9 P = .05
2 101.9 16.4 44.8 18.1 P = .037
3 25.9 2.9 21.7 5.9 P = .49
Ratio /actin mRNA
1 4.0 0.8 1.8 0.6 P = .078
2 17.3 3.0 7.7 2.4 P = .036
3 4.4 0.6 3.0 1.0 P = .61
Protein (No.) 11 7
1 12.3 1.5 13.3 2.0 P = .68
3 12.2 1.6 13.0 1.9 P = .76

NTP, Normotensive third-trimester pregnant; PE, preeclamptic third trimester; ND, not detectable.
values are 104 optical density units.

Table V. Umbilical artery changes with preeclampsia near term to prepare the uterus for labor, because reduc-
tions in sodium pump activity render smooth muscle
Isoform Statistical
protein NTP PE significance more susceptible to contraction.3 Perhaps this reduction
reflects an adaptive response in some tissues to the high
No. 8 7 metabolic demand of pregnancy. Perhaps the reduction
1 12.7 2.0 14.0 4.0 P = .77
2 12.8 2.3 16.3 4.8 P = .50 simply reflects the milieu of pregnancy.
3 11.2 2.2 15.7 3.0 P = .25 The undetectable levels of the 1 isoform in human
myometrium may not be surprising. Muscle of all types
Values are in optical density units. NTP, Normotensive third-
frequently has more 2 than 1, sometimes much
trimester pregnant; PE, preeclamptic third trimester.
more.19 Low 1 may reflect decreased 1 production,
transport or membrane insertion, or increased turnover,
human pregnancy, was correct in that a significant reduc- and consequently it will be important to study the -sub-
tion occurred in 2 isoform protein in the membrane of units subcellular distribution in myometrium.
pregnant myometrium despite no observable effect on Decreased 2 protein in normotensive third-trimester
2 mRNA abundance. pregnant myometrium accompanying unaltered 2
Two questions arise: what purpose might a reduction mRNA expression was not likely caused by technical
in myometrial 2 protein in the membrane serve, and problems with protein or mRNA stability or extraction,
how is this decrease accomplished without a decrease in because 3 mRNA and protein in these same tissues re-
mRNA? In myometrium the 2 isoform appeared to be mained unchanged. Changes in membrane -isoform
the most abundant. Levels of 3 protein appeared to be levels independent of mRNA changes have been re-
markedly lower than 2 abundance, and 1 was unde- ported and reflect poorly understood regulated differ-
tectable. We can only speculate as to why the changes oc- ences.14 The changes here do not appear to reflect the
curred: Most of these women were near term (gestational subjects age. The 2 reductions may reflect the observa-
age of 39.1 weeks), and reductions in 2 might occur tion that when an active sodium pump unit binds cardiac
Volume 179, Number 1 Maxwell et al 33
Am J Obstet Gynecol

glycosides, the enzyme-inhibitor complex is removed might contribute to the increased cell sodium, vascular
from the cell membrane.11,12 Increased serum levels of tone, and hypertension that characterize preeclampsia.3
cardiac glycoside-like compounds have been described in This idea requires further investigation.
pregnancy including such a factor with 2 selectivity.21 The mechanism for the reduction of 2 protein in the
Hence the increased presence of such an inhibitor may cell membrane is unknown. Preeclamptic women have
lead to increased 2 pump turnover.11 greater levels of an endogenous sodium pump in-
Changes with preeclampsia. Our second hypothesis hibitor,10 which in turn might reduce membrane levels of
was that reductions in sodium pump activity reported in the sodium pump. Others have described a selective re-
preeclampsia may reflect reductions in sodium pump duction in 2 isoform mRNA of the sodium pump in car-
number or distribution. The hypothesis was found to be diac muscle of rats with deoxycorticosterone-salt hyper-
correct in that preeclampsia brought about marked re- tension,23 rats with heart failure, rats with cardiac
ductions in mRNA abundance for the 1, perhaps the hypertrophy, and in failing human heart, but the mecha-
3, but not the 2 isoform in myometrium. In addition, nism is unclear.24 Some have proposed that the changes
significant reductions in 2 and near significant reduc- reflected a reduction in serum potassium, a situation un-
tions in 1 mRNA in placenta were seen. The disposition likely to pertain in preeclampsia.25
of the -isoform mRNAs in umbilical artery was not de- In conclusion, this study suggests that human iso-
termined because of technical problems resulting from forms of the sodium pump are highly regulated systems,
the difficult and slow dissection. Myometrial levels of - demonstrating tissue-specific distribution and response
actin fell, although not significantly, whereas 18s rRNA to pregnancy and preeclampsia. However, the factors
fell slightly but significantly. For this reason myometrial that confer this selective regulation remain elusive.
mRNA results were expressed as absolute levels and also Differences in the functional quantity of isoform ex-
as the level normalized to either -actin (the most com- pressed in the cell membrane require refinements in
mon way of expressing these data in the literature) or 18s technique to clarify mechanism. Whatever the mecha-
rRNA. The reduction in mRNA of several isoforms in nism is, the reductions in 2 coupled with the very low
these two tissues with preeclampsia suggests that the levels of 1 protein expression diminish sodium pump
changes resulted from some feature of the disease that reserve and could limit the preeclamptic myometriums
down-regulated the sodium pump. What might do this is ability to rid itself of sodium. Similar abnormalities in
unknown. Local ischemia may alter pH and in turn influ- maternal vascular smooth muscle of preeclamptic
ence intracellular volume or sodium ion concentration, women might explain the increased cell sodium and cal-
which can influence sodium pump regulation.22 cium, increased vascular responsiveness to pressors, and
However, acidosis, increased cell volume, and higher cell increased peripheral vascular resistance that underlies
sodium concentrations, which might be anticipated in is- much of preeclampsia.
chemia, are reported to up-regulate the sodium pump in
vitro.22 We thank Drs Paul D. Allen and Kathleen J. Sweadner
The results for the isoform protein expression in the for the molecular biologic probes that made this re-
cell membranes of preeclamptic tissues are equally inter- search possible.
esting but challenging to explain. Despite the drop in
mRNA levels for the 1 and 2 isoforms in placenta, no
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