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1.1; Background

Basically, school is an institution or place for studying to all people.

Not only school, theres many media that use for study. Such as, reliable
teacher, the real practice, technology and facility from school. Nevertheless,
although that things already fulfilled, there are many student cant optimize
their process of study, and is not effective.

Understand or not the student in accepting the knowledge from

teacher can be seen from the work that they have from all kinds of exercise or
examination that have been given by teacher or school. In here, the school
will determine the minimum score that must be pass by the student to prove if
they really understand about the lesson matter.

Thats mean, if the students do not understanding well about the

lesson from school or teacher, will make their work be bad. So that, there is a
capability from school to conduct a remedial test or re-examination directed
for student that have value below the minimum score. This is done so
students can understand very well all the the lessons have been taught.

In senior high school number 17 Palembang, the remedial way that

given by the teacher for students that have bad score is different, accordance
with the wishes or demands of the school teacher. There is by doing a re-test,
anyone with oral test, there also teacher who gave the task to the students.
The problem is, did the different way can make a remedial test as the way in
order to the students can understand very well all the lessons have been
taught, as the purpose of remedial test?.

For the purpose, I undertake the research to know about the remedial
process in Senior High School Number 17 Palembang.

1.2; Formulation of the problem

1. Is the way of remedial process that given by teacher has been suitable with
the purpose of remedial?
2. How many percent of students understanding of remedial meaning in the
process of learning?
3. What is the impact of remedial process to the students understanding of the
material they learn?

1.3; Purpose

1; To know the teacher way of remedial process.

2; To know students understand of remedial meaning in the process of


3; To know the impact of remedial process to the students understanding of

the material they learn.

1.4; Benefits

From this letter, I hope the readers, especially the student in senior
high school number 17 palembang can know or understand the purpose of
remedial process as the way in order to the students will be understand
very well all the lessons. So that, will to created the effective of study.



2.1 The Definition of Remedial Process

Learning is a process that basically aims to understand the materials
provided by teachers. However, not all students can understand quickly and
comprehensively to such materials, this can be seen from the work or the
value obtained by students in conducting an examination or assignment given
by teacher. So that remedial test holding.

In terms of the sense he means remedial nature cure, correct or

make good. This statement same with Abu Ahmad that defines the remedial
process (Remedial Teaching) is a form of teaching that makes a good. This
teaching process is more special because it adapted with the type and
difficulty of the learning that faced by students. Thus it can be said that the
remedial learning is a series of business activities continued diagnosis of
learning difficulties that have been done. This process is more focused on
business improvement, ways to learn, how to teach, adjustment of the subject
matter, healing the obstacles faced.

It can be concluded that the remedial process is a process that is

specifically where the new remedial process carried out after knowing the
level of learning difficulties experienced by students. Methods, approaches
and techniques used in remedial learning tailored to the nature, type and
background learning difficulties faced by students.Remedial process has a
purpose wich is adjusted with difficulty of the learning that faced by student.
And evaluation tools used in remedial learning tailored to the learning
difficulties faced by students.

2.2 The Function of Remedial Process

Abu Ahmad and Widodo Supriyono express remedial process have

functions as follows:

1; The function of corrective, remedial process means can be done in a

correction or improvement in terms of writing goals, methods, learning
methods, materials and learning tools, evaluations and so forth.

2; The function of understanding, which means that remedial process,

teachers and students or other parties may obtain a better idea of his
own personal.

3; The function of adjustment, it means process to establish remedial

students are able to adapt or adjust to the learning environment.

4; Function enrichment, remedial process means to enrich the learning

process, making the material more widely and more depth than the
regular teaching.

5; The function of acceleration, wich means that remedial teaching can

accelerate the learning process, both in terms of time and materials, so
that learning can take place more effectively and efficiently.

6; Function therapeutic, means directly or indirectly, remedial process

can help or improve the condition of students deviant personality,
otherwise learn in a learning achievements also affect students

From the above it becomes clear that the function of remedial

process is to assist teachers in dealing with students who have
difficulty for reach academic achievement.



3; Research Methods
The method used in this research is describe analysis.

3.2 Place and Time of Research

This research was conducted in Februarim Mei 2011. This research
was conducted in Senior High School 17 Palembang.

3.3 Population and Sample

The study population of this paper is the students of Senior High School
17 Palembang in second grade. The sample used in this study were 30 students
Senior High School Number 17 Paelmbang in second grade.

3.4 Collection Techniques

The collection of data using references and delivery if questionnaires.

1; References
A literature study adds data to data taken more complete and concrete.
The data obtained, among others through print media such as books, electronic
media such as internet.

2; Distribution of questionnaire
Done by giving a set or written questions to the samples that have been

3.5 Data Analysis Techniques

The techniques used in this research is descriptive quantitative and
qualitative of analysis. Analysis quantitative is for count the number, for
example the percent of students understanding of remedial meaning in the
process of learning. Analysis qualitative is including the impact of remedial
process to the students understanding of the material they learn.



4.1; The Students Understanding About Remedial Meaning in the Process

of Learning in Senior High School Plus 17 Palembang
As we know, the term remedial actually is not something new in
education. We have already known this term, both in testing or in learning.
However, since the issuance of the curriculum 2004, the term remedial often
can we hear and possess all of the teachers and students. As known, in the
curriculum of 2004, the results of the assessment system of learning
activities using the reference criteria.
That reference assumes if all of the student can learn about anything,
but the time to reach is so different. The consequence from the reference is
holding the remidial program for the student that has not reached yet
completeness limit, and give the enrichment program for the students that
has been reached the completeness limit.

With the implementation of remedial systems, so that the process of

remidial certainly ever experienced by students. This is a table of the
percentage about students who attended remedial.

Table 1. The Percentage of Students Who Attended Remedial.

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

Have you ever followed Yes 30 100 %

the remidial process? No 0 0%

Total 30 100 %

Based on the above table, we can know if theres 100% of students have attended
the remedial in the process of learning in the school. So naturally if this term not strange
in our ears.

Although the term of remidial not strange in the process of learning
in the school and have the purpose. However, not a few of the students that not
know the true meaning and the purpose of remidial process in the process
of learning. This is a table of the percentage about the students knowledge
about the meaning of remidial in the process of learning.

Table 2. The Students Knowledge About the Meaning of Remidial in

the Process of Learning.

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

Do you know the meaning of Yes 28 93,3 %

remedial test in the process of No 2 6,7 %
Total 30 100 %

Based on the above table, we can know if 93,3 % of students know the
meaning of the remidial process in the process of learning and 6,7% of
students not know the meaning of the remidial process in the process of
learning. So that, we can conclude if the most of students know the
meaning of remidial process.

Based on the result of the research that I made, each student

explain the meaning and significance of the remedial process. This is the
result of exposure from the students about the meaning of remidial

1; The way that used the teacher for pass the minimum

2; The kinds of test with the function for improve the value

3; The repeated of learning after get the value less then

minimum score.

4; Doing re-examination that because the value they have
not to complete the standard score.

5; To increase the score and also to review about the


6; A process for make the value to be better than before.

7; A process that have a purpose for improve the


Process of remidial has its own purpose. In general, the

purpose of remidial process is not different with the
regular learning. In order to reach the purpose that has
been determined. However, specifically the purpose of this
remedial process is for students who have difficulty
learning can to reach the learning achievement that hoped
from school through the repair process.

According to Usman and Lilian User Setiawati detailed the

purpose of remedial process are:
1; Students can understandhim, especially relate the learning
achievement that includes strengthness and weaknesses, the type
and nature of difficulties faced.
2; Students can change or improve the way of learning into a better
direction suitable with the difficulty of learning to be faced.
3; students can overcome barriers to learning that became the
background difficulty of learning.
4; Students can choose the material and the facility of learning to overcome
the difficulty of learning.
5; Students can develop attitudes and habits that can promote the
achievement of better learning achievement.
6; Students can do a better job.

As a student that ever attended the remidial, we should know the
purpose of remidial program. This is because if we only know the
definition of remedial without understanding the intent and purpose of this
program, the remedial programs can not be going well.
This is a table of percentage of the students opinion about the
purpose of remidial.

Table 3. The students opinion about the purpose of remidial.

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

Do you know the To reach the minimum score of 15 50 %
purpose of remidial the lesson
process? For prove if I really understand 12 40 %
about the lesson matter

Other 3 10 %
Total 30 100 %

Based on the above table, we can know if 50% of students considers if

the purpose of remidial is to reach the minimum score of the lesson, eventhough
40% of students considers if the purpose of remidial is for prove if I really
understand about the lesson matter, and 10% of students have a opinion
about the purpose of remidial. This is a students opinion about the
purpose of remidial process.
1; To increase or improve the value
2; For repaired the work and value
3; So that the teacher know of the students weakness and the difficulty
level from the lesson matter.

Based on the above table, we can to conclude if the most of students

considers if the purpose of remidial is to reach the minimum score of the lesson,

however the true purpose of remidial process is for make the students can
understanding well about the lesson matter that has been taught by teacher.

4.2; The Teacher Way Of Remedial Process

Theres many a factor that influence student to accept the matter

that has been taught by teacher. The dificulty learning of students not
because only they didnt accept the lesson easily, but theres many other
factor like as the students reluctant for ask with teacher if they find a
problem in the lesson, make a problem with they parents or friends, have a
potential bellow the everage, etc.
For that, the solution that can do are:
1; The first students should be given a service or guidance and counseling that
psychotherapy nature. This guidance service could be in the form of
individual or group services. Of course, the teacher can not handle fields
of study entirely, but need a counselor, psychiatrist, and other experts.
2; If this problem has to be overcome, then the remidial process can be

In the process of remedial teachers should use various approaches

and methods suitable with the level of learning difficulties faced by
students. It is directed in order to the remidial process can reach the purpose
that hoped, that is for help students in improving their learning achievement.
There are many ways that can be done in implementing the remedial
process. This is the teachers way to give the remidial process most.
Table 4. The Teachers Way to Give the Remidial Process.

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

How is the teachers way to give Re-test 21 70%

the remidial process most? Oral test 3 10%
Give a task 6 20%
total 30 100%

Based on the above table, we can know if 70% of students choose a re-
test as the way are taken by teachers in implementing the process remidial,
10% by oral test, and 20% to give a task. Actually, remidial process will go well
if the people involved in the learning process is able to optimize the activities
with reference for reach the purpose of holding remidial.

Although there are various ways in which teachers in the

implementation remidial, but the eventual purpose is for students can
understanding well about the lesson matter that given by teacher as the purpose
of remidial itself. This is a table of percentage about students knowledge
of the reason of your teachers in applying the way of remidial.
Table 5. Students Knowledge of the Reason of Your Teachers in
Applying the Way of Remidial.

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

Do you know the reason of your teachers Yes 17 56,7%
in applying the way of remidial? No 13 43,3%
Total 30 100%
Based on the above table, we can know if 56,7% of students know the
reason of teachers taken the different way in holding the remidial process
and 43,3% of students didnt know the reason of teachers taken the
different way in holding the remidial process.

Based on the result of the research that I made, each student gives
an opinion about the reason of teachers taken the different way in
holding the remidial process. This is some opinion from the students
about the reason of teachers taken the different way in holding the
remidial process.

1; View oe evaluate the students abilities.

2; The practical way for take a value

3; An easy way that taken by teacher for the student can understanding
well about the lesson matter.

4; Knowing the level of student understanding of the lesson matter that

has been given by teacher.

5; Easier for students to understand the lesson matter.

6; Cause my grade is not allowed to dont applying the remidial.

7; Giving students the opportunity to understand the lesson matter with

repeating the test.

8; in order to the purpose of remidial done well.

Theres many way that given by teacher to holding the remidial.

However, not all of the way can done effective. that matter have a
influence with the students want for choose the remidial way that they
want. This is a table of percentage the way that students like most.

Table 6. The Way that Students Like Most

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

Which the remedial way thatRe-test 15 50%
you like most? Oral Test 0 0%
Give a Task 15 50%
Total 30 100%
Based on the above table, we can know if 50% of students choose a re-
test as the way for holding a remidial and 50% of student choose a give a task as
the way for holding a remidial.

Basically, everyway that used for holding a remedial can give

benefits for students that have a value bellow the minimum score suitable
with the purpose of remedial process, for make the students understanding
well the lesson matter that has been taught by teacher after they get a
remedial process. But, come back to individual, did they can do the
process of remedial well.

From the above table and research, we can conclude if teacher have
all kinds of the way for holding a remedial process for the purpose that
suitable with hoped. If the remedial process can done well, so the teachers
hoped for students understanding well of the lesson matter will be realized.

4.3; The Impact of Remedial Process to The Students Understanding of

The Material They Learn.

All of the activity that done well have a impact and benefit for us.
Same with the other activity, the remedial program also have a impact and
benefit. But, we must to control, did the impact and benefit suitable with
the purpose of remedial itself. Thats mean, the benefit from this program
must feel by students in the process of learning. This is a percentage about
theres a benefit that taken by students after they have remedial.

Table 7. The Benefit of Remedial Process After You Have Remedial.

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

Can you get the benefit of remedial Yes 23 76,7%
process after you have remedial? No 7 23,3%
Total 30 100%
Based on the above table, we can know if 76,7% of student get the
benefit of remedial process after they have remedial and 23,3% of student
didnt get the benefit of remedial process after they have remedial. So that,
can to cocluded if the process of remedial hasnt going optimal.

Table 8. The Students Understanding About the Lesson Matter After

They Get Remedial.

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

After you get the remidial test, do you Yes 26 86,7%
understand well about the lesson matter? No 4 13,3%
Total 30 100%

Based on the table above, we can know if 86% of students can
understanding well about the lesson matter after they get remedial and
13,3% of students cant understanding well about the lesson matter after
they get remedial.

The result of research proved if the remedial process that given a

positive impact for the greater part of student. But, some of student that
hasnt get yet the benefit. This situation that influence of some factor, the
outside or inside factor of the student, such as the difficulty level of
question that given by teacher, the way of delivered the matter by teacher,
or the students ability cant understand about the lesson matter.

From that factor, so natural if the students that hasnt understand

yet about the next matter in the same lesson. This is a percentage about the
student that ever get the second remedial test in the same lesson.

Table 9. The Student That Ever Get the Second Remedial Test in the
Same Lesson.

Question Choice Frequency Percentage

Have you ever got the second Yes 14 46,7%
remedial test in the same lesson? No 16 53,3%
Total 30 100%
Based on the table above, we can know if 46,7% of student ever
get the second remedial test in the same lesson and 53,3% of student never
get the second remedial test in the same lesson. Besides that, the students
also explained the problem that make them ever get the second remedial
tets in the same lesson.

This is a problem that make them ever get the second remedial test
in the same lesson.

1; Maybe Im not give attention for that lesson

2; Not understanding well

3; The students not study when the examination will begin

4; The lesson is so difficult and so bored

5; The lesson is not interesting

6; The teacher was taught the lesson that havent interest

7; Still not understand about the lesson

From the explaination can conclude if the problem that prepared as

a reason that make them ever get the second remedial test in the same
lesson is because the lesson matter so difficult.

In the end of remedial activity the teachcer must evaluated again

how far the process of remedial that can increase their achievement. The
first purpose from this evaluation is to reach the criteria, example 75% or
80% (suitable with the capability from the school).

As we know, if the remedial have a true function and purpose for

the process of learning. The realized the function and purpose from this
remedial process will be influence with the students achievement. Good
or bad influence that will be get, thats all suitable with the individuals
itself. This is a percentage about the influence of remedial process for the
students achievement.

Table 10. The Influence of Remedial Process For the Students


Question Choice Frequency Percentage

Does remedial process have Yes 23 76,7%
influence of your achievement? No 7 23,3%
Total 30 100%
Based on the table above, we can know if 76,7% of student to be of
opinion if the remedial process have an influence for the students
achievement and 23,3% of student to be of opinion if the remedial process
havent an influence for the students achievement. Besides that, the
students also explained they reason about their opinion. Theres two
reason, that is a reason if the remedial process have an influence for the

students achievement and a reason if the remedial process havent an
influence for the students achievement. This is a reason about the
influence of remedial process for students echievement.

A reason if the remedial process have an influence for the students


1; Because, it can increase the value

2; Improve students understandable

3; The score can change

4; Can understanding well about the lesson

5; The value will pass the minimum score

6; The difficult lesson will be understanding well by the students because

it has been discussed continually.

A reason if the remedial process havent an influence for the

students achievement:

1; Because, remedial just for increase the value

2; The process of remedial not effective yet.

3; Thres isnt influence.

In general, all of the activity in daily have an influence for the

students echievement. Either good influence or bad influence. For that,
we must to optimize and used thet activity in order to the best for us, like
as this remedial process.



5.1. Conclusion

1. The process of remidial is a form of learning that helped or

improvement like the teach way, media of learning, the teach method,
the lesson matter, environment that have influence the process of
learning with the purpose for make students can understanding well
about the lesson matter that given by taecher. And the great part of
student in senior high school number 17 palembang know about the
meaning and the purpose of remidial.

2. Theres many the different way that given by teacher for holding
remidial. But the end purpose is suitable with the purpose of remidial.

3. The process of remidial cam give a positive impact for the student like
the purpose of remidial if the program fulfilled well. And the great part
of student in senior high school number 17 palembang already get that
impact for their achievement.

5.2. Opinion

The student must used well the remidial process like a purpose of
remidial. So that, this program will give the positive impact for us. And for
the teacher can give a interest way for student in the process of learning,
so can make the students will be spirit and can easy for understand the
lesson matter.


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1; What is the meaning of remedial test in the process of learning ?
A. Re- test

b. process to learning

2; Have you ever followed the remidial process?

a; yes
b; no

3; Do you know the purpose of remidial process?

a; To reach the minumum score of the lesson
b; For prove if i really understand about the lesson matter (untuk
membuktikan bahwa saya benar-benar paham akan materi pelajaran)
c; Others,......................................................................................................

4; Can you get the benefits of remedial process after you get remedial ?
a; Yes
b; No

5; How is the teachers way to give the remidial process most?

a; Re-test (tes ulang)
b; Oral test (tes lisan)
c; Give a task (diberi tugas)

6; Do you know the reason of your teachers in applying the way of remidial?
a; yes, .........
b; no

7; Which the remidial way that you like the most?

a; Re-test
b; Oral test

c; Give a task

8; After you get the remidial test, do you understand well about the lesson matter?
a; Yes
b; No

9; Have you ever got the second remidial test in the same lessons?
a; yes
b; no

10; what is the problem that make you get the second remidial test in the same
lesson? (ex: the lesson is difficult)

11; Does remedial process have influence of your achievement ? why?

a; Yes
b; No
Reason: .................................................................................................................


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