The Quetion From Chapter One

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1. What do you think about the novel in the chapter one about the dolls?
2. When Peter did mind sharing a bedroom with Kate?
3. Does he fell when he have a battle with Kate?
4. Where is Kate put the dolls?
5. What antics does Kate use to get back at her brother when they have a row?
6. What items are on Peters side of the room?
7. What items are on Kates side of the room?
8. Why do Peter and Kate dislike the bad doll?
9. When their parents led to separate bedrooms for Peter and Kate
10. What are the dolls rebelling againts?
11. What Happened when Kate come home from playing?
12. Do you ever imagine like Peter ,that the dolls can talk with him?
13. Wether its wrong if we imagine something in our age who have grown up?
14. What did the dolls said to Peter?
15. What Peter felt when he aware that Kate was come?

1. That its interesting, because he has imagination that the dolls can spoke with him
2. When he felt loneliness, fear because no person in the room when he woke up from
the night mare and he was glad yo have someone else in the room\
3. He expected to win these all-out battles
4. On the mirror. The chest of drawers,on the wiondow sills, the bed, the pram, and the
bad doll on top of the bookcases
5. Page 11 second paraghraph
6. Page 11 ,, 3th paraghraph
7. 4th paraghraph
8. Its was scared
9. Page 13 2th paragraph
10. Yes.,,,,,
11. Last page from the chapter
12. Yes, when i was child
13. I think thats not wrong as long as not excessive
15. Last page

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