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HTL/PL-Soft4- Diagnosis and setting software


1. About HTL/PL-SOFT4

2. Hardware requirements

3. Installation

4. Starting up HTL/PL-Soft4

4.1 "Online" by selecting COM-PORT

4.1.1 "COM Mode" Select protocol of RS485 serial port
4.1.2 "COM Mode" Select number of Online devices
4.2 "Offline - load" by loading stored relay parameters
4.3 "Offline - config" by configuring the individual device addresses
4.4 "Offline - demo" to simulate the online mode

5. Display

5.1 "Select device" window

5.2 "Setting" window
5.3 "Trend" window
5.4 "Disturbance recorder
5.4.1 file format for SEG Pro Open Data Protocol
5.4.2 file format for modbus RTU protocol

6. Settings

6.1 Menu items

6.2 Setting parameters
6.3 Special values such as exit, min. and max.
6.4 Adopting the memory content for identical relay types
6.5 File request window with notes
6.6 Content of the status bar

1. About HTL/PL-SOFT4
To ensure optimum protection of your system and a convienent setting procedure, High Tech Line and
Professional Line include provision for data transfer.

The High Tech Line relays can be equipped with a galvanically isolated RS485 interface for this purpose.
On the Professional Line, communication passes via the XRS1 serial interface adapter, which is likewise
galvanically isolated. This enables all relays to communicate with a upper-level management sytem, e.g. a
host computer (The range of our RS485 interface is 1 km, compared with only 15 m for the RS232 PC
The benefits of its communication capability are based for example on the fact that your relays can be
adapt to suit changing grid configurations, e.g. in the event of a malfunction or when the characteristics of
cables and overhead lines change, such as in summer/winter operation.
In addition, you can record all datas for subsequent evaluation by means of operating-data accessment
programm. If necessary, you can also block certain functions of the equipment.
The interfaces are linked by screened, twisted-pair cable on which you can combine up to 32 High Tech
Line or Professional Line relays.

When starting up, you either set up the relays locally by hand or, for greater convenience if there are
several identical relays, by using PC (laptop or notebook).
Our HTL/PL-Soft4 diagnosis and setting up software, assists in this.
All operating statuses or measurements can thus be displayed graphically in the Windows user
When setting the relays, you can read off the current parameters via the HTL/PL-Soft4, save them on to
the hard disk and transmit new settings to the relay, these in turn can be optained from previously
prepared data on the hard disk. Of course you can reset the relays. The password, which you define,
regulates communication access. For display can either show actual online measured values where it is
possible to carry out a setting comparison between several relays simultaneously and print this, or retain
those registered after tripping, so that they can be stored on to the hard disk.

2. Hardware requirements
Your IBM-compatible PC has to satisfy various conditions for the HTL/PL-Soft4 to be installed.
Regardless of the operating method, the PC must support the following requirements:

CPU 386SX or higher

Main memory 4MB or higher
Hard disk capacity 40MB or higher
Disk drive for 3 " high-density disks
Screen resolution 640x480 or higher
Mouse compatible with Windows
MS-DOS 5.0 or higher
MS Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95 or NT
Serial interfaces (COM) for mouse connection
Additional serial interfaces with RS232/RS485 converter as follows:
Com 1 - 4 can be used for RS232/RS485 converters with automatic direction control.
Connecting lead to RS485 converter
XRS1 serial interface adapter for each Professional Line relay

The periphery can be extended by the following options, e.g.:

Colour monitor or colour LCD
A printer compatible with9 Windows (and a printer interface on the computer)

!!! On relays the selected device addresses must differ !!!

3. Installation
Follow the procedure described below to install the HTL/PL-Soft4:

Call up Windows, place the HTL/PL-Soft4 disk containing the program "HTLSOFT4.EXE" in the disk
drive and call it up by selecting the command "Run" in the file menu of the Windows "File Manager" and
entering "A:HTLSOFT4". The installation is principally automatic; you are only required to enter data

The first time the HTL/PL-Soft4 is started up, you are requested to enter your customer name.

4. Starting up HTL/PL-Soft4
!!! Note !!! :
All relays are configured as device 1 by the manufacturer. If you connect more than one
device with the PC, the addresses must differ. So, before starting up HTL/PL-Soft4, this
configuration should be changed with the keys of the relays.

There are different ways of starting up the HTL/PL-Soft4:

"Online" by selecting COM-PORT

"Online" durch Wahl eines COM-Ports mit dem COM Mode "Wahl des Schnittstellenprotokolls" und
"Wahl der Online geschalteten Gerte"
"Offline - load" by loading stored relay parameters
"Offline - config" by configuring the device addresses
"Offline - demo" to simulate the online mode

4.1 "Online" by selecting COM-PORT

4.1.1 "COM Mode" Select protocol of RS485 serial port

You can select between two formats of protocol for serial port
- SEG Pro Open Data Protocol
- Modbus RTU Protocol
Abb. 4.1 Select mode of rs485 protocol

For starting HTL/PL-Soft4 the protocol SEG Pro Open Data is always active.

4.1.2 "COM Mode" Select number of Online devices

The following window shows two possobilities for recognizing the relays:
- Connect with all devices: The HTL/PL-Soft4 recognize all relay, witch are connect with RS485
- Connect only with this device: The HTL/PL-Soft4 recognize only a particular relay, witch is
connct to RS485 port .

Abb. 4.2 Select number of relays

"Online" by selecting COM-PORT

The HTL/PL-Soft4, can start with selection of the connected PC com-port. Click the desired PC com-port:
Fig. 4.1: Selecting the com-port

Then the menu window "Select Device" (see fig. 5.1) appears in which all connected devices are shown.
A setting window showing all the values for the device is opened if one of the devices is clicked.

4.2. "Offline - load" by loading stored relay parameters

If the program is to be started up "offline" and should load stored configuration, select "load". This means
that no device is connected to the PC. It is necessary e.g. for loading stored device parameters or
inputting new device parameters. The dialog box "Load Devices" appears.
To load stored device parameters:
Select the stored device parameters (file name extension ".dev"), then confirm the input with "OK". The
"Select Device" input window now appears in the display as usual.
"Bus Timeout" and "Devices are not connected" appear in the HTL/PL-Soft4 status bar.
A setting window showing all the values for the relay can be opened by clicking one of the relay in the
menu window.

4.3. "Offline - config" by configuring the individual device addresses

Once "config" has been selected (see fig. 4.1), the dialog box "Configure Device 1" appears. All relay
types now appear in the menu window.
By clicking the desired relay and then "Select", the designated relay is configured as device 1.
Repeat this configuring process for devices 2, 3 etc. as necessary.
The configuring process is concluded with "Ready".
The input window "Select Device" appears in the display. "Bus Timeout" and "Devices are not connected"
appear in the HTL/PL-Soft4 status bar.
The setting window showing alarm, measurements, status displays and the parameters for the relay is
reached by clicking the desired relay.

4.4. "Offline - demo" to simulate the online mode

Once "demo" has been selected (see fig. 4.1), a simulation mode is started. You can read measurements,
change parameters etc..

5. Display
5.1 "Select Device" window

The title bar, containing the name of the Windows application you are currently using (HTL/PL-Soft4)
and your customer name, appears at the top edge of the display.
The menu bar showing the names of the four selection menus is directly below it.

The third line from the top is the tool or symbol bar. It contains various symbols which are activated when
clicked by mouse.

The input window is below it. All devices that are connected up are shown in the input window (Select
Device). Our example shows an MRl3-lRSR (Time-overcurrent relay with directional feature) on device
01, an MRIK3 (Time overcurrent and Auto reclosing relay) on device address 02, an and an MRN3-1
(mains decoupling relay) on device 03. When a relay is clicked (MRN3-1 in the following example), the
setting window for that device is opened. All the information for the relay then appears.

The status bar, which HTL/PL-Soft4 reserves for important information, is along the lower edge of the
display (it starts with SEG; see also para. 6.5).

However, the most important element shown in the illustration is the input window (Select Device), which
occupies almost the display.

Fig. 5.1: Layout of display

5.2 "Setting" window

The setting window, which shows all the values for the relay in colour, is opened by clicking one of the
relays in the "Select Device" menu window:

Alarm Red
Measurements Green
Status Blue
Parameters Black

To display only certain values, such as measurements, click off the buttons that are not required at the top
right in the "Select Device" menu window. Then call up the desired relay.
Fig. 5.2: Setting window MRN3-1

5.3 "Trend" window

To genetare a trend graphic the menu funktion "ARCHIVES - Generate Trend Graphic" must be selected.
A file request window is shown (see also para. 6.5). Here you enter the name of trend file. Be sure that
you have enough space on disk, because trend files need 15 MByte a day.
Only the trend measurements of all opened device windows are saved to file. You can stop generation by
selecting "ARCHIVES - Stop Trend Generator".

To view trend files select menu "View Trend Graphic". A file request window is shown (see also para. 6.5).
There you can select a trend file. After this, all variables of trend file are shown. Select one or more. On
the bottom of that window you must enter the start of trend graphic and the displayed length in days. After
pressing "ready", wait half a minute and a trend graphic like fig. 5.3 is shown.

On trend graphic you have many menu functions for zooming, measuring, etc. (see para. 6.1).
Fig. 5.3: Trend window

5.4 Disturbance recorder

In order to read out a disturbance recorder, it is necessary to select menu point "Load disturbance
recorder". The first window that appears shows the question "Re-configure disturbance record
overview?". "Yes" means that the momentary number of disturbance records of all connected
devices which has not yet been read is newly determined. "No" means that the status which was
last read is displayed again.

Fig. 5.4.1 Momentary number of disturbance records

Disturbance records which are marked with a "!" have already been read. Disturbance records
marked with "*" have been released for writing over, but only the oldest record can be released for
this purpose.

Fig. 5.4 Number of disturbance records

5.4.1 File format for SEG Pro Open Data Protocol

Upon transmission two files are created. One file has the suffix .dsb. The name can be chosen at
random (8 characters max.) and can be stored in any directory. This file can be further processed
with the programme Datareco.exe (disturbance record visualization).
The second file bears the name disturb.asc and is stored in the subdirectory "ini". This file
is an Ascii file and is written over every time a new disturbance record is transmitted. It
can be further processed with any programme which is capable of reading Ascii

5.4.2 File format for Modbus Protocol

Modbus RTU protocol is a standard protocol and consist of minimal two files named config.cfg file
data.dat file. The file data.dat has to Ascii-format or binary-format. The HTL/PL-Soft4 send the
data.dat file only in binary-format.
Abb.: 5.6 file format of modbus protocol

6. Settings
6.1 Menu items

DEVICE - Select:
This command can be used to open both a new parameter window and an
additional parameter window (click "ADD WINDOW").

DEVICE - Set Parameters:

This command transfers the parameters specified by the user to the device's
memory. To do this, the password has to be entered.

DEVICE - Circuit Breaker ON:

With this command the circuit breaker can be switched on by remote control.
After the button has been activated, there is a test query. This command is
equivalent to the circuit breaker ON function (control mode) on the device or to
the switching on of the circuit breaker via an activated digital input.

DEVICE - Circuit Breaker OFF:

With this command the circuit breaker can be switched off by remote control.
After the button has been activated, there is a test query. This command is
equivalent to the circuit breaker OFF function (control mode) on the device or to
the switching off of the circuit breaker via an activated digital input.
DEVICE - Reset:
This command has the same function as the <RESET> push button on the
device's front panel. The relay is reset when it is pressed for 3s.

DEVICE - Reset Fault Memory:

This command has the same function as the <RESET> push button
and the <-> push button on the device's front panel. The faul memory is erased,
when they are pressed at the same time.

DEVICE - Reset Thermal Capacity: (MRI3-ITE and MRI3-ITER, only)

This command has the same function as the <RESET> push button and the <+>
button on the device's front panel. The thermal capacity is erased, when they are
pressed at the same time.

DEVICE - Set Time:

If your devices have a clock, this command read and set the time.

DEVICE - Automatic Time Synchronisation:

If your device has a clock, this command read and set the time in fixed cycles.
This set is to synchronize the devices for each other.

DEVICE - Cut Parameters:

This command has a dual function.
1. This command transfers the parameters of the setting window to a
buffer (6.4).
2. Input boxes on the setting window are deleted.

DEVICE - Paste Parameters:

Parameters which have first been stored with "Cut Parameters" are copied from
the buffer into the input boxes and can so be transfered to the memory of a new
relay from same type. (see also para. 6.4)

This command is used to load parameters that have previously been stored.
(Applies to all connected devices, see also para. 6.5)

This command is used to store parameters (Applies to all connected devices,
see also para. 6.5).

ARCHIVES - Save Text File:

With this push button all parameters can be exported as a .TXT file. This is
useful e.g. for processing measurements in Excel or Winword.

ARCHIVES - Generate Trend Graphic:

The measurements of all setting windows currently shown on the display, are
saved in a trend file. 15 MByte a day are recorded. (see also para. 5.3)
ARCHIVES - Stop Trend Generator:
Stops trend generatation. (see also para. 5.3)

ARCHIVES - View Trend Graphic:

With this push button you can select measurements of a trend file which will be
displayed in a oszilogram.

ARCHIVES - Load Disturbance Record:

With this push button you can start transmission of disturbance records from
relay to HTL/PL-Soft4.

ARCHIVES - Start Disturbance recording:

With this function a new disturbance record can be recorded. It records
everything available in the form of measured values at the protection device as
from the time of triggering. Provided, that the parameter for the triggerevent is
set to "TEST"

ARCHIVE - Test Disturbance Synchronizing:

With this function, all the devices on RS485 serial port can start a record at
the same time. It records everything available in the form of measured values at
the protection device as from the time of triggering. Provided, that the parameter
for the trigger event is set to "TEST"

OUTPUT - Print:
Prints the setting and trend windows currently shown on the display.

OUTPUT - Print all:

Prints all available setting windows.

HELP - Help:
Displays this help text.

HELP - Help:
Displays the help text to the selected relay.

Displays the entire curve (initial state)

Use the mouse to select a starting point and then a finishing point (press the left
mouse key each time). The section selected is then enlaged. Press the left
mouse button twice at the same position to scale down the display.

If the zoom function was used in the measurement data window, this menu point
can be used to transfer the section of time axis to other open measure data

Delete displayed measurements.

Move the mouse to the measuring point of your choice and press the left mouse
button twice. This will give you the coordinates of the measuring point. If you
move the mouse to a different position before pressing it a second time, the
distance between the two measuring points will be measured.

Name of curve is shown. Minimum, maximum and average values are

The traces for individual phases can be hidden if required.

6.2 Setting Parameters

Should a parameter be changed, the new value has to be entered in the input field. Press then key
<ENTER> and call up "Set Device Parameters". A dialog box appears in which the password has to be

The same password applies as used for the selected MR relay:

For all HTL - relays (Type MR......): "S" = Select/Reset key

"E" = Enter key
"U" = Up key
"D" =Down key
"-" = Minus key
"+" = Plus key

For all PL relays (Type X...): "20556"

When the input was correct and the OK field clicked, the parameter will be changed.
Note: Permitted inputs are all those which can be entered via the display i.e. each parameter has a
minimal and maximal input value. All valid parameters can be found in the relevant relay description.
Fundamentally :
If the input field is cleared after the password has been entered, the new parameter value was accepted.

6.3 Special values such as exit, min. and max.

In accordance with the set values for the relays, the time delay and time factor can be set to infinitely high
values e.g. by EXIT. So the tripping is blocked.

6.4 Adopting the memory content for identical relay types

With the HTL/PL-Soft4, relay parameters can be transfered conveniently for ease of setting identical
For example, the same settings to three MRN2-1 relays, the first device is parameterized as desired.
Then the command "Cut Parameters" is given and the next relay located with "Select".
The device parameters appear in the menu window of the selected relay when "Device Paste
Parameters" is selected, and can now be stored as usual with "Set Parameters".

6.5 File request window with notes

Fig. 6.5: Explanation of the file request window

6.6 Content of the status bar

The status bar, which HTL/PL-Soft4 reserves for important information, is below the setting window
(starting with SEG).

The information displayed at the right of the status bar (red) apply to all connected devices:

Devices are not connected

Alarm Device 01, 02, 03 (Alarm or trip of the relay with device address 1, 2, 3...)

The following messages (blue) only apply to the devices that are called up:

Invalid password !
Bus Timeout ! (There is no reply from relay)
Invalid Object ID ! (Unauthorized access to a value)
Invalid Number of Values ! (Error in setting procedure)
Value exceeds limit !
Value is smaller limit !
Value with illegal bits ! (Unauthorized access to a value)
Value has been adjusted !
Device is busy !
Set additional parameter

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