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Operating and Programming

828D/840D sl

Edition 2016.02
Training Manual

This document was produced for training purposes.

Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.
SINUMERIK 828D/840D sl

Operating and Programming

Manual for Turning machines

Valid for:



M506 M516
Program Operating
Structure Elements

Operating Mode
Basics of M523 M521
Operating Area
programming Operating Area Operating Mode


M610 M633 M641 M660 Basics of
Drilling Contour turning Straight Circle Contour milling Programming
ShopTurn ShopTurn ShopTurn ShopTurn with

Loops, Jumps,
and Repetitions

M522 M661 M626 M611 M634

Operating Mode Contout milling Contour turning Drilling Turning
AUTO programGUIDE programGUIDE programGUIDE programGUIDE

Mirror - offset -
rotate - scale
when milling

Drawings of

M502 General geometry basics

Module Description:

This module explains the assignment of the axis and plane descriptions to the coordinate system of
the machine and also teaches the definition of points in relation to the work space.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you learn to understand the programming planes and also
how to specify points in a DIN conforming coordinate system.

Right hand rule

Explanation of the axis assignments

Points and distances in the work space

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M502 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

General geometry basics M502

General geometry

Right hand

of the axis

Points and
distances in
the work


General geometry


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M502

M502 General geometry basics

Right hand rule

According to DIN standard the various axes of motion

within work space of CNC machines are addressed by
alphabets. The rules for the assignment of the axes are
determined in this DIN-standard.

The machine coordinate system that is derived from the

DIN-standard is the base for the geometrical description
of work pieces which allows us to clearly determine the
points in a plane or in space.
Vertical turning machine
The cartesian (rectangular) spatial coordinate system can
be best described with the Right hand rule. Here the
fingers of the right hand represent the axes: X (thumb),
Y (first finger) and Z (middle finger). The finger tips
point in the positive direction.

The position of the machine coordinate system is speci-

fied by the machine manufacturer keeping the following in

Horizontal milling machine

Definition of axis according to DIN-standard: The DIN standard provides the following variants for such
Z-Axis: Is aligned parallel to the working spindle or
coincides with it. The positive direction points away
from the work piece. In case of more than one spindle,
one of them will be declared as the main spindle.

X-Axis: Is aligned parallel to the set-up plane or

coincides with it. If the Z-axis is vertical, the positive X-
axis is directed towards the right. If the Z-axis is hori-
zontal, the positive X-axis is directed towards the left.

Y-Axis: Is perpendicular to the X- and Z-axis, in such

a way that a spatial cartesian coordinate system re-

The direction FROM the work piece TO the tool is

PLUS Here the rotational axes A/B/C are associated with the X/
Y/Z axes.

Looking in the positive direction of the linear axis, a clock-

Defining of axis within a workspace
wise rotation equals a positive rotation of the associated
rotary axis.
Explanation as per DIN 66217 or ISO 841:

However defining only three axes is not enough on mod-

ern machine tools. For instance if the milling head of a
milling machine is to be swivelled by a certain angle or the
quill of a tailstock is to be moved, a further definition of
these axes is required.


M502 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

General geometry basics M502

W B-Axis

The axes U/V/W are parallel to the axes X/Y/Z.

The positive direction is that of the associated main axis.

Points and distances within the work space

For the determination of all points within the work space, the control unit requires a zero point of the coordinate system. This
has been determined by the machine manufacturer. All other points have either fixed distances from the machine zero point
or else the distance must be defined.
The machine zero point (M) is determined by the machine manufacturer and cannot be altered. On
milling machines point is usually set on the work table, and on turning machines on the spindle flange.

The work piece zero point (W) is the origin of the work piece coordinate system. This can be speci-
fied by the programmer and should always be chosen in a way that the least calculation work is re-
quired to determine points on the contour given the dimensioning of the drawing. For turning work it
lies mostly on the turning axis and the right hand planar face.
The reference point (R) is approached for initializing the path measuring system, which means that at
this point all axes are set to zero. This is necessary since generally speaking the machine zero point
cannot be approached.

2-axis turning


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M502

M502 General geometry basics

Programming planes

Continuous path control units can control slides and tool +Z

carriers simultaneously along 2 or more axes at a pro-
grammed feed rate. For this the speed of the individual
drives must be matched to one another. This job is taken G19

over by the interpolator of the CNC-control unit. This is a

software program for the evaluation of intermediate posi- -Y
tions and speed conditions of the individual axes such
that the slides can follow the programmed path. Starting
with a 2 -D Continuous path control unit the interpola-
tion can be switched between the three different planes.

A selection of the plane is made with the associated

programming instruction:

XY-Plane - programming command G17

XZ-Plane - programming command G18
YZ-Plane - programming command G19
The standard plane being used for working with CNC-
Turning machines is G18. With CNC-Milling machines
the programming plane G17 is being used.

The working plane should either be programmed at the

beginning of the NC-program, or before programming
an operation in the relevant working plane.

The active programming plane is modal and remains

active until changed by another programming instruction.

M502: END


M502 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M501 General technology basics

Module Description:

This module explains the general layout of a program, with respect to the technological commands as
per DIN 66025 for turning.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the most important technological
aspects and machine functions.

Layout of a CNC-program

Programming of the technology data

Switching commands


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M501 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

General technology basics M501


Layout of a

of the





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M501

M501 General technology basics

Layout of a CNC-program Departure information Switching information

A CNC-program, also known as part program, consists of Block

Nr.. Auxiliary Coordinate Interpolation Misc.
a logical sequence of commands, which are executed step command axes parameter
Feed Speed Tool
-by-step by the control unit after the program has been
The manufacturers of control units recognize and apply the N G X Y Z I J K F S T M
guidelines as per DIN 66025.

Each program is compiled and stored under a program

name in the control unit. The name can contain letters as
well as numbers.
Geometrical data Technological data
A block starts with a block number followed by the com-
Each command consists of command words, which in turn
consist of an address letter (A-Z) and an associated nu-
merical value (both upper or lower case characters are

Programming of the technology data Before every technological working step in a CNC-Program,
the respective tool must be selected by means of the ad-
The block number is a program-technical assignment, dresses T and D.
which is not evaluated by the control unit as a command. It
is usually programmed to go up in steps of 10 and serves The address T is followed by the name of the tool, which
the user only for a better oversight. It has no effect on the may be stated either with numbers or letters (here only the
program execution. variant using numbers will be dealt with).

The geometrical data include all instructions that clearly All applicable tool data (e.g. tool type, length, radius, etc.) are
define mathematically the motion of the tool or the axes. activated in the program with the address D.
Here a complete set of data D is referred to as Cutting
The technological data are used for instance to activate edge.
the required tool and to pre-select the necessary cutting
parameters feed rate and spindle speed. Miscellaneous Several cutting edge numbers (D1 D9) may be generated
functions can control for example such things as direction for each tool.
of rotation and auxiliary appliances.
Programming example: Explanation:
Programming example:
. N10 T=DRILL_12 mm Block 10, call-up of tool
N80 T1; Roughing tool N20 M6 Block 20, Tool change,
N90 M6 N30 D1 The cutting edge D... must
N100 G54 F0.2 S180 M4 be activated in the block
N110 G00 X20 Y0 Z2 D1 with the first axis movement.
. After the call-up of the tool, follows the selection of the opti-
In order to improve the overview within a program, com- mum cutting values with the addresses F and S.
ments can be optionally added at the end of a block.
These must be preceded by a semi-colon; Any characters The feed rate vf with the address F can be entered either as
that follow thereafter will not be taken account of by the feed per min (in mm/min) or as feed per revolution (in mm/


M501 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

General technology basics M501

The Cutting speed vc with the address S can be entered Switching commands
either as spindle speed in revolutions per minute (rev/min) or
direct as cutting speed in meters per minute (m/min). There are different commands to control the direction of
rotation of the work spindle.
Default status of the machines when they are powered up are Additional auxiliary functions can for example control cool-
as follows: ing circuits, clamping devices, auxiliary functions and run-
ning of the program.
Turning machines with feed per revolution F in mm/rev But the presence of these additional functions depends
entirely on the technology and the machine design.
Code G95 Selection of cutting speed:
The following list should be only considered as an example
Constant cutting speed S in m/min of commands:

Code G96 (Relative to workpiece ) Instruction Meaning

M00 Programmed Stop

M03 Work spindle ON, clockwise
Programming example: Explanation: M04 Work spindle ON, anti-clockwise
M05 Work spindle Stop (however, the
N10 T=FINISHING_TOOL program continues)
N20 G96 F0.1 S200 M4 D1 vf = 0,1 mm/rev , vc = 200 M06 Tool change
m/min M08 Coolant ON
N30 . M09 Coolant OFF
M30 End of program; jump back to the start
of the program

Programming example: Explanation:

N20 G96 F0.1 S200 vf = 0.1 mm/rev, n = 200
N30 M3 M8 Spindle ON clockwise,
coolant ON

N90 M30 End of program M3
(Note: Further functions can be found in the annexure of Viewing direction
this manual)

Effect of the switching commands M3 and M4

Example Turning M4


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M501

M501 General technology basics

Summary Instruction Meaning

M03 Work spindle ON, clockwise

Address Meaning M04 Work spindle ON, anti-clockwise
M05 Work spindle Stop
T Tool number
D Cutting edge (tool data)
F Feed/Feed rate M06 Tool change
S Speed/Cutting speed

Path information/departure commands M08 Coolant ON

M09 Coolant OFF
Instruction Meaning

G95 Feed per revolution in mm ** M17 End of subprogram

M30 End of program, jump back to the begin-
ning of program
G96 Constant cutting speed in m/min **
All instructions (except G09) mentioned above are modal,
until they are programmed to deactivate with different set of
** Switching-ON status for turning
Furthermore there are instructions that are operative only
block-by-block, e.g. G09. These are automatically reset by
Switching information the control unit with the succeeding block.

Instruction Meaning

M00 Programmed halt

M501: END


M501 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M506 Program structure

Module Description:

This module describes the programming structure of NC-programs.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn how to structure a part program clearly and functionally.

Basic principles of programming

Program structure of a part program

Program structure of a machining sequence

Settings at the start of a program

Dimensioning for the X axis

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M506 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Program structure M506

Program structure:

principles of

structure of a
part program

structure of a

Settings at
the start of a

for the X axis

Program structure:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M506

M506 Program structure

Basic principles of programming Program structure of a part program

Certain principles should be followed during the crea-

tion of part programs: The following flow chart represents a possible suggestion
for a suitable structure of the main program.

The program must ensure that an unlimited number of

work pieces can be produced with the quality
(tolerances, surface quality, form and position deviation,
etc.) required on the drawing with a minimum of produc-
tion time and the least possible material wastage.

It is always the motion of the tool along the drawn ideal

contour of the work piece.

If tolerances are shown, the programming is always

referred to the middle of the tolerance.
Example: 20 + 0,1 - programmed value = 20,05.
Precise dimension corrections can be carried out on the
machine by means of the wear correction feature for
the tool.

The program should exhibit a clear and concise struc-

ture and should contain comments wherever possible to
ensure that other users can understand the layout easi-
ly at later stages.

Program header

Tool call-up 1

Technology block

Approaching the safety

level with the tool

Machining sequence 1

Retraction of the tool

no yes
Tool call-up 2 Workpiece

Technology block

End of program
Approaching the safety
level with the tool

Machining sequence 2


M506 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Program structure M506

Program structure of a machining sequence Programming using cycles

The programming of the machining sequence can be
achieved by means of description of the individual steps
using departure commands (e.g. G00, G01, G02, etc.) or by
Input of the individual pa-
means of machining cycles.
rameters using the input
The following representation refers to the flow chart in sec-
mask and graphical sup-
tion 2 of this manual and describes a possible machining

Programming with G-Codes

Activation of radius correc-

tion The following criteria should be kept in mind when select-
ing between the two described possibilities:
Interpolation to the first
destination point Availability of the cycles on the respective machine.
Interpolation to the next Machining time required with cycles or with G-codes.
destination point
The relation of the number of work pieces to the re-
quired programming extent.

Interpolation to the last des-

tination point

Deactivation of the radius


Settings at the start of a program

For the user it may be advantageous to switch on certain settings, that are to be activated in the part program, already in
the program heading.

If necessary, these modally active commands can always be reset by other commands at any stage during the program.

Suggestion of a program heading for a turning application:

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 G18 G54 G64 G71 G90 G96 Z/X-plane, 1st ZP-offset,
continuous path control, metrical
system, absolute dimensions,
constant cutting speed S in m/min
N20 DIAMON LIMS=3000 Diameter input*, speed limitation
nmax=3000 min-1

As soon the tool reaches the diameter of 0 (e.g. facing), the spindle speed evaluated internally in the control unit increases
steadily until eventually the maximum possible spindle speed would be attained.

Depending on the clamping conditions and the size of the work piece a speed limitation should always be selected for rea-
sons of safety.

* The explanation of the diameter input will be found in section 6 of this



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M506

M506 Program structure

Dimensioning for the X axis

Destination point of the X coordi-
The following 3 commands determine the coordinate state- nate
ments for the destination points of the address X when pro- Command
gramming departure commands:
under G90 under G91
Diameter programming ON Code DI-
DIAMON * Diameter Diameter
Diameter programming OFF Code DI-
AMOF DIAMOF** Radius Radius

Diameter programming for G90,

DIAM90 Diameter Radius
Radius programming for G91 Code DI-

These commands are modally operative.

They remain valid for the program until a block is reached

where an opposing command is programmed or terminated
automatically by the end of the program.

For turning machines the code DIAMON is normally set as
default for switching-ON condition.
Please refer to the machine manual as to which condition
has been implemented by the manufacturer in case of your

Representation of the commands for the dimension inputs

* Switching-ON condition for turning machines

** Switching-ON condition for milling machines

On the following pages the effects of the described codes

are shown graphically.
Only the motion of the X-axis is taken is into account for

The rough turning of the shown work piece is not part of this


M506 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Program structure M506

Effect of the command DIAMON under G90:

Programming example : Explanation:

N70 .
N80 G90 DIAMON; Absolute dimension, diameter progr. ON
N90 G01 X0 Z0; Starting position on diameter 0
N100 X30; Motion to diameter 30
N110 Z-10; Motion in Z
N120 X60; Motion to diameter 60

N120 Motion to the diameter 60

N100 Motion to the diameter 30

N90 Original position of the tool

Effect of the command DIAMON under G91:

Programming example : Explanation:

N70 .
N80 G90 DIAMON; Absolute dimension, diameter progr. ON
N90 G01 X0 Z0; Original position to diameter 0
N100 G91; Incremental dimension
N110 X30; Motion by diameter 30
N120 Z-10
N130 X30; Motion by diameter 30
N140 G90; Switching back to absolute dimensions
N150 .

N130 Motion by the diameter 30

N110 Motion by the diameter 30

N90 Original position of the tool


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M506

M506 Program structure

Effect of the command DIAMOF under G90:

Programming example : Explanation:

N70 .
N80 G90 DIAMOF; Absolute dimensions, diameter progr. OFF
N90 G01 X0 Z0; Original position to the radius 0
N100 X15; Motion to the radius 15
N110 Z-10
N120 X30; Motion to the radius 30
N130 DIAMON; Diameter programming ON
N140 .

N120 Motion to the radius 30

N100 Motion to the radius 15

N90 Original position des Werkzeuges

Programming example :DIAMOF

Effect of the command Explanation:
under G91:

N70 .
N80 G90 DIAMOF; Absolute dimensions, diameter progr. OFF
N90 G01 X0 Z0; Original position to the radius 0
N100 G91; Incremental dimension
N110 X15; Motion by radius 15
N120 Z-10
N130 X15; Motion by radius 15
N140 G90 DIAMON; Absolute dimensions, diameter progr. ON

N120 Motion by radius 15

N100 Motion by radius 15

N90 Original position of the tool

M506: END


M506 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M516 Operating elements

Module Description:

The general operation of a Sinumerik Operate will be described.

Depending on the machine manufacturer the following operating elements can be used:
Operator panels (OP)
CNC-full keyboard
Machine control panel (MCP)

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

With help of this module you learn to recognise general operating elements of the Sinu-
merik Operate, and how to differentiate them from one another.


Operator panel layouts of the Sinumerik Operate

CNC-full keyboard

Machine control panel

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M516 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating elements M516

Operating elements:

Operator panel
layouts of the


control panel

Operating elements:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M516

M516 Operating elements

The operator panel (OP) consists of the following oper- 5

ating elements:
Membrane keyboard with 8 + 4 horizontal and 8 3
vertical softkeys

Colour display (10.4 Display on 828D, 15 Dis-

play on 840D sl)

Front-USB-plug on operator panel front (840D sl),

USB, CF-card, Ethernet on operator panel front 4


Fully integrated QWERTY CNC-keyboard (828D)

Operator panel layout of the Sinumerik 840D sl:

1 Horizontal softkey strip (HSK) with 4 screen keys (2 each located on the left and right side)
2 Vertical softkey strip (VSK)

3 15 TFT-colour display

4 Front-USB-plug (Sinumerik 840D sl) , e.g. for connection of external memory media, mouse or keyboard

5 Status-LED: Power
Status-LED: Temp

Operator panel layout of the Sinumerik 828D 2



5 6
3 6

1 Horizontal softkey strip with 4 screen keys (2 each located on the left and right side) (HSK)
2 Vertical softkey strip (VSK)
3 10,4 TFT-colour display
4 USB, CF-card and Ethernet on panel front behind removable cover
5 Ready-LED (Status red/green), NC-LED (Status LED of the NC) and CF-LED (write/read access on CF-card)
behind lockable and removable cover
6 Integrated QWERTY CNC-keyboard


M516 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating elements M516

Horizontal and vertical Softkey bar (HSK/VSK)

Softkeys are buttons, which are dynamically linked with programmed functions. These functions are presented on the moni-
tor above the softkey bar (HSK) or to the left of the softkey bar (VSK) as a strip of icons.

The 8 horizontal softkeys are used to access the individual operation sectors including further menu layers. There is an
associated vertical menu strip/Softkey strip for each of the horizontal menu points.

The 8 vertical Softkeys are functions associated with the presently selected horizontal Softkey.
The function will be called up when the vertical softkey is pressed.

The content of the vertical softkey bar can therefore change once again if a sub-function to the selected function is cho-
The horizontal softkey bar consists furthermore of:

4 screen keys (see pictures below)

Calls-up the operating area MACHINE (in operating mode JOG, MDA or AUTO).

Jumps to the next highest menu level.

Extends the horizontal softkey bar.

Calls the main menu for operating area selection.

Screen area

The screen is laid out as follows:

1 4 12
2 9
3 5




828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M516

M516 Operating elements

1 8
Operation sector Display of:
Program path and name T = Active tool
Status, program influence and program name F = Present feedrate
4 S = Actual spindle revolution
Alarm and message line
5 Spindle load factor in percent
Channel operation messages
6 Vertical softkey bar (VSK)
Position readout for the axes
7 Working window
Display of the active zero point and rotation
Horizontal softkey bar (HSK)
Date and Time

CNC-full keyboard

According to the model of operating panel that is used, a CNC-keyboard can be integrated for operation and programming.
The keys that are described here can also be located directly on the operator panel.
The layout of the operating panel is described in the documentation of the machine manufacturer.
Below follows a description of the basic keys of the CNC-Full keyboard.

CNC-Full keyboard KB 483:

Alpha-Block Hotkey-Block Cursor-Block Number-Block.

Alpha-Block: The alpha-block features the letters A, ..., Z, the space key and the special character for the input
of text.
Hotkey-Block: The hotkey-block serves the direct selection of operation areas.

Cursor-Block: The cursor-block is used for navigation around the screen display.

Number-Block: The number-block features the numbers 0 ... 9, the decimal point and special characters for the
input of numerical characters and operators.


M516 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating elements M516

Keys in the Alpha-Block

Clears a value in the input field.
If in edit mode, the character in front of the cursor will be cleared.

Indent the cursor by several characters.

If the Shift-key is held depressed, the upper character on keys with double usage will be entered.

With the following key combinations navigation in the work plan and the G-Code-Editor is carried

Ctrl + NEXT WINDOW: Jump to the beginning.

Ctrl + END: Jump to the end.


Accepts an edited value

Opens / closes a directory
Opens a file
Keys in the Hotkey-Block

Opens up the operating area "Machine" (JOG, MDA, Auto). Corresponds to the yellow HSK 1

Opens up the operating area "Program".
The key corresponds to the yellow HSK 3 Program.

Opens up the operating area "Parameter (Tool list, Tool wear, Magazine, Work offset, User
variable, Setting data). The key corresponds to the yellow HSK 3 "Parameter".

Opens up the operating area "Program manager.
The key corresponds to the yellow HSK 4 "Program Manager".

Opens up the actual Alarmlist-window.

The key corresponds to the VSK 1"Alarm list" in the operating area Diagnostics.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M516

M516 Operating elements

This key can be customized by the machine manufacturer.
See the machine manufacturers documentation .

Keys in the Cursor-Block

Clears an active alarm shown in the alarm and message line that is identified with this symbol.

Selects a channel from 1 - n.

Opens the context-sensitive help window in a split-screen view. In case of the G-Code editor
the help documentation with intelligent support for programming instructions is called up.

Activates the next subwindow in the actual working window. By pressing CTRL + NEXT WIN-
DOW in the G-Code editor window you can jump to the first line of the program code.


Paging up or down in a directory or the work plan.

Locates the cursor in the last input field of a parameter mask. In the G-code editor the cursor will
be set to the end of the active line and by pressing STRG + END the cursor jumps to the end of
the last line of the program.

Navigates through the various fields or lines on the screen.
While in a program listing, the cursor-to-the-right-key opens a directory or a program. To
change to the next level above the present level press the cursor-to-the-left-key.

With this key you can select amongst several given alternatives.

Keys in the Number-Block

Clears a value in the active input field.
While in the edit mode, just the character in front of the cursor will be cleared.

Deletes the value in the parameter field.
While in the edit mode, just the character behind the cursor will be deleted.

Activation of the insertion mode or the pocket calculator. Opens a parameter menu in an input
field if available.


Accepts an edited value

Opens/closes a directory
Opens a file

M516 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating elements M516

Machine control panel

Depending on the type of operating panel the machine manufacturer may be using either a SIEMENS or his own machine
control panel for the operation of the machine.
This section describes the standard-keys of the Siemens machine control panel.
Depending on the machine further keys may be used; such information should be taken from the documentation by the
machine manufacturer.
Machine control panel MCP 483:

Below follows a description of the keys of the machine control panel and their function:

Press this key in the case of an emergency, i.e. if human life is endangered or if the machine or
work piece could be damaged.
All drives will be braked to a standstill with the greatest possible braking torque.

For further reactions that may be caused by pressing the EMERGENCY-OFF key please refer
to the documentation by the machine manufacturer.

Stops the machining from executing the presently running program. The NC-control unit
remains synchronized with the machine. It is now in the basic condition ready to commence
a new program run.

Clears an active alarm.

Selection of the operating mode JOG.

Creation of programs in interactive mode with the machine.

Selection of the operating mode MDA (Machine Data Automatic).

Selection of the operating mode Machine Auto.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M516

M516 Operating elements

Runs a program block-by-block (single block).

Repositions and re-approaches a contour.

REF. Point
Approaches a reference point.

VAR (Variable JOG step)

Traverse through an incremental dimension with variable step lengths.

Inc (Incremental JOG step)

Traverse through an incremental dimension with a given step size of 1, ..., 10000 increments.
The actual length of an incremental step depends on a machine datum.

Read the machine manufacturers documentation.

Starts a program run.

Stops a program run.

Axis keys
Axis (X, Y, Z, 4, 5, 6) selection.


Direction keys
For traversing an axis either in the positive or negative direction.

For traversing an axis at rapid traverse rate (fastest speed).

Toggling between the work piece coordinate system (WCS) and the machine coordinate system


M516 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating elements M516

Feed / Rapid traverse override

For increasing or reducing the programmed feedrate. The programmed feedrate is represented
by 100% and can be varied within the range of 0% to 120%, in rapid traverse only up to 100%.
The new adjusted value appears as an absolute and percentage value in the feed status dis-
play on the screen.

Stops the machining of the currently running program, in order to stop the axes.

Continuation of the program as from the present block and to increase the feedrate to the pro-
grammed value.

Spindle override
For increasing or reducing the programmed speed. The programmed speed corresponds to
100% and can be varied within the range of 0% to 120%. The new value thus selected ap-
pears as an absolute value and as a percentage in the speed status display on the screen.

To stop the spindle.

To start the spindle.

Key switch
Position 0 Lowest access
No key stage
Access stage 7
Position 1
Key 1 black
Access stage 6 Increasing access rights

Position 2
Key 1 green
Access stage 5
Position 3 Highest
Key 1 red access right
Access stage 4 (Key switch)

Further access rights (Access stage 3 - 0) are possible by means of passwords.

M516: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M516

M516 Operating elements


M516 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M518 Basics of operation

Module Description:

This module describes the relevant parts of the main screen with help of the basic screen layout.
In addition to the topic above, this module covers the selection of parameters with respect to units
(mm/inch) used and the usage of the calculator within the input masks.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn about the screen layout of the display panel of the Sinumerik
Operate, as well as the the basic operation of the control using softkeys and buttons.


Basics of operation

Considerations for the input masks

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M518 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of operation M518

Basic operations:

Basics of

s for the input

Basic operations:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M518

M518 Basics of operation

Basics of operation

Main screen of the HMI in the operating mode JOG

1 8
Active operating area and mode Position readout for the axes
2 9
Program path and name Display of the active zero
3 point, rotation, mirroring and scaling
Status, program influence and channel name
4 10
Alarm and message line Working window
5 11
Channel operation messages Horizontal softkey bar
6 12
Date and time Vertical softkey bar
Display of: 1 4 6
T = Active tool 2 1
3 5
F = Present feedrate 7
S = Spindle
Spindle load factor in percent

Active operating area and operating mode

(The display mode depends on the selected operating mode on the machine control panel (MCP)).
Display area Description
The operating mode Machine Manual (setup mode) can be selected by pressing the
JOG-button on the machine control panel.
Functions adjusted under T,S,M like tool selection, work offset and spindle control
affect all movements in the manual operating mode.
Another function using the JOG-Mode is the approaching of the reference point

Program path and name

NC programs can be created, modified and selected in the three main directories on the NC of the type DIR.

Status, program influence and channel name
Display area Description




M518 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of operation M518

Alarm and message line

In case of a syntax error in the program code or a hardware malfunction (e.g. emergency stop) an alarm number with ex-
plaining text shows up.
MCP Display area Description

After correcting the error (correction of the hardware malfunction) you can reset the error
message with the RESET-button.
By pressing the ALARM-key on the keyboard the Alarm list-window shows up, with a
list of all active alarm messages.

After correcting the error (correction of the syntax error) you can reset the error message
with the ALARM CANCEL-key on the keyboard.

Chanel operation messages
Display of operation messages with symbols.
Display area Description
Attention: In case of conditions with this symbol a manual operation is required.

Operation in case of the message Stop:

After the fault remedy the machining program will be continued after pressing NC-Start.

Operation in case of the message Wait:

After a successful acknowledgement of the fault the machining program will be continued

Stop: EMERGENCY-STOP activated

Stop: M0/M1 activated
In case of conditions with this symbol, a manual operation is usually not neces-

Wait: Remaining dwell time in seconds or in spindle revolutions

Wait: Exact stop not reached
Wait: for positioning axis

Current date and time are shown in the upper right corner of the screen.

Display of T,F,S and spindle-value


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M518

M518 Basics of operation

Display area Description

T: (Tool) Name of the active tool. The optional display of TC is only
available if a swivel head table is present.
F: (Feed) Display of the active feed rate for the current machining
(top: actual feed rate, large digits during machining), as well as the
display of the programmed feed rate (bottom) and the feed over-
ride in %.
S: (Spindle) Display of the active spindle speed for the current ma-
chining (top: actual speed, large digits during machining), as well
as the display of the programmed spindle speed (bottom) and the
speed override in %.
Position display for the axes

MCP/Display area Description

With the key WCS MCS on the MCP or the VSK 7 Act. values. Machine it is
possible to switch between the machine coordinate system (MCS) and the workpiece
coordinate system (WCS).

9 Display of the active zero point offsets, rotation, mirroring and scaling

The machine coordinate system (MCS) does not consider zero point offsets in comparison to the workpiece coordinate
system (WCS).
Display area Description

Name of the currently active work offset, rotation, mirroring, rotation and scaling for
the present machining sequence.

Work window


M518 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of operation M518

Horizontal softkey bar (HSK)

The user interface consists of different subsections. At the bottom of the screen is the horizontal softkey bar (HSK) con-
taining 8 softkeys (see Section 2.2.1 in this module). The selection of a new window is made by pressing the buttons just
under the softkeys. If the number of functions exceeds the representation capacities of the maximum of 8 softkeys than a
partitioning in two different horizontal softkey bars occurs.
The change over forth and back takes place with the Menu extend-key
on the operator panel.

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

The available functions and operating modes can be selected from the keys right beside the vertical softkey bar (VSK) on
the right hand side of the screen. If the number of functions exceeds the representation possibility capacity of the maxi-
mum of 8 softkeys than a partitioning in two different vertical softkey bars occurs.
The changeover takes place with the:

Forward-key or the

Backward-key (VSK 8).

Operating with softkeys and buttons

The Sinumerik Operate separates into 6 different operating areas (Machine, Parameter, Program, Program Manag-
er, Diagnostics, Start-up), 3 operating modes (JOG, MDA, AUTO) and 2 functions (REPOS, REFPOINT).

By pressing the button MENU SELECT on the operator panel the active
screen will be overlaid with the display of a yellow horizontal softkey bar at
the bottom and a yellow vertical softkey bar on the left side of the screen.
They consist of 6 operating area softkeys in the HSK and 3 operating
mode-, as well as 2 function softkeys in the vertical softkey bar.
Horizontal softkey bar (HSK)

Display area Description

By pressing HSK 1 Machine the operating are Machine will be called up.

By pressing the HSK 2 Parameter the operating area Parameter will be called up.

By pressing the HSK 3 Program the operating area Program will be called up.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M518

M518 Basics of operation

By pressing the HSK 4 Program-Manager the operating area Program-Manager will be

called up.

By pressing the HSK 5 Diagnose the operating area Diagnose will be called up.

By pressing the HSK 6 Setup the operating area Setup will be called up.

Vertikale Softkey-bar (VSK)

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 AUTO the operating mode AUTO will be called up

By pressing the VSK 2 MDA the operating mode MDA will be called up.

By pressing the VSK 3 the operating mode JOG will be called up.

By pressing the VSK 4 REPOS the function REPOS will be called up.

By pressing the VSK 5 REF POINT the function REF POINT will be called up.

Considerations for the input masks

Measurement units [metric/imperial]

The measurement units of all parameters used in the entire documentation are defined in the metrical system (mm). The
following table compares the equivalent imperial measuring units (inch and foot) with the metric system.

A description how to change between metric (mm) and imperial system (inch) can be found in the module B570 - Operating
mode JOG.

Metric Inch/foot

mm in

mm/tooth in/tooth

mm/min in/min

mm/rev in/rev

m/min ft/min


M518 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of operation M518
Parameter selection

The following described selection of parameters in an input mask can be called in every entry field where parameter selec-
tion is possible and numerical input is not possible.
A list of possible parameters is displayed by pressing "INSERT"-key on the keyboard
Navigation through the menu occurs with the blue cursor-keys.

Navigation in long lists can be short cutted by pressing the initial letter or number of the param-
eter directly on the keyboard. Each additional pressed letter continuous to restrict the selection.

If the selected entry is orange highlighted (actual cursor position) then with pressing on of the
yellow INPUT-keys on the keyboard the chosen value is taken over into the input field.

Alternatively you can switch through a list of possible choices in the input field by pressing the
blue SELECT-key repeatedly.

Pocket calculator

The calculator can be called-up from every part of the operating area.

If a numerical entry is necessary in an input field you can open the pocket calculator by press-
ing the equal sign (=) on the keyboard.
If their is already a value existing in the input filed e.g. 100 , then the value will be captured into
the calculator window.

Softkeys Description

By pressing the softkey Delete every input or outcome value in the calculator will be deleted.

For calculating values the four basic arithmetical operators are available,

as well as..

square root (R) and.

Square (S).

If you enter the letter R with a following number in the calculator and press the Calculate
button than the square root of the entry will be calculated. If you place first a S instead of a
R in front of the number, the square will be calculated.
A mathematical function with values in parenthesis allows the calculation of complex mathe-
matical expressions.

The softkey Accept transfers the result to the input field and closes the pocket calculator inde-

The button Cancel closes the pocket calculator.

M518: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M518

M518 Basics of operation


M518 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M520 Operating mode JOG

Module Description:

In this module the softkeys of the Sinumerik Operate, available in the manual mode (setup- and basic
functions), will be described.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn the different options of the operating area "Machine" in the oper-
ating mode "JOG".

Operating mode "JOG"
Tool, spindle and machine commands (T,S,M)
Set Work offset (Set WO)
Measure workpiece
Measuring a tool
Stock removal
Synchronize thread

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M520 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Operating mode

mode "JOG"
Operating mode
Tool-, spindle-
and machine

Set Work
(Set WO)


Measuring a





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Operating mode "JOG"

Operation mode JOG is used, for setting up the machine for program runoff or if you simply want to traverse the axes on
the machine:

Reference point approach, i.e. calibration of the position measuring system

Preparing a machine for executing a program in automatic mode, i.e. measuring tools, measuring the workpiece and, if
necessary, defining the work offsets used in the program

Traversing axes, e.g. during a program interruption

Positioning axes
Selecting the operating mode JOG

The operating mode "JOG" can be selected as follows:

Press the JOG button on the machine control panel (MCP).

The operating mode JOG opens directly.

- OR -

Press the button MENU SELECT on the machine control panel.

Press the VSK 1 JOG in the yellow vertical softtkey bar on the right hand side of the screen to
switch directly to the operating mode JOG.

Then Switch to the operating area Machine by pressing the MACHINE key on the operator
panel or on the keyboard or press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel and the yel-
low HSK 1 Machine.
The following screen opens:

The following functions are offered in the horizontal and vertical softkey bar of the operating area "Machine".


M520 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Vertical softkey bars 1 and 2

Display area Description

The most important G-functions are displayed in a sub-window by pressing the VSK 1.1 "G

Available auxiliary functions are displayed in a subwindow by pressing the VSK 1.2 "Auxiliary
functions" at the time of the output.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 "Act. values. Machine", the coordinate system will be toggled between
the machine coordinate system (MCS) and the workpiece coordinate system (WCS).

Refer to the machine manufacturers documentation.
By pressing the VSK 1.8 "Forward" on the operator panel (OP) the selection of additional soft-
keys on the vertical softkey bar is possible

By pressing the VSK 2.2 "All G functions" all G-functions will be shown.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 "Zoom act. val." all actual axes positions in the selected coordinate
system as well as the currently active feed rate and feed override of each individual axis are
displayed full screen. In addition all active zero point offsets, transformations and the T,F,S data
is being displayed in the foot line.

If the machine is in the sub-mode REPOS, then the in manual mode traversed path difference
is also being displayed.
By pressing the VSK 2.8 "Back" on the operator panel (OP) the vertical softkey bar switches
back to the menu of the VSK 1.

Horizontal softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description
By pressing the HSK 1.1 "T,S,M" the input screen "T,S,M" will be activated.

By pressing the HSK 1.2 "Set WO" the input screen for setting the work offset will be activated.

By pressing the HSK 1.3 "Meas. workp. the input mask for measuring a workpiece will be

By pressing the HSK 1.4 "Meas. tool" the function "Measure tool" will be activated and the ex-
tended options "Manual", "Automatic", and "Calibrate" will be available in the vertical softkey
By pressing the HSK 1.5 "Position" the input screen "Position" will be activated.

By pressing the HSK 1.7 "Stock rem." the input screen "Stock removal" will be activated.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Display area Description

By pressing the "Menu extend"-button on the operator panel (OP) more softkeys on the HSK
will be available.

This symbol on the right of the dialogue line indicates that more options on the HSK are availa-

This symbol indicates that you are in the extended softkey bar.

By pressing the HSK 2.5 "Synch. thread" the screen which shows the Synchronize thread
screen for reworking of threads is displayed.

By pressing the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" the input mask for traversing the axis in machine coordi-
nate system (MCS) or workpiece coordinate system (WCS) will be available.

By pressing the HSK 2.7 "Synch. Action." the screen which shows the current synchronized
actions is displayed.
By pressing the HSK 2.8 "Settings" a window opens up where you can adjust the settings for
manual operation on the Sinumerik Operate.

Tool, spindle and machine commands

Selecting the function "T,S,M" (Tool, spindle and machine commands)

By pressing the HSK 1 "T,S,M" in operation area Machine under operation mode JOG the
following input mask will be displayed on the screen .


M520 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 "Select tool" the tool list opens on the screen.

See module M523 - "Operating area Parameter".

By pressing the VSK 2 "Select work offs." a list with the zero point offsets will be displayed.

Refer to Work offset in this modulle".

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

Parameters of "T,S,M" (Tool, spindle and machine commands)

Input mask for tool-, spindle- and machine commands:

Values can be entered directly in the orange marked input fields or by selecting predefined parameters with the SELECT-
key. Alternatively the INSERT-button in the marked cursor field opens a select menu of all possible parameters, in which
you can navigate with the Tab- key as well as the blue cursor-up- and cursor-down-down buttons. The button INPUT
takes over the selected values. In order to be independently of country specific measuring units [metric/imperial] not all units
are displayed in the input masks.
See module M518 - "Basic operations".
In this documentation the measuring units are always metric.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Parameter Meaning
Tool selection Selection of tool is by Tool name or Location number
T Tool name: e.g. T1 or Roughing _55 (alphanumerical).
Location number
D Cutting edge number of the tool.
S1 Work spindle The display of the spindles S2 is optional.
S2 Tool spindle Follow the machine manufacturers instructions.
rpm Spindle speed (revolutions per minute, numerical).
Spindle M-function: Spindle M function (Make a selection using the "SELECT"-key on the keyboard).

Empty field
No selection is made.

Right (M 3)
Clockwise rotation of the spindle.

Left (M 4)
Counter clockwise rotation of the spindle.

Off (M 5)
Spindle is stopped.

Positioning (SPOS) Spindle positioning: Spindle is positioned to the desired position.

Parameter Unit Meaning (continuation)

Other M funct. Manufacturer defined M functions.

By inserting the number of the function, a corresponding M-function is selected.

Refer to the machine manufacturers table for the correlation between the meaning and
the function.

Work offset: Alternative parameter options:

The actual value of the work offset refers to the machine zero point, after approaching
None the reference point.
In contrast a machining program refers to the workpiece zero point. This offset is to be
Basic reference entered as zero point offset.
G54 You can select work offsets from the tool list of settable work offsets via the "Work off-
set" softkey.
Unit of measure: Alternative parameter options:

none Note:
[mm] The setting made here has effect on the programming.


M520 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520
Parameter Unit Meaning (continuation)

Unit of measure: Alternative parameter options:

Working Planes
Gear stage Specification of the gear stage
(none, auto, I - V).
Stop position [Deg] Input of the spindle position.

This parameter shows up by selecting the spindle M-function .

With CYCLE START the inserted values will be executed. The entries in the option fields will be deleted.

Tool definition and call with the input mask "T, S, M"

Press the HSK 1 "T, S, M" is on the screen

See above in the working window open the "T, S, M" input box.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Press VSK 1 "Select tool" opens the tool list screen,

As shown below.

Press VSK 1 "New tool" to get the Favourites tool selection.


M520 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Already activated the VSK 1 "Favorites" where you will find the most common tools already. By clicking on the soft keys
such as
"Drill", offered all drilling. In our example, the first tool the same "Type 500 - roughing" is used.

Press VSK 8 "OK" the selected tool is added to the Tool list.

The name of the tool can be modified as desired.

For example, the tool name is changed from ROUGHING to
ROUGHING_80A. Using the keyboard to edit.

The tool length in X and Z are left alone, but the correct tip radius, and the angle information including cutting direction can
be edited and checked. Where appropriate spindle direction and external coolant supply activate.

Press VSK 1 "In Manual", the tool is now copied into the input window of T, S, M.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

The speed and direction can be specified in the T,S,M window as if the tool was already in the active position in the turret.
In this example the tool is positioned when the CYCLE START is pressed.

CYCLE START initiates a tool change without any further use of M6

The tool will now appear in the tool technology window (outlined in red), the tool from the Tool list with specification of radi-
us, length in Z and X as well as the cutter icon are shown.

Work Offset

Selecting the function "Work offset"

By pressing the HSK 2 "Set WO" in operation area Machine under operation mode
JOG the input field for the programming of a work offset will be opened, like displayed


M520 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Input value: By selecting an axis you can insert a value for the zero point offset in the orange marked
field (see the picture above).

The navigation through the axis-fields can be accomplished by pressing the blue cursor-
up and cursor down keys on the keyboard.
The slider on the right side of the subwindow indicates that there are more axis values
available, that can be reached by using the cursor-down key.

Important: The horizontal softkey 2 "Set WO" is only selectable if the workpiece coordinate system is
selected and a zero point offset (in this example G54) is active.

The entered values for a zero point offset of the axis will be accepted and displayed in the
workpiece coordinate system (WCS).

The difference between the original position to the new entered value will be written to the
active zero point offset.
Vertical softkey bar
Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 "Z=0" the position of the Z-axes will be reset to zero.

By pressing the VSK 2 "X=0" the position of the X-axis will be reset to zero.

By pressing the VSK 5 "Delete active WO" the zero point offset of all axes is set
back to zero.

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik

After setting a position or deleting a zero point offset a automatic switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Setting the "Work offset"

Press the HSK 1 "T,S,M" to activate the T,S,M (Tool-, spindle- and machine) -

In the input mask select the input field "Work offset".

By pressing the "INSERT"-key on the keyboard, an option menu opens where you
can make the desired selection of possible zero point offsets.
You can navigate through this menu by means of the blue cursor-up- and cursor-
down-keys on the keyboard.

Navigation in long lists can be easier by pressing the initial letter or number of the
parameter directly. Each additionally pressed letter continuous to restrict the selec-

When the desired zero point offset is marked orange, you can accept this value by
pressing the yellow INPUT-key on the keyboard.

Alternatively you can toggle through all possible options by pressing the "SELECT"-
key repeatedly.

By pressing the button "CYCLE START" on the machine control panel the chosen
zero point offset is activated.

Deactivating the "Work offset"

Press the HSK 1 "T,S,M" to select the operation mode T,S,M.

The T,S,M subwindow opens (see picture above).

In the "T,S,M" input mask select the input field "Work offset". By using one of the two
selection methods select the empty input field (see previous page).

Press the button "CYCLE START on the machine control panel (MCP) and the "Work
offset" will be deactivated.


M520 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Measure workpiece

Selecting the function Measure workpiece

In the operating area Machine under the operating mode JOG press the HSK 3
"Meas. workp." to open the Front edge input mask.

The reference point for programming a workpiece is always the workpiece zero. To determine this zero point, measure the
length of the workpiece and save the position of the surface of the cylinder's face in the direction Z in a work offset.
This means that the position is stored in the coarse offset and existing values in the fine offset are deleted.

The tool must approach the workpiece manually.

Another option is to either use an edge probe or dial gauge with a known radius and length.
Alternatively an arbitrary tool with known radius and known length can also be used .
When measuring a workpiece zero manually there are input parameters that depend on the type of tool used and therefore
are only accessible in this special case.

The measuring tools may not be of the type 3-D probe.

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 "Select work offs." the input mask "Work offset" will be selected.

By pressing the VSK 7 Set WO the chosen work offset values are accepted.

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Oper-


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Measuring the workpiece with "Set edge"

Parameters for "Set edge"

Parameter Unit Explanation

Work offset Select Work offset and a corresponding offset value (G54...G57),
choose Measuring only if the measured values should only be shown.

Measuring only

Work offsets: Alternative parameter selection.

Several Work offsets are possible.
Note the machine manufacturers documentation.
Z0 [mm] Reference point.


M520 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Measuring the workpiece zero with Set edge

1. Select the HSK 3 Meas. workp. in the operating mode JOG of the main screen.

The Set edge window opens.

2. Select "Measuring only" if you only want to display the measured values.

- OR-
3. Select "Select work offs." and the work offset number(G54...G599) in which you want
to store the zero point in the associated selection box.

The selection of work offsets can differ. Please refer to the machine manufacturer's
4. Select the tool in the Z direction and manual method.
5. Measure the position of the workpiece edge "Z0" and press VSK 7 "Set WO"
6. The workpiece zero point offset is calculated. The tool length is updated automatically.
7. Press VSK 8 "Back" .

Measuring a tool

Selecting the function "Measure tool"

By pressing the HSK 4 "Meas. tool" the measure tool VSK-bar opens on the left side of
the screen.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

The geometries of the machining tool must be taken into consideration when executing a part program. These are stored as
tool offset data in the tool list. Each time the tool is called, the control considers the tool offset data.
When programming the part program, you only need to enter the workpiece dimensions from the production drawing. After
this, the controller independently calculates the individual tool path.
You can determine the tool offset data, i.e. the length and radius or diameter, either manually or automatically with tool

Measuring a tool manually

When measuring manually, traverse the tool manually to a known reference point in order to determine the tool dimensions
in X and Z-direction.

The Sinumerik Operate then calculates the tools offset data from the position of the tool carrier reference point and the ref-
erence point.

Either the workpiece edge or the chuck of the main or sub-spindle can be used as a reference point for measuring in Z-
direction. The position of the workpiece is shown during the measurement. The position of the chuck, in contrast, must be
known before the measurement.

When measuring the tool dimension in X-direction, the workpiece always serves as the reference point.

Note the machine manufacturers instructions.
Measuring tool automatically

During automatic measuring, you determine the tool dimensions in the directions X and Z with the aid of a probe. The
tool offset data is then calculated from the known position of the tool carrier reference point and the probe.
If you wish to measure your tools with a tool probe, the machine manufacturer must parameterize special measuring func-
tions for that purpose.
Enter the cutting edge position and the radius or diameter of the tool in the tool list before performing the actual measure-

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 "Manual" the input mask "Length manual" opens.

By pressing the VSK 2 "Automatic" the Input mask "Length auto" opens.

By pressing the VSK 3 "Magnifying glass" the input mask "Magnifying glass" opens.

By pressing the VSK 6 "Calibrate probe" the input mask "Probe calibration" opens.

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" switch back to the main screen.


M520 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Measuring a tool manually

By pressing the VSK 1 "Manual" the input mask Length manual opens.

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

By pressing the VSK 1 "Select tool" the tool list opens.
See module M523 - "Operating area Parameter".

By pressing the VSK 2 "Save position" the tool position is saved and the tool can be re-
tracted from the workpiece.

By pressing the VSK 3 "X" the input mask for the manual length measurement of the X-
axis is called up.

By pressing the VSK 4 "Z" the input mask for the manual length measurement of the Z-
axis is called up.

By pressing the VSK 7 "Set length" the input values inserted are accepted.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Oper-

Parameters for measuring a tool manually with "X"

Parameter Meaning
T Tool name
(Alternatively select a tool from the tool list)
D Cutting edge number (1 to 9).
ST Replacement tool (01 to 99).
X0 Workpiece edge Diameter in direction X


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Parameters for measuring a tool manually with "Z"

Parameter Meaning

T Tool name
Alternatively: Select a tool from the tool list.
D Cutting edge number (1 to 9)

ST Replacement tool (01 to 99)

Z0 Workpiece edge measured in direction "Z"

Measuring a tool manually with reference point on the work piece edge

1. In the operating mode JOG select the HSK 4 Meas. Tool and then the VSK 1
2. Press the VSK 2 "Tool.

3. Select the tool to be measured from the tool list. A approximate tool length in X and
Z, cutting edge length and radius or diameter have to be already predetermined and
entered into the tool list.
4. Press the VSK 1 In manual.
The selected tool is accepted in the Length manual window.
5. Press the VSK 3 for X or VSK 4 for Z, depending in what direction the tool length is
to be measured.
6. Select the cutting edge number D and the number of the replacement tool ST of
the tool.

7. Traverse the tool towards the workpiece in the direction that is to be measured and
scratch it.
8. Enter the position of the workpiece edge in X0 or Z0. If no value is entered for X0
or Z0, the value is taken from the actual value display.
9 Press the VSK 7 "Set length".

The tool length is calculated automatically and entered in the tool list. Whereby the cutting edge position and tool radius or
diameter are automatically taken into consideration as well.


M520 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Measuring a tool manually with reference point on the chuck

1. In the operating mode JOG select the HSK 4 Meas. Tool and then the VSK 1 Manual.

The Length manual window opens.

2. Press the VSK 4 "Z".

3. Press the VSK 1 "Select tool.

4. After opening the tool list, select the tool that has to be measured.
The cutting edge position and the radius or diameter of the tool must already be entered in
the tool list.
5. Press the VSK 1 In manual.
The selected tool is accepted in the Length manual input mask.
6. Select the cutting edge number D and the number of the replacement tool ST of the tool.

7. Put a distance gauge on the chuck, traverse the tool towards the chuck and scratch it.

8. Press the VSK 7 "Set length".

The tool length is calculated automatically and entered in the tool list. Whereby the cutting edge position and tool radius or
diameter are automatically taken into consideration as well.


Selecting the function Position

In order to implement simple machining sequences, you can traverse the axes to certain positions in manual mode.
The feedrate/rapid traverse override is active during traversing.
By pressing the HSK 5 Position the input mask Target position will be shown on
the screen.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 5 Rapid traverse the parameter F is set to rapid.

The VSK 5 Rapid can also be pressed if the input field parameter F is not the ac-
tive input field (highlighted in orange)
By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik

Parameters of "Target position"

Parameter Unit Description
F [mm/min] Feed

X [mm] Target position [abs/inc]

Z The number of the axes is depending on the machine configuration.
Note the machine manufacturers documentation.

C [Degree] Target angle [abs/inc]



Procedure for Target position

1. If required, select a tool.

2. Select the JOG operating mode and press the HSK 5 Position.

3. Enter the target position or target angle for the axis or axes to be traversed.

4. Specify the desired value for the feedrate F.

- OR -

5. Press VSK 5 "*Rapid traverse*".

*Rapid tr.* is displayed in the input field F.

6. Press the "CYCLE START" button on the machine control panel (MCP).

The axis is traversed to the specified target position.

If target positions were specified for several axes, the axes are traversed simultaneously.

Pay attention to a collision free approach of the target position.


M520 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520
Stock removal

Selecting the function Stock removal

You can use this cycle to face mill any workpiece. A rectangular surface is always machined.
By pressing the HSK 7 Stock rem. in the Operating area Machine and operating
mode JOG the following input mask will be shown on the screen.

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Select tool you can insert a tool. Select the desired tool in
the tool list (e.g ROUGHING_80) with the orange selection cursor and press VSK 1
In manual

With VSK 2 Graphic view you can switchover between help screen and graphical

By pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can escape the screen Stock removal.

With pressing of VSK 8 Accept the following program block is generated:

With CYCLE START the cycle Stock removal will be executed.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Parameters of Stock removal

Parameter Unit Description
T Tool name

D Cutting edge number of the tool.

F [mm/min] Feed

S [rpm] Spindle speed

V [m/min] or constant cutting speed

Machining The following machining operations can be selected:




Machining positions

X0 Reference point (abs)

Z0 Reference point (abs)

X1 End point X (abs) or End point X in relation to (inc)

mm End point Z (abs) or End point Z in relation to (inc)


FS1..FS3 Chamfer width (FS1...FS3)

Or mm or
R1...R3 Rounding radius (R1...R3)

D mm Infeed depth (inc) - (for roughing only)

UX mm Final machining allowance in X direction (inc) - (for roughing only)

UZ mm Final machining allowance in Z direction (inc) - (for roughing only)

Synchronize thread

Selecting the function Synch. thread

When a component with a thread has to be re-machined, and the component is placed back into the chuck, the spindle
has to be synchronized with the Z axis so that an angular offset can occur in the thread. This is achieved with the
screen below.
By pressing the HSK 2.5 Synch. thread in the extended horizontal softkey bar the
following input mask will be shown on the screen.


M520 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode JOG M520

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

The number of softkeys for synchronizing the spindle are available depending on whether there is a counter spindle.

Display area Description

Geometry axes
By pressing the VSK 6 "Teach main spin." the z-axis is synchronized with main

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik

Selecting the function Settings

By pressing the HSK 2.8 Settings the following input mask will be shown on the screen.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 M520

M520 Operating mode JOG

Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 4 "Measure. report" the settings for the measuring report can be

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover inch" the measuring units are converted from the
metric to the imperial (inch) dimension system. New values have to be entered in inches.
By pressing this key the key function switches to "Changeover metric".
By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover metric" the measuring units are converted from the
imperial (inch) to the metric dimension system. New values have to be metric. By pressing
this key the key function switches to "Changeover inch".

Accept the selection by pressing the VSK 8 OK or

cancel by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Oper-

All Inputs and calculation parameters are converted, as well as positioning displays, tool data (length, radius, wear), zero
point offsets, tool zero point and setting data (workspace limitation).
Measuring unit [metric/inch]
Regional settings of the units are not being displayed inside the input masks. The following table compares the imperial
system (inch) with the metric system (mm).
Switching between the units is done in the operation area T,S,M in the inputfield Unit of measure, or with the HSK 2.8
Settings and VSK "Changeover metric/inch".

Metric Inch
mm in

mm/tooth in/tooth

mm/min in/min

mm/rev in/rev

m/min ft/min

Parameters for "Settings"

In the Settings for manual mode window all configurations for manual operation can be done.
Parameter Unit Meaning
Type of feed:
G94 Axis feedrate/linear feedrate
G95 Revolutional feedrate

Setup feedrate G94 mm/ Feedrate in mm/min

Setup feedrate G95 mm/rev Feedrate in mm/rev
Variable increment Enter the desired increment for axis traversal by variable increments
Spindle speed rpm Spindle speed in rpm
After inserting the values in the input fields, press the VSK 8 Back to switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Op-
erate in the extended view. M520: END


M520 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M521 Operating mode MDA

Module Description:

This module describes how a program can be loaded directly from the program manager into the
MDA-buffer and how the processing of the program is started.
It will be explained how an edited program, created in the working window, is written from the MDA-
buffer to any directory on the control unit.
You learn how to create a directory and a workpiece file of the type *.WPD.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn the different options of the operating mode MDA in the operat-
ing area Machine.

Operating mode MDA

Load MDI

Save MDI

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M521 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode MDA M521

Operating mode

mode MDA

Load MDI

Save MDI

Operating mode


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M521

M521 Operating mode MDA

Operating mode MDA

In "MDA" mode (Manual Data Automatic), you can enter G-code commands block-by-block and immediately execute them
for setting up the machine.
You can load an MDA program straight from the Program Manager into the MDA buffer. You may also store programs
which were rendered or changed in the MDA operating window into any directory of the program manager.
Selecting the operating mode MDA

The operating mode MDA can be selected as follows:

Press the MDA-key on the operator panel (OP).

The operating mode MDA will be opened immediately.

- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the VSK 2 MDA in the yellow vertical softkey bar on the right side of the screen and the
operating mode MDA will be opened immediately.

Now switch to the operating area Machine by pressing the MACHINE key on the operator
panel or on the keyboard or press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel and the
yellow HSK 1 Machine. The following screen opens:

In the operating mode MDA the following softkeys are shown in the horizontal and vertical softkey bar of the Sinumerik

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Delete blocks entered program blocks can be deleted.


M521 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode MDA M521

Horizontal softkey bar 1

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 1 Load MDI the Load into MDI with the program manager window

By pressing the HSK 2 Save MDI the Save from MDI : Select storage location with the
program manager window opens.

Load MDI

Selecting the function Load MDI

By pressing the HSK1 Load MDI the Load into MDI window with the Program Manger is
displayed as below:

To navigate in the program manager window use the blue cursor-keys

The following operation options are available in the vertical softkey bar to the right:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M521

M521 Operating mode MDA

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Press the VSK 3 Search to open the Find file window.

Press the VSK 7 Cancel to close the Load into MDI window.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK the marked program will be opened after closing the window
Load into MDI and taken over in the MDI-window.
If a program is already in the MDI-buffer, you will be asked to overwrite. Accept with OK or
refuse with Cancel. A program loaded in the MDI-buffer can be edited or can be executed by
pressing the CYCLE START-button on the MCP

Loading a MDI-program

1. Switch to operating mode MDA (see section 2.1).

2. Press the VSK 1 Load MDA.

The Load into MDI Program manger window opens.

3. Mark the program you want to load with the orange cursor-keys.

4 Press the VSK 8 OK.

The window closes and the program is ready for machining.

Save MDI

Selecting the function Save MDI

By pressing the HSK2 Save MDI the Save from MDI : Select storage location window with
the Program Manger is displayed as below:

Navigate through the program manager window by means of the blue cursor-keys.

The following softkeys are available in the vertical softkey bar.


M521 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode MDA M521

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 New directory a new directory can be created in the Local drive fold-
An input window opens where a name can be entered for the new directory that is to be created.
Create a new directory by pressing the VSK 8 OK or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

The New directory-softkey is not active if you have placed the cursor on or in the NC data

Press the VSK 3 Search to open the Find file window.

Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 7 Cancel the Save from MDI window will be closed without saving.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK, with the cursor on a folder, the New G code program window
opens. Select the file type (Main program: MPF/Subprogram: SPF) that you wish to create.
After input of the filename the program will be written from the MDI-buffer to the new created
file or the file that is marked with the cursor.

Saving a MDI-program

1. Select the operating mode MDA (see section 2.1)

The MDI editor opens.

2. Create the MDI program by entering the G-code commands using the keyboard.

3. Press the VSK 2 "Save MDI.

The "Save from MDA : Select storage location" window opens. It shows you a view of the program

4. Select the drive to which you want to save the MDI program you have created, and place the cursor on
the directory in which the program is to be stored.

5. Press the VSK 8 OK.

When you place the cursor on a folder, a window opens which prompts you to assign a program name.
When you place the cursor on a program, you are asked whether the file should be overwritten or not.

7. Enter a name for the program and press the VSK 8 OK.

The program will be saved under the specified name in the selected
M521: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M521

M521 Operating mode MDA


M521 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M523 Operating area Parameter

Module Description:

In the tool management area all tool data relevant for machining (e.g., tool length, radius correction,
tool wear and magazine configuration) can be viewed and modified.
The tool management contains the following sub-functions:
the tool list
the tool wear
the magazine management

In addition to these sub-functions a machine specific list can be configured by the machine manufac-
turer. Refer to the machine manufacturers documentation.
In the "Work offset" menu the linear and rotational offsets can be viewed and modified in the settable
work offset (WO).

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn to use the tool management with the Sinumerik Operate. You
learn about the programming philosophy of the adjustable and programmable work off-
set, the function of the user variables and how to modify the working area limitation.

Operating area Parameter

Tool list

Tool wear

Zero offset basics

Work offset

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M523 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Parameter M523

Operating area


Tool list

Tool wear

Zero offset

Work offset

Operating area


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M523

M523 Operating area Parameter

Operating area Parameter

Selecting the operating area Parameter

In the Operation area Parameter you have a choice of selecting between various lists (e.g. Tool list, tool wear, magazine
list, offsets, user variables and setting data). For example in the tool management area, all tools and if configured also the
magazine locations are being displayed. Both lists display the same tools in the same order. When switching between lists,
the position of the cursor on a particular tool in the current screen is carried over to the same tool in a new screen. The lists
differ from each other by the displayed parameters and the Softkey functions.

Switching between lists is a specific change from one topic to the next.

Tool list: All parameters and functions required to create and set up tools are displayed.
Tool wear: All parameters and functions that are required during operation, e.g. wear and monitoring functions, are
listed here.

Magazine: Magazine and magazine location-related parameters and functions for the tools and magazine locations are
listed here.
The operating area Parameter can be opened from every operating modes (JOG, MDA, AUTO).

Press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard.

The operating area Parameter respectively the Tool list opens directly.

- OR -

Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel. The yellow horizontal and vertical soft-
key bar opens.

Then switch to the operating area Parameter by pressing the HSK 2 Parameter on the oper-
ator panel.

The operating area Parameter opens, with the Tool list, Tool wear, Magazine, Work
offset, User variables and the Setting data.

These functions are made available in the following described horizontal softkey bar.
Horizontal softkey bar (HSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the HSK 1 Tool list the tool list window opens.

By pressing the HSK 2 Tool wear the tool wear list opens.


M523 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Parameter M523

Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the HSK 4 Magazine the Magazine management is opened.

By pressing the HSK 5 Work offset a list with all Work offsets is opened.

By pressing the HSK 6 User variable a list with all R variables is opened.

By pressing the HSK 8 Setting data a list with all setting data is opened.

Selecting the Tool list

By pressing the HSK 1 Tool list the Tool list window opens.
(Note the screen below.)

In the tool list all parameters and functions that are required to create and set up the tools are displayed, regardless weather
the tools are assigned or not assigned to a magazine location. Each tool is uniquely identified by the location number, the
tool name and the replacement tool number.
The most common tools and probes for turning, drilling and milling are offered in the tool list.
Geometrical and technological tool data can be assigned to each tool type.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M523

M523 Operating area Parameter

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1.1 Tool measure the Measuring tool window opens.

By pressing the VSK 1.2 New tool a new tool can be created. This function is only availa-
ble, if the cursor is positioned on a filed that does not yet has a tool assigned to it.

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Edges the vertical softkey bar for assigning new cutting edges and
deleting existing cutting edges opens to the right side of the screen. If a tool has several cut-
ting edges each edge gets its own set of correction data.
By pressing the VSK 1.4 Further data more information about a tool will be displayed. This
function is only available for tools which have additional information.

By pressing the VSKs 1.5 Unload or Load the actual selected tool wil be unloaded from or
loaded to the magazine. Unloaded tools are being displayed on the bottom of the magazine

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Delete tool the selected tool will be deleted from the tool list.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Magazine selection Softkey multiple times you can jump between
buffer location (spindle and gripper), Magazine and NC-memory (unloaded tools) and back to
the buffer location. The cursor is always positioned at the beginning of each group.
By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend on the operator panel the extended vertical softkey bar 2
opens on the right hand side of the screen.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 Sort you can sort the tools in the tool list according to the following
The suitable softkeys are offered in the vertical softkey bar.
Display area Description (continuation)

Pressing the VSK 2.2 Filter opens the screen to set the filter options.

Pressing the VSK 2.3 Search opens a new softkey bar with the functions
Magazine location
Empty location
The type of search is selected by the sotfkey selection.

Pressing the VSK 2.4 Details opens a new softkey bar with the functions
Tool Data
Cutting edge data
Monitoring data
The details of the tool which is selected by the cursor position are listed in the screen.
Pressing the VSK 2.8 Back on the operator panel you switch back to the vertical softkey bar


M523 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Parameter M523

Tool parameters
Column header Meaning
Loc. Magazine/location number

Magazine number:
If more than one magazine is available, first the location number and then the magazine
number is displayed separated by a slash. E.g.:
Location number 1 in magazine 1
Location number 1 in magazine 2

Tools in the tool list not assigned to a magazine are displayed without a location number at
the end of the window.
You can manage tools that are not changed automatically, by hands (hand tools).
If the orange selection cursor is placed in the type
field on a tool icon you can change the tool type by pressing the SELECT-key.

Type Tool type

Tools can be created on a free tool position or by pressing the VSK 1.2 New tool in the tool list. The following tool win-
dows can be opened by pressing the corresponding vertical softkeys.

Press the VSK 1 Favourites to open the New tool - favour-

ites list. In the favourite list
the most often used tools are saved as favourites for a fast


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M523

M523 Operating area Parameter

Press the VSK 2 Cutters 100-199 to open the New tool -

milling cutter list.
A list of all available milling cutters opens.

Press the VSK 3 Drill 200-299 to open the New tool -

drill list.
A list with all available
Drilling tools opens.

Press the VSK 4 Turntools 500-599 to open the New

tool - turning tools list.
A list with all available
Turning tools opens.

Press the VSK 5 Spec.tool 700-900 to open the New tool

special tools list.
A list with all special tools opens.

Press the VSK 7 Cancel to reject the tool selection and to jump back to the Tool list window in
the operating area Parameter.

Press the VSK 8 OK to accept the selected tool and to jump back to the Tool list window in
the operating area Parameter.
The selected tool will be loaded into the tool list


M523 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Parameter M523
Column header Meaning (continuation)

Tool name Name of the tool:

To identify a tool you can enter a tool name as text
or a T-number. If a new tool is created, tool names are pre-assigned as default.

ST Replacement tool number:

(for replacement tool strategy) As default 1 is being entered here. If a new tool with the same
name, as a already existing tool, is being created, then the new tool gets the Index 2. This way
it is possible to define a replacement tool.

D Cutting edge number:

For tools with multiple cutting edges, each tool receives its own correction data field. Up to 9
edges per tool can be managed. The max. Number depends upon the control configuration.

Length X/Z Tool length:

Geometry length of the tool in X and Z direction.

Radius/diameter Tool radius/diameter

Radius of the cutting edge in case of turning tools Type 500 - 560
Radius or diameter in case of rotating tools
Radius or diameter of the ball in case of probes type 580 and 711
Reference direction Holder angle for roughing and finishing tools
The reference direction for the holder angle specifies the cut direction.

N Number of teeth:
for all milling tools
with the exception of saw type 151

Holder angle Holder angle of turning tools for

Roughing tool type 500
Finishing tool type 510
(refer to the cutting tip angle)

Width Width of
Side mill type 150
Saw type 151

Loc width Width of the cutting edge of

Plunge cutter type 520
Cutting tool type 530

Tip angle or Pitch Tip angle for

Type 200 - twist drill
Type 220 - center drill
Type 230 - countersink

Pitch for
Type 240 - tap


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M523

M523 Operating area Parameter

Column header Meaning (continuation)

Drill rad. Drill radius for

Rotary drill type 560
(Holder angle and cutting edge angle are set by default settings)

Cutting edge angle Cuttting edge angle for turning tools

Roughing tools type 500
Finishing tools type 510
(refer to holder angle)

Loc. len Tip length for

Roughing tools type 500
Finishing tools type 510
Plunge cutter type 520
The tip length is required for displaying the tools during the simulation of the program processing.

Direction of spindle rotation

Turning tools and non-driven tools:
direction of the main spindle
Powered tools for milling and boring:
direction of the tool spindle

Coolant 1 and 2 can be switched off and switched on.

Icons in the toolbar and their meaning

Icons Meaning

Red X The tool is disabled

Yellow triangle pointing The pre-warning limit has been reached


Yellow triangle pointing The tool is in a special state

upward Place the cursor on the marked tool. A tool tip will provide a brief description

Green frame The tool is preselected.

Magazine/location number:
Green double arrow The magazine location is positioned at the change position

Gray double arrow The magazine location is positioned at the loading position

Red X The magazine location is disabled


M523 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Parameter M523

Tool wear
Selecting the function Tool wear
All parameters and functions that are required during operation are contained in the tool wear list.
Tools that are in use for long periods are subject to wear. You can measure this wear and enter it in the tool wear list. The
Sinumerik Operate then takes this information into account when calculating the tool length or radius compensation.
This ensures a consistent level of accuracy during workpiece machining.
You can automatically monitor the tools' working times via the workpiece count, tool life or wear.
In addition, you can disable tools when you no longer wish to use them.

Depending on the control configuration, the input of the tool wear can be additive. Please refer to the machine tool manu-
facturer documentation.
By pressing the HSK 2 Tool wear the Tool wear screen input mask opens.

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 Sort and Filter you can sort and filter the tools in the tool list ac-
cording to different parameters.

By pressing the VSK 6 Reactivate locked tools, and tools that have reached their pre-
warning limit can be made operational again.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M523

M523 Operating area Parameter

Parameters for Tool wear

Parameter Meaning

Location Magazine/location number:

Type Tool type:

Tool name Tool name:

ST Replacement tool number:

D Cutting edge number

Length X Wear of length in X direction and Z direction

Length Z are entered in these fields.

Radius Radius wear

The Sinumerik Operate checks the entered values

whether they exceed an absolute or incremental threshold or not.

The incremental threshold is the maximum difference between present wear and new wear.
The absolute threshold is the maximum total wear value that can be entered.

Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.

T Tool monitoring by tool life:

With the tool life T (Time), the service life for tool with machining federate is monitored in

C Tool monitoring by count

With the count C, the number of workpieces machined by the tool is counted.

Tool monitoring by wear

W* With wear W, the greatest value in the wear parameters Length X, Length Z, Radius or
in the wear list is monitored.
* The wear monitoring is configured via a machine data item.

Please refer to the machine manufacturer's instructions.


M523 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Parameter M523
Parameter Meaning (continuation)
Tool life (T) Tool life
Quantity (C) Number of workpieces
Wear (W) Tool wear
The wear monitoring is configured via a machine data item. Please refer to the machine manu-
facturer`s instructions.

Set val Setpoint value for tool life, workpiece count, or wear.
Prewar limit Prewarning limit:
Specification of the tool life, workpiece count or wear at which a warning is displayed.
If the adjusted rest life of the tool, the number of changes or the wear is reached, the tool will be
This tool will not be selected for the next tool change.
If present, an adequate sister tool will be used instead.
The monitoring refers in each case to the selected cutting edge.
It is possible to reactivate a disabled tool.
D Single tools can also be disabled by hand, if these tools are not in use anymore or if the tools life
ran off.
(The tool is disabled if the checkbox is activated).

Icons in the tool wear list and their meaning

(See section Tool List, Icons in the tool list, in this module)
Entering the tool wear or disabling a tool

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter and the
HSK 2 Tool wear to switch to the tool wear list.

2. Enter values for length, radius, setpoint, prewarning and tool life.

- OR -

2. Activate the D-parameter checkbox for disabling the tool manually.

Sort and Filter

For the functions Sort and Filter in the tool list refer to the section 3 in this module.

Reactivating a tool

You can replace disabled tools or make them ready for reuse.

Prerequisite is, that the monitoring function must be active and a setpoint is stored.

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter and the
HSK 2 Tool wear to switch to the tool wear list.

2. Position the cursor on the disabled tool which you would like to reuse.

Press the VSK 6 "Reactivate".

The value entered as the setpoint is entered as the new tool life workpiece count.

The disabled tool is active again.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M523

M523 Operating area Parameter

Reactivating and positioning

When the "Reactivate with positioning" function is configured, the selected tool's magazine location will also be positioned at
a loading point.
You can exchange the tool.

Reactivation of all monitoring types

When the "Reactivation of all monitoring types" function is configured, all the monitoring types set in the NC for a tool are
reset during reactivation.

Refer to the machine manufacturers specifications.

Zero offset basics

Following reference point approach, the actual value display for the axis coordinates is based on the machine zero (M) of
the machine coordinate system (MCS ). The program for machining the workpiece, however, is based on the workpiece
zero (W) of the workpiece coordinate system (WCS ).
The machine zero and workpiece zero are not necessarily identical.
The distance between the machine zero and workpiece vary in
accordance with the type of tool and the way it is clamped. This zero offset is taken into account during execution of the
program and can be a combination of different offsets.
On the Sinumerik Operate, the position actual value display refers to the SZS-coordinate system (settable zero system).
The position of the active tool relative to the workpiece zero is displayed. The offsets are added as follows:


Transformation of coordi-
Tool offset SZS
Work offset fine

Work offset coarse

Base offset MCS


Base offset The base offset is a zero offset that is always active. If you have not defined a base offset, its
value will be zero. You determine the base offset via "Measure workpiece zero .
See Module B570 - Operating mode JOG, in Sinumerik Operate section Set Work offset and
Measure workpiece zero.

Every zero offset (G54 to G57, G505 to G599) consists of a coarse offset and a fine offset. You
can call the work offsets from any sequence program (coarse and fine offsets are added to-
Zero offsets gether).
You can save the workpiece zero, for example, in the coarse offset,
and then store the offset that occurs when a new workpiece is clamped between the old and
the new workpiece zero in the fine offset.


M523 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Parameter M523

Fine offsets must be set up by the machine manufacturer.

Also refer to the machine manufacturer's instructions.

You always program coordinate transformations for a specific sequence program.

Coordinate They are defined by:


These transformations can work as new or they can work additive to the active zero point

Total offset: The total offset is calculated from the sum of all offsets and coordinate transformations.
Work offset

Active work offset

The following work offsets are displayed in the Work offset - active window:
Work offsets, for which offsets are included, or for which values are entered
Adjustable work offsets
Total work offset

This window is generally used only for monitoring. The availability of the offsets depends on the setting. Please refer to the
manufacturer's documentation.
Selecting the function Active

By pressing the VSK 2 Active the Work offset - active window opens.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 M523

M523 Operating area Parameter

Work offset overview

In the Work offset - Overview window, all active offsets and system offsets are displayed for all set-up axes.

In addition to the offset, the rotation, scaling and mirroring defined using this are also displayed.

This window is generally used for monitoring.

Settable zero offset

All settable offsets, divided into coarse and fine offsets, are displayed in the "Work offset - G54...G57" window.
Rotation, scaling and mirroring are displayed.
Selecting the function Work offset - G54...G57

By pressing VSK 4 G54...G57 the following window opens.

Displaying and editing settable zero offset

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel, then the HSK 2 Parameter to open the
operating area Parameter. Alternatively press the OFFSET-key on the keyboard.

2. Press the HSK 5 Work offset.

3. Press the VSK 4 G54G57.

The Work offset - G54...G57 window opens.

4. Values can be edited directly in the table.

M523: END
The settable work offsets must first be selected in the program before they have an impact.


M523 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M525 Operating area Program manager

Module Description:

All NC-Programs, which are created with the Sinumerik Operate, are stored in the NC-work memory.
These programs can be accessed via the program manager for:
The SINUMERIK Operate provides the following means of data transmission of NC-programs to oth-
er storage media depending on the system components:
NC memory
Local drive memory
Its own hard disk (PCU 50.x)
Network connection
USB-storage (stick or drive)

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn to handle programs and files in the program manager of the Su-
merik Operate.


Selection and function of the program manager

Storage medium NC

Storage medium Local drive

Storage medium USB drive

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M525 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Program manager M525

General geometry

Selection and
function of
the program

medium NC

Local drive

USB drive

General geometry


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M525

M525 Operating area Program manager

Selection and function of the program manager

Selecting the function Program manager

The program manager can be selected as follows:
Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

The following horizontal softkey bar of HMI sl will be displayed:

Press the HSK 4 Program manager to open the program manager window.

- OR -

Press the PROGRAM MANAGER-key on the CNC-keyboard to open the program manager
window directly.

The following functions and softkeys will be available in the horizontal softkey bar of the Sinumerik Operate.

Horizontal softkey bar

Display area Description
By pressing the HSK 1 NC all directories, folders and files of the NC/Hard disc will be dis-
played in a directory tree view in the program manager window.

By pressing the HSK 2 Local drive all programs and directories on an allocated network
drive or on an allocated user memory on a CF-Card at the NCU will be displayed. Prerequi-
site for this function is that the "Additional 256 MB HMI user memory on CF card of NCU"
option is activated. For larger CF-cards also more than 256 MB memory can be enabled.

By pressing the HSK 3 USB all programs and directories on an USB drive will be displayed
in a directory tree view in the program manager window. Programs created on an external PC
can be copied to an USB drive and transferred to the NC via the USB interface where they
can be processed further. Direct processing from the USB flash drive is not recommended.
The text on the Softkey e.g USB can also be replaced by a drive letter e.g. G.

Note: Refer to the documentation of the machine manufacturer.

Storage medium NC

Selecting the function NC

By pressing the HSK 1 NC the program manager opens .


M525 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Program manager M525

The complete NC-memory is displayed along with all workpieces, the main programs and subroutines.
The directories and programs are listed with the following information:

The name can contain up to 28 characters (24 characters for the name + dot + 3-character extension, e.g. MPF). Per-
missible characters include all upper-case letters (without accents), numbers, and underscores.

Type *.WPD Directory (Workpiece Directory)

Directory/ *.MPF Program (Main program File)
Programs *.SPF Subprogram (Subprogram File)

The size of files of the selected directory is displayed in byte.
Date and time of file creation or last change


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M525

M525 Operating area Program manager

Vertical softkey bar 1

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Execute you can select a program and change over to the operat-
ing area Machine in order to start machining the selected program.

By pressing the VSK 1.2 New you can create a new directory. In the selected directory you
can create a new ShopMill- or a programGUIDE-program .

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Open the selected program (marked with an orange cursor) will be
Alternatively you can also press the yellow INPUT-key on the keyboard or the blue cursor
to the right-key to open a program.

By pressing the VSK 1.4 Mark several programs or directories can be marked for copying or

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Copy one or several programs or directories can be copied.

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Paste the copied program(s) or directorie(s) are inserted into the
selected place in the directory tree of the NC, of a local drive or an USB drive.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Cut one to several programs or directories can be cut out and in-
serted somewhere else on a location in the directory tree of the NC, a local drive or on an
external USB drive.

By pressing the VSK 8 Extend the extended vertical softkey bar 2 with new functions will be

Files can not be copied under the same name into the same directory.
The files are to be renamed.

Vertical softkey bar 2

Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 2.1 Archive a new vertical softkey bar is opened.

By pressing the VSK 2.2 Preview window a sub window opens below the file browser win-
dow, with a preview of the program code of the selected program.

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Search you can search for File name, using the Vertical softkeys.


M525 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Program manager M525

Vertical softkey bar 2

Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Properties the Properties of ... input mask opens where you can:

View program path and modify the program name.

View the time and date of creation.
View the time and date of last changing of the program or folder.
User rights for execution, writing, listing and reading of files and folders.

By pressing the VSK 2.7 Delete the program or folder marked with the cursor will be deleted.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back on the operator panel (OP) you switch back to the vertical soft-
key bar 1.

Starting a new NC-program

Press the VSK 1.2 New to start a new G-code program or workpiece. Depending on the
cursor position the following input masks open.

If the cursor is placed on the folder for part programs or subprograms, then a new G-code program of the type *.MPF (for
part programs) or *.SPF (for subprograms) is created by pressing the VSK 1.2 New.
In the name field of the input mask, a name for the program with a maximum of 28 characters (name + point + extension)
has to be entered.

Cursor is positioned on the directory (DIR):

With the VSK 2.1 Directory you can create a new Workpiece directory (WPD).

Cursor is positioned on or in the workpiece directory (WPD):

Press the VSK 2.3 ShopTurn to create a new sequential program.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M525

M525 Operating area Program manager

Starting a new NC-program

Press the VSK 2.4 programGUIDE G-code to create a new G code program. In this case you select between a
main program (MPF) or a subprogram (SPF).

You can create a program of any type in every directory or subdirectory by pressing the VSK 5 Any. However in
the area local drive and USB this does not apply. Only in the area NC you can create a program of different
types (see the type list below).

After pressing the VSK 1.2 New the following functions in the vertical softkey bar are available.


M525 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Program manager M525

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 2 Directory you can create a new workpiece of the type *.WPD
(Workpiece directory).
The current cursor position determines the folder where the workpiece is created.
The New workpiece window opens.
Note: The softkey is only available if the HSK 1 NC was selected before.

By pressing the VSK 2.3 ShopTurn a new sequential program will be created.

By pressing the VSK 2.4 programGUIDE G code, a new main program or subprogram will be
created, depending on the program type selected in the input mask.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Any an arbitrary program depending on the file type can be created
(see the picture above).

By pressing the VSK 2.7 Cancel the actual selection will be discarded and the window closed.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 OK or pressing the INPUT-key on the keyboard the entered values
or selection made will be accepted and the window closed.

Parameters for New workpiece

Parameter Meaning

Type: Program type:

WPD Workpiece directory

Name Program name:

The program name can only consist of a maximum number of 28 characters (Name + dot + 3-
character extension, e.g. *.WPD).
Permissible characters include all upper-case letters (without accents), numbers, and under-
scores (_).

Parameters for New G code program

Parameter Meaning
Type: Program type:

MPF Program (Main program file)

SPF Subprogram (Subprogram file)

Name Program name

(see section above)


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M525

M525 Operating area Program manager

Parameters for Any new program

Parameter Meaning

Template If templates are available, they are shown and selectable.

Type: Program type:

MPF Program (Main program file)

Name Program name (see section above)

Marking directories / NC-programs

First open the desired directory in the program manager, like described in sections 2.1 and 3.1.

1. Place the cursor with the blue cursor down-key on the first program or folder that you want to
2. Press the VSK 4 Mark.
The program or directory selected with the orange cursor is marked.
3. Mark more NC-programs or directories by pressing the blue cursor down-key.
All selected files or directories are marked grey.

Thereafter, the marked NC-programs can stored to the clipboard of the PCU by pressing the VSK 5 Copy or the VSK 7
Cut .
The programs stored to the clipboard can then be:
Copied in a different directory or to a different storage device
Deleted from a directory (cut) and pasted into a different directory or storage device.

Tip 1:
To shortcut the marking process place the cursor on the first program or directory you want to copy.
Now press the SHIFT-key on the keyboard, hold it pressed and move the cursor with the blue cursor down key to the
last program or directory you want to copy. Release the SHIFT-key.
The files are now marked.


M525 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Program manager M525

Tip 2:
If you only want to mark a single program or directory place the cursor on the file and press the blue SELECT-key on the
The single file is now selected.

Go on with copying, cutting or deleting, like described next.

Copying and pasting directories / NC- programs

First open the desired directory in the program manager, like described in section 2.1 and 3.1 in this module.

1. Move the cursor with the blue cursor keys to the directory or file which you want to copy. If you want to copy
more then one program or directory, mark them first with the VSK 4 Mark.
2. Press the VSK 5 Copy.

3. If the program is to be copied into another directory on the NC, move the cursor with the cursor to the
left-key to the next higher level of the directory tree.
4. Select the new directory where you want to copy the data with the cursor up and cursor down-key and
open the directory by pressing the cursor to the right or the yellow INPUT-key on the keyboard.
5. Alternatively you can select another storage medium e.g. local drive or USB drive on the horizontal softkey
6. By pressing the VSK 6 Paste the program or directory can be inserted into the selected location.
Accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
The original file remains.
Tip 3:
To shortcut the copying process place the cursor on the program or directory you want to copy and press the CTRL + C
keys on the keyboard at the same time. In order to paste the file to another location move the cursor to that location and
press CTRL + V at the same time.

Cutting out directories / NC-programs

First open the desired directory in the program manager, like described in section 2.1 and 3.1 in this module.

1. Move the cursor with the blue cursor keys to the directory or file which you want to cut out. If you want to cut
out more then one program or directory, mark them first with the VSK 4 Mark.

2. Press the VSK 7 Cut.

In the message line the message 1 element has been cut. It can now be pasted will be displayed.

3. If the program or directory is to be moved to another directory on the NC, move the cursor with the cursor
to the left-key to the next higher level of the directory tree.
4. Select the new directory with the cursor up and cursor down-key where you want to insert the data and
open the directory by pressing the cursor to the right or the yellow INPUT-key on the keyboard.

5. Alternatively you can select another storage medium (e.g. USB stick) on the horizontal softkey bar.

Tip 4:
To shortcut the cutting out of a program or directory place the cursor on the selected file and press the CTRL + X keys at
the same time.
6. Press the VSK 6 Paste to insert the clipped data to the directory or storage location of your choice. Accept
your selection by pressing the VSK 8 OK or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel. The source file or
directory will be deleted.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M525

M525 Operating area Program manager

Deleting directories / NC-programs

1. Move the cursor with the blue cursor keys to the directory or file which you want to copy. If you want to copy
more then one program or directory, mark them first with the VSK 4 Mark.
2. Press the VSK 2.7 Delete in the extended vertical softkey bar 2. Accept the deletion process with pressing
the VSK 8 OK or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
The selected program or directory will be deleted.

Opening a preview window

1. Press the VSK 2.2 Preview window in the extended VSK-bar. The preview sub window opens directly
below the program manager window.

2. Use the blue cursor keys to navigate to the program you want to preview. The program code of the selected
program is now displayed in the preview window.

3. To deselect the function press the VSK 2.2 Preview window again.
The preview window disappears.
Note: You cannot edit program code in the preview window.

Tip 5: Press the NEXT WINDOW-key on the keyboard to activate the preview window. Now you can navigate freely
through the program code by using the blue cursor keys.

Tip 6: The preview window stays active, even if you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1, in order to copy or cut a pro-
gram or directory.

Generating archive files of programs and directories

Vertical softkey bar

Pressing the VSK 2.1 Archive in the extended VSK-bar, will open the next vertical softkey

After pressing the VSK 3.1 Generate archive the following input mask appears to select the
storage location.


M525 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Program manager M525
Generating archive files of programs and directories
Vertical softkey bar

With the VSK 3.7 Back you can go back to the previous vertical softkey bar.

Afterwards the storage location is selected the next mask appears to enter the name of the
archive file.

Generating archive files of programs and directories

Vertical softkey bar

Pressing the VSK 4.2 New directory will open an input mask New directory, where you can
define a new directory at the selected cursor position.

Pressing the VSK 4.7 Cancel will abort the generating of archive files and the first vertical
softkey bar is selected.

Pressing the VSK 4.0 OK will start generating the archive file.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M525

M525 Operating area Program manager

Properties of programs and directories

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Properties in the extended vertical softkey bar depending on the
cursor position and the selected program (here TEST.MPF) the properties of ....-window with
security options for the selected program or directory opens.

Note: You can change the program name and the rights.
Parameters Meaning

Path and name: Program path and Program name;

The program with the name TEST1.MPF is located in the folder NC/Workpieces/DOKU.

Properties of programs and directories

Created: Date and time of creation:

On the right side of the field Created: Date and time of creation are displayed here.
Changed: Date and time change:
On the right side of the field Changed: Date and time since the last edit of the program are
Rights: User rights for executing, writing, listing and reading of a program or directory.
7 protection levels are possible (level 1 highest protection level, level 7 the lowest).

Manufacturer Protected by password

Service Protected by password

Protection level 1
User Protected by password
Protection level 2
Programmer Key switch 3
Protection level 3
Qualified worker Key switch 2
Protection level 4
Protection level 5 Skilled worker Key switch 1

Protection level 6 Semi skilled worker Key switch 0

Protection level 7


M525 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating area Program manager M525

Storage medium Local drive

Selecting the function Local drive
By pressing the HSK 2 Local drive the program manager shows the directory structure of the
local drive.

A complete listing of all folders and files of the local drive is shown in the program manager window. For a description of the
information of name, type, length and date/time displayed in this window, see section 3.

Vertical softkey bar

The full functionality available under the NC program manager window is available by pressing the HSK 2 local drive or
HSK 3 USB (see section 3 in this module).
Additional, here you can create a new directory by pressing the VSK 1 Directory.
By pressing the VSK 1 Directory the New directory input mask opens where you can create
a new directory on the local drive.
Enter a name for the new directory and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK, or abort with the
VSK 7 Cancel.

Storage medium USB drive

Selecting the function USB

By pressing the HSK 3 USB the following directory tree of the USB drive is displayed.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 M525

M525 Operating area Program manager

A complete listing of all folders and files of the USB drive is shown in the program manager window. For a description of
the information displayed in this window.

Vertical softkey bar

The full functionality available under the NC program manager window is available by pressing the HSK 2 local drive or
HSK 3 USB (see section 3 in this module).

M525: END


M525 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Module Description:

This module explains the general structure of a ShopTurn program which includes program header,
program block and program ending. In addition to this, the programming of chained programming
blocks (sequential programs), the functions of the Editor, as well as the functions Various, Simula-
tion and NC Execute will be described.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working with this module you will learn the basics of creating ShopTurn sequential pro-


Creating ShopTurn programs




NC Execute

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M601 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Basics of
programming with






NC Execute

Basics of
programming with


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn


Programming with ShopTurn

ShopTurn offers the option to create NC programs directly on the control in the manner of chained sequential block pro-
grams. It also offers the option to program G-code programs directly, with additional ShopTurn functionality.

The creation of G-code programs in ShopTurn is discussed in details in the module M605 Basics of programming with the

The advantage of programming a ShopTurn program lies in the graphical guiding of the programming process in the editor.

The following functions are available for this task:

Technology oriented program step (technologies/cycles) selection using softkeys

Input masks and windows for parameters, with animated help graphics
Context sensitive online help for every input mask and window
Support for the contour input (geometric processor)

ShopTurn programs or program steps can be represented in different ways:

As a work plan, showing the program header, the programming steps with their chaining and the end of the program.


M601 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

As a programming graphic in the graphic view (workpiece or machining step as an outline graphic in side view or top
view). The marked program block in the work plan is highlighted in a different colour.

As a parameter mask with a help graphic in 3-D, or a simulation of the machining step in side, face view and 3D. If
available, the view changes continuously from the help picture to the animation.

The animated help graphics are displayed always in the correct position to the adjusted coordinate system. The parameters
are dynamically displayed and the selected parameter in the graphic is highlighted in a different colour.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

The work plan

Main aspect of programming with ShopTurn is the Work plan in the editor window. The structure of the Work plan is as

Program header (with the base settings for the program, like measurement units, work offset, blank dimensions, etc.)
Program blocks (the program steps with the technologies/cycles)
End of program (where you can finish the program and adjust the numbers of workpieces you want to machine, see
also picture below)

Program header
The program header (see picture above on the left and section 3.2)contains the dimensions of the blank for the simulation,
as well as the parameters that influence the whole program e.g.

Work offset
Measurement units in mm or inch

Tool axes X, Y or Z
Retraction plane, tool change point, safety distance, speed limits etc.

In the work plan, the program header is at the beginning of the program and is labelled with the icon , the text Program
header and the corresponding parameters.
Program blocks
Program blocks are programmed machining steps which are shown in the editor in single rows, marked with an icon and
text, representing the corresponding technology and the entered parameters (see picture below).

Chained sequential program blocks

For the Functions Drill, Turning, Contour turning, Milling and Straight Circle technology blocks are programmed
separately. These program blocks are automatically chained together by the control and connected by brackets in the work

Technology blocks, specify in which way the machining should take place (e.g. centring first, and then drilling). The posi-
tioning blocks determine the positions for the drilling, milling or turning operations (e.g. position the drill-holes in a full
circle on the front surface) and the contour blocks describe the contour you want to machine.

A program chain is closed when a technology element is completed with a position element. Otherwise an error mes-
sage lets you know if one of the parts is missing.


M601 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

The Icons of the chained technology blocks and position blocks are marked by a square bracket to the
right of the machining symbol from the start to the end of the linkage. Every Technology is represent-
ed by a unique symbol (icon). The chained icons are also being displayed on the right side of the screen
in the programming graphic and parameter mask window. (here centring, drilling linked with a position cir-
cle pattern).
End of program

End of the program signals to the machine that the machining of the
workpiece has ended. In addition, you can specify the number of
workpieces that you would like to machine.
This program block is marked by the icon , as well as the lettering End of Program with a letter N, indicating the
number of workpieces you want to machine:

G code blocks
In the work plan you can also insert G code program blocks.
For this, you must press the yellow INSERT-key on the keyboard on the desired place in the program. A a new orange
command line, marked with the letter and a blinking cursor where you can enter G code commands opens. Here you
can enter now a G code command. With the blue cursor-down or cursor-up you can exit the G code command line and
the inputs are taken over.

From a G code line you can not switch to a parameter mask window.

Navigation in the editor window

For a fast and comfortable navigation within a sequential program and the parameter masks you can use the blue cursor

With the blue cursor-up key on the keyboard you can navigate upwards in the program editor and the pa-
rameter masks.

With the blue cursor-down-key on the keyboard you can navigate downwards in the program editor and
the parameter masks.

The arrow symbol (extend-symbol), on the right side of the program block line in the editor window, indicates
that you can access the parameter mask by pressing the cursor-to-the-right key.

The cursor-to-the-right key opens the parameter mask of the corresponding program block.

The cursor-to-the-left key closes the parameter mask of the corresponding program block and brings you
back to the work plan window, displaying the ShopTurn program steps.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Creating ShopTurn programs

Creating a new ShopTurn program

A new ShopTurn program can be created from the operating modes JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

Press the Program Manager key on the keyboard.

The window for creating new programs and managing existing programs opens directly.
See module M525 - Operating area Program Manager.
- OR -

Press the MENU SELECT key on the operator panel (OP).

Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.

The program manager window for creating new programs and managing existing programs

- THEN -

Select a storage drive, by pressing the horizontal softkey NC, Local drive or USB,
where you want to create the program.
Move the orange cursor with the blue cursor-keys to the directory of your choice.

For the navigation process refer to the modules M516 - Operating elements or M525 -
Operating area Program Manager.

Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new programs opens.

Press the VSK 3 ShopTurn, to open the input mask for creating a new sequential Shop-
Turn program like displayed below.


M601 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Setting the program header

After entering a name for the program and pressing the VSK 8 Accept the program header window opens automatically
for input of program header parameters. Here you can enter parameters for the measuring units, the work offset, the spin-
dle, the blank, the retraction mode, the tool change point, the safety distance, the speed limits and the machining sense (as
shown e.g. below).

Enter the appropriate parameter values and confirm with pressing the VSK 8 Accept or abort with pressing the VSK 7
Cancel, to switch back to the work plan window.
The control switches to the work plan view in the program editor.
Program header and end of program are programmed automatically.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Creating program blocks

Place the cursor on the program header block, or any other program block after which you want to insert a new program
block. Select the technology you want to apply (Drilling, Turning, Contour turning, Milling or Straight Circle). For ex-
ample select Turning -> Undercut -> Undercut thread DIN to open the corresponding parameter window for this tech-
nology (see picture below).

Enter the appropriate parameter values and confirm with pressing the VSK 8 Accept or abort with pressing the VSK 7
Cancel. You switch back to the work plan view in the editor window.
The new program block is inserted automatically into the work plan.
The cursor-to-the-right key opens the parameter window at any time, to change the input parameters you have edited

The additional program steps can be added as described above.


M601 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Programming the end of the program

The program block End of program is programmed automatically whenever you create a new ShopTurn program.
To modify the default settings for the program end, mark the line End of program with the orange selection cursor and
press the blue cursor-to-the-right key.
The parameter window for the program end opens, where you can modify the numbers of workpieces you want to machine.

Enter the numbers of workpieces you want to machine from the machine page in AUTO mode as shown below.


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With the editor you can create, supplement and change part programs.

Selecting the function Edit
The function Editor can be opened from the operating mode JOG, MDA and AUTO.
By pressing the PROGRAM-key on the keyboard
the operating area Program opens, showing the last program you have worked on.

- OR -

Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel (OP).

Press the yellow HSK 3 Program to switch to the operating area Program.
The operating area Program opens, showing the last program you have worked on (see pic-
ture below).

If not selected, press the HSK 1 Edit.

If no program was loaded after starting the control,

the program manager window opens first, after pressing the HSK 3 Program.
Here you can select either a existing ShopTurn-program or create a new one.

The following softkeys with their corresponding functions are now available in the vertical softkey bar:


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Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

In a ShopTurn program the tool call is inside the cycle mask. The function Select tool is available
for ShopTurn programs under the technologies Drilling, Turning, Contour turning, Milling,
Straight Circle or in a corresponding program block with tool utilization. This is the reason for VSK
1.1 Select tool being grayed out (inactive) as long their is no G code line inserted.
By pressing the VSK 1.2 Build group you can create programme blocks into groups, this can be
useful when creating large programs.

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Search you can search for any text in the program blocks. A search win-
dow opens where you can enter a search string. You can continue searching afterwards.

By pressing the VSK 1.4 Mark you can mark one or several program blocks in order to copy or cut
(delete) them.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Copy you can copy one or several program blocks to the internal memory
of the control, to paste them to a different location in the active program or to another program.

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Paste copied or cut program blocks can be inserted behind the selected
program block (actual cursor position). You can paste the block to the active program as well as to
another ShopTurn program.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Cut you can cut out one or several program blocks, to paste them later
somewhere in a program or to delete them. Cut out program blocks remain in the clip board and can
be inserted again with the VSK 1.6 Paste.

Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2 continued

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the extended vertical softkey bar 2 will be displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 View you can choose between Close all blocks and Open all

By pressing the VSK 2.2 Graphic view you can see the simulated workpiece from a top view as an
outline drawing.

Note SK only visible in ShopTurn

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Renumbering you can assign new numbers for every program step in the
Work plan window.

By pressing the VSK 2.4 Open further program you can view two programs side by side.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Settings you can change the settings for the editor.

By pressing the VSK 2.7 Exit you close the editor with the active program.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.


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M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Select tool
With the function Select tool you can search and select a tool .

Selecting the function Select tool

By pressing the VSK1.3 Select tool the search window opens like displayed below, with the
following functions available in the vertical softkey bar.

Use the cursor up & cursor down keys on the key board the select the required tool for the machining block.
If the required tool is not available press the VSK1 Tool list so that a new tool can be created .

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Tool list you are taken to the tool list.

See module - M523 Operating area Parameter.

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the search process.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK you will load the selected tool into the machining block.

Build group
With the function Build group you can group similar machining blocks together .

Selecting the function Build group

By pressing the VSK1.2 Build group the build new block window opens like displayed below,
allowing you to give a name to a group


Once you have typed in a name press the OK softkey

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Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Once you have typed in a name press the OK softkey

You can now create machining blocks inside the group.

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the search process.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK you will load a new group block into the program with the name
you have chosen.


With the function Search you can search for any text in a sequential program and even replace the text with other text.

Selecting the function Search

By pressing the VSK1.3 Search the search window opens like displayed below, with the follow-
ing functions available in the vertical softkey bar.


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Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Go to start the cursor will be positioned on the first line of the program.

By pressing the VSK 2 Go to end the cursor will be positioned on the last line of the program.

By pressing the VSK4 Search the search mask opens, where you can decide to search for
complete words or Exact expression, select the search direction (forward/backwards) and enter
the search text.

By pressing the VSK5 Find + replace the Search and replace mask opens where you can
decide to search for complete words, select the search direction (forward/backwards), enter the
search text and enter the text you want to use for the replacement.
With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the search process.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK you start a search run with the above mentioned search criteria.


With the function View you can expand or close all groups that have been created in the program.

Selecting the function View

By pressing the VSK1.2 View the softkeys Close all blocks and Open all blocks are shown
like displayed below.


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Press VSK 5 Open all blocks

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Pressing the VSK 4 Close blocks you can close all block in the program.

Pressing the VSK 5 Open blocks you can open all block in the program

With the VSK 8 Back you can go back to the previous vertical softkey bar.


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With the function Renumbering you can renumber the program steps in the editor window with an increment you can se-
lect here.
Selecting the function Renumbering

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Renumbering the input mask for the renumbering settings of blocks

Parameters for Renumbering

Parameters Meaning

First block number The first block number you want to start with.
The values shown here by default can be adjusted under the function Settings in the input field
First block number.

Increment The Increment between the program blocks.

The values shown here by default can be adjusted under the function Settings in the input field

Open further programs

With the function Open further programs the control will show two programs side by side.

Selecting the function Open further programs

By pressing the VSK2.4 Open further programs the window opens that allows you to choose
a further program to be shown.

Use the cursor up or cursor down keys on the key board the select the required program and press VSK8 OK


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Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the select process.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK the control will show two programs side by side, as shown above.

With the function Settings you can change the settings for the editor.

Selecting the function Settings

By pressing the VSK2.6 Settings the input mask for the editor settings opens.


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Parameters for Settings

Parameters Meaning

Number automatically Program blocks will be numbered automatically.

(Yes/No) Deactivating this parameter, hides the following two parameters too.
Show hidden lines Show hidden line (with the ID ;*HD).
Display block end as sym- A symbol is displayed at the end of each block.
bol (Yes/No)
Line break (Yes/No) Lines are broken and wrapped around, or a horizontal scrollbar is displayed
Line break also in cycle If the line of a cycle call becomes too long, then it is displayed over several lines, or the line is
call (Yes/No) truncated.
Visible programs Selects how many programs can be displayed next to one another in the editor
Width of program w. focus Here, you enter the width of the selected program in the editor as a percentage of the window
Save automatically Changes are saved automatically without a query.
Only cut after making (yes/ The cutting of program sections is possible only when program lines have been selected or
no) where the cursor is positioned.
determine machining times Block-by-block / off / Non-modal

Display cycles as machin- The cycle calls in the G code are displayed as plain text or NC syntax.
ing step (Yes/No)

Highlight selected G code Selected G code commands or key words can be highlighted in colour
Font size Defines the font size for the editor and the display of the program sequence
Selecting the function Various
The function Various can be selected from the operating mode JOG, MDA or AUTO in the operating area Program
as follows:
Press the HSK 1.6 Various to switch over to the function Various.
A screen similar to the screen shown below opens.


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Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Settings an input mask opens where you can change the settings
for the blank.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Transformations the vertical softkey bar with the functions for the
coordinate transformations is displayed.

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Subprogram the input mask for loading a subprogram to the main
program opens.

By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the vertical softkey bar 2 opens.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 HighSpeed settings the input mask for adjusting the settings for
the optimal speed in relation to the machining method opens.

Display area Description (Continuation)

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Repeat program the vertical softkey bar with the function for re-
peating parts of programs opens (see section 5.7).

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.

Each parameter defined in the program header, except the measuring units, can be changed everywhere in the program.
The settings in the program header are constant, as long as they are not altered later in the program.
For example you can define a new blank in a sequential program later on, if during a simulation run there is the need to
change the visible view on the workpiece. This can be reasonable within the functions Work offset Coordinate transfor-
mation Rotational transformation and Swivelling.
With that you can program the above mentioned functions first, and then define the blank afterwards.
The function Settings can be opened as follows:
Selecting the function Settings

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Settings the following window for entering the parameters for the
blank opens.


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M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Parameters for the function Settings

Parameter Meaning Help picture/animation


simple A changed retraction plane works from the last safety distance set in the cycle, because the
further retraction is carried out by the following cycle.



XRA (mm) Retraction plane X related to

XA (ink/abs)

XRI (mm) Retraction plane X related to

XI (ink/abs)

ZRA (mm) Retraction plane Z related to

ZA (ink/abs)

ZRI (mm) Retraction plane Z related to

rear (only if Retract all is

Tailstock Only if available on the machine.

Tailstock is shown within the simulation and the simultaneous recording window. While ap-
yes proaching and retracting the retraction logic is considered.

You can further expand the retraction area so that collisions with the tailstock will be avoided
XRR (mm) when traversing the axes (only if Tailstock Yes is selected).

Tool change point

Workpiece Workpiece coordinate system (WCS)

Machine Machine coordinate system (MCS)

XT (mm) Tool change point X

ZT (mm) Tool change point Z


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Parameter Meaning Help picture/animation (continuation)

Safety distance:

The safety distance is

SC (mm) depending on the refer-
ence point.
The direction is automati-
cally determined by the

Speed limits:

S1 (rpm) Maximum speed of the main spindle

Machining sense:
The machining sense (down cut, up cut) is defined as the moving direction of the cutter tooth in relation to the workpiece.
ShopTurn evaluates the parameter Machining sense in relation to the rotation direction of the spindle for milling (except
path milling).
The basic settings for the machining sense is set in a machine datum.

Down cut Milling direction, counter


Up cut Milling direction, clockwise


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M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Changing the Graphic view on the blank

The graphical view on the blank can be changed in the operating area Program within the functions Edit, Drilling,
Turning, Contour turning Milling, Various and Straight Circle.
The help pictures with the corresponding animation are only shown when the VSK 2 Graphic view is deselected.
The view on the blank can be changed as follows:
1. In the operating area Program within the operating mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 1.6

2. Activate or deactivate the VSK 2 Graphic view to switch the view in the parameter window between:
3-D view or help picture with animation or

Programming graphic (outline graphic).


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Changing the program settings

1. In the operating area Program, within the operating mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO, press the
HSK 1.6 Various.
2. Press the VSK 1 Settings.
The window for the Settings opens.
3. If desired, change the graphic view in the parameter window by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic
4. Enter the parameters for retract, tool change point, safety distance, speed limits or machining
5. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept or abort by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

A new program block Settings is inserted into the work plan (see picture below).


To make programming easier, you can transform the coordinate

Use this function, for example, to rotate the coordinate system.
Coordinate transformations only apply in the current program.
You can define displacement, rotation, scaling or mirroring.
You can select between a new or an additive coordinate transformation.
In the case of a new coordinate transformation, all previously defined
coordinate transformations are deselected.
An additive coordinate transformation acts in addition to the currently selected coordinate transformations.

Supported are:

For each axis, you can program an offset of the zero point.

You can rotate every axis through a specific angle. A positive angle corresponds to a counter-clockwise rotation.

You can specify a scale factor for the active machining plane as well as for the tool axis. The programmed coordinates
are then multiplied by this factor. Note that the scaling always refers to the zero point of the workpiece. For example, if
you increase the size of a pocket whose centre point does not coincide with the zero point, scaling will shift the centre
of the pocket.

Furthermore, you can mirror all axes. Enter the axis to be mirrored in each case. Note that with mirroring, the travel
direction of the cutting tool (conventional/climb) is also mirrored.

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Selecting the function Transformations

By pressing the VSK 5 Transformations the following vertical softkey bar in the editor window

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Work offset the parameter window for the work offset opens.

By pressing the VSK 2 Offset the parameter window for the offset opens.

By pressing the VSK 3 Rotation the parameter window for the rotations opens.

By pressing the VSK 4 Scaling the parameter window for the scaling opens.

By pressing the VSK 5 Mirroring the parameter window for the mirroring opens.

By pressing the VSK 6 Rotation C axis the parameter window for the rotation of the C axis

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to the main screen of the function Various.


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Work offset

You can call work offsets (G54, etc.) from any program.
You can use these offsets, for example, when you want to machine
workpieces with various blank dimensions using the same program.
The offset will, in this case, adapt the workpiece zero to the new blank.

Selecting the function Work offset

By pressing the VSK 1 Work offset the input mask work offset opens.

Parameters for the work offset

Parameter Meaning

Work offset. Alternative work offsets

Basic ref. Basic Reference G500

G54 Storable Zero offset

G55 Storable Zero offset

G56 Storable Zero offset

G57 Storable Zero offset


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M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Setting the work offset

1. In the operating area Program and operation mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK 6
Various and the VSK5 Transformations.

2. Press the VSK 1 Work offset.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank between sectional drawing/3-D model or
wireframe model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Select the work offset (Basic reference, G54, G55, G56 or G57).
Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your selection or press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.
A new program block Work offset is inserted into the program in the editor window (see picture


Offsets apply only to the current program.

Besides, you can select between a new and an additive offset.
With a new offset, all offsets defined before are deselected.
An additive offset works additional to the current selected offset.
For every axis an offset can be programmed.
Selecting the function Offset

By pressing the VSK 2 Offset the input screen mask Offset opens.


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Parameters for the Offset

Parameters Description Help picture/Animation


New Adds a new offset

Additive Adds an additive offset

Axes: Unit

X Offset X-axis mm

Y Offset Y-axis mm

Z Offset Z-axis mm

Setting the Offset

1. In the operating area Program and operation mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK
6 Various and the VSK5 Transformations.

2. Press the VSK 2 Offset.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank between sectional drawing/3-D model or
wireframe model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Select the kind of offset new or additive.

Enter the offset values for the different axes (X,Y,Z) in millimetre.
Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Offset is inserted into the program in the editor window (see picture


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Rotations apply only to the current program. Besides, you can select between a new and an additive rotation. With a new
rotation, all rotations defined before are deselected. An additive rotation works additional to the current selected rotation.
For every axis an rotational angle in degrees can be programmed. A positive angle means a rotation counter clockwise.

Selecting the function Rotation

By pressing the VSK 3 Rotation the input screen mask Rotation opens.

Parameters for Rotation

Parameters Description Help picture/Animation


New Adds a new rotation


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Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Parameter Description Help picture/Animation (continuation)


Additive Incremental rotation

Axes: Units

X Rotation around the mm


Y Rotation around the mm

Y- axis

Z Rotation around the mm


Setting the rotations

1. In the operating area Program and operation mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK
6 Various and the VSK5 Transformations.

2. Press the VSK 3 Rotation.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank between sectional drawing/3-D model or
wireframe model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Select if you want to add a new or a additive rotation. Enter the values for the rotation
about the axes X, Y, und Z in degrees.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Rotation is inserted into the program in the editor window (see picture


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Scaling applies only to the current program. Besides, you can select between a new and an additive scaling.
With a new scaling, every scaling defined so far is deselected.
An additive scaling works incremental to the current selected scaling.
You can specify a scale factor for the active machining plane as well as for the tool axis. The programme coordinates are
then multiplied by this factor.

Note that the scaling always refer to the zero point of the workpiece.
For example, if you increase the size of a pocket whose centre point does not coincide with the zero point, scaling will shift
the centre of the pocket. Selecting the function Scaling
By pressing the VSK 4 Scaling the input screen mask Scaling opens.

5.4.2 Parameters for Scaling

Parameter Description Help picture/Animation


New Adds a new scaling


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Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Parameter Description Help picture/Animation (continuation)


Additive Adds an additive scaling


XY Scaling factor XY

Z Scaling factor Z

Setting the scaling

1. In the operating area Program and operation mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK
6 Various and the VSK5 Transformations.
2. Press the VSK 4 Scaling.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank between sectional drawing/3-D model or
wireframe model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Select whether the scaling new or additive.

Insert the values for the scaling factor XY and Z.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Rotation is inserted into the program in the editor window (see picture


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Mirroring: applies only to the current program. Besides, you can select between a new and an additive mirroring. With a
new mirroring, all mirror images defined so far are deselected. An additive mirroring works additional to the current selected
mirroring. Furthermore it is possible to mirror all axes.
Activate the axis to be mirrored in each case.
Note that with mirroring, the travel direction of the cutting tool (down-cut/up-cut) is also mirrored.

Selecting the function Mirroring

By pressing the VSK 5 Mirroring the input screen mask Mirroring opens.

Parameters for Mirroring

Parameter Description Help picture/Animation


New Adds a new mirroring


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Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Parameters Description Help picture/animation



Additive Adds an additive mirroring


X Mirroring for the X-axis (on/


Y Mirroring for the Y-axis (on/


Z Mirroring for the Z-axis (on/


Mirroring the axes

1. In the operating area Program and operation mode JOG, MDA, or AUTO press the HSK
6 Various and the VSK5 Transformations.

2. Press the VSK 5 Mirroring.

3. Optionally change the graphic view for the blank between sectional drawing/3-D model or
wireframe model by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Select whether the Mirroring is new or additive.

Switch on or off the axis that you want to have mirrored.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Mirroring is inserted into the program in the editor window (see picture


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Rotating the C axis

Rotations of the C axis apply only in the current program. Besides, you can select between a new and an additive rotation.
With a new rotation of the C axis, all rotations of the C axis defined so far are deselected. An additive rotation works addi-
tional to the current selected rotations.
You can turn the C axis through a specific angle to enable subsequent machining operations to be performed at a particular
position on the end face or peripheral surface. The direction of rotation is set in a machine data. Enter the value for the rota-
tion of the C axis in degree.

Selecting the function Rotation C axis

By pressing the VSK 6 Rotation C axis the input mask for the parameters C axis rotation

Parameters for Rotation C axis

Parameters Description Help picture/animation


New New rotation


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Parameters Description Help picture/animation


Additive Additive rotation

Rotation C:

C C axis rotation in degree

Setting the rotation of the C axis

1. In the operating area Program press the HSK 1.6 Various and the VSK 5 Transformations.

2. Press the VSK 6 Rotation C axis.

The input mask Rotation C axis for the parameter input opens.

3. Optionally change the graphic view of the help screen by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Select whether the rotation of the C axis is new or additive.

5. Enter a value for the C axis rotation in degree.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept or abort by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

A new sequential program block Rotation C axis is inserted into the work plan (see picture


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If you require the same machining steps in the programming of different workpieces, you can define these machining steps
in a separate subroutine. You can then call this subroutine in any program.
Identical machining steps therefore only have to be programmed once. ShopTurn does not differentiate between main pro-
gram and subprogram. This means that you can call a "standard" sequential program or G code program as subprograms in
another sequential program. In this subprogram, you can also call another subprogram. The maximum nesting depth is 8
subroutines. You cannot insert subroutines among blocks chained by the control. If you want to call a sequential ShopTurn
program as a subroutine, the program must already have been calculated once (load or simulate
program in AUTO operating mode). This is not necessary for G code subroutines.
The subroutine must always be stored in the NCK main memory (in a separate directory "XYZ" or in the "ShopTurn", "Part
programs", "Subprograms" directories). If you want to call a subprogram located on another drive, you can use the G code
command "EXTCALL".

Please note that, when a subprogram is called, ShopTurn evaluates the
settings in the program header of the subroutine. These settings also
remain active even after the subprogram has ended.
If you wish to activate the settings from the program header for the main program again, you can make the settings again in
the main program after calling the subprogram.

Selecting the function Subprogram

By pressing the VSK 6 Subprogram the input mask for selecting a Subprogram opens.


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Subprogram call

1. In the operating area Program press the HSK 1.6 Various.

2. Press the VSK 1.6 Subprogram.

The input mask for selecting a Subprogram opens.

3. Optionally change the graphic view of the help screen by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Enter the path to the subprogram file into the Path/workpiece input field and the name of the
subprogram into the Program name input field.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept or abort by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

A new sequential program block Execute with the subprogram path and name is inserted into
the work plan (see picture below).

Repeating program blocks

If certain steps in the machining of a workpiece have to be executed more than once, it is only necessary to program these
steps once.
ShopTurn offers a function for repeating program blocks.
You must enclose the program blocks that you want to repeat with a start and end marker. You can

then call these program blocks up to 9999 times again within a program. The markers must be unique, i.e. they must have
different names. No names used in the NCK can be used for this.
You can also set markers and repeats after creating the program, but not within chained program blocks.

It is also possible to use the same marker as the end marker of the preceding program blocks and as the start marker for
the following program blocks.
Selecting the function Repeat program
By pressing the VSK 3 Repeat program the vertical softkey bar with functions for repeating a
program opens.

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Set Mark the window for setting a start or end mark opens.

By pressing the VSK 2 Repeat program an input mask opens where you can specify the start
and end marker which enclose the program parts you want to repeat.


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M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Repeating program blocks in the program

1. In the operating area Program press the HSK 1.6 Various.

2. Press the VSK 1.8 Extend to open the vertical softkey bar 2.

3. Press the VSK 2.3 Repeat program.

4. Place the orange selection cursor on the program block before the program block that you want
to repeat.

5. Press the VSK 1 Set Mark to insert a start mark.

In the Set mark input window, enter an individual name for the start mark (see the following

With pressing the VSK 8 Accept a new sequential program block MARK1will be inserted into
the work plan (see picture below).

6. Place the orange selection cursor on that program block in the work plan that shall be the last
block in the repetition sequence.

7. Press the VSK 1 Set mark to insert a stop mark.

In the Set mark input window, enter an individual name for the end mark (see the following pic-

With pressing the VSK 8 Accept a new sequential program block MARK2 will be inserted into
the work plan (see picture below).


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8. Place the orange selection cursor on that block,

after which you want to repeat the program sequence.

9. Press the VSK 2 Repeat program.

In the input mask Repetition enter the name for the start mark and the end mark, as well as
the number of repetitions.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept

A new sequential program block Repetition MARK1 MARK2 is inserted into the work plan
(see picture below).

10. The program blocks between the marks (MARK1, MARK2) will be repeated as often as entered
in the Number of repetitions field.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 41 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

ShopTurn provides various extensive and detailed simulation functions for displaying the simulation of the programmed

During simulation, the current program is calculated in its complete form and the result is displayed in 3D graphic form.

You can select the following modes of representation for simulation:

Side view
2 windows
The simulation uses the correct proportions for the tools and workpiece contours.

The traverse paths for the tools are shown in colour:

Red line = tool is moving at rapid traverse
Green line = tool is moving at machining feedrate

In all views, a clock is displayed during graphical processing. The

displayed machining time (in hours/minutes/seconds) indicates the approximate time that would actually be required to exe-
cute the machining program on the machine (incl. tool change).
If a program is interrupted during simultaneous recording, the clock stops.
In addition, the current axis coordinates, the override, and the program block currently being executed are also displayed.

The active tool with the cutting edge number and feedrate are also displayed in the simulation.

Transformations are displayed differently during simulation and

simultaneous recording:

Coordinate transformations (translation, scaling, ) are displayed as programmed.

Cylinder surface transformations are displayed as a developed surface.
After swivel transformation, the previous machining operations are deleted from the display and only machining of the
swivelled plane is displayed (viewing angle perpendicular to the swivelled plane).

Zero offsets (G54, etc.) do not alter the zero in the graphical display. This means that, in the case of multiple clampings,
the machining operations for each of the individual workpieces are plotted on top of one another.

If you want to display a different portion of the workpiece from the one defined in ShopTurn, you can define a new blank in
the program.


M601 Page 42 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601
Selecting the function Simulation

The function Simulation can be selected from the operating mode JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

With a program loaded, press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start a simulation run.
The following screen opens, with a side view on the blank by default.

By pressing the VSK 1.4 3D view, the simulation of the workpiece is shown from the face
view (see picture below).

The following functions are available in the vertical softkey bar.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 43 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Stop the simulation will be halted. The softkey will be replaced with
the Start softkey, in order to continue the simulation again.

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Start the simulation will be started or continued. The softkey will be
replaced with the Stop softkey (see VSK 1.1 Stop).

By pressing the VSK 1.1 SBL the simulation will be processed block by block. This softkey
replaces the softkey Start, if the VSK 4 Single block is activated under the function Program
By pressing the VSK 1.2 Reset the simulation will be aborted.

The VSK 1.3 Side view is activated by default and shows the simulation in from the side.

By pressing the VSK 1.4 3D view the simulation of the workpiece will be shown from the front.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Further views the vertical softkey bar opens, with more options to
adjust the view on the simulation process.

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Details the vertical softkey bar opens, where you can adjust the level
of details that will be shown during the simulation.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Program control the vertical softkey bar opens, with functions to con-
trol the simulation run.

By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the vertical softkey bar 2 with the following functions will be

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Show tool path the display of the simulated tool path can be
switched on and off.

By pressing the VSK 2.4 Delete tool path the animated tool path in the simulation window will
be deleted. A new tool path is shown immediately after pressing this softkey or after running a
new simulation (if the simulation is in Stop- or Reset- mode).
By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.


M601 Page 44 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Further views
With the function Further views a second view of the blank is available and opened in 2 windows, to view the simulation
process in an optimal way.

Selecting the function Further views

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Further views a vertical softkey bar opens, with a new option for
viewing the blank and the simulation.

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 2 windows the simulation window will be split in two sub windows, one
showing the simulation in the side and one in the face view.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 45 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn


With the function Details you can zoom in and zoom out of the workpiece during simulation.

Selecting the function Details

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Details the following functions for changing the level of details are
available in a vertical softkey bar:

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Autozoom the workpiece fills out the simulation window in an optimal

By pressing the VSK 2 Zoom + you zoom in into the simulation window. Alternatively you can
press the +-key on the number block of the keyboard.

By pressing the VSK 3 Zoom - you can zoom out of the simulation window. Alternatively you
can press the --key on the keyboard.

By pressing the VSK 4 Magnifying glass a frame opens in the simulation window, that lets you
zoom in to the extent of the frame size.

Press the VSK1 Zoom + to increase and the VSK 2 Zoom - to decrease the frame size. Move
the frame with the blue cursor keys on the keyboard.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to zoom to the selected extent or abort by pressing the VSK 7


M601 Page 46 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 7 Z- the cutting plane will be shifted on the Z-axis (Ablikate) to the neg-
ative (downward).

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to the operating area Details.

Program control

With the function Program control the override can be adjusted for the simulation, the program can be executed in single
blocks and alarm messages, that occurred during simulation, can be displayed.

Selecting the function Program control

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Program control the following functions will be shown in a vertical
softkey bar on the right side of the screen.

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 100% override the feedrate override is set to the maximum override
of 100%.

By pressing the VSK 2 Override + the override will be increased in 5% steps each time you
press the softkey, until a maximum of 100% is reached.

By pressing the VSK 3 Override - the override will be decreased in 5% steps each time you
press the softkey until a minimum of 0% is reached.
With a feedrate override of 0% the simulation is paused.

By pressing the VSK 4 Single block the simulation will be executed block by block.
With pressing this softkey the VSK 1.1 Start in the operating area Simulation will be ex-
changed with the VSK 1.1 SBL.

By pressing the VSK 7 Alarm the Simulation alarms window opens, with alarm messages
that have occurred during a simulation run.
This can be used for error detection.

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 47 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn

Selecting the function Alarm

By pressing the VSK 7 Alarm the Simulation alarms window opens, with a list of all current
active alarm messages that occurred during the simulation.

For error messages and acknowledgement symbols see module - M576 Operating area Diag-

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 Acknowl. Alarm all with the Reset- or Cancel-symbol marked alarm
messages can be deleted. This softkey is inactive as long as no appropriate error message is

By pressing the VSK 2 Simulation Power On you can trigger a warm restart for the active sim-

Press the VSK 8 OK to confirm or the VSK 7 Cancel to abort the warm restart. With a warm
start the simulation will be ended and started new.
By pressing the VSK 8 Back you switch back to the operating area Program control.


M601 Page 48 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with ShopTurn M601

NC Execute

The function NC Execute lets you load the active program from the editor
to the operating area Machine in the operating mode AUTO.

Selecting the function NC Execute

By pressing the HSK 1.8 NC Execute the control, switches to the operating area Machine
under the operating mode AUTO.

The program modified in the editor is now ready for machining (see picture below).

In running state this softkey is deactivated

M601: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 49 M601

M601 Basics of programming with ShopTurn


M601 Page 50 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M625 Turning with ShopTurn

Module Description:

This module explains the programming of a simple turning example workpiece with ShopTurn func-
tionality by means of different turning cycles (stock removal).

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Turning by pro-
gramming a ShopTurn program

Simple programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M625 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning with ShopTurn M625





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M625

M625 Turning with ShopTurn

Simple programming example

Creating a new sequential program

A new ShopTurn program can be created from within the operating modes JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will open directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the program (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopTurn to open the input mask for creating a new ShopTurn sequential

Enter a name for the program in the Name field and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the input mask for the program header is opened by


A simple ShopTurn program (pin) to be programmed with the help of stock removal cycle calls


A new ShopTurn program should be created and opened in the editor.

The program header, Stock Removal1, Stock Removal1 and Stock Removal2 cycles and end of the program to be pro-
grammed and subsequently simulated.

The following tools and technology data are required for programming:

Tool and technology da- ROUGHING_80A

ta: ( F 0.250 mm/rev, S 240 m/min)

( F 0.150 mm/rev, S 250 m/min)
Workpiece data: Blank: 100 x 130 mm


M625 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning with ShopTurn M625

Programming Example : Bolt

The following program will call different stock removal cycles to be programmed.

Creating a new ShopTurn program.

Give the program a name, for example "ST_TURNING_1.MPF".

The window for the program header is automatically opened.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M625

M625 Turning with ShopTurn

1. Enter the following values / parameters in the program header:

Press the VSK 8 "Accept" to confirm .

2 The following program block "program head" is inserted in the work plan:

3. Programming the first stock removal machining.

Press the HSK 1.3 "Turning" to open the turning technology.

Press the VSK 1 "Stock removal".

Press the VSK 3 " to open the input screen for the cycle "Stock removal 1".

4. Fill in the input mask as follows:


M625 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning with ShopTurn M625

To add a tool, press the

VSK 1 "Select tool".

Select the appropriate tool (ROUGHING_80A) with the orange cursor and press the VSK 8

Input with the VSK 8 "Accept" button.

The following program block "Stock removal1" is inserted in the work plan:

5. Program the second removal machining.

Press the VSK 1 "Stock removal".

Press the VSK 3 " to open the input screen for the cycle "Stock removal 1".

6. Fill in the input mask as follows:

Press the VSK 8 "Accept" button.

The following program block "removal1" is inserted in the work plan:

7. Programming the third stock removal machining.

Press the VSK 1 "Stock removal".


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M625

M625 Turning with ShopTurn

Press the VSK 3 " to open the input screen for the cycle "Stock removal2".

8. Fill in the input mask as follows:

To add a tool, press the

VSK 1 "Select tool".

Select the appropriate tool (FINISHING_80A) with the orange cursor and press the VSK 8 "OK."

Input with the VSK 8 "Accept" button.

The following program block "Stock removal2" is inserted in the work plan:

9. Program the End of the program and simulate the machining.

Place the orange selection cursor on the program block "program end" and expand the line by
pressing the blue "cursor-to-right" button on the full CNC keyboard.

The input screen for the end of the program opens. Here you can select whether the program
should be repeated for multiple workpieces.

Confirm the default "no" press the VS 8 "Accept."

The program end is updated:


M625 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning with ShopTurn M625

Press the HSK 1.7 "simulation", to start the simulation of the program.

The control calculates the simulation and the simulation window opens.

Press the VSK 1.4 "3D view"., To view the simulation in 3D view.

M625: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M625

M625 Turning with ShopTurn


M625 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M610 Drilling with ShopTurn

Module Description:

This module explains the programming of a simple drilling example workpiece with ShopTurn func-
tionality by means of chained drilling cycles and position patterns.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Drilling by pro-
gramming a chained sequential ShopTurn program.

Simple programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M610 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling with ShopTurn M610





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M610

M610 Drilling with ShopTurn

Simple programming example

Creating a new ShopTurn program

A new ShopTurn program can be created from all operating modes, as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel and then the yellow HSK 1.4
Programm manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the program (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopTurn to open the input mask for creating a new ShopTurn sequential

Enter a name for the program in the Name field and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the parameter window for the program header is
opened by default.


A simple ShopTurn program, by means of a hole pattern, is to be programmed with help of calling up various drilling cycles
(centring, drilling, tapping and a position pattern).

A new ShopTurn-program is to be created and opened in the editor.

The program header, a centric drilling cycle, a position pattern and the program end are to be programmed and simulated.

For this the following tool- and technology data are to be used:


M610 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling with ShopTurn M610

The following tool- and technology data are needed for the programming:

Tool data: Centre drill 12 mm (CENTERDRILL_D12)

Drill 8,5 mm (DRILL_D8.5)
Tap M10 (TAP_M10)

Technology data: F 150 mm/min

S 500 rpm

Approach strategy: As a start position for the machining, the first programmed drill hole is to be used.
This position is approached in rapid traverse.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M610

M610 Drilling with ShopTurn

Example: Hole pattern front face

The following program with call up of the drill cycles Centering, Drilling, Tapping and the position pattern Position cir-
cle is to be programmed.

Create a new ShopTurn program.

Give the program a name, for example ST_DRILLING_2.MPF.

The program with the parameter mask for the program header opens automatically.

1. Program the program header by entering/selecting the following values/parameters:


M610 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling with ShopTurn M610

2. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept

The following program block Program header will be inserted into the work plan:

3. Start the program by programming a centering drill cycle.

Press the HSK 1.2 Drill., to open the technology for drilling.

Press the VSK 2 Centering.

The input mask for the Centering cycle opens.

3. Fill out the input mask as displayed below:

To insert a tool into the input mask, press the VSK 1 Select tool.

Mark the desired tool (CENTERDRILL_D12) in the tool list with the orange selection cursor and
press the VSK 8 OK.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept

The following program block Centering will be inserted into the work plan:

The program chain starts (note the opened bracket on the right side of the icon)

4. Now, program the drill cycle.

Press the VSK 3 Drilling Reaming, to open the technology for Drilling Reaming.

Select the VSK 3 Drilling to open the input mask for the drilling cycle.

5. Fill out the input mask as displayed below:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M610

M610 Drilling with ShopTurn

To insert a tool into the parameter window, press the VSK 1 Select tool.

Mark the desired tool (DRILL_D8.5) in the tool list with the orange selection cursor and press the

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Drilling will be inserted into the work plan:

The program chain will be extended.

(Note the bilateral opened bracket on the right side of the icon).

6. Program now the tapping cycle.

Press the VSK 5 Threading followed by VSK 3 Tapping.

The input mask for the Tapping-cycle opens.

7. Fill out the input mask as displayed below:

To insert a tool into the parameter mask, press the VSK 1 Select tool.

Mark the desired tool (TAP_M10) in the tool list with the orange selection cursor and press the

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept

The following program block Tapping will be inserted into the work plan:

The program chain will be extended.

(Note the bilateral opened bracket on the right side of the icon)

8. Program now the position pattern for the drilling, in order to close the program block chain.
Press the VSK 7 Positions.
The positions input mask opens.

To set the positions for the drillings press the VSK 5 Position circle.
The Position circle input mask opens.


M610 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling with ShopTurn M610

9. Fill out the input mask as displayed below:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Position circle will be inserted into the work plan:

The program chain will be closed.

(Note the downward closed bracket on the right side of the icon).

10. Program now the program end and simulate the machining.

Place the orange selection cursor on the End of Program program block.
Extend the program block by pressing the blue cursor-to-the-right-key on the keyboard.

The input mask for the program end opens.

11. The settings window for the program end opens, where you can define to repeat the workpiece.

Accept the default value by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block End of program will be updated.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M610

M610 Drilling with ShopTurn

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simulation of the program.

The control calculates the simulation parameters and opens the simulation in the simulation win-
dow in Side view by default.

To view the simulation in a view on the face of the workpiece, press the VSK 1.4 3D view.

M610: END


M610 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M633 Contour turning with ShopTurn

Module Description:

This module explains the programming of a complex ShopTurn program, by using contour cycle
chained together with a stock removal cycle

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Contour turning
by programming a chained sequential ShopTurn program.

Complex programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M633 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with ShopTurn M633

Contour turning


Contour turning


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M633

M633 Contour turning with ShopTurn

Complex programming example

Creating a new sequential ShopTurn program

A new ShopTurn program can be created in all operating modes, as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the HSK 4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the program (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopTurn to open the input mask for creating a new ShopTurn sequential

5. Enter a name for the program in the Name field and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the input mask for the program header is opened by


A more complex ShopTurn sequential program (SHAFT) is to be programmed, by using different turning cycles (contour,
stock removal, groove cutting).

The workpiece shown below is to be programmed.

Then the program is to be simulated.


M633 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with ShopTurn M633












The following tool and technology data are to be used for programming:

Tool- and ROUGHING_80A

technology data: (F 0,3 mm/min, V 260 m/min)
(F 0,15 mm/min V 270 m/min)
(F 0,08 mm/min, 2000 rpm)
Approach strategy: The following position is programmed as the
contour starting point:
X 12
Z 0
This point will be approached in the cycle automatically with rapid traverse.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M633

M633 Contour turning with ShopTurn

Programming example

The following program is to be created, with the call up of multiple contour descriptions, as well as stock removal- and the
residual cutting cycles.

1. Create a new ShopTurn sequential program.

Give the program a name, for example ST_CONTOURTURNING_2.MPF.

The program, with the parameter mask for the program header opens by default.

2. Enter the following values into the program header:


M633 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with ShopTurn M633

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Program header will inserted into the work plan:

3. Program the first contour description.

Press the HSK 1.4 Cont. turn., to open the technology Contour turning.

Press the VSK 1 New contour.

The New contour input mask opens where you can enter a suitable name for the new contour.

4. Enter a name for the contour, e.g. SHAFT as


Accept your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor for the contour description opens, with the input window for defining the start-
ing point of the contour (recognizable by the yellow bar with the contour elements and program-
ming symbols on the left edge of the screen, and the yellow vertical softkey-bar on the right edge
of the screen):


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M633

M633 Contour turning with ShopTurn

5. Enter the following coordinates as starting point:

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

6. Extend the contour by adding a straight line in X-direction.

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line Z to open the input mask for the Straight line Z contour

7. Enter the following coordinates into the input mask:

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The starting angle to the Z-axis 1 is calculated automatically, by entering the Z value.

8. Extend the contour by adding a straight line in Z-direction.

Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line X to open the input mask for the contour element Straight line

9. Enter the following coordinates into the input mask:

Accept your inputs by pressing VSK 8 Accept.

By entering the value X, the values for 1 and 2 are calculated automatically from the previ-
ous contour element and the current entered position.

10 Extend the contour by adding a straight line in Z-direction.


M633 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with ShopTurn M633

Press the VSK 1.4 Straight Z to open the input mask for the contour element Straight Z.

11. Enter the following coordinates into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

By entering the value for the parameter Z , the
values for 1 and 2 are calculated automatically.

12. Extend the contour by adding a straight line in Z-direction.

Press the VSK1.2 Straight line X to open the input mask for the contour element Straight line X .

13. Enter the following coordinates into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

By entering the value for the parameter , the values for 1 and 2 are calculated automatically.
14. Extend the contour by adding a straight line in direction Z.

Press the VSK 1.4 Straight Z to open the input mask for the contour element Straight Z.

15. Enter the following coordinates into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 7 Accept.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M633

M633 Contour turning with ShopTurn

16. Now, examine the finished contour outline.

For this, switch with the orange selection cursor to the yellow contour step bar on the left side of
the screen, by pressing blue cursor-to-the-left-key on the keyboard.
Place the orange selection cursor on the END-Symbol in the yellow contour step bar by using
the blue cursor-down-key on the keyboard.

The following screen with a sketch of the contour description will be displayed.

The screen below with the finished contour description:

17. Finish the contour by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block Contour will be

inserted into the work plan:

The program chain opens (recognizable by the downward opened bracket right beside the pro-
gramming symbol).


M633 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with ShopTurn M633

18. Insert a stock removal cycle into the program.

Press the HSK Cont. turn. followed by VSK 1.2 Stock removal to open the input mask for
the Stock removal cycle.

19. Fill out the input mask as follows:

In order to insert a tool into the parameter mask, press the VSK 1 Select tool.

Mark the appropriate tool (ROUGHING_80A) with the orange selection cursor and press the

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block Stock removal will be inserted into the work plan:

The program chain is extended.

20. Insert a Stock removal cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 1.2 Stock removal to open the parameter mask for the Cut residual material

21. Fill out the parameter mask as follows:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M633

M633 Contour turning with ShopTurn

In order to insert a tool into the parameter mask, press the VSK 1 Select tool.

Mark the appropriate tool (FINISHING_35A) with the orange selection cursor and press the VSK
8 OK.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block Stock removal will be inserted into the work plan:

The program chain is extended.

22. The next machining step, program a Groove cycle.

Press the HSK 3 "Turning" to open the technology "Turning" menu.

Press the VSK 2 Groove to open the input mask for the Stock removal cycle.

Press the VSK 1.3 "Groove 1" to enter the input mask of Grooving.

23. Fill out the parameter mask as follows

In order to insert a tool into the parameter mask, press the VSK 1 Select tool.

Mark the appropriate tool (GROOVE_3A) with the orange selection cursor and press the VSK 8

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.


M633 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with ShopTurn M633

The program block Groove will be inserted into the work plan:

24. Program the end of the program and simulate the machining of the program.

Place the orange selection cursor on the program block End of program and extend the pro-
gramming block by pressing the blue cursor to-the-right key on the keyboard.

25. The settings window for the program end opens, where you can define to repeat the workpiece.

Accept the default setting No by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The program block End of program is updated.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M633

M633 Contour turning with ShopTurn

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simulation of the program run.

The control calculates the simulation and starts the simulation in an animation window showing
the machining in a side view on the blank.

To switch to face view, press the VSK 1.4 3D view.

M633: END


M633 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M641 Straight Circle with ShopTurn

Module Description:

This module explains the programming of a contour machining operation with the function Straight

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the function Straight Circle in
ShopTurn by programming with ShopTurn functionality.

Simple programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M641 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Straight Circle with ShopTurn M641





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M641

M641 Straight Circle with ShopTurn

Simple programming example

Creating a new ShopTurn program

A new ShopTurn program can be created in all operating modes, as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager opens directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the program by pressing the corresponding horizontal
softkey (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopTurn to open the input mask for creating a new ShopTurn sequential

Enter a name for the program in the Name field and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the input mask for the program header is opened by


A simple program (shaft) is to be programmed, by using the function Straight Circle.


A new ShopTurn program to machine the workpiece below is to be created.

The program header, several Straights and Circles as well as the program end are to be programmed. Afterwards the
program is to be simulated.
The following data are to be used for the programming:

Tool data: Finishing tool 55 (FINISHING_TOOL_55)

Technology data: S 1500 rpm F 0.3mm/rev

Blank dimensions: 105 x 102 mm

Work steps: - Planar cut to Z = 0.

- Machining step 90 x 60 mm with one cut.
- Machining of the finished diameter including the
machining of the chamfer 3x45 and the radius R5.


M641 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Straight Circle with ShopTurn M641

Programming example: Shaft

The following ShopTurn program is to be created:

1. Create a new ShopTurn program.

Give the program the name, for example.

The program, with the input mask for the program header opens by default.


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M641 Straight Circle with ShopTurn

2. Fill out the program header input mask as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work plan:

3. Inset now a tool (FINISHING_TOOL_55) into the program.

In order to do this, switch to the horizontal softkey bar 2, by pressing the Menu extend key on
the operator panel.

The horizontal softkey bar 2 opens.

Press the HSK 2.2 Strght Circle to select the function Straight Circle.

The operating area of the function Straight Circle opens.

Now press the VSK 1 Tool to open the input mask for the tool (see picture below).

In order to insert a tool into the input mask, press the VSK 1 Select tool.

Mark the appropriate tool (FINISHING_TOOL_35) with the orange selection cursor and press
the VSK 8 OK.

The tool is inserted into the input mask.


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Straight Circle with ShopTurn M641
Fill out the rest of the input mask, as follows:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the work plan:

4. Insert now the first Straight-cycle into the program, to approach the tool onto the starting posi-
tion for machining.
Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

5. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

6. Insert now another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

7. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

8. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.


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M641 Straight Circle with ShopTurn

8. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

9. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

10. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

11. Insert the following values into the parameter mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

12. Insert now another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.


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Straight Circle with ShopTurn M641

13. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

14. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

15. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

15. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

16. Insert the following values into the input mask:


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M641 Straight Circle with ShopTurn

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

17. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

18. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

19. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

20. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

21. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

22. Insert the following value into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:


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Straight Circle with ShopTurn M641

23. Now, insert a Circle radius-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 4 Circle radius, to open the input mask for the function Circle radius.

24. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

25. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

26. Insert the following value into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

27. Insert another Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.


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M641 Straight Circle with ShopTurn

28. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

29. Now insert the last Straight-cycle into the program.

Press the VSK 2 Straight, to open the input mask for the function Straight.

30. Insert the following values into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program block is inserted into the program:

31. Program now the end of the program and simulate the machining afterwards.

For this, place the orange selection cursor on the program block End of program, using the
blue cursor keys on the keyboard.
Press the cursor-to-the-right-key in order to switch to the input mask for the End of pro-
The input window for the program end opens. Here you can adjust whether you want to repeat
the program run or not.

Accept the default value No by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

32. To simulate the machining, switch back to the horizontal softkey bar 1.

For this press the Menu extend-key on the operator panel. The horizontal softkey bar 1


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Straight Circle with ShopTurn M641

Start the simulation, by pressing the HSK 1.7 Simulation.

The control calculates the simulation and starts the simulation in an animation window, showing
the machining in a side view on the blank.

For a simulation with a view on the front side of the blank, press the VSK 1.4 3D view.

M641: END


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M641 Straight Circle with ShopTurn


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M660 Contour Milling with ShopTurn

Module Description:

This module shows an example of sequential programming of contour milling in ShopTurn.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

This module uses a programming example to teach you about the contour milling techno-
logy with sequential programming in ShopTurn.

Simple program example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M660 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with ShopTurn M660

Contour Milling:


Contour Milling:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M660

M660 Contour Milling with ShopTurn

Simple programming example

Creating a new ShopTurn program

A new ShopTurn program can be created in all operating modes, as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager opens directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the yellow HSK 4 Program Manager.

The program manager opens.

2. Select a drive, where you want to create the program by pressing the corresponding horizontal
softkey (NC, Local drive, USB).

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 3 ShopTurn to open the input mask for creating a new ShopTurn sequential

Enter a name for the program in the Name field and accept with pressing the VSK 8 OK.

The program is loaded to the editor and the input mask for the program header is opened by

A ShopTurn program (Kidney) is to be programmed with the aid of various milling cycles (spigot).


The workpiece shown below is to be programmed.

The program is then to be simulated.

The following tool and technology are required for the programming:

Tool and CUTTER_D10

technology data: (F800 mm/min, S3000 rpm)

Contour starting point: The following position is programmed as the contour starting point:

Contour 1: X0 Y60 (blank)

Contour 2: X20 Y29 (kidney)


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Contour Milling with ShopTurn M660





7 0


Example: Kidney

The following program with call of two contour definitions as well as the spigot milling cycle is to be programmed.

1. Create a new ShopTurn program.

Give the program a name, for example ST_CONTOURMILLING_1.MPF.

The input screen for the program header opens automatically.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M660

M660 Contour Milling with ShopTurn

2. Fill in the program header as follows:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The following Program header block is inserted in the machining plan:

3. Program the first contour definition.

To do this, press HSK 1.5 Milling to call the Milling technology.

Then press VSK 8 Contour milling to call the Contour milling technology.

Press VSK 1 New contour.

An input window for the assignment of a contour name opens.


Confirm the entry with VSK 8 Accept.

The operating area for the contour input opens with the input window for the contour starting
point (which can be recognized by the yellow bar with the contour increments and the pro-
gramming symbols on the left-hand edge of the screen as well as the yellow vertical softkey
bar on the right-hand side):


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Contour Milling with ShopTurn M660

5. Enter the following coordinates as starting point:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

6. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.

Press VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input window for the contour element of a
circular movement opens.
7. Enter the coordinates as follows:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

When entering the circle center point in X (I), a dialog selection is opened. Note the input
screen and the changing color of the graphic if you press the Select dialog softkey several
If your entries in the input screen are correct, press the Accept dialog softkey to accept
these entries.

8. Now check your entries for the first contour. (See figure on the next page.)


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M660 Contour Milling with ShopTurn

The following screen with the finished contour definition is displayed:

Finish the contour definition by pressing VSK 8 Accept.

The following Contour program block is inserted in the machining plan:

The step sequence is opened (which can be recognized by the open bracket on the right next
to the programming symbol).

Now insert another contour in the program.

To do this, press HSK 1.5 Milling to call the Milling technology.

Then press VSK 8 Contour milling to call the Contour milling technology.

Press VSK 1 New contour.

An input window for the assignment of a contour name opens.


Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The operating area for the contour input opens with the input window for the contour starting point (which can be recog-
nized by the yellow bar with the contour increments and the programming symbols on the left-hand edge of the screen as
well as the yellow vertical softkey bar on the right-hand side).


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Contour Milling with ShopTurn M660

11. Enter the following coordinates as starting point:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

12. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.
Press VSK 1.5 Circle.
The input window for the contour element of a circular movement opens.

13. Enter the coordinates as follows:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

(When entering the circle center point in X (I), a dialog selection is opened. Note the input
screen and the changing color of the graphic if you press the Select dialog softkey several
If your entries in the input screen are correct, press the Accept dialog softkey to accept these


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M660

M660 Contour Milling with ShopTurn

14. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.
Press VSK 1.5 Circle.
The input window for the contour element of a
circular movement opens.

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

(When entering the parameters, activate the Tangent prev. elem. softkey to receive the tan-
gential transition to the previous element.)

15. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.

Press VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input window for the contour element of a circular movement opens.

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

(When entering the parameters, activate the Tangent prev. elem. softkey to receive the tan-
gential transition to the previous element.)


M660 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with ShopTurn M660

(When entering the parameters, activate the Tangent prev. elem. softkey to receive the tan-
gential transition to the previous element.)

Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.

16. Press VSK 1.5 Circle.
The input window for the contour element of a
circular movement opens.

17. Finish the contour definition by pressing VSK 8 Accept.

The following Contour program block is inserted in the machining plan:

The step sequence is extended and opened downward (which can be recognized by the open
bracket on the right next to the programming symbol).

18. Add a spigot milling cycle to the program.

Now press VSK 1.6 Spigot to call the input screen for the milling cycle.



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M660

M660 Contour Milling with ShopTurn

To insert a tool press VSK 1 Select tool.

Select the appropriate tool in the tool list (here

CUTTER_D10) with the orange selection cursor and press VSK 8 OK.

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The Mill spigot program block is inserted in the machining plan:

The step sequence is extended.

20. Add a cycle for further spigot milling.

Press VSK 1.6 Spigot to call the input screen for the milling cycle.

21. Fill in the input screen as follows:



M660 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with ShopTurn M660

To insert a tool press VSK 1 Select tool.

Select the appropriate tool in the tool list (here

CUTTER_D10) with the orange selection cursor and press VSK 8 OK.

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The Mill spigot program block is inserted in the machining plan:

The step sequence is extended.

23. Add a last spigot milling cycle to the program.

Press VSK 1.6 Spigot to call the input screen for the milling cycle.


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M660 Contour Milling with ShopTurn


To insert a tool press VSK 1 Select tool.

Select the appropriate tool in the tool list (here

CUTTER_D10) with the orange selection cursor and press VSK 8 OK.

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The last Mill spigot program block is inserted in the machining plan:

The step sequence is now closed.

25. Program the end of the program and simulate the machining.

Place the orange selection cursor on the End of program program block and extend the line
by pressing the blue Cursor right key on the keyboard.

26. The input screen for the end of the program opens. Here you can select whether the program is
to be repeated for several workpieces.

Leave the settings at the default value No and confirm this with VSK 8 Accept.

The End of program program block is updated:


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Contour Milling with ShopTurn M660

Press HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simulation of the program.

The control calculates the simulation and opens the Simulation window as standard with the
Side view of the blank.

To view the simulation on the face end of the blank, press VSK 1.4 3D view.

M660: END


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M660 Contour Milling with ShopTurn


M660 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M605 Basics of programming with the program-

Module Description:

This module explains the general program structure of a ShopTurn G code program, programmed
with the programGUIDE. Furthermore the functions of the Editor are described, as well as the func-
tions Various .

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working with this module you will learn the concept of the G code programming with the
ShopTurn programGUIDE.


Creating G-code programs



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M605 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Basics with





Basics with


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE


G code programming with ShopTurn

ShopTurn offers beside the manual operation, are the possibility to create NC programs on the control. These programs can
be of the type chained sequential programs, G code programs or a mix of both.
If you do not want to program with the ShopTurn functionality, you can
generate G code programs with G code commands in the ShopTurn user interface. G code commands can be programmed
as per DIN 66025.

The creation of chained sequential programs is explained in detail in the module - M601 - Basics of programming with

With the G code programming in ShopTurn with the programGUIDE, parameter masks guide you in the process of measur-
ing, programming of contours, as well as drilling, turning and milling cycles.
From within the parameter masks, G code will be generated, which can also be translated back into the parameter masks.

The following functions simplify the programming of G code programs:

Technology oriented program step selection (cycles) using softkeys

Input masks and -windows for parameters, with animated help graphics
Context sensitive online help for every input mask and window
Comfortable definition of the blank
Support for the contour input (geometric processor)

ShopTurn programs can be represented in different views:

As a work plan showing the call up of the tool, path commands, revolution settings, spindle data, feed, cycle calls, the
program end, etc.


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Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

As a parameter mask, with 3D animations during parameter input of cycles and blank definition.

As a parameter mask, with help graphics during parameter input of cycles and blank definition. .


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

General program structure

In general a G code program can be programmed freely.

For a good legibility however, the following structure is recommended:

Zero point selection, plane selection, absolute dimensioning

Blank attribution for the simulation

Tool call-up and tool change

Technology data, path commands

Programming of the technologies (cycles)
Program end



M605 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Standard commands in the G code Editor

Unlike in a program with ShopTurn functionality the following G-code commands are programmed through graphically sup-
ported parameter masks, where as in the programGUIDE G-code editor they have to be specifically typed into the editor.
Unnamed G commands are freely selectable.
The documentation of the machine manufacturer must be observed.

Command Meaning

G 00 Rapid traverse command

G 01 Linear interpolation (Feed motion)

G 02 Circular interpolation anti-clockwise

G 03 Circular interpolation clockwise

G 04 Dwell time
Note: Additional parameter inputs are required
G 17 Plane selection XY Z

G 18 Plane selection ZX Y

G 19 Plane selection YZ X

G 54 - G 57 Selection of the zero points


More zero points may be available.

The documentation by the machine manufacturer must be observed.

G 90 Absolute dimensions

G 91 Incremental dimensions

The following standard M commands are available in the G code editor.

Note: Unnamed M-commands are freely selectable. The documentation by the machine manufacturer must be observed.
Command Meaning

M00 Programmed Halt

M01 Optional stop, see also M00

M02 End of Program

M03 Spindle Start clockwise

M04 Spindle Start anti-clockwise

M05 Spindle Stop

M06 Tool change

M08 Coolant ON

M09 Coolant OFF

M19 Defined spindle stop

M30 End of Program (see also M02)


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

The following standard other commands are available in the G code editor.

The documentation by the machine manufacturer must be observed.

Command Meaning
T Tool call-up (Tool)
S Speed (Speed)
F Feed rate (Feed)
Navigation in the editor window

For a fast and comfortable navigation within a G code program and the parameter masks you can use the blue cursor

With the blue cursor-up-key on the keyboard you can navigate upwards in the program editor
and the parameter masks.

With the blue cursor-down-key on the keyboard you can navigate downwards in the program
editor and the parameter masks.

The arrow symbol (extend symbol) on the right side of a cycle or workpiece line in the editor
window indicates that you can enter the parameter input mask by pressing the cursor-to-the-

The cursor-to-the-right-key opens the parameter mask of the corresponding program block.

The cursor-to-the-left-key closes the parameter mask for the cycle or workpiece settings and
brings you back to the editor window, displaying the G code program.

Creating G Code programs

Creating a new G code program or opening an existing one

A new G code program can be created from the operating modes JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager for creating and administering programs opens directly.
See module M525 - Operating area Program Manager.
- OR -
Press the MENU SELECT key on the operator panel (OP).

Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program Manager.

The program manager for creating and administering programs opens.


M605 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605
- THEN -
Select a storage drive by pressing the horizontal softkey NC, Local drive or USB, where
you want to create the program.
Move the orange cursor with the blue cursor-keys to the directory of your choice.

For the navigation process refer to the modules M516 - Operating elements or module M525
- Operating area Program Manager.
Press the VSK 2 New.
The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new programs opens.

Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code, to open the input mask for creating a new G code

Here you can create a new main program,

or a new subprogram.

Enter a name for the program and confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 OK, or abort
with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.
After creating a new programGUIDE program, the program will be loaded into the G code editor in the operating area
Program, where all the functions for entering and editing G code commands and cycles are available (see picture below).


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M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

Programming a tool

Within the editor, tools can be selected and inserted in the G code program comfortably by using a


Under the function Edit HSK 1 press the VSK 1.1 Select Tool to open the tool selection win-

You can use the cursor key to select the tool you require followed by pressing the VSK 1.8 OK

- OR -

Press the VSK 1.1 Tool list Will open the tool list in the operating area Parameter.
(see module - M523 Operating area Parameter).

Select an already existing tool from the tool list by placing the orange selection cursor on that
tool and pressing the VSK 1.1 To program.

Afterwards program the tool change (M06), the spindle start (M03/M04), the coolant (M07/M08),
the speed (S...), the feed (F) and if needed, some tool specific functions.

Programming the blank

The blank is needed for the simulation and the simultaneous recording. A realistic simulation is only possible with a blank,
that represents the actual blank dimensions as close as possible.
The shape (Block centred, Pipe, Cylinder or N-corners) and dimensions of the blank must be defined.

In the operating area Program press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the vertical softkey bar with
various functions.

Here, press the VSK 1.1 Blank to open the input mask for defining the blank.
Fill in the needed parameters and press the VSK 8 Accept to take over the blank settings into the pro-
gram or abort with pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

Programming a cycle
Cycles (technologies) can be programmed easily by using softkeys and parameter masks.

In the operating area Program

press the HSK 1.2 Drill., or

press the HSK 1.3 Turning, or

press the HSK 1.4 Cont. turn., or

press the HSK 1.5 Mill.

to open the cycles for drilling, turning, contour turning and milling.

Select the corresponding technology (cycle) and optionally a position pattern and accept for inserting the
Notes cycle into the G code program.

See modules M611 - Drilling, M626 - Contour turning and M661 - Contour Milling.

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Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Select the corresponding technology (cycle) and optionally a position pattern and accept for inserting the
cycle into the G code program.

See modules M611 - Drilling, M626 - Contour turning and M661 - Contour Milling.

Inserting G code commands and programming the program end

In the G code editor window several functions for inserting, copying and cutting G code commands are available.

In the operating area Program press the HSK 1 Edit to program a part program with G code com-
mands or to edit an already loaded program.

Program the program end (M02/M30).

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to simulate the machining.

- OR -

Press the HSK 1.8 NC Execute to load the program to the NC memory, ready for machining.

Explanation of the function Edit
With the editor you can create, supplement, or change part programs.
Selecting the function Edit
The program editor can be opened from the operating modes JOG, MDA or AUTO..

By pressing the PROGRAM-key on the keyboard the editor window opens directly, with the last
opened program.
If no program was loaded before, the program manager window opens instead, where you can
create or select an existing program.
- OR -

Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the yellow HSK 3 Program to change to the operating area Program. The last loaded
program in the editor opens (see picture below).

If not selected, press the HSK 1 Edit.

If no program had been opened for editing purpose, then the Sinumerik Operate opens the Pro-
gram Manager window, offering a chance to the user for choosing the desired program for edit-

For further details see module - M525 Operating area Program Manager.


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M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

The following softkeys are available for editing a program:

Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

Under the function Edit HSK 1 press the VSK 1.1 Select Tool to open the tool selection
Here you can select a tool, By pressing the VSK 1.8 OK you can insert the selected tool data
into the G code program.

By pressing the VSK 1.2 Build group you can create programme blocks into groups, this can
be useful when creating large programs.

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Search you can search for any text in the current program. A search
window opens where you can enter a search string. You can continue searching afterwards.

By pressing the VSK 1.4 Mark you can mark one or several program blocks in order to copy
or cut (delete) them.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Copy you can copy one or several program blocks to the internal
memory of the control, to paste them to a different location in the active program or to another

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Paste copied or cut program blocks can be inserted behind the
selected program block (actual cursor position). You can paste the block to the active program
as well as to another G code program on the NC, local drive or USB.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Cut you can cut out one or several program blocks, to paste them
later somewhere in a program or to delete them. Cut program steps remain in the clipboard
and can be inserted again with the VSK 1.6 Paste
(see VSK 1.6 Paste).


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Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2 continued

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the extended vertical softkey bar 2 will be displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 View you can choose between Close all blocks and Open all

By pressing the VSK 2.2 Mold mak. view you can see the simulated workpiece from a top view
as an outline drawing

By pressing the VSK 2.3 Renumbering you can assign new numbers for every program step in
the editor window.

By pressing the VSK 2.4 Open further program you can view two programs side by side.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Settings you can change the setting for the program editor.

By pressing the VSK 2.7 Exit you close the editor with the active program.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.

Select tool
With the function Select tool you can search and select a tool .
Selecting the function Select tool

By pressing the VSK1.1 Select tool the tool selection window opens like displayed below,
with the following functions available in the vertical softkey bar.

Use the cursor up & cursor down keys on the key board the select the required tool for the machining block.
If the required tool is not available press the VSK1 Tool list so that a new tool can be created .

See module - M573 Operating area Parameter.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1 Tool list you are taken to the tool list.

See module - M573 Operating area Parameter.

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the search process.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK you will load the selected tool into the machining block.

Build group
With the function Build group you can group similar machining blocks together .
Selecting the function Build group

By pressing the VSK1.2 Build group the build new block window opens like displayed below,
allowing you to give a name to a group

Once you have typed in a name press the OK softkey


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Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

You can now create machining blocks inside the group.

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description
With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the search process.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK you will load a new group block into the program with the name you
have chosen.

With the function Search you can search for any text in a sequential program and even replace the text with other text.

Selecting the function Search

By pressing the VSK1.3 Search the search window opens, where you can search for any pro-
gram code in the current program.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Go to start the cursor will be positioned on the first line of the pro-

By pressing the VSK 2 Go to end the cursor will be positioned on the last line of the program.

By pressing the VSK4 Search the search mask opens, where you can decide to search for
complete words, select the search direction (forward/backwards) and enter the search text.
By pressing the VSK5 Find + replace the Search and replace mask opens where you can
decide to search for complete words, select the search direction (forward/backwards), enter the
search text and enter the text you want to use for the replacement.
With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the search process.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK you start a search run with the above mentioned search criteria.


With the function View you can expand or close all groups that have been created in the program.

Selecting the function View

By pressing the VSK2.1 View the softkeys Close blocks and Open blocks are shown like
displayed below.

Press VSK 5 Open all blocks


M605 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

Pressing the VSK 4 Close blocks you can close all block in the program.

Pressing the VSK 5 Open blocks you can open all block in the program

With the VSK 8 Back you can go back to the previous vertical softkey bar.

With the function Renumbering you can renumber manually the program steps in the work plan with an increment you
can select here.
Selecting the function Renumbering
By pressing the VSK 2.3 Renumbering the input window opens where you can change the
settings for the renumbering of the program blocks in the editor window.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

Parameters for Renumbering

Parameters Meaning
First block number The first block number you want to start with.
The values shown here by default can be adjusted under the function Settings in the input
field First block number.
Increment The Increment between the program blocks.
The values shown here by default can be adjusted under the function Settings in the input
field Increment.

Open further programs

With the function Open further programs the control will show two programs side by side.
Selecting the function Open further programs

By pressing the VSK2.4 Open further programs the window opens that allows you to choose a
further program to be shown.

Use the cursor up or cursor down keys on the key board the select the required program and press VSK8 OK


M605 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

With pressing the VSK 7 Cancel you can abort the select process.

By pressing the VSK 8 OK the control will show two programs side by side, as shown above.


With the function Settings you can change the settings for the program editor.

Selecting the function Settings

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Settings the settings window for the program editor opens.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 19 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

Parameters for Settings

Parameters Meaning

Number automatically Program blocks will be numbered automatically.

(Yes/No) Deactivating this parameter, hides the following two parameters too.
Show hidden lines Show hidden line (with the ID ;*HD).
Display block end as A symbol is displayed at the end of each block.
symbol (Yes/No)
Line break (Yes/No) Lines are broken and wrapped around, or a horizontal scrollbar is displayed
Line break also in cycle If the line of a cycle call becomes too long, then it is displayed over several lines, or the line is
call (Yes/No) truncated.
Visible programs Selects how many programs can be displayed next to one another in the editor
Width of program w. fo- Here, you enter the width of the selected program in the editor as a percentage of the window
cus width.
Save automatically Changes are saved automatically without a query.
Only cut after making The cutting of program sections is possible only when program lines have been selected or
(yes/no) where the cursor is positioned.
determine machining Block-by-block / off / Non-modal
Display cycles as ma- The cycle calls in the G code are displayed as plain text or NC syntax.
chining step (Yes/No)

Highlight selected G Selected G code commands or key words can be highlighted in colour
code commands
Font size Defines the font size for the editor and the display of the program sequence

Selecting the function Various
The function Various can be selected from the operating mode JOG, MDA or AUTO in the operating area Program
as follows:
Press the HSK 6 Various to switch over to the function Various. The following functions
described are shown in the VSK-bar of the program editor.


M605 Page 20 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Blank an input mask opens where you can change the settings for the

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Subprogram the input mask for loading a subprogram to the main
program opens.

By pressing the VSK 1.8 Extend the vertical softkey bar 2 opens.

By pressing the VSK 2.1 HighSpeed settings the input mask for adjusting the settings for the
optimal speed in relation to the machining method opens.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back you switch back to the vertical softkey bar 1.


The blank is needed for the simulation and the simultaneous recording. A realistic simulation is only possible with a blank,
that represents the actual blank dimensions as close as possible.
The shape (Block centred, Pipe, Cylinder or N-corners) and dimensions of the blank must be defined.

Selecting the function Blank

By pressing the VSK 1.1 Blank the blank input window opens.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 21 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

Parameters for the Blank

Parameter Meaning

Blank The following blank forms can be selected:

Block centred
N corner

ZA Initial dimension

ZI (abs/inc) Final dimension related to ZA (absolute or incremental)

ZB (abs/inc) Machining dimension

Parameter Meaning (continuation)

XA Outside diameter (only with pipe or cylinder)

XI Inside diameter (absolute or incremental)

N Number of edges (only with N corner)

SW Width across flats (only with N corner)

W Width of blank (only with Block centred)

L Length of blank (only with Block centred))

5.3.3 Changing the graphical view on the blank

The graphic view of the blank and cycles can be changed under the function Various (blank), as well as under the technolo-
gy cycles Drilling, Turning and Milling, by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.
Help pictures and animations are only displayed if the VSK 2 Graphic view is deselected.

You can change the graphic view of the blank as follows:

1. In the operating area Program press the HSK 1.6 Various.

2. Press the VSK 1.1 Blank to open the input mask for the blank settings.


M605 Page 22 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Activate or deactivate the VSK 2 Graphic view to switch between a:

3D view/side view

and an outline drawing.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 23 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE

Changing the settings for the blank

1. In the operating area Program press the HSK 1.6 Various.

2. Press the VSK 1.1 Blank.

The setting window for the blank opens.

3. Optionally change the help graphic view on the blank by pressing the VSK 2 Graphic view.

4. Enter the parameters for the blank in the corresponding input fields.

5. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept or abort with pressing the VSK 7

A new program block WORKPIECE is inserted into the Work plan (see picture below)

If you require the same machining steps in the programming of different workpieces, you can define these machining steps
in a separate subroutine. You can then call this subroutine in any program.
Identical machining steps therefore only have to be programmed once. ShopTurn does not differentiate between main pro-
gram and subprogram. This means that you can call a "standard" sequential ShopTurn or G code program as subprogram
from another G code program. In this subprogram, you can also call another subprogram. The maximum nesting depth is 8

If you want to call a sequential ShopTurn program as a subroutine, the program must already have been calculated once
(load or simulate program in AUTO mode). This is not necessary for G code

The subroutine must always be stored in the NCK main memory (in a separate directory "XYZ" or in the "ShopTurn", "Part
programs", "Subprograms" directories).
If you want to call a subprogram located on another drive, you can use the G code command "EXTCALL".

Please note that, when a subprogram is called, ShopTurn evaluates the settings in the program header of the subroutine.
These settings also
remain active even after the subprogram has ended.
If you wish to activate the settings from the program header for the main program again, you can make the settings again in
the main program after calling the subprogram.

Selecting the function Subprogram

By pressing the VSK 1.6 Subprogram, the input window for calling up a subprogram opens.


M605 Page 24 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Basics of programming with the programGUIDE M605

Subprogram call

1. In the operating area Program press the HSK 1.6 Various.

2. Press the VSK 1.6 Subprogram.

The input window for the subprogram call opens.
3. Enter the directory path to the subprogram and the name of the subprogram in the input mask.

Press the VSK 8 Accept to confirm your inputs or press the VSK 7 Cancel to abort.

A new program block Execute with the subprogram path is inserted into the work plan (see
picture below).

M605: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 25 M605

M605 Basics of programming with the programGUIDE


M605 Page 26 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M509 Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages

Module Description:

This module describes the possibilities of program jumps, repetitions of certain sections of the pro-
gram and the application of variables for calculation.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn to manipulate the regular block-by-block program execution and
to use R-variables. The use of the codes is equally possible for both milling and turning.

Program jumps and skip blocks

Program section repeat

Calculation variables R

Program loops

Programmable messages

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M509 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages M509

Loops, jumps,
Repetitions and

jumps and
skip blocks


variables R


e messages

Loops, jumps,
Repetitions and


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M509

M509 Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages

Program jumps and skip blocksProgram jumps

Porgram jumps

In practice it is often necessary to interrupt the block-by-block execution of the program and to jump to another part of the

Certain number of blocks should not be executed by the control unit for instance when testing a program.

Since the control does not recognize the block numbers, the jump destination must always be identified by markers (labels).

The MARKER may be any chain of characters followed by a colon, however, the chain of characters must not be identical
to any command of the control unit.

Example: N100 LBL8

If for instance a section of the program is to be left out, the jump instruction GOTOF can be used.

This instruction searches for the jump destination only in the forward direction of the program. The program will then be
continued from there on in the normal manner.

N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=3000

N20 G00 X200 Z300
N30 GOTOF LBL8 Forward jump to the marker LBL8:
N40 T1; Roughing tool
N50 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1 The blocks N40 to N90 will be ignored
N60 G00 X82 Z0.2 M8
N70 G01 X-1.6
N80 Z2 The program will be continued as from
N90 G00 X200 Z300 block N100
N100 LBL8:
N110 T2; Finishing tool
N120 G96 S200 F0.15 M4 D1
N130 G00 G42 X0 Z2 M8
N140 G01 Z0

To initiate a backward jump in the program the instruction GOTOB must be used.

The backward jump will result in an endless loop if the number of runs is not limited.

Markers will be ignored by the control unit if there is no jump command to the marker. The execution of the program will not
be affected under any circumstances by a marker without a jump instruction.


M509 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages M509

Deletion blocks

There is another way of optionally including or excluding certain parts of the program by excluding explicitly marked blocks.

The program blocks intended for optional exclusion are marked simply by a preceding / (slash).
Example: /N200 CYCLE96(24,-30,A,3)
Simply by activating the option "SKP Skip block" (after pressing the VSK 4 "Prog. Cntrl." (Program control) in the automatic
mode) all blocks marked with a "/" will be ignored by the control unit.

If this option is deactivated, the marked blocks will be executed in the same manner as all others.

SKP is activated; in the program mode the SKP is deactivated; the control also exe-
blocks with a preceding slash will be ig- cutes the blocks with a preceding slash.

The following example is used to illustrate the usage of optional blocks:

Studs with a thread size M24 are to be produced, some of which have a thread relief as per DIN 76-A. You will now create a
single program and manipulate the machining using the optional skip block technique.

Stud with thread relief

The function Skip block is deactivat-

ed; optional blocks will be executed.

Block N200 will be executed.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M509

M509 Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages

Program section without roughing

N130 T2 ; Finishing tool

N140 G96 S200 F0.15 M4 D1
N150 G00 G42 X14 Z2.5 M8
N160 G01 X24 Z-2.5 ; Finishing
N170 Z-30
N180 X32
N190 G00 G40 Z2
/N200 CYCLE96(24,-30,"A",3) ; Optional block thread relief
N210 G00 X200 Z300
N220 T4 ; Thread cutting tool
N230 G97 S1500 M3 M8 D1
N240 CYCLE97(3,24,0,-27,24,24,10,2,1.84,0.03,30,0,6,3,3,1,2)
N250 G00 X200 Z300
N260 M30
Stud without a thread relief

The function Skip block is activated;

optional blocks will not be executed.

Block N200 is not executed.

Program section repeat

If a certain number of NC-blocks is to be repeated at another part of the program, the instruction REPEAT is available.

The instruction requires a start marker as a jump destination. An end marker can possibly be included for a better overview.
The end marker is only really necessary if the repeat instruction is not directly in the succeeding block of the part of the
program to be repeated.
Example without end marker (single repeat):
N30 T1; Roughing tool
N40 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1
N50 G00 X82 Z0 M8
N60 G01 X-1.6
N70 Z3
N80 G00 X80; blank dimension
N90 LBL10: Single repetition of the
N100 G00 G42 X=IC(-4) Z1 program section
Jump to start N110 G01 Z-20
N120 X=IC(6)
N130 G00 G40 Z4
N140 G01 X=IC(-6) Program continuation

After the blocks N90 to N140 have been repeated the program will be continued with block N160.

The program section (N90 to N140) is already executed once during the normal run of the program. With the REPEAT-
instruction this will be carried out a second time.


M509 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages M509

Example with end label and multiple repeat:

N80 G00 X80; blank dimension

N90 LBL12:
N100 G00 G42 X=IC(-4) Z1
N110 G01 Z-20
N120 X=IC(6)
N130 G00 G40 Z4
N140 G01 X=IC(-6)
N150 EBE12:
N160 G00 X200 Z300 Repetition
N170 T7; Roughing tool 2
N180 G96 S180 F0.25 M4 D1 4 times
N190 G00 G42 X74 Z4 M8
N210 G00 X200 Z300

With the instruction REPEAT LBL12 EBE12 P4 the program blocks N90 to N150 are repeated a total of 4 times. After that
the program will be continued with block N210.

Make sure at all times that the markers are written correctly. The control unit treats these labels as a character chain, an


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M509

M509 Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages

Calculation variables R

Calculation variables provide a large number of means for flexible programming of the numerical values of instructions.

In the program no actual values are assigned to the addresses, instead variable numbers are assigned to which the respec-
tive values have been assigned previously.

Exception: The addresses N, G and L can be programmed with an R variable.

Normally the variables R0 to R99 are available.

Control specifically that this number can also be set to a greater number.

The R variables can be assigned with values in the range of 8 places and a decimal point as well as a sign.

Example: 0.000 0001 to 9999 9999

The value assignment to the variables can be achieved manually in the variable list, automatically in the program or by pro-
grammed calculation operations.

In the following editor extracts the two variants of programming the address values can be compared.

Addresses directly with values: Indirect address values by means of R


N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=3000 N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=3000
N20 G00 X200 Z300 N20 G00 X=R1 Z=R2
N30 T1; Roughing tool N30 T1; Roughing tool
N40 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1 N40 G96 S=R10 F=R11 M4 D1
N50 G00 X82 Z0 M8 N50 G00 X=R3+2 Z=R0 M8
N60 G01 X-1.6 N60 G01 X-1.6
N70 Z3 N70 Z3
N80 G00 X80; Raw dimension N80 G00 X=R3; Raw dimension
N90 LBL12: N90 LBL12:
N100 G00 G42 X=IC(-4) Z1 N100 G00 G42 X=IC(R4) Z1
N110 G01 Z-20 N110 G01 Z=R5
N120 X=IC(6) N120 X=IC(R6)
N130 G00 G40 Z4 N130 G00 G40 Z4
N140 G01 X=IC(-6) N140 G01 X=IC(-R6)
N150 EBE12: N150 EBE12:

The respective numerical values that have been assigned to the variables R0 to R11 will be found in the variable list on
the following page.


M509 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages M509

Value assignment manually: (via variable list)

The R-variables-window can be accessed via:

1. Press the button MENU SELECT on the

operator panel (OP).

2. The yellow horizontal and vertical softkey-bar


3. Press the yellow HSK 2 Parameter.

4. Press the HSK 6 User variable

5. If not selected before press the VSK 1 R variables.

6. The R variables-window opens up (like dis-

played below).
7. Assign a R variable-value.

The values of the variables must have been assigned before they are called in the program.

Value assignment in the program block:

In an NC-block several assignments can be made, however, not in blocks with other instructions.

N1; *** Value assignment to the R-Variable ***

N2 R0=0 R1=200 R2=300
N3 R3=80 R4=-4 R5=-20 R6=6
N4 R10=160 R11=0.2
N5; *** End of value assignment ***


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M509

M509 Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages

Value assignment by means of calculation operations:

The use of calculation variables and their linkage in mathematical functions provides many means in programming.

Since the control evaluates a certain number of blocks in advance, errors can occur when mathematical operations are car-
ried out.

For this reason program the code STOPRE before the calculation of variables as shown in block N120. This command
stops the advance evaluation until all stored blocks have been completed.
N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=3500
N30 R1=20 R2=50 ; Value assignment
N50 STOPRE ; Advance evaluation stop
N70 ; Calculation instruction
N80 R10=R1+R2 ; R10 derives from R1+R2 (value 70)
N90 R11=SIN(45) ; R11 results in the sin of 45 (value 0.707)
N100 R12=R1+2 ; R12 results in 22
N110 R13=R1 ; R13 takes over the value of R1

N120 R13=R13/10 ; The new R13 derives from the old

N130 ; R13 divided by 10 (value 2)

The editor extract shown here demonstrates only a small selection of the possible calculation operations.
Refer to the manual of your control unit regarding the available functions.
In order to maintain a clear overview it is sensible to describe a variable only once.
For the use of the calculation functions the usual mathematical rules apply.

Program loops

Contrary to the REPEAT command GOTOB/GOTOF provides the programmer with greater flexibility.
The commands GOTOB/GOTOF can be used along with conditional statements for evaluation of program loops. If a condi-
tion is satisfied, a certain sections of the program will be repeated.

In this case the number of loop executions is counted and evaluated with the instruction IF.
The following comparison operators can be evaluated with IF:

== equal <> not equal

< larger than > smaller than
<= larger or equal >= smaller or equal


M509 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages M509
N30 T1 ; Roughing tool
N40 R20=0 ; Counter = 0
N50 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1
N60 G00 X82 Z0 M8
N70 G01 X-1.6
N80 Z3
N90 G00 X80 ; Blank dimension
N100 LBL14:
N110 STOPRE ; Advance evaluation stop
N120 R20=R20+1 ; Counter is increased by 1
N130 G00 G42 X=IC(-4) Z1

N140 G01 Z-20

N150 X=IC(6)
N160 G00 G40 Z4
N170 G01 X=IC(-6)
N180 IF R20==4 GOTOF LBL16 ; Comparison of the counters
N190 GOTOB LBL14 ; Jump back to the marker LBL14
N200 LBL16:

Explanation of the situation directly after the program start:

N40 Counter for number of repeats set to 0

N100 First run without jump instruction
N120 Counter increases to 1
N130 to N170 technological motion sequence
N180 Comparison operation: Counter is not = 4, hence carry on to block N190
N190 J ump back to block N100, the second run starts

Situation in the fourth run:

N120 Counter receives the value 4

N180 The counter comparison is positive, hence jump to marker LBL16:

Programmable messages

Certain information that appears on the display while programs are being executed could be of special interest to the opera-
tor of the machine.

With the code MSG(character chain) a message can be programmed such that it will appear on the screen while the pro-
gram progresses.

The message programmed in block N30 will be displayed as shown below (Monitor extract).


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M509

M509 Loops, jumps, repetitions and messages

N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=3000

N20 G00 X200 Z300
N30 MSG("Caution, jump to finishing operation!")
N50 T1 ; Roughing tool
N60 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1
N70 G00 X82 Z0.2 M8
N80 G01 X-1.6
N90 Z2
N100 G00 X200 Z300
N110 LBL18:
N120 T2 ; Finishing tool
N130 G96 S200 F0.15 M4 D1
N140 G00 G42 X0 Z2 M8

N150 G01 Z0
N160 X78 CHR=1
N170 Z-20
N180 X82
N190 G00 G40 X200 Z300

The display will remain until a newly programmed message replaces it or the existing one is cancelled.

The message can be cleared using the code MSG() or by means of the end of program M30.

M509: END


M509 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M634 Turning with programGUIDE

Module Description:

This module explains the programming of a simple turning example with the programGUIDE in Shop-
Turn, by means of different turning cycles.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Turning by pro-
gramming a G code program with the programGUIDE in ShopTurn.

Simple programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M634 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning with programGUIDE M634





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M634

M634 Turning with programGUIDE

Simple programming example

Creating a new programGUIDE program
A new G code program can be created from within the operating modes JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program Manager.

The program manager window opens.

2. Select a drive where you want to create the program (NC, Local drive, USB), by pressing a
horizontal softkey.

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code to open the input mask for creating a new G code
Select Main program MPF.

5. Assign a name for the program and confirm by pressing VSK 8 OK.

The control loads the program to the Editor operating area and opens the input screen for the

The editor window for entering G code commands opens.


A simple ShopTurn program (pin) to be programmed with the help of stock removal cycle calls


A new ShopTurn program should be created and opened in the editor.

The program header, Stock Removal1, Stock Removal1 and Stock Removal2 cycles and end of the program to be pro-
grammed and subsequently simulated.

The following tools and technology data are required for programming:

Tool and technology da- ROUGHING_80A

ta: ( F 0.250 mm/rev, S 240 m/min)

( F 0.150 mm/rev, S 250 m/min)

Workpiece data: Blank: 100 x 130 mm


M634 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning with programGUIDE M634

Programming example: Spigot

The G code program shown below is to be programmed:

Create a new G code programGUIDE-program in ShopTurn, like described in this module.

Call the program for example "DIN_TURNING_1.MPF".


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M634

M634 Turning with programGUIDE

1. Program the first lines of the program by inserting the following G code commands:

N10 G54 G90 G18 G00

N20 G00 X200 Z200
2. Insert now a blank for the simulation into the program.

Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the work area Various.

Press the VSK 1 Blank.

The following input mask for the blank input opens.

3. Insert following values/parameters for the blank:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N30 WORKPIECE(,,"","CYLINDER",192,0,-128,-90,100)

4. Now, insert a new tool into the program.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The tool list window opens.

Mark the desired tool ROUGHING_A80 in the tool list window with the orange selection cur-
sor, by using the blue cursor keys on the keyboard.

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.

The following program line is inserted into the program:


Alternatively you can program the tool by hand.

5. Insert the following G code commands into the program:

N50 S240 M4 F0.25

N60 LIMS=3000

6. Insert a Stock removal cycle into the program.

(Stock removal1, Face)

Press the HSK 1.3 Turning, to open the technology Turning.


M634 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Turning with programGUIDE M634

Press the VSK 1 Stock removal.

The work area with the functions for the technology Stock removal opens.

Press the VSK 3 Stock removal 1, to open the input mask for the Stock removal 1 cycle.

7. Fill out the input mask as displayed below:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N70 CYCLE951(100,2,-1.6,0,-1.6,0,1,2,0,0, 12,0,0,0,1,0.25,0,2,1110000)

8. Insert a Stock removal cycle into the program.

(Stock removal1)
Press the VSK 1 Stock removal.
The work area with the functions for the technology Stock removal opens.

Press the VSK 3 Stock removal 1, to open the input mask for the Stock removal 1 cycle.

9. Fill out the input mask as displayed below:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N80 CYCLE951(100,0.1,60.-60,60,-60,1,2,0.1,0.1,11,0,0,0,1,0.25,0,2,1110000)


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M634

M634 Turning with programGUIDE

10. Insert the following G code commands into the program:

N90 G0 X200 Z200

11. Now, insert a new tool into the program.

Now, insert a new tool into the program.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The tool list window opens.

Mark the desired tool FINISHING_35A in the tool list window with the orange selection cursor,
by using the blue cursor keys on the keyboard.

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.

The following program line is inserted into the program:


Alternatively you can program the tool by hand.

12. Insert the following G code commands into the program:

N110 S250 M4 F0.15

13. Insert a Stock removal cycle into the program.
(Stock removal2, longitudinal)

Press the VSK 1 Stock removal.

The work area with the functions for the technology Stock removal opens.

Press the VSK 3 Stock removal 2, to open the input mask for the Stock removal 2 cycle.

14. Fill out the input mask as displayed below:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N120 CYCLE951(100,0,60,-60,60,-60,1,1,0.1,0.1, 21,2,0,2,1,0.15,1,2,1010000)

15. Insert the following G code commands into the program:

N130 G00 X200 Z200

N140 M30


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Turning with programGUIDE M634

16. Simulate the machining.

In order to start the simulation run, press the HSK 1.7 Simulation.
The control calculates the simulation parameters and opens the simulation in the simulation
window in a Side view by default.

To view the simulation with a view on the face of the blank, press the VSK 1.4 3D view.

M634: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M634

M634 Turning with programGUIDE


M634 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M611 Drilling with programGUIDE

Module Description:

This module explains the programming of a simple drilling example with the programGUIDE in Shop-
Turn, by means of drilling cycles and position patterns.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Drilling by pro-
gramming a G code program with programGUIDE in ShopTurn.

Simple programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M611 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling with programGUIDE M611





828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M611

M611 Drilling with programGUIDE

Simple programming example

Creating a new programGUIDE program

A new G code program can be created from within the operating modes JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program Manager.

The program manager window opens.

2. Select a drive where you want to create the program (NC, Local drive, USB), by pressing a
horizontal softkey.

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code to open the input mask for creating a new G code
Select Main program MPF.

5. Assign a name for the program and confirm by pressing VSK 8 OK.

The control loads the program to the Editor operating area and opens the input screen for the

The editor window for entering G code commands opens.


By using different drilling cycles (Centering, Drilling, Thread drilling) and a position pattern, a simple programGUIDE-
program (drill pattern) is to be created in ShopTurn.


The workpiece shown below is to be programmed.

Afterwards, the program is to be simulated.
The following tools and technology data are to be used for programming.

Tool data: Centre drill 12 mm (CENTERDRILL_D12)

Drill 8,5 mm (DRILL_D8.5)
Tap M10 (TAP_M10)

Technology data: F 150 mm/min

S 500 rpm

Approach strategy As a start position for the machining, the first programmed drill hole is to be used.
This position is approached in rapid traverse.


M611 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drilling with programGUIDE M611

Example: Drill pattern

The following program, with the call up of a drilling-, center drilling- and thread drilling-cycle, is to be programmed:

Create a new G code programGUIDE-program in ShopTurn, like described in section 2.1 in this module.
Give the program a name, for example DIN_DRILLING_1.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M611

M611 Drilling with programGUIDE

1. Program the first G code lines of the program:

N10 G54 G17 G90 G0
N20 G0 X200 z200
N40 SETMS(3)
2. Now insert a blank for the simulation.

For this, press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the operating area Various.

Press the VSK 1 Blank to open the parameter mask for the blank.

3. Fill in the following parameters for the blank:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N40 WORKPIECE(,,"","CYLINDER",192,0,-100, -80,100)

4. Insert now a centre drill tool into the program.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The tool list window opens.
Use the blue cursor keys to select the tool CENTERDRILL_D12.

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.

The program line N50 T="CENTERDRILL_D12" is inserted into the program.

Optional you can program the line by hand.

5. Program the following G code commands:

N70 S2500 M3 F250
N80 G00 X30 Z100

6. Program the centre drill cycle CYCLE81.

Press the HSK 1.2 Drill., to open the technology Drilling.

Press the VSK 1 Centering.

The input mask for the centering cycle CYCLE81 opens.


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Drilling with programGUIDE M611

7. Fill out the input mask like displayed below:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N90 MCALL CYCLE81(100,0,1,11,,0,10,1,11)

8. Program now a position pattern (Position circle) for the following drillings.

Press the VSK 7 Positions for selecting a position pattern.

Press the VSK 5 Position circle. The parameter input mask for the position data of the bolt
hole pattern opens.

9. Insert HOLES into the LAB field to set a name for the jump mark for the repeat positions.
Fill out the rest of the input mask like displayed below.

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N100 HOLES: HOLES (0,0,30,0,30,8,1010, 0,,,1).

10. Program the following G code commands:

N120 G00 X200 Z200

11. Insert the following tool DRILL_D8.5 into the program (see step 5) or program the following
line by hand:
N130 T="Drill_D8.5" D1


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M611

M611 Drilling with programGUIDE

12. Program the following G code commands:

N140 S2500 M3 F300
N150 G00 X30 Z100
13. Program the cycle for the drilling (CYCLE82).

Press the VSK 2 Drilling Reaming.

Press the VSK 3 Drilling.

The input mask for the drilling cycle CYCLE82 opens.

14. Fill out the input mask like displayed below:

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:

N160 MCALL CYCLE82(100,0,1,,18,0.6,10,1,11).
15. Enter the following G code lines:


N190 G00 X200 Z200

16. Insert the tool TAP_M10 into the program (see step 5) or program the following line by hand:
N200 T="TAP_M10"

17. Program the following G code commands:

N210 S500 M3
N220 G00 X30 Z100

18. Finally program the cycle for the thread drilling


Press the VSK 5 Thread.

If not active by default, press the VSK 3 Tapping to open the input mask for the CYCLE84


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Drilling with programGUIDE M611

19. Fill out the input mask like displayed below:

Accept your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line will be inserted into the program:
N230 MCALL CYCLE84(100,0,1,,15,0,5,,1.5,0,
20. Enter following G code lines and end the program:
N270 G0 X200 Z200
N280 M30

21. Start the simulation of the program.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to open the simulation window. The control calculates the
simulation and shows the simulation in a side view.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M611

M611 Drilling with programGUIDE

To see the simulation of the machining from the front of the blank, press the VSK 1.4 3D

M611: END


M611 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M626 Contour turning with programGUIDE

Module Description:

This module explains the programming of a contour turning machining with the programGUIDE in
ShopTurn, by means of contour descriptions, stock removal and grooving cycles.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Contour turning
by programming a G code program with the programGUIDE in ShopTurn.

Simple programming example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M626 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with programGUIDE M626

Contour turning


Contour turning


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M626

M626 Contour turning with programGUIDE

Simple programming example

Creating a new programGUIDE program
A new G code program can be created from within the operating modes JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -
1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program Manager.

The program manager window opens.

2. Select a drive where you want to create the program (NC, Local drive, USB), by pressing a
horizontal softkey.

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code to open the input mask for creating a new G code
Select Main program MPF.
5. Assign a name for the program and confirm by pressing VSK 8 OK.

The control loads the program to the Editor operating area and opens the input screen for the

The editor window for entering G code commands opens.


A complex ShopTurn sequential program (SHAFT) is to be programmed, by using different turning cycles (contour, stock
removal, groove cutting).


The workpiece shown below is to be programmed.

Then the program is to be simulated.
The following tool and technology data are to be used for programming:
Tool and ROUGHING_80A
technology data: (F 0,3 mm/min, V 260 m/min)
(F 0,15 mm/min V 270 m/min)
(F 0,08 mm/min, 2000 rpm)
Approach strategy: The following position is programmed as the
contour starting point:
X 12
Z 0
This point will be approached in the cycle automatically with rapid traverse.

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Contour turning with programGUIDE M626











Programming example: Spigot

The following program is to be created, with the call up of contour descriptions, as well as stock removal and residual cut-
ting cycles.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M626

M626 Contour turning with programGUIDE

Create a new G code programGUIDE-program in ShopTurn, and give the program a name, for example
1. Program now the first lines of the program with following G code commands:
N10 G55 G18 G90 G00
N20 G00 X200 Z200

2. Insert a blank for the simulation into the program.

Press the HSK 1.6 Various to open the working area Various.

Here, press the VSK 1 Blank to open the parameter window for the blank.

3. Enter the following parameters for the blank:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program line will be inserted into the program:

N30 WORKPIECE(,,"","CYLINDER",192,0,-130, -95,65)

4. Insert now a tool into the program.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The tool list window opens.

Select the tool ROUGHING_80A by using the blue cursor key on the keyboard.

Press the VSK 1.8 OK.

Following program line is inserted into the program:


5. Program the following G code commands.

N50 G96 S260 M04 F0.3
N60 LIMS=3000
6. Program now the call up of the contour CYCLE62.

The contour itself is programmed at the end of the program.

For this, press the HSK 1.4 Cont. turn. to open the technology Contour turning.


M626 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with programGUIDE M626

Press now the VSK 1 Contour.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating or calling up a contour opens.

Press the VSK 2 Contour call to open the input mask for the contour call up.

7. Insert the following contour name into the input mask:

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted into the program:

N70 CYCLE62("SHAFT",1,,)

The contour SHAFT you called up here, will be created in section 2.
8. Program now the next contour call CYCLE952.

Press now the VSK 2 Stock removal.

The vertical softkey bar with function for creating or calling up a contour opens.

Fill out the input mask as follows:


Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M626

M626 Contour turning with programGUIDE

11. The following program code is inserted into the program:

N80 CYCLE952("ROUGHING",,"",2101311,0.3,0,

12. Program this line with the following G-code commands:

N90 G0 X200 Z200

13. Insert another tool into the program.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The tool list window opens.

Select the tool FINISHING_35A by using the blue cursor key on the keyboard.
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.

The following program line is inserted into the program:


Optionally you can program the tool by hand.

14. Program this line with the following G-code commands:

N110 S270 M04 F0.15

15. Insert a contour call CYCLE952 into the program.

Press the VSK 2 "removal" to the input screen for the technology "removal" to open.

16. Fill in the input mask as follows:


M626 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with programGUIDE M626

17. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

18. The following program code is inserted into the program:

N120 CYCLE952("FINISHING",,"",2101321,0,

19. Program the following G code commands:

N130 G0 X200 Z200

20. Now add a tool into the program.

Press the VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The tool list window opens.

Select the tool GROOVE_3A by using the blue cursor key on the keyboard.
Press the VSK 1.8 OK.

21. Program the following G code command:

N150 G97 S2000 M04 F0.08

22. Now add a recess cycle "CYCLE930" into the program.

23. Press the HSK 1.3 "Turning".

Press the VSK 2 "groove" to open the input screen for the technology "Recess".

Select GROOVE 1

24. Fill out the input mask as follows:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M626

M626 Contour turning with programGUIDE

25. Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The following program code is inserted into the program:

N160 CYCLE930(40,-50,10,10,2.5,,0,0,0,2,2

Program the following G code commands:

N170 G00 X200 Z200

N180 M30

26. Now add the contour description for the "PIN" in the program.

Press HSK 1.4 Contour Turn

Now press the VSK 1 "contour".

The vertical softkey to create and call a new contour is opened.

Press the VSK 1 "New contour" to create a new contour.

The input screen for the creating of a contour name opens.

32. Enter the following name for the new contour:

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor with the input mask for the contour description opens automatically.
Enter the contour starting point:


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Contour turning with programGUIDE M626


Enter the following coordinates as a starting point.

Confirm your input by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

29. Start the contour description with a straight line in direction Z.

Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line Z.
The parameter window for the Straight line Z opens.

30. Insert the following coordinates into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

By entering the value for Z, the starting value to the Z-axis 1 is calculated automatically.

31. Extend the contour description by adding a Straight line X.

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight line X.

The parameter window for the Straight line Z opens.

32. Insert the following coordinates into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M626

M626 Contour turning with programGUIDE

33. Extend the contour description by adding a Straight line Z.

Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line Z.

The parameter window for a straight line in Z direction opens.

34. Insert the following coordinates into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

By entering the value for Z, the values for 1 and 2 are calculated automatically.
35. Extend the contour by adding a line in X direction.

Press the VSK 1.3 Straight X.

The parameter window for a straight line in ZX direction opens.

36. Insert the following coordinates into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.

By entering the values for X , the values for 1 and 2 are calculated automatically.
37. Extend the contour by adding a line in Z direction.

Press the VSK 1.2 Straight line Z.

The parameter window for a straight line in Z direction opens.

38. Insert the following coordinates into the input mask:

Confirm your inputs by pressing the VSK 8 Accept.


M626 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour turning with programGUIDE M626
39. Examine now the finished contour.
Press the blue cursor-to-the-left key on the keyboard, to switch with the orange selection cur-
sor to the yellow contour step bar on the left side of the screen (see picture below).
Use the blue cursor-down key on the keyboard to place the orange selection cursor on the
The following screen with the a sketch of the finished
contour outline is displayed:

40. Finish the creation of the contour by pressing the VSK 8 Accept

The following G code lines are inserted into the program:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M626

M626 Contour turning with programGUIDE

41. Simulate the machining.

Press the HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simulation of the program.

The control calculates the simulation parameters and the simulation window opens, showing the
workpiece in a side view, by default.

To view the simulation with a view on the face of the work piece, press the VSK 1.4 3D view.

M626: END


M626 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M661 Contour Milling with programGUIDE

Module Description:

This module explains the programming of a contour miling machining with the programGUIDE in
ShopTurn, by means of contour descriptions, and stock removal cycle.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Working through this module you become familiar with the technology Contour milling
by programming a G code program with the programGUIDE in ShopTurn.

Simple program example

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M661 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with programGUIDE M661

Contour Milling:


Contour Milling:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M661

M661 Contour Milling with programGUIDE

Simple program example

Creating a new programGUIDE program

A new G code program can be created from within the operating modes JOG, MDA and AUTO as follows:

1. Press the Program Manager-key on the keyboard.

The program manager will be opened directly.

- OR -

1. Press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel.

Press the yellow HSK 1.4 Program Manager.

The program manager window opens.

2. Select a drive where you want to create the program (NC, Local drive, USB), by pressing a
horizontal softkey.

3. Press the VSK 2 New.

The vertical softkey bar with functions for creating new programs opens.

4. Press the VSK 4 programGUIDE G code to open the input mask for creating a new G code
Select Main program MPF.

5. Assign a name for the program and confirm by pressing VSK 8 OK.

The control loads the program to the Editor operating area and opens the input screen for the

The editor window for entering G code commands opens.


A G code program (Kidney) is to be programmed with programGUIDE with the aid of various milling cycles (spigot).


The workpiece shown below is to be programmed.

The program is then to be simulated.
The following tool and technology are required for the programming:

Tool and CUTTER_D10

technology data: (F800 mm/min, S3000 rpm)

Contour starting point: The following position is programmed as the contour starting point:

Contour 1: X0 Y60 (blank)

Contour 2: X20 Y29 (kidney)


M661 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with programGUIDE M661





7 0


Program example: Kidney

The following program with call of two contour definitions as well as the spigot milling cycle is to be programmed.

Create a new G code program with programGUIDE as described in this module and name the program, for example,


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M661

M661 Contour Milling with programGUIDE

1. Program the first lines of the program with the

following G code commands:

N10 G54 G17 G97 G90 G00
N20 G00 X200 Z200
N40 SETMS(3)

2. Insert a blank for the simulation.

To do this, press HSK 1.6 Various to call the Various working area.

Press VSK 1 Blank to open the input screen for the blank parameters.

3. Enter the following parameters for the blank:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted:
N50 WORKPIECE(, , ,"CYLINDER",192,0,-130, -95,120)

4. Now insert a tool in the program.

Press VSK 1.1 Select tool.

The tool list opens.

With the blue cursor keys on the keyboard, select the CUTTER_D10 tool.

Press VSK 1.8 OK.

The following line is inserted in the program:

N60 T="CUTTER_D10"

5. Program the following G code commands:

N70 S3000 M3 F800
N80 G00 X0 Z100

6. Program the first contour call CYCLE62.

(The actual contour definition is performed at the end of the program.)

To do this, press HSK 1.5 Milling to call the Milling function.

Now press VSK 8 Cont. mill. followed by VSK 1 Contour.

The vertical softkey bar to create and call a new
contour opens.


M661 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with programGUIDE M661

Press VSK 2 Contour call to open the input window for the contour call.

7. Enter the following contour name in the input screen:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted in the program:

N90 CYCLE62("BLANK",1, ,)

(The BLANK contour called here is not created
until later)

8. Now insert a further CYCLE62 contour call in the program.

Press VSK 2 Contour call to open the input

window for the contour call.

9. Enter the following contour name in the input screen:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted in the program:

N100 CYCLE62("KIDNEY",1, ,)

(The KIDNEY contour called here is not created
10. until later in this section)

Now press HSK 1.5 Milling followed by VSK 8 Cont. mill. to call the Milling function.

Now press VSK 6 Spigot.

The input screen for the Spigot milling cycle opens.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M661

M661 Contour Milling with programGUIDE

11. Fill in the input screen as follows:

12. Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

13. The following line is inserted in the program:

N110 CYCLE63("ROUGH",1001,100,0,1,5, 800,,50,3,0.2,0.2,0,0,0,,,,1,2,,,,0,201,111)

Now press VSK 6 Spigot.
The input screen for the Spigot milling cycle opens.

15. Fill in the input screen as follows:

16. Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

17. The following line is inserted in the program:

N120 CYCLE63("FINISH_BASE",1003,
100,0,1,5, 800,,50,3,0.2,0.2,0,0,0,,,,1,2,,,,0,201,111)

18. Now press VSK 6 Spigot.

The input screen for the Spigot milling cycle opens.


M661 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with programGUIDE M661

19. Fill in the input screen as follows:

20. Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The following line is inserted in the program:

N130 CYCLE63("FINISH_WALL",1004,
100,0,1,5, 800,,50,5,0.2,0.2,0,0,0,,,,1,2,,,,0,201,111)

21. Program the following lines manually:

N140 G00 Z100
N160 G00 X200 Z200
N170 M30

22. Now enter the contour definition for the first BLANK MATERIAL contour.

Now press VSK 1 Contour.

The vertical softkey bar to create and call a new
contour opens.

Press VSK 1 New contour to call a new contour.

The input screen to assign a contour name opens.

Assign the following name for the first contour:


Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor with the input screen for the contour definition opens automatically.

Notes Enter the starting point of the contour:

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M661

M661 Contour Milling with programGUIDE

24. Enter the following coordinates as starting point:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

25. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.

Press VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input window for the contour element of a
circular movement opens.

26. Enter the coordinates as follows:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.


M661 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with programGUIDE M661

(When entering the circle center point in X (I), a dialog selection is opened. Note the input
screen and the changing color of the graphic if you press the Select dialog softkey several
If your entries in the input screen are correct, press the Accept dialog softkey to accept these

27. Now check your entries for the first contour. (See figure on the next page.)

The following screen with the finished contour definition is displayed:

Finish the contour definition by pressing VSK 8 Accept.

The following G code lines are inserted in the


28. Now insert the contour definition for the second

contour KIDNEY.

Now press VSK 1 Contour.

The vertical softkey bar to create and call a new
contour opens.

Press VSK 1 New contour to call a new contour.

The input screen to assign a contour name opens.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M661

M661 Contour Milling with programGUIDE

29. Assign the following name for the second contour:

Confirm the entry with VSK 8 Accept.

The contour editor with the input screen for the contour definition opens automatically.

Enter the starting point of the contour:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

30. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.

Press VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input window for the contour element of a circular movement opens.


M661 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with programGUIDE M661

31. Enter the coordinates as follows:

Confirm the entries with VSK 8 Accept.

(When entering the circle center point in X (I), a dialog selection is opened. Note the input
screen and the changing color of the graphic if you press the Select dialog softkey several
If your entries in the input screen are correct, press the Accept dialog softkey to accept
these entries.)

32. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.

Press VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input window for the contour element of a circular movement opens.

(When entering the parameters, activate the Tangent prev. elem. softkey to receive the
tangential transition to the previous element.)


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M661

M661 Contour Milling with programGUIDE

33. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.

Press VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input window for the contour element of a circular movement opens.

(When entering the parameters, activate the Tangent prev. elem. softkey to receive the tan-
gential transition to the previous element.)

34. Extend the contour with a circular movement in the clockwise direction.

Press VSK 1.5 Circle.

The input window for the contour element of a
circular movement opens.


Finish the contour definition by pressing VSK 8 Accept.


M661 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Contour Milling with programGUIDE M661

36. The following G code lines are inserted in the


Entire program


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 M661

M661 Contour Milling with programGUIDE

Press HSK 1.7 Simulation to start the simulation of the program.

The control calculates the simulation and opens the Simulation window as standard with the
Side view of the blank.

To view the simulation on the face end of the blank, press VSK 1.4 3D view.

M661: END


M661 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M522 Operating mode AUTO

Module Description:

This module describes, how to overstore technological parameters (for example, auxiliary
functions, axis feed, spindle speed, programmable instructions, etc.) for a program run in the
main memory of the NCK.
It is described among other things, how the execution of a program can be stopped at a specific part
of the program run with the function Program control (programmed stop).
The differences between the two block search modes (with or without calculation) will be explained in
detail, finally the functions Settings complete this module.

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn the different options of the operating mode "AUTO" in the oper-
ating area "Machine".

Operating mode AUTO


Program control

Block search

Simultaneous recording

Program correction


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M522 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO M522

Operating mode

mode AUTO



Block search




Operating mode


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M522

M522 Operating mode AUTO

Operating mode "AUTO"

Selecting the operating mode AUTO

The operating mode AUTO can be selected as follows:

Press the AUTO button on the machine control panel (MCP).

The operating mode AUTO opens directly.

- OR -

Press the button MENU SELECT on the machine control panel.

Press the VSK 1 AUTO in the yellow VSK-bar on the right hand side of the screen to switch
directly to the operating mode AUTO.

Next, switch to the operating area Machine by pressing the MACHINE-key on the operator
panel or the keyboard else press the MENU SELECT-key on the operator panel and the yel-
low HSK 1 Machine.
The following screen opens:

The following softkeys will be shown in the vertical and horizontal softkey bars:
Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.1 G functions the most important G-functions will be displayed.

By pressing the VSK 1.2 Auxiliary functions, available auxiliary functions will be displayed
at the time of the output.

By pressing the VSK 1.3 Basic blocks all G-code commands that trigger a function on the
machine will be displayed. The display updates both in the test operation and in the actual
machining of the workpiece at the machine.


M522 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO M522
Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the VSK 1.4 Time counter the program run time, the rest of the program run time
and the amount of machined workpieces will be displayed.

Note: Refer to the machine manufacturers documentation.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Program levels you can display the current program level during the
execution of a large program with several subprograms.

By pressing the VSK 1.7 Act vls. MCS you can switch over from the machine coordinate sys-
tem (MCS) to the workpiece coordinate system (WCS).

Refer to the machine manufacturers documentation.
By pressing the VSK 1.8 "Extend" on the operator panel (OP) you switch to the vertical softkey
bar 2 with additional softkeys displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.2 All G functions all G-functions will be displayed.

By pressing the VSK 2.6 Zoom act. val. all actual values will be displayed full-screen.

By pressing the VSK 2.8 Back on the operator panel you can switch back to the vertical soft-
key bar 1.

Horizontal softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description

Pressing the HSK 1.2 Overstore allows you to overstore technological parameters (for exam-
ple, auxiliary functions, axis feed, spindle speed, programmable instructions, etc.) for a program
run in the main memory of the NCK.

By pressing the HSK 1.4 Prog. cntrl. the working window for controlling the program run will
be opened.

By pressing the HSK 1.5 Block search the block search window opens.

By pressing the HSK 1.7 Simultaneous recording you can graphically display the execution
of the program on the screen before or during machining of the workpiece, to monitor the result
of the programming.
By pressing the HSK 1.8 Prog. corr. (program correction) the program editor opens.

By pressing the "Extend"-button on the operator panel you can switch between the normal and
the extended horizontal softkey bar.

This symbol on the right of the dialogue line indicates that more softkeys are available on the
extended horizontal softkey bar.

This symbol indicates that the extended horizontal softkey bar is shown on the screen. You can
switch back to the HSK 1 again by pressing the Extend-key.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M522

M522 Operating mode AUTO

Display area Description (continuation)

By pressing the HSK 2.6 "Handwheel" the input mask for assigning axes to all parameterized
handwheels is displayed.

By pressing the HSK 2.7 "Synchr. Action." the screen which shows the current synchronized
actions is displayed.

By pressing the HSK 2.8 "Settings" a window opens up where you can adjust the settings for
manual operation on the Sinumerik Operate.


Selecting the Function Overstore

By pressing the HSK 1.2 Overstore the Overstore window opens (see picture below).

The program to be corrected has to be in the STOP or RESET mode.

In the Overstore editor view you can overstore technological parameters (for example, auxiliary functions, axis feed, spin-
dle speed, programmable instructions, etc.) for a program run in the main memory of the NCK.

The programs in the part program memory are not changed while using the function Overstore.
You cannot change the operating mode while you are in overstore mode.


M522 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO M522

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Delete blocks you can delete the blocks you have entered before.

By pressing the VSK 1.8 Back the window is being closed. A change of the operation mode is
now possible. Press CYCLE START to continue running the previously selected program.

Procedure for Overstore

1. Open a program in the operating mode AUTO then press the HSK 1.2 Overstore. The Overstore window

2. Enter the required data and NC block.

3. Press the CYCLE START key. The blocks you have entered are stored. You can observe execution in the
"Overstore" window. After the entered blocks have been executed, you can append blocks again.

4. Press the VSK 8 "Back". The "Overstore" window closes.

5. Press the CYCLE START key again.

The program selected before overstoring continues to run.

Program control

Selecting the function Program control

By pressing the HSK 1.4 Prog. cntrl. the Program control window opens like displayed


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M522

M522 Operating mode AUTO

Navigation through the option menu takes place by pressing the blue Cursor keys on the key-

You can activate or deactivate an option by selecting the entry first and then pressing the blue

The following program control options are selectable:

Abbreviation/Program Scope
PRT The program is started and executed with auxiliary function outputs and dwell times. In this
No axis motion mode, the axes are not traversed.
The programmed axis positions and the auxiliary function outputs are controlled this way.

Program processing without axis motion can also be activated with the function "Dry run
DRY The traversing velocities programmed in conjunction with G1, G2, G3, CIP and CT are re-
Dry run feedrate placed by a defined dry run feedrate. The dry run feedrate also applies instead of the pro-
grammed revolutional feedrate.

Workpieces must not be machined when "Dry run feedrate" is active because the altered
feedrates might cause the permissible tool cutting rates to be exceeded and the workpiece or
machine tool could be damaged.
RG0 In the rapid traverse mode, the traversing speed of the axes is reduced to the percentage value
Reduced rapid trav. entered in RG0.

M01 The processing of the program stops at every block in which supplementary function M01 is
Programmed stop 1 programmed. In this way you can check the already obtained result during the processing of a
In order to continue executing the program, press the "CYCLE START" key again.
Programmed stop 2 The processing of the program stops at every block in which the "Cycle end" is programmed
(e.g. M201) (e.g. with M201).
In order to continue executing the program, press the "CYCLE START" key again.
The display can be changed. Please also refer to the machine manufacturer's instructions.
DRF Enables an additional incremental zero offset while processing in automatic operation mode
Handwheel offset with an electronic handwheel.
This function can be used to compensate for tool wear within a programmed block.
SB Individual blocks are configured as follows:

SB 1 - Single block, coarse: The program stops only after blocks which perform a machine
SB 2 - Data block: The program stops after each block.
SB 3 - Single block, fine: The program stops also in cycles after blocks, which perform a
machine function.

Select the desired setting using the "SELECT" key on the keyboard.
The selection of the function Single block takes place by pressing the SINGLE BLOCK-key
on the machine control panel (MCP).
SKP Skipped blocks are skipped during machining.

MRD In the program, the measurement results screen display is active while machining.


M522 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO M522

Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 8 Back you return to the window Program control.

Controlling the program run

1. In the operating mode AUTO and the operating area Machine press the HSK 4 Prog.

The Program control window opens and shows a list of program control options.

2. Select the desired program control (see section 4.1 in this module).

3. Press the VSK 8 Back to go back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate in the operat-
ing mode AUTO and operating area Machine.

The orange selection cursor disappears, if a skip block is confirmed with the yellow INPUT-

With the blue cursor to the left or cursor to the right you return again to the selection

Block search
Selecting the function Block search
By pressing the HSK 1.5 Block search the block search window opens as shown below.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M522

M522 Operating mode AUTO

If you would only like to perform a certain section of a program on the machine, then you dont have to start the program
from the beginning. You can also start the program from a specified program block.
Applications of this function are to stop or interrupt program execution and to specify a target position (e.g. during machin-

Determination of search targets per:

a. Comfortable search target definitions (search positions)

Direct specification of the search target by positioning the cursor in the selected program (main program).
Search target via text search.
The search target is the interruption point (main program and subprogram). The function is only available if there is an
interruption point. After a program interruption (CYCLE STOP or RESET), the controller saves the coordinates of the
interruption point.

The search target is the higher program level of the interruption point (main program and subprogram). The level can
only be changed if it was previously possible to select an interruption point in a subprogram. It is then possible to
change the program level up to the main program level and back to the level of the interruption point.
OR -

b. Search pointer

Direct entry of the program path in the Search pointer window.

If a search target was found, it is possible to start another search run immediately. This can be done many times after eve-
ry successful search run.

Pay attention to a collision-free starting position as well as accurate active tools and other technological values. If neces-
sary move the tool to a save starting position. Select the target block considering the selected block search type.
Navigation through the program blocks takes place by using the blue cursor-keys on the key-

The following functions are available in the vertical softkey bar:


M522 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO M522
Vertical softkey bar

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 1 Start search the search run starts depending on the search mode
you have selected before. Press the VSK 1 several times, until the found target (z.B. with
search text) corresponds to the searched program block.

By pressing the VSK 2 Blk. sear. mode the Block search mode window opens.
Two different block search modes are selectable:
With calculation:

Without approach:
It is used in order to be able to approach a target position in any circumstance (e.g. tool
change position). The end position of the target block or the next programmed position is
approached using the type of interpolation valid in the target block. Only the axes pro-
grammed in the target block are moved.
With approach:
It is used to be able to approach the contour in any circumstance. The end position of the
block prior to the target block is found with "CYCLE START". The program runs in the
same way as in normal program processing.

Display area Description (continuation)

Without calculation:

For a quick search in the main program. Calculations will not be performed during the
block search, i.e. the calculation is skipped up to the target block. All settings required for
execution have to be programmed from the target block (e.g. feedrate, spindle speed,

Pressing the VSK 3 Higher level changes the program level to one level higher.

Pressing the VSK 4 Lower level changes the program level to one level lower.

By pressing the VSK 5 Search for text the Search window opens. After entering the
search direction in the Direction field and the search text in the Text field and by pressing
the VSK 8 OK the search run starts. After a successful search you can search for the same
search parameter again, by pressing the VSK 8 Continue search.
The search can be cancelled by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel. A new search run with new
search parameters can be initiated with the VSK 4 Search.

By pressing the VSK 6 Interrupt point the program that was interrupted before, by pressing
the RESET key, will be executed again.

By pressing the VSK 7 Search pointer you can jump directly to a desired part of the pro-
The following options are available in a list in the Search pointer window:

The name of the currently loaded program is automatically entered

File extension

Pass counter: If a program section is performed several times, you can enter the number
of the pass here at which processing is to be continued

Is automatically filled for an interruption point


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M522

M522 Operating mode AUTO

Display area Description (continuation)

N no.: Block number
Label: Jump label
Text: Text string
Subprg.: Subprogram call
Line: Line number

Search target
Search target point in the program at which machining is to start

By pressing the VSK 8 Back the Search window closes.

Starting a block search

1. A desired program is selected and the machining was discontinued with pressing RESET or
CYCLE STOP or the control unit is generally in RESET state.

2. In the operating mode AUTO and the operating area Machine press the HSK 5 Block

For further steps see below:

Simple search target definition:

Steps 1 and 2 (see above).

3. Place the cursor on a particular program block.

- OR -

Press the VSK 5 "Search for text", select the search direction, enter the search text and con-
firm with the VSK 8 "OK".
4. Press the VSK 1 Start search.

The search starts.

Your specified search mode will be taken into account (indicated in the upper blue title bar of
the search target window). The current block will be displayed and marked in the "Program"
window as soon as the target is found.
5. If the located target (for example, when searching via text) does not correspond to the pro-
gram block, press the "Start search" softkey again until you find your target.

6. Press the "CYCLE START"-key twice.

Processing is continued from the defined position.


M522 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO M522
Interruption point as search target:
1. - 2. Steps 1 and 2 (see above).

3. Press the VSK 6 Interrupt point

The interruption point is loaded.

4. If the VSK 3 "Higher level" and the VSK 4 "Lower level" are available, use these to change the
program level.

5. Press the VSK 1 "Start search".

The search starts.

The specified search mode will be taken into account (indicated in the upper blue title bar of the
search target window).

The search screen closes.

The current block will be displayed and marked in the "Program" window as soon as the target
is found.

6. Press the "CYCLE START"-key on the machine control panel (MCP) twice.

The execution will continue from the interruption point.

Search target via search pointer:

Steps 1 and 2 (see above).

3. Press the VSK 7 Search pointer.

The Search pointer window opens.

4. Enter the full path of the program as well as the subprograms, if required, in the input fields.

5. Press the VSK 1 Start search.

The search starts.

The specified search mode will be taken into account (indicated in the upper blue title bar of the
search target window).

The search screen closes.

The current block will be displayed and marked in the "Program" window as soon as the target
is found.

6 Press the "CYCLE START" key on the machine control panel twice.

Processing is continued from the defined location.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M522

M522 Operating mode AUTO

Simultaneous recording
Selecting the function Simultaneous recording
Pressing the HSK 1.7 Simult. Record. opens the simultaneous recording window.

Before machining the workpiece on the machine, you can graphically display the execution of the program on the screen to
monitor the result of the programming. You can replace the programmed feedrate with a dry run feedrate to influence the
speed of execution.
Simultaneous record can also be turned on, if machining is already running. You can also use simultaneous recording dur-
ing machining of a workpiece. This helps if the view towards the inside of the cabin is obstructed by coolant. In each differ-
ent view of the Simultaneous recording window you can adjust the view by using the blue cursor keys and zoom in or out
by using the plus (+) and minus (-) keys on the keyboard. The traversing paths of the tool in the Simultaneous record-
ing window are displayed in different colours: red for rapid traverse and green for feed motion.

The following softkeys, each representing a different view on the simulated workpiece, are available on the vertical softkey

Vertical softkey bar 1 and 2

Display area Description
By pressing the VSK 1.3 Side view the work piece will be shown in a plan view from the

By pressing the VSK 1.4 3D view the work piece will be shown in a 3-D view.

By pressing the VSK 1.5 Further views the vertical softkey bar 3 opens with options to
change to different views of the workpiece.

Simultaneous recording of a program run

Simultaneous recording before machining of the workpiece

1. Load a program in the operating mode AUTO.

2. Press the HSK 1.4 Prog. cntrl. and activate the checkboxes "PRT No axis motion" and "DRY
Dry run feedrate".
The program is executed without axis movement. The programmed feedrate is replaced by a dry
run feedrate.


M522 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO M522

2. -OR-

Let the DRY Dry run feedrate box unchecked.

Simultaneous recording is performed with the programmed feedrate.

3. Press the HSK 7 Simult. record.

The Simultaneous recording window opens.

4. Press the CYCLE START key on the machine control panel (MCP).
The execution of the program on the machine is started and displayed graphically on the screen.

5. Press CYCLE STOP to stop machining and the HSK 7 "Simult. record" again to close the
Simultaneous recording window.

Simultaneous recording during machining of the workpiece

1. Load a program in the operating mode AUTO.

2. Press the HSK 7 Simult. record.

The Simultaneous recording window opens.

3. Press the CYCLE START-key on the machine control panel (MCP).

The machining of the workpiece is started and graphically displayed on the screen.

4. Press the CYCLE STOP-key and the HSK 7 "Simultan. record" again to stop the recording
and to close the Simultaneous recording window.

Program correction

As soon as a syntax error in the part program is detected by the controller, program execution is interrupted and the syntax
error is displayed in the alarm line.

Depending on the state of the control, you can make the following corrections using the Program correction function:

STOP mode: Only program lines that have not yet been executed can be edited.
RESET state: All program lines can be edited
The "Program correction" function is only available for part programs in the NC memory, not for external execution (e.g.
on USB media).


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 M522

M522 Operating mode AUTO

Selecting the function Program correction

By pressing the HSK 1.8 Prog. Corr. the program editor window opens for correction of the

Selecting the function Settings

By pressing the HSK 2.8 Settings the following input mask with the settings for automatic
mode is shown on the screen.


M522 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Operating mode AUTO M522
Vertical softkey bar (VSK)

Display area Description

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover inch" the measuring units are converted from the metric
to the imperial (inch) dimension system. New values have to be entered in inches. By pressing
this key the key function switches to "Changeover metric".

By pressing the VSK 5 "Changeover metric" the measuring units are converted from the impe-
rial (inch) to the metric dimension system. New values have to be metric. By pressing this key
the key function switches to "Changeover inch".

Accept the selection by pressing the VSK 8 OK or

cancel by pressing the VSK 7 Cancel.

By pressing the VSK 8 "Back" you switch back to the main screen of the Sinumerik Operate.

Parameters for "Settings for automatic mode"

In the Settings for automatic mode window all configurations for automatic operation can be done.
Parameter Unit Meaning
Dry run feedrate [mm/ min] The feedrate defined here replaces the programmed feedrate during execution if you
DRY have selected DRY dry run feedrate under program control.

Reduced rapid traverse [%] This value entered here reduces the rapid traverse to the entered percentage value if
RG0 you have selected RG0 reduced rapid traverse under program control.

Record machine time The machining times are determined for each block of the main program or deter-
mined for all blocks and shown in the Working window, this function can also be
switched off.

Save machining times A time stamp is placed into the NC program and stored for future reference, or this
function can be switched off.

M522: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 M522

M522 Operating mode AUTO


M522 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M510 Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning

Module Description:

This module describes the programmable manipulation of the coordinate system and the usage of

Module Objective:
828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

In this module you learn to offset the active work piece zero point in the program, scale
the coordinate system and insert dwell times into the program sequence.

General information about offsets

Offset of the coordinate system

Scaling of the coordinate system

Dwell time


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate v4.7 Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M510 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning M510

Mirror, offset,
rotate, scale:

about offsets

Offset of the

Scaling of the

Dwell time


Mirror, offset,
rotate, scale:


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M510

M510 Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning

General information about offsets

The term Frame refers to a calculation rule that permits the coordinate system on the machine to be manipulated.

By means of a programmed instruction the user can, for instance, offset or scale the specified coordinate system.

Example: N150 TRANS Z-10 Absolute offset

N200 ATRANS Z-5 Incremental offset

N240 ASCALE X0.5 Scaling of the X-axis

Incremental Scaling factor for the axis

A = Additive

For the programming of frames the following guidelines apply:

Programmed frames refer always to the last work piece zero point activated in the program, e.g. G54.
The instruction must be included in a single block.
They will be executed in the sequence in which they appear in the program.
Instructions that are not preceded by an A (e.g. TRANS Z-10) are replacing Frames, i.e. they clear all other Frame-
instructions used previously in the program.

The preceding A specifies the additive instructions. They enhance all active Frame-instructions used so far in the pro-
gram, in other words, they do not cancel any frame instructions (e.g. ATRANS Z-5).

All frame-instructions are modally active.

To reset active Frames (that is a return to the original work piece zero point) simply program a replacing Frame (e.g.
TRANS ), or M30 or manually with RESET.

Offset of the coordinate system

To permit recurring machining operations to be carried out at various work piece locations, a zero point offset can be pro-
grammed in all the available axes.

e.g. G54


M510 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning M510

Zero point offset absolute, as referred to the presently valid work piece zero point
Code TRANS [X...] Z

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 G18 G54 Turning plane G18 and Zero point G54 active
N80 TRANS Z-10 Zero point shifted (offset) to Z-10
N90 G00 X0 Z2 Rapid traverse motion to the now valid
... coordinate point X0 and Z2

Zero point offset additive, referred to the presently valid work piece zero point or to possibly previously activated
Code ATRANS X... Z

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 G18 G54

N80 TRANS Z-10
N90 G00 X0 Z2

N200 ATRANS Z-5 The point already offset in block N80 is now offset by a further -5 mm in Z
N210 G00 X0 Z2 Rapid traverse motion to the now valid coordinate point X0 and Z2,
N250 TRANS Cancel all frames, G54 is again active
N260 G00 X200 Z300

The manufacture of washers from a bar is taken as a programming example. In order to reduce the clamping times, three
washers are to be machined in one setting after which the bar is to be pushed forward and the program repeated.

The protruding part has a blank diameter of 40 mm. The clamping overhang length is to be at least 45 mm. The width of the
parting tool is 3 mm.

Washer 1

The following technology is being employed:

1. Facing to Z0.1.
2. Finish turning of the planar face and the diameter 38 with
3. Drilling the diameter 16 using a core drill.
4. Parting-off the washer.
5. Additive offset of the zero point in Z by -8 mm.
6. Repeat of the whole procedure 2 times.
7. Resetting the offset and end of program.
8. Feeding of the bar to an overhang of 45 mm and re-
newed program start.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M510

M510 Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning

The following editor extract shows the lower part of the program.

N160 T10 ; Core drill Dia = 16

N170 G97 S2500 F0.15 M4 D1
N180 G00 X0 Z3 M8
N190 G01 Z-7
N200 G00 Z3
N210 G00 X200 Z300
N220 T3 ; Parting tool 3.1 wide
N230 G96 S140 F0.1 M4 D2 ; Right hand cutting edge activated
N240 G00 X40 Z-4
N250 G01 X14
N260 G00 X40
N270 ATRANS Z-8 ; Offset additive
N280 REPEAT LBL14 P2 ; Repeat
N290 TRANS ; Cancel the frame
N300 G00 X200 Z300
N310 M30

The offset in block N270 must be additive, since it always refers to itself due to the repeating of the loop.

Scaling of the coordinate system

In certain cases it may be important to alter the scale of the coordinate system.

With this feature geometrically similar shapes of work piece can be programmed in various sizes, e. g. groups of parts or for
mould construction with different contraction allowances.

Scaling of the coordinate system

absolute, as referred to the active
work piece zero point Code SCALE X Z

Here the values of X and Z are factors by which the coordinate system is to enlarge or diminish.

If the scaling factors are entered differently for each axis a distorted co-ordinate system will result.

Please note that the turning of tolerance dimensions after the scaling can create difficulties since the tool wear correction
values are not any longer operative 1:1.

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 G18 G54 Turning plane G18 and zero point G54 activated,
N20 G00 X200 Z300
N40 SCALE X0.5 Z0.5 The scale is halved for both axes,
N50 G00 X44 Z0 Rapid traverse motion to contour point X44
Z0, ...


M510 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning M510

Physically the tool moves to X22!!!

Scaling of the coordinate system additive,

as referred to the active work piece zero point,
or to the currently valid coordinate system
selected with Frames Code ASCALE X Z

Programming example: Explanation:

N10 G18 G54

N20 G00 X200 Z300
N30 TRANS Z-10 Zero point offset to Z-10
N40 ASCALE X0.5 Z0.5 The scale halving in both axes from N30 remains operative

For the explanation of the scaling instruction the machining of similar washers as in section 2 is being used.
These are smaller in both axes. The evaluated scaling factors are 0,737 in diameter and 0,75 for the
Generally valid formula:
Scaling factor = Dimension after scaling, divided by dimension before scaling 28 / 38 = 0,737

The blank material is a protruding part with a diameter of 30 mm.
The overhang is to be at least 40 mm. Again the parting tool of width 3 mm is used.

Washer 2
The technology remains the same as for washer 1, only the scal-
ing is added to the program.


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M510

M510 Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning

In the editor extract the scaling takes place already before the tool change.

N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=4000

N20 SCALE X0.737 Z0.737 ; Scaling
N30 LBL14:
N40 G00 X300 Z400
N50 T1 ; Roughing tool
N60 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1
N70 G00 X44 Z0.2 M8
N80 G01 X-1.6
N90 Z3
N100 G00 G42 X14 Z2
N110 G01 Z0
N120 X38 RND=1.5
N130 Z-8
N140 X42
N150 G00 G40 X200 Z300

Care must be taken that the tool carrier now no longer traverses to the same physical point as in the unscaled coordinate
system, since the scaling acts in all directions.

The complete program extract is shown in the summary.

Dwell time
If, for example, the chips are to be broken or the tools are to be relieved, a dwell period can be inserted between the blocks.

Dwell time in seconds Code G04 F (F is the dwell time conjunction with G04)

Dwell time in revolutions Code G04 S (S is the number of spindle revolutions in

conjunction with G04 )

To demonstrate the programming of dwell times the already familiar program WASHER2.MPF has been extended.

The switch from block N250 to block N270 takes place only after a waiting period of 0,5 sec; the chip breaks.
N210 G00 X200 Z300
N220 T3 ; Parting tool 3mm wide
N230 G96 S140 F0.1 M4 D2 ; Right hand cutting edge activated
N240 G00 X40 Z-4
N250 G01 X30
N260 G04 F0.5 ; Dwell time 0,5 sec
N270 G01 X22

N280 G04 S5 ; Dwell time 5 revolutions

N250 G01 X14
N260 G00 X40


M510 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning M510

In case of relatively small diameters this time is sufficient for chip breaking. This becomes evident if
the high number of revolutions is compared to the time of dwell.

In the case of large diameters a time-independent switching of blocks may be more advantageous.

If the tool remains stationary at the destination point for a certain number of revolutions the tool relief
can be ascertained.

The previously programmed values of the addresses F for feed and S for speed or constant cut-
ting speed remain activated in any case.

Program for the washer 1

N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=4000

N20 ;.Without scaling
N30 LBL14:
N40 G00 X200 Z300
N50 T1 ; Roughing tool
N60 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1
N70 G00 X42 Z0.1 M8
N80 G01 X-1.6

N90 Z3
N100 G00 G42 X14 Z2
N110 G01 Z0
N120 X38 RND=1.5
N130 Z-8
N140 X42
N150 G00 G40 X200 Z300
N160 T10 ; Core drill 16mm
N170 G97 S2500 F0.15 M4 D1
N180 G00 X0 Z3 M8
N190 G01 Z-7
N200 G00 Z3
N210 G00 X200 Z300
N220 T3 ; Parting tool 3mm wide
N230 G96 S140 F0.1 M4 D2 ; Right hand cutting edge activated
N240 G00 X40 Z-4
N250 G01 X14
N260 G00 X40
N270 ATRANS Z-8 ; Additive offset
N280 REPEAT LBL14 P2 ; Repeat
N290 TRANS ; Cancel all Frames
N300 G00 X200 Z300
N310 M30


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M510

M510 Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning

Program for the washer 2

N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=4000

N20 SCALE X0.737 Z0.737 ; Scaling
N30 LBL14:
N40 G00 X300 Z400
N50 T1 ; Roughing tool
N60 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1
N70 G00 X44 Z0.2 M8
N80 G01 X-1.6
N90 Z3
N100 G00 G42 X14 Z2
N110 G01 Z0
N120 X38 RND=1.5
N130 Z-8
N140 X42
N150 G00 G40 X200 Z300
N160 T10 ; Core drill 16mm
N170 G97 S2500 F0.15 M4 D1
N180 G00 X0 Z3 M8
N190 G01 Z-7
N200 G00 Z3
N210 G00 X200 Z300
N220 T3 ; Parting tool 3mm wide

N230 G96 S140 F0.1 M4 D2 ; Right hand cutting edge activated

N240 G00 X40 Z-4
N250 G01 X14
N260 G00 X40
N270 ATRANS Z-8 ; Offset additive
N280 REPEAT LBL14 P2 ; Repeat
N290 TRANS ; Cancel all Frames
N300 G00 X200 Z300
N310 M30


M510 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning M510

Program for the washer 2 with dwell time

N10 G18 G54 G64 LIMS=4000

N20 SCALE X0.737 Z0.737 ; Scaling
N30 LBL14:
N40 G00 X300 Z400
N50 T1 ; Roughing tool
N60 G96 S160 F0.2 M4 D1
N70 G00 X44 Z0.2 M8
N80 G01 X-1.6
N90 Z3
N100 G00 G42 X14 Z2
N110 G01 Z0
N120 X38 RND=1.5
N130 Z-8
N140 X42
N150 G00 G40 X200 Z300
N160 T10 ; Core drill 16mm
N170 G97 S2500 F0.15 M4 D1
N180 G00 X0 Z3 M8
N190 G01 Z-7
N200 G00 Z3
N210 G00 X200 Z300
N220 T3 ; Parting tool 3mm wide

N230 G96 S140 F0.1 M4 D2 ; Right hand cutting edge activated

N240 G00 X40 Z-4
N250 G01 X30
N260 G04 F0.5 ; Dwell time 0,5 sec
N270 G01 X22
N280 G04 S5 ; Dwell time 5 revolutions
N250 G01 X14
N260 G00 X40
N270 ATRANS Z-8 ; Offset additive
N280 REPEAT LBL14 P2 ; Repeat
N290 TRANS ; Cancel all Frames
N300 G00 X200 Z300
N310 M30

M510: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M510

M510 Mirror, offset, rotate, scale for turning


M510 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

M701 Drawings of programming examples

Module Description:

This module contains all the drawings that were used in the individual modules so far and additional
work piece drawings as exercises for the consolidation of the acquired knowledge.

Module Objective:
This module provides the means to carry out further exercises regarding the programming with Shop-
Turn and to consolidate the programming knowledge so far attained.

828D/840D sl SINUMERIK Operate

Shop drawings
- Bolt_1
- Bolt_2
- Shaft_1
- Spigot_1
- Pin
- Stepped shaft
- Contour spigot
- Joint shaft
- Bowling pin
- Core
- Kidney
- Fitting shaft
- Example counter spindle
- Hub

828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 1 This document was produced for training purposes.
Siemens assumes no responsibility for its contents.

M701 Page 2 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming examples M701

Drawings of
Bowling Pin






Fixed Shaft





Drawings of

Joint shaft


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 3 M701

M701 Drawings of programming examples



M701 Page 4 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming examples M701








828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 5 M701

M701 Drawings of programming examples










M701 Page 6 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming examples M701



3x45 25

Detail X


60 All not-dimensioned Radii: 1 mm



828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 7 M701

M701 Drawings of programming examples












90 X


M701 Page 8 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming examples M701

Stepped shaft








2x45 0,5x45 2x45


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 9 M701

M701 Drawings of programming examples

Contour spigot







R4 10




All not-dimensioned Radii:

4,2 R=1




M701 Page 10 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming examples M701

Joint shaft





24 21
20 48


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 11 M701

M701 Drawings of programming examples

Bowling pin







M701 Page 12 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming examples M701







40 5

80 10






828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 13 M701

M701 Drawings of programming examples






7 0



M701 Page 14 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming examples M701

Fitting shaft

2x45 1x45

30 2x45 1x45







10 9 15 5 8 9 9 6 2 17 10


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 15 M701

M701 Drawings of programming examples

Example counter spindle







M701 Page 16 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

Drawings of programming examples M701





30 10 20

M701: END


828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate Page 17 M701

M701 Drawings of programming examples


M701 Page 18 828D/840Dsl SINUMERIK Operate

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Motion Control
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