Mining Science and Technology 1990 Vol.12 p.311 316

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Mining Science and Technology, 12 (1990) 311-316 311

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., A m s t e r d a m

Study of dynamic models for coal gas dynamics (part 2)

Sun Peide
Mining Safety Inspection Bureau, Changguang Coal Mining Company, Niutoushan, Zhejiang Province, China
(Received January 1, 1990; revised version accepted October 18, 1990)


Sun, P., 1991. Study of dynamic models for coal gas dynamics (part 2). Min. Sci. Technol., 12: 311-316.

Coal gas dynamics is a fundamental theory for controlling gas in coal mines and preventing catastrophe. Starting from
Darcy's law and the equation of continuity, a number of fundamental problems of coal gas dynamics are analysed using the
theory of dimensional analysis and the current models for gas flow fields in coal seams are corrected. The mathematical
solutions for three kinds of models of gas flow fields are studied and developed and the rationality of the new linear dynamic
models is proven.

1. Introduction by computer simulations and field measure-

ments of coal gas dynamics parameters.
Coal gas dynamics phenomena, such as the
outflow of methane in a coal seam, coal and
gas gushes and outbursts, etc., are related to Discussion
the problem of gas flow in coal seams. Coal
gas dynamics is one of the new fundamental Dimensional analysis using Darcy's law
theories for the control of mine gas and the
prevention of disasters. It is for the improve- Based on actual measurements and tests
ment of safety in coal mines that coal gas [9], gas flow in a coal seam can be approxi-
dynamics have been investigated and devel- mately formulated using Darcy's law:
oped using the new ideas on gas geology [1,2].
k dp
There are two main theories on gas flow in v= (1)
/~ d x
coal seams for coal gas dynamics: linear and
non-linear. The linear theory is based on Where:
Darcy's law and in China this theory has v = velocity of gas flow in a coal seam, m / s ;
been successfully developed for practical ap- k = permeability of coal, m2;
plications [3-10]. The nonlinear theory is a /~ = absolute viscosity of gas, Pa. s;
more recent development [2]. Based on d p / d x = gas pressure gradient in X coordi-
Darcy's law and the equation of continuity, nate direction, P a / m .
this theory analyses a number of fundamental Darcy's law, eqn. (1), is one of the funda-
problems of coal gas dynamics using the the- mental formulas for coal gas dynamics. It can
ory of dimensional analysis and has allowed approximately describe the fundamental gas
the establishment of new linear models for flow in a coal seam. The formula of Darcy's
gas flow in coal seams. The validity of the law can not be adjusted from these SI units.
new linear dynamic models has been proven According to the theory of dimensional anal-

0167-9031/91/$03.50 1991 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

312 s u n PEIDE

ysis [14], the physical equations vary with the Where:

units. This means that if SI units are not used div(ov)=the divergence of gas mass dis-
the equations must be changed, which often placement vector;
leads to errors. For example, Lin and Zhou 0 = gas density under gas pressure, P;
[11] use an erroneous form of Darcy's law OM/Ot= mass gradient of gas resource in
when including an assumption of the physical coal;
dimension: t = time variation for gas flow in a coal seam.
10k d p Based on the equation of continuity, eqn.
v- ~ dx (2) (6), the current dynamic models for coal gas
flow fields can be corrected. As an example,
The correct form of Darcy's law should be:
let us take the equation of continuity for gas
k dp
flow in a coal seam deduced and defined by
v= 10/.t dx (3)
Guo and Zhou [12]:
Using this corrected form (eqn. (3)), the ex-
perimental formula for coal gas permeability div(0v) Ot (7)
will then be:
k = F( p2 _ p22) (4) OM'/~t = volume gradient for the gas in a
coal seam.
and: The equation of continuity given in (7) is a
2t, QL contradictory physical one; the left side stands
k= v ( p ? _ p22) (5) for gas mass outflow per unit volume of coal
and time: the right side stands for the de-
Where: crease in gas volume per unit volume of coal
Q -- gas flow rate; and time. Since eqn. (7) is a contradictory
Pat ----atmospheric pressure; physical equation, the current dynamic mod-
L -- length of coal sample; els for coal gas flow fields based on this are
F = cross-section of sample; also contradictory models, and need to be
-- compressional parameters of gas; amended.
Pa2-- square of gas pressure at the top of
p2 = square of gas pressure at the end of the
The new dynamic models for coal gas flow
The equations of continuity
There are two fundamental problems in
The law of conservation of matter is ob- current coal gas dynamics: the basic concept
eyed by any closed system in fluid dynamics, and the dynamic models. In order to study
so also applies to gas flow in a coal seam. the fundamental theory of coal gas dynamics,
This means that, for coal gas flow fields, the it is first necessary to establish new linear
dynamic models are deduced from the equa- dynamic models for coal gas flow fields.
tion of continuity. Using the fundamental law of gas flow in
According to fluid dynamics [13], the con- coal seams, and practical experience in coal
tinuity equation for gas flow in a coal seam mines, the following assumptions can be used
can be formulated as [2,3]: to deduce the new dynamic models:
OM (1) Darcy's law approximately describes
div(pv) = 8t (6) gas flow in coal seams.

(2) The coal seam is an isotropic and ho- and

mogeneous porous medium. 2P~PX
(3) The temperature remains constant. s(P) = (13)
abcP (2 + bP )
(4) The initial gas pressure in a coal seam n+
(1 + bP) 2
is almost constant.
(5) The permeability is constant in a nar- Where:
row area of a coal seam. x7 2 = Laplace operator;
(6) The floor and top of a coal seam are X = coal gas permeability, m2/pa.s;
impermeable rock. X = k / 2 ix P,;
(7) The thickness of a coal seam is uniform S = the parameters of gas geology;
and the seam is continuous. c -- the coal parameters, where c = 1 - A - W
(8) The coal seam is dry. A = ash of coal;
F r o m the fundamental law, the equation of W = water of coal.
continuity and Darcy's law, and using the It is known from eqns. (12) and (13) that
assumptions given above, the gas content the physical process of gas flow in a coal
equation of coal and the equation of gas state seam is described b y a nonlinear partial dif-
can be formulated as: ferential equation, which up to now has been
aM very difficult to solve. Although some solu-
div(pv) = at (8) tions have been arrived at, it is important that
computer programs should be developed for
k the study and development of coal gas dy-
v = - ~-gradP (9)
Based on the results from Z h o u et al. [9],
1+~--~ + n
)O (10) the gas flow fields can be classified generally
as parallel flow fields, radial flow fields or
O~ spherical flow fields. Three dynamic models
P=-~P (11)
for gas flow in a coal seam will be discussed
based on these three types of flow field and
Where: on the actual conditions in an underground
p = function of gas pressure in coal seam, mine.
p =p(xi, t)(i = 1, 2, 3);
Pn = standard atmospheric pressure, Pa; The finite solution model for one-dimensional
On = gas density under pressure Pn, k g / m ; parallel finite gas flow fields
a = m a x i m u m value of gas absorbed in coal,
ap 2 a2p 2
b = constant of gas absorbed in coal, Pa-1;
at - S ( P ) ax 2 (t>O;O<x<L)
n = volume of free gas per unit volume of
coal (porosity of coal), m3/m3; P(x, t) l,= o = P0 (0 < x ~< L )
M = gas mass per unit volume of coal, kg/m3;
P(x, t) l x = 0 = P 1
grad P = gas pressure gradient in coal seam,
aP x=r = 0
Solving equations (8-11), the control equa-
tions for gas flow in a coal seam become: (14)
aP2 - S ( P ) v z P 2 (12) Where:
at P0 = initial gas pressure in coal seam, Pa;

/1--atmospheric pressure at coal work face requirements for controlling and preventing
or gas pressure in a borehole of a coal seam, gas-induced catastrophes. There are two
Pa; methods for solving the models. One is
L = horizontal influence of the depth of the numerical solution using a computer; the
parallel gas flow field, m. other is mathematical solution of the finite
solution models.
The finite solution model for one-dimensional
radial finite gas flow fields
Mathematical solution for parallel gas flow field
32p 2 1
Using eqn. (14) for a finite gas flow field,
the dynamic model for an infinite parallel gas
(t>O; ro<r<R ) flow field ( L ~ + oe), which can describe gas
P ( r , t ) i t : o = P o (ro<r<~R) (15) flow out of a coal seam, can be obtained from
the following mathematical solution derived
P ( r , t) I r=ro = P1 from the Lapalace transform of eqn. (14):

3P r=R =0 (t>o) 2P, PoX
SI = S( Po) = abcPo(2 + bPo) (17)
Where: (1 + bP0) 2
R = influence radius of the radial gas flow
field, m; and:
r = radial variation in the radial flow field, m;
ro = Radius of a borehole in the coal seam, m. p2(x, t ) = P 2 + ( P g - P Z ) e r f ( ~ ]
The finite solution model for one-dimensional
(t > o; x > 0) (18)
spherical finite gas flow fields
0P 2 [ 02P 2 2 3P 2 ) 2 fu ~2
err(u)-- ~-Yo e- d; (19)
S 1 = the parameters of gas geology.
P ( r , t ) lt=o=Po (O<~r<~R') (16) Equation (19) is called the probability in-
P(r, t) I r=R' = P1 tegral function (error function) and eqn. (18)
is an expression for gas pressure distribution
(t>0) in the infinite parallel gas flow field. F r o m
eqn. (18) a number of useful formulas with
Where: applications to coal gas dynamics can be de-
r = radial variation in the spherical gas flow duced [6].
field, m;
R ' = b o u n d a r y free face in the spherical gas Mathematical solution for radial gas flow field
flow field, m.
Using eqn. (15) for a finite radial gas flow
Mathematical solutions for the models and field, the dynamic model for an infinite radial
their application gas flow field ( R ---, + oc), which can describe
gas flow out of a borehole in a coal seam, can
Solutions for the three kinds of model are be obtained from the following mathematical
necessary in order to evaluate engineering solution derived from the Laplace transform

of eqn. (15) with some suitable mathematical can not be applied to a finite spherical gas
simplifications [7]: flow field.
So and Sa are called "parameters of gas
geology" because their magnitude varies with
p2(r t) = P ( + (P02 - P?)erf \ r ] the conditions of gas geology in a coal mine.
' 2 sf 0t From the value of these, the gas flow rate in a
coal seam can be determined.
(t>O; r>ro) (20)

So = (21)
[ abcPo(2+ bPo)] From the above, the following conclusions
(R1 - r0) 2 n + (1 +bP0) 2 can be drawn:
(1) A dimensional analysis of Darcy's law
Where: was used to correct the current formulas for
R 1 = influence radius of the finite radial gas calculating the permeability of a coal sample.
flow field, m; The standard international units (SI units)
SO= parameters of gas geology, 1/s. should be used.
Equation (20) is an expression for gas pres- (2) Based on an analysis of the equation of
sure distribution around a borehole in a coal continuity, new linear dynamic models for
seam, from this a number of useful formulas coal gas flow fields have been developed.
for gas drainage engineering can be deduced (3) Mathematical solutions for three kinds
[3,5,6,8]. of dynamic models have been studied and
successfully solved. Their validity and relia-
Mathematical solution for spherical gas flow bility have been proven by practical tests and
fields numerical simulation [7].
Coal gas dynamics should be developed
Using eqn. (16) for a finite spherical gas and perfected in order to improve the safety
flow field, the dynamic model for an infinite of coal mines. For example, further studies
spherical gas flow field (R--+ + o c), which could concentrate on the fundamental theory
can describe gas flow out of the end of a of coal gas dynamics for several coal seam
borehole in a coal seam can be obtained from systems, in order to give guidance on gas
the following solution derived from the drainage from more than one coal seam, as
Laplace transform of eqn. (16) with some well as determining potential coal and gas
suitable mathematical simplifications: outbursts, etc.

P2(r, t)= P? + ( t g - p2)

1-7 1 - erf
The author would like to thank Prof. Yang
(t > O; r > 0) (22) Lisheng of Jiaozuo Mining Institute, China,
for his direction. He would also like to thank
Equation (22) is an expression for gas pres- senior engineer Cheng Hengtang of Jiaozuo
sure distribution around the end of a bore- Coal Mining Administration, Henan pro-
hole in a coal seam. However, the formula vince, for his helpful comments.
316 svy PEIDE

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