Reflective Practise - Some Guidelines

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Engineering Management 4

Group Project Reflection

Reflective Practice Some Guidelines

1. Questions to Support Reflection on Professional Development

1. How has this assignment helped (or not) in broadening, deepening or changing your knowledge
and practice of innovation, design and entrepreneurship?
2. How are your approaches to innovation, design and entrepreneurship developing/changing?
3. How is your knowledge broadening and/or deepening through this assignment--what impact is
this having on your professional development?

2 Questions to Support Reflection in Academic Development

1. In what ways has your scholarship developed (quantitatively and qualitatively), i.e. your ability to
source, apply and record information?
2. To what extent have you become aware of the key areas in innovation, design and
3. What do you see as the next step in your learning and why?
4. What areas of expertise have you developed through this assignment--and why?
5. In what terms have you become a more effective scholar?
6. Have you found this assignment becoming easier, more difficult, much the same, and why is

3. Questions to Support Reflection on Evaluative Development

7. What are your reactions to this assignment?--e.g. its usefulness, strengths and weaknesses (and
the criteria for making such judgements), and your feelings about the aims, content, outcomes
of this assignment?
8. How far have your evaluative skills developed through this assignment?,e.g. what knowledge
have you acquired that you can apply again in the future?
9. In what areas have you found your evaluative skills developing through this assignment, maybe
with reference to your academic knowledge, your professional development, your personal
development, your decision making ability, your ability to work in a team?
10. In what ways has this assignment furthered or frustrated your evaluative development--and why
is this?


By KEITH MORRISON, University of Durham, UK

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