Meiosis Flip Book Directions

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Meiosis Flip Books

Flip books are exactly what they sound like, books that you flip. You most likely saw
them growing up, when you flip them it looks like the images are moving. We are going to
make flip books for meiosis today. Be sure to read the supply list and procedure before
you get started.


1. One piece of colored construction paper per person

2. One pair of scissors per person
3. Crayons/colored pencils/markers
4. One textbook per person


1. Fold your paper into sixteen even squares (this requires you to fold your paper in
half four times.)
2. Cut out each of the sixteen squares, trying to keep them as even as possible.
3. On each panel draw one of the following in order:
a. Title
b. Interphase
c. Prophase I
d. Metaphase I
e. Anaphase I
f. Telophase I
g. Cytokinesis
h. Prophase II
i. Metaphase II
j. Anaphase II
k. Telophase II
l. Cytokinesis
4. Each of your panels must include the name of the step, and a colored picture for
each step.
5. Pro tip: Try to keep your cells in the same spot for each of the panels, or your book
will not flip as well.
6. Once you have drawn, labelled, and colored everything staple your books together.
7. If you have any uneven ends after stapling cut them until they are flush. You wont
be able to flip your book if they are uneven.
8. Write your name on the back of your flip book and bring it to the front desk for
grading. Be sure to clean off your workspace.

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