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Video Storyboard

Name: Andree Dione Simmons Production Title: Reducing Cost in Education by Going Global

Crew and Talent: TBD

Outline: In this video segment, I will be discussing the concept of reducing cost while introducing globalization of
learning in the educational system by leveraging existing growing technologies like Face Book, Skype, IM, and

Treatment: The video will be shot utilizing a desk and a green screen in the background that will assist in changing the
background environment to coincide with the major topics of the discussion (i.e. early classroom setting,
moving into the current classroom setting, then taking a look at the classroom setting affected by the economic
crunch, and then concluding with the global interactive classroom).

Equipment Needs:
Camera _______________ Audio ____________ Other ________________

Tripod ________________ Tape ______________ Other ________________

Scene Sketch Shot Description Audio Comments
Flying images of students of Musical background
Introduction of speaker and topic (a few all different nationalities. Voiceover introducing the Est. Time: 1min 0sec
images seen below) Images of communication speaker and the topic
Images of

The speaker sitting behind a Speaker providing and

Knowledge Stage desk audio overview of the topic Est. Time: 3min 0sec
Green screen background and flows into providing
Office setting displayed on the evolution of the
green screen traditional classroom. Then
provides the history of
social networking
technologies. From that the
speaker discusses how
society is moving into the
world of online learning
and how social networking
technologies can play a
role in the movement
Images will show in the Speaker discusses how
Persuasion Stage green screen of how the education systems can cut Est. Time: 2min 0sec
classroom evolved. cost by leveraging growing
Information will be existing technologies
provided on how (social networking) to
educational systems are provide a new virtual
losing funding and classroom which is not
resources across the US only user friendly but Free
in cost
Show picture of the globe Speaker discusses how
Persuasion Stage with each user count many users of face book, Est. Time: 2min 0sec
highlighted in different twitter, blogs, students
colors around the globe enrolled in tradition
schools vs. distance
learning institutions

Images displayed of The speaker discusses how

Decision Stage question marks representing the school system will Est. Time: 1min 0sec
the decision making process have to weigh the pros and
of adoption cons of implementing
social networking
technologies in the
learning environment as
well as review the
opportunity for growth in
the systems by accepting
students across the globe
into the new online
Implementation Stage Logos displayed of different Speaker discusses how we
social networking sites with can utilize existing product Est. Time: 2min 10sec
a image of an apple in the as a tool for educational
corner representing the use. Separate look and feel
educational site from the existing sites.
Help eliminate the parental
fears of the existing sites
Images of books and Speaker provides data
Confirmation Stage magazines are displayed in proving the idea could be Est. Time: 3min 10sec
the background successful as students
would embrace the
concept. (Example: Roach
(2006), conducted a study
which engaged social
networking technologies in
education, and found that
over half of the students
respondents would “read a
blog authorized by a
faculty member” that
pertained to course
information and school
The speaker sitting behind a Speaker providing and
Closing desk audio conclusion of the Est. Time: 2min 10sec
(speaker sitting behind desk) Green screen background topic wrapping up the
Office setting displayed on overall concept of
green screen reducing cost while
introducing globalization
through social networking

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