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Initially, the height of the fluid is identical in each tube.

When the outlet is opened, fluid immediately drains from the model. There is no
high pressure inlet into the model.
To reduce the pressure in the model, fluid needs to be expelled.

However, due to permeability of the rock (represented by restrictions

in the bottoms of the tube) it takes time for fluid in the tubes nearest
the outlet to move (or expand in the case of a pressurised fluid)

Thus it takes time for the pressure to change

Pressure perturbation moves through the rest of the fluid at a

rate dictated by the rock permeability and fluid properties
This produces a variation in pressure along the model. The pressure profile
takes time to deelop from outlet at tube 1 to the tube furthest from outlet tube
10, which is still equal to the pressure at initial time, t=0
1mD = 10-15m2
Wellbore pressure
response of a reservoir
when flowrate q is
suddenly applied
Table 1 should be used starting at the top

Look at the conditions in the reservoir until you reach the

relationship that fits them and use that relationship
PD is calculated
from table 2 by

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