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SNMPTN 2008 Bahasa Inggris

Kode Soal
Doc. Name: SNMPTN2008ING999 Doc. Version : 2011-05 | halaman 1

We all know that mobile phone, cellphones,

hand-phone, whatever we want to call them
(and shouldnt we all be calling them the same thing?)
are changing our lives. But it takes a good old fashioned survey
to wake us up to the glaring reality they
have changed who we are The mobile phone has in-
deed changed the way we behave But perhaps we
dont realize how much we have become its slave. Consider
other elements of the
Siemens Mobile Survey With the exception of
Australia, in every country surveyed the majority polled
said they would go back for their phone if they left it all
home (In Australia it was a respectable 39%). If youve
endured the traffic in Indonesia the Philippines and
India, youll know what kind of sacrifice some
two-thirds of those surveyed are making I cant think
of anything I would go back for-except my wallet,
maybe, or my clothes

And even if we remember to bring it, were still not

happy. Many out us get anxious if it hasnt rung or a text
massage hasnt appeared for a while being
about an hours). Once again of those surveyed
Indonesian (65%) and Filipinos (77%) get paticularry
jittery. Australian are more laid back about this (20%)
but every other user in Asia seems to be glancing at the
phone avery view second. This statistic, I have to say, is
highly believable, and the instinct highly annoying
Theres nothing worse than chatting to some one who
constantly checks his or her handphone
Then theres the fact that mobile phones are not only
enslaving the user. theyre trampling the
right of everyone else. Around a third of folk surveyed
acknowledge they get so engrossed in mobile
conversation that they re often unaware of speaking
loudly while discussing their private lives in public
At least most of us agree on one thing With the
exception of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the
increasing use of mobile phones has led to a decline
in courtesy and considerate behavior

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Copyright 2012 Zenius Education
SNMPTN 2008 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal
doc. name: SNMPTN2008ING999 doc. version : 2011-05 | halaman 2

The bottom line here is that we are more than a little bit
out of control. Mobile phones are great but if we allow
them to dominate our lives to this extent-interrupting
conversations with those around us to take a call,
starring at our phones rather than relating to the world and
people around as, sending fifty text massages to
random numbers-then I can only assume that in
another 10 years, society as we know it will no longer
exist All well see is a blur of digital data going out
and having all the fun, socializing, falling in love, and
taking skeaky pictures of each others .

01. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about

(A) By using cellphones people can change their lives
(B) People become upset when they forget to bring their
(C) Cellphones have made users quite enslaved
(D) The writer is not one who is enslaved
(E) The change in peoples behavior may becaused by cell-

02. The main purpose of the writer is to inform the readers

about ....
(A) the popularity of communication technology
(B) the effects of cellphones on the behavior of users
(C) the various kind of hand-phone available in the market
(D) the adventage of using cellphones in many Asian coun-
(E) the percentage of cellphones users in Asia

03. Cellphones have not only enslaved the users but have
also ....
(A) Disturbed other peoples conversation in public
(B) Eliminated the existence of social life
(C) Made the users behave impolitely
(D) Prevented people from socializing with each other
(E) Caused the user to become quite considerate

04. What makes Asian users of cellphones different from Aus-

tralian ones?
(A) They mostly use their cellphone for chatting
(B) The number od users in Asia is greater than in Austra-
(C) They become angry when nobody calls or send mes-
(D) Their callphones ring every hour throught the day
(E) They are much more dependent on their cellphones

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Copyright 2012 Zenius Education
SNMPTN 2008 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal
doc. name: SNMPTN2008ING999 doc. version : 2011-05 | halaman 3

05. The phrase trampling the right of everyone 07.

else in lines 2324 means .... Text II
(A) Interfering with somebody else affairs Due to the cases of salmonella food poison-
(B) Prohibiting somebody elses right to talk ing in Europe, the sale of duck eggs
(C) Rejecting to acknowledge ones owner- reached its lowest point in the 1970s Al-
ship though it was never conclusively shown
(D) Ignoring the rights of the other people that duck were to blame the egg-eating
(E) Making use of other peoples property public stopped buying and many egg pro-
ducers went bankrupt indeed, there is a risk
06. salmonella poisoning when ducks lay their
Text II eggs in damp condition. such as on ground
Due to the cases of salmonella food poison- that constantly wet, but the same can be
ing in Europe, the sale of duck eggs reached said of the eggs of hens. Moreover, comer-
its lowest point in the 1970s. Although it cial duck production in France and Eng-
was never conclusively shown that duck were land, where the outbreaks of salmonella poi-
to blame the egg-eating public stopped buy- soning took place followed, the same stan-
ing and many egg producers went bankrupt dars as those used in the hen industry,
indeed, there is a risk salmonella poisoning which experienced no salmonella problem.
when ducks lay their eggs in damp condi- Storage of eggs whethet those to hen or
tions. such as on ground that constantly wet, duck , can also be a factor in contamina-
but the same can be said for the eggs of tion. Studies have found that bacterial
hens. Moreover, comercial duck production growth reaches polentially dangerous levels
in France and England, where the outbreaks at storage temperatures to 500C or greater.
of salmonella poisoning took place followed, _________________________________
the same standars as those used in the hen _________________________________
industry, which experienced no salmonella _____________
problem. Storage of eggs whethet those to
hen or duck , can also be a factor in con- What is the topic of the paragraph?
tamination. Studies have found that bacterial (A) Salmonella food poisoning as the cause
growth reaches polentially dangerous levels of the colapse of duck business in
at storage temperatures to 500C or greater. Europe
__________________________________ (B) The increase of commercial duck egg
__________________________________ production in Europe in 1970
___________ (C) The effect it Salmonella food poisoning
on the sale duck eggs
(D) Ways to increase the sale of duck eggs
With which of the following sentences in Europe in 1970s
should the paragraph end? (E) Wet ground and bad storage system of
(A) Yet, it has never been clear what caused eggs as the causes of Salmonella food
Salmonella food poisoning in the 1970s. poisoning
(B) Because of these many duck egg pro-
ducers stopped their business in the
(C) As a result, eggs which are laid in damp
conditions can cause Salmonella food
(D) Consequently, it was also possible that
the food poisoning was caused by the
bad storage system or eggs
(E) Therefore, wet ground and bad storage
system of eggs could be the cause of
decreased sale of duck eggs the 1970s

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Copyright 2012 Zenius Education
SNMPTN 2008 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal
doc. name: SNMPTN2008ING999 doc. version : 2011-05 | halaman 4

08. 09.
Text III Text III
(1) (1)
__________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________ _________________________________
(2) Biodiesel is free or lead, contains virtually no __
sulfur and produces loser, quantities of can- (2) Biodiesel is free or lead, contains virtually
cer causing emissions than petro diesel. (3) no sulfur and produces loser, quantities of
In particular, using biodiesel in school buses cancer causing emissions than petro diesel.
make a lot of sense (4) Young children are (3) In particular, using biodiesel in school
more susceptible than adults to the toxic and buses make a lot of sense (4) Young chil-
potentially cancer-causing emissions from dren are more susceptible than adults to
petro diesel. (5) Many teachers are also suf- the toxic and potentially cancer-causing
fering from asthma (6) this fact has led more emissions from petro diesel. (5) Many
than 50 school boards across nation to re- teachers are also suffering from asthma (6)
quire that their buses use biodiesel fuel (7) this fact has led more than 50 school
This cleaner burning fuel is also an attractive boards across nation to require that their
option in recreation areas (8) Yellow stone buses use biodiesel fuel (7) This cleaner
National Park was the first national park to burning fuel is also an attractive option in
test biodiesel as a fuel, and the project was a recreation areas (8) Yellow stone National
succes that the National Park Service has Park was the first national park to test bio-
introduced biodiesel to 20 other parks across diesel as a fuel, and the project was a succes
the country that the National Park Service has intro-
duced biodiesel to 20 other parks across
Which sentence does not belong in the para- the country
(A) three With which of the following sentences
(B) four should the paragraph begin?
(C) five (A) Biodiesel is now compulsory for public
(D) six transport across the country because it
(E) seven is cleaner
(B) Biodiesel is catching on in many mar-
kets, largely because it is a cheaper
burning fuel
(C) Because is a cheaper burning fuel, bio-
diesel has become compulsory in all
(D) Biodiesel has replaced petro diesel as a
fuel for school buses because it is
(E) As it does not produce as many pollut-
ants, biodiesels popularity is decreas-

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Copyright 2012 Zenius Education
SNMPTN 2008 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal
doc. name: SNMPTN2008ING999 doc. version : 2011-05 | halaman 5

Text IV 15. (A) identify

Small genetic difference makes one person (B) identify
different from another. Now medical re- (C) identification
searchers have a new map to help them find (D) identifiable
these _______(10)_______This is possible (E) identifying
because some time ago more than two hun-
dred scientist from six nations _______(11) 16. (A) linking
____ the Hap Map. The name comes from (B) finding
the word haplotype . (C) curing
A haplotype is a group of differences that are (D) diagnosing
______(12)______to come close together, in (E) knowing
a block These blocks_____(13)____ to pass
from parent to child The Hap Map scientist 17. (A) However
hope to identify up to six millions DNA dif- (B) As a result
ferences ______(14)______They finish. The (C) In short
scientist say the finding may lead to ____(15) (D) Moreover
___ genes that cause common diseases like (E) In addition
diabetes and heart disease_____(10)
____diseases to genes coul lead to new treat- 18. You didnt like the horror film you saw yes-
ment______(17)_____people will be able to terday, did you?
know if they in have increased risk of a dis- Youre right, I really wish _____
ease because to their genes. (A) I did not see it
(B) I would not see it
10. (A) advantage (C) I have not seen it
(B) consequences (D) I had not seen it
(C) comparisons (E) I would not have seen it
(D) characteristics
(E) differences 19. For the past few year the rate of crime has
been high due to the increase in the rate of
11. (A) develop unemployment. To day people wish that
(B) developed the local government ___first priority to
(C) have developed the solution of this problem.
(D) had developed (A) gives
(E) were developing (B) would give
(C) will give
12. (A) similarly (D) should give
(B) comparatively (E) had given
(C) likely
(D) timely
(E) accordingly

13. (A) emerge

(B) create
(C) contimate
(D) appear
(E) establish

14. (A) after

(B) while
(C) before
(D) at the time
(E) afterwards

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Copyright 2012 Zenius Education
SNMPTN 2008 Bahasa Inggris, Kode Soal
doc. name: SNMPTN2008ING999 doc. version : 2011-05 | halaman 6

20. More government policies related to peoples

welfare ____ to help people who have suf-
fered because of the drastic oil price hike.
(A) are to be implemented
(B) implement
(C) are to implement
(D) to be implement
(E) are implementing

21. Your car is badly damage, I need more than

two days to repair it (Its ok, _____ then.)
(A) Take your time
(B) You can not finish it
(C) Finish it on time
(D) Do you need two day
(E) Do not repair it

22. So far turn term, the student in the writing

class have learned how to write these state-
ment, _____ and summarite Their conclu-
(A) The materials organization
(B) The organizing of their materials
(C) Organize their materials
(D) Their organization of their materials
(E) Now their materials are organized

23. What government should do to create pilotri

Stability 2
(A) Law enforcement should work effec-
(B) The effective work of law enforcement
(C) Enforcing the low to work effective
(D) Working to make law enforcement ef-
(E) To make law enforcement work effec-

24. Iam ashamed because now all my family se-

crets are axposed in court. You _____ your
neighbor for such a trival case.
(A) Had better sue
(B) Should not have sue
(C) Might not have sued
(D) Would rather sue
(E) Could not have sued

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Copyright 2012 Zenius Education

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