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RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK Pursuant to Va. Code § 3.25200 et seq, Ihereby expressly assume the isk ofl injury and release from Hablity Gwaltney Frontier Farm/ DBA Mill ‘Swamp Indian Horses and its directors, offices, staf, and volunteers, as wel 5 Steve and Beth Edwards for any injury that shall occur to me or any of ‘iy minor children or children over which have a guardianship, for any injury, loss, damage, or death resulting from any of the intrinsic dangers of ‘equine activities. Such intrinsic dangers include but are not limited tothe propensity of equines to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, oF {death to persons on or around them: the unpredictability of an equine’s reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movements, and unfamiliar object, persons or other animals; certain hazards such 25 surface and subsurface conltion;callslons with other animals or objects; and the potential of @ participant actng ina negligent manner that may contribute to Injury to the participant or others, such as faling to maintan contro over the equine or ‘ot acting within the participants ability. ‘A separate release form is required for each rider. This release remains in effect until revoked in writing. Name (of ido: a, Aaress: ‘street cy state Zp Signature of rider (iF 18 or older: arent or legal guardian (if ides undor 18 years ld}: Name Signature Date Ina. Code § 3.26200, As used inthis chapter, unless the contaxt requires 3 dtferent meaning “Engages in an equine setiviy" means: () any persen, whether mounted or unmounted, who des, hands, ans, drives 2sstsn providing medical or thorapeutc ‘westmentof, orieapatconger upon an equine; (i) 2ny person whe partlpaes in an equine activity but doesnot necessary rie, handle, ain, drive, ode as ‘passenger upon an equine; i) any person vsitg, touring or ung an equine ellty 35 part of an event o acto ) any person who asst apartcpantor ‘equine activity sponsor or management in an equine activity. The term “engages nan equine activ" does pat include berg aspectator at an equine activity, except Incases where the spectator places hmselfin an unauthoited area and ln immediate proximity to an equine er equine activity "equine" means ahorse, pony, me, donkey, oF hey. ‘Equine activity" means: ) equine shows, aes, compeitins, pectormances, or parades tat involv any or allbreeds of equines and any ofthe equine dsclpines, including dressage, hunter and jumper horse hows grand prkjumping, Wree-day evens, combined tain, rodeos, driving, pulg, cutting, polo, steeple chasing, endurance tal eising and western games, nd hurting; (i equine traning o teaching actives; (il boarding equines (ving, inspecting, or evsuating an equine belonging to another whether or not the ewner has received seme monetary consideration or cther thing of value forthe ute ofthe equine ore perming 2 prospective purchaser ofthe equine ord, inspec, or evaluate the equln; (ies, trps hunts, or ther equine acts of any type however infra or impromptu that ae sponsored by an equine att sponser (i conducting general hoofare including plcng or replacing horseshoes or hoo imming of an ‘eine nd (vi) providing or assting inbreeding of therapeute veterinary rement "equine actdty sponsor” means any person or his agent wh, for pot ona for raft sponsors, organizes, or provides the facies for an equine acti, Inuding pony dubs, 4-H dubs, hunt dubs riding dubs, schoo- and college-sponsored classes ané programs, therapeuticridingprosrams, and operators, sttUctor, and promaters of equine facts, nung stables, udhouses, panyride strings, fas, and arenas where the act sel. “Equine professional” mears 2 person or his agent engaged for compensation in: (instructing a pariant or renting toa partcpant an equine forthe purpose of ricng ving or beng a passenger upon an equine; or (i renting equpmentor tack to» participant. “nine danger of equine actives" means hove dangers or condltions that are an integral part of equine acts, including () the propensity of equines to Leta in ways that may result in njury, harm, or death to person on or around them: (the unpredictability ofan equine’ eatin to such things a sounds, sudden movement, end unferlircbjects, persons, or othe animals il) certain haarde such a race snd subsurface enations; ) elisons with ther animals ‘or object; ad) the potential of a partpant acting ina negligent manner that may conte to inkry tothe partpant or others, such 25 fang to mantan contol over the equine of not ating within the participant’ bly. “Partclpant” means any person whether amateur or professional who engages an equine activity, whether or netfee s palo partate inthe eine act, Va Code 3.26202. A. Except a provided In § 32-6203, an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional or anyother person, which shall incude a corporation, partnership orld tabty company, shal not be lable fran Ijury to or death of apartipant resulting fom the intrinsic dangers of equine actives anc, ‘except as proviéed in §3.2-6203, no parcpant nor any particant’s parent, arian, oF representative shal heve or make any calm againstor recover from any equine act sponsor, equine professional, or any ether person for nur, ss, damage, or death of the participant resulting ftom any of the inking dangers of equine activites. Except as provided in § 3.26203, no partcfpantor parent or guaran of» partpant who has knowingly executed a waiver of his ight to sus cr agro to asume allrisks specicaly enumerated under this subsection may maintain an ation agains or reaver fom an equine activity sponsor or an equine profesional fran injury to or the death ofa participant engaged in an equine activity, The waler shall ewe notice tothe participant ofthe itil dangers of equine actives. The ‘waiver shall remain vali unless expressi revoked In wating by the partkiat or parent or uardan of minor.

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