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Who Stole the LE Chess Pieces?

We will be using this document in class to write out and

finalize our ideas about the crime we are solving this week. You
can type or handwrite this...
Narrative of the Crime (5 points):
Means, Motive and Opportunity
Now that you have gathered crime scene evidence in Math, Science
and Expressions, think about which people could have done it.
Narrow your suspect pool down to 2 potential thieves. Write up 2
short potential narratives for how the crime could have gone

Consider the following questions as you compose your narratives:

What would that person have done (Means)? What was he/she
thinking as the crime was committed (Motive)? How could they have
done it (Opportunity)?

Narrative for Suspect #1:

Narrative for Suspect #2:

Argument for Making an Arrest (20 points):

Now that you have brainstormed possible ways the crime could have
been committed, you are going to write up an argument for who you
think really did it and why. This requires you to evaluate your
list of suspects and organize your thoughts from your earlier
writing into a coherent and organized argument.

You will need an introduction that gives an
introduction to the crime as well as a thesis statement
laying out who you think did it and why.

You will at least 3 body paragraphs explaining reasons

that person is the most likely criminal. These reasons need
to be supported with evidence from the crime scene or the
suspect interviews as well as your explanation for how each
piece of evidence proves your point.
Who Stole The Chess Pieces

Suspect 1:Mr. Senge

This morning I came to school before the students were here I was

tired of the 8th graders they talked too much in they disobeyed

me I thought I would take something they designed.

Who Stole The Chess Pieces

Ainna Anwar
This crime scene is literally insane I can't believe
someone would steal chess pieces designed by the fellow 8th
graders. I think Mr.Senge and Ms.Z stole the chess pieces Ms. Z
video taped Mr. Senge while he stole the chess pieces. I think
Mr.Senge because he is taller than the brick wall and a half inch
or 1 inch taller than the gate. They stole chess pieces the
precious chess pieces. They stole them but we hope that the
chess pieces are in a good place having fun. I t could also be Mr
Molay because he wasnt answering some of our questions.Which
means we have two suspect most likely it is Mr.Senge and Ms.Z
caught him by recording him do this. This is a fishy crime scene ,
this is a sherlock type crime scene. My final decision on who it is,
is Mr. Senge.
Mr.Senge doesn't answer some of our questions. He wasn't
teamed up he was just alone. Got some powder that comes out of
Ms.Z classrooms soap dispenser.Ms.Z was with him gave him
some advice on how to steal the chess pieces. Some evidence is
has running/biking shoes
Isn't good at chess
likes clif bars
Likes to play with powder.
These are bullet point with some evidence that I have collected.
Has powder in her dispenser.
Had a clif bar on her desk.
My final suspect is Mr.Senge he stole the chess pieces

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