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Moskva nit

(I found on the internet that nit is Checz word and it means dream, so you can call this cake
Mo )

You need:

Biscuit: ( for separate 3 pieces)

- 5 egg whites (: - white or transluscent part of the egg)

- 7 spoons of sugar (: )
- 8 spoons of ground nut (: )
- 1 spoon of white flour (: )
When I say spoon, I mean on big spoon, for soup, we call it suop spoon )


Filling part 1:

- 1 bag of Vanilla pudding (In Serbia, we have small bags of pudding, and they are about 40-45gr,
so if you dont have such packages, just measure that amount of pudding)
- 4-5 spoons of sugar
- 4dl of milk (: )

Filling part 2:

- 15 egg yolks (: yelow part of egg)

- 15 spoons of sugar
- 2 spoons of flour
- 1dl of milk

Filling part 3:

- 250gr of butter (: /)
- 4-5 spoons of powdered sugar

Filling part 4:

- 250gr of sweet cream (: )


- ~700gr of sour cherry (: )

- 1 big can of pineapple (: )
- 200-250gr of cracked/or ground roasted hazelnuts (: )

Whipped cream (we usualy use sweet cream instead of whipped cream, because its tougher, but you
can use whatever you want)

Instructions for preparation:

1. First clean sour cherries (pull out pits and leave them to drain).
2. Drain pineapple (all fluid should be off) and cut them on pieces (1/4 of circles, like on the

3. In mean time, you can roast your hazelnuts (prepare them for decoration).

4. Before you bake biscuits, you should mix ingrediants for Filling part 1 (because it has to cool
down completely)

- From those 4dl of milk, you separate 1dl of milk, and in it you mix pudding (whole amount). The
rest of milk you mix with sugar and heat it until its boiling.
- Then you add in it pudding mix, and stir whole mixture (its like regular pudding, but with less
- Then you live it to cool down (and sometime stir again, so it doesnt make crust on the tom).

Now you can start with biscuit.

5. For this recipe (and amount of ingredients) you should use bowl for baking 25x35cm (i dont
know how to translate it, we call it: , and its usually made of metal, like on the next
Before puttining mixture for biscuit in it, you should put baking paper, so it dont get sticked in it

6. How to make biscuit mixture:

- First mix egg whites until it looks like this

We call it / ; its actually like cream.

And while you are mixing it, you slowly add sugar (spoon by spoon). At the end it should look
like cream on the pic; IMPORTANT: save egg yolks, you will use them for Filling 2;
- Then you add ground nuts and flour, and mix it with spoon (not mixer).
- Then you pour it in baking bowl and bake it on 160C about 7-8minutes. It should look like this:

- Repeat this 3 times, because you need 3 biscuits.

7. Filling part 2:
- Mix egg yolks, sugar anf flour with mixer; and when thats mixed, add milk;
- Mix few minutes whole mixture, and then cook on minimum temperature for about 10-
15minutes. (it should be cooked on steam, but that is complicated, and i dont know if you
practice that in Russia; the same resault is when you cook it on minimum temperature);
- Leave it to cool down completely and stir few times, so it doesnt get crust(as you did with
8. Filling part 3:
- Stir butter and powdered sugar with mixer, high speed, so it become like cream;
9. Filling part 4:
- Stir sweet cream like butter;
10. Now its time to unite those filling parts into one filling:
- In Filling 3, add cold Filling 2, and then Filling 1, and then Filling 4 (dont ask me why it must be
this order, i dont know :D );
- When you mixed it together, first separate small amount of filling (you will use it for coating
cake sides at the end):
- Then split Filling to 6 equal parts;
11. Now, you should put all parts together and make a cake :D
Order goes like this:
1. First biscuit
2. 1st part of filling
3. 2/3 of sour cherries
4. 1/3 hazelnuts

It will look like this:

5. 2nd Filling part (you should carefuly spred it, because hazelnuts and cheries could fall
from cake (dont know how to explain it so just look on next picture)
6. 2nd biscuit
7. 3rd filling part
8. 2/3 of pineapples
9. 1/3 of hazelnuts
10. 4th filling part

11. 3rd biscuit

12. 5th filling part
13. 1/3 of cherries
14. 1/3 of pineapples
15. 1/3 of hazelnuts
16. 6th part of filling + the small part you separated at the beginning for sides, at it should look
like this:

With decoration, it looks like this, and its delicious:

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