California Edition: Mostly Winners For Meaningful Use

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15 July 2010

California Edition

Calendar Mostly Winners For Meaningful Use

Hospital Like Final Rules; Medical Groups Want More
July 19-21 California’s providers are breathing a sigh incentive payments. They were previously
of relief as the U.S. Department of Health excluded.
and Human Services has issued less In another big change, hospitals and
?).)4>3!9441(2!<)(2>3;(*)!R4%-140! stringent “meaningful use” rules for physicians have to use computer
8-4N)*)4;)@!R@?@!B*(4>!<->)26!?(4!C/)5-@! hospitals and physicians to receive physician order entry for 30% of
S-;1+!-4!/44-.(>/.)!4)M!=*-01;>+!N-*! financial incentives to ramp up their usage medication orders. That’s down from the
;3*-4/;!;(*)!:(4(5):)4>!(40!M)224)++! of electronic medical records and related previous mandate of 80%.
=*-:->/-4@!ETFGHE$6#FG@! “We’re pleased with the changes. We
I)5/+>)*!J42/4)K The HHS received more than 2,000 requested more flexibility, and generally
comments on it’s interim final rules that received it,” said Pam Lane, a CHA vice
3>>=KLL>;%/@-*5L/40)U@=3=V were released earlier this year, many from president in charge of healthcare
;-4N)*)4;)WX(31"#$# physician organizations and hospitals. informatics.
“We have sought and received The California Association of
extensive input from the healthcare Physician Groups mostly concurred with
July 22-24 community, and we have drawn on their the CHA. Physicians, for example, now
experience and wisdom to produce have to meet 20 criteria, 15 of which are
9:)*/;(4!<-+=/>(2!9++-;/(>/-4!7)(0)*+3/=! objectives that are both ambitious and mandatory and five out of a group of 10.
?1::/>@!A(4;3)+>)*!B*(40!<&(>>6!?(4! achievable,” said David Blumenthal, M.D., That’s down from a previous mandate of
C/)5-@!92!B-*)!/+!>3)!D)&4->)!+=)(D)*@ the national coordinator for health 25 objectives.
E$6#FGHE$6$FG@ information technology. However, most physicians have to
I)5/+>)*!J42/4)K The California Hospital Association apply for incentive payments individually,
lauded the relaxation of a guideline that even if they practice within a group.
3>>=KLLMMM@3)(2>3N-*1:@;-:L would have originally required all hospitals “They built this on the old cottage
3)(2>3N-*1:L3>:2L;-4N)*)4;)+L$#?1::/>L to meet 23 specific requirements in order industry model. However, large groups
I)5/+>*(>/-4@3>:2 are where it’s at. The fact that a medical
to qualify for incentive payments that will
be dispensed beginning next year. Now, the group can’t apply as an entity, but a
July 25-28 hospitals have to meet 19 guidelines. hospital can is silly,” said William
Fourteen of those are mandatory, along Barcellona, CAPG’s vice president of
with five others from an additional list of government affairs. He added that
?1::)*!8-4N)*)4;)@!Y:%(++&!?1/>)+6!7(D)! 10. Congress may be lobbied to draft
O(3-)@!EZFFHEGTF@!9!0/+;1++/-4!-N!2-45H Moreover, critical access hospitals – appropriations-oriented legislation that
>)*:!(40!>3)![1(2/>&!-N!/>+!0)2/.)*&@ those facilities at least 25 miles away from
the nearest acute care facility and less than
25 beds in size – may also qualify for Continued on Next Page
E-Mail 20th Annual California Fall Conference with Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
the details of your event, or call Sunday, September 19 - Tuesday, September 21, 2010
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3. It will be Fall Conference
published in the Calendar section,
space permitting.

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Top Placement... Meaningful Use (Continued from Page One)

Bottomless Potential
would relax the individual physician The HHS will dispense as much as
requirement. $27 billion in incentive payments over the
Advertise Although the guidelines are less next decade. It’s part of the Health
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 stringent than what the HHS originally Information Technology for Economic and
sought, the rules drafted by the agency are Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009, a
so lengthy – 864 pages – that it is likely to stimulus program intended to speed up
take weeks for providers to fully assess the adoption of advanced information
In Brief what compliance will mean, Lane said. And
the dense reading the rules represent does
technology among hospitals and
physicians. Individual physicians can earn
not even include a second set of rules as much as $107,350 from Medicare and
issued by HHS this week specifying the Medicaid in meeting all the rules, while
Molina Healthcare to acceptable hardware and software hospitals can earn millions. Conversely,
Expand into Wisconsin applications currently being pored over by providers that don’t update their systems
relevant industry vendors. will begin facing payment cuts from
Long Beach-based Molina federal programs beginning in 2015.
Healthcare Inc. has expanded its
operations in the Midwest,

DMHC Resurrects Solvency Board

acquiring a Wisconsin-based
Medicaid managed care insurer.
Molina will pay about $16

Shift From Medical Groups Toward Impact of Reform

million for Abri Health Plan, based
in the Milwaukee suburb of West
Allis. Abri has about 16,000
enrollees in 23 counties, primarily
through Badger Care, Wisconsin’s The Department of Managed Health Care has the wake of sweeping healthcare reforms
Medicaid managed care plan. Abri revived its Financial Solvency Standards Board signed into law earlier this year. Included are
recently won a contract that will go after a nearly four-year hiatus, ostensibly to
into effect during the third quarter medical homes, bundled payments,
of 2010 that will further expand its study and report on how healthcare reform accountable care organizations and
enrollment. will affect California. healthcare exchanges.
The deal will expand Molina’s The board was originally convened in 1999 “Federal healthcare reform is creating new
market presence in the Midwest to to create solvency standards for the state’s risk-
four states. It currently operates in scal models of health care that will need
bearing medical groups after two larger much thought and the DMHC has been
Ohio, Missouri and Michigan.
“Once this transaction closes, entities, HealthPartners and KPC, collapsed in working to proactively address its implications
our company will provide health a spectacular fashion, leaving thousands of for the California healthcare landscape,
plan services in ten Medicaid patients with gaps in their continuity of care. trends, and regulations,” said DMHC Director
markets throughout the country, we The board will again revisit nancial
will be further diversified, and our Cindy Ehnes. “It is imperative that we
Wisconsin health plan will have solvency of the state’s more than 200 medical understand and inuence the impact on our
significant potential for future groups, according to Grant Cattaneo, a state’s delivery system and health care
growth,” said Molina Healthcare healthcare consultant in Northern California providers, many of whom are already
Chief Executive Officer J. Mario and a holdover from the prior board.
Molina, M.D.. The plan has 1.5 struggling due to the economic situation.”
“I’m not sure if they (the DMHC) has been William Barcellona, a deputy director at
million enrollees nationwide.
letting things go in terms of solvency, and I DMHC between 2001 and 2005 and now a
want to hear from the medical groups about vice president with the California Association
Kaiser Links Childhood that,” Cattaneo said.
However, the FSSB will also study concepts
Obesity to Esophogeal
being pushed by the Obama Administration in Continued on Next Page
Extremely obese and obese children
run a much higher risk of
gastroesophageal reux disease than
their thinner counterparts, according to
a study by Kaiser Permanente
researchers of its Southern California
Kaiser studied the electronic Analyzes Compensation Of Nearly 120 of California’s CEOs
medical records of more than 690,000
enrollees between the ages of 2 and 19
$149 (Executive Summary) $275 (Summary and Salary Data)
Continued on Page 3
Call (877) 248-2360, ext. 2 to order, or CLICK HERE

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* DMHC (Continued from Page Two)

Advertise of Physician Groups, believes that reform will Medical Group in Costa Mesa; and Edward
bring new pressures on medical groups. Cymerys, senior vice president and chief
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 “We’re not moving patients out of dead actuary of Blue Shield of California.
medical groups, but there’s going to be a lot of The new appointees include Larry
*For our ads, not your hospital
change,” he said. In particular, a huge deGhetaldi, M.D., head of the Santa Cruz
expansion of Medi-Cal patients will put a division of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation;
burden on a lot of groups to treat them while
In Brief
Ann Pumpian, chief nancial ofcer of Sharp
accepting razor-thin operating and prot Healthcare; Dave Meadows, vice president of
margins. California health programs for Health Net;
“The DMHC is going to have to keep a Tom Williams, Executive Director of the
much closer eye on solvency in that Integrated Healthcare Association; and Rick
in its health plan in Southern situation,” Barcellona said. Shinto, M.D., president and chief executive
California between 2006 and 2008. The board last met in October 2006. Three ofcer of IPA operator Aveta, Inc.
Researchers determined that children
who are extremely obese have a 40% of its eight members served during the board’s
higher chance to suffer GERD than do previous incarnation: Cattaneo; Keith Wilson,
children of a normal weight, while M.D., chief executive ofcer of the Talbert
those who are moderately obese have
a 30% greater chance of contracting

More Delays For Palmdale Regional

the condition.
GERD is characterized by the
liquid contents of the stomach owing
back into the esophagus. The
condition can lead to coughing, Hospital’s Projected Opening Now Two Years Late
asthma and an inamed larynx. If the
condition persists for years, it can lead
to a precancerous state in the
esophagus, and eventually esophageal The end of 2010. Maybe. spokesman David Byrnes said that “a schedule
cancer. Up to a quarter of the children That’s the latest projected opening date is difcult to project until the re damper issue
in the U.S. may be affected by the for Palmdale Regional Medical Center, one is resolved.” He noted there were issues in
condition, with increasing obesity of few hospitals built in California during the terms of how the re suppression system was
rates a contributing factor.
“The takeaway message of our past decade from the ground up. installed and functions.
study is that GERD now also is one of “It looks hopeful for this year, but the bottom Byrnes did add that most other issues – such as
the conditions associated with line is that we don’t have any idea,” said the leaky windows – have been resolved, but
childhood obesity," said study co- Julie Montague, spokesperson for Lancaster that the re suppression issue is particularly
author Corinna Koebnick, a Kaiser
Community Hospital, a nearby facility challenging. “The mitigation work could be
research scientist. “Beyond counseling
for weight loss, obese children who whose management will oversee the new substantial,” he wrote. “Identifying and
report symptoms of GERD may need hospital once it begins operations. resolving the issue in one of our highest
to be treated for the underlying The project, undertaken by Pennsylvania- priorities.”
reasons to help avoid persistence of based for-prot hospital operator Universal Sources have told Payers & Providers that
GERD into adulthood and to prevent
its complications.” Health Services, has been bedeviled by Universal is using a building contractor and
The study was published in the construction-related delays that now total architect that have never worked on a hospital
most recent issue of the International nearly two years and counting. The hospital in California before, and are therefore
Journal of Pediatric Obesity. is planned for 127 beds at opening, with an unaccustomed to working with OSHPD, whose
eventual expansion to 239 beds. It was planning and certication processes are
CHW Exec To Head originally scheduled to open in late 2008. formidable.
Advocacy Group Payers & Providers reported in April that the A Universal manager overseeing the
Ofce of Statewide Health Planning and construction project did not respond to a
Californians for Patient Care has
Development (OSHPD) could have issued a phone call and e-mail requesting comment.
named former Catholic Healthcare
West executive Carmella Gutierrez certicate of occupation for the hospital as Palmdale Regional Medical Center’s opening
as its president. early as late spring. However, that timetable does not represent the only difculty Universal
The 44-year-old Gutierrez has vanished, according to both Montague has had with California’s regulators. Its two-
previously served as a public and OSHPD ofcials. hospital Southwest Healthcare System came
affairs director at CHW. She had
previous experience as a regional Montague noted that the current delays close to losing its certications to receive
affairs manager in the U.S. center on inspections of the hospital’s drop Medicare and Medi-Cal funding earlier this
Department of Health and Human ceilings and its re-suppression system, both year due to persistent quality-of-care problems
Services. of which are being undertaken by OSHPD. at its facilities. It is working on implementing a
The Sacramento-based CPC
Project planners previously had to replace corrective plan to improve Southwest’s
advocates on behalf of the state’s 8
million uninsured. some 160 windows due to leaks. operations.
In an e-mailed statement, OSHPD

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

9-21:)!"6!;++1)!"< Healthcare Gold From Data Mining

Long Used Elsewhere, it Can be a Boon For Hospitals
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!'1%2/+3/456! Most hospital information systems are would like to track the productivity of their
778?!@4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! designed with an emphasis on daily clinical pharmacists, who have the
+1%+A*/=B/-4!/+!CDD!(!&)(*! operations. The electronic medical record responsibility of monitoring a patient’s
EC$FD!/4!%12GH?!;B!/+!0)2/.)*)0! system is used primarily to care for the changing lab results and adjusting his
%&!)I:(/2!(+!(!'JK! current clinical needs of the patient medication accordingly. By analyzing drug
(BB(A3:)4B6!-*!(+!(4!)2)AB*-4/A! population. Over time, hospital orders, lab results and pharmacist
4)L+2)BB)*? information systems compile tremendous intervention documentation, advanced
amounts of clinical data, however, this software can report on how individual
@22!(0.)*B/+/456!+1%+A*/%)*!(40! information is rarely given a pharmacists performed in meeting this task or
)0/B-*/(2!/4M1/*/)+N comprehensive, retrospective how they contributed to meeting other quality
analysis to spot long-term metrics. !
EO<<H!"FOI"PQ# trends. Medical executives In California, hospitals are
/4R-S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: want at-a-glance, “dashboard” required to report healthcare-
information to gauge acquired infections (HAIs).
organizational performance, However, making the
O$O!U?!V-22&L--0!W(&6!X1/B)!Y but they also need root-cause differentiation between
Y1*%(4G6!8@!D$Z#Z analyses of longer-term trends. ! healthcare-acquired versus
Data mining technology is community-acquired infections
W)%+/B) now being used to provide can be very time consuming
LLL?=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: reports across various because it involves reviewing
K(A)%--G healthcare data sets including many data points in a patient’s
LLL?R(A)%--G?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ pharmacy, lab, admission/ clinical profile.! Advanced data
>L/BB)* discharge and medical mining software can calculate the
LLL?BL/BB)*?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ transcripts.! It has been used for many By proper HAI rate and create comparison
years by business and government to Chun or benchmark reports. !
analyze trends in massive blocks of Another capability provided by this
\0/B-*/(2!Y-(*0 data such as airline passenger records, Wong advanced software is automatic
census data and supermarket scanner surveillance for infection control. In
>3)!8(:0)4!]*-1= information. ! the past, infection control practitioners such
By applying algorithms, association as pharmacists or epidemiologists had to
^-++!]-20%)*56!83(/*:(4!-R!B3)! rules and regression analysis to identify manually review hundreds of patient medical
Y-(*06!7-+!^-%2)+!V-+=/B(2!,! patterns and meanings, hospital records to identify at-risk individuals. Now
T)0/A(2!8)4B)* executives can spot trends that would software can enable automatic surveillance of
otherwise be hidden the entire patient population and quickly
_/:!7-BB6!\`)A1B/.)!9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6! Traditionally, when the hospital IT identify individuals requiring attention. !
V-+=/B(2!@++-A/(B/-4!-R!X-1B3)*4! department is asked to answer specific One of the key trends in healthcare
8(2/R-*4/( business questions, too often its staff reform is more transparency, meaning more
responds with raw files – endless rows of reports for consumers and regulators. Data
T)0/A(2!aRR/A)*6!7?@?!8(*)!V)(2B3! undigested numbers.! With data mining mining is the next, evolutionary step in
'2(4! tools in place, it is possible to transform hospital information systems. It can help
the filing cabinet into a “smart” prepare the basic reports and provide a
b)/B3!^/A3:(46!T?J?6!\`)A1B/.)! information repository which can provide valuable analysis of the trends behind the raw
9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6!7(G)+/0)! actionable reports for clinical and data. !
8-::14/B&!V)(2B3A(*) business decisions. !
For example, most California hospitals Chun Wong is chief executive officer of
V)4*&!7-1%)B6!83/)R!XB*(B)5&! have Pharmacy and Therapeutics Asolva, a Los Angeles-based firm that
aRR/A)*6!b))4(4 Committee guidelines on reduced use of designs streamlining software for a variety
antibiotics. Hospital leaders want to know of businesses.
'1%2/+3)*[\0/B-*I/4I83/)R how well the guidelines are being
^-4!X3/4G:(4 followed. Now, data mining software can
Op-ed submissions of up to 600 words are
evaluate antibiotic usage across several
)0/B-*S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
departments or different facilities.. ! !, or call
In a similar manner, many hospitals
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3.

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 5


VENTURA COUNTY HEALTH CARE SYSTEM is a new organization in Ventura County, CA with ofces located
in Oxnard. This new agency is building its organization starting at the top. There are immediate openings in the
following areas, with other management-level positions being announced soon. All employees will work for Regional
Government Services, assigned to the Ventura County Organized Health Care System. For more and specic details,
go to

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER – Salary up to $200,000; apply with a resume and cover letter by July 18, 2010 at The CEO develops, manages, and leads this new organization. Under the authority of the by-
laws and the policies of the board, this position implements strategic goals and objectives by leading and directing staff
to achieve the organization's philosophy, mission, strategy, annual goals, objectives, and nancial targets. This is a key
role in developing metrics to measure performance; serves as a liaison with the public, governmental organizations,
afliated organizations, and other stakeholders. Appropriate education with at least 10 years of progressively more
responsible executive level experience, in health care or managed care.

CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER – Salary up to $200,000; apply with a resume and cover letter by August 18, 2010 to This position is the principal manager of medical care, and is responsible for the
appropriateness and quality of medical care delivered and for the cost-effectiveness of service utilization. MD/DO
degree from an accredited program preferably in a primary care specialty; minimum two years experience in a
managed care plan preferred with duties comparable to those listed in the brochure, and experience administering
medical programs. Board certied in specialty and a minimum of 5 years clinical/medical practice experience;
knowledge of QI and UM resources management procedures; experience with and acceptance of managed health care
delivering systems and philosophy; and meets all criteria required of particular physicians, including a local medical

CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER – Salary up to $175,000; apply with a resume and cover letter by August 4, 2010 to The CFO’s responsibilities include the nancial analysis, budgeting, productivity,
benchmarking, reimbursement cost analysis, managed care risk report and analysis. The CFO must perform nancial,
business, and strategic goals; nancial analysis, budgeting, productivity, benchmarking, reimbursement cost analysis,
and managed care risk reporting and analysis; improve organizational productivity and cost-control; manage cash ow,
purchasing, invoices, and expenses; and meet the requirements of contracted entities, and state and federal government
regulations. It reports directly to the Chief Executive Ofcer and partners with department directors on strategic and
tactical matters relating to budget management, cost benet analysis, forecasting, and securing of new funding sources;
is responsible for providing nancial leadership and nancial management in business planning, accounting,
budgeting, scal management of organization’s operations, and protection of organization’s assets. This position
provides both operational and programmatic support, supervises the nance unit, and is the organization’s chief
nancial spokesperson. Appropriate education, and completion of 10 years of progressively more responsible
experience in nancial accounting and reporting for a health care organization, with at least 5 years at an executive
level with a proven track record of successful nancial management in healthcare, managed care insurance, or
nancial services.

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 6

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*New England Journal of Medicine, 2004.


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