Personal Development Plan

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Personal development plan

Miss M Parkes is a 21 year old studying business management at Manchester

whilst working for an international event rider, having the roles of assisted head
manager and groom. I joined the organisation full time in 2014 whilst having a
gap year and then transferred to university full part but continued to work as a
part-time member of staff. After a year of being the working pupil I was asked to
take on the extra role and responsibility of assisted head manager, this involves
looking after the stables and the other employees. After my second year I was
asked to complete my BHS stages to become fully qualified.

My employer is very supportive of my studies and has been able to offer me

flexible working days and made allowances for additional time of work to
complete my assignments.

Once fully qualified and with more experience, I am keen to take to more
responsibility and hopefully become the yard manager whilst continuing to focus
on my studies.

Part 1 Personal analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
My skills and detail of knowledge for In order to build my confidence I need to
my work are very good be more involved with customer relation
I can deal with pressurised situations by having more direct contact and
confidently, I have the ability to feedback. Employee feedback would also
prove clear direction when accidents boost my confidence so I know I am
happen in the workplace correctly managing
Having the opportunity to manager I need to take more time to plan a task
and lead employees over an before briefing the employees, ensuring
extended period of time, I have been that I provide a solution for any issues
able to demonstrate being able to that may arise
complete tasks on time and Working more effectively in team work
effectively whilst under pressure and ensuring I can step up to the mark
when necessary. Gaining more
experience in different scenarios of
taking on a team leader role would also
build my confidence further
Opportunities Threats
Demonstrate to my employer that I Balancing work and personal
have the correct leadership skills and commitments
experience to achieve specific tasks Balancing education and work
and complete these tasks commitments effectively
successfully. Highlighting the issues
and problems that have occurred and
been resolved whilst under my
Achieve a better work-education-life
balance allowing me to be more
To gain more feedback when leading
or managing situations

Part 2 Setting Goals

What do I What do I What How can I Target date

want to have to do? support and measure for review?
learn? resources success?
will I need?
Demonstrate Participate Advice from Formal and 27th March
proactive self- and attend both the yard informal 2017
development demos and manager and appraisal.
by taking part workshop yard owner Ensure I have
in learning with the and team attended
activities equine feedback. several training
industry. Discuss and centre and
Learn more agree on demonstrations
by observing specific in order to
experienced priorities with widen my
managers. yard manager. knowledge.
Foresee Training
potential centres that
obstacles and offer
find a way to workshops
overcome and
them more demonstratio
effectively. ns

Improve team Participate in Senior Mentoring and 13th March

working and different colleagues. performance 2017
leadership scenarios, Use training appraisal. Feedback 20th
skills. Widen more often and university Feedback from -27th March
my and not to be opportunities. other 2017
understandin an afraid to Revisit and employees/stud
g of take on role. revise ents and
leadership Observe more leadership by lecturers.
experienced using Assignment
manager and textbook, grades if group
gain internet and work.
friendship articles.
and trust.
Improve Improve Senior Feedback from 29th March
customer customer colleagues. the team and 2017
relations and interactions Revise and customers.
satisfaction as much as revisit the Study the figure
possible. subject. to see if
Provide more Advice from turnover has
feedback other decreases.
where businesses to Examine
possible. help gain a whether
Enhance better customer
customer understanding recommendatio
service s n have
strategy and Set up a increased.
skills. feedback

Part 3 Personal objectives

Short term goals (12 months 2 years)

Complete my BHS stage exams during the summer ensuring I pass and become
eligible for job promotion, allowing me to engage in more complex business
projects and activities.
Pass university and gain a degree

Medium term goals (2 3 years)

Given the responsibility of managing and leading a small team of employees and
offer support. Whilst being challenged in specific business projects.
Branch out and gain more workplace and industry experience including trade
shows and marketing opportunities.

Long term goals (beyond 3 years)

Branch out further potentially gaining a new job in the same industry but more
office based and a marketing/financial role offering more opportunity for travel
and more experience.
Be in a position to gain a promotion, and have the opportunity to gain more
responsibility for specific tasks and colleagues.

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