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The Treaty Of Versaille wasnt fair for German

Thanapond Namnanthasith

Mahidol University International Demonstration School

The treaty of Versalles wasnt fair for German

The world war one serverly damaged several countries included Germany, at the end the

treaty of Versalles was written up for every countries to sign. There were a total of 440 clauses

in the final treaty, and 414 clauses spelled out Germany's punishment (Document8a.) ,Germany

was accused of being the only cause of the war. They had expected all the treaty even they are

disadvantageous. The treaty of Versailles wasnt fair for Germany because the war was occurring

and damaged was the fault of every country that joined, German also lost a lot of peoples and

damage during the war, and German was forced to sign this treatly by their enemy.

For the first reason, focused on the cause of the war, before the world war one was

occurring there were Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, and systems of alliances spread out

in many countries in Europe including all the countries that joined in this war. In many countries,

there built up the armies, collected staffs, and also prepared their people to cope when they were

flighting. As the document 1 refered that The armies of both France and Germany had more

than doubled between 1870 and 1914. In both sides, they had to increase their armies as much

as they could to fight with the enermy side. Which indicated that they were ready for the war

every time and wanted to declare war with other countries to make them increased their power.

German was only one country that joined the war for the same reason as others countries, and

they were not the first country to start the war, but why German had to be the only country that

blamed to responsecarry the full responsibility of the war which every country were made and

decided to join by themselves. The problems and damage from the war was the fault of every

country, not only one so the responsibility should be divided fairly by the reason and the ways

they did. On this treaty the Triple ententes side, who won the war, blamed all responsibility to

their enemies, which German and their side was adverse on the treaty.
Another reason is German also lost a lot of people and damage during the war. In the war,

every country had to check for damage of their country, and when they know that they get lost

huge damage they would normally indignant and accused of their enemy. France too, From the

statistics in Document 6a, they might resent Germany that they were losing 1,357,800 people

thats a lot of their inhabitants. In the other hand, German lost their people around 30 percent

more than France, which high up to 1,773,700 people, and German was also the country that lost

highest number of deaths during the war, and also 4,216,058 soldiers wounded by the attachment

of their enemy. According to the document 8a, the treaty of Versallies, German had to pay 6,600

million for the damage causes of the war. But in Germany, they didnt get returned for the

damages from another side at all. In this war every country lost a huge armies and assets,

including Germany, So why German had to respond to the war while they didnt get one?

The last reason is German, was forced to sign the greatly by the way they didnt accept

with. The document 7a told that France, United states, Great Britain, and Russia were forced

German to sign this document, and then they couldnt oppose because they didnt have enough

power as their enemy side was as they were losers, moreover the document 7a also said that The

Germans were not invited to the Paris Conference and had no say in the making of the peace

treaty. The entente alliances side was doing everything to seize power of Germany, the German

forced to returned every country that theyhave taken during the war and give up Alsace Lorrajne.

And toreduce the power of the Germans army, Document 8a told that German had reduced

100,000 soldiers, Could had only 6 ships, no tank, submarine, and air force were allowed. So

German would have less power than others country and cannot be defended. Even German
known that this treaty wasnt fair, but they were no choicesfor defense and they were forced to

accept all the points.

In conclusion, Its not fair that The treaty at Varsaillies forced Germany to be only cause

because all countries should be fairly responses the results that they decided, even other

countries lost people and assets but German also damaged and lost a huge amount too, and it's

not fair because they were forced German to be the only victim who caused the war. Germany

was one of the country that damaged in the war as same as others, and it wouldnt be happen if

every country decided to avoid the violences. In addition they wanted to increase their power

through out the war, and that caused the bad effect then. They should be accepted and responded

to the results of their decision, not to put the Blame on one country to accept all responsibility.

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