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Erendira Phillips.

Period 6.
The Heros Journey


THE ORDINARY WORLD---I had gotten out of the IB program after dealing with
an overwhelmingly stressful freshman year, and continued my high school education
in CP classes sophomore year, not apart in any clubs what so ever, not even to create
the film club I had an idea for.

THE CALL TO ADVENTURE---I finally listened to my friends who urged me to

join the Performing Arts Academy and joined for my Junior year of high school,
and my friends again who encouraged me to start the film club I didnt start before.

THE REFUSAL OF THE CALL---I wasnt aware of how to start a club, which was
what prevented me from trying the previous year, and the only camera I had was
one I had bought for my birthday, which I had tried to make a film with last year,
but hadnt worked well. Also who in their right mind would want to do a film club
with me? Why, people who didnt like me would join, take over the club, and
destroy it and my dreams in the process.

MEETING WITH THE MENTOR--- My friends encouraged me, told me how to get
started, and actually helped me start the club. I asked Ms. Rubio if she could
provide the classroom and be the advisor, which she gladly agreed to. I was also
pointed to Mr. Mitchell by Mr. Wescott, whom without, none of this would be
possible, because Mr. Wescott helped to point us in the right direction, knowing we
didnt know how to work as a first-time club, and Mr. Mitchell provided the much-
needed equipment in order to continue the filming process. With their expertise,
guidance, and friendship, I was able to run the club decently for a first-time
president of a club.

CROSSING THE FIRST THRESHOLD---I was led up to the SBO by my friends

who helped me collect the paperwork in order to officially become a club at Modesto
High, which was a very tedious process to get everything in order, as well as spread
the news of the club and hope people were interested.

TESTS, ALLIES, AND ENEMIES---My tests were trying to plan ways to approach
the ways to run the club, being the amateur I was. Another test was trying to run the
club with the little to no funds we had in the beginning, taking as many donations of
make-up and supplies from friends like Alberto and Trinity. My biggest test was to
continue through with the anxiety I had that practically controlled me the years
prior and be the leader I was born to be, which to my relief, was a good enough for
those who knew it was my first time running a club and trying my best, even going
so far as to want me as the president instantly for a second year. My allies were my
friends, my family, the teachers who advised us, as well as Erin Gould, the director
from the web series CASTERS whom I admire, and who has supported my efforts
in my film club. My obvious enemies were trying to work under pressure and time,
as well as deal with constant critics from a member who wanted me to make
improvements already even though I was trying my best, as well as dealing with a
friend who ended up being more than enough to handle, and even became a problem
at times during the span-time of the club, but still, these helped me to shape up to be
better and be prepared for the next year.

APPROACH---The thought that I was actually going through this was mind-
boggling at times to see how far I had come, but I no doubt stumbled at times, but
still tried my best, but thought being able to make improvements for the club the
next year seemed a tedious thing to even thing about.

THE ORDEAL---Sometimes people made the film-process a bit harder than it

shouldve been, from constantly messing up lines, to trying to get schedules fixed,
work with difficult tasks, as well as try to fundraise AND make the films we had
upon donations from myself and other members of the club.

REWARD---The most gratifying moment was seeing all our movies we had spent all
year making shown off in the Modesto High School auditorium on May 6th, 2016. We
may have had a small crowd, the movies were short, yet there was a sense of
accomplishment for us all, as we watched our efforts displayed on a screen, and
saved forevermore to look back on and say I did that.

THE ROAD BACK---The road back was filled with joy and melancholy feelings as
we laughed about the past, and prepared for the approaching year, with many
thanking me for the club I had created, and being more than a leader, but a friend to
them all.

RESURRECTION---After the summer ended, I entered the new school year a

Senior. I felt that I had no reason to fear the world any more; that I was in control of
my life, and I knew where I wanted it to go from there. I wasnt afraid to be myself
anymore, and I wasnt going to hide anymore, or be silent to those who try and
suppress me. To be as kind to others as possible, knowing they are just like me and
want to have some brightness in their day when all they tend to see is the gloomy
side of things. To be even more of a leader than ever, and to come back and run the
club better than ever, with many happy to see me once more, and for the first time.

RETURN WITH THE ELIXIR---Creating a place of joy for people who want to
come back and make fun memories together as more than a club but as a family. To
be a leader, and a friend. To know that with what Ive done, Ive helped people get
out of dark places and turn their lives around. To teach not only myself, but
everyone I meet to be kind, and believe in themselves.

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