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All creatures now

Madrigal a 5 voces

The triumphes of Oriana, London 1601 John Bennet (c.1575-c.1614)

Treble 1        

All crea tures now are mer

   ry, mer ry, mer ry
Treble 2

All crea tures now are mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry,

All crea tures now are mer ry, mer ry mind



All crea tures now are mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry,
All crea tures now are mer ry, mer ry, mer ry,


ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry,

mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry mind ed, are mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry,


               mer  ry 

mer ry, mer ry mind ed, mer ry, mer ry mind ed, mer ry,


mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry,
mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry, mer ry mind


mer ry mind ed. The shep herd's daugh ters play ing, the shep herd's daugh ters


mer ry mind ed. The shep herd's daugh ters play ing, the


mind ed. The shep herd's daugh ters play
 ing, the shep herd's daugh ters


mer ry mind ed. The shep herd's daugh ters play ing, the

ed. The shep herd's daugh ters play ing, the shep herd's daugh ters
Edited by Nancho Alvarez
2 All creatures now Bennet


play ing the nymphs are fa la la ing
 the nymphs are fa la


shep herd's daugh ters play ing the nymphs are fa la la ing


play ing, are play ing are play ing, the nymphs are fa la la ing the nymphs are fa la


shep herd's daugh ters play ing the nymphs are fa la la ing
play ing the nymphs are fa la la ing the nymphs are fa la



la ing the nymphs are fa la

la la ing. Yond


the nymphs are fa la la ing the nymphs are fa la la ing. Yond

la ing, fa la la la la ing, fa la la la la la la ing. Yond

the nymphs are fa la la ing, the nymphs are fa la la la la la ing. Yond
la ing the nymphs are fa la la la la ing. Yond


bug le was well wind ed. At Or i a na's pres ence each thing


le was well wind ed. At Or
i a na's pres ence each thing



le was well wind ed. At Or i a
 na's pres ence each thing



bug le was well wind ed. At Or i a na's pres ence each thing
bug le was well wind ed. At Or i a na's pres ence each thing
Bennet All creatures now 3


smi leth. The flow'rs them selves dis cov er, the flow'rs them selves dis

smi leth. The flow'rs them selves dis cov er, the flow'rs them selves dis


smi leth. The flow'rs them selves dis cov er, the flow'rs them selves dis


smi leth. The flow'rs them selves dis cov er, the flow'rs them selves dis

smi leth. The flow'rs them selves dis cov er, the flow'rs them selves dis



cov er birds ov er her do ho ver


cov er birds ov er her do ho ver

cov er birds ov er her do ho ver



cov er birds ov er her do ho ver
cov er birds ov er her do ho ver


mu sic the time be guil eth, mu sic the time be guil eth. See


mu sic the time be guil eth. See


mu sic the time be guil eth, mu sic the time be guil eth. See
mu sic the time be guil eth, mu sic the time be guil eth. See
mu sic the time be guil eth. See
4 All creatures now Bennet



where she comes, see where she comes with flow' ry gar lands crown ed queen


where she comes, see where she comes with flow' ry gar lands crown ed queen of all

where she comes, see where she comes with flow' ry gar lands crown ed queen of all


where she comes, see where she comes with flow' ry gar lands crown ed
where she comes, see where she comes with flow' ry gar lands crown ed queen of all


of all queens re nown ed queen of all queens re nown ed.

queens re nown ed, queen of all queens re nown ed.

queens re nown ed, queen of all queens re nown ed.
queen of all queens re nown ed re nown ed.
queens re nown ed queen of all queens re nown ed.


Then sang the shep herds and nymphs of Di a na, nymphs of Di a


Then sang the shep herds and nymphs of fi a na, nymphs of Di a


Then sang the shep herds and nymphs of Di a na, nymphs of Di a

Then sang the shep herds and nymphs of Di a na, nymphs of Di a
Then sang the shep herds and nymphs of Di a na, nymphs of Di a
Bennet All creatures now 5


na: Long live fair Or i

na: Long live fair Or i a na, lon


na: Long live fair Or i a na


na: Long live fair Or i a
na: Long live fair Or i a na,



a na, Or i a na, fair Or


live fair Or i a na Or i a


long live, long live fair Or i a na, fair Or i

na, long live fair Or i a na, long live fair Or i
fair Or i a na, long live fair Or i



i a na, long live fair Or i a na.


na long live fair Or i a na, fair Or ia a na.


a na fair Or i a na.

a na, fair Or i a na.
a na, fair Or i a na.

Music engraving by LilyPond

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