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Veterans Day 2016

Nov. 9, 2016

desperate people there. again, ship life wore on. he says. Blankinship still attends Green
We drank water and ate rice and Youre kind of trapped together Years went by until he got help Team sessions, talking with other
from page 9 beans because we gave everything and theres not much to do but from the VA and was diagnosed veterans. At one time going three to
else we had on the ships, Blankin- think about it all and think, and with PTSD. He is now listed as 50 four times a week, now its about
ship, the 5th Marines were heading ship recalls. think and think and think. percent disabled from PTSD but once a week, depending. At work,
home in April 1991. You know how blue the ocean is. There were no celebratory crowds works at Michaels Steak Chalet in he didnt want to tell them at first
Its kind of exciting, going home. That clear blue, crystal blue water. upon their return - the Marines Osage Beach. why he had so many VA appoint-
On board, the mail is more consis- Before we could even see land, the were dropped off the coast and While PTSD is a hot topic now, ments, worried about what people
tent and you get letters from home. ocean turned brown from the de- took smaller boats one evening when he got out of the service in would think.
Back then, we had these things struction. To see the ocean like into Camp Pendleton instead of 1992, it was not something anybody I was hiding all of it, but even-
called VHS tapes. Thats how we got that was weird. The death and de- coming into harbor at San Diego. talked about, says Blankinship. tually I got over that, he says.
the news. We watched the parades struction was worse than the war. Later being discharged, there was Its a real disease that affects peo- While a majority of the military
and the homecomings. They made We were seeing people in these a short class on resume writing ples lives. Theres never a break- does not get PTSD, he encourages
it look so good. And you cant wait. banana boats begging, pleading and he was out the door. through. Theres no magic pill to fix veterans to talk to somebody if
Mother Nature and Americas for help. Their whole area was just He struggled to get a job right out it. Its not something that can be theyre having any issues.
force for good had other plans gone. It was incredible destruction of the military and ended up getting cured. Its learning to live with it, he It took somebody telling me.
though. and so far from the whole war hired as a bouncer at a bar. says. The biggest misconception is The thing is youre f!@#$% up, but
Miles and miles away, one of the thing. Youre up because youre go- To escape his thoughts, he began that people think were all crazy and you dont know it, he says. But its
deadliest tropical cyclones on record ing home and then this hits you. Af- drinking, getting drunk most nights. violent. And there are some who are not you. If anybody gets anything
hit southeast Bangladesh on April terwards, I didnt care about going It was his escape. violent, but its really all depression, out of this article, its to go talk to
29. The 1991 Bangladesh cyclone home anymore. It was a lot to ab- Old friends from outside the mil- sadness, guilt, what ifs. Its all indi- somebody. The VA saved my life. Id
and storm surge killed at least sorb. We have hurricanes and yeah itary didnt understand, didnt get vidual. There are some Marines probably be dead now if not for
138,000 people and left some 10 its bad, but you know itll get bet- it. who are really gung-ho, but were all them.
million homeless. ter. Because of the society we live in, You have stupid friends who human. Were all Marines, but were If there are any veterans who
The ship was sent to the area to well make it better. Those poor just ask you how many people you all individuals too and we all han- would like to talk with Blankinship,
provide humanitarian relief. It b!@#$%^s dont have that. killed. They dont understand, and dle things differently. you may contact him at Michaels
emptied out its supplies to help the Back underway to the States its not an easy thing to talk about, Years after starting therapy, Steak Chalet, 573-348-3611.

into it so I could stick my There were several mo- A NSER! !
from face down inside to get a ments of silence on the LOAN E ODA
page 8 little warmth from the train, followed by cheers
blood. I was so cold lying and tears. O
pitched it at me," Bassett there, but I could not move He spent the next sever- E
recalled. around to try to get warm." al weeks working at a E KT
It exploded, sending He never knew when the mountain ski resort in Zell AR EC
shrapnel in every direc- medics arrived, but his first am See, Austria. He earned CH
tion. In anticipation of the memory was waking up in money by selling ski equip- Berkshire Hathaway
explosion, Bassett had a warm aid station. ment that had been con-
pushed himself as far into "They tried to take my fiscated from German ski HomeServices
the deep, powdery snow coat off but the sleeve was troops.
as possible. frozen with blood and they From there he went to Lake Ozark Realty
"I was lying facedown cut it off to find I had been New Jersey where his sis-
so the grenade didn't do as shot in the arm and didn't ter, Theone, who through extends a heartfelt
much damage as it could even know it," Bassett said. various channels had
have, but it did hit quite a
bit of my face," he said.
At the hospital in Leige,
Belgium, medical person-
nel used a magnet to pull
learned her brother was
onboard the ship. He went
to Camp Kilmer, N.J.,
thank you
Medics wouldn't reach
him for about an hour. pieces of the shrapnel from where he was issued dis- to all the men and
"As the tanks were going his face. The deeper pieces charge papers, given some
past in both directions, I of metal would take years money for transportation women who fought
was lying there afraid one to work themselves out. home.
of them might see me and After being discharged His parents had moved for our freedom, as Lake Ozark
fire something more dead- from the hospital, Bassett from Des Moines to Lake
was returning to his com- Ozark. He bought train well as those who Realty
ly at me. I tried to cover
myself with snow as much pany and were met with and bus transportation to
as I could, but stuck the several GIs proclaiming what would become his continue to serve. 573-365-6868
muzzle of my riffle deep in that the war had ended. forever home.
They threw copies of "Stars "And as you know, I am 101 Crossings West Drive, Suite 202, Lake Ozark, MO 65049
the snow so the medics
and Stripes" with the head- still here, and enjoying
would be able to find me.
lines "World War II Has every bit of it," he con- 2014 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the
"I took off my steel hel- Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc. Equal Housing Opportunity.
met and let my face bleed Ended!" cluded.

Thank you for your service.

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