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Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948

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Research paper

Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Roman pottery from an

archaeological site near Monje (Slovenia)
Sabina Kramar a,, Judita Lux b, Ana Mladenovi c, Helmut Pristacz d, Breda Mirti e,
Milan Sagadin f, Nastja Rogan-muc e
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Conservation Centre, Restoration Centre, Poljanska 40, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Conservation Centre, Preventive Archaeology Centre, Tomieva 7, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia
Slovenian National Civil Engineering Institute, Dimieva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
University of Vienna, Institute of Crystallography and Mineralogy, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology, Akereva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Cultural Heritage Service, Regional Ofce Kranj, Tomieva 7, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Roman pottery excavated from the remains of a villa rustica near Monje (Slovenia) was analyzed in terms of
Received 28 April 2011 its mineralogical and basic geochemical characteristics, to elucidate the technologies of manufacture. Select-
Received in revised form 8 December 2011 ed samples were examined with optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, SEMEDS and ICP-OES. Results
Accepted 24 December 2011
show that the studied pottery samples can be divided into two main groups based on the nature and size of
Available online 23 January 2012
grains; calcite-tempered pottery and pottery containing predominant ne quartz grains. This mineralogical
distinction also reects differences in production technology.
Roman pottery 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mineralogical composition
Monje (Slovenia)

1. Introduction with optimum properties in terms of forming, ring and the resultant
physical properties of the nished ceramics (Hoard and O'Brien,
Ceramic production is one of the oldest and most widespread of all 1995; Iordanidis et al., 2009; Tite et al., 2001). Many technological
human activities. Archaeological artefacts such as pottery, brick and procedures are currently available to achieve these desired character-
tile are important sources of information regarding ancient civiliza- istics of the nal product, including levigation, tempering with
tions, providing clues not only of their technological skills, but also non-plastic materials and/or mixing of clays (Tite, 1999).
of cultural and trade links between continents. Mineralogical and The presence or absence of certain mineral phases provides infor-
chemical characterization of pottery, beside their documentation mation regarding the ring conditions in terms of both temperature
value (Barone et al., 2002; Barrios-Neira et al., 2009; Belore et al., and atmosphere used during pottery production (Iordanidis et al.,
2007; Comodi et al., 2006; De Clercq and Degryse, 2008; Iordanidis 2009). It is known that during ring, clay minerals decompose and
et al., 2009; Papachristodoulou et al., 2006) may reveal signicant react with temper minerals to form new microcrystalline mineral
information about the provenance of the raw material used (Adan- phases, with the latter depending mainly on the composition of the
Bayewitz and Wieder, 1992; Barone et al., 2005; Sherriff et al., 2002; raw clay-rich material, its granulometry, additives, the ring temper-
Wieder and Adan-Bayewitz, 1999), and potentially the technology in- ature as well as the kiln atmosphere conditions (Cultrone et al., 2001;
volved in the manufacturing process (Belore et al., 2010; Breeze, Daszkiewicz and Schneider, 1999; Maggetti, 1982).
1986; Mangone et al., 2009; Rathossi et al., 2004; Schwedt and Nevertheless, as yet relatively few studies have investigated the
Mommsen, 2004; Velraj et al., 2009). abovementioned aspects of Prehistoric (ibrat-Gapari, 2008;
When natural clay is not suitable for direct use in ceramic produc- Zupani and Munda, 2006) and/or Roman ceramics (Daszkiewicz and
tion, treatment takes place in order to produce a workable clay paste Schneider 1999; Daszkiewicz and Schneider, 2008a; Daszkiewicz and
Schneider, 2008b; Zupani, 2006; Zupani and Bole, 1997) in
Slovenia. One of the most important newly discovered archaeological
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 386 1 23 43 100; fax: + 386 1 23 43 176. sites in Slovenia is located near the village of Monje, in the north-
E-mail address: (S. Kramar). west of the country. Architectural remains, together with the familiar

0169-1317/$ see front matter 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
40 S. Kramar et al. / Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948

(caldarium) was covered with white and black mosaic (Kramar et al.,
2011). The discovery of small nds such as coins, jewellery, elements
of costume and fragments of pottery within closed stratigraphic layers
suggests that the Roman villa rustica was inhabited during the 1st and
2nd centuries AD, and that by the 3rd or early 4th century was already
in ruins (Sagadin and Lux, 2010). Various other archaeological nds
from mixed layers further indicate that the area has been inhabited
since the early Iron Age.
Information regarding the microlocation, type, surface colour and
probable date of the pottery samples is provided in Table 1.
Fragments of pottery were selected from closed stratigraphic units
exclusively from the area of the residential building of the villa rustica
and mostly dated to four specic time periods (Fig. 2). It is widely
known that coarse ware and also domestic tableware are usually of
local manufacture and usually these forms are not chronologically
Fig. 1. Aerial photograph of the villa rustica site (residential building circled). very sensitive (Vidrih Perko, 1997). Nevertheless, it was possible to
date the oldest fragment to La Tne period (Late Iron Age) or
Early Roman period, followed by fragments from Early Roman
analogies of Roman villas and ancient literature sources (Lux, 2008; period, Roman period and the youngest fragments from Late Roman
Sagadin and Lux, 2010) indicate that the site is that of a Roman country period.
villa (villa rustica), which may also had been used as a road station Only those samples of pottery, which according to archaeological
(mansio). Basic archaeological study of the selected pottery, based on considerations were recognized as local or perhaps regional products
examination of ware shape, style, colour, decoration and overall fabric (i.e. not imported/terra sigillata) were selected for the study. Howev-
was performed, although mineralogical and chemical analyses were er, an amphora sherd was included as most probably representing an
not conducted. imported sample (Horvat, 1999).
The present study therefore deals with the characterization of this
pottery, in order to determine potential differences in composition or
technology and their correlation with various time periods. The aims 2.2. Methods
of the study are:
In order to characterize pottery texture, type and content of
- to determine the mineralogical characteristics of the Roman particular components and technologies of manufacture, optical mi-
pottery croscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, SEMEDS and ICP-OES analyses
- to assess the geochemical composition of the pottery sherds, and were employed.
- to determine the technological processes involved in their Polished thin sections of pottery samples were examined with op-
production. tical microscopy using an Olympus BX-60 microscope equipped with
a digital camera (Olympus JVC3-CCD).
2. Experimental Bulk mineralogical composition was determined via X-Ray Powder
Diffraction (XRD) using a Philips PW3710 X-ray diffractometer
2.1. Materials equipped with Cu K radiation and a graphite monochromator. Data
were collected at 40 kV and 30 mA in the range 270 2, with a scan-
Archaeological excavation conducted in 2007 of a Roman villa ning speed of 3.4/min. All samples were milled in an agate mortar to a
rustica located near Monje, Slovenia, revealed the remains of ve particle size of less than 50 m prior to XRD analysis.
masonry buildings incorporated within an embankment (Fig. 1; Microtexture and chemical composition of polished thin sections
Kramar et al., 2008). Two of the main structures represent a residence of the sherds were examined using the back-scattered electron
and a farm building, with the former having seven rooms, including (BSE) image mode of low vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy
bath (balneum). Rooms of the bath complex were decorated by red (SEM) and the Energy Dispersive X-Ray technique (EDS), on a JEOL
wall painting and polished white renders, while oor of the hot room 5500 LV SEM.

Table 1
Pottery samples from the archaeological site near Monje.

Sample Location Type Surface colour Date

Grid square Stratigraphic unit (Munsell colour chart)

K1 L10 187 Coarse ware 7.5YR5/1 (grey) Late Roman (4th beginning of the 5th c AD)
K2 N8 160 Coarse ware 10YR7/6 (yellow) Late Roman (4th beginning of the 5th c AD)
K3 L10 137 Fine ware 7.5YR6/8 (reddish yellow) Early Roman (end of 1st c BC to beginning of 1st c. AD)
K4 N8 164 Fine ware 5YR6/6 (reddish yellow) Late Roman (4th beginning of the 5th c AD)
K5 N6,N7 127 Amphora 7.5YR7/4 (pink) Roman (1stc.4thc.AD)
K6 N7,O7 162 Coarse ware 7.5YR6/4 (light brown) Early Roman (end of 1st c BC to beginning of 1st c. AD)
K7 L9 196 Fine ware 10YR4/1 (dark grey) Early Roman (Late Iron Age?) (1st c.BC)
K8 L13 529 Coarse ware 10YR3/1 (very dark grey) Early Roman (end of 1st c BC to beginning of 1st c. AD)
K9 N7,O7 162 Fine ware 5YR6/8 (reddish yellow) Roman (1stc.4thc.AD)
K10 M9, N9 198 Coarse ware 10YR4/1 (dark grey) Early Roman (end of 1st c BC to beginning of 1st c. AD)
K11 N10 164 Coarse ware 7.5YR5/4 (brown) Late Roman (4th beginning of the 5th c AD)
K12 N7,O7 162 Fine ware 5YR7/6 (reddish yellow) Roman (1stc.4thc.AD)
K13 O7 162 Fine ware 5YR6/6 (reddish yellow) Roman (1stc.4thc.AD)
K14 L12 329 Coarse ware 7.5YR5/2 (brown) Early Roman (end of 1st c BC to beginning of 1st c. AD)
K16 N8 164 Coarse ware 7.5YR5/2 (brown) Late Roman (4th beginning of the 5th c AD)
S. Kramar et al. / Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948 41

Fig. 2. Map of the archaeological site, showing the residence and corresponding sampling locations.

All pottery samples were analyzed in terms of their major chemical element and the calculations mentioned above were computed
composition (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2 and P2O5) using the statistical software programme Statistica VI.
in an accredited commercial Canadian laboratory (Acme Analytical
Laboratories, Vancouver, B.C., Canada), after fusion with a mixture of 3. Results and discussion
lithium metaborate/tetraborate and dissolution in nitric acid by induc-
tively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Total carbon 3.1. Optical microscopy analysis
content was obtained via combustion in an oxygen current (LECO
method), while CO2 and volatiles were measured by precision scale According to optical microscopy, all investigated pottery samples
weighing after calcination at 1100 C (LOI). The accuracy and precision could be divided into two groups; one dominated by coarse calcite
of the analysis are estimated to be better than 5% using the reference grains (Group 1) and the other dominated by ne silicate grains
material CCRMR SO-18 CSC. This was conrmed by the results of dupli- (Group 2).
cate measurement of 10 pottery samples as well as of the standards. The coarse grained sherds belonging to Group 1 (samples K1, K2,
To identify distinct grouping of investigated pottery samples, hier- K6, K8, K10, K11, K14 and K16), are characterized by the presence
archical cluster analysis was applied using Ward's method and of poorly sorted coarse calcitic grains, 4050% of the total mass,
squared Euclidean distance. The basic statistical parameters for each which are randomly distributed throughout the sherds (Fig. 3). In

Fig. 3. Photomicrographs (Transmission light, crossed polars) of the pottery samples in Group 1. (a) Poorly-sorted coarse calcite grains with a high proportion of smaller grains, sam-
ple K2. (b) Coarse-grained monocrystalline calcite and elongated pores, sample K6. (c) Larger calcite grains with reduced content of ner fractions, sample K10. (d) Slightly rounded
calcite grains, sample K16.
42 S. Kramar et al. / Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948

terms of their grain size (according to the UddenWentworth grain (samples K4 and K7). Samples K4 and K13 in places also contain rem-
size scale), pottery samples can be classied into those consisting of nants of well-oriented red clay illuviation a characteristic of the pri-
a coarse sand fraction of up to 1 mm in diameter (samples K11 and mary clay mass (clay accumulation). Samples in Group 2 are
K16), a very coarse sand fraction (samples K1, K6, K8 and K14), and differentiated in terms of their grain size, with samples K5, K3 and
those composed of very coarse gravel (sample K10). K9 consisting of grains up to 0.15 mm, and samples K4, K7 and K12
With the exception of samples K11 and K16, which contain round- being composed of middle-sized sand grains up to 0.6 mm.
ed calcite grains, in the remaining samples grains are angular and Quartz grains in Group 2 sherds are mainly monocrystalline,
probably derived from intentionally crushed rock, most probably although polycrystalline forms were observed in places. Sample K12
marble, which was added to the clay as temper. In the matrix, also contained individual microcrystalline grains (chert). In sample
minor amounts of small quartz and muscovite grains were also ob- K9 grains of sericitized K-feldspar (0.140.37 mm) were identied,
served. Rounded single-crystal quartz grains ca. 0.07 mm in size while carbonate grains are present in sample K13, the latter consid-
occur in all samples within the group, although in samples K10 and ered to originate from the primary clay mass. These carbonate grains
K16 rounded quartz also occurs in the form of slightly larger polycrys- are represented by rounded micritic limestone, ca. 0.200.64 mm in
talline grains (up to 0.66 mm) and in sample K11 as microcrystalline diameter, as well as fossil fragments (foraminifera, 0.130.26 mm).
grains (up to 0.13 mm). These microfossils are not present in the local geological formations
The most important difference between samples within this group (Cimerman, 1967; Grad and Ferjani, 1976), suggesting a non-local
lies in the abundance of non-plastic inclusions (quartz and illite/ source for the raw material used for this sherd. However, fossils are
muscovite), as well as the smaller size and shape of calcite grains. commonly quite common in archaeological ceramics, with marls
Dated to the late Roman period and containing only small amounts frequently being used as raw materials for pottery; Egyptian light
of quartz, samples K1 and K2 are similar to those dated to the early pottery is especially rich in microfossils (Riederer, 1992, 2004).
Roman period. It seems therefore that during the very late Roman pe- The sherds of Group 2 contain also numerous iron nodules, includ-
riod (K11, K16) the source of the clay mass used in pottery produc- ing silt-size quartz grains, that are abundant in samples K9, K5 and
tion had changed. In addition, the rounded calcite grains in samples K13. This could suggest another clay source, as their occasional
K11 and K16 could also represent the original clay mass, which con- streak-like appearance (as in sample K4) is similar to that occurring
tains coarse carbonate grains. in a heterogenous mixture of two clays with different iron content.
The ne-grained sherds of Group 2 (samples K3, K4, K5, K7, K9, The mixture observed here is likely that of two varieties of a local
K12, and K13) are primarily characterized by abundant quartz and clay, probably from a natural source, rather than a mixture deliberate-
by lesser amounts of illite/muscovite (Fig. 4). Due to the large vari- ly made by the potters (Daszkiewicz and Schneider, 1999). Wieder
ability within the group, the sherds can be subdivided only according and Adan-Bayewitz (1999) have reported that such soil nodules
to their grain size into those largely composed of a ne silt fraction were also added as temper in cases where the initial soil material
(samples K3, K5, K9, and K13), a ne very ne sand fraction was rich in carbonates, apparently in order to improve the properties
(sample K12), and those characterized by a medium sand fraction of the raw material used in pottery production. However, iron

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs (Transmission light, crossed polars) of the pottery samples in Group 2. (a) Fine grained pottery, sample K5. (b) Coarse sand fraction, sample K7. (c) Iron
nodules, sample K9. (d) Carbonate grains, fossils and well-orientated red clay streaks, sample K13.
S. Kramar et al. / Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948 43

nodules are common constituents of clay in Slovenian soils and are would produce a material with high strength required for transporta-
therefore also fairly abundant in archaeological pottery from the re- tion (Sherriff et al., 2002).
gion (ibrat-Gapari, 2008).
The presented composition results indicate that it is possible to as- 3.2. X-ray powder diffraction
sign the neware sherds to groups based on the various types of raw
materials used, i.e. clay containing carbonate grains, soil nodules, and Results of X-ray powder diffraction (Table 2 and Fig. 5) are in gen-
the occurrence of monocrystalline and/or polycrystalline quartz. eral agreement with mineralogicalpetrographic observations. Feld-
The mineralogicalpetrographic analysis results provide evidence spar, hematite, magnetite, diopside and montmorillonite were
of two technological aspects involved in the production of the inves- identied only using X-ray powder diffraction.
tigated pottery: samples containing coarse-calcite grains, were added The two pottery groups dened according to optical microscopy
to reduce the plasticity (Group 1), and those with ne grains that are results also have distinct mineralogical composition. Group 1 contains
part of the primary clay mass (Group 2). abundant calcite, followed by lesser amounts of quartz and in some
With the exception of sherd K13 (Group 1), in which the carbonate sherds also feldspar (Fig. 6a). With the exception of calcite, other car-
grains are probably constituents of the primary clay, in all other sherds bonate minerals identied included ankerite in sample K11, suggest-
the coarse calcite grains were probably added as temper. Thus Group 1 ing a different source of fabric for sherds of this type. Clay minerals
may represent a collection of calcite-tempered pottery, well known for include illite in all Group 1 sherds, and traces of montmorillonite in
being widely used in cooking vessels since the prehistoric period in the sherds K1, K10, K14 and K16. All these samples contain smaller
midwestern United States and Europe (Hoard and O'Brien, 1995; Rye, amounts of illite/muscovite compared to sherds in Group 2. Group 2
1976). This includes Neolithic and Roman Slovenia (Daszkiewicz and itself is characterized by the absence of calcite (with the exception
Schneider, 1999, 2008b; ibrat-Gapari, 2008), with several examples of sherd K13) and montmorillonite, and the presence of a signicant
of shell-, limestone- and marble-tempered vessels. Calcite was often amounts of quartz, followed by illite/muscovite and feldspar
also preferred as a temper over quartz, especially when manufacturing (Fig. 6b). The presence of calcite in K13 indicates a parent carbonate
tableware due to the exibility provided to create smaller vessels of clay. Traces of hematite were recorded in some samples, while mag-
various shapes and wall thicknesses (Papachristodoulou et al., 2006). netite was observed in sherds K3 and K5. Diopside, typical of high
A similar recipe might be expected for cooking pots, as calcite temper temperature ring, was identied in K5.
generally ensures a high thermal shock resistance necessary for articles The mineralogical composition of the sherds depends on the com-
exposed to repeated heating and cooling cycles during use (Tite et al., position of the raw material and on the ring conditions. Quartz
2001). Highly plastic clays, cannot be used alone for pottery making. (Table 2) is often considered an indigenous phase found in clay de-
By adding the non-plastic calcareous material these changes swelling posits and thus its use as an intentionally-added temper is not easy
and shrinkage are diminished, resulting in a more suitable raw material to conrm (Papachristodoulou et al., 2006). Quartz temper is more
(Adan-Bayewitz and Wieder, 1992). Also, calcite decreases the refrac- likely to initiate cracking upon ring of the clay paste, owing to the
tory nature of clay, allowing pottery to be red at lower temperatures higher expansion rate of the quartz crystal (Hoard and O'Brien,
(Greene, 1986; Lawrence, 1972). The higher proportion of temper ob- 1995; Tite et al., 2001). As a result, quartz-tempered pottery is less re-
served in coarseware results in a tougher vessel, with the higher ther- sistant to mechanical and thermal stresses arising during use, when
mal shock resistance required for cooking pots (Sherriff et al., 2002; compared with calcite-tempered pottery (Tite et al., 2001). The pres-
Tite et al., 2001). Moreover the thermal expansion rate of calcite is ence of calcite in certain samples suggests that these sherds were
very similar to that of the raw clay minerals used, thus preventing subjected to ring temperatures below 800 C (Iordanidis et al.,
the development of microcracks upon ring of the clay paste (Rye, 2009; Musthafa et al., 2010). At temperatures higher than 700 C, cal-
1976). The results presented here suggest that the vessels in Group 1, cite will start to decompose to lime which rapidly hydrates on cool-
given their temper content, were tough cooking vessels with high ther- ing. This hydration is accompanied by expansion, which causes
mal shock resistance, which were probably red at lower tempera- spalling and cracking of the pottery (Feathers, 1989).
tures. However, the use of a high temper concentration and low Feldspars, which are constituents of the original clay, are present
ring temperature is the associated high porosity and permeability of in all sherds in Group 2 and in most sherds of Group 1. The
the vessel wall, which reduces the heating effectiveness of the resulting feldspar-free sherds represent calcite-tempered pottery, suggesting
cooking pot. another type of clay used.
In general, to produce pottery with high strength requires a low Although some XRD peaks may be masked, clay minerals tend to be
temper concentration and a high ring temperature. The lower con- found only in sherds red at low temperatures (Daszkiewicz and
centration of temper in amphora, as observed also in our case, Schneider, 1999). Clay mineral structure collapses after dehydroxylation

Table 2
Results of X-ray powder diffraction. Number of (*) relates to mineralogical phase abundance. (/) mineralogical phase not detected, (?) possible presence.

Sample Quartz Calcite Ankerite Feldspar Illite/muscovite Montmorillonite Hematite Magnetite Diopside

K1 * ****** / / * ? / / /
K2 * ****** / / * / / / /
K3 ****** / / *** ** / * / /
K4 ****** / / * ** / * / /
K5 **** / / ** ** / * * **
K5 ** ***** / * ** / / / /
K7 ***** / / * *** / / / /
K8 ** ****** / * * / / / /
K9 ****** / / ** ** / * / /
K10 ** ****** / / / ? / / /
K11 ** **** / * * ? / / /
K12 ****** / / ** * / * * /
K13 **** ** / ** ** / * / /
K14 ** ****** / / ** ? / / /
K16 *** *** / ** ** ? / / /
44 S. Kramar et al. / Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948

Fig. 5. X-ray powder diffraction patterns of pottery samples: (a) Coarseware (Group 1), (b) Fineware (Group 2).

to resemble an illite-like structure when a temperature of between 450 destruction of illite-muscovite at 9501000 C normally yields diopside
and 550 C is reached (Evans and White, 1958). A dehydroxylated phyl- and gehlenite along with iron oxides such as hematite (Molera et al.,
losilicate phase, structurally different to the hydrated version 1998).
(Guggenheim et al., 1987) exists at temperatures of up to 950 C when Traces of hematite were identied in almost all Group 2 sherds,
complete breakdown of dehydroxylated illite occurs (Peters and Iberg, causing the vivid orange colour of the sherds, which implies an oxi-
1978). The greater illite/muscovite content in Group 2 sherds suggests dising ring atmosphere. Sherd K7 on the other hand does not con-
that they were decomposed at 7001000 C (Rathossi et al., 2004). tain hematite, which together with its grey colour suggests a low
Depending on the composition of the ceramic body, complete ring temperature. The presence of magnetite in samples is related
S. Kramar et al. / Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948 45

Fig. 6. SEM photomicrographs of pottery samples. (a) Preserved laminar habit of phyllosilicates, sample K1. (b) Vitried matrix, sample K5. (c) Abundant phyllosilicates in the ma-
trix of sample K12. (d) Elongated pores, sample K16. (e) Illitemuscovite micromass, sample K7. (f) Limestone grain, sample K13.

to the occurrence of iron nodules (recognized under the optical mi- Si/Al ratio results (Table 3) reveal the use of a diversity of clays in
croscope), where the oxygen fugacity was not sufcient for hematite the production of the investigated pottery. Sherds of the calcite-
formation. tempered pottery (Group 1) in general contain greater Si/Al ratios,
Diopside was found only in sherd K5, associated by other high suggesting the use of montmorilloniteillite clay an argument
temperature minerals such as hematite. This suggests that K5 was
subjected to a higher ring temperature (>850 C) with respect to
the other sherds. Released by the decomposition of clays and temper Table 3
(quartz and plagioclase), SiO2 and Al2O3 react with free CaO to form Results of SEMEDX analysis of pottery matrixes, employing an average value of 15
spot analyses per sample.
Ca-silicates such as diopside and wollastonite, as well as CaAl sili-
cates such as anorthite and gehlenite (Rathossi et al., 2004). Pottery group Sample Si/Al ratio
In summary the XRD results suggest that the ring temperature Group 1 K1 1.90
did not exceed signicantly 700 C in Group 1 sherds, while in Group 1 K2 1.38
Group 2 sherds ring temperature reached up to 900 C. Group 2 K3 1.35
Group 2 K4 1.70
Group 2 K5 2.40
3.3. SEMEDS Group 1 K6 1.89
Group 2 K7 1.44
Since the type of clay mineral used is difcult to determine using Group 1 K8 2.35
Group 2 K9 1.33
optical microscopy and/or X-ray powder diffraction, a method com-
Group 1 K10 2.05
monly employed is the determination of Si/Al ratios derived from a Group 1 K11 2.00
series of spot microanalyses in sherd matrices. The SiO2 ratios are Group 2 K12 1.72
2.583.47, 1.532.62 and 1 for montmorillonite, illite and kaolinite Group 2 K13 3.88
respectively (Newman, 1987). Signicant textural differences related Group 1 K14 2.22
Group 1 K16 2.37
to pore morphology and pore volume, were also investigated.
46 S. Kramar et al. / Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948

supported by the high abundance of Ca in the matrix of these sam- concentrations were observed in sherds K3, K4, K5, K7, K9, K12 and
ples. Other sherds are characterized by the predominance of illite, po- K13. Such values likely reect the presence of hematite/magnetite
tentially mixed with other clay minerals, especially those with very and clay minerals in the abovementioned samples, which is in accor-
low Si/Al ratio and enhanced Mg values could indicate chlorite dance with the absence of coarse-grained calcite. Reecting their
(Rathossi et al., 2004). In Group 2 sherds, extremely high Si/Al ratios higher clay mineral and feldspar content, sherds K4, K7, K9 and K12
were identied in K5 and K13. contain the highest amount of Al2O3. Moderate concentrations of al-
The matrix of Group 1 sherds is typied by the occurrence of elon- kalis were observed in all sherds (0.07%0.75% for Na2O and 0.68%
gated pores or ssures (Fig. 6), with some cracks surrounding carbon- 3.02% for K2O). The highest potassium levels were observed in K4,
ate grains. These carbonates do not seem to have been involved in K5, K7, K9 and K13, reecting their greater K-feldspar and illite/mus-
high-T reactions, suggesting ring temperatures lower than 800 C covite content. MgO concentrations range between 0.76% and 2.64%,
(Cultrone et al., 2001). The laminar habit of phyllosilicates (illite/ with the highest values detected in K3, K5, K11 and K13 possibly re-
muscovite) in the samples remains preserved although muscovite lated to the presence of montmorillonite, and additionally in K11 to
crystals clearly exfoliate along basal planes, most probably due to the presence of ankerite. Furthermore, the MnO content varies be-
dehydroxylation. These samples do not show clear evidence of sinter- tween 0.01% and 0.12%, and the TiO2 and P2O5 concentrations range
ing or partial melting. The preservation of the laminar habit of phyllo- from 0.21% to 1.68% and from 0.17% to 1.68% respectively, without
silicates may indicate a ring temperature between 700 and 800 C signicant variations among the analyzed sherds. The major element
(Cultrone et al., 2001). results generally reect the mineralogical composition of the sherds.
The sherds of Group 2 are characterized by a relatively compact Multivariate analysis showed that the 15 sherds are clustered into
micromass, with the exception of K9, the elongated pores of which, two major distinct groups, according to the prevailing mineralogical
suggest another more plastic type of clay. In K7 an illite micromass component: carbonate or silicate (Fig. 7). This reects the results of
was identied, with the unaltered grains of illite indicating a lower optical microscopy, in which samples are also distinguished in two
ring temperature (Fig. 6e). The laminar habit of some illite grains major groups. The only exception is sherd K16, which due to its
was also preserved in K13, which together with the unchanged car- high SiO2 content plots as an outlier to the second group.
bonate grains (Fig. 6f) indicates a low ring temperature. In contrast, The rst group consists of 7 sherds (K1, K2, K6, K8, K14, K10 and
the matrices of other sherds from Group 2 have undergone change K11), characterized by high CaO content and respective stratigraphic
characteristic of higher ring temperatures. For instance, the laminar positions. Sherds K1, K2 and K6 form a rst small subgroup with com-
habit of illite was not observed in other sherds of this group. In K4, K5, parable SiO2-contents. Sherds K8 + K11 and K10 + K14 also form two
and K13 sherds pores were observed within the micromass. In K5 a subgroups, because of their very similar CaO and SiO2 contents. The
large amount of small pores was observed, probably due to extended second group includes 8 sherds (K3, K4, K5, K7, K9, K12, K13 and
vitrication. The presence of many small pores is indicative of a K16) characterized by high SiO2 contents. K4 and K9 have similar
higher ring temperature, in accordance with the XRD results. mineralogical composition, whereas the other sherds of this group
have slightly different mineralogical composition. Sherds K3 and K5
are considered outliers at the beginning of the second cluster. K5,
3.4. Chemical analysis the amphora sherd, was added as an imported sample for compara-
tive purposes and thus its position is not unexpected. Consequently,
Major element analyses of the studied sherds, along with their it is possible that sherd K3 is also part of an imported ceramic vessel.
means and standard deviations, are listed in Table 4.
The high Loss On Ignition (LOI) values of sherds K1, K2, K6, K8,
K10, K11, K14 and K16 are attributed to the abundant calcite and 4. Conclusions
CaO present. Abundant levels of SiO2 were detected in samples K3,
K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9, K12, K13, and K16. These values are related This study dealt with the characterization of pottery sherds from
to the high quartz and also to the feldspar and illite/muscovite con- an archaeological site near Monje in northwestern Slovenia. The
tent in the samples. Fe2O3 and Al2O3 abundances range from 2.12% sherd samples differed in their mineralogical and chemical composi-
to 7.99% and from 7.52% to 22.21%, respectively. The highest Fe2O3 tion, reecting variation in the manufacture technology and the
type of clay material used. Differences in texture, and the size and
distribution of grains were also observed. The sherds were classied
Table 4
Major chemical composition of pottery samples (in %), including means, standard devi-
ations, minimum and maximum values.

Sample SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO LOI

K1 17.90 7.52 2.28 1.07 35.48 0.12 0.68 0.31 0.39 0.03 34.1
K2 14.30 9.04 2.64 0.76 34.66 0.07 0.83 0.21 0.92 0.02 36.1
K3 51.83 16.86 7.99 2.57 1.57 0.74 1.81 0.97 1.68 0.11 13.6
K4 58.08 22.21 4.71 0.54 0.73 0.25 2.25 1.26 0.66 0.01 9.1
K5 53.24 16.25 7.30 2.22 5.31 0.60 2.04 0.93 0.63 0.16 11.1
K6 18.87 9.39 3.22 1.24 32.71 0.09 1.27 0.39 1.09 0.04 31.6
K7 63.75 19.90 4.83 0.80 0.61 0.32 2.36 1.21 0.26 0.01 5.7
K8 25.55 10.12 3.27 1.35 28.72 0.15 1.64 0.43 0.35 0.02 28.3
K9 57.32 21.62 5.66 1.29 0.76 0.69 3.02 1.03 0.32 0.07 8.0
K10 23.28 9.36 3.07 1.15 31.65 0.11 0.90 0.41 0.19 0.03 29.7
K11 25.63 8.98 2.12 2.58 28.20 0.52 1.09 0.35 0.44 0.03 29.9
K12 58.27 19.70 6.08 1.01 1.32 0.70 1.65 0.93 0.94 0.05 9.2
K13 47.48 14.31 6.03 2.64 10.32 0.75 2.30 0.68 0.83 0.12 14.3
K14 24.01 9.29 2.82 1.09 31.40 0.12 0.88 0.40 0.17 0.03 29.7
K16 38.31 12.95 2.71 1.74 18.52 0.59 1.94 0.46 0.38 0.03 22.2
Min 14.30 7.52 2.12 0.76 0.73 0.07 0.68 0.21 0.17 0.01 5.7
Max 63.75 22.21 7.99 2.58 35.48 0.74 3.55 1.26 1.68 0.16 36.1
Mean 39.95 14.34 4.44 1.49 16.43 0.41 1.77 0.69 0.59 0.05 20.2
Fig. 7. Pottery sample dendrogram based on Ward's method and squared Euclidean
SD 18.08 5.41 1.91 0.69 14.84 0.27 0.82 0.35 0.41 0.04 10.9
S. Kramar et al. / Applied Clay Science 57 (2012) 3948 47

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