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Dear Readers,

A New Year, a new beginning not just on the calendar, but more importantly, in terms of
how the solar system impacts us in this month. In our Lead Article A Fresh Start in Life,
Sadhguru points out how this seasonal turning point has been celebrated in ancient cultures
across the globe, and what its significance is from a spiritual perspective. In keeping with this

Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002. Editor: K. SEKAR.

larger perspective, in the second part of our Mahabharat series, Sadhguru not only continues
to examine the deep connection between human life and the planetary system we live in but
also identifies the time of Krishna in the cycle of yugas and where we stand today.

Just before this issue of Isha Forest Flower went to press, the United Nations General Assembly
approved by consensus a resolution establishing 21 June as International Day of Yoga. In his
inaugural address to the world body in September, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had
proposed a day to commemorate the ancient practice, saying yoga lets people discover the
sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. Here is Sadhgurus message on
this momentous occasion: Yoga is the exploration of the very mechanics of life. It predates all
religion and opened the possibility of raising a human being beyond limitations set by nature, if
willing to strive. Making the science of Yoga available in the purest form is the responsibility of
this generation. This science of inner development, wellbeing and liberation is the greatest gift
for future generations. Congratulations to the Prime Minister for having initiated the process for
declaring June 21 International Yoga Day.

In our Isha Hatha Yoga series, we explore the background and deeper significance of
Surya Kriya, a practice that is quite unique to the classical hatha yoga as taught in Isha. Also

Published from 117/50, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004
in this issue: Sadhgurus view on pain medication and maintaining Awareness in Death. In

Published by: B. RAJESH CHANDER on behalf of ISHA FOUNDATION

Just Life, Bollywood actor Anupam Kher raises a host of forthright questions with Sadhguru,
from what makes him special to who the Creator is. The fact that business and economy can
go hand in hand with spirituality is perfectly exemplified in the initiatives of INSIGHT (this year
with Ratan Tata, among others) and myShare find out more in the respective articles. Last
but not least, our Beetroot Spinach Salad with Croutons amalgamates the freshest ingredients
to a gourmet experience. Enjoy!

The Editorial Team

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Editorial Team:

Isha Forest Flower c/o Isha Yoga Center, Semmedu P.O., Velliangiri Foothills, Coimbatore 641114



Lead Article

A Fresh Start in Life

Sadhguru on Living in Sync with the Universe 4
Awareness in Death
Sadhguru on Awareness and Pain Medication 7
In Conversation with the Mystic
Just Life
Anupam Kher in Conversation with Sadhguru 8
Part 2: Equations of Time and Creation (2) 10
Isha Hatha Yoga
Part 13: Surya Kriya 13
News & Events
INSIGHT 2014 16
With Ratan Tata, G.V. Prasad, and Other Top Business Leaders

Sharing Experiences
myShare Innovation for a Social Cause 18
Upcoming Programs and Events
Yaksha 2015 17
Mahashivarathri 2015 19
Isha Yoga Program Highlights 20
Isha Recipe

This Month: Beetroot Spinach Salad with Croutons 21

Zen Speaks

What Is Self-Realization / Go Wash Your Bowl 23



A Fresh Start in Life

Sadhguru on Living in Sync with the Universe
As Adiyogi said a few thousand years ago in many This is beautifully manifested in the planetary
ways, the human system as a neurological process, system in which we live. The diameter of the Sun
in terms of its ability to perceive, know, and is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance
experience, and even physiologically, has hit a peak. between Sun and Earth is 108 times the diameter
Human consciousness is still open to evolution, but of the Sun. The distance between Moon and Earth
it would take dramatic changes in the solar system is 108 times the diameter of the Moon. And there
for the human body to evolve further. Otherwise are 108 padas (steps) in one lunar year. On its orbit,
right now, the physical laws in this planetary system Planet Earth arranges itself in 108 positions around
do not allow further evolution. the Sun, almost like the beads of a mala.

The Significance of the Number 108 The Suns Position in January

Of the 114 chakras in the body, 2 are outside the It takes the Earth 13 lunar months or one solar
physiological framework. Of the 112 chakras that year to complete its orbit around the Sun. The Earth
are within the physiological framework, actual work is closest to the Sun around the 4th of January, but
needs to be done on 108. If you manage to activate because of the axial tilt of the Earth, the Northern
these 108, the remaining 4 will naturally open up. Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun at that
Traditionally, if you wear a mala, it has 108 beads. time, and therefore receives fewer hours of sunlight
If you chant a mantra or go around an energy space, per day. Due to the wider angle at which the Suns
it is 108 times. This is because there are 108 things rays hit the Northern Hemisphere, they spread out
that one needs to do if one wants to have a complete more and dilute their heat energy. That is why the
mastery over the human mechanism. Northern Hemisphere experiences the coldest part


of the year in the beginning of January even though means it was about Saturn, the god of agriculture
we are closest to the Sun at this time. and food. In southern India, even today, the
celebration of Makara Sankranti is one of the most
Spiritual Structures and the Sun important festivals in a year for the agricultural
The changing positions of the celestial bodies not communities. In Rome, Saturnalia was a holiday
only have an impact on the weather patterns but people gave gifts, no war could be declared on
also on the human system. Many aspects of the this day, and masters and slaves swapped their
yogic system were evolved and developed based positions. In India, even today, men and women
on the connection between the celestial system swap their positions at that time men will be
and the human system, in order to make use of the singing, women will be drawing complex geometric
changes in position that happen in an incremental patterns in the form of Rangoli.
way, from moment to moment, minute to minute, In lands like Central Asia and China, such
hour to hour, day to day. celebrations were also prevalent. These traditions
There are a whole lot of temples and spiritual were destroyed in Europe and other parts of the
structures in the Northern Hemisphere that are world with the advent of Christianity. The church
aligned to the sunrise with the solstices or some decided to shift Christmas, the birth of Christ, from
of them with the equinoxes. Just to name a somewhere in April to 25 December to suppress
few the two Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra are the pagan festivals, and from then on, Christmas
aligned to the solstices. In the summer solstice became important. The ancient Egyptians always
cave, Buddha is seated in the winter solstice saw that during this month, the line between the
cave, Buddha is standing. physical and the spiritual is thin, or the two are
brought close together.
This imagery of Buddha sitting and standing
represents in the yogic system Dakshinayana or the A Season for Sadhana
southern run of the Sun seen as a sadhana pada, This is the time to do spiritual processes and sadhana.
and Uttarayana seen as a kaivalya pada. In sadhana This is the time to fast. This is the time to prepare
pada, he is sitting, meditative. In kaivalya pada, he is for a new beginning. This is the time not to fight.
standing, ready to go. At the Arunachala Mountain, Armies were stationed, fortresses closed, business
in South India, in Tamil Nadu, pradakshina1 is done and travel suspended. People ate good food, and
on solstices. In other cultures, temples were built in sacrifices were done to the ancestors. In India we
alignment with the winter solstice at sunrise. The say during this time, you can cross the Vaitarani
ancient Egyptian Karnak temple for example, which River more effortlessly because it is at its lowest ebb.
is a phenomenal architectural marvel that was built The Vaitarani is a symbolic barrier or crossing point
approximately 2500 years ago, was matched with between the embodied ones and the disembodied
the winter solstice. The passageway of Newgrange ones. This month is seen as the best time of the year
in Ireland, an earth mound that was built about 5000 to make a connection between the two.
years ago, is aligned to the sunrise at the solstice. Traditionally, at this time, people reduced their
material activity and increased their spiritual
Celebrations around the World activity. But these days, human beings are not
Celebrations at the time of the winter solstice have working according to natural cycles but like
been universal in almost every culture on the planet. machines, going on endlessly. It would be very
It is seen as the rising of the new sun. In ancient good to notice the natural cycles and adapt to them,
Rome, this was celebrated as Saturnalia, which because ones ability to do things is different at

1 circumambulation


different times of the year and at different positions agriculture. On this day, the bulls and cows that are
of the planet. Particularly when it comes to ones at the center of pastoral communities are decorated,
inner journey, using these natural cycles can be pampered, and worshiped, as an expression of
immensely beneficial. Or, if one gives oneself to a gratitude. In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, they
spiritual process, one will become conscious of these make these animals cross a small fire made of hay.
dimensions as to how the universe and the human This is because during winter, when the animals stay
body are not really two separate things but two parts inside more, their hooves tend to get worm-infested.
of the same system. So as a part of the celebration, they are made to
walk over the fire. This cleans up their hooves and
Makara Sankranti and Pongal removes any worm infestation. Children and adults
Between the 13th and 17th of January are the also run over the fire, just for the fun of it. On the
festivals of Makara Sankranti or Pongal, as it is next day is Kaanum Pongal, which is a community
called in Tamil Nadu. There are different aspects affair this means going and seeing people.
to Pongal. There is Bhogi, during which houses are
The Makara Sankranti or Pongal festivities have
cleaned, decorated, and in a way re-consecrated
various ingredients of cleansing, of appreciating
for the new year, using materials like mango leaves
and expressing gratitude to all the creatures that
and the first cut of paddy to enhance the vibrance
are involved in our lives. It is also about getting
in the house. All the unnecessary things in ones
involved with the community, which means it also
home are disposed of.
has a social connotation. It is a time of festivity.
In this season, you should get rid of all the unnecessary With the advent of modern life, we should not
things in your life and begin life afresh. You should remain glued to the television and computer. It is
make this cleanup an annual event. Even if some a time to come out and celebrate, feel the air, feel
cleaning up is done on a daily basis, a few things the change in the weather, feel the change in what
pile up here and there without you being conscious is happening within yourself because of the changes
about it. This piling up is not only of material things that are happening with the planet.
in our homes. Also in our minds, in our emotions, in
our bodies, and in our consciousness, things pile up. The Celestial Bodies and Human Consciousness
This is the time to clean that up and start afresh in It is very important that we are in sync with nature.
the coming spring, as spring is the best time to start Otherwise, there is no way your life can really
life in every way. flourish to its fullest possibility. Whether it is a
plant or a tree, if it is not in sync with nature, it
Makara Sankranti has not only agricultural
cannot survive. In a way, this is also true for us if
connotations to it there are celestial and spiritual
the human system is not in sync with everything
connotations to it as well. It arose from certain yogic
around, it may manage to survive, but it will not
practices that common people took up in ways that
flourish. The winter solstices and equinoxes are
were relevant to them. This time is most important
times when the celestial bodies naturally influence
for yogis to make a new, fresh effort in their spiritual
human consciousness and human energy in a
process. Accordingly, people who have family also
certain way. I request all of you to make use of these
make a fresh attempt in whatever they do in their
days and the coming year to raise your individual
lives. This marks the completion of 27 nakshatras
consciousness and that of people around the world.
or 108 padas around the Sun and the beginning of
a new cycle.

Apart from Bhogi, the Pongal celebrations also

include Mattu Pongal, which honors all the
animals that traditionally play an important role in


Awareness in Death
Sadhguru on Awareness and Pain Medication
Questioner: I recently lost a friend of mine due in some countries explore, like snapping off nerves
to an aggressive form of cancer. Towards the to see that the respective part of the body does not
end, she was in excruciating pain. The amount of experience pain, or using laser to zap the nervous
narcotics needed to manage the pain and keep her system in such a way that it cannot conduct the
comfortable was to the point of rendering her pretty impulses of pain. Modern technology and medicine
much unresponsive. My question is, at the time of is exploring many ways to relieve one of pain
death, if we are to try and leave our bodies in full which is good. No one can advocate pain to anyone
awareness, how does this work when one is rendered else for whatever reason. Relief from pain may
unresponsive or obtunded from pain medicines? Are not really affect a persons ability to be aware. If
we supposed to not take pain medicine in a situation medicine is used only to numb the body, it could
like this so we can leave in awareness? actually become very easy to be aware.

Sadhguru: When someone is in extreme pain, not If someone is in the unfortunate situation where it is
taking medicine could be very cruel, and anyway, pain versus awareness, I would say bring down the
maintaining awareness while being in such pain pain first, because awareness is not something that
may also become difficult. But Im sure theres an you do. Awareness can happen in many different
in-between way where pain can be considerably ways because awareness is life. It has its own way of
reduced without the person being knocked out. finding itself. It is not necessary to try to be aware.
Above all, even if someone is unresponsive to the If one has at least to some extent lived a conscious
outside world, they may be still very much conscious life, if one has been initiated, if one has been infused
within themselves. The medicine may be numbing with another dimension of energy, one could
the body, and the numbness of the body may not naturally become aware at the moment of death.
allow the person to respond to the external situations, Awareness is not an act that we perform it is a
but it may actually create an ideal situation within state, a dimension of our existence. Therefore, it is
oneself to be conscious. Depending on the doses of not necessary to be concerned if someone has been
narcotics and other drugs, beyond a certain point, of numbed so that they do not go through excruciating
course the person becomes completely unconscious. pain. They may be unresponsive, but that does not
mean they are incapable of being aware.
I think most doctors would calibrate it to numb
the system only to the extent that the pain is taken
away. There are also other ways that some doctors


Just Life
Anupam Kher in Conversation with Sadhguru
This month, we go back to an edition of the In Conversation with the Mystic where
famous Bollywood actor Anupam Kher asks Sadhguru some personal questions.
Anupam Kher: Sadhguru, what is it that is so special the right direction. This flower with its beauty and
about you? its fragrance comes from filth. The more filth you
put at the root, the better the flowers will grow.
Sadhguru: It is not special. There was a time when So the question is not about what is different or
we had an Isha Yoga brochure that said, Ordinary to special the question is, will you allow yourself to
extraordinary. In the first few days of the program, mature, or will you let yourself roll in filth?
we are teaching people some basic fundamentals
of life that they have surely missed. Then they Anupam Kher: Do you get angry?
asked, Sadhguru, we thought we will become
extraordinary, special. I said, I never said you Sadhguru: You want me to right now? [Laughter]
Its not that I am incapable of anger I am capable
will become special. I said you will become extra-
of everything. It is just that I have not given this
ordinary more ordinary than others. [Laughter
privilege to anyone that they can make me angry,
& applause] Everyone is desperately trying to be
happy, unhappy, or miserable. But if someone needs
special. Wanting to be special comes from a sense of
to be shouted at, boom! Ill go.
emptiness or inadequacy in a human being. Where is
the need to be special? Every human being is unique Anupam Kher: So what makes you angry?
in his or her own way. If you try to be special, you
will only end up aping someone you will not be Sadhguru: Nothing makes me angry. If they need a
yourself. When every life, every leaf, and every shouting, I will give it to them. There are different
atom in existence are unique, where is the need for kinds of people. Some, if I as much as look at them,
you to be special? Being unique is better than being they will understand why they are being looked at.
special, isnt it? Others will only stare back at you if you look at them,
but if you tell them gently, they will understand.
This is the nature of existence: You cannot eat mud, Yet others wont get it if you tell them gently you
but if you sow a seed and wait, this mud becomes have to shout at them. Still others wont even get
food. When you eat this food, it becomes flesh and it if you shout you have to knock them on their
bone it becomes you. This is the way of life heads and tell them. There are different levels of
filth will become a flower if only you mature it in sensitivity in the world. I act appropriately to the


existing situations. What you need, I will do. If you Anupam Kher: You would make a very good actor
need shouting, I will do that. Whats my problem. then [Laughter]

Anupam Kher: Whats your shortcoming? Sadhguru: Nah

Sadhguru: My shortcoming is I am not tall enough. Anupam Kher: Do you feel lonely?

Anupam Kher: You are a person who I am sure Sadhguru: Lonely? I have never been lonely because
self-evaluates very well, who knows himself. For the Creator has never left me or anyone alone for a
example, I know I am restless. I think that is a moment. It is only because the source of creation is
shortcoming. What is your shortcoming? throbbing within you that you are alive, whether
you are conscious of it or not.
Sadhguru: It is very difficult to explain this because
as a person, everyone has pluses and minuses. This Anupam Kher: Who is that Creator?
may sound very strange I am not really a person.
Thats my problem. In any given moment, I will Sadhguru: What do you mean by who? There
make myself as it is necessary for that situation. is creation. Did you create it? No. So something
Sometimes, if one thing is not successful, I will adjust obviously created it. The thing is, being human,
it a little. But if I sit by myself, I dont have a single you want to picture the source of creation in human
thought in my mind. Sometimes, I shut my doors form. Who it is, is not the point. Within you, it is
for four, five days I dont look out of the window; in the human form. In a dog, it is in the dog form.
I dont read, I dont do anything and I dont have In an ant, it is in the ant form. In a tree, it is in the
a single thought. I dont have a personality as such. tree form. But the source of creation is throbbing
in everything. Because people are unconscious that
From moment to moment, I make myself up such a huge thing is happening within them, there
depending on how I should be right now. How
is a possibility of them feeling lonely. If you feel
people around me are, accordingly I am. In certain
lonely, obviously you are in bad company.
situations, I may not have been as successful as I
could have been had I grasped the situation at that Anupam Kher: If you had to describe yourself
moment as I should have. But as such, I do not in one word, what would it be? I usually do this
have pluses or minuses, because there is no me I exercise with my actor students, but in fact, it is
only make it up. As an actor, you also make up a for all of you please think if you had to describe
character. But I dont act I really make it up, and yourself in one word, what would it be, would it
so does everyone else but they believe its true. I be the same after five or ten years, and what was
know its not true. There are no pluses and minuses that word five years ago. So if Sadhguru has to
to me when I dont exist as a person. describe himself in one word, other than mystic,
what would that word be?
Anupam Kher: When was the last time you
cried? Not out of ecstasy but out of compassion
Sadhguru: Would you consider wild-life as two
for someone.
words or one word? [Laughter]
Sadhguru: Every day, I would say. If I step on an ant,
Anupam Kher: For you, its one word.
tears may come to my eyes. When I look at these
village kids that we just saw in the video, naturally, Sadhguru: So, life uncultured, uncultivated,
tears come to my eyes. When the photographers wild and as it is thats me. Just life nothing else.
come, I suck the tears back. I made everything that
happens within me a 100% conscious process. If I
want, I can cry right now. If I want, I can laugh right
now. If I want, I can sit still without doing anything.


Part 2: Equations of
Time and Creation (2)

In the second part of our new Mahabharat series, Sadhguru continues to explore the
deep connection between the human system, the planets, and the solar system in the
context of time, in order to establish the necessary context before delving into the
epic world of Mahabharat.
Cycles in the Sky and in the Human Body body, the cycles are less obvious and pronounced
they happen in a different way and are of a larger
In the yogic astronomy, we divide the orbit of span of time. In any case, these cycles are happening
the Earth around the Sun into 27 segments, called all the time in the solar system and the larger
nakshatras. Each nakshatra is further divided into universe. The microcosm and the macrocosm both
four equal sectors called padas or steps. Multiply 4 are playing the same game. But who should play
by 27 and it equals 108. These 108 units mark the whose game? If you think the macrocosm is going
108 steps that the Earth takes through space. Each
to play your game, you will waste your life. If you
nakshatra corresponds to one half of the lunar orbit
play the macrocosms game, your life will be beyond
around the Earth. The cycles within the human
your expectations.
body respond and correspond to that.

The Cycle of Yugas

The precession1 of the equinoxes is the period of

time that it takes the Earths axis to pass through
one complete cycle of the zodiac. It takes the planet
72 years to pass through one degree of the zodiac
and 25,920 years to complete one full circle of 360
degrees. One half of the journey takes 12,960 years
and covers the four yugas. Sat Yuga lasts 5184 years.
The 27 Nakshatras
Treta Yuga lasts 3888 years. Dwapara Yuga lasts
2592 years. Kali Yuga lasts 1296 years. These four
In a womans body, there are very obvious cycles
yugas taken together come to a total of 12,960 years.
of 27.55 days if she is perfectly healthy. In a mans
1 Gravity-induced change in the orientation of the Earths axis

10 ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2015

The story of Mahabharat needs to be seen in a its highest capability. Peoples ability to know life,
certain context. In 3140 BCE, the Kurukshetra War peoples ability to communicate, peoples ability to
ended, and in 3102 BCE, Krishna left his body. live joyfully will be at its highest. Or in other words,
Three to four months after the war, the Kali Yuga we will have sensible people. All it takes to live well
began. Right now we are in 2012, which means on this planet is a bunch of sensible people.
Krishnas era ended 5,114 years ago. If you subtract
2592, which is the cumulative number of years of In Sat Yuga, human ability to communicate will be
the two Kali Yugas that are at the bottom of the at its best because the ether will be very close. Right
ellipse which describes the axial precession, you now, the etheric sphere of the planet is raised to a
arrive at 2522 years. That means we have already certain point. There was a time when it was much
completed 2522 years of Dwapara Yuga, and since higher now it has come a little closer. When the
its total duration is 2592 years, we still have 70 ether is very close and I want to convey something to
years until its completion. In the year 2082, we will you, I do not have to say it. Even when my eyes are
complete Dwapara Yuga and move on to Treta Yuga. closed, you will know what I want to say. When the
The world will go through another upheaval, not ether comes down a little bit but is still at a certain
necessarily in terms of war but probably in terms of distance, if I close my eyes, you will not know, but if
population explosion and natural calamities, before I open my eyes and look at you, you will know what
moving on to this new era of wellbeing and upward I want to convey.
movement of human consciousness.

The Nakshatras and Padas The Cycles of Yugas

Yugas and Human Consciousness

The Ether and Spiritual Possibilities
The solar system with the Sun and the planets around
it is moving in the universe. It takes 25,920 years If the ether comes down some more, you can know
for our solar system to complete one cycle around by breath. If you go into the forest, you will see,
a larger star. From the effects upon the planet and because your vision is blocked to some extent, after
the way the climate changes, we believe this big star some time, the most significant way of knowing
or big system that our system is going around is not things is by smell. Most animals that live there know
located in the center of the cycle but somewhere to things only by smell. Because of such concentrated
the side. Whenever our solar system comes closer life energy, the ether is high. Because the ether
to this big system, all the creatures living in our is high, they do not have to see. If you talk, they
system rise to greater possibilities. Whenever our will get confused. When the ether is very low, you
system moves away from it, the creatures living in have to talk all the time otherwise, people will
our system come to the lowest level of possibility not get it. Even if you talk, they will not get it.
we say this is Kali Yuga. You have to knock and talk continuously to make
them get it. The etheric content in the atmosphere
When our solar system is closest to the Super determines how sensitive you are in terms of your
Sun, Sat Yuga will begin. Human mind will be at ability to communicate.

January 2015 ISHA FOREST FLOWER 11

There are many things one can do to enhance the Light cannot be put in words, but if you open your
ether or create etheric content. This is why Krishna eyes, you can see the light. Similarly, if this life that
said, in Kali Yuga, which is down there, far away you are opens up, it can feel life, it can become life.
from the Super Sun, the ether will be so low that
there is no point in trying to teach them yoga, Life cannot be told. Telling is only to inspire, to
meditation, mantras, or yantras they will not get de-mesmerize you from your own self-mesmerism.
it. Just teach them devotion. If they are devout, Every human being has hypnotized himself or
they will generate their own ether. And because herself into their own limitations and they believe
of this etheric content in the atmosphere, they will this is it. If you undo that hypnotism, they will feel
perceive. Devotion is not for the dumb but even if fearful because existence is limitless. Therefore, if
you are the dumbest, you can still get it. they are spinning one way, you have to spin them
the opposite way for some time for them to feel they
Thousands of years ago, they said that as the solar are going somewhere.
system moves closer to the Super Sun, human
intelligence will blossom. They said it functions like The whole Mahabharat is just this effort. No
matter what they are doing, everyone thinks they
electricity, magnetism. As the solar system moves
are doing it for the good. Whether it is my good,
closer, the realization that the whole body and the
your good, someone elses good, or everyone
whole universe are electric structures will come
elses good whatever kind of good, everyone
naturally. Right now, we are moving towards Treta
thinks they are doing it for the good. But everyone
Yuga, which is the second best time that can happen
is neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong
in a cycle of yugas.
the story just goes on.
Krishna also said that after over 5000 years, there
I want you to understand what it means to live a
will come a 10,000-year period of time that will be
story why we take these eight days to tell you the
fabulous. We will not make it there, but we can set
story rather than just giving you a printed book.
the foundations for it and have the joy of creating
There are many versions, and I am sure there are
an atmosphere for a 10,000 years stretch of golden
scholarly ones among you who have come prepared
time upon the planet. This is not all predictions
and have read three different versions. But we do
and conjecture this is based on a deep-rooted
not want you to read the story we want you to
understanding about what happens with the human
live the story.
mind in relation to the planet on which we live.
We do not only live on this planet we are the The story is not about a particular person
planet. If you do not understand this today, you will Mahabharat comes under the classification of
understand this when you are buried. The planet Itihasa. In India, there are three categories of
understands that you are a part of it only you think great texts: Itihasa, Purana, Veda. Vedas are full of
something else of yourself. abstract ideas, scientific theories, and explanations
for celestial happenings. Puranas are stories of
Mahabharat The Story of Every beings who are not human. Itihasa is the story of the
Human Being human being, not in terms of history, though there
is a historic element to it. The facts are rooted in
The story begins because you have false ideas history, but this is the story of every human being
about yourself. Mahabharat represents the grand it is about the meaning of your life. Only if it is your
misconception of human beings about life; their story, it can be a process of growth for you.
sufferings, their rises and falls. It goes on and on,
simply because human beings are struggling to come To be continued
in tune with life. Whatever someone who is in tune
with it tries to say, everyone else will misunderstand.
12 ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2015
In this series, Sadhguru discusses various
aspects that can significantly impact the
quality of your yogic practice.

Part 13:
Surya Kriya
Activate the Sun within You
Questioner: Can you please tell us more about
Surya Kriya?

Sadhguru: Surya Kriya is a powerful process

of activating the sun within you. The sun is in
every aspect of whatever you see on this planet.
Fundamentally, it is the solar energy that is
driving life on this planet. The very formation
of hydrocarbons, which are right now the most
prevalent fuel used on the planet, is because of solar
energy. Whether you burn coal, wood, or oil, this
all happens because of solar energy.

Three-fourths of the planet is water. If the sun

withdraws and disappears, all the water will
become solid ice. Solar energy is the fundamental
energy of the planet, and that is so within your
body too. For your body to maintain a certain
temperature, the immediate mechanism may be
something else, but essentially, all that generates
heat upon this planet, whether animate or
inanimate, is charged with solar energy, which
finds expression in so many different ways.

When we do Surya Kriya, we want to generate that

energy within the system. Of course Surya Kriya has
a cousin, which is Surya Namaskar. This cousin came
into being for the extended family. When you want
to teach something to someone who is intimate to
you, you will do your best. But when you do things
for your extended family, you will water it down a
little bit. Not necessarily because you do not care

January 2015 ISHA FOREST FLOWER 13

for them simply because you cannot spend the In normal modes of action, you employ the four
same amount of time with them. Surya Namaskar is dimensions of body, mind, emotion, and energy
a practice that evolved out of Surya Kriya when the that is karma. Whether you perform good karma or
intention of sharing it with large numbers of people bad karma both entangle you. The choice that you
came up. I am not saying that it is a compromise or have is to get entangled either in a bitter way or in
that it is wrong. All I am saying is you can teach it a sweet way. But a kriya is an inward action. It is a
to larger numbers of people, because it needs less process of liberation. Karma naturally is entangling,
attention. Surya Kriya includes certain powerful even if you get entangled in sweetness. Would you
processes that activate energy within you. For such like to fall into boiling chili soup or into warm sugar
an activation to happen, it has to be done with a lot syrup? If it is the right temperature and it is sweet,
of care and with a certain sense of intimacy. you may think it is okay, but it is not.

What I refer to as intimacy is not physical contact Whatever kind of karma we do, there are benefits
but an enormous sense of involvement. Only if or problems attached to it. In an existential way,
people are willing to spend that kind of time and both benefits and problems are entangling in nature.
offer that kind of involvement, we can teach Surya Karma is a process of bondage. Kriya is a process of
Kriya. Otherwise, we will do Surya Namaskar. Surya liberation.
Namaskar is a way of saluting the sun, of bringing
balance between ida and pingala, and also activating The Significance of the Number Pattern
samat prana, which is the manifestation of the suns
Questioner: What is the significance of the numbers
energy in the body.
three, five, and seven for the practice of Surya Kriya?
Surya Kriya has more spiritual intentions, more
Sadhguru: Five is the basic number. In this tradition,
powerful connotations, which need to be taught
five is considered as Shivas number, which means it
carefully and learnt with a certain level of
is the yogic number. Another aspect is, if you take
involvement. It is very important that it is practiced
a drum and beat five, three, or seven beats, you will
with care because anything that is powerful has
see the difference in terms of impact on your system.
to be handled properly otherwise, it will not be Five is considered the basic number for the human
safe to handle it. That is why we teach Surya Kriya structure because in terms of building the human
only to people who are willing to pay the necessary body, the five fundamental chakras have the most
attention and offer the needed involvement, significant role to play.
dedication, and time. Otherwise, Surya Namaskar is
a watered-down but safer way of doing things. Three, five, seven is because you are an odd ball.
You are an odd ball because planet Earth is an odd
Though we do seemingly similar physical actions, ball it is No. 3 in the scheme of planets. And
Surya Namaskar and Surya Kriya are very different. No. 5 is a planet which has a serious impact on
A Namaskar is an act of salutation. If you do any act, planet Earth, which holds it in its orbit and radiates
either with your body, mind, emotion, or energy, much energy towards it Jupiter, or Guru in the
we call it karma. Therefore, we could have called Indian tradition.
Surya Namaskar Surya Karma, but we call it
Namaskar to suggest the specific act that we do, Why this is so is, as you know, yoga is about
which is salutation. Kriya refers to an inward action, aligning your system to the cosmic geometry. The
for which you do not employ your body, your first and the most intimate piece of cosmos for us
mind, your emotion, or energy. Initially, the way is the solar system. In the solar system, we are
you practice Surya Kriya may not yet be an inward on an odd ball that is planet No. 3. On one side,
action, but you establish the necessary fundamentals we are pulled by the Sun. And the fifth planet,
for an inward action. Jupiter, which is more than 300 times larger in

14 ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2015

mass than the Earth also plays an instrumental role something to do with the chakras in your system,
in keeping the Earth in its orbit. your energy system, and your breath. If you do
anything alternately, it is always three, five, seven,
When we do yogic practices, we are taking this and there are other kinds of practices where you
into consideration. Any practice that has a certain do nine, eleven, and so on. But for certain types
impact on the energy system is always done in odd of practices that are balancing in nature, we use
numbers. If you do the Devi sadhana, it is eleven. even numbers. Remember if it is for activation of
If you do a practice that has something to do with energy, we always do things in odd numbers. If it is
Shiva, it is either three, five, or seven, depending a balancing process, we do it in even numbers.
upon the type of sadhana. Jupiter is supposed to be
an ash-colored planet, and Shiva himself was always Excerpted from a talk by Sadhguru at the
ash-smeared. They say he rolled on planet Jupiter Isha Hatha Yoga School.
before coming down here that is why he was ash-
smeared. We do not take this as a fact these things For dates and details of hatha yoga programs,
are said to dialectically express that the influence visit
of the ash-colored planet and the ash-smeared yogi
upon our lives is big.

The numbers three, five, and seven have something

to do with this dimensions. They also have

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program

31 July 25 Dec 2015
This 21-week program, devised by Sadhguru, is a wonderful opportunity to receive training in classical
Hatha Yoga. Participants will be trained to teach Upa Yoga, Angamardhana, Surya Kriya, Yogasanas,
Bhuta Shuddhi, and more.

Upon successful completion of the training, participants will be able to teach in a variety of settings
including their own studio, workshops, and private Hatha Yoga lessons.

For details,
visit, call +91-83000 97444,
or write to
January 2015 ISHA FOREST FLOWER 15
Leadership Program with
Sadhguru, Ratan Tata, and Other
2014 Top Business Leaders
From 2730 November 2014, Ishas third INSIGHT G.V. Prasad
leadership program brought together over 200
Mr. Prasad spoke about his journey of scaling up
business leaders and entrepreneurs at the Isha Yoga
Dr. Reddys Laboratories. In the first few years of
Center, and more than 20 resource leaders. Along
the company, the focus was on making it profitable
with Sadhguru and Dr. Ram Charan, the favorite
and viable. The next phase was moving from being
business coach of several Fortune 500 CEOs, Mr.
viable to growth. Their next focus was on improving
Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus, Tata Sons; G.V.
capabilities of management, he related. Mr. Prasad
Prasad, CEO and Co-Chairman of Dr. Reddys
also spoke about leveraging Indias history and
Laboratories, and other top business leaders shared
heritage to go from being problem-solvers to
their experiences and offered their perspectives to
people who can imagine. He elaborated on letting
participants on leadership, entrepreneurship, and
talented people blossom. When you have smart
running large corporates.
people, you cannot tell them what to do. I listen
Ratan Tata to them and it works for me. His advice to the
budding leaders was, Every organization will
Mr. Tata, who spoke on 28 November, looked reach its potential only if the leader at the top sees
at the importance of inclusive economics and that potential. An organization will be limited by
sustainability, and spoke about how to create an the leaders abilities, so it is a leaders responsibility
ambience of innovation within companies. He also to constantly reinvent himself.
touched upon CSR and a business cooperations
responsibility to society and nation. His Resource Leaders
entrepreneurial advice was, For an entrepreneur,
Besides Mr. Tata and Mr. Prasad, Ravi Venkatesan,
there has to be an inner driving force that cannot
former Chairman of Microsoft India, facilitated
come from a textbook. See what you want to do
the entire program, bringing in his several decades
and have the courage to pursue that.
worth of business experience. Mr. Venkatesan was

16 ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2015

supported by 20 other resource leaders including Participants Feedback
Kiran Bedi; Varda Shine, former CEO of DeBeers
Looking back at the program, Kanika, one of the
Diamond Trading Company; Yuri Jain, Global Vice
participants said, The air of ease and trust, the taste
President at Unilever; and Deepak Satwalekar,
of meditation, the focus on self for greater clarity
Former MD and CEO of HDFC.
and vision, made this program unique for me.
Also at the program was Padma Bhushan Dr. A. Another participant shared, For a professional to
Sivathanu Pillai, the father of the BrahMos missile get away for three days is a challenge, but it has been
and Distinguished Scientist & Chief Controller, amazing. I learned so many things from Sadhguru,
R&D, DRDO, Ministry of Defence. Dr. Pillai took Ratan Tata, Ram Charan and Prasad. Eric, who
the stage with a talk on Audacity of Vision to had come to India especially for INSIGHT, said, I
Execution. have been in many programs, but now I know that
spirituality and business go together, and this is a
The Program place where you can see that. And I will leave here
as an ambassador for India. You impressed me with
INSIGHT The DNA of Success, a leadership
your power, with your mind, your soul, with your
program offered by Isha Foundations Isha
leaders I have seen on the stage, and my wish is to
Education initiative, provides business leaders with
come back again.
practical takeaways that multiply the capability to
manage both external situations and inner growth.
Designed as a 3-1/2-day practitioner-oriented
package, it draws upon the experience of several
highly successful business leaders who have built
and grown world-class organizations.

Presents YAKSHA 2015

A Celebration of Culture and Music
10 16 February 2015 - 6:50 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri Foothills, Coimbatore

Geeta Chandran (Dance Bharatnatyam) Tejendra Narayan Majudar (Hindustani Sarod)

10 February 11 February

T.V. Sankaranarayanan (Carnatic Vocal) Bombay Jayashri (Carnatic Vocal)

12 February 13 February

Ustad Sayeeduddin Dagar (Dhrupad Vocal) Ganesh & Kumaresh (Carnatic Violin Duo)
14 February 15 February

Rajan & Sajan Mishra (Hindustani Vocal)

16 February

Free entry all are welcome.

Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri Foothills, Semmedu P.O., Coimbatore 641 114 India
83000 83000, 83000 11111

January 2015 ISHA FOREST FLOWER 17

Innovation for a Social Cause
I have been working in IT for many years, for large To take advantage of this development, we started
companies as well as start-ups. During a discussion affiliating myShare to online retailers. Currently,
with like-minded friends about bringing out a we have close to 40 online retailers as part of our
loyalty card that would unify the many existing network, including Indias largest ones such as
loyalty programs into a single card, the idea shifted Flipkart, Snapdeal, and Jabong etc.
to using a loyalty card to raise funds for charities.
My mind went immediately to Isha, because for the Beyond that, we have been able to forge links with
large meditator base that we have, who may have a number of corporate houses, who are happy to
the heart but may not have the means to support Isha spread the concept amongst their employees, and
with larger donations, this is a great opportunity to also explore the possibility of gifting memberships
contribute while doing their routine shopping. to their customers, vendors, and others in their
sphere. Some of the corporate entities that already
We discussed our proposal with the ashram, and after promote myShare or have expressed interest in
the evaluation process, Sadhguru gave his blessings doing so are Sutherland, TicketGoose, TCS, Apollo
on 23 Sep 2012, his enlightenment anniversary. For Hospitals, HCL, CGI, among others. We are seeking
me, this was a great moment, and I decided that I cooperation with other providers and retailers who
will never give up, no matter what the challenges, have loyalty points in order to establish the optional
because this project has the potential to change the provision for members to donate their points
way philanthropy is done. Less than 6% of people in through myShare.
India gave money to charity in 2013, while Indian
consumers spent close to 35,747 billion rupees on Many Isha members regularly make it a point to
shopping. This project has the potential to drastically do their shopping whether it is for groceries,
increase the donor base and help people contribute medicines, or anything else using myShare to be
to the social sector on a regular basis just through able to contribute to Isha. Their commitment to
their daily purchases. In addition, members can the cause and willingness to help has been truly
benefit from income tax deduction under section heartwarming. Some literally go out of their way to
80G for their contributions. buy from those retailers that support myShare. As
a way to thank them and fuel their motivation, we
We pooled money from our savings and from
created an Augmented Reality of the Dhyanalinga
friends and launched myShare on Mahashivarathri
on Android. When you download the myShare
2013 at Isha Coimbatore. Since this is a very novel
Dhyanalinga App from the Google Play Store and
concept, we had to put in a lot of time and effort to
point it at the Isha myShare card, a three-dimensional
introduce it to the different stakeholders, especially
the retailers. We soldiered on and we now have image of the Dhyanalinga will spring out of the card
close to 350 retailers covering 500 outlets. And Isha with the Nirvana Shatakam playing in the audio.
helped us to reach out to meditators who were more
In the past six months, memberships have grown
than happy to be part of the program. The number
exponentially, just by the power of the concept. In
of members from Isha is increasing close to 20,000
order to increase the reach and impact of myShare,
are participating as of now.
we are currently establishing contacts with social
There is still a lot more potential. While until 2013, impact investors to invest in this project so that we
the online market accounted for just 10 % of the can step up our marketing and sales efforts, reach
retail sale in India, the year 2014 saw a paradigm shift out to more people and tie up with more retailers
to and large-scale acceptance of online shopping. and shopping hubs in order to expand our network.

18 ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2015

From the first talk about the project, Isha never once Congress and endorsed by CMO Asia & Asian
asked me how many donations they could hope to Confederation of Business. The awards seek to
raise through this platform. The response was typical identify and recognize those companies and
for Isha: Let us work on the process sincerely and individuals who have had a positive impact on our
see what comes out of it. This is what we have been environment and society as well as their business.
doing at myShare for the past 18 months, and we
will not stop until we make it a huge success. myShare has been shortlisted for round two of the
Hari Vedadri, TOI Social Impact Awards, as one in 75 out of 1100
Isha meditator and myShare initiator applications. myShare will be competing with large
corporations in our category. After a jury review,
the awards will be finalized in January.
Awards and Recognitions for myShare:
Most Talented Marketing Professional 2014 These
awards are presented by the World Marketing

myShare Choose from more than 350 retailers, including

Flipkart, Snapdeal, Myntra, Jabong, Homeshop18
Now your Daily Shopping can Contribute to Isha! and many more, use your myShare card and support
Isha without spending an extra rupee!
For more information and to join myShare, please
visit, register, and Phone: 044-4450 6070 / 094425 04672
select Isha Foundations projects as the beneficiary. Email:

Mahashivarathri Tuesday, 17 February 2015

From 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the following day
Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri Foothills, Coimbatore
Nightlong Sathsang
z Guru Pooja z Powerful Meditations z Annadanam

Discourse by Sadhguru
Questions & Answers with the Master

Musical Performances:
z Parthiv Gohil & band z Jasbir Jassi
z Zila Khan & troupe

For general inquiries and seating:

83000 83000 / 83000 11111
January 2015 ISHA FOREST FLOWER 19
Program & Event Highlights

Date Program Place Contact

Bhava Spandana Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515300

1720 Jan 2015
(Ladies/English) Coimbatore India

Bhava Spandana Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515300

2528 Jan 2015
(Gents/English) Coimbatore India

Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515300

2528 Jan 2015 Guru Pooja Training
Coimbatore India

Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515300

47 Feb 2015 Shoonya Intensive
Coimbatore India

Isha Yoga Center, 83000 83000
1016 Feb 2015 In the Presence of
Coimbatore India

Pancha Bhuta Aradhana

Isha Yoga Center, 94878 95878
17 Feb 2015 In the Presence of
Coimbatore India

83000 83000
Mahashivarathri Isha Yoga Center,
17 Feb 2015 mahashivararathri@
With Sadhguru Coimbatore India

Samyama Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515300

2128 Feb 2015
Conducted by Sadhguru Coimbatore India

These programs are conducted in English, unless indicated otherwise. Current at the time of print, however subject
to change. For full program schedules and updates, please visit our website:

Celebrating The Vibrance of Indian Culture
z Classical music and dance z Diverse Indian cuisine
z Traditional handicrafts and weaves z Powerful yoga programs
z Five In Conversation with the Mystic sessions
z Mahashivarathri A night of grandeur with explosive meditations and spectacular musical performances
For special seating and comprehensive packages for your convenience, contact:, 94425 04672, 83000 30555

20 ISHA FOREST FLOWER January 2015

Isha Recipes
INGREDIENTS (For 4 Servings)
For the Croutons (crisp bread cubes): 350 g Cooked beetroot
Naan, Pav Bhaji bread, or flatbread 150 g Fresh baby spinach
(preferably from the day before) 3 Tbs. Grenadine (pomegranate syrup; for
2 Tbs. Sunflower or olive oil fresh preparation: 1 large pomegranate,
1 Tsp. Kashmiri chili powder 2 tbs. of sugar)
(or paprika powder) 2 Tbs. White tahini (white sesame paste; for fresh
For the Salad: preparation: cup of toasted white sesame
150 g Feta cheese seeds, 2 tbs. of mild olive or sesame oil)
(if not available, substitute with paneer) 4 Tbs. Lime juice
2 Tbs. Cold-pressed olive oil Salt and pepper to taste
160 g Chickpeas (Kabuli channa) Also needed: Baking paper
1. If you substitute feta cheese with paneer, cut the paneer in about 1/2-cm-thick slices and soak them in a mix
of 1 tsp. of lime juice and 1 tsp. salt for 24 hours before use.
2. Soak the chickpeas for a minimum of 4 hours. Then cook them in a pressure cooker until soft but not mushy.
3. If you prepare the grenadine fresh, juice a large-sized pomegranate by squeezing the seeds through a cloth,
add 2 tablespoons of sugar and bring to a boil. Set aside and allow to cool.
4. If you prepare the tahini fresh, grind the toasted white sesame seeds in a grinder into a fine powder, add 2
tablespoons of oil and grind into a paste. Set aside.
5. For the croutons, cut the Naan/Pav/flatbread in 2-cm-wide strips, then into 2-cm-big cubes. Mix oil and
Kashmiri chili powder in a big bowl, add bread cubes and coat them with the oil mix. Spread the bread cubes
on a baking tray lined with baking paper and roast in the preheated oven at 200 C (convection oven 180 C)
on the middle rack for 510 minutes until crisp. Set aside to cool.
6. Cut the feta or paneer in 1-cm-big cubes; saut them with a little oil in a pan until light brown. Add salt and
pepper to taste. Set aside.
7. For the salad, in a big bowl, mix grenadine, tahini, lime juice, 100 ml of cold water, salt and pepper to taste.
Vigorously stir in the oil with a wire whisk or egg beater.
8. Drain the chickpeas. Pat the beetroot dry; cut first in 1-cm-thick slices, then into equally thick strips.
9. Wash and pluck the spinach; pat it dry on a towel. Mix the chickpeas, beetroot and spinach with the dressing.
10. Arrange the salad on plates; top it with cheese cubes and croutons.

January 2015 ISHA FOREST FLOWER 21

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Printed by: S. PRAKASH; at FINE DOTS, No.15, Boo Begum 3rd Street,
Dear Readers,
A New Year, a new beginning not just on the calendar, but more importantly, in terms of
how the solar system impacts us in this month. In our Lead Article A Fresh Start in Life,
Sadhguru points out how this seasonal turning point has been celebrated in ancient cultures
across the globe, and what its significance is from a spiritual perspective. In keeping with this

Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002. Editor: K. SEKAR.

larger perspective, in the second part of our Mahabharat series, Sadhguru not only continues
to examine the deep connection between human life and the planetary system we live in but
also identifies the time of Krishna in the cycle of yugas and where we stand today.
Just before this issue of Isha Forest Flower went to press, the United Nations General Assembly
approved by consensus a resolution establishing 21 June as International Day of Yoga. In his
inaugural address to the world body in September, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had
proposed a day to commemorate the ancient practice, saying yoga lets people discover the
sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. Here is Sadhgurus message on
this momentous occasion: Yoga is the exploration of the very mechanics of life. It predates all
religion and opened the possibility of raising a human being beyond limitations set by nature, if
willing to strive. Making the science of Yoga available in the purest form is the responsibility of
this generation. This science of inner development, wellbeing and liberation is the greatest gift
for future generations. Congratulations to the Prime Minister for having initiated the process for
declaring June 21 International Yoga Day.
In our Isha Hatha Yoga series, we explore the background and deeper significance of
Surya Kriya, a practice that is quite unique to the classical hatha yoga as taught in Isha. Also

Published from 117/50, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004
in this issue: Sadhgurus view on pain medication and maintaining Awareness in Death. In

Published by: B. RAJESH CHANDER on behalf of ISHA FOUNDATION

Just Life, Bollywood actor Anupam Kher raises a host of forthright questions with Sadhguru,
from what makes him special to who the Creator is. The fact that business and economy can
go hand in hand with spirituality is perfectly exemplified in the initiatives of INSIGHT (this year
with Ratan Tata, among others) and myShare find out more in the respective articles. Last
but not least, our Beetroot Spinach Salad with Croutons amalgamates the freshest ingredients
to a gourmet experience. Enjoy!
The Editorial Team
Isha Forest Flower ONLINE!
To receive free downloadable PDF versions of Isha Forest Flower along with your print subscription,
please submit your subscription number and email address at
For subscription inquiries, please contact our Subscription Office:
(044) 45011137, 96770 16700
To change your mailing address online, visit:
Editorial Team:
Isha Forest Flower c/o Isha Yoga Center, Semmedu P.O., Velliangiri Foothills, Coimbatore 641114
Volume - 3 / Issue - 1 `15 Annual Subscription `180 January 2015

.......before he creeps upon you.

Deepest crevices of the body
Where the life-making magic
is rooted and effulgent.
In the very same crevices
is the dark depth pregnant
with inertia of Death.

To be upon the highest pitch

One needs to constantly enliven.

Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India under No. TNENG/2013/53333
To be ahead of the Sun in coming
Awake. To be alive enough to
Welcome the Moon and the Starz.
To imbibe the fragrance of the
Flower ahead of the bees and the Birds.
To know the coolness of the
Mist before it touches the Leaf or a
Blade of grass. To be able to catch a
Snowflake in its journey of descent.

To know the stillness of Death

before He creeps upon You.

As past, Present, and future

In the seamless journey of time

Grace & Blessings

Ignorance attempts to frame life

Registered with Patrika Channel Egmore RMS under Registration No. TN/CH(C)/492/14 16. Published on 2nd of every month January 2015
The Timeless Ones relevance is not framed.

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