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Essentials Searching and Extracting Data from Files

- sort
Open Source
- cut

Linux Evolution and Popular Operating Systems - wc

- Open Source Philosophy Turning Commands into a Script

- Distributions
- Bash
Ubuntu LTS
- Variables
Cent OS
- Control sturctures
- Exit status
Linux Mint
- read and test, and [ commands
Scientific Linux
- pico, nano
- Embedded Systems
- vi
DSP nano The Linux Operating System

Major Open Source Applications Choosing an Operating System

- Desktop applications - Windows vs Linux vs Mac

- Server applications - Distribution life cycle management
- Development languages - Maintenance cycles, Beta and Stable
- Package management tools and repositories - Drivers
Where Data is Stored
- Programs and configuration /etc
- Packages and package databases
- Processes /proc
Understanding Licensing - Memory addresses /dev
- Licensing - System messaging /sys
- Free Software Foundation (FSF) - Logging /var/log
- Open Source Initiative (OSI)
Your Computer on the Network
- Querying DNS client configuration
- Querying Network configuration
- Open Source business models
- /etc/resolv.conf
Information & Communication Technology Skills - IPv4
- Password issues - IPv6
- Industry uses of Linux - host
- Industry uses of Cloud Computing
Security and File Permissions
- Industry uses of Virtualization
- Root, Standard Users and System users

Finding Your Way on a Linux System - id

- who
Command Line Basics

- Globbing Special Directories and Files

- Quoting - Symbolic links

- Hard links
Archiving Files on the Command Line
- Sticky bit
- tar, gzip, bzip2
- /var/tmp
- zip / unzip

Linux Professional Institute

LPIC-1 Exam 101 102: Installation and Package Management

101: System Architecture Design hard disk layout

- allocate filesystems and swap space to partitions

Determine and configure hardware settings
- tailor the design to the intended use of the system
- Enable and disable integrated peripherals
- ensure the /boot partition conforms to the hardware
- Configure systems without external peripherals architecture requirements for booting

- Differentiate between types of mass storage devices - knowledge of basic features of LVM

- Differences between coldplug and hotplug devices - root filesystem

- Determine hardware resources for devices - /var filesystem

- Various hardware information - /home filesystem

- Tools and utilities to manipulate USB devices - /boot filesystem

- Conceptual understanding of sysfs, udev, dbus - swap space

- modprobe - mount points

- lsmod - partitions

- lspci
Install a boot manager
- lsusb
- alternative boot locations and backup boot options
Boot the system - install and configure a boot loader such as GRUB Legacy

- Provide common commands to the boot loader and - perform basic configuration changes for GRUB 2
options to the kernel at boot time
- interact with the boot loader
- Demonstrate knowledge of the boot sequence from
- menu.lst, grub.cfg and grub.conf
BIOS to boot completion
- grub-install
- Understanding of SysVinit and systemd
- grub-mkconfig
- Awareness of Upstart
- Check boot events in the log files
- dmesg Manage shared libraries
- BIOS - Identify shared libraries
- bootloader - Identify the typical locations of system libraries
- kernel - Load shared libraries
- initramfs - ldd
- init - ldconfig
- SysVinit - /etc/
- systemd
Use Debian package management
Change runlevels
- Install, upgrade and uninstall Debian binary packages
- set the default runlevel or boot target - Find packages containing specific files or libraries which
- change between runlevels / boot targets may or may not be installed

- alert users before major system events - Obtain package information like version, content,
dependencies, package integrity and installation status
- properly terminate processes (whether or not the package is installed)
- /etc/inittab - /etc/apt/sources.list
- shutdown - dpkg
- init - dpkg-reconfigure
- /etc/init.d/ - apt-get
- telinit - apt-cache
- systemctl - aptitude
- wall

Linux Professional Institute

Use RPM and YUM package management - find

- install, re-install, upgrade and remove packages - cpio

using RPM and YUM
- dd
- obtain information on RPM packages such as version,
- file
status, dependencies, integrity and signatures
- xz
- determine what files a package provides, as well as
find which package a specific file comes from - file globbing
- rpm
Use streams, pipes and redirects
- rpm2cpio
- Redirecting standard input, standard output and
- /etc/yum.conf standard error
- /etc/yum.repos.d/ - tee
- yum - xargs
- yumdownloader
Create, monitor and kill processes

103: GNU and Unix Commands - Run jobs in the foreground and background
- Signal a program to continue running after logout
Work on the command line
- Monitor active processes
- use single shell commands and one line command
sequences to perform basic tasks on the command line - Select and sort processes for display

- use and modify the shell environment including - Send signals to processes
defining, referencing and exporting environment -&
- bg
- use and edit command history
- fg
- invoke commands inside and outside the defined path
- jobs
- `uname`
- kill
- `history`
- nohup
Process text streams using filters
Modify process execution priorities
- Send text files and output streams through text utility
filters to modify the output using standard UNIX - Know the default priority of a job that is created
commands found in the GNU textutils package
- Run a program with higher or lower priority
- cut
- Change the priority of a running process
- expand
- fmt Search text files using regular expressions

- join - Create simple regular expressions

- nl - Use regular expression tools to perform searches

through a filesystem or file content
- od
- grep
- paste
- egrep
- pr
- fgrep
- sed
- sed
- sort
- split Perform basic file editing operations using vi
- tr - Navigate a document using vi
- unexpand - Use basic vi modes
- uniq - Insert, edit, delete, copy and find text
- wc - /, ?
- h,j,k,l
Perform basic file management
- i, o, a
- Use simple and advanced wildcard specifications
- c, d, p, y, dd, yy
- locate and act on files based on type, size, or time
- ZZ, :w!, :q!, :e!
- Usage of tar, cpio and dd

Linux Professional Institute

104: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Manage file permissions and ownership

- Use access mode suid

Create partitions and filesystems
- Use access mode sgid
- Manage MBR partition tables
- Use sticky bit to maintain security
- Use various mkfs commands to create various fs:
- Know how to change the file creation mask
- chmod
- umask
- chown
- Awareness of ReiserFS and Btrfs
- chgrp
- Basic knowledge of gdisk and parted with GPT
- fdisk Create and change hard and symbolic links

- gdisk - Create links

- parted - Identify hard and/or soft links
- mkfs - Copying versus linking files
- mkswap - Use links to support system administration tasks
- ln
Maintain the integrity of filesystems
- ls
- Verify the integrity of filesystems
- Monitor free space and inodes Find system files and place files in the correct location

- Repair simple filesystem problems - Understand the correct locations of files under the FHS
- du - Find files and commands on a Linux system
- df - Know the location and purpose of important file and
directories as defined in the FHS
- fsck
- find
- e2fsck
- locate
- mke2fs
- updatedb
- debugfs
- whereis
- dumpe2fs
- which
- tune2fs
- type
- XFS tools (such as xfs_metadump and xfs_info)
- /etc/updatedb.conf
Control mounting and unmounting of filesystems

- Manually mount and unmount filesystems

- Configure filesystem mounting on bootup
- Configure user mountable removable filesystems
- /etc/fstab
- /media/
- mount
- umount

Manage disk quotas

- Set up a disk quota for a filesystem

- Edit, check and generate user quota reports
- quota
- edquota
- repquota
- quotaon

Linux Professional Institute

LPIC-1 Exam 102 Setup a display manager

- Basic configuration of LightDM

105: Shells, Scripting and Data Management
- Turn the display manager on or off

Customize and use the shell environment - Change the display manager greeting

- set env var at login or when spawning a new shell - Awareness of XDM, KDM and GDM

- write bash functions for sequences of commands - lightdm

- Maintain skeleton directories for new user accounts -/etc/lightdm/

- Set command search path with the proper directory Accessibility

- source
- Keyboard accessibility settings (AccessX)
- /etc/bash.bashrc
- Visual settings and themes
- /etc/profile
- Assistive technology (ATs)
- env
- Sticky/Repeat Keys
- export
- Slow/Bounce/Toggle Keys
- set / unset
- Mouse Keys
- ~/.bash_profile
- High Contrast/Large Print Desktop Themes
- ~/.bash_login
- Screen Reader
- ~/.profile
- Braille Display
- ~/.bashrc
- Screen Magnifier
- ~/.bash_logout
- On-Screen Keyboard
- function
- Gestures (used at login, for example GDM)
- alias
- Orca
- lists

Customize or write simple scripts - emacspeak

- Use standard sh syntax (loops, tests)

107: Administrative Tasks
- Use command substitution
- Test return values for success or failure User, group accounts and related system files

- Perform conditional mailing to the superuser - Add, modify and remove users and groups
- Manage location, execution and suid-rights of scripts - Manage user/group info in password/group databases
- test - Create and manage special purpose limited accounts
- read - /etc/passwd
- seq - /etc/shadow
- exec - /etc/group
- /etc/skel/
106: User Interfaces and Desktops
- chage

Install and configure X11 - getent

- verify that the video card and monitor are supported - groupadd
by an X server - groupdel
- awareness of the X font server - groupmod
- basic knowledge of the X Window configuration file - passwd
- /etc/X11/xorg.conf - useradd
- xhost - userdel
- DISPLAY - usermod
- xwininfo
- xdpyinfo

Linux Professional Institute

Automate system tasks by scheduling jobs System logging

- Manage cron and at jobs - Configuration of the syslog daemon

- Configure user access to cron and at services - Standard facilities, priorities and actions
- Configure anacron - Configuration of logrotate
- /etc/cron.{d,daily,hourly,monthly,weekly}/ - Awareness of rsyslog and syslog-ng
- /etc/at.deny - syslog.conf
- /etc/at.allow - syslogd
- /etc/crontab - klogd
- /etc/cron.allow - /var/log/
- /etc/cron.deny - logger
- /var/spool/cron/ - logrotate
- crontab - /etc/logrotate.conf
- at - /etc/logrotate.d/
- atq - journalctl
- atrm - /etc/systemd/journald.conf
- anacron - /var/log/journal/
- /etc/anacrontab
Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) basics
Localisation and internationalisation - Create e-mail aliases
- Configure locale settings and environment variables - Configure e-mail forwarding
- Configure timezone settings and env. variables - postfix
- /etc/timezone - sendmail
- /etc/localtime - qmail
- /usr/share/zoneinfo/ - exim
- /usr/bin/locale - ~/.forward
- tzselect - sendmail emulation layer commands
- tzconfig - newaliases
- iconv - mail
- date - mailq
- UTF-8 - postfix
- ISO-8859 - sendmail
- ASCII - exim
- Unicode - qmail

Manage printers and printing

108: Essential System Services
- Basic CUPS configuration (for local and remote printers)
Maintain system time
- Manage user print queues
- Set the system date and time
- Troubleshoot general printing problems
- Set the hardware clock to the correct time in UTC
- Add and remove jobs from configured printer queues
- Configure the correct timezone
- CUPS configuration files, tools and utilities
- Basic NTP configuration
- /etc/cups/
- Knowledge of using the service
- lpd legacy interface (lpr, lprm, lpq)
- Awareness of the ntpq command
- /etc/ntp.conf
- hwclock
- ntpd
- ntpdate

Linux Professional Institute

109: Networking Fundamentals 110: Security

Fundamentals of internet protocols Perform security administration tasks

- Understanding of network masks and CIDR notation - Audit a system to find files with the suid/sgid bit set
- Private vs public "dotted quad" IP addresses - set or change user pass and pass aging information
- /etc/services - set up limits on user logins, processes and mem usage
- IPv4 - determine which users have logged in to the system
- IPv6 - basic sudo configuration and usage
- Subnetting - find
- TCP - passwd
- UDP - fuser
- ICMP - lsof
- nmap
Basic network configuration
- chage
- Manually and automatically conf. network interfaces
- sudo
- Basic TCP/IP host configuration
- /etc/sudoers
- Setting a default route
- su
- /etc/hostname
- usermod
- /etc/hosts
- ulimit
- /etc/nsswitch.conf
- last
- ifconfig
- ifup Setup host security

- ifdown - Awareness of shadow passwords and how they work

- ip - Turn off network services not in use
- route - Understand the role of TCP wrappers
- /etc/nologin
Basic network troubleshooting
- /etc/passwd
- Change, view, or configure the routing table and
correct an improperly set default route manually - /etc/shadow

- Debug problems associated with the network - /etc/xinetd.d/

configuration - /etc/xinetd.conf
- ifconfig - /etc/inetd.d/
- host - /etc/inetd.conf
- hostname - /etc/inittab
- dig - /etc/init.d/
- ping6 - /etc/hosts.allow
- traceroute - /etc/hosts.deny
- traceroute6
Securing data with encryption
- tracepath
- tracepath6 - Perform basic OpenSSH 2 client configuration and usage

- netcat - Understand the role of OpenSSH 2 server host keys

- Perform GnuPG configuration, usage and revocation
Configure client side DNS
- Understand SSH port tunnels (including X11 tunnels)
- Query remote DNS servers - ssh, ssh-keygen, ssh-agent, ssh-add
- Configure local name resolution and use remote DNS - ~/.ssh/id_rsa and
- Modify the order in which name resolution is done - /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key and
- /etc/resolv.conf - ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- /etc/nsswitch.conf - /etc/ssh_known_hosts
- getent

Linux Professional Institute

LPIC-2 Exam 201 - Ensure that the boot manager can locate the new kernel
- Module configuration files
200: Capacity Planning - Awareness of dracut
- Measure memory usage - mkinitrd
- Measure disk I/O - mkinitramfs
- Measure network I/O - make
- Measure firewalling and routing throughput - make targets (all, config, xconfig, menuconfig, gconfig,
- Map client bandwidth usage oldconfig, mrproper, zImage, bzImage, modules,
modules_install, rpm-pkg, binrpm-pkg, deb-pkg)
- Match system symptoms with likely problems
- module tool
- Estimate throughput and identify bottlenecks
- /usr/src/linux/.confi
- processes blocked on I/O
- /lib/modules/kernel-version/
- blocks out / blocks in
- depmod
- iostat
- netstat Kernel runtime management and troubleshooting

- sar - get information about running kernel and modules

- vmstat - Manually load and unload kernel modules
- pstree - Determine when modules can be unloaded
- ps - Determine what parameters a module accepts
- lsof - configure the system to load modules by names
- uptime - Content of /lib/modules/
- swap - Utilities to analyze info about the available hardware
- udev rules
Predict Future Resource Needs
- module configuration files in /etc/
- Use collectd to monitor IT infrastructure usage
- /proc/sys/kernel/
- Predict capacity break point of a configuration
- /sbin/depmod
- Observe growth rate of capacity usage
- /sbin/rmmod
- Graph the trend of capacity usage
- /sbin/modinfo
- Awareness of Nagios, MRTG and Cacti
- /bin/dmesg
- diagnose
- /sbin/lspci
- predict growth
- /usr/bin/lsdev
- resource exhaustion
- /sbin/lsmod

201: Linux Kernel - /sbin/modprobe

- /sbin/insmod
Kernel Components
- /bin/uname
- Kernel 2.6.x documentation - /usr/bin/lsusb
- Kernel 3.x documentation - /etc/sysctl.conf, /etc/sysctl.d/
- /usr/src/linux/ - /sbin/sysctl
- /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ - udevmonitor
- zImage - udevadm monitor
- bzImage - /etc/udev/

Compiling a kernel

- Kernel Makefiles
202: System Startup
- Kernel 2.6.x/3.x make targets
- Customize the current kernel configuration Customizing SysV-init system startup

- Build a new kernel and appropriate kernel modules - Linux Standard Base Specification (LSB)

- Install a new kernel and any modules. - SysV init environment

Linux Professional Institute

- /etc/inittab 203: Filesystem and Devices
- /etc/init.d/
Operating the Linux filesystem
- /etc/rc.d/
- The concept of the fstab configuration
- chkconfig
- Tools and utilities for handling SWAP partitions and files
- update-rc.d
- Use of UUIDs
- init
- /etc/fstab
- telinit
- /etc/mtab
System recovery - /proc/mounts
- GRUB version 2 and Legacy - mount and umount
- Grub shell - sync
- Boot loader start and hand off to kernel - swapon
- Kernel loading - swapoff
- Hardware initialization and setup
Maintaining a Linux filesystem
- Daemon/service initialization and setup
- Tools and utilities to manipulate and ext2, ext3 and ext4
- Different Grub install locations on a hdd
- Tools and utilities to manipulate xfs
- Different Grub install locations on removable device
- Awareness of Btrfs
- Overwriting standard boot loader options
- fsck (fsck.*)
- Awareness of UEFI
- mkfs (mkfs.*)
- mount
- dumpe2fs, xfsdump, xfsrestore
- fsck
- debugfs
- inittab, telinit and init with SysV init
- tune2fs
- the contents of /boot/ and /boot/grub/
- mkswap
- grub-install
- xfs_info, xfs_check and xfs_repair
- initrd
- smartd, smartctl
- initramfs
- Master boot record Creating and configuring filesystem options

- autofs configuration files

Alternate Bootloaders
- UDF and ISO9660 tools and utilities
- CD-ROM filesystems (UDF, ISO9660, HFS)
- CD-ROM fs extensions (Joliet, Rock Ridge, El Torito)
- Basic feature knowledge of encrypted filesystems
- /etc/auto.master
- Understanding of PXE
- /etc/auto.[dir]
- lilo, /etc/lilo.conf
- mkisofs
- syslinux
- extlinux
204: Advanced Storage Device Administration
- isolinux.bin
- isolinux.cfg Configuring RAID

- pxelinux.0 - Software raid configuration files and utilities

- pxelinux.cfg/ - mdadm.conf
- mdadm
- /proc/mdstat
- partition type 0xFD

Linux Professional Institute

Adjusting Storage Device Access - Utilities to manage routing tables

- Configure DMA for IDE devices (also ATAPI and SATA) - Utilities to list network states

- Manipulate or analyze system resources (interrupts) - Utilities to gain information about network configuration

- Awareness of sdparm command and its uses - Methods of information about the recognized and used
hardware devices
- Tools and utilities for iSCSI
- Awareness of NetworkManager
- hdparm, sdparm
- /etc/network/
- tune2fs
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
- sysctl
- /etc/resolv.conf
- /dev/hd*, /dev/sd*
- /etc/hostname
- iscsiadm, scsi_id, iscsid and iscsid.conf
- /bin/hostname
- WWID, WWN, LUN numbers
- /usr/sbin/traceroute
Logical Volume Manager - /bin/dmesg

- Tools in the LVM suite

206: System Maintenance
- Resizing, renaming, creating, and removing logical
volumes, volume groups, and physical volumes
Make and install programs from source
- Creating and maintaining snapshots
- Basics of invoking make to compile programs
- Activating volume groups
- Apply parameters to a configure script
- /sbin/pv*
- Know where sources are stored by default
- /sbin/lv*
- /usr/src/
- /sbin/vg*
- configure
- /dev/mapper/
- make

205: Network Configuration - install

- patch
Basic networking configuration

- Utilities to configure ethernet network interfaces Backup operations

- Access to wireless networks with iw, iwconfig, iwlist - Directories that have to be include in backups

- /sbin/route - Awareness of Amanda, Bacula and BackupPC

- /sbin/ifconfig - Knowledge of tapes, CDR, disk or other backup media

- /sbin/ip - Perform partial and manual backups.

- /usr/sbin/arp - Verify the integrity of backup files.

- /sbin/iwconfig - Partially or fully restore backups.

- /sbin/iwlist - /bin/sh
- dd
Advanced Network Configuration
- tar
- Utilities to manipulate routing tables
- /dev/st* and /dev/nst*
- Utilities to analyze the status of the network devices
- mt
- Utilities to monitor and analyze the TCP/IP traffic
- rsync
- /sbin/route
- /sbin/ifconfig Notify users on system-related issues

- /usr/sbin/arp - Automate communication with users through logon

- /usr/sbin/tcpdump
- Inform active users of system maintenance
- /usr/sbin/lsof
- /etc/issue
- /usr/bin/nc
- /etc/
- /sbin/ip
- /etc/motd
Troubleshooting Network Issues - wall

- Location and content of access restriction files - /sbin/shutdown

Linux Professional Institute

LPIC-2 Exam 202 208: Web Services

Implementing a web server

207: Domain Name Server
- Apache 2.x configuration files, terms and utilities
Basic DNS server configuration
- Apache log files configuration and content
- BIND 9.x configuration files, terms and utilities
- Access restriction methods and files
- Defining the location of the BIND zone files
- Client user authentication files and utilities
- Reloading modified configuration and zone files
- config of max requests, min/max servers/clients
- Awareness of dnsmasq, djbdns and PowerDNS
- htpasswd
- /etc/named.conf
- AuthUserFile, AuthGroupFile
- /var/named/
- apache2ctl
- /usr/sbin/rndc
Apache configuration for HTTPS
- kill
- host - SSL configuration files, tools and utilities

- dig - Ability to generate a server private key and CSR for CA

- Ability to generate a self-signed Certificate
Create and maintain DNS zones
- Ability to install the key and Certificate
- BIND 9 configuration files, terms and utilities
- Issues with Virtual Hosting and use of SSL
- Utilities to request information from the DNS server
- Security issues in SSL use
- Layout, content and location of the BIND zone files
- /etc/ssl/
- Methods to add a new host in the zone files, inuding
- /etc/pki/
reverse zones
- openssl,
- /var/named/
- SSLEngine
- resource record formats
- SSLCertificateKeyFile
- dig
- SSLCertificateFile
- nslookup
- SSLCertificateChainFile
- host
- SSLCACertificateFile
Securing a DNS server - SSLCACertificatePath
- BIND 9 configuration files - SSLProtocol
- configuring BIND to run in a chroot jail - SSLCipherSuite
- split configuration of BIND using the forwarders - ServerTokens
- configuring and using transaction signatures (TSIG) - ServerSignature
- awareness of DNSSEC and basic tools - TraceEnable
- /etc/named.conf
Implementing a proxy server
- /etc/passwd
- Squid 3.x configuration files, terms and utilities
- Access restriction methods
- dnssec-keygen
- Client user authentication methods
- dnssec-signzone
- Layout and content of ACL in configuration files
- squid.conf
- acl
- http_access

Linux Professional Institute

209: File Sharing PAM authentication

- PAM configuration files, terms and utilities

SAMBA Server Configuration
- passwd and shadow passwords
- Samba 3 documentation
- /etc/pam.d/
- Samba configuration files
- pam.conf
- Samba tools and utilities
- nsswitch.conf
- Mounting Samba shares on Linux
- pam_unix
- Samba daemons
- pam_cracklib
- Mapping Windows usernames to Linux usernames
- pam_limits
- User-Level and Share-Level security
- pam_listfile
- smbd
- nmbd LDAP client usage

- smbstatus - LDAP utilities for data management and queries

- testparm - Change user passwords
- smbpasswd - Querying the LDAP directory
- nmblookup - ldapsearch
- smbclient - ldappasswd
- net /etc/smb/ - ldapadd
- /var/log/samba/ - ldapdelete

NFS Server Configuration Configuring an OpenLDAP server

- NFS version 3 configuration files - OpenLDAP

- NFS tools and utilities - Access Control
- Access restrictions to certain hosts and/or subnets - Distinguished Names
- Mount options on server and client - Changetype Operations
- TCP Wrappers - Schemas and Whitepages
- Awareness of NFSv4 - Directories
- /etc/exports - Object IDs, Attributes and Classes
-exportfs - Awareness of System Security Services Daemon (SSSD)
- showmount - slapd
- nfsstat - slapd.conf
- /proc/mounts - LDIF
- /etc/fstab - slapadd
- rpcinfo - slapcat
- mountd - slapindex
- portmapper - /var/lib/ldap/
- loglevel
210: Network Client Management
211: E-Mail Services
DHCP configuration

- DHCP configuration files, terms and utilities Managing Local E-Mail Delivery

- Subnet and dynamically-allocated range setup - procmail configuration files, tools and utilities
- dhcpd.conf - Usage of procmail on both server and client side
- /var/log/daemon.log - ~/.procmailrc
- /var/log/messages - /etc/procmailrc
- dhcpd.leases - procmail
- arp - mbox and Maildir formats
- dhcpd

Linux Professional Institute

Managing Remote E-Mail Delivery Security tasks

- Courier IMAP and Courier POP configuration - tools and utilities to scan and test ports on a server
- Dovecot configuration - report security alerts with Bugtraq, CERT or other
- /etc/courier/ - tools and utilities to implement an IDS
- dovecot.conf - awareness of OpenVAS and Snort
- telnet
212: System Security
- nmap

Configuring a router - fail2ban

- iptables configuration files, tools and utilities - nc

- iptables
- utilities to manage routing tables
- private address ranges OpenVPN
- port redirection and IP forwarding
- OpenVPN
- List and write filtering and rules that accept or block
- /etc/openvpn/
datagrams based on source or destination protocol,
port and address - openvpn
- save and reload filtering configurations
- awareness of ip6tables and filtering
- /proc/sys/net/ipv4/
- /etc/services
- iptables

Securing FTP servers

- configuration files, tools and utilities for Pure-FTPd

- configuration files, tools and utilities for vsftpd
- awareness of ProFTPd
- understanding of passive vs. active FTP connections
- vsftpd.conf
- important Pure-FTPd command line options

Secure shell (SSH)

- OpenSSH configuration files, tools and utilities

- Login restrictions for the root and the normal users
- managing server and client keys to login w/o pass
- Usage of multiple connections from multiple hosts to
guard against loss of connection to remote host
following configuration changes
- ssh
- sshd
- /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- /etc/ssh/
- PermitRootLogin
- PubKeyAuthentication
- AllowUsers
- PasswordAuthentication
- Protocol

Linux Professional Institute

LPIC-3 Exam 300 391: OpenLDAP as an Authentication Backend

LDAP Integration with PAM and NSS

390: OpenLDAP Configuration
- Configure PAM to use LDAP for authentication
OpenLDAP Replication
- Configure NSS to retrieve information from LDAP
- Replication concepts
- Configure PAM modules in various Unix environments
- Configure OpenLDAP replication
- /etc/pam.d/
- Analyze replication log files
- /etc/nsswitch.conf
- Understand replica hubs
Integrating with Active Directory and Kerberos
- LDAP referrals
- LDAP sync replication - Kerberos integration with LDAP

- master / slave server - Cross platform authentication

- multi-master replication - Single sign-on concepts

- consumer - Integration and compatibility limitations between

OpenLDAP and Active Directory
- replica hub
- Kerberos
- one-shot mode
- Active Directory
- referral
- single sign-on
- syncrepl
- pull-based / push-based synchronization
- refreshOnly and refreshAndPersist 392: Samba Basics
- replog
Samba Concepts and Architecture
Securing the Directory - Roles of the Samba daemons and components
- Securing the directory with SSL and TLS - Key issues regarding heterogeneous networks
- Firewall considerations - Identify key TCP/UDP ports used with SMB/CIFS
- Unauthenticated access methods - Knowledge of Samba3 and Samba4 differences
- User / password authentication methods - /etc/services
- Maintanence of SASL user DB - smbd
- Client / server certificates - nmbd
- SSL / TLS - samba
- Security Strength Factors (SSF) - winbindd
Configure Samba
- proxy authorization
- Samba server configuration file structure
- StartTLS
- Samba variables and configuration parameters
- iptables
- Configuration problems with Samba
OpenLDAP Server Performance Tuning - smb.conf
- Measure OpenLDAP performance - smb.conf parameters
- Tune software configuration to increase performance - smb.conf variables
- Understand indexes - testparm
- Terms and Utilities: - secrets.tdb
- index
Regular Samba Maintenance
- Monitor and interact with running Samba daemons
- Regular backups of Samba configuration and state data
- smbcontrol
- smbstatus
- tdbbackup

Linux Professional Institute

Troubleshooting Samba Linux File System and Share/Service Permissions

- Configure Samba logging - Knowledge of file / directory permission control

- Backup TDB files - Samba interaction with Linux permissions and ACLs
- Restore TDB files - Use Samba VFS to store Windows ACLs
- Identify TDB file corruption - create mask
- Edit / list TDB file content - directory mask
- /var/log/samba/ - force create mode
- log level - force directory mode
- debuglevel - smbcacls
- smbpasswd - getfacl
- pdbedit - setfacl
- secrets.tdb - vfs_acl_xattr
- tdbbackup - vfs_acl_tdb
- tdbdump - vfs objects
- tdbrestore
Print Services
- tdbtool
- Create and configure printer sharing
Internationalization - Configure integration between Samba and CUPS
- Internationalization character codes and code pages - Manage Windows print drivers
- Difference in the name space between Windows and - Configure [print$]
Linux/Unix with respect to share, file and directory
names in a non-English environment - Understand security concerns with printer sharing

- Difference in the name space between Windows and - Point'n'Print driver installation using 'Add Print Driver
Linux/Unix with respect to user and group naming in a Wizard' in Windows
non-English environment - [print$]
- Difference in the name space between Windows and - CUPS
Linux/Unix with respect to computer naming in a non-
English environment - cupsd.conf

- internationalization - /var/spool/samba/

- character codes - smbspool

- code pages - rpcclient

- smb.conf - net

- dos charset,
394: Samba User and Group Management
- display charset
- unix charset Managing User Accounts and Groups

- Managment of user and group accounts

393: Samba Share Configuration
- Understand user and group mapping
File Services - Knowledge of user account management tools

- Create and configure file sharing - Use of the smbpasswd program

- Plan file service migration - Force ownership of file and directory objects

- Limit access to IPC$ - pdbedit

- Samba share access configuration parameters - smb.conf

- [homes] - samba-tool user (with subcommands)

- smbcquotas - samba-tool group (with subcommands)

- smbsh - smbpasswd

- mount - idmap

- smbmount

Linux Professional Institute

Authentication, Authorization and Winbind Configure Samba as a Domain Member Server

- Setup a local password database - Joining Samba to an existing NT4 domain

- Perform password synchronization - Joining Samba to an existing AD domain
- Knowledge of different passdb backends - Ability to obtain a TGT from a KDC
- Convert between Samba passdb backends - server role
- Integrate Samba with LDAP - server security
- Configure Winbind service - net command
- Configure PAM and NSS - kinit
- smbpasswd, tdbsam, ldapsam - REALM
- passdb backend
396: Samba Name Services
- libnss_winbind
- libpam_winbind NetBIOS and WINS
- libpam_smbpass - Understand WINS concepts
- wbinfo - Understand NetBIOS concepts
- getent - Understand the role of a local master browser
- SID and foreign SID - Understand the role of a domain master browser
- Understand the role of Samba as a WINS server
395: Samba Domain Integration
- Understand name resolution
Samba as a PDC and BDC - Configure Samba as a WINS server
- Configure domain membership and trust relationships - Configure WINS replication
- Primary domain controller with Samba3 and Samba4 - Understand NetBIOS browsing and browser elections
- Backup domain controller with Samba3 and Samba4 - Understand NETBIOS name types
- Add computers to an existing domain - nmblookup
- Configure logon scripts - smbclient
- Configure roaming profiles - name resolve order
- Configure system policies - lmhosts
- security mode - wins support
- server role - wins server
- domain logons - wins proxy
- domain master - dns proxy
- logon script - domain master
- logon path
Active Directory Name Resolution
- NTConfig.pol
- DNS for Samba4 as an AD Domain Controller
- net
- DNS forwarding with the internal DNS server of Samba4
- profiles
- samba-tool dns (with subcommands)
- add machine script
- dns forwarder
- profile acls
- /etc/resolv.conf
Samba4 as an AD compatible Domain Controller - dig
- Configure and test Samba 4 as an AD DC - host
- Using smbclient to confirm AD operation
- Understand how Samba integrates with AD services

Linux Professional Institute

397: Working with Linux and Windows Clients

CIFS Integration

- Understand SMB/CIFS concepts

- Access remote CIFS shares from a Linux client
- Securely storing CIFS credentials
- Features and benefits of CIFS
- Permissions and file ownership of remote CIFS shares
- mount
- mount.cifs
- smbclient
- smbget
- smbtar
- smbtree
- findsmb
- smb.conf
- smbcquotas
- /etc/fstab

Working with Windows Clients

- Knowledge of Windows clients

- Explore browse lists and SMB clients from Windows
- Share file / print resources from Windows
- Use of the smbclient program
- Use of the Windows net utility
- Windows net command
- smbclient
- control panel
- rdesktop
- workgroup

Linux Professional Institute

LPIC-3 Exam 303 SELinux

- SELinux configuration and command line tools

320: Cryptography
- TE, RBAC, MAC and DAC concepts and use

OpenSSL - fixfiles/setfiles

- Certificate generation - newrole

- Key generation - setenforce/getenforce

- SSL/TLS client and server tests - selinuxenabled

- openssl - semanage

- RSA - sestatus

- DH - /etc/selinux/

- DSA - /etc/selinux.d/

- SSL Other Mandatory Access Control Systems

- X.509
- AppArmor
322: Application Security
Advanced GPG

- GPG encryption and signing BIND/DNS

- Private/public key management - BIND vulnerabilities

- GPG key servers - chroot environments
- GPG configuration - TSIG
- gpg - BIND
- gpgv - ACLs
- gpg-agent - named-checkconf
- ~/.gnupg/
Mail Services
Encrypted Filesystems - Postfix security centric configuration
- LUKS - securing Sendmail
- dm-crypt - chroot environments
- awareness of CBC, ESSIV, LRW and XTS modes - TLS
- cryptmount
- cryptsetup
- Apache v1 and v2 security centric configuration

321: Access Control - SSL

- .htaccess
Host Based Access Control
- Basic Authentication
- PAM and PAM configuration files
- htpasswd
- Password cracking
- AllowOverride
- nsswitch
- nsswitch.conf FTP

- john - Pure-FTPd configuration

- vsftpd configuration
Extended Attributes and ACLs
- chroot environments
- ACLs
- EAs and attribute classes
- vsftp.conf
- getfacl / setfacl
- getfattr / setfattr

Linux Professional Institute

OpenSSH Network Security Scanning

- OpenSSH configuration and command line tools - Nessus configuration, NASL and use
- OpenSSH key management and access control - Wireshark filters and use
- Awareness of SSH protocol v1 and v2 security issues - nmap
- /etc/ssh/ - wireshark
- ~/.ssh/ - tshark
- ssh-keygen - tcpdump
- ssh-agent - nessus
- ssh-vulnkey - nessus-adduser/nessus-rmuser
- nessusd
- nessus-mkcert
- NFSv4 security improvements, issues and use
- /etc/nessus
- NFSv4 pseudo file system
- NFSv4 security mechanisms Network Monitoring

LIPKEY - Nagios configuration and use

SPKM - ntop
Kerberos - nagios
- NFSv4 ACLs - nagiostats
- RPCSEC_GSS - nagios.cfg and other configuration files
- /etc/exports
netfilter and iptables
Syslog - Iptables packet filtering and network address translation
- syslog security issues - iptables-save
- chroot environments - iptables-restore
- remote syslog servers

323: Operations Security - OpenVPN configuration and use

- openvpn server and client
Host Configuration Management

- Puppet
- ci/co
- rcsdiff
- puppet
- puppetd
- puppetmasterd
- /etc/puppet/

324: Network Security

Intrusion Detection

- Snort configuration, rules and use

- Tripwire configuration, policies and use
- snort-stat
- /etc/snort/
- tripwire
- twadmin
- /etc/tripwire/

Linux Professional Institute

LPIC-3 Exam 304 KVM

- KVM architecture, networking and storage

330: Virtualization
- KVM configuration

Virtualization Concepts and Theory - KVM monitor

- Terminology - KVM utilities

- Pros and Cons of Virtualization - Troubleshooting KVM installations

- Variations of Virtual Machine Monitors - Kernel modules: kvm, kvm-intel and kvm-amd

- Migration of Physical to Virtual Machines - /etc/kvm/

- Migration of Virtual Machines between Host systems - /dev/kvm

- Cloud Computing - kvm

- Hypervisor - qemu

- Hardware Virtual Machine (HVM) - qemu-img

- Paravirtualization (PV) Other Virtualization Solutions

- Container Virtualization
- Basic knowledge of OpenVZ and LXC
- Emulation and Simulation
- Awareness of other virtualization technologies
- CPU flags
- Basic knowledge of virtualization provisioning tools
- /proc/cpuinfo
- OpenVZ
- Migration (P2V, V2V)
- VirtualBox
- IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

Xen - docker

- Xen architecture, networking and storage - packer

- Xen configuration - vagrant

- Xen utilities Libvirt and Related Tools

- Troubleshooting Xen installations
- libvirt architecture, networking and storage
- Basic knowledge of XAPI
- Basic technical knowledge of libvirt and virsh
- Awareness of XenStore
- Awareness of oVirt
- Awareness of Xen Boot Parameters
- libvirtd
- Awareness of the xm utility
- /etc/libvirt/
- Domain0 (Dom0), DomainU (DomU)
- virsh
- PV-DomU, HVM-DomU
- oVirt
- /etc/xen/
- xl Cloud Management Tools

- xl.cfg - OpenStack

- xl.conf - CloudStack

- xe - Eucalyptus

- xentop - OpenNebula

Linux Professional Institute

334: High Availability Cluster Management Failover Clusters

- Pacemaker architecture and components

High Availability Concepts and Theory
- Understand the most important cluster architectures
- Recovery and cluster reorganization mechanisms
- Design cluster architecture for a given purpose
- Application aspects of high availability
- Operational considerations of high availability
- Active/Passive Cluster, Active/Active Cluster
- Pacemaker cluster configuration
- Failover Cluster
- Resource classes
- Load Balanced Cluster
- Shared-Nothing Cluster
- Shared-Disk Cluster
- Cluster resources
- Cluster services
- Quorum
- Fencing
- Split brain
- Resource rules and constraints
- Redundancy
- Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF)
- Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
- Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- Advanced resource features
- Desaster Recovery
- Replication
- Session handling
clone resources
Load Balanced Clusters multi-state resources

- Understanding of LVS / IPVS - Pacemaker management using pcs

- Basic knowledge of VRRP - Pacemaker management using crmsh

- Configuration of keepalived - Management of corosync in conjunction with Pacemaker

- Configuration of ldirectord - Awareness of other cluster engines

- Backend server network configuration OpenAIS

- Understanding of HAProxy Heartbeat

- Configuration of HAProxy CMAN

- ipvsadm
High Availability in Enterprise Linux Distributions
- syncd
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability Add-On
- LVS Forwarding
- SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
- Cluster engines
Direct Routing
- Load balancers
- Storage technology
Local Node
- Cluster filesystems
- connection scheduling algorithms
- genhash
- load balancing algorithms
- ACLs

Linux Professional Institute

335: High Availability Cluster Storage


- DRBD resources, states and replication modes

- DRBD networking, disks and devices
- DRBD automatic recovery and error handling
- Management of DRBD using drbdadm
- Basic knowledge of drbdsetup and drbdmeta
- Integration of DRBD with Pacemaker
- cLVM
- Integration of cLVM with Pacemaker
- Protocol A, B and C
- Primary, Secondary
- Three-way replication
- drbd kernel module
- /etc/drbd.conf
- /proc/drbd
- LVM2
- clvmd
- vgchange
- vgs

Clustered File Systems

- Understand the principles of cluster file systems

- Maintain GFS2 file systems in a cluster
- Maintain OCFS2 file systems in a cluster
- Integration of GFS2 and OCFS2 with Pacemaker
- Awareness of the O2CB cluster stack
- Distributed Lock Manager (DLM)
- mkfs.gfs2
- mount.gfs2
- fsck.gfs2
- gfs2_grow
- gfs2_edit
- gfs2_jadd
- mkfs.ocfs2
- mount.ocfs2
- fsck.ocfs2
- tunefs.ocfs2
- mounted.ocfs2
- o2info
- o2image
- CephFS
- GlusterFS

Linux Professional Institute

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