Reality Check

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NAME: Samantha Ashcraft
AGE: 19
SCHOOL: University of Cincinnati Clermont
MAJOR: Finance
CAREER GOAL: Im interested in becoming an accountant.

LIVING SITUATION: I currently live with my parents about 20 minutes away from campus.

PRIZED POSSESSION: My dog and pictures of my family and boyfriend.

HOW DO YOU COPE WITH STRESS: Going to the gym, watch Netflix, or take a long nap.

WHAT SURPRISED YOU MOST ABOUT COLLEGE: I didnt realize how similar college
is to high school. I have so much downtime on my hands after school and doing my homework.
What can I say? Im loving the college student life.

TOUGHEST PART OF FRESHMAN YEAR: I think the toughest part of freshman year
would be how much work there really is. Its crazy how many assignments you can have at one

WORDS OF WISDOM: Make sure to balance your education and social life. Try making as
many new friends as possible, get their phone number, social media accounts, and just make it a
friendship that will last. Also, GET AS MUCH SLEEP AS POSSIBLE.

Rauf, Don, Traci Mosser, and Caitlin OHagan. Reality Check: Freshman Survivors Tell All.
Careers & Colleges 24.4 (2004): 30-34. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

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