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ASTM standards on the job

Standardization Squared
Standards Form the Foundation of a Testing Equipment Manufacturers Business

By Sean Fowler

f you were walking around Q-Labs headquar- ing Fluorescent Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp Apparatus
ters or any of our global locations, it wouldnt for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials) in 1976.
take long to hear someone sales profes- Q-Labs current president, Douglas Grossman,
sionals, product engineers, help desk technicians, is chairman of Subcommittee D01.27 on Acceler-
marketing application specialists, upper man- ated Testing and has been an ASTM member since
agement, etc. mention ASTM. This is because 1975. He cites the existence of Committee G03 as
standards are essential to what we do. Q-Lab is an advantage that sets ASTM apart from other
a global leader in weathering and corrosion test standards organizations. Calling G03 standardiza-
chambers and exposure test services. Our brands, tion squared because it was formed to standard-
QUV, Q-SUN, Q-FOG, and Q-PANEL, are intricately ize the process of creating standards on weather-
connected to ASTM International standards.1 They ing testing, Grossman says, The beauty of G03
are part of our DNA. is that it provides a single forum for hashing out
Weathering and corrosion testing helps prod- unified standards that codify the basic principles of
uct developers and materials scientists design for weathering tests. Then the materials committees
better durability in the outdoor environment. The can write brief weathering standards that refer-
combined forces of sunlight, moisture and heat ence G03s standards and directly address only
are the enemy. Q-Labs test chambers simulate the peculiarities of their own application without
these conditions so that our customers can test, the necessity of reinventing the wheel every time.
reformulate and test again in a repeatable way This is a point well return to later.
that accelerates the effects of these environmen- Q-Labs products are sold in more than 50
tal stressors. Our customers rely on ASTM stan- countries, and our customer base represents a
dards for product development, quality control, diverse array of industries: building materials,
and in many cases, compliance with regulations. paints, plastics, automotive, textiles, adhesives
Our customers customers often demand adher- and sealants, pharmaceuticals, photovoltaics,
ence to ASTM standards to ensure they get qual- cosmetics, food and beverages, and others that
ity products. We help them meet those standards. sometimes surprise us. Our weathering and stan-
Q-Lab founder George Grossman began par- dardization experts participate in numerous ASTM
ticipating in ASTM International early in the com- International technical committees, attending
panys history, which began in 1956. By the early hundreds of hours of meetings and conference
1960s, Q-Lab was an active member of Commit- calls each year. This is a significant investment for
tee D01 on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials us, but there is no doubt that the effort pays off.
and Applications in support of the Q-PANEL line The global reach we have achieved in so many
of standardized test substrates. industries would not have been possible without
Of the nine ASTM technical committees whose standardization and specifically ASTM.
meetings we regularly attend and the dozen The benefits that Q-Lab derives from ASTM
or more we closely follow, Committee G03 on standards can be boiled down to two key
Weathering and Durability is one of the most areas. First, ASTM standards are recognized
important to us. It is no coincidence that our and respected by customers in most of our
first test chamber, the QCT condensation tester, market segments. Because we design our
was introduced in 1965 (the same year G03 was products to comply with ASTM standards and
formed). It is also no coincidence that our QUV actively participate in standards development,
accelerated weathering tester became the worlds Q-Lab gains respect and recognition by
most widely used weathering tester after publica- association. Second, when we participate in
tion of ASTM G53 (now G154, Practice for Operat- ASTM committees, we have the opportunity to

14 astmSTANDARDIZATIONNews o September/October 2013

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collaborate with many of our customers, learn decides not to make a change based on a negative
from technical leaders in many industries and vote, it must write a technical justification that is
disciplines, and advance the state of the art. reviewed by the ASTM Committee on Standards. In
A fresh example is the recent development of many cases, however, negative votes or comments
ASTM standard D7869, Practice for Xenon Arc prove invaluable because they uncover an error or
Exposure Test with Enhanced Light and Water Ex- omission that no one else noticed.
posure for Transportation Coatings, by Committee For Q-Lab, the ASTM International process em-
D01.27. This new standard represents the global powers us to improve our industry, which exists to
state of the art in accelerated weathering testing. help other industries improve their products. Our
Q-Lab worked with a coalition of customers and involvement with ASTM contributes real business
competitors to create a new test protocol that results for Q-Lab, and has become ingrained in
accurately replicates the effects of south Florida our corporate culture.
weathering of automotive, aerospace and other
related coatings in a xenon arc test chamber. Reference
Ford, Honda, Boeing, Bayer, BASF and Atlas were 1. Q-Lab, the Q-Lab logo, QUV, Q-SUN, Q-FOG and Q-PANEL are
active participants in the decade-long research registered trademarks of Q-Lab Corp.
studies that formed the new standard.
For the first time, a single test was shown Sean Fowler joined Q-Lab in 1999 and has been in
to accurately reproduce several material deg- service and sales roles; he currently is technical marketing
radation modes seen in the outdoor environ- specialist, spending much of his time working in standards
ment. The prospect of this breakthrough is that organizations. He is a member of ASTM Committees D01 on
development time for new coatings may be cut Paint, and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications, D08
significantly while manufacturers work to improve on Roofing and Waterproofing, and D20 on Plastics, and he
durability, reduce costs and develop more envi- is active in ASTM Committee E44 on Solar, Geothermal and
ronmentally friendly products. Previous methods Alternative Energy Sources.
were capable of reproducing only one or two
degradation mechanisms. The result was that
the best performing products in laboratory tests
werent reliably the best performers in actual use.
The new method significantly improves correla-
tion between the laboratory and real service for kk Westlake, Ohio
many coatings, and it may achieve comparable re- kk
sults for other materials and industries. However, kk Manufacturer of
the fruit of the research was in standardizing the weathering and
protocol. Q-Lab felt strongly that ASTM Interna- corrosion test
tional was the logical choice in which to propose equipment; provider
a new standard. of exposure testing
The process of proposing, writing and approv- services
ing new standards within ASTM is robust and kk Market: Global
efficient. As mentioned earlier, the existence of kk Number of staff: ~200
Committee G03 streamlined the process because kk Number of staff who are ASTM members: 11
G155, Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light kk Number of ASTM Technical Committees
Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials, with Q-Lab Representation: 9
already standardizes weathering tests in xenon
arc weathering chambers. Subcommittee D01.27
served as the perfect forum for interested parties
to hash out most of the specifics before Q-Lab
even submitted the first draft in D01. See related new standards, meeting dates, publications,
The ASTM International balloting process is news and more at
beyond democratic every negative vote must be
addressed by the technical subcommittee before Find other BusinessCase articles at
progressing to the next step. If the subcommittee

w w w . a s t m . o r g / s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n - n e w s S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 2 0 1 3 o a s t m S T A N D A R D I Z A T I O N N EWS 15

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