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Honor Society Deadline for Priscilla Arnold Page 1 of 1

Hcnor Society Deadline for Prrscilia Arnold t::r:::

K i:i i lit S* I\-rl t' N*" i'il'l'l Y Att *N F*t-iwAiiil


marl< as unread
^N Hono < mem berservices@ honorsociety.o rg >
fri ii/2t,/J$1.,,1 n:l$ t:l'.4

To: Arnold, Priscilla;
'fr heip pi.stect ycur privacy, ssme {antsnt in this message has h**n hlcck*d. To re-*nohle the blocked
fe;"ltures, tlitk i:ere.

Tr: ;:lw.tys sholn; ttnte nt frorn this ser:der, tii*k htrt.

!i*:: lsslss-i:!*rtti*$lllsssj$l t
T+rh nir:ll i*qs SlitSilrt
I i:;ri;J( .'.^.i1.* . ;. r.J l.'. I 1:i*1'r,'

Prisoilla Arnold:

Ccngratr.rlationsl Bascd on .voLlr Technical College Systenr ol Geogia academic achiel'ements

a1d nr:rninalion, 1,'ou have been accepted to the univelsit,v menlber society.

C)ul'recorcls indicate that you have not 1,'et acceptet'l your llonorSociety.olg lnerlrbership and
Lrenetits. Your deacllile to activate voi-rr IlonorSocietrv.olg recognition atld associated privileges
has beeri ertendecl to June "10.20 1.1.

.4-c tiv at ey-q-url{ o-npt-Sg clgly--Mcm.Mh tp is the preetninent organization cledicatecl to recogtritiort o{'student success, atrd

1{l ernpower studeuts 1o achierre througir scholarship. recognitior.i. exclusive privileges, .iob
opporlunilies anil morc.

Featured Privileges:

. Exclusive scholarship listings.

' Access to regalia. honor cords and tassels.
. IiLee access to caleer guide books.
r Frco c^.acc i^ inh rrnctinoc f)rr.nnllene ctrr,-lentc crrrl ,rrq.-lrrotec

https ://pod5 I 03 5.outlook. com/owa/ 71212014

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