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ds Mercy & Gospel Resis

Cherith Brook
icing Go tance

So E lijah did according to the word of the L ord; he went and lived by the C herith Brookand the ravens brought him bread I Kings 17

We ALL made it! By Paul Chan

Paul Chan is a regular volunteer for our Thursday night meals at Cherth Brook. His group fundraises annual to benefit CROP walk. We are fortunate to receive support
form CROP walk for the past two years. Below is Pauls reflection on hiking the Grand Canyon on behalf of the walk.

This was a challenging hike! It was warm and sweltering at times, and then it rained on us on the way back for a total of
30 minutes. But we all held our spirits high as we supported one another throughout these last 10 miles, especially the
last 3 miles when we ascended 3000 feet in elevation over steep switchbacks. It was dark but peaceful, with only the
repetitive sounds of our boots crunching over dirt and rocks. We made good time, arriving at the top at 1:17 am (a total
of 22 hours 14 minutes later). What an accomplishment for this group of dedicated individuals I am so proud of how
we worked together!
Our journey up these last 10 miles is always quiet and reflective, as we each try to preserve every breath during the steep
climb. During this time, I reflected on the fact that our walk today paled in comparison to the daily struggles of many
people in the U.S. and throughout the world. Over the past year, I have spent time at Cherith Brook in Kansas City. Cher-
ith Brook is part of the network of Catholic Worker houses throughout the U.S. and is located in a blighted area of eas-
Kansas City. There, one meets fruit bearing trees and shrubs,
men, women, and families who large vegetable gardens abut-
come for meals and showers. ting the street curb and behind
But Cherith Brook is more than a the house, multiple bee hives
soup kitchen or a food pantry. It and rain water tanks, and sev-
is a place of community and fel- eral dozen chickens and ducks
lowship, where volunteers and squeezed in a 3-home lot.
the homeless can be difficult
to distinguish, as both groups My time at Cherith Brook has
volunteer on any given day or made me feel more connected
night to serve food, wash dishes, with folks in Kansas City. You
and clean up after the meal see, I live in an all-white upper
or shower. It is a place which middle class section of Kansas
recognizes the humanity and City, and it is hard to know the
talents of all who come together other side of the city without
to break bread. It is an oasis consciously making time to do
in east Kansas City, with 30+ so. But my time there is an
A time of prayer before our Thursday night meal.

important time in my schedule every weekin fact, it is my priority outside of work and family, and my family joins
me. Three weeks ago, as I sat across the table eating dinner from a homeless man who I will call Charles, we shared
his joy of finally landing an affordable apartment after many months of trying. He had tears well up in his eyes as he
described how he had felt so INVISIBLE to the people all around him these past 2 years after a large unexpected medi-
cal bill depleted his savings and uprooted him from his prior residence.
Being at Cherith Brook reminds me of what is possible. Four adults live there and oversee the operation, and 2 of
them are married and have raised their children over the last 9 years while living there (their kids started there in third
grade and are now in 11th grade). The group lives in community, sharing earnings and resources for the greater good
of the houses operation and meeting for communal prayers most mornings. They organize rallies, fight for a fair
minimum wage, and look for ways to promote peace and justice in the world.
2 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Advent 2016

We ALL made it, continued from page 1

Our Walk each year raises money to fight hunger by funding
programs which are sustainable, empower poor people, and
use the talents of people who are helped by the money that
is raised. But the work against hunger, either in the U.S. or in
resource-poor countries throughout the world, can be a very
lonely, frustrating, and disappointing journey if one tries to
do it alone. When I started doing this fundraiser in the Grand
Canyon in 2010, it was literally a lonely walk. I had many sup-
porters who donated, but the experience always seemed like
it needed to be shared with others. After doing this walk by
myself the first 2 years, I realized that I needed a community
and companionship to sustain the vision of what we sought out
to accomplish. As is the case at Cherith Brook, the goal is not
simply about raising money against hunger in our walk, it is to
build community and loving friendships so that we can togeth-
er walk and take a stand against hunger. And in the process of
having others join in this trek (as a hiker or a supporter), we
have each found that our Walk every October is a time to cel-
ebrate our willingness to take a stand and say, unequivocally,
that hunger anywhere is unacceptable and not immutable. Paul and family join us regularly on Thursdays for our community meal

But we should not be content with just this walk. We need to be courageous
and challenge what makes people hungry. As the late Catholic archbishop Dom
Helda Camara once said, When I gave food to the hungry, they called me a
saint. But, when I asked why they were hungry, they called me a communist.
Each of us needs to determine what actions are courageous for them. It may
be fighting for a livable minimum wage or affordable mixed income housing
development in US cities to reduce gentrification. It might mean writing letters
to Congress through the non-profit faith-based group, Bread for the World. It
might mean working on health insurance policy, regardless of whether one is
a republican, democrat, or independent. It might mean working to target US
foreign aid to organizations with a track record for developing sustainable and
grassroots solutions to hunger and poverty. It might even mean demonstrating
for what one believes will promote justice and peace in the world, even at the
risk of imprisonment. But we can all start somewhere, anywhere. And if you
Weve been fortunate recently to have young volunteers from Rockhurst High do it in community with others, you will find support, moral encouragement,
School come and cook meals as well as enjoy time as community together. and conviction to persist.
But the key is to start somewhere. And I find that once we move from what Martin Luther King Jr. called the paralysis
of analysis to Action, the inertia which binds us to our comfortable lives will open us up to others who are typically in-
visible and powerless in society. One of my mentors, Paul Farmer, once said, If I am hungry, that is a material problem.
If someone else is hungry, that is a spiritual problem. Paul, who founded Partners in Health and with whom I had the
privilege of working in the shantytowns of Peru, would say that he could not sleep as there was always someone who
was not getting treatment and he could not stand that.
As our Walk concludes, I want to thank everyone for their generous support this year. But we are not done; we cannot
be. We have begun the work which we need to do. I encourage us all to practice simple and sincere acts of kindness
and love--with family members, neighbors, work colleagues, and strangers. And by embarking on consistent and daily
acts of both random and non-random kindness and compassion, I believe we can all begin to silence the naysayers that
argue that one individual cannot make the world a better place. We can walk in solidarity and break bread in meaning-
ful ways with the faces of God in need around us. The late Margaret Mead, in fact, posited: Never doubt that a small
group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, its the only thing that ever has.
Well, it is time for bed, and after hiking 50 miles, I should stop writing. In the morning when I awake, the Canyon will be
less intimate, distant, and enormous. Upon my return to Kansas City, I hope to not be overwhelmed by the enormity of
the problems around me (like those who are overwhelmed by the grandeur of the Grand Canyon). Instead, I hope I will
have the courage and humility to continue this Walk in intimate solidarity with those in need.
Advent 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 3

We Grow By Eric Garbison

Growing food was never central to our original vision as an urban Hospitality house. We dont like to be called a farm,
knowing how difficult it is to live off the land. But early in our journey we decided to use available lawn to contribute to
our table. Each year we would add something new; first it was chickens, then bees, fruit trees and finally insectaries. We
jackhammered sizeable portions of our parking lot to make room.
Former interns Theo Kayser and Nicole Linsmeier once figured we had 2444 sq. ft. of garden space and 2041 square feet
of orchard totally 4,485, or a tenth of an acre. So weve done pretty good. Now that all useable space is claimed, we find
ourselves settling in to the soil, deepening our craft. How do we replenish or rest the soil? Retain moisture? Deal with
pests and weeds in organic ways? Harvest most efficiently? Sustain the effort?
One necessary change is to make more discerning choices. When Allison plans the coming season, she keeps in mind
what we use most (onions, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, chard, and kale) and avoid what gets over-donated (green beans,
lettuces, spinach, potatoes). Then there are the usual favorites like the okra, that guests love to eat (though its no fun to
pick). Perennials like asparagus, strawberries, mint and multiplier onions reduce the labor of planting.
It all takes a lot of water and we add rain barrels yearly where we can fit them. Were currently catch 2150 gallons from
our roof tops and, as the 2013
drought taught us, this isnt
even enough. The bees that
line our birdbaths in the heat
of summer remind us of how
central water is to life.
At the beginning we had high
hopes of canning and drying
our surplus. (Thanks to Jerry
Penland we now have an in-
credible solar dryer.) We la-
bored hard at this when there
were more of us.
With our current commu-
nity we lack sufficient time to
do as much. But it brings us
equal joy to watch folks brows-
ing with delight over the fresh produce on our
grocery carts. Once Pam Chisholm stood up
in the middle of the cafe and announced how
grateful she was for access to fresh fruits and
vegetables she could not afford from and EBT
card and that she knew how much work we
put into it. (Shame on the Kansas and Missouri
legislators perpetuating the myth that folks on
EBT eat steak and lobster. I doubt if any of
these politicians have ever lived without access
to fresh produce. Imagining the politicos pay
high prices for their organic tastes, makes the
raw organic honey we serve the homeless taste
that much sweeter!)
Bottom line, whether in canning, cooking or
gifting our food goes to hungry people one way
or another.

Continued on Page 10...

4 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Advent 2016

Father Carl Kabat persists at trial By Lu Mountenay

Members and friends of PeaceWorks KC gathered Oct. 12th to support Father
Carl Kabat, 83, at KC Municipal Court. The charge: trespassing and destruction of
property. Why would a catholic priest do that? He said he feels nuclear weap-
ons are insane, and he protested them July 4th by splashing blood-red paint on
the door of the Honeywell plant in KC, MO., where parts for nuclear weapons
are made.
This is not new activity for Father Kabat. His protests began with Plowshares,
a group of Catholic priests and lay persons, in the early 1980s. Since then he has
been arrested at missile silos, defense, and weapons sites for trespassing, mali-
cious mischief, burglary, unlawful entry, destruction of property, and more. This
was his third July 4th action and arrest at the KC plant. His combined protests
have earned him a total of 17 years in prison a sacrificial act to bring attention
to issues of war and weapons.
Would this years action land him in prison again? This is how the trial went
down. Judge Katherine Emke had Father Kabat sign a waiver of counsel. She
wanted him to understand he could get one to 180 days in jail. He answered
Yes, and said he understood and wanted to proceed without legal representa-
tion. The fine could be as much as $500. He said he wouldnt pay.
Honeywell security guard Lt. John Falco testified that Father Kabat threw red
oil-based paint on the door of the plant, causing $600 in damages. Falco said he
phoned the KC police, who arrested the priest. When asked if signs were posted,
Falco said Yes, they say, No trespassing, Private Property-Subject to search and
Father Carl after doing some acts of civil resistance!

It is a little known fact that the Honeywell

Kansas City Plant is used to produce
Nuclear Weapons parts with a budget
upwards of $500 Million for the sake of
war and destruction

Father Kabat questioned the witness: Do you know the

significance of the red paint? The prosecuting attorney
objected: The witness is being asked to speculate.
Father Kabat was thwarted many times thereafter as he
tried to get his point across-that the red paint symbol-
ized blood and that the plant was a place of death. Judge
Members of PeaceWorks gather with Father Carl before his trial. Emke said, What the plant makes is irrelevant. She
repeatedly said he could only ask questions, not make
statements. When asked if he had further questions, he
continued to introduce new testimony about how we
must stop this insanity. We have to call things what they
are. I did it! We all should do it! And (to the judge), even
you should do it!
The judge found him guilty of property damage only and
sentenced him to 30 days in jail suspended. Two years
probation meant he must stay away from the property.
PeaceWorks supporters mumbled Good luck with that.
The judge told him he had the right to appeal, and Father
Kabat said he wouldnt sign or pay anything. After return-
ing to his seat, he raised his hand to ask another Ques-
tion! The long-suffering judge had had enough. Case
Father Kabats supporters, however, have not had
Father Carl has been a tireless advocate for justice for many years. Carl Father Carl has been enough. If he does civil resistance and comes to court
known to dress as a clown and claim himeslf a Fool for Christ during his actions, quoting 1 again, we will abide at our heros side.
Corinthians 4:10
Advent 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 5

A Couple of Years Later By Caleb Madison

Learning to live and love in com- The conversation that hap-
munity over a long period of time pened that day at our agenda
is the equivalent of learning to love was the only time Ive ever felt
your significant other at the moments the need to flee for a moment.
they are in sweatpants and eating a I took off for the day and didnt
burrito while the filling falls out on tell anyone where I was go-
their shirt. Theres spice to the mo- ing or anything. This was, on
ments that you get all dressed up and paper, a very silly thing to do in
go out dancing and get the nice food, the inconsequentiality of sell-
but it doesnt have the same connec- ing something for such a low
tion that comes from being comfort- value (especially in the con-
able enough to drink Franzia and sideration that I had plenty of
watch a bad action movie together. transportation to me available
To put it another way, the love here at Cherith Brook; mobility
that one can gain for the community wasnt a real issue).
around them ends up in a deeper Most decisions weve come to have been This wasnt just the commu-
place than superficiality and the con- about embracing the gray. I think some nity seeing me in sweatpants
sideration of how one presents them- people call this compromise but its so much with a burrito, but the commu-
selves. It becomes really rubber- more than that sterile word that to me says nity seeing me at my worst and
meets-road when you stop getting to something about deciding on a carpet color most frustrated and essentially
choose how you present yourself and rather than actual complexity. in tantrum.
your true nature floats to the surface; Heres one that Ive continually reflected And that puts us back at the
cream and the things you want to on: I was supposed to sell my car when I point where we consider the
skim appearing at the same time. moved in and I didnt for a while (our sum- idea that these little things
I have come to love the community mer time busy-ness and myriad other things have deeper roots than we our-
around me in the same way. took it off of our radar for a moment) and selves realize sometimes: I had
Weve had a lot of disagreements when it came time to do so it was a huge little to no idea why I was so
on both large and small topics. Nu- problem for me. frustrated or why this had such
ance comes up from interpersonal I pushed back hard. The inconsequential gravity for myself but I think
relationships that makes it hard to part of the conflict was the actual selling of other folks in the community
truly and clearly hear each other in my car. In an unsurprising turn of events, were able to see that and gave
the midst of work and life; and the is- a 2001 Altima that was rather dinged up me the appropriate time to be
sues and conversations grow way too didnt fetch top dollar on the market. The mad and process.
large for the topics that they are and far more consequential part of the conflict I sold the car about a month
all of a sudden we are at odds and was the fact that this car meant something later to a friend for a small sum
still not sure whether it was a good to me: the car was representative of an era and then the craziest thing
idea to put that garlic powder in the that I enjoyed, as well as a statement of happened: nothing. Every-
stew. independence from the community around thing was alright. I still had
So if thats where we end up when me. transportation, I did not magi-
were trying to figure out whether And there really wasnt much to compro- cally lose my independence or
garlic powder was a good call (seri- mise on. No one in the community had an autonomy, the community was
ously, it was a miso soup what were individual car and why should I? still here.
you thinking?) what do we do when They continued to love me in
were trying to figure out bigger my very unsexy moment.
things? As many of you know, Im go-
When a big financial decision comes ing to be moving out in January
up? and this will be something that
When we try and figure out compli- I miss the most in the day-to-
cated aspects of relationships? day. I am loved here enough to
When we make decisions that could be consistently challenged and
last well into the next five years? to grow in uncomfortable ways
Id say the safest starting point is by that I havent expected.
extinguishing the idea that commu-
nity living is some sorta utopian place
as well as decimating the idea that Comtinued on Page 8...
its nothing but hellscape. Theres too
much to paint here with two colors.
6 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Advent 2016

Festival of Shelters
Following a wonderful send off by you dont have a place to stay. I can get you a blanket, he
By Brandon Pomeroy

to sit and drink and shoot the shit.

Jodi, Eric and Diana which consisted of a pointed at his overfilled basket. Somewhere that we arent getting
sing along, reading Deuteronomy eight Thats very kind but weve got a place. Were just walk- hassled by the police constantly.
together, and a comforting, encourag- ing around, getting a feel for the evening, said Caleb. He We were listening intently as
ing prayer, Caleb and I took off down looked over at Deuce who was just smoking and staring Deuce went on about his beautiful
Twelfth Street to begin our journey. Our off into the street, not involved in the conversation to that vision of a harmonious community.
plan was to walk downtown to find food point. After a while Caleb said we had to
and to talk to people along the way. Deuce was a contemplative soul. While the old man get moving. We were supposed to
We wanted to get a feel for the gen- counted and sorted his ballpoint pens, Deuce talked. His meet a couple friends.
trification of the area so our standard voice was quiet and a little slurred from the beer. We walked up Ninth Street about
question was to be, What do you think Caleb asked him what he thought about all of the devel- two blocks and ran into them. One
about all of the downtown develop- was carrying a plastic grocery bag
ment? Just open-ended like that. completely full of beer. They were
We walked for miles and had too many in there haphazardly, like he had
amazing moments to explain in a few just scooped them off the counter
words but three conversations give an and let them fall into the bag. He
idea. We sat on the steps of the Salva- could barely speak or walk and was
tion Army and talked to two guys who surprised to see Caleb.
frequent Cherith Brook. Man what you guys doing out
Where you staying tonight? Caleb here?
asked the older one. This is my friend Brandon. Re-
He gestured behind to a slab of con- member? We were going to come
crete next to the building. There were visit your camp tonight.
blankets laid out in about the shape of a Tonight? I thought that was to-
full mattress. morrow night.
They let you sleep here? No, I talked to you this morning
Yeah, for a night or two. Then Ill have Caleb and Brandon prepare to depart for Festival of shelters. remember? Tonight.
to move along. The man seemed embarrassed as
Isnt it too noisy and bright? I asked opment downtown. The answers surprised me. he stood in the street holding the
as a police car raced down the street, Man, I think development is good. I mean, people need bag.
lights and sirens on. It was the third something to do. Like they need people to work on the Im sorry. But you know I didnt
one that had been down in the past ten buildings or in the shops and restaurants right? So more think it was tonight and I got all
minutes and for a few seconds it was jobs are provided. Whats needed is more things for young these forties.
deafening. people to do. Like in St Louis. That zoo and all of the down- Its cool, dont worry. Hey, so
Yeah, later, about eleven therell be town free activities. whatre you two up to tonight?
one of those every minute or two it Youve been to St Louis? The other man spoke at that
seems like. Sure! Ive been to everywhere man. Like what if there point. He was on the sidewalk and
Can you sleep through it? were movies for people? Free ones. Not dirty or violent. his words came faster.
No, man. The sound tickles your ears. But like the old ones. Something that people of any age Were just going for a walk. Our
Like a dog. You know why dogs always could watch. Just be able to come in off the street and rest women are back there. You should
bark at sirens? Because it tickles their and watch a movie. go see them. Man, they would be
ears. Aint no way to sleep through I like that idea. blessed to see you. Just go talk to
that. Sure you do. Look at all of these empty buildings. Why them. Say anything. It would be a
Why do you think they have to race cant people go in there to rest or sleep? Its a two way blessing, for real.
down there with the sirens on all night? street. Developers come into our neighborhood or one Anything? Like Hi?
Theres not much traffic on this street. nearby and want to make money. Thats fine but they need He laughed, A blessing! Just go,
Just to bother folks. They dont want to give something also. Not just green space, but some-
people to get any rest. Thats the truth. thing real. A game room. Or cheap housing. Or just a place
Hey, theres room for you fellas here if
Advent 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 7

theyre right up at the seven-eleven. Across the street. Youll see them. Thats my lady. You know her. Weve been together twenty-seven
What? Twenty-seven years?
Yes! Were married. Well, we didnt go to the courthouse, he said, gesturing back up Ninth towards downtown. But were married in
here, he pointed at his heart.
Thats a long time.
Yeah, shes stuck with me. Never left. Weve been out on these streets for well, for a long time, but shes never left me. Man, just go
talk to her. Shes waiting up there. Her leg was hurting so they stopped there. Were just going to finish a few of these cans then well be
back. Hey, youre staying with us still right? See that cardboard down there?
He pointed across the street and down a ways towards the Salvation Army.
Thats for you guys. We saved that for you.
I had been listening as he spoke with such eloquence and poetry and love and when he pointed at the cardboard I felt such a surge
of gratitude I almost hugged the man. Even though the guys had forgotten the day and felt ashamed that they were too drunk to walk
around, they had still set aside some prized bedding material.
Caleb spoke next. Thats very kind of you. I think were headed in a different direction though. But well go talk to the ladies first okay?
Thank you so much. It will be a blessing to them and to me. Tell them well be back before long. You all stay safe, he said as he and
his friend continued on their way. Deuce had walked up and was looking into the bag of beer. He was negotiating but so far had come up
empty handed. The three started back towards the Salvation Army as we turned the corner.
When we made it to the 7-11 we saw two women across the street sitting on concrete slabs and sucking on cans of beer. They recognized

Caleb and motioned him over. The larger of the two ladies did the talking while the thinner one smiled and nodded, punctuated by
an occasional, Amen or Thats right.
Samuel sent us over here. He said theyd be back in a few.
Oh I know what theyre up to. They aint fooling me.
Do you mind if we sit here for a few minutes and talk? This is my friend Brandon by the way.
I put out my hand but she didnt move to shake it.
Sure honey. But first could you boys turn around for just a second? You see, this is how I use the restroom.
Before turning they noticed that she was in fact carefully balanced on the concrete slab and there was a trickle of fluid that had run
down along it and down into the dirt. Her jeans were sagged down and her shirt and sweater were pulled over her thighs. Even when
they knew what she was doing they had trouble believing how perfect her execution was.
When she was re-situated they sat and talked about the downtown development. The conversation was about the same as before.
She was more optimistic than I had expected. People tended to give developers and government planners the benefit of the doubt,
even when they seemed to betray that trust over and over.
High on her list of dreams was more public bathrooms. Somewhere to pee for free with dignity. But also opening up the vacant build-
ings to people that needed them. There seemed to be the potential for plenty of places for people to sleep out of the cold. But the
empty buildings sat boarded up to keep poor folks out.
There was so much more. But the point is that Deuteronomy eight speaks to all of us. When weve bought everything that we want
to buy, when weve been everywhere, eaten everything, when the novelty is gone we must remember these people. Remember that
we have all been lost in the wilderness. Remember that there are fellow humans on the streets. Smart, insightful, caring people who
through the luck of birth, circumstance and choice are stuck at the bottom. Its important to find a way to help them in a tangible way.
Writing a check is a cop out. Talk with someone. Or even better, listen. They all have ideas and know what is needed. Listening is how
the healing begins.
8 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Advent 2016

A Couple of Years Later, continued from page 5...

Our real abilities to resolve conflict, or embrace conflict and push
forward, come from this place of love that is so messy and uncon-
fined that it sometimes becomes hard to remember that this very
love is why the conflict exists in the first place. When we really
care about one another deeply, sometimes we dont compromise
values to make someone else happy. When we really care about
one another deeply we dont flee from conflict but take it and
embrace it and get into the grit.
Not every conflict here for me has had the same rose-colored tint
in retrospect as the above; but I know that so deeply and appar-
ently we love one another and keep looking to do better.
I realize that talking about conflict seems like an odd reflection
at this ending of my time in community living, but good things are
obvious. I smile warmly and think of the apparent love in little
things: coffee specifically prepared the way I like, a random note of
kindness, a thought or smile of appreciation. I smile warmly and think of the big things: welcoming a person from a
different life-place, welcoming me into a life where a family exists, gifting a generous living space, taking on financial
burdens. But sometimes the things we grow from the most dont come from warm smiles, but remembering when
we felt the most uncomfortable, challenged, moved, or upset.
And so for these things I thank Jodi, Eric, Allison, Diana, Henri, and Lonnie. Thank you for the beautiful things that
you have offered me in my life in ways that sometimes didnt seem beautiful at all. Thank you for the beautiful things
that you have offered me that were direct and apparent in your warmth and welcome over the past years. Thank you
for taking those sharps and flats and smashing them together into a piece of music that is composed well: filled with
dissonance, resonance, harmony, melody, color, timbre, structure, and lack there-of. I hope that the coming years
see you all filled with light, love, and hope in ways that you have yet to experience.

Conflict Resolution By Tammy Brown

We here at Cherith Brook are so grateful to have community allies like the Center for Conflict Resolution. CCR lead a six week workshop on non-violent
conflict resolution in our cafe, below is a response from our friend Tammy Brown who graduated from the class:
The conflict resolution class deals with everyday survival skills, relationships, and the ways we deal with or see things.
I had the pleasure of being in this class. We talked about our interests, goals, and state-of-risk situations. What part
do we play in how to work things out or walk away because we know that violence is never the answer? It also teach-
es how to be heard and to get ones attention - meaning communication skills for myself. The conflict resolution class
has helped me in different relationships in my life. Especially with my partner by using the I statement rather than
blaming. Expressing ones feeling was also helpful for me. It helped me express myself better to get things solved and
still be understood. This class dealt with different areas of trauma I didnt even know existed in myself and helped me
to see where I was traumatized. This class helped me let go of certain things. It also showed me society as a whole is
dealing with or has dealt with traumatic situations such as food stamps, crime, poverty, slavery, prejudice, etc.. I would
recommend this class for anyone. Thanks Cherith Brook as well as Judy, Gary, and Greg from the Center for Conflict
Resolution for giving me this opportunity.

Most of the CCR class centered around group sharing of experiences. L to R: Clayton, Tammy, and Jennifer of the CCR class. Table discussion on non-violence!
Advent 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 9

We at Cherith Brook believe in the full rights and dignity of working people to receive fair wages and the right to union-
ize for better workplaces. We have been out in support of StandUp KC and the Fight For $15 movement for a number
of trips; most recently demonstrations in Chicago and St. Louis. Below are some pictures of us showing up for justice,
equality, and workers rights!

Our friend Lydell Lane has ccome out to

St. Louis, Chicago, and done local events Joe Cooper in Chicago
as well. He knows that this fight is for
everyone! A march in St. Louis during the second presidential debate. Diana Garbison of Cherith Brook joined in
leading the charge.
Charity is not
enough...God put man
on this earth to work
for his bread, but what
if there is not work?
He has been defrauded
of his work, of his
labor, and of the fruits
of his labor. Dorothy
Day Chris Compton flying a Sign Unions: Workers coming together
to use our strength in numbers to get things done together we
Chris, Christopher, Eric, Lydell, Joe and Diana in Chicago cant get done on our own.

Dave and
friend pose
for a picture
on a Monday

Henri in the workshop (not here, we dont

Kathy-Lee (Tutti) Brothers Ricky and Robert Junkyard
have any machines that fancy)
10 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker Advent 2016

We Grow, Continued from page 3

Our homestead is a real community effort. Guest are enthusiastic, regularly help-
ing water, mulch and gather eggs. Volunteers weed, water and harvest on work days.
Chris Homiak is a great beekeeping partner. This reminds me that self-sustainability
is really a myth we would do well to abandon. We are always dependent on hers and
food production isnt any different. But we can always contribute something to the
table and we try to do it during every stage of the growing season.

Another insightgrow your garden to scale with the rest of your life. There are
times we feel that our homestead has overgrown us. The jubilee practice of allowing a
bed or two to go fallow is as necessary as it is spiritual. Dont abandon the effort just
scale back. Everything contributes to the larger vision.

The orchard has been a highlight this season. Four years ago we met Rob Reiman
founder of Giving Grove. He helped us plan an orchard that fit our space and aspira-
tions. They researched the most drought and insect resistant varieties and gifted trees
to us. Their program is strong on stewardship, offering hands on training in the art of
pruning, seasonal care, pest and beneficial insect identification, disease recognition, A Picture from our 2016 Garden
organic spraying, proper wateringa holistic picture. Blessing, a yearly practice of song
and prayer in the garden
The orchard reminds me that to
seriously grow food, to have a fruit-
ful harvest takes knowledge as well
as sweat. A lackadaisical effort wont
do. Orchards require intense spring
time pruning; spraying on a 14 day
regimen (its organic, concocted of
neem oil, liquid fish and effective
microbes to disrupt the life cycle of
pest), hauling 5 gallon buckets of wa-
ter, thinning blossoms, timely harvest-
ing and more.

Keeping the effort organic is a real
challenge. After Ive coddled these
trees along for 4 years, it is tempting to cut corners. One of our older peach trees blew over
in a recent storm, reminding us that even a small grub like the lesser peach borer can disrupt
your long term plans. Hopefully the combination of the holistic spray, beneficial nematodes,
The Catholic Work- foraging chickens, beneficial native plants and hand plucking the worms out of their goo will
er has dwelt often offer our newer trees a longer life. Again, grow your garden to scale with the rest of your
on the moral as well life.
as the Ultimately we celebrated our first harvest this year. Over the past months volunteers have
political significance helped us build and perfect trellises and I finally got the hang of properly pruning and thin-
of agriculture. Be- ning old canes to make room for the primal canes. We seemed to have kept the dropsy fly a
yond the obvious bay with traps of sugar water and yeast. Our blackberries were particularly plump and juicy.
purpsoe of grow- Early in the mornings guests scoured the vines for the coveted berries.
ing food, it is also Our guests have grown fond of the fig bushes as well. At first they wouldnt touch them.
an antidote to the Now we fight over them! It reminds me how important education and experience is.
separates us from The homestead gets us in touch with our comfort. I personally find that after dishes, cook-
ing, cleaning, laundry, repairs and emotional investment in friendships, any romanticism I
the bare bones of might have had of gardening, orchard work or beekeeping is gone. It just plain ol work, and
life... Robert Coles hard work. But other times its a respite. The beauty it creates is life giving; overwhelming
us with the recognition of that God is present in the smallest expression of life.
Advent 2016 Cherith Brook Catholic Worker 11

CB Finances 2016 By Jodi Garbison

Thank you to the many individiuals, groups, churches and
Shower Needs
Tennis Shoes (esp. mens
businesses that make it possible to continue this good work. Jeans & Belts (30-34, 4-6)
Thank you for the many ways you contribute to the life and work of Cherith Brook. This
list is thorough but not exhaustive. We also recognize that may have contributed before Boxers & Panties (S & M, 4-7)
this year you know who you are. You are our foundation! We are in our 10th year! Spray Deodorant/Stick Deor-
That means the layers of growth are many by now too many to capture on this page derant
but know that we appreciate all who have participated and contributed over the years. Razors & Toothbrushes
That means all resources time, money, clothing, etc. Thank you, thank you! White Socks (esp. mens)
Bob G. David L. John Knox Kirk Tampons & Pads
Susan V. Emily S. Jerry P. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, & Allergy
Roasterie Coffee - James and Javier Amrita B. Dave and Kathy R.
Sunfresh Westport George and Neta M. Anita C. Laundry Soap (High Efficiency)
Dale Laura L. Leon K. Cold medicine/Cough drops
John and Kelly H. Dorothy H. Virginia and Jim G. Band-Aids
Nana Leni Joe and Becky C.
Chris H. Emily Phil R. Antibiotic Cream
Jake and Nicki P. Sisters of Charity Wilma T. Reading Glasses
Barbara and Dominick I. Sister Therese Ellen
Shirley A. Garrett B. Paul and Dylan C. Summer Clothing
Lucie and Brandon P. 1st Pres. Independence Butler Pres. Church Sleeping Bags
Julie Mike T. Parkville Pres. church Blankets
Tim B. Gary F. Louis R.
Tom L. Nick P. Eleanor K. Heavy Coats
Rebecca L. Dave E. Linwood United Church Wool Socks
Rockhurst University Sharon and Jim H. Presbyterian Women Long / thermal underwear
Loyola University Harmony Park church Pam R.
Lonnie and Mark W. 2nd Pres. Church John and Paula V.
Fred D. Knox Pres. Church SL2
Carolyn and Glenn H. NEminster Pres. Church Nate
Missy H.
Cosetinos Market
Sherry K.
Any Raven dropping gifts at the door
Westport Pres. Church
Becky & Joe C.
House Needs
Baking Soda
Dish Soap
Salt & Pepper
Hot Sauce
Toilet Paper
Energy Saving Light Bulbs
Canning lids
Bus Passes (31 day & One-
Post Cards (Postage Paid)
Large Rolling Pin
Cherith Brook Catholic Worker
3308 East 12th Street
Kansas City, MO 64127
(816) 241-8047

Who Are We?

Nonviolenceto live by Jesus model of a nonviolent way of
life and his Sermon on the Mount manifesto (Matthew 5-7)

Hospitalityto welcome everyone in a manner that mirrors

the upside down nature of Gods reign (Luke 7:36-50, 14:7-
24, etc.); to daily welcome everyone as Christ (Matthew 25).

Communityto live together and share a life of table

fellowship, economic resources, labor, study, prayers and
worship and to trust that by covenanting with each other, Our Upcoming
Schedule Events
we can do more together than we can do on our own (Acts
2:38,42-47, 4:32-35)

Downward Mobilityto live simply, practice alternative Showers M, T, Th, 8:30--11am Nov 29 Stand Up KC Strike
economics and voluntary labor among people on the volunteers 8 amnoon
5:00 pm Rally 63rd &
margins and excluded from lifes resources. Downward
mobility comes at personal surrender and connects us to an Prayers M 6:00 AM
economy of grace. (Luke 9:57-62; Mark 8:34-38; Matthew W + F 7:30 am Dec 10 Work Day 9am -1pm
6:19-21, 25-34, 7:13-14).

Community Meal Th 57 pm Dec 23- Jan 8 CLOSED

Revaluing Land and Laborto rediscover our original con-
nection with the goodness of Gods handiwork, the proper
meaning of labor and self-sufficiency, our intimate con-
Group Workday Monthly, 2nd Sat 9 am1
nection with nature, the need to steward native resources pm
and discern appropriate technologyall to celebrate the
sublime mystery of Gods creation (Genesis 2:4-9, 15-16,
Aims and Means.)
Centering Prayer First Weds. of month 7 PM
Catholic WorkerWe are part of the Catholic Worker
movement co-founded by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin.
(See the Catholic Worker Aims and Means)

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