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Peace Council

Tom Gardner Peace Lutheran Church

P. O. Box 5
Barrett, MN 56311

April 2017

Gaylene Hanson
PO Box 198
Elbow Lake, MN 56531
Joyce Hanson
Thank you to Kim Lang, Jodi Moss, Kristy Simar, Joyce Hanson,
PO Box 164
Ayden Danner, Jenna Lang, Kyra McGrath, and Sami Wendt for
Barrett, MN 56311 their service on March 12th delivering muffins around our communi-
320-528-2354 ty. Many, many thanks to Marlene Dreier for providing all our muf- fins, and thanks to everyone who welcomed us into their homes!

Charles Johnson On April 8th at 2:30 pm, Pastor Sarah will hold a 1st Communion
16357 County Road 2
class for all who would like to learn what it means to participate in
Barrett, MN 56311
320-528-2289 the rite of Communion. Please let Pastor Sarah or Joyce Hanson know if you plan to attend.

Jim Johnson Peace Sunday School will be singing at our 8:45 am church service
18643 193rd 150th Ave on April 9th, along with passing out palm leaves and leading our
Barrett, MN 23.00 Palm Sunday Parade. We need everyone to attend!
320-528-2393 Our Peace Youth Group will be serving breakfast after our 7 am
sunrise service and before our 9 am Easter service on April 16th.
Our Sunday School kids have been asked to help. This is a fundrais-
Marilyn Frykman
21398 140th Ave er for the Youth Mission Trip. Please let Joyce know if your child
Barrett, MN 56311 can help. There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday.
Our Palm Sunday & Easter lessons will continue on April 2nd with
Movies and on April 9th with Crafts. We begin our last lesson, The
Lois Scherer
26873 Grand View Road #1 Disciples, on April 23rd with Games, April 30th with Movies, May 7th
Elbow Lake, MN 56531 with Cooking, and May 14th with Crafts.
218-685-446 Our attendance has been faltering at Sunday School but we hope
now that spring is here everyone will come join us!
Alexis Danner
PO Box 152
Its not too early to be thinking of Vacation Bible School to be held
Hoffman, MN
in August. If you can help in any way, please let Joyce know.
Joyce Hanson, Director
320-528-2354 (home phone)
320-424-9726 (cell phone)
April 2017

Peace Church Council Meeting Minutes February 8th, 2017

Present: Tom Gardner, Jim Johnson, Leon Johnson, Charles Johnson, Jennifer McLaughlin, Pastor Evenson, Brenda Long and Marilyn
Frykman. Visitor: Joyce Hanson
Absent: Lois Scherer, Treasurer Sandy Kashmark
Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Chairman Tom. Opening devotions by Pastor Sarah reference to Matthew 5:9 and 10:16.
From the writings of Bishop Wohlrabe with references to Liberian Womens Mass Action for Peace which functions under the leadership
of Leeymah Gbowee.
Administrative Reports:
Secretarys report: Noted a modification is necessary to clarify a motion documented on page 2 (December 14 th meeting minutes) under
new business. Reference: Motion made by Leon with a second by Brenda that all expenses which are within the budget requiring payment/reimbursement
are forwarded to the Administrator Sandy P. MC Addendum to motion will state: all documented transactions in the monthly treasurers report be
approved by the council. Motion made to accept secretarys report with modification noted made by Jennifer with second by Leon. MC
Treasurers Report: Reviewed as presented to council. Motion made to accept by Leon, second by Jim, MC.
Pastors Report: Pastor Evenson reported multiple pastoral care interactions with members which included phone and personal con-
tacts at home and in the hospital. Pastor has been meeting with Joyce regarding early planning for VBS. Dates will be confirmed and
announced. An outline of the Lenten Worship Schedule has been established and will be published in the newsletter and on social media.
Pastor Evenson has had a meeting with the Principal and other designated representatives at WCA High School as an introduction to
Pastoral care at Peace. Pastor Sarah will be teaching the ninth grade confirmation class during the month of March in preparation for
confirmation and Youth Director, Heather, will continue to teach the eighth grade students during the month of March.
Old Business:
Church Bus: heaters in the middle and in the back are not working properly. Pending repair scheduled. Chairman Tom will review
the job description for the bus driver to include monitoring and scheduling maintenance on the vehicle.
2017 budget: Will be presented to the congregation on February 12th as a draft for approval.
Roof Repair: Leon presented various quotes to council and will discuss with the congregation at the annual meeting. He also
volunteered to follow through with the project until completed.
Luther Crest Camp: scholarships and camp announcements available from social media and through our church administrator.
Treasurers Audit: performed by Mike McLaughlin and John Paulson. Questions/signature pending for Treasurer Sandy.
Essentially audit was approved.
Church Directory: Brenda will coordinate quotes for 2017 church directory. Recommended establishing dates so families can make

New Business:
Replacement council candidates: Efforts by the outgoing council members for potential replacements for their positions have
been futile. Suggestions were made. Church constitution was referenced for the option of seeking a student representative
on the council for a one year term. Contacts are being made pending annual meeting.
Annual meeting reports reviewed and possible topics discussed for congregational meeting. Chairman Tom will format. From
the Synod: Remind the congregation for a call to mission. Consider congregational donations to ongoing church wide
fund raising efforts.
Lenten Services: Ash Wednesday is March 1st. Services will be at 5:30 p.m. with soup supper to follow. Lenten offerings with
go to the two food shelves and to Someplace Safe.
Chairman Tom announced that the Bishop has signed the proposed Pastoral contract. Noted a necessary amendment to the
December 14th motion re: pastoral compensation to correct the negotiated package with Pastor Evenson and the Moe Par-
ish will reflect Peaces contribution will be 50% versus 48% which was indicated in the original motion at that time. Motion
made by Chairman Tom with second by Leon for amendment to compensation package. MC
An offering will be taken for the Food for Kidz program at the February 12 th service.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

M. Frykman, recording
April 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11:20am 6:30am 10am First Communion
8:45am Worship Release Time Mens Breakfast Faithful Folders Class 2:30-4:45pm
9:45am Sunday School 4pm
4pm Mens Meatball
Supper 5:30 Lent

9Palm Sunday 10 11 12 13 14 15
11:20am Maundy Good Friday
8:45am Worship Release Time Thursday
9:45am Altar Guild 4pm 10am
Brunch Confirmation 5:30pm Faithful Folders
9:45am Sunday School Worship
6pm Council 5:30pm

16 Easter 17 18 19 20 21 22
7am Worship 9am Ever-Blessed 9am Ever Blessed 10am Open House 50th
Youth Breakfast Quilters Quilters Faithful Folders Wedding
9:00am Worship 11:20am Anniversary
No Sunday School Release Time Doug & Marilyn
4pm Confirmation Frykman

23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29
8:45am Worship 11:20am
9:45am Sunday School Release Time
4pm Confirmation
April 2017 Fellowship and Usher Volunteers Service at 8:45a.m.
April 2: Marilyn Leraas & Roger Knapp
Clyde & Brenda Long

April 9: Altar Guild Brunch Palm Sunday

April 16: Easter Sunday

Youth will have Easter Brunch and will usher

April 23: Joel & Anita Volker

Jeff & Marlene Dreier

April 30: Bob & Irene Shervey

Dwaine & Annabelle Olson

Pastor Sarah will be arriving early so if we could have the coffee ready around 8:15 a.m. that
would be great. Our youth have been active with ushering prior to services and also taking
collection. During communion you are responsible to guide the congregation to communion.
Any questions please call Irene Shervey at 218-685-4309.

Work Group # 1 Leaders Altar Guild

Doug & Marilyn Frykman Melissa Amore

Bob & Irene Shervey Chelsey Anderson
Joyce Hanson
Open House
50th Wedding Anniversary
Doug & Marilyn Frykman
Saturday, April 22nd
Peace Church
All Are Welcome!!

A first communion class will be held at Peace on April 8th from 2:30-4:45pm for all who
are interested. Please let Pastor Sarah or Joyce know if you plan to attend.

Sunday, April 9th Palm Sunday 8:45am Worship 9:45am Altar Guild Brunch
Thursday, April 13th Maundy Thursday Worship 5:30pm
Friday, April 14th Good Friday Worship 5:30pm
Sunday April 16th Easter
7:00am Worship Pastor Sarah
9:00am Worship Pastor Don Reisig
No Sunday school
Easter Sunday Breakfast-Youth serving free will donation
(fundraiser for the youth Mission Trip)
after 7:00am and before 9:00am services
Leon Johnson -Roof Notes
The Peace Lutheran church facility has been an excellent church building for over 40 years. There have been several
recent attempts to repair leaky roof problems with varying degrees of success. Those repairs focused on three
problematic areas: the area around the chimney; the entry addition area; and the area where the main part of the
building is attached to the east addition. An evaluation of the current problems have resulted in a decision by the
Church Council to replace rather than repair the roof over the kitchen area. The good news is that the steel over the
main part of the building is in excellent shape and will require only a few repairs which can be accomplished by
replacing the few screws that have become loose with larger screws.

A contract with Odyssey includes installation of new steel, mastic and moisture guard over the Hegne Room, the
kitchen and the entrance as well as replacement of the chimney for $13,500. The contract also includes a possible
repair of the rain gutters on the east. If the repair is not successful, a different company will replace the malfunc-
tioning rain gutters. Larger flashing and mastic tape on all seams are included in the bid.

Even though this project is a line in the budget, the Church Council Is requesting donations toward the completion of
this project. Mens Breakfast got the donations off to a good start with their donation of $2,000. Member
donations through 19 March have almost accumulated an additional $4,000. Peace Lutheran Church will accept
donations to the project through the month of April. Thank you to all who have donated and plan to donate toward
this project. Please consider an addition to your regular stewardship and support the completion of this project.
Easter Lilies Order Form
If you would like to share an Easter Lily with the congregation on Easter Sunday, you
can order them through Simpli-Flowers. Please fill out the form below and return to the
church office or Gaylene Hanson with payment by Monday April 10th.

Easter Lilies
_____6" $7.50
_____8" $15.00
_____10" $22.00

Other flowering plants available (early orders are recommended; they sell out
_____6" Hydrangea (blue) $18.00
_____6" Hydrangea (pink) $18.00
_____6" Azalea $15.00

_____6" Asiatic Lily $7.50

_____6" Oriental Lily $7.50


In Memory

In Honor
Please remember to pick your potted plants up after Services on Easter
Sunday so you can enjoy them in your home and in your garden/patio for the
Spring and Summer! THANKS! Simpli-Flowers
April Peace Council Spotlight Page
Focus on our Peace Youth Ministry the repairs will be taking place in early April,
Our Peace Youth director, Heather Danner, hopefully before our spring rains come, so all
has been working on a potential youth mission of the roasting pans which are now placed in
trip for this summer. Heather will be doing the ceiling to catch the drips can be removed
research on various support groups for this and we will once again have a rain proof roof.
project and will report back to your council The quote for the repairs is $13,451.25.
with the tentative plans. This trip will be The council has issued payment for 50% of
financed through youth fund raising and also the anticipated repair expenses. If you wish to
with available Thrivent funds. Youth mission donate to this improvement project, please
trips historically have provided foundations for indicate roof repair on your check.
our youths growing faith. Webster defines
mission as a noun that is an important assignment
carried out for religious purposes; a calling to go out Church Directory Update
into the world and spread its faith. Be alert to more
A thank you also goes out to outgoing council
news from our Youth Director regarding plans
member, Brenda Long, for volunteering to re-
for an upcoming summer mission trip.
search and coordinate an updated version of
Thank you goes out to our youth participating our church directory. Target dates for this will
during Sunday and Lenten worship. Great job! most likely be in early fall. Watch for
As our church family travels the Lenten announcements regarding this project. If you
journey, be reminded of our own mission are interested in helping Brenda organize this
statement; event, let Brenda or our Administrator Sandy
Listen to Gods Word, Live Jesus Teaching know.
and Serve Others. mjf
Watch for future announcements from Joyce
Hanson regarding the summer VBS plans.
Dates will be determined and announced
through social media and the newsletter. This
years theme is centered on camping.

Thank you also goes out to Leon Johnson

who has volunteered to be the project liaison
for obtaining repairs for our leaky roof over
the entry and kitchen area of the church build-
ing. If you have missed Leons updates after
Palm Sunday Brunch
Sunday, April 9-- after 8:45 service
Peace Lutheran Church

Egg Bakes Sweet Rolls Fruit

Free-will donation
Sponsored by Peace Altar Guild
Easter Sunday Breakfast
Sunday, April 16th
After 7:00am and before 9:00am services
Peace Lutheran Church

Free-will donation
Sponsored by Peace Youth
PO Box 206
Barrett MN 56311

2017 April

Office: 320-528-2536 email:

218 Church Street PO Box 206 Barrett, MN 56311

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