Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Plan One: Effective Peer Review Practice

Learning Outcomes:

Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of writing as

a process that involves composing, editing, and revising.
Students should be able to provide constructive feedback on the writing
of their peers keeping the rhetorical appeals in mind.

1. Student Sources
2. Chalk board/computer

Instructional Procedures:

1. Ask the students to share any previous positive experiences with

peer review such as helpful strategies or methods. (2 minutes)

2. Ask the students to help make a list of key questions to keep in

mind while peer reviewing while writing or typing them on the
board. Expand on the students responses to touch on the important
concepts of peer review such as focusing on global rather than local
errors, and assessing arguments through rhetorical appeals (10

Method of Assessment:

Students will apply the strategies they discussed by participating in a

peer review session the following class, and I will assess them through my
observation of their completed draft and interaction with classmates. The in-
class activity also assesses their knowledge and comprehension of good peer
review practice.


The revised Blooms Taxonomy emphasizes the importance of directly

tying in objectives into classroom activities and lesson plans. I kept this
guiding principle in mind when designing this plan through my activity, which
involves the students reflecting on their own experience with the revision
process and peer review practices, which relate directly to the ENGL101
objective of learning writing as a process rather than product. The second
question I posed to the class requires the students to recall the rhetorical
appeals and apply them to their own writing and that of their peers. This
lesson plan prepares them for their peer review session, so the material is
relevant and may help motivate students because they know they will have
to apply what we discuss.

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