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Vitiligo: Your Doctor Will Never Cure You Youve Got to Cure Yourself Page 1

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Vitiligo: Your Doctor Will Never Cure You Youve Got to Cure Yourself Page 2

The information in this book is for informational purposes only, and is and represents
the personal opinion of the author. In all matters of health, diagnosis, cure, and
treatment of diseases you should consult a competent physician.

(... if you can find one.)

This book contains crucial information about Vitiligo which you probably
dont know -- and which you probably didnt even know existed.

It is information to help you free yourself from this skin disorder, and the
many -- often hidden -- health problems associated with it. Moreover, it is
information which might well change the course of your life by helping you rid
yourself of the very cruel social, economic, and romantic difficulties that
accompany vitiligo.

Its very unlikely that youll get any of this information from your doctor or
the medical/pharmaceutical establishment But - paradoxically -- all of the
information in this book comes from none-other-than actual, bona fide vitiligo
research done by MDs. This information has been conveniently forgotten by
those now in the business of medicine, and has been suppressed as if it didnt

But it does exist, and this book is an extraction of the juicy bits from those 100
years of medical research which point clearly to the source, cause, and cure of
vitiligo and its associated diseases. You cant cure something without knowing
what is causing it. This book is all about cure, and not listening to the
ignorant, misinformed, or conniving people who tell you that there is no cure,
but who, nonetheless, are fully prepared to sell you their treatments, pills,
surgeries, oils, herbs, lotions and potions.

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The considerable effort that went into the pages that follow has been a single-
minded, dogged quest for the cause and cure of vitiligo. It is not intended as
an expos of the lies and misinformation that is being dished out to you --
although it may do that too.

It is intended to provide you with facts: facts to help you understand what is
going on; facts to make it crystal clear where the real problem is; and, facts
to focus your mind on the straightforward and direct eradication of the cause.

There is no desire whatever to burden the reader with high-sounding, pompous,

often-meaningless medical jargon. This is the real world of real things, real
problems, and real people wanting answers. In many regards, this story is like
a who-done-it mystery in identifying the suspects, following the leads, and
exposing the criminal behind the curtains.

However, when you do know what can be done, you will still need to have the
confidence of your convictions to undertake an appropriate course of action.
The only way you can get that confidence-to-act is by understanding what the
problem really is.

If you dont have confidence in your own knowledge, you probably wont do
anything. Without confidence and understanding of the facts, you may even
revert to spending tons of money listening to the advice of ill-informed MDs
and other salesmen who make a business out of selling things to people like

So do read through the book for understanding. Five generations of MDs, who
were not caught up in the for-profit medical establishment of today, worked all
these things out for you, and it would be foolish not to pay attention to them.
Perhaps just keep in the back of your mind as you read, the realization that a
wealthy, popular entertainer like the late Michael Jackson -- who could buy the
best doctors in the world, and even married a dermatologist -- was never
cured by any of them.

And as for yourself, your doctor will also never cure YOU.

Youve GOT to do it yourself.

A. Schenk, M.D.

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Information is Being Kept from You. 6

Chapter 2 Vitiligo The Basics. 12

Chapter 3 Diseases Directly Related to Vitiligo. 25

Chapter 4 A Crucial Link Common to All These Diseases. 30

Chapter 5 Tell-Tale Clues. 32

Chapter 6 Where the Problem Is. 36

Chapter 7 Have MD's Cured Vitiligo in the Past ? 42

Chapter 8 Have Some People Cured Themselves ? 50

Chapter 9 The Real Culprit Behind the Curtains 56

Chapter10 How You Yourself Can Test for It. 61

Chapter 11 What You Can Do To Get Rid of It. 65

Chapter 12 Perspectives To Keep You Focused, 71

and in Control.

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All rights to this Book are Reserved.

This book is for the sole use of the purchaser;
may not be copied, extracted, shared, or re-distributed;
and has been encoded with your license key.

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Chapter 1

... Information You Need Is Being Kept From You ...

Literally, millions of medical research studies exist, and thousands and thousands of
studies have been done on vitiligo and its associated diseases.

In recent times, however, most of these studies are directed by MDs who call the
shots and channel the studies along status-quo party-lines to support and conform to
current medical practice. Almost all of the studies of today are funded by drug
companies, or by the government, or by institutions and foundations which have
vested interests in the outcomes.

Nowadays, medical research is all Big Business. If a study does not produce the
desired results, a sponsoring drug company will pull funding from the researcher, and
he wont get any funding for other research projects in the future. So hes got to
walk a tight line, and produce the kind of results expected of him, or hes up the
creek and may not be able to keep his job and feed his kids.

If research is funded by the government, the study has to be approved by special

government panels that are stacked with drug company lackeys. They completely
dictate and channel what gets funded and what doesnt. A typical, mediocre
university will get maybe 200 million dollars a year in research funding, and you can
be darn well sure that that school isnt going to come up with anything that would
rock the boat or threaten disapproval of this big gravy train theyre feeding off of.

If research is funded by foundations or institutions, it is the same story. These are all
quasi-government and medical-establishment agencies directing and distributing
money. You may not know just how a seeming philanthropic Foundation is itself
making money off of you, off the government, and off the drug companies, but you
need only to take note that money is obviously flowing, people are getting salaries
and making a living off of it, and selected research is being sponsored and funded.

So essentially the current climate of vested-interest research is not a very good

situation at all because the whole system revolves around what is profitable for drug
companies, MDs, universities, medical schools, hospitals, and the whole gamut of
institutions feeding off the ill health and gullibility of the public.

However ...

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... the occasional non-drug, non-money-making research does sometimes slip through
the system. Because the system is itself so big, those good and useful research
studies slipping through, start to become, in and of themselves, a fairly big body of
really useful knowledge.

When you couple the research that slips through the current system, with what was
done in the years before the current medical system took power, it turns out that
there is, in fact, a wealth of knowledge that flies in the face of what you are now
being told about vitiligo.

... How They Keep the Info Hidden from You ...

Although there is no lock-and-key keeping you from the information that you need to
cure yourself, there might as well be. Heres how the medical/industrial complex
keeps you from the real information you need:

Firstly, they never even mention this kind of info in their literature, journals, or
books, which are always censored and filtered by their own groups of medical
peers. Info that contradicts the current money-oriented party-line is just simply
eliminated from their publications. Its like contradictory information doesnt even
exist, and has been put down some Orwellian memory hole. The crux of it is that if
you dont know such info exists, you wont go looking for it, and of course you wont
find it if you dont look for it.

Secondly, the experts and specialists, the foundations, organizations and institutes,
the support groups, and your own MD, form a cohesive group and shout at you from
10,000 different directions the same exact, word-for-word party-line. Over and over
and over again, you hear the same exact phrases parroted and spoken by all these
seemingly diverse groups. Vitiligo is an Auto-immune Disorder The cause of vitiligo
is unknown. By all these vested interests maintaining a common front, they act by
force of persuasion to convince you to submit to the party line which exploits you and
keeps them in the positions they are in.

Thirdly, the availability to you of the research that has been done is gradually being
shut off. To get a copy of an article from a particular journal may cost you from $15
to $75 just to look through it. And you wont even know beforehand if the particular
article contains the information you were looking for. If you cant cough up the
money, you cant get the info. Books containing info will run $150 to $230 a pop.

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Fourthly, this medical/industrial complex relies on your respect for authority -- which
has been drummed into you since birth -- and causes you to want to accept the words
of authority figures. As a group, they all make a business out of keeping you in the
dark, and exploiting these pre-programmed tendencies.


All these people are all really part of only one massive system.

The main way you have been kept in the dark by all of these people is
by them browbeating you into submission, and by them keeping you dumb.

You havent studied medicine and dont know what high-sounding, but almost
meaningless, medical words mean. You have had other things to do in your life, and
simply dont have the time or energy to learn all kinds of things to be able to judge
whether some jokers are telling you the truth. You cant tell whether a doctor is a
good doctor because you dont have the knowledge base to cut him down when he
lies to you and misleads you. When you are troubled and sick, you want and need
help. But that is also the time you are most vulnerable and susceptible, and these
people swoop down on you and take you for what youre worth.

... Where the Real Information Is Not ...

If you try to help yourself and turn to the internet for information on vitiligo, you are
going to encounter another group wanting to exploit you.

These are the hawkers and peddlers who claim to be able to cure a rainy day with
anti-vitiligo oils, lotions, creams, tabs, and exotic herbs from far-off places. Each
has found a niche product and each wants to convince you to give them your money.

The supposedly impartial reviews of these products which are posted on forums and
in chat rooms are perhaps 95% percent of the time nothing more than product
placements and ads by posted by shills of the companies selling the product. The
favorable reviews of the products are almost all the time just affiliate marketing
where they give you a song and a dance to get you to click on the link which then gets
them usually 10-50% commission on any sale you make at the other website.

This is not to say you wont find useful information of the internet. It is to say that
there is an enormous amount of fraud and deception, and you should be careful in
believing what you read. One site selling oils, for example, has in their top banner a
picture of a white-skinned woman with a dark patch of skin down her face. This isnt
even vitiligo, because vitiligo turns skin white, not dark. This is just deceptive hype,
and should put you on guard.

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Although not a great deal, there is still useful info to be

found on the internet.

In the perhaps 5% of genuine postings on the internet,

you will find mothers who have actually cured their
children of vitiligo, and people who have cured
themselves by making drastic changes in their lives.
Essentially they took a shotgun approach and did so
many different things, that it is confusing for someone
else to know what specifically it was that actually made
the vitiligo go away.

After reading this book and understanding the cause and

cure of vitiligo, youll understand these cases, and what
was actually taking place. Moreover, youll also then be
able to find information on the internet because you
know what to look for.

... You Versus The Medical / Industrial Complex ...

The MDs are the front men for the whole medical establishment. They are given a
very profitable and exclusive monopoly by the government in all matters relating to
health. In return for this cash cow, the MDs go through a prolonged period of
indoctrination in medical school and residency training where they learn how to think,
act, talk, and behave like doctors. You, in turn, are taught from the day you were
born that doctors are special people, worthy of respect, who have your best interests
at heart, care about you, and know whats best.

In actuality, the whole thing is a psychological sham and confidence trick. The
smooth-talking, rubber-stamped physicians are literally trained during their education
to deal with you, manipulate your psychology, demonstrate a caring attitude, and
convince you that what they suggest is what is best for you. They are trained to be
very good at selling themselves and their products, and getting you to return year
after year for follow-up exams, hospital tests, surgical procedures, blood work,
special tests, and of course, all the prescription medicines that treat but never cure

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If you are in a face to face confrontation with your doctor on some health subject,
you will lose. Hes experienced and good at what he does, and what he does is play
with your mind and emotions.

He has a line for every occasion, and can deliver his lines without even thinking twice.
Hes got you coming and going. He can put you down just by mentioning words you
dont know, and humiliating you. The only way to win such a confrontation, is not to
play his games and keep your thoughts to yourself.

For you, a person with a health problem, it is not a good situation at all to have to ask
these salesmen for advice, since the only advice you are going to be given is to buy
their products and services.

Your doctor does not have the profound knowledge you think he has. Chances are, he
hasnt read a non-fictional book in 20 years. Chances are, he gets most of his current
medical knowledge from medical journals that are sponsored by drug companies, and
chances are, the rest of it from the pharmaceutical sales reps who cater the lunches
for his entire office staff.

There's a good chance that if your doctor has been practicing his art for 10 years or
more, he is pushing the patients through his office and making $10,000 a day. Yes,
thats $10,000 a day. Now do you honestly think that this person gives two wits about
you or your problems when hes pulling down that kind of bread doing what hes

The whole huge medical-industrial complex is designed to keep you dumb, make you
sick, and steal your money.

a common symbol for
the Medical Profession.

But did you know this is the

staff of the Greek god Hermes,
Messenger of the Gods

who Conducted Souls to Hell, and was the

Protector of Gamblers, Liars, and Thieves.

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Chapter 2:
... Vitiligo, The Basics ...

You will see, virtually everywhere, that Vitiligo is said to be a Skin Disorder.

In this book Vitiligo wont be referred to as a skin disorder because the author
fully appreciates that the changes in the skin are just the visible signs of other
more fundamental things going on in the body.

Calling something anything a disorder is a totally meaningless, high-sounding way

of saying absolutely nothing. It sounds good, and has a particular knowing ring to it,
but it means nothing except that something is wrong or out of order. Its like
saying the engine in your car has a starting disorder when your car wont start. It
tells you nothing.

Also, it is very counter-productive to imply (without knowing whats causing the skin
changes) that those changes in the skin are a totally isolated phenomenon, confined
only to the skin, and having absolutely nothing to do with whats going on elsewhere
in the body. This kind of un-scientific science gets nobody anywhere, and is an
intentionally dead-end kind of thinking.

... Vitiligo Who gets It ? ...

People get vitiligo, and so do other creatures.

Vitiligo has been troubling the Human Race

for a very long time.

The word Vitiligo which is common to many

languages - was first coined by the roman physician
Celsus about two thousand years ago, and referred to
the similar white patches seen on the skin of young
calves. But texts from ancient India accurately
described the condition more than four thousand
years ago.

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In India the older term for vitiligo was

ven kushtam -- which means white leprosy.
The skin changes in vitiligo can bear a likeness to
the skin changes seen in leprosy. The social stigma
that is so prevalent - especially in India --against
people with vitiligo is regrettably understandable
since India has also one of the highest incidences
of leprosy in the world. Leprosy is an infection.

The incidence of vitiligo is usually stated to be

about 1 % of the worlds population. Some studies
say 1-4%. What is pretty clear, however, is that the
highest percentages of vitiligo seem to be in India
and Mexico, and estimates for India may even be
8.8% or higher.

Vitiligo affects both males and females equally, and 50% of the cases
begin before age 20. It is more obvious in people with darker skin
only because the white patches contrast more with their naturally darker skin.

Although possibly 95% of cases begin before the age of 40, it can persist for 50 years
and wreak havock on a persons social life, the ability to find employment, and ones
attractiveness to the opposite sex. In India, getting vitiligo after marriage can be
grounds for divorce. In the U.S., the discrimination against victims of vitiligo is not
as obvious, but it is still there, and just as real, even if unspoken.

To be objective, however, a person must look at this tendency of people to shy away
from, and distance themselves from people with vitiligo. People with vitiligo are
disfigured, and obviously have something major wrong with them. They look sick,
and other people subconsciosly dont want to be around sick people because they are
afraid of catching it. There is an ancient, subconscious self-preservation at work in
their feelings and actions. The only way to deal with all these things is not to hold
hands in some vitiligo support group, but to get rid of the problem in the first place.

Prasad PV. Bull Indian Inst Hist Med Hyderabad. 2003 Jul-Dec;33(2):113-27.
Ortonne JP, Bose SK. Vitiligo: Where do We Stand? Pigment Cell Res 1993;6:6172.
NIAMS/National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

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... Can Vitiligo be Inherited ? ...

Geneticists do what geneticists usually do: justify their existence by trying to come up
with genetic causes for everything. They work hand-in-glove with molecular
biologists and drug companies.

In recent times theyve come up with three genes which are proposed to be the
genetic links to explain why there is often a higher incidence of greying hair and other
diseases in the families of people with vitiligo.

The evidence for a causal genetic relationship looks very weak, and wont be given
credence here by referencing this kind of stuff. However, one must still explain the
fact that 20 to 30% of people with vitiligo have a family member who has vitiligo, or
another disease associated with vitiligo.

It is more productive to look at it from the point of view that people in a family:

Live in the same environment

Share the same utensils and household items
Eat the same food
Are subject to the same germs and toxins
Touch, kiss, and have physical contact with one another, and
Do the same or similar things.

It would be more productive to get rid of the geneticists, who work hand-in-glove
with the drug companies, and replace them with epidemiologists to study modes of
transmission and look for an infectious agent.

But this of course would be counter to the entrenched and accepted beliefs about
vitiligo, and has been disregarded. Vitiligo never occurs at birth, but is acquired
later. Just how, in fact, is this damnable thing acquired ?

It is a completely legitimate question to ask whether there is some kind of chronic,

mildly contagious infection going on in people with vitiligo.

But I will leave you to answer this question for yourself

... once youve finished reading this book.

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... How Vitiligo Shows Itself ...

Classically, vitiligo is divided into two types: Segmental, and Non-Segmental.

This is the Segmental type of Vitiligo.

Here, a person gets a big white splotch

which doesnt cross the mid-line and
tends to follow the area of skin supplied
by a large nerve root coming out of the
spinal column. When it happens, it
occurs more often in children, has a
fairly abrupt onset, and rapidly
progresses over a year.

These are the more common Non-Segmental type of Vitiligo:

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More Non-Segmental:

This Non-Segmental type shows almost infinite variations. It can be almost anywhere
on the body, and commonly involves the face, eyelids, the back of the hands, mouth,
anus, and on the skin over joints which are exposed to repeated movement and

In this common Non-Segmental type, the white patches are first limited, but then
progress over the years to involve more and more areas of the body. A freshly
de-pigmenting patch of skin is often very itchy.

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Loss of Pigmentation:

Going from top to bottom,

the picture on the right shows how

pigmentation in an area is progressively lost.

The hair follicles have more

pigment and are the last to go.

If a patch of skin does regain its normal

color, the pigmentation comes back in

in the opposite way, going from bottom

to top.

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... You are Told that

the Pigment-Producing Cells in Vitiligo are Lost,
But this is not True ...

Melanin is the pigment in your skin which gives your skin color. There are two kinds
of melanin, and both are made from the amino acid Tyrosine.

Everywhere you read about vitiligo you are told that, in a white patch of skin,
the melanin-producing cells (melanocytes) are lost, and that this is the essential
hallmark of vitiligo.

In ten thousand different websites, pamphlets, and journals, they all say the same
thing, that vitiligo is characterized by a loss of these pigment-producing cells in the

In hundreds and hundreds of medical books, the same thing: Vitiligo is characterized
by loss of melanocytes in the skin. Over and over, the same thing. Thousands of
different voices with the same tongue, screaming the same thing at you from all
different directions. Coincidentally, it just happens that saying this also helps justify
the party-line notion that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease in which antibodies
destroy the skins pigment-producing cells.

Well, what they are telling you, just aint so.

Almost ten years ago now, five MDs published conclusive medical research in a well-
known medical journal showing that these melanocytes are NOT absent in the white
patches of skin in vitiligo. That the cells are still there, even after 25 years, and that
these melanocytes can regain their functionality both in the skin where they are, and
even in a test tube.
Tobin DJ, Swanson NN, Pittelkow MR, Peters EMJ, Schallreuter KU (2000)
Melanocytes are not absent in lesional skin of long duration vitiligo.
Journal of Pathology 2000 Volume 191 Issue 4, Pages 407 - 416

What does this mean to you ?

It means that even though your skin is now lacking pigment, pigment-producing cells
in your skin are still there and have not been destroyed by some autoimmune

It means that -- IF the underlying cause for your vitiligo is found and treated -- your
body is sitting there ready to go work and fix everything up.

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... How Is Vitiligo Diagnosed ...

The first thing anyone with vitiligo should do is to make sure, in fact, that they
actually have vitiligo.

There are other skin conditions which can look like vitiligo to the untrained eye.
Some of these other things, which also cause loss of pigment in the skin, are bad and
need to be gotten under control with oral steroids.

No one can ever be 100% sure of anything in this world, but you should be as sure as
possible that the diagnosis is truly vitiligo. One or a few peoples life experiences
arent enough in these things, and you need to make use of the collective knowledge
of your society to have confidence in the diagnosis.

Using MDs to make the diagnosis is ultimately the best thing for you to do. This
doesnt mean getting caught up in the web of the medical establishment. It means a
deliberate foray by you to get from them the knowledge and assurance you need to
be confident of the diagnosis of vitiligo.

Once you are sure the diagnosis is correct, you can then go about your business and
pursue whatever course your common sense dictates. As mentioned previously,
MDs are experienced and very good at selling their products, and in any face to face
confrontation with them, you will lose because you dont know the games being
played. And -- despite your high opinion of yourself -- you are like a babe in the
woods, ripe for the taking.

For the wise shopper of medical services, it is a good strategy to keep the mouth
shut, and your thoughts to yourself. Get what you need from them, and then go
about your business. In this case, you need a diagnosis.

So how is the diagnosis of vitiligo usually made ???

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Vitiligo is diagnosed basically by:

1. Looking at it to see if a patch of white skin has the telltale characteristics;

2. Feeling it with your finger to see if it raised or flat, smooth, or rough and scaly;

3. Shining a black (ultraviolet) light on it to see if it glows white; and,

4. Possibly by scraping it to be sure its not a yeast infection, or even biopsying it.


This is Vitiligo. Concentrate on the EDGES of the white patches. There is an abrupt
color change, and it goes from white to dark all of a sudden without feathering of
the edge or intermediate shades. When you run your finger over it, the white patch is
smooth to the touch, and flat -- not raised above or depressed below the normal skin.
If you look at it under a Black (ultraviolet) Light, the patch will glow chalk white.

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This is NOT Vitiligo.

Its called Pityriasis Alba.

See that the edges of the white

patch are not sharp, and the color
changes are gradual with different
transitional shades.

The surface feels rough

and scaly.

It is treated with moisturizers.

This is NOT Vitiligo.

It is a yeast infection of the skin called

Tinea Versicolor (Ringworm).

Althought the edges are sharp, it feels rough

and scaly, and under a Black Light the patches
appear golden, yellow, orange.

It can cured in a couple weeks with

athletes foot type anti-fungal creams.

But for a diagnosis that is probably correct, use a dermatologist.

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... What Does Your Doctor Tell You ...

Your doctor will likely tell you that vitiligo is an Auto-Immune Disease, and that
although the cause is unknown, he will still be happy to treat you and take your

If he is really good -- and has his lines down pat -- hell tell you any or all of the
following theories about why the pigment-producing melanocytes in your skin are
lost (which of course the reader of this book already knows is not true):

1. Autoimmunity.
[Translation: Your body makes antibodies to itself and self-destructs.]

2. Neurohumoral factors toxic to melanocytes and released by nearby nerve endings.

[Translation: Your nerves zap your skin.]

3. Self-destruction of melanocytes by toxic intermediates of melanin synthesis.

[Translation: Your pigment cells commit suicide.]

4. Aberrations in cell-mediated immunity.

[Translation: Your T-lymphocytes go crazy.]

If you ask too many questions, hell tell you to find yourself another dermatologist.
If, however, youre in a troubled -- and vulnerable - state of mind, he has a variety
of treatments hell sell you with which, hell say, he has had good results:

Topical Corticosteroid Lotions and Creams, and oral steroids.

Calcineurin inhibitors, tacrolimus and pimecrolimus.
Calcipotriene and betamethasone ointment for your face.
Wide-Band UVA (PUVA) sunlamp treatments with psoralen skin sensitizers.
Narrow-Band UVB sunlamp treatments with psoralen skin sensitizers.
Narrow-Narrow-Band UV Excimer Laser treatments.
Tattoes and Cosmetics
Mini Skin Grafts
Suction-Blister Skin Grafts
Split-Thickness Skin Grafts
Transplantation Of Ultra-Thin Epidermal Sheets
Transplantation Of Hair Follicles
Mesh Grafts
Flip-top Pigment Transplantation
Ultrasonic Abrasion and Seed Grafts
Melanocyte Transplantation

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Transplantation of Basal Cell Layer Suspension

Cultured Autologous Melanocyte Transplantation
Transplantation Of In-Vitro Cultured Epithelial Grafts

... and the list goes on. Isnt modern medicine wonderful !

Insurance companies dont pay for any of these things. So -- as a good patient
youll have to get your check book out and get ready for some really big bills.
And, of course, get ready to sign all the Consent Forms and Agreements saying they
dont guarantee any results.

... What Non-MDs Tell You ...

Over the internet you will find innumerable hawkers and peddlers telling you to buy
their products. Its all pretty much just the flip-side of same coin as above.

It is a Buyer-Beware market, and an almost infinite number of different ways to

separate you from your money.

However, to get and keep perspective on ALL the claims made - by both MDs and
Non-MDs -- it might serve you well just to keep in the back of your mind that people
(like the two famous people below) have NOT been cured by ANY of the medicines,
treatments, surgeries, oils, or potions that salesmen are trying to sell YOU.

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... enough said.

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Chapter 3

... Diseases Directly Related to Vitiligo ...

Vitiligo is not just some white patches on a persons skin.

There are a whole host of other diseases that have been proven to accompany it.
Some people get one thing, some get another, some get several. Some people are
just plain not healthy and dont ever feel good because their body isnt working
right -- even though an identifiable, clinical disease is never found.

Finding the source of the trouble, and the cause and cure, is like a mystery story.
So maybe if we line up some of the Usual Suspects and do a little digging, perhaps
we can find out who the players are, and whether there is any kind of common thread
or modus operandi we can investigate.

Lets run through the first batch of Usual Suspects:

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... Thyroid Disease and Vitiligo ...

It is well known that a full 30% of people who have vitiligo also have thyroid disease.
Those are the proven statistics, and the real percentage of people who have hidden
thyroid disease which hasnt been diagnosed may be even higher. The thyroid output
may be low (hypothyroidism), or the person may have Graves Disease which is a
complicated thyroid abnormality affecting the eyes.

The thyroid gland is that unique gland which produces the two thyroid hormones
T3 and T4 by combining Iodine with the amino acid Tyrosine.

Thyroid hormone controls the metabolic rate of your whole body. If levels are low,
everything slows down. You think slow, feel sluggish, are always tired, dont burn
calories, gain weight, and have a subnormal body temperature, particularly in the

If your thyroid levels are high, it is just the opposite: High activity, quick to respond,
on-the-go, cant sleep, muscles twitch, elevated body temperature, but feeling
fatigued from the lack of rest and sleep.

In people with vitiligo, anti-thyroid antibodies are often found, and this is the main
reason the thyroid problems are thought to be autoimmune. Even if this were
true, this explanation has little to do with connecting vitiligo to thyroid disease :

... the evidence to date does NOT support that vitiligo belongs in the group of
primary autoimmune diseases. The low frequency of vitiligo antibodies specific for
melanocytes could most likely be ... a secondary response. To date there is ac-
cumulating evidence that other autoimmune phenomena in association with
vitiligo are a rather random event. K.U. Schallreuter

Autoimmune Diseases of the Skin: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Management, 2nd Ed.

Prof. Michael Hertl, MD, editor, Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Philipps University,
Marburg, Germany 2005 SpringerWienNewYork


Scientific evidence does not support the idea that Vitiligo is an autoimmune

But still, 30% of people with Vitiligo get trouble with their thyroid and theres got to
be some very fundamental problem linking vitiligo with thyroid problems.

Lets interrogate some more of the Suspects ...

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... Adrenal Failure and Vitiligo ...

Adrenal failure is called Addisons Disease, because the man named Addison was
the first to describe it.

9% of people with Addisons Disease get Vitiligo.

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys, and the medulla (inside part) of the
adrenal glands is part of the sympathetic nervous system which, under stress, gears a
person up to fight for his life. It produces three hormones: adrenaline, nor-
adrenaline, and dopamine, and these are made from the amino acid Tyrosine.

The adrenal glands have a tremendous reserve capacity, and you have to lose about
90% of the function of the adrenal glands before they actually fail. So there are many
people walking around who have partial failure of their adrenals but dont know it.
They just dont have the fight in them they used to have, dont feel strong, and
cant cope very well with stress.

Under periods of stress, the reserves in the adrenal glands can become depleted and
used up, and failing adrenals will then show themselves clinically. Vitiligo patients
also often report that their vitiligo started after some stressful period or event.

... Hearing Loss and Vitiligo ...

People with vitiligo can get a progressive hearing loss which may show up only years
after the vitiligo began. High frequencies are the first to be lost, and there may be
tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.

The inner ear contains pigment-producing melanocytes which make melanin from the
amino acid Tyrosine.

Hearing abnormalities in Vitiligo. Egypt. J Otolaryngol, 1998: 15.1, Jan 51-60.

Audiologic abnormalities in cases of Vitiligo. J Am Acad Dermatol; 1987: 17: 230-3.
Auditory Function In Vitiligo Patients. Egypt Dermat Online Journal 2 (1):7,6- 2006
Abnormalities of the auditory brainstem response in Vitiligo. Scand. Audiol. (1993): 22: 97-100.
High-frequency and reflex latency in patients with pigment disorder.
Am J Otolaryngol. 1998: 19(6):365
Defective tetrahydrobiopterin and catecholamine biosynthesis in the depigmentation disorder
Vitiligo. Biochem Biophys Acta 1994: 1226, 181-192.


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... Vitiligo and Sympathetic Nervous System Abnormalities ...

Sweating and other sympathetic nervous system abnormalities have been found in
people with Vitiligo. If a person with vitiligo has associated hypothyroid problems,
theres a whopping 66% chance the nerves to his affected skin (which are responsible
for sweating) are not working properly.

As mentioned before, this is the part of your nervous system which - along with your
adrenals - gets you up for a fight when you are under stress or under attack. These
nerves communicate with one another in your body by secreting neuro-transmitters
at the synapses where they connect up. Adrenal, nor-adrenaline. and dopamine are
major neuro-transmitters, and are made from the amino acid Tyrosine.
Neurohistological studies in Vitiligo vulgaris skin with special reference to the vegetative nerves.
Mori H. Japanese J. Dermatol. 1964 :74; 411.
Histochemical studies in Vitiligo vulgaris. Yokota N Japanese J. Dermat. 1967 : 77; 109.
Abnormal sympathetic skin response in patients with autoimmune Vitiligo and primary autoimmune
Hypothyroidism. Merello. J Neurol(1993) 240:72-74

... Vitiligo and Eye Trouble ...

In 40% of people with vitiligo there is a loss of pigment in

the retina and the underlying blood vessel layer, the
choroid. On the right is a photograph of this.

Particularly in people from Japan, there is also a chance

of the person with vitiligo getting inflammation inside the
eyes, either in the front, or the back, or both. This
uveitis may even appear before white patches on the
skin become apparent. (Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome)

There may be an associated, non-infectious meningitis as the melanin in the thin

membrane (leptomeninges) covering the brain is lost. The main pigment inside the
eye and on the surface of the brain is melanin, which is made from the amino acid

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... Mental Depression and Vitiligo ...

15% of people with Vitiligo have very severe mental depression. If the people
with milder forms of depression, anxiety, and phobias are included, the figure
is 40%.

Current medical science tends to write these facts off as being situational, and people
with vitiligo are given anti-depressants as if there were absolutely nothing in their
bodies causing their depressed mental state.

It is known through medical research, however, that low levels of nor-adrenaline are
associated with depression, that low levels of adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, and
dopamine (which are made from Tyrosine) are associated with depression, and that
low levels of the amino acid Tyrosine in the blood show a direct correlation with
mental depression.

Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations in Depressed Patients. KH Yokaham. Med. Bul. 1978.
Psychopharmacology of Depression, 1994. Montgomery & Corn.
Tyrosine in the Treatment of Depression C Gibson, Adv. Biol. Psych., 1983.
Psychiatric Disorders in Vitiligo J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2007; 19(3)

etc, etc.

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Chapter 4

... A Crucial Link Common to These Diseases ...

Lets look at what our investigation of the this batch of Usual Suspects has
revealed so far.

Six related diseases, each one of them clinically known to be occurring in people with
vitiligo. Each one of them is a criminal in its own right, wreaking havoc on the
body. And each one of them has its own particular modus operandi and territory.

But they are linked.

They are NOT linked by similar problems involving melanin synthesis-- since thyroid
disease, adrenal failure, mental depression, and sweating abnormalities do not even
involve melanin.

These criminals are linked at a more fundamental level relating to Tyrosine which is
a nutrient and basic building block of the body. Something, somewhere in the body
is screwing up a very basic metabolic process, and the loss of pigment in the skin is
just a visible manifestation of some bigger thing going on in the body at a level we
didnt expect.

We need more information.

Lets round up another batch of suspects and grill them.

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... Diseases Associated with Vitiligo ...

Another batch of Usual Suspects still other diseases, all of which can and do
occur in association with vitiligo. Some people with vitiligo get one, some get
another, some people with vitiligo get several. In the diagram below, this batch
of suspects are all wearing green.


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Chapter 5
... Tell-Tale Clues ...

Well quickly run through this list of Suspects.

... Alopecia Areata ...

People with Vitiligo have an increased incidence of

Alopecia Areata. Alopecia means baldness, and areata
just means area. It can be just one bald spot, or it can be
a total loss of hair on the head, or elsewhere. Most of the
time the hair will eventually grow back, but sometimes it
doesnt. MDs like to call this an autoimmune disorder,
like so many other things they dont understand.

Autoimmune abnormalities associated with Alopecia Areata and Vitiligo in Children.

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology March 2005 (Vol. 52, Issue 3, Page

... Poly Glandular Syndromes I & II ...

People with Vitiligo have an increased incidence of Poly Glandular Syndromes I & II.
A syndrome is not a disease, but is only fairly nondescript grouping of several
abnormalities that tend to occur at the same time in the same person. Whoever does
the grouping and writes about it first, gets to put their name on it.

With vitiligo, people tend to get adrenal failure, hypo-parathyroidism (an abnormality
in calcium metabolism), and candidiasis (yeast infections). If you get two of the
three, youre said to have a polyglandular syndrome. Calling it this does not
explain or address the fact that people with vitiligo get calcium abnormalities,
adrenal insufficiency, and/or yeast infections. But MDs like to lump it all together
and call it an autoimmune disorder. The real question is why the heck do people
with vitiligo tend to get these things in the first place.

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... Diabetes Type I & II ...

People with Vitiligo have an increased incidence of both Diabetes I and Diabetes II.
You know what diabetes is, and that there are two types. The real question for the
person with vitiligo is why the heck there is any increased tendency at all to get
diabetes. Are we also to call both of these types of diabetes autoimmune. Calling
everything autoimmune -- including Diabetes II -- really starts to get patently

Why Vitiligo in diabetes? OA Olasode. Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal V.1 No 2:8, Dec 2005
Vitiligo in mature onset Diabetes. RP Dawber. Br. J. Derm.1968: 80; 275-278.
Vitiligo. AB Lerner. J. Invest. Derm. 1959: 32; 285.
Cutaneous manifestation of diabetes mellitus. Z Wahid. J. Pak.1998 Oct. (10): 304-5.
Skin lesions in diabetes mellitus: Prevalence and clinical correlations. Romano & Moretti
Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract 1998 Feb. 39(2).

... Pernicious Anemia ...

People with Vitiligo are known to have an increased incidence of Pernicious Anemia.
Pernicious Anemia is just a fancy way of saying that a person has a vitamin B12
deficiency causing big red blood cells, weakness, trouble with nerves and reflexes,
and possibly a big liver and spleen. It is well known that B 12 deficiency is most
often due to malabsorption of the vitamin in the stomach, chronic gastritis, or just
lack of B12 in the diet through vegetarianism.

83% of people in India are Hindus and vegetarians. The incidence of Vitiligo in India is
the highest in the world. It looks like there is some connection here between vitiligo
and diet, and possibly -- more fundamentally -- between vitiligo and the stomach
with compromised absorption, or even malabsorption, of nutrients needed by the

... Hey! Our Investigation is starting to heat up.

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... Multiple Nutritional Deficiencies in Vitiligo ...

People with Vitiligo have a higher known incidence of various chemical and
nutritional deficiencies. Levels of Vitamin C, folic acid, copper, zinc, and of
course, vitamin B12 have been particularly well-studied.

Vitiligo and Other Hypomelanoses of Hair and Skin. Ortonne MD. Plenum Medical Book Company.
Copper in Animals and Man, Volume II, Howell. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL.
Mental and Elemental Nutrients. Pfeiffer, Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, CT.
Application Of Copper- And Zinc-Containing Adsorbents In Complex Vitiligo Treatment.
Kolyadenko. Internatl Journal Of Artificial Organs, 23 (8):568. 2000 .
Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 in Vitiligo: A Nutritional Approach, Cutis Magazine, (50):July 1992.
Vitiligo: Nutritional Therapy. Montes. Westhoven Press, Buenos Aires.
etc, etc, etc

For the most part, the average person with Vitiligo nonetheless has the exact same
diet and eats exactly same foods as everybody else, so it cant be what is in the diet.
Its therefore got to be what people with vitiligo are absorbing from their diet, not
what they eating.

Some people who take supplemental nutrients do see improvement in their vitiligo.
Other people taking the same vitamins and nutrients dont see any improvement.
It appears, once again, that it is not what people are eating or taking, but whether
they are absorbing the nutrients. Again, this points towards some kind of problem
with the stomach.

... Chronic Yeast Infections (Candidiasis) ...

People with Vitiligo have a higher incidence of chronic yeast infections on their skin,
around their fingernails, in their mouth, and around their rear end which may be
chronically itchy. (Remember the Polyglandular Syndromes above?) When the yeast
infection is treated with anti-fungals, it tends to come back.

In general medicine, the most important place in the body where candida is a real
problem is the stomach and intestine. If one takes broad-spectrum antibiotics (that
kill off good normal E. Coli), Candida will overgrow and take over the gastro-intestinal
tract. Otherwise -- and frequently -- Candida will overgrow in your gi tract if
something is wrong with the stomach with decreased stomach acid.

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Chapter 6
... Where the Problem Is ...

In the first batch of related suspect diseases, we found that they were not related
through any particular enzyme systems, but through a very basic nutritional building
block, tyrosine.

The second batch of diseases we looked at were shown to be associated with vitiligo.
But this batch of diseases associated with vitiligo correlated with a diverse group of
nutritional deficiencies.

Although the vegetarianism in India may exacerbate certain deficiencies, the larger
majority of people in the world with vitiligo all eat the very same food and have the
same diet as their countrymen who dont get vitiligo.

The inescapable inference is that people with vitiligo have a malabsorption problem.
The nutritional deficiencies causing these diseases in people with vitiligo tend to
center around the stomach, because that is either where these nutrients are directly
absorbed, or because troubles in the stomach can interfere with absorption in the
intestines farther down.

Malabsorption -- and specifically a problem in the stomach -- is now a strong working

hypothesis for us. Dealing only with the facts from bonafide medical research, we
now get:

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But any theory has to be tested against all other available facts to see if it is

We can do this by taking an opposite tact:

Lets assume we are correct about the stomach being where the problem is, and
now go back to the medical literature with this in mind to see if medical research
corroborates our data.

But first ...

... Stomach-Stuff that Everyone with Vitiligo Should Know ...

You know youve got a stomach, and that it makes acid, but thats probably about it.

If you have vitiligo you need to know more about this thing in your belly.

If you have acne rosacea, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, asthma, psoriasis, thyroid
disease, pernicious anemia, osteoporosis, Addisons disease, diabetes, nutritional
deficiencies, candidiasis, urticaria, or lupus, you need to know more about this thing
in your belly.

... The Stomach Makes Hydrochloric Acid And Enzymes ...

Whether a solution is acidic or basic is measured on a (pH) scale of 1 to 10, with seven
indicating a neutral solution which is not acidic or alkaline. The acid produced in your
stomach is very strong and has an optimal pH of around 1.8. It is so strong, in fact,
that it will dissolve an iron nail in 20 minutes.

But this is entirely normal and your body absolutely needs this acid environment for
several main reasons.

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... Stomach Acid Protects You,

And Is A Major Defense Mechanism Of The Body ...

You need the normal, highly concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) in your stomach to
protect you from pathological organisms covering the tons and tons of food you push
through your digestive tract.

The acid in your stomach STERILIZES your food. It kills the salmonella, shigella,
giardia, typhoid, cholera, brucellosis, strongyloidia, candida, fungi, clostridia,
tapeworms, round worms, and virtually all the other bacteria and nasty things you
usually put down your throat on a daily basis without knowing it.

In a normal stomach with low pH (high acidity), the bacteria on your food are killed in
about 15 minutes. Have you ever wondered why dogs can eat completely putrid,
decaying meat and not die? Well, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in dogs
stomach is even higher than in people, with a pH around 1. If dogs did not have this
more concentrated acid in their stomachs to kill the germs on the putrid meat, they
would die from eating it, just like people would.

If you have a belly ache and take antacids -- or the acid-reducers the drug
companies sell you -- you will get relief from the stomach acid irritating a chronic
gastritis. However, you will be caught-up in a Catch 22 situation, where the low
stomach acid does not sterilize your food and lets pathological bacteria, and fungi like
candida, infect your stomach and gut, and cause more gastritis. It is a no win
situation for you, one which is well-known to the drug companies, and pushed on you
through deceptive advertising because it makes them big profits.

This situation does not just occur sometimes, it occurs all the time. If the
concentration of acid in you stomach is reduced (hypochlorhydria), then bacteria in
your colon will migrate up your intestines. At the same time, the bacteria and fungi
on your food (and acquired through physical contact with other people), start to
populate your gastro-intestinal tract from the top down. The whole process takes
only about a week. As mentioned, this doesnt happen just sometimes, it happens all
the time when the HCl is reduced. Its how the system works.

You need concentrated hydrochloric acid in your stomach to sterilize and protect.
This function of the stomach is even more important than the digestive functions
of the stomach.

Gastric acid barrier to ingested microorganisms in man: studies in vivo and in vitro.
Giannella RA. Gut 1972; 13: 251-6.
The bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract of healthy and achlorhydric persons.
Drasar BS Gastroenterology 1969; 56: 71-9.
Epidemic gastritis with hypochlorhydria. Ramsey EJ. Gastroenterology 1979; 76:1449-57.
Epidemic hypochlorhydria. Gledhill T. Br MedJ 1985; 289:1383-6.
Influence of gastric acidity on bacterial and parasitic enteric infections.

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Giannella & Broitman. Ann Intern Med 1973; 78: 271-6.

Influence of gastrointestinal secretions on Clostridium difficile infection.
L Gurian. Gastroenterology 1982; 83: 465-9.
Battles against Giardia in gut mucosa. Lancet 1982; 2:527-8.
Influence of gastric pH on gastric and jejunal (intestinal) flora. Gray JD. Gut 1967; 8: 574-81.
Infective gastroenteritis and its relationship to reduced gastric acidity.
Cook GC. ScandJ Gastroenterol 1985; 20 suppl. Ill: 17-22.
Bacteria in the stomach. Lancet 1981; 2: 906-7.
Gastric secretion in fever and infectious diseases. Chang HC. J Clin Invest 1933; 12:155-69.
Infectious diarrhea. Sl Gorbach. Gastrointestinal disease: pathophysiology, diagnosis,
management. Philadelphia: W B Saunders, 1983:925-65.
Salmonella enteritis I. Role of reduced gastric secretion in pathogenesis (cause).
Giannella RA. N. Am J Dig Dis 1971; 16: 1000-6.
Severe Salmonella gastroenteritis associated with hypochlorhydria.
Gray JA, Scott Med J 1971; 16: 255-8.
Susceptibility to cholera. Abdou S. Lancet 1948; 1: 903-4.
Gastric acid secretion in patients with typhoid fever. Bhalla F. Gut 1985; 26: 491-4.
Gastric acidity in pulmonary tuberculosis. Kruger AL. Am J Dig Dis 1943; 10: 111-4.
Bacterial activity .. before, during, and after treatment with Omeprazole.
Sharma BK Br Med J 1984; 289: 717-9. & Milton-Thompson GJ Lancet 1982; 1: 1091-5.
Effect of cimetidine on the gastric bacterial flora. Ruddell WS Lancet 1980; 1: 672-4.
Cimetidine: 12 month MORTALITY report. Colin-Jones DG. Br Med J 1983; 286: 1713-6.

... The Stomach Digests the Proteins in your Food,

and Prevents Harmful LARGE Molecules from being Absorbed ...

The stomach is, for the most part, where the proteins in your food are torn apart
(into small peptides) by the hydrochloric acid and an enzyme the stomach makes.

It is also where vitamin C is absorbed, and where copper, zinc, iron, calcium, and
other minerals, are dissolved and solubilized into a form your body can absorb and
use. There is a special system in the stomach to absorb vitamin B12, which is
essential to the human body. Folic acid is mostly absorbed in the small intestine, but
if the acidity in your stomach is low, the abnormal bacteria in your gut will actually
compete with you for the folic acid your body needs.

As mentioned previously, studies proved that people with Vitiligo have been shown to
have nutritional deficiencies of vitamin C, copper, zinc, folic acid, and vitamin B12.

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What is also super-important for someone with Vitiligo to understand about the
stomach is that the concentrated stomach acid (and the enzyme pepsin) disintegrate
the large protein molecules into very small peptides.

If the concentration of acid in the stomach is low (hypochlorhydria), the protein

molecules in food only get partially broken down. These partially-digested proteins --
because they are now of a reduced size -- can get through the wall of the gut and into
the liver and circulatory systems.

When these macromolecules get in, the body will regard them as foreign invaders and
make all kinds of antibodies against them. Although the antibodies which the body
makes are initially directed against these macromolecules, these antibodies are non-
specific and can also react with cells and other organ systems in the body which have
similar molecular surface structures.

The medical-industrial complex tells you repeatedly that a whole list of diseases are
auto-Immune, and they conveniently point out the blood work which in fact does
show antibodies in these conditions. When they are asked What causes the
antibodies? , they say dont know and play dumb.

What they dont point out to you, however, is that probably the biggest (if not the
primary) cause of pathological antibodies in the body is due to the abnormal
absorption through the gut of partially-digested macromolecules from food. If the
medical establishment pointed to hypochlorhydria in the stomach as the cause,
curative measures could be taken and millions of people spared a great deal of grief.

As it stands, the world goes on as it is, and people are kept dumb and exploited.

Transmucosal passage of Antigens.

Walker W. Food allergy. New York, NY:Vevey/Raven Press. 1988
Macromolecular absorption of food Antigens in health and disease.
M Reinhardt Annals of Allergy 1984; 53: 597
The intestinal mucosal barrier to intact Antigenic protein.
A Warshaw. American Journal of Surgery 1977; 133: 5558
Antigen absorption by the gut. Lancet 1978; ii: 715717
Portals of entry a Review. L Mayron. Annals of Allergy 1978; 40: 399405
Immunological response to food.
G Scadding. Hunter & Jones eds. Food and the Gut. England:Saunders. 1985.
Detection of specific Antigen within circulating immune complexes. Validation of the assay and its
application to food Antigen-antibody complexes..
R Paganelli Clin Exp Immunol 1981; 46: 4453
Immune complexes in IgA nephropathy: presence of antibodies against diet Antigens and delayed
clearance of specific polymeric IgA immune complexes.
J Sancho. Clin Exp Immunol 1981; 45: 299304


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With the above said,

Lets take the opposite tact and see what diseases are known and proven
to be associated with hypochlorhydria, with special emphasis on a revealing
study from 1945 which was the first to really tie everything together well.

Once you appreciate the importance of the stomach as being WHERE things are
getting screwed up,

And the importance of Hypochlorhydria as to HOW things are getting screwed up,

We can then pull back the curtains and deal with the clever little Wizard behind the
scenes who has masterminded it all.


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Chapter 7
... Have MDs Cured Vitiligo in the Past ? ...

The strictly for-profit medicine you know today was not always the case. The
practice of medicine in the U.S. seems to have changed greatly in late 1980s.

Before then was an age of white-haired old professors who had wide experience in
human diseases, and who actually conducted research which wasnt geared to getting
grant money, or racking up useless research papers just to add to some MDs list of

To get perspective on vitiligo, and corroboration of what we already suspect, well

run through some studies from the past to see what diseases, in fact, hypochlorhydria
has been proven to cause.


In the first half of the last century, it was appreciated that there was a very practical
connection between stomach acid and various diseases, including pernicious anemia,
B-vitamin deficiencies, and skin diseases.

In 1945 Richard Allison, a physician in South Carolina, published the results of three
years research he did investigating the relationship between stomach acid levels and
various skin diseases. [Southern Medical Journal. 38(4):235-240, April 1945] He took 400 of
his own patients with skin diseases, and analyzed the amount of hydrochloric acid in
their stomachs

To get an idea of what he had to go through to do this, realize he had to take adults
(as well as unruly children) and ram a tube up their noses, down the back of their
throats, and into their stomachs to be able to suck out the gastric juices. The people
would gag, wretch, vomit, and faint, as people always do when nasogastric tubes are
rammed up their noses. Nonetheless, he methodically did this over three years with
400 patients with skin diseases, and he deserves a lot of credit for his efforts.

It was well-appreciated at that time, from practical observation, that chronic gastritis
was due, not to increased stomach acid, but to low stomach acid. This has been
proven and re-proven in countless studies before and since that period, and the facts
are exactly opposite to the deceptive advertising of today which peddles acid-
reducing pills that get people hooked on symptomatic aides which in fact make their
chronic gastritis worse.

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Although at the time, Allison was concerned more with the role in skin diseases and
stomach acid and vitamin B deficiencies, what he found goes well beyond his initial

He proved a connection not only between hypochlorhydria and vitiligo, but also with
a host of other diseases which your doctor of today mindlessly groups into a vague
category of auto-immune disease, cause unknown.

What Allison did in his study was to give 400 people with skin diseases a standardized
(Ewald) test meal for gastric acid secretion, and then suck out their stomach contents
and test the HCl concentration. There is always a margin of error in such studies,
but his results are overpowering.

In Vitiligo patients: 90% had little or no stomach acid.

In Alopecia (areata): 95% had little or no stomach acid.
In Lupus Erythematosis: 100% had little or no stomach acid.
In Psoriasis: 89% had little or no stomach acid.
In Urticaria: 85% had little or no stomach acid.
In Eczema: 74% had little or no stomach acid.
In Acne Rosacea: 87% had little or no stomach acid.

Notice that all of these skin diseases are now fashionably called Auto-immune
diseases, but that these skin diseases fall into a grouping related to stomach acid
and digestive processes, without any need whatsoever to even implicate or think of
autoimmune processes.

So how did Allison cure these peoples diverse skin problems?

He suggested healthful changes to their diets, he used Brewers Yeast as a source of B

vitamins and prescribed supplemental hydrochloric acid by mouth before, during, and
after each meal. Either diluted hydrochloric acid, or capsules of glutamate, which
turned into hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Other MDs of the time also gave
injections of B12 in addition to the Brewers Yeast.

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As will be shown later, he corrected the immediate HCl deficiency, and some
nutritional deficiencies, with good results -- But also (and unknown to him at the
time) he was also partially eradicating the cause of the HCl deficiency which started
the HCl deficiency in the first place.

... Others Have Added to Allisons Discoveries ...

Many other research studies have been done on the effects of low hydrochloric acid in
the stomach causing health problems we have already discussed, and also problems
we havent. But the reader needs to gain confidence in his understandings and get
perspective on Vitiligo, and how it fits into this montage of related problems.

Without confidence in your own mind of What-You-Know, you wont have the
confidence you need to doggedly pursue your own cure -- particularly when the all
the people, doctors, and media are all telling you to do something else.

So lets relax and take the time to briefly highlight some bona fide medical research
which really speaks for itself of the importance of low stomach acid not only in
vitiligo, but also a whole host of other diseases which are usually lumped together
with vitiligo.

... Hypochlorhydria and Thyroid Disease ...

Dr. Dovetall, in 1969, studied the gastric acidity of 15 of his patients who had thyroid
disease, both high thyroid, and low thyroid. He found that ALL of them had reduced
stomach acid, and that two-thirds of them had absolutely no basal stomach acid at
all. When he stimulated their gastric acid secretion by giving an injection of
histamine, a full 80% of them still showed a significant reduction in stomach acid.
Gastric secretion of acid and intrinsic factor [re Pernicious Anemia] in patients with hyper- and
hypo-thyroidism. G Dotevall. Acta Med Scand 1969;186: 529-533.

... Hypochlorhydria and Addisons Disease ...

In 1961, Smith et al found a high incidence of no stomach acid in Addisons Disease.

Gastric Acid Secretion and mucosal appearances in Addison's Disease and hypopituitarism.
AW Smith. Gut 1961;2:163-167.

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... Hypochlorhydria and Diabetes and Diabetic Neuropathy ...

In 1938, Shay and Cohen found that 48% of people with low stomach acid had
hyperglycemia and an abnormal glucose tolerance test. They found that instilling
HCl into the duodenum (downstream of the stomach) corrected the abnormal rise in
blood sugar and prevented the hyperglycemia. Glucose tolerance in Anacidity. Amer J Dig
Dis 1938-39;5:4-8.

In 1949, Rabinowitch studied 100 of his diabetic patients, and found that 41 were
achlorhydric. He noticed that the giving thiamine (vitamin B1) to three diabetic
patients with severe neuritis did not improve the neuritis, BUT when he gave the
diabetics supplemental HCl they all experienced marked improvement. Achlorhydria
and its clinical significance in diabetes mellitus. IM Rabinowitch. Am Journal of Digestive Diseases

In 1961, Dotevall observed lower secretion of hydrochloric acid , both in the basal
condition and after stimulation with histamine, in diabetics than in controls.
Gastric secretion of acid in diabetes mellitus during basal conditions and after maximal histamine
stimulation. G Dotevall. Acta Med Scan 1961;170:59-69.

In 1978, Richardson found that 33% of diabetics, with or without neuropathy, had
decreased acid secretion and a delayed stomach emptying time.
Diabetics have reduced acid secretion and delayed digestion. CT Richardson. Am Family Physician

... Hypochlorhydria and Asthma in Children ...

In 1931, Bray took 200 children with asthma, ranging from 6 months old to 12 years of
age. Putting a tube up their nose and sucking out their stomach juices, he found that
80% of the children had hypochlorhydria. The 160 children with low stomach acid
were given supplemental HCl at meal times, and an immediate improvement was seen
in their sleep, appetite, and body weight, and that asthmatic attacks were markedly
reduced. The Hypochlorhydria of Asthma of childhood. GW Bray. Quart J Med 1931;24:181-197.

In 1990, Wright re-affirms that low stomach acid causes incomplete digestion of food,
with a resultant absorption of large, undigested macromolecules into the blood which
produce an antibody response. He re-recommends that supplemental HCl be used in
children to improve digestion and break down these macromolecules before they can
gain access to the body. Treatment of childhood asthma with parenteral vitamin B12, gastric
re-acidification ... JV Wright. Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine. 1990 Vol 1;
Issue 4; pp 277 282

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... Hypochlorhydria and Acne Rosacea ...

As far back as 1920, gastric analysis of patients with acne rosacea led to the
appreciation that it was the result of hypochlorhydria. And it has been unequivocally
shown that hydrochloric acid supplementation results in a marked improvement in
rosacea patients having hypochlorhydria.
Gastric Analysis in Acne Rosacea. JA Ryle & HW Barber. Lancet 1920; Dec 11: 11951196
Effect of vitamin B complex and S-factor on acne rosacea. W Poole. S Med J 1957; 50: 207210

... Hypochlorhydria and Rheumatoid Arthritis ...

In 1979, De Witte and others observed that in 53 patients with classical rheumatoid
arthritis which was diagnosed by the usual blood work, only 50% had normal stomach
acid output.
Hypochlorhydria and hypergastrinaemeia in Rheumatoid Arthritis. TJ De Witte. Ann Rheumatoid
Disease 1979;38:14-17.

... Hypochlorhydria and Celiac Disease (Wheat Intolerance/Skin Rash) ...

Celiac Disease is essentially a wheat/gluten intolerance which usually becomes

apparent early in childhood, and is associated with an itchy rash with blisters that
look like a Herpes Simplex infection of the skin, but arent. In 1929, Ayers took
samples from such childrens stomachs and found a high incidence of hypochlorhydria.
30% of the children also had pernicious anemia, a vitamin B12 deficiency.
Ayers S. Gastric Secretion in Psoriasis, Eczema, and Dermatitis Herpetiformis [Celiac Disease]. Arch
Dermatology and Syphylology. 1929;20:854-857

... Hypochlorhydria and Psoriasis and Eczema ...

Ayers S. Gastric Secretion in Psoriasis, Eczema, and Dermatitis Herpetiformis [Celiac Disease]. Arch
Dermatology and Syphilology. 1929;20:854-857

... Hypochlorhydria and Urticaria ...

In 1950, Rawls and Ancona proved the association between chronic urticaria (hives)
and stomach acid -- either low stomach acid, or no stomach acid.
Chronic Urticaria associated with Hypo-chlorhydria or Achlorhydria. WB Rawls and VC Ancona.
Review of Gastroenterology 1950; Oct: 267271

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... Hypochlorhydria and Osteoporosis ...

People with low stomach acid, cant dissolve and absorb the calcium in their food.
The calcium in milk, for example, is calcium carbonate (chalk) and is useless to a
person if he or she cant get it into solution and absorb it. Without calcium (and
magnesium and boron) a persons bones get thinned out, and he gets osteoporosis.
Correcting the low stomach acid and improving mineral absorption is much more to
the point than some doctor-prescribed hormone replacement therapy.
Relation of Gastric Acidity to alveolar bone resorption. J Brechner. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med
Gastrectomy causes bone loss in the rat: Is Lack of Gastric Acid responsible? P Persson. Scand J
Gastroenterol 1993;28:301-306.
Relation between gastric secretion of acid and urinary excretion of calcium after oral supplements
of calcium. J Hunt. Dig Dis Sci 1983;28:417-421.

etc, etc, etc.

... Putting It All Together in Regard to VITILIGO ...

Weve gone forwards and backwards, proving links between all the Usual Suspects.
Many more research studies could be cited, but enough is enough, and we can now
get on with concentrating on Vitiligo, and how Vitiligo fits into the grand scheme of

There are hundreds of thousands of different parts in the human body, and there are
just as many diseases where things can get screwed up. Youve probably never
heard of most of these diseases, because some are so rare they should be put in a
glass cage and stuck in a museum somewhere.

Those that have been mentioned above, are not just any old diseases, but ones which
are directly and indirectly associated with Vitiligo. A couple of them, like
osteoporosis, are distant to vitiligo but have been included in this discussion because
this author believes you are being grossly misled by the for-profit medical
establishment to sell their doctor-prescribed hormone replacement therapies for an
otherwise straight-forward problem.


Lets add these links to our original Vitiligo chart and see what weve got.

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So this is a graphic facsimile of what weve got so far.

The black lines all represent proven links between individual diseases. Some of the
links are direct, and some of the links are indirect, linking one thing to another but
not in a straight line. Nonetheless, we have to stick with the real research studies
people have done, and the true facts as they are, and cant create studies when they
dont exist.

Look at the diseases going up the left side, across the middle, and down the right
side. Of all the diseases that exist in the world, these particular diseases have
spontaneously arisen in our research investigations, and popped into view.

If you look at this grouping carefully and think about, you will soon recognize that this
group of diseases is exactly the same group of diseases that you are being told by the
medical establishment is Auto-Immune .. Cause Unknown. We never even
considered autoimmunity in our studies, yet here they are, these supposed
autoimmune diseases, all lined up and in a bunch, and no need whatever to presume
dead-end autoimmune explanations.


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Chapter 8

... Have Some People Cured Themselves ? ...

In this chapter, the word cure will be used very loosely, and refer only to improving
the white patches seen in Vitiligo. It wont mean finding or treating the cause of the
low stomach acid seen in Vitiligo, but only the skin manifestations of Vitiligo.

If you have read this far, and still believe that rubbing some anti-vitiligo oil on your
skin, or sitting under a sunlamp, or getting skin grafts, is going to fix up what ails you,
you may need some psychological counseling -- at the very least.

A lot of individuals with vitiligo have done a lot of things over the last 4000 years to
treat themselves.

In some people, the white patches just disappeared on their own. In other people,
nothing they did helped, and they had to live with their unsightly appearance for their
whole lives. In still others, there was improvement from what was done, but the
results from person to person varied so much that no one could be sure whether what
somebody else had done themselves would work for him.

There is wide variation in people, and peoples health problems run the gamut from
a little bit of this, to a lot of that, to a complicated, confusing mixture of
different things all jumbled up together and going on at the same time. Part of the
explanation for the variable results seen with different measures taken in vitiligo,
results from this variability in what is going on in one person, and from one person to
the next.

BUT ALSO, and more imortantly, part of the variability in the results people have had,
is due to the fact that the measures people are taking to treat themselves are all
dancing around the problem, sometimes hitting their mark, but usually just having a
temporary or incomplete effect on improving their superficial appearance.

After briefly discussing some basic tests which you should at least know about,
well go over some of these home remedies, and it will become clear why and
when they can sometimes be of value as secondary aides.

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... How Can the Stomach Acid Be Tested ...

Certainly any hospital lab can analyze a sample of gastric juice for acidity.
The hospitals are not your problem, your MD is your problem.

As weve seen, MDs in the past used to collect and analyze gastric contents, but
-with rare exceptions MDs wont do it today. Its not that they cant do it, or
dont know how to do it, its that they wont do it.

To get it done, youd probably have to get an endoscopy where a gastroenterology

specialist, an anesthesiologist, scrub nurse, circulating nurse, and hospital
operating room are lined up, and where they sock you with a big bill for doing a
simple thing. Doctors just dont do these things anymore in their offices as they
did in the past. Why? Because when theyre pulling down ten thousand dollars a day
pushing patients through their offices and surgeries, theyve got no time or patience
for anything that disrupts the patient flow, and doesnt make them a buck for time

Well my doctor isnt like that, you say. Well, your doctor IS like that, and he
doesnt want to soil his hands on some messy procedure which his on-staff coders and
billers cant modify into a big bill. Because you dont what doctors know -- and cant
substantively judge them as an outsider -- you quite possibly have no conception
whatsoever of just how blatantly callous prevalent attitudes towards you and your
health can be in this profession when youre out of earshot.

You will quite likely hear all kinds of dismissive reasons why testing stomach acid is
unimportant, and not done today. None of them are true. Your doctor simply
doesnt want to be bothered. It is not a good situation at all for patients today, and
its a system where you have to use your common sense and cunning to get what you
need from them without getting caught up in the system and being bankrupted by it.

In principle, testing the acidity in the stomach is very simple: Get a roll of pH
(litmus) paper; vomit up your stomach contents; and dip the pH paper into it to see
how acidic it is. Trouble is, of course, few people can regurgitate on demand, and
either a tube has to be put down their throat, or some other, indirect means for
testing stomach acid has to be employed.

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There is a convenient and non-traumatic way of directly testing stomach acid, but
most MDs couldnt care less, and probably dont know about it. It is called the
Heidelberg Test. You swallow what looks like a big vitamin capsule which has a
sensor in it to determine the level of acidity, which is then broadcast by a tiny radio
transmitter in the capsule to a receiver in a belt around your waist. It is a simply
elegant means of testing stomach acidity. Last I saw there werent many of these
machines around, but you may be able to find a vendors list at

An indirect means of testing stomach acidity is to test for undigested protein fibers in
the stool. As weve discussed, low stomach acid means poor digestion, and
malabsorption. You can have your stool sent away to a place like DoctorsData and
such a place can do a Comprehensive Stool Analysis, but it will set you back $300.

There are some places on the internet which have cheap kits which you can send
for and use to test your own stomach acid. Try searching for phrases like gastric
acid function self-test. This writer doesnt know how accurate these kits are, but
something is better than nothing if you feel you absolutely need proof you have low
stomach acid before you cure your vitiligo.

Another indirect means for assessing stomach acidity, is to test for the overgrowth of
pathogens in the gut. One is the Indican in the urine test, the other is the Hydrogen
Breath Test. Although hospitals can do these things, theres a slight chance your MD
might even order this kind of test for you because its no shirt off his back, and by
doing so hell get you out of his office and the next paying customer into the chair.
The effect of hydrochloric acid on the indican metabolism in achlorhydria. P Brummer. Acta Medica Scan
1956;155:11 14.

Another very practical way of dealing with stomach acid analysis is perhaps
not to trouble yourself with it at all, and rely on the statistics and probabilities
weve seen in the medical research that if you have vitiligo, youve got a whopping
good chance of having low stomach acid. Whatever the results of any one test are,
youre probably still going to have to do the same things anyway to cure yourself and
be sure you have done everything necessary to get rid of your vitiligo. So is it better
to go through the motions and actually do the test ? You have to decide that for

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... What Have People Done to Cure Themselves ? ...

The answer, of course, is that theyve done just about everything and anything.

Why some people, however, got better results doing one thing, while other people
got poor results doing the same thing, we can start to understand by appreciating that
peoples diet, nutritional and vitamin deficiencies, stomach acid, g.i. absorption,
associated diseases, and level of progress are all slightly different. Most things wont
have any good effect on vitiligo, but others will, and are just not taken in sufficient
quantities to have any observable effect.

... Tyrosine and Phenylalanine ...

We saw that a half-dozen diseases related to Vitiligo were linked through the amino
acid tyrosine, and that this was a crucial consituent of thyroid hormone, adrenaline,
nor-adrenaline, dopamine, and melanin pigment in the skin and in other organs like
inner ear, eye, and meninges covering the brain. The body can make tyrosine from
another amino acid, phenylalanine, so we can understand that when people have
corrected deficiencies of tyrosine and phenylalanine with dietary supplementation,
they could, in fact, get an improvement in their vitiligo and these associated

Also, hypochlorhydria may cause a redirection of tyrosine from its usual conversion
into L-Dopa and re-direct it into the manufacture of tyramine, which is toxic.
Particularly in times of emotional or physical stress (such as can start vitiligo) these
amino acids can be depleted through excessive adrenal and sympathetic stimulation. .
So forcing more tyrosine and phenylalnine into the body through supplementation is a
reasonable thing to do for a person with vitiligo. This wont cure vitiligo but it will
help with one of the deficiencies and is a sensible thing to do. And this explains why
people with vitiligo have seen improvement when they have taken these amino acids.
Some people have rubbed these amino acids into their skin, but absorbing them
through the skin is an extremely inefficient way of eating your food.

... Vitamin C, B12, Folate, Copper, Zinc ...

We have seen that people with hypochlorhydria and vitiligo have been proven to have
these deficiencies. It makes a great deal of sense to try to correct these deficiencies.
Doing so will not correct what is causing the hypochlorhydria, but it should speed a
persons recovery, and explains why some people who have taken these supplements
have had credible and observable improvement. Vitamin B12 tabs when put under
the tongue will be absorbed well, and will bypass the stomach problems completely.

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... Skin Photsensitizers, Psoralen, Sunlamps and PUVA ...

Although skin photosensitizers like psoralen when used with ultraviolet light (PUVA)
have improved peoples skin appearance. But even according to the Encyclopedia
Britannica it is rarely successful. But if a person has cured what is causing the
hypochlorhydria and replenished the needed nutrients in his body, stimulating the
skin to make pigment faster is not unreasonable.

Most of the exotic concoctions of Ayurvedic medicines used in India to treat vitiligo
contain one or more psoralen-containing herbs, and are special only insofar as the
price that is charged to gullible people who are in distress. Many foods contain
photo-sensitizing psoralens, such as figs, parsnips, fennel, dill, parsley, celery, lime,
and St. Johns Wort. If you are going to use any of these at all, the last one St.
Johns Wort is readily available and cheap.

The problem with PUVA/psoralen and sunlamps is that the normal skin around the
white skin patches also gets subject to ultraviolet light, and gets darker and tans.
This makes the contrast between normal skin and a vitiligo patch more noticeable.
Excimer lasers are nothing more than focused sunlamps to keep the UV light on only
the white patches, and to get people hooked with big bills for series of treatments.

Although some people claim to have been completely cured by PUVA, it is not really
a cure for anything, except a troubled mind. When youre looking at getting 100 or
even 300 bi-weekly treatments with considerable expense and inconvenience --
you might as well just take a pass on the whole ordeal.

... Herbal Remedies ...

People have claimed benefit from using herbal bitters, gentian, ginger, cayenne,
peppermint, and black pepper.

Bitters have been used for centuries to improve digestion, and basically act by
stimulating salivation, gastric acid and pepsin production. It can be understood, now
that we know about hypochlorhydria, that maybe such bitters may have had some
beneficial, slight effect. However this is just dancing around the problem. If the
stomach is not making acid because it cannot make acid, trying to stimulate the
stomach back to normal with bitters is like trying to make a dead cat get up and run.


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Chapter 9

All Roads Lead to Rome ---

The Real Culprit Behind the Curtains

As has already been shown, theres no credible scientific justification to even call
vitiligo an autoimmune disorder. Likewise, saying that it is genetically linked in
families is an implausible idea when compared to the possibility that there is a mildly
infectious germ being transmitted by person-to-person contact in genetically-linked
family members who suffer the same malady in different degrees.

Remember leprosy ? Well that was also thought to be genetic in the 1800s until the
tuberculosis-like bacteria in biopsy specimens from leprosy skin was identified by
Hansen in 1873. The medical establishment is not only slow to accept anything that
means changing the way they are thinking or doing things, they actively resist change
until the incontrovertible facts are shoved down their throats.

Today is an era of medical specialties and specialists. One MD may specialize in

hormones and glands, another specializes in prostates and urinary problems, another
specializes in lung diseases, another specializes in ears, another specializes in eyes,
another specializes in the heart, another neurology, and the internists -- who are
supposed to take a broad view of the body as whole -- are living off of the
hypertension/diabetes/cholesterol mantra as the their bread and butter.

The problem for people is that there is seldom an MD who ventures out of his narrow
field to look at a persons health problems in the context of the body as a whole. A
dermatologist of today is not going to waste his time on you and put a tube into your
stomach to test your gastric acidity, and he quite frankly just doesnt give a damn.

The naturopaths and wholistic healers are on the right tract, but -- with all due
respect many just dont know enough, and simply dont have that permission from
government to use drugs (when necessary) which the government allows only MDs
to monopolize and profit from. It is not a good situation for common people.

But let us, despite it all, use medical understanding and knowledge to throw back the
curtain on what causes hypochlorhydria and show the little bugger behind the scenes.

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H. Pylori (Helicobacter pylori, formerly known as Campylobacter Pylori) is a germ

that has probably been around as long as, or longer, than man himself.

In the 1800s, when infants were getting severe diarrhea from what they were calling
cholera infantum -- which was probably an H.Pylori infection -- a doctor concocted
a bismuth-containing formula called Bismosol which cured them. The name was
changed in 1919 to Pepto-Bismol, and this bismuth-containing Pepto-Bismol is still
today a mainstay used in conjunction with antibiotics to cure H. Pylori infections of
the stomach.

Even though this germ was present in microscope slides of biopsy specimens for a
hundred years, no one saw it, even though it was right in front of their eyes. The
entrenched, fashionable medical attitudes simply would not admit that an infectious
process was a possibility.

In 1983, Warren and Marshall published an article Unidentified curved bacilli on

gastric epithelium in active chronic gastritis. [Lancet 1983; 1:page 1273.] which showed
the germs present in virtually everyone suffering from gastritis, or gastric ulcers, or
duodenal ulcers. They met ridicule and stiff opposition from the medical community,
and it was only after they accumulated so much evidence, over many years, that the
MDs had to accept it, and had the truth shoved down their throats. For their efforts,
Warren and Marshall got a Nobel Prize after the fact, 22 years later.

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Graham and Alpert published research in 1988 entitled Iatrogenic Campylobacter

pylori infection is a cause of epidemic Achlorhydria. The title alone should speak
for itself -- and to you -- of the relation between achlorhydria and H. Pylori infection.
Am J Gastroenterol 1988;83:p974.

Another paper:
Helicobacter (aka Campylobacter) pylori as the major causal factor in chronic
hypochlorhydria. RE Cater. 2nd. Med Hypotheses 1992;39:367-374.

Research showing the infectious aspect of H. Pylori and an association with epidemic
gastritis and hypochlorhydria:
The epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection. DN Taylor. Epidemiol Rev.

Although you may have heard in the media about the association of H. Pylori with 90%
of stomach ulcers and 80% of dudenal ulcers, have you heard anywhere that H. Pylori
is the major causal factor in chronic hypochlorhydria ?

It has been proven that the H. Pylori can be just as powerful as the acid-reducing
drugs like Cimetidine in shutting off the production of acid in your stomach.
Cave DR, Vargas M. Effect of a Campylobacter pylori protein on acid secretion by parietal cells.
Lancet 1989;2:187-189.
{One of the little tricks H. Pylori uses to neutralize acid in your stomach -- and
establish a happy little home for itself -- is to convert urea to ammonia, which
ammonia then neutralizes the stomach acid. This is the basis for a Breath Test.}

It is known that H. Pylori can cause variable effects on stomach acid, both low
stomach acid, as well as high stomach acid concentration. In people with low stomach
acid, just killing the germ brings the HCl concentraion back up to normal.
Divergent effects of H. pylori on acid secretion. EM El Omar. Gut 1995;37(Suppl 2):A6.
Long-term effects of Helicobacter pylori infection on acid and pepsin secretion.
F Halter. Yale J Biol Med 1996;69:99-104.

The apparent reason for this variability seems to be related to what part of the
stomach this germ happens to infect. If it burrows into the upper part of the
stomach where food enters (the antrum), or similar tissue in the top part of the small
intestine, hormones are secreted to increase stomach acid which can then cause
ulcers. If, however, this bacteria takes up its primary residence in the larger body of
the stomach, itll cause low stomach acid, and chronic, atrophic gastritis.

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Evidence indicates that there is just about a 100% correlation between gastritis
and infection with H. Pylori.
Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of H. pylori-Associated Gastrointestinal Diseases. KS & DY
Graham. Newtown, PA: Handbooks in Health Care Co; 2006.

Yet Helicobacter gastritis has never been known to spontaneously go away without
treatment after it has established itself , and that it often progresses to cause
atrophic, thinning, and fibrotic changes in the lining of the stomach, a so-called
atrophic gastritis. This means that if the stomach has been infected for a long time,
a damaged stomach wall may never regain its normal health even if the infection is
cured. It means that problems with malabsorption, poor digestion, vitamin and
mineral deficiencies might persist for the rest of a persons life, just as vitiligo itself
can persist for the rest of a persons life.

To show you what your up against in trying to get useful information, lets
-- just for the fun of it -- look at five research studies, and THEN take a look
at what you are told by the authority figures you know and love:

H. pylori infection has been shown to be significantly associated with vitamin B12
malabsorption (Pernicioius Anemia).
Associations of food-cobalamin malabsorption with ethnic origin, age, Helicobacter Pylori infection,
and serum markers of Gastritis. R Carmel. Am J Gastroenterol 2001;96:63-70.

In patients with vitamin B12 malabsorption and pernicious anemia, eliminating the H.
Pylori infection corrected the vitamin B12 deficiency in ALL patients even though they
received no extra vitamin B12.
Helicobacter pylori is it a novel causative agent in Vitamin B12 deficiency? K Kaptan. Arch Intern
Med 2000;160:1349-1353.

About Rosacea and H. Pylori, just read the self-explanatory titles for yourself:
Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment reduces the severity of Rosacea.
S Utas. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1999 Mar;40(3):433-5.
Rosacea: A Cutaneous Marker Of Helicobacter Pylori Infection? Results of a pilot study.
C Diaz. Acta Derm Venereol. 2003;83(4):282-6.
Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in Rosacea patients.
Bioxeda de Miquel. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2006 Jul;98(7):501- 509.

NOW look at what the Center For Disease Control is telling you:

.there has been no conclusive evidence that treatment of H. pylori infection in

patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia is warranted.
CDC Website. Helicobacter Pylori and Peptic Ulcer Disease.

Can you believe theyre actually feeding you disinformation like this ???

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So without beating a dead horse any further,

this is what weve got:

H. Pylori is a major cause of widespread, diverse human health problems.

Do you still really want to bother with those skin treatments and that anti-vitiligo
oil, or do you want to actually cure yourself ?

Like the title of this book says, Your Doctor Will Never Cure You ---

Youve Got to Do It Yourself.


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Chapter 10

... How You Yourself Can Test for It ...

The reader now knows keywords and phrases like H. Pylori, Atrophic Gastritis,
Chronic Gastritis, Hypochlorhydria, and Achlorhydria, and is in an enlightened
position to now be able to search for additional knowledge he or she feels is needed
or wanted.

The visible SIGNS of vitiligo are known to you, but the SYMPTOMS - which are the
things you feel going on in your body, but cant see -- are a complex mixture of
sensations resulting from the whole variety of disorders and nutritional deficiencies
associated with vitiligo, hypochlorhydria, and bacterial/candida overgrowth in
the g.i. tract. The symptoms can vary from no symptoms at all, to halitosis, bloating,
heartburn, malaise, and just plain never feeling quite right, or to the malfunction of
specific organs and glands like the thyroid and adrenals which have been affected.

The reader should realize that if he has had an H. Pylori infection in times past, that
infection in his stomach wall might have been unknowingly eradicated, for example,
by some antibiotics you received for totally unrelated reasons involving some other
part of your body. You may, however -- particularly if the infection was of long-
standing -- had enough damage done to the lining of your stomach by these nasty
creatures, that you are left with a sterile atrophic gastritis, in which your stomach
wall is thinned out, scarred up, and permanently damaged.

This would not be a good situation for you because it means a lot of inconvenience as
time goes by, because youll need to keep up an artificial re-acidification of your
stomach and use supplemental nutrients to force the nutrients you need into your
body. Chances are, however, this wont be the case if you get onto the problem early
on, and kick-start your system to get it functioning at least well enough so it can start
fixing itself up.

So whatever else needs doing, the first rational step is try to determine whether you
have an active H. Pylori infection in the lining of your stomach.

Fortunately, testing for H. Pylori today is a lot easier to do than testing acid levels in
the stomach, and you can either tell your MD to write for some tests, OR you can
avoid the hassle and just do it yourself if you so choose.

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... MD-tests for Active H. Pylori Infection in Your Stomach ...

As mentioned, lab tests for an active H. Pylori infection should be easier to get out of
your MD because it will cause him no personal inconvenience, and he can still charge
you for the office visit, and he can charge you for a return visit to evaluate the
results, and possibly even charge you for more follow-up visits if he gives you
prescription antibiotics. He may even own part of the lab he sends you to, so your
chances of getting the tests you need from him are actually pretty good.

The wise shopper will of course keep his thoughts to himself, avoid non-productive
confrontations with MDs, and have a convincing story of some close relative or other
having H. Pylori, and that you just want to be sure. Remember, you probably now
know a lot more (about vitiligo) than your general MD, so say whatever you need to
say to get what you want from him, and flee before he starts coming up with all kinds
of reasons to empty your pocketbook.

... Blood Antibody Test for H. Pylori ...

When your body has an infection with a germ, it tries to make specific antibodies
against that germ to kill it off. If an infection with H. Pylori is acute or very severe,
the body will make a lot of antibodies against it which can then be picked up through
a blood test.

The trouble with this test is that, once the body makes these antibodies, the body
may continue to make these antibodies for several years even though the bug may
have been killed off. So this test, like everything else in the world, has to be
considered in context, without making more, or less, out of the results than common
sense suggests.

... Urea Breath Test for H. Pylori ...

Although this is a simple test to do, it works best in an acute, massive H. Pylori
infection. It may well miss persistent, low-grade established infections, so the results
with this test also have to be taken with a grain of salt as being suggestive, rather
than as hard-core proof of anything.

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... Stool Antigen Test for H. Pylori ...

If youre getting MD tests, a Comprehensive Stool Analysis is probably your best bet.
Bits and pieces (antigens) of H. Pylori can be identified chemically in the stool, and
other organisms like Giardia and Entamoeba, and flat and round worms, and eggs, and
undigested protein fibers, and digested (occult) blood from bleeding ulcers can also
be picked up.

You might want to demand that your stool specimens be sent off to an experienced,
reliable lab like DoctorsData, rather than having it done by on-the-job-trained
technicians down the street with little experience.

... Stomach Biopsy for H. Pylori ...

Cutting a biopsy from the lining of the stomach to look for H. Pylori is certainly the
direct way of getting hard-core visual proof of infection. It of course means paying a
gastroenterologist (and anethesiologist and surgical operating room staff) to put an
endoscopic tube down your esophagus and take a bite out of your stomach; and then,
paying a pathologist to interpret the microscopic sections.

The wise shopper may wish to acquaint himself with the innumerable complications
possible with this procedure. But, hey! If you dont care whether he perforates your
stomach or esophagus, go with it.

... Tests for H. Pylori You Can Do Yourself ...

You will be happy to know that the benevolent bureaucrats in the FDA have
condescended to allow common people like you to buy kits which you can use to
test for H. Pylori by yourself at home.

Various companies marketing these chemical tests can be found on the internet, and
you can send away for an inexpensive, over-the-counter test kit, or maybe even find a
drug store in your area carrying those companies products. Most of these home kits
will check for H. Pylori antibodies in a drop of your blood from your finger, or detect
antigens from H. Pylori in your stool specimen.

To show you what to look for, here are some examples of names that are used for
these single-use home test kits:

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EarlyDetect Ulcer Bacteria Test to check for H. Pylori antibodies in blood.

Fortel Ulcer (H.pylori) OTC to check for H. Pylori antibodies in blood. Biocard H. pylori IgG Home Test for H. Pylori antibodies in blood. Biocard Helicobacter pylori Ag to test for H. Pylori antigens in stool.

But once youre on track, and know what to search for, youll likely find what
you need for less than $25.

None of these tests are perfect, and the results should be considered in the context of
your own symptoms, and when your troubles seemed to begin. Sometimes with a
severe infection, the body will be so overwelmed it cant mount a satisfactory blood
antibody response. Or if a person had a severe H. Pylori infection causing a chronic
atrophic gastritis and the undiagnosed infection was unknowingly eradicated with
antibiotics, his stomach may now not harbour H. Pylori, and his stool antigens would
be negative, but he may still have antibodies in his blood.

But common things are common, and what usually happens, usually happens.
Most of the time test results are fairly indicative of whats going on. There are
always false positive results and false negative results with any tests, but a good rule
of thumb in diseases with serious, life altering consequences is to treat them
vigorously even if the test results are inconclusive or equivocal.

Overall, the single, best, and safest test you can get is a Comprehensive Stool
Analysis (with culture) from a proper lab. This should give you a very good idea of
whats going on in your stomach, as well as in the rest of your gut. Although H.
Pylori is a thoroughly unique organism -- and now the single most wide-spread cause
of human infections world-wide -- people do get worms, parasites, tumors, and ulcers
which might cause a few of H. Pyloris systemic effects, and confuse the issue.

If for geographic, economic, or other reasons, you cant get such a comprehensive
stool analysis, you might just get one of the home test kits above and see what it

Because antibiotics are cheap and generally safe -- and because the social, economic,
and romantic effects of Vitiligo on a persons life can be so profound - one might
understandably be inclined to just go ahead and treat for an H. Pylori infection
regardless of what any test might show.


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Chapter 11
... What You Can Do to Get Rid of It ...

As mentioned before, H. Pylori is a unique organism and a major health problem

because of the troubles it causes in the stomach. But if you have heard about it
at all, youve probably heard about in relation to stomach and duodenal ulcers, and
not in relation to the vastly bigger problem of it causing chronic, atrophic gastritis
with associated hypochlorhydria.

You yourself may have been caught up in the Catch 22 situation where you suffer
heartburn, bloating, belly ache, and esophageal reflux disease, and take antacids
and acid-reducing drugs to relieve your immediate symptoms. But the symptoms then
occur, and reoccur indefinitely, causing you to take more and more of the same
antacids and acid-reducers.

It is a vicious game being played on you by the drug companies and their lackeys to
get you hooked on their products which are in fact making the underlying infection
worse -- and leading to profound nutritional disturbances which can affect your skin,
other organs, and general health over the long term.

As discussed before, probably the single most important function of your stomach is as
a bodily defense mechanism to protect you from entrance into your body of germs
and other pathogens by maintaining highly acid bath which sterilizes and kills the
germs, fungi, and parasites on the food you eat. H. Pylori and other pathogens
cannot live in a healthy stomach with normal acid levels because the acid kills them.

Youve probably heard that a very great many people with vitiligo say that the vitiligo
started up after a period of physical, emotional or psychological stress. Well what
happens is that, under stress, the adrenal and sympathetic nervous system start
working over-time, and the acid production in the stomach gets shut off by the bodys
nervous system as the body gears up to fight the stressful situation youre in.

It is during these stressful times that an opportunistic H. Pylori will not be killed by
low acid levels and will be able to infect the stomach wall.
Once in the stomach wall, it will use a couple of its own little
tricks to shut off acid production more permanently. It then
takes over, sets up housekeeping, and raises a family >>>

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With an acidic pH of 4.0 in your stomach, most bacteria introduced tend to be killed.
With a stronger acid pH of 3.0 or below, bacteria introduced into the stomach will be
destroyed in 15 minutes. Fungi like Candida are more readily killed than germs and
die off at a less-acid pH of around 4.5.
Gastric acid barrier to ingested microorganisms in man.. RA Giannella. Gut 1972; 13: 251-6.
Influence of gastric pH on gastric and jejunal flora. JD Gray. Gut 1967; 8: 574-81.

So as you can see, a healthy stomach loves hydrochloric acid, was born to make
hydrochloric acid, and is constructed to produce and contain very strong hydrochloric
acid. Hydrochloric acid is your friend, not your enemy, and you should be totally
disgusted with the lying merchants who tell you otherwise.

... How to Get Rid of H. Pylori Without Antibiotics ...

As weve seen, MDs in the past had good results curing skin diseases and other
problems, by giving people supplemental hydrochloric acid along with B vitamins and
other nutrients. Whether they understood it or not at the time, they were actually
sterilizing the stomach wall by artificially re-acidifying the stomach contents.

Their practical method of getting back normal stomach function was to start with low
amounts of hydrochloric acid by mouth, and then increase the amount of HCl
gradually up to the level of tolerance of the patient. This level of tolerance was
determined practically.

If the person took too much HCl (more than their stomach lining could comfortably
tolerate) people would get a sensation of warmth in their stomach after taking too
much. So they would then pull back on the amount of supplemental HCl they were
taking, just until the patient did not get this warm, glowing feeling in their stomach.
The person would then stay on that reduced amount of HCl which gave them no

Through this artificial re-acidification, those MDs were actually simulating a normal
bodily function to sterilize the stomach wall and to kick-start the bodys own
restorative abilities by removing the pathogens which were damaging the stomach and
interfering with normal digestion of essential nutrients.

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As they well-appreciated at the time, drinking diluted HCl had its dis-advantages:

If the people didnt drink through a straw, the acid would get in their mouth and
harm their teeth.
If not diluted enough, the acid would burn the peoples throats before it got
down to the stomach.

Because they were highly motivated by the good results they were achieving, they
fine tuned the dilutions and the mode of administration til they got workable
protocols which people could use over periods of time.

To try to get around the burning of the throat and the effect on teeth, some
physicians used capsules of dry powder which would then form hydrochloric acid
when dissolved in the stomach:

Glutamate (or glutamic acid) capsules, which have been used for generations to
increase stomach HCl, are still readily available today. With what is known today,
however, it may not be wise to use this as a simple artificial acidifier because, in
significant quantities, it can be an excitotoxin (like its related monosodium
glutamate) and cause neural toxicity.

Betaine Hydrochloride was used 100 years ago as a stomach acidifier, and can be
used in exactly the same way today. It is a safer, much easier-to-use alternative to
either diluted HCl or glutamate, and avoids burning in the throat, and doesnt come
in contact with the teeth. By itself, betaine is a harmless alkaloid which has been
proven to have many good effects on the human body. However, betaine
hydrochloride (which has 24% HCl in it), is a slightly different substance not having all
the advantages straight betaine has, but it is nonetheless a good transporter of HCl
and an excellent, easy way of getting HCl down your throat. Dose and usage will be
mentioned later.

Lowering the ph is a simple, direct, and effective way of sterilizing the stomach.
It is how nature does it, and has done it for millions of years. It is only when this
natural mechanism is upset by an opportunistic organism such as H. Pylori that the
mechanism fails. H. Pylori is a unique organism, which as if by some design, was
purpose-built to live in stomachs, use metabolic tricks to interfere with normal
stomach acid, and wreak havoc on digestion and absorption of nutrients.

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In times past, and even today, people claim benefits to their health from taking
Apple Cider Vinegar, and other vinegars. In fact, vinegars have been prized,
coveted, and cultivated in innumerable cultures for their effects on digestion. But
there is nothing magical about apple cider vinegar and health, and there are many
other vinegars such as Balsamic Vinegar which are much tastier. The one thing these
all these vinegars do share in common is that they are acids.

Usually vinegar is standardized for its acetic acid content at about 5%, with better
vinegars at about 6% acid. A 5% vinegar is fairly acid and has a pH of 2.4, which is at
a level where it can easily kill H. Pylori and most other pathogens. The problems with
using vinegar to temporarily re-acidify the stomach are the same problems as with
using diluted hydrochloric acid: it burns the throat and dissolves the teeth, and you
cant get enough of it down into your stomach to do the job.

... Using Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) as an Acid ...

A 5% solution of Vitamin C in water has a pH of 2.2 - 2.5, which gets it into the killing
pH range for H. Pylori. Although this level of acidity probably wont, for example, kill
all the germs like Shigella which cause dysentery, it is acidic enough to kill H. Pylori.

What we are talking about here is not the use of vitamin C for its innumerable, well-
proven, beneficial effects on human health, but using it strictly as a very safe acid.
How safe is high-dose vitamin C ? Plenty. To kill a mouse with vitamin C requires an
(LD50) concentration of 11,900 mg per kilogram in his tissues. In a 70 kg man this
equates to taking 833,000 mg. It would be far easier for a person to kill himself by
drinking pure water than by consuming this amount of vitamin C.

High doses can be safely taken up to the level of gastric tolerance, except perhaps in
two conditions. One condition is Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
(G6PD) which causes jaundice in newborn infants. (If you are reading this and are still
alive, you probably dont have it.) The other possible contraindication is kidney
stones, where the ascorbic acid might cause oxalate stones to form more readily.
Some people dont believe this, but it is mentioned here to acquaint the reader with
such information so he can use his own judgement and keep it in the back of his mind.

People should also be aware that it is never, ever wise to use chewable vitamin C
tablets for the same reason it is not wise to get HCl or pure vinegar or lemon juice on
the teeth: Because acid dissolves teeth. Dental erosion resulting from chewable vitamin C
tablets. JL Giunta. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. (1983)107:253-256.

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In addition to the low pH of ascorbic acid having a killing effect on H. Pylori, various
studies have suggested that there is something rather unique about the relation of
vitamin C and H. Pylori which makes H. Pylori more susceptible to being killed by
vitamin C than other organisms. Vitamin C inhibits the growth of a bacterial risk factor for
gastric carcinoma: Helicobacter. HM Zang. Cancer 1997;80:1897-1903.

A doctor named Jarosz did an interesting study.

Because vitamin C was shown to inhibit the growth of H. Pylori in test tubes, he
tested its effect in human beings.

People with H. Pylori gastritis (proven by stomach biopsy) were either given antacids,
or given vitamin C over four weeks. Although he called this high-dose vitamin C, it
was not really high-dose at only 5 grams per day, and couldnt be relied on to get,
and keep, the stomach pH low. Nonetheless his results were very interesting. All the
people who took antacids still had active H. Pylori infections after 4 weeks, while 30%
of the people who took this low-to-moderate amount of Vitamin C were completely
cured and no H. Pylori on biopsy.

It is a shame that he wasnt thinking along the lines of vitamin C strictly as an

acidifier -- and increase the amount of vitamin C given to the people -- but what he
did do, was to prove conclusively that 30% of people taking even that amount of
vitamin C could be completely cured of H. Pylori with no other therapy whatsoever.
Effects of high dose vitamin C treatment on Helicobacter pylori infection and total vitamin C
concentration in gastric juice. M Jarosz Eur J Cancer Prev. 1998 Dec ;7 (6):449-54

So whats the moral of these things?

Vitamin C is an acid, and a safe one. By taking it in tablets, one can get it past their
teeth and down their throats without doing any damage to their esophagus. It is a
weak acid compared to hydrochloric acid (because it doesnt dissociate completely
like HCl), but in adequate doses can lower the stomach pH into the killing range for
H. Pylori.

If Betaine hydrochloride capsules with pepsin are used at meal times to acidify the
stomach and help digest the macromolecules in the food, it makes a lot of sense to
use ascorbic acid in adequate dosage between meals to keep the stomach acidic to
kill off a chronic, smoldering H. Pylori infestation.

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... How to Get Rid of H. Pylori with Antibiotics ...

The basic philosophy in using antibiotics to kill off H. Pylori is that of shotgun
therapy. Because the creature can rapidly develop resistance to antibiotics, the idea
is to hit it hard with several antibiotics simultaneously, and kill it off before
resistance develops and before the antibiotics become useless.

If a stool culture is done before any antibiotic treatment is given, the susceptibility of
the creature to a more specific antibiotic regimen could be determined. But this is
seldom bothered with by MDs today. Because of the insidious nature of the bug, one
cant really get an idea of whether or not it has been successfully killed off by the
antibiotics until about a month or so after treatment has stopped, when a person then
has to go back to their MD and pay for more tests.

There are various protocols for using these shotgun antibiotics, and most current
fashionable regimens include Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin, or Clarithromycin and
Metronidazole (Flagyl), in addition to an acid-reducer (like Omeprazole), and perhaps
some other things like Sucralfate and Pept-Bismol thrown in the pot.

If the lining of the stomach is raw and eaten away, the idea is to get the acid level
down so the surface can heal over, and also because amoxicillin doesnt like an acid
environment. Sucralfate is a prescription-only mucilage which gets sticky when
activated by acid, and it is supposed to coat the raw surface lining to let it heal over.
There is nothing particularly magical about sucralfate -- except its cost -- and a
person might just as well eat marshmallow like the Romans did, or take mastic gum,
or eat a banana to get real mucilage.

This shotgun approach is given for one to two weeks, and then has to be stopped
because it would otherwise start to do really bad things with a persons gut. Shutting
off the normal acid production causes Candida (fungi) to overgrow the gut, and killing
off the good E. Coli gives an opportunity for really bad killer germs to take over.
One of these, of course, is Clostridium Difficile which can cause a pseudomembranous
colitis where the lining of the colon becomes so infected and necrotic that it sloughs
and peels off in sheets.

This shotgun therapy with antibiotics is for the most part considered a success if
80% of people with H. Pylori infection are cured. You may wish, in your own mind, to
contrast this pharmacologic treatment above with the simple, more natural, and 100%
effective way nature does it by just maintaining a low pH in the stomach. What you
yourself do is thoroughly up to you, because believe it or not you are in control.


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Chapter 12

... Perspectives To Keep You Focused,

and in Control ...

All the information provided thus far has come from reliable, bona fide medical
research spanning the last hundred years -- virtually all of which was done by MDs,
and much of it contradicting what you are being told by todays MDs.

The facts of research done fifty years ago by thoroughly competent people, are as
true today as they were then, and if you are not being told these things, the fault is
not with the good research that has been done, but with the salesmen of today who
are peddling their services and products.

For a person with vitiligo to proceed with confidence on a course of action, you would
be well-advised to stick with the revealing, basic research, rather than to listen to
some song-and-dance from a contemporary con-artist trying to pick your pocket. The
reader is encouraged to think for himself, and to try to stay in control of his own
health. Otherwise, the world at large will assuredly deceive and exploit him, and
make simple things seem more complex than they are.

So lets just RE-CAP some of the important

facts we dug out of medical research.

Scientific evidence does not support that vitiligo should be considered an autoimmune
disease; that antibodies found in vitiligo are random, non-specific events; and that
any antibodies to pigment-producing melanocytes are probably only secondary
phenomena at best.

Vitiligo is never present at birth, and is only acquired later, pointing less to a genetic
cause and more to the occurrence of vitiligo in family members as being more likely a
person-to-person transmission of a mildly infectious agent among genetically-related
family members.

Everyone who is repeating that the Hallmark Feature of Vitiligo is loss of pigment
cells in the skin is incorrect. It was proven ten years ago that pigment cells are, in
fact, still present in vitiliginous skin and are able to make pigment even after 25 years
of vitiligo.

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We looked at a group of six diseases which are known and clinically proven to be
associated with vitiligo: Hearing Loss, Thyroid Disease, Adrenal Failure, Sympathetic
Nerve Dysfunction, Uveitis, and Mental Depression. We found that vitiligo and those
diseases shared a problem -- not with complex enzyme systems or metabolic pathways
which they did not all share -- but with a commonly shared, crucial nutrient.

We took another group of six diseases known and clinically proven to be associated
with vitiligo: Diabetes I and II, Pernicious Anemia, Alopecia Areata, Candidiasis, Poly-
Glandular Syndromes, and metabolic deficiencies of folate, vitamin C, copper, and
zinc. We found that these disorders were associated with vitiligo, but were also seen
in hypochlorhydria where there is an abnormally low concentration of acid in the

To test the data, we went to the medical literature to find out what else was
associated with hypochlorhydria. We found that clinical studies had shown that
hypochlorhydria was not only linked directly (and indirectly) to vitiligo and the above
diseases --- but ALSO to the whole gamut of diseases which established medicine
refers to as auto-immune.

All of these diseases formed a spontaneous grouping around hypochlorhydria in the

stomach, without any need whatsoever to regard them as being caused by some
mysterious auto-immune process.

The medical literature showed that when there is low stomach acid, large food
molecules are not broken down normally, and that large, partially-digested
macromolecules can then be absorbed into the body to act as antigens and incite
wide-spread antibody production. It was also shown that doctors-of-old cured
patients with vitiligo, and with todays auto-immune diseases, basically by
artificially re-acidifying the stomach with supplemental acids.

Research in the last 25 years has proven that H. Pylori is responsible not only for most
ulcers, but -- also and more importantly -- for virtually 100% of chronic, atrophic
gastritis in humans. H. Pylori is an opportunistic, mildly-infectious organism which is
transmitted from person to person, such as between family members sharing common
objects and having physical contact with one another. H. Pylori is killed by antibioics,
but is also killed by simply maintaining an appropriate acid concentration in the

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... Philosophy of Approach in Getting Rid of Vitiligo ...

Everyone is -- or should be in control of their own health. Everyone needs to use

their own judgement, accumulate the facts as best they can, and then act to get and
keep themselves healthy. This may even mean defying the ploys and mandates of
authoritative-sounding vested-interest groups who may be more concerned with their
own lucrative place in the status quo than they are with your health, or even your

If you have vitiligo, you may or may not have other serious things going on in your
body without knowing it. You may have symptoms, or you may not, depending on
whether health problems are acute or chronic, mild or severe, or inapparent and
subclinical. What you do have are visible changes in your skin which you might want
to consider -- in a positive sense -- as a means to assess whether you are getting
better or worse, healthier or sicker.

Each person should accumulate whatever facts he thinks are important -- from
whatever sources he thinks are legitimate -- and then develop his own philosophy
and course of action.

If you tend to believe what you are told by authority figures representing the medical-
industrial complex, then that is your unalienable right to make your own choices and
follow their directives. If you want to believe a place like Mayo Clinic which states
categorically that There is no cure for vitiligo, it is your right to do so, and you may
just want to find a vitiligo support group where you can hold hands with other people
and rock back and forth, moaning in unison.

What follows, however, is a possible personal approach and philosophy towards curing
vitiligo -- based on the evidence and facts presented in this book - which you may, or
may not, wish to consider.

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... Be as Confident as Possible that You Do, In Fact, Have Vitiligo ...

The diagnosis of Vitiligo is generally not hard to make by the way the skin looks and
feels, whether it glows chalk white under a black light, and whether there is a fungus
infection. There are other, rarer things that vitiligo can be confused with, and other
associated diseases which can cause skin changes, so if a person isnt already certain
of the diagnosis of vitiligo, he should use a dermatologist who has more experience to
make such a diagnosis. In the simplest terms, if you dont know what youve got, how
are you ever going to cure it? So be as confident in your own mind that you do have
what you think you have.

... You May Want to Get Additional Tests ...

Hypochlorhydria: Getting tests for hypochlorhydria may not the easiest thing to do
in todays medical environment because most MDs wont be bothered by such things.
It is possible that some academic research center might be doing it because theyve
got grant money coming in and are writing papers. Otherwise, finding someone in
your area with a Hiedelberg machine, or sending away for a kit to do it yourself, is an
alternative. It would be understandable, however, that a person might wish -- in his
good own judgement -- to forgo the cost and inconvenience of such tests, and rely
theoretically on the overwhelming research statistics and probabilities to guide him.

H. Pylori: Tests for H. Pylori are, for the most part, much easier to get. If a person
were to go to their general MD, and give a story of how someone they know had H.
Pylori gastritis and that he just wanted to be sure he didnt have it too, the MD would
probably write for some H. Pylori tests. If a person is inclined towards taking
prescription antibiotics, then he will need these MD H. Pylori tests to justify the MD in
giving him a prescription for antibiotics.

If a person decides to get MD tests, he might be well advised to get a Comprehensive

Stool Analysis (with culture) from a well-known lab that is experienced in such things.
Cultures for H. Pylori and other pathogens would be definitive, and undigested
proteins in the stool would be indicative of the hypochlorhydria and malabsorption.

Short of the above, a person might just want to send away for some do-it-yourself kits
to test his own blood for H. Pylori antibodies and his stool for H. Pylori antigens.

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As was discussed before, there may or may not be an active H. Pylori infection.

If a person has been hooked into the situation were he has bloating, gastritis, reflux
esophagitis, and takes antacids and acid-reducing pills to relieve his immediate
symptoms while worsening his long-term malabsorption problems, he may well -- and
probably does -- have an active infection. In this case the tests for H. Pylori will
likely all be positive.

If, however, he has had an infection in the past, his blood antibodies for H. Pylori may
still be positive, but the active infection may have been unknowingly eradicated in
the past by antibiotics used for another purpose. The infection itself may be gone
now, but the person left with a chronic atrophic gastritis with a scarred-up, thnned-
out stomach which isnt secreting acid normally, causing nutritional deficiencies, and
allowing antigenic macromolecules into his system.

Chances favor the presence of an active infection, but the possibility also of persis-
tently damaged stomach lining from a previous infection is real. In view of the
circumstances, it may not be wise, but it would certainly be perfectly understandable
that a person might decide -- in his own judgement - to proceed to take such
measures as he believes may cure his vitiligo without doing such tests.

... Re-Acidification of the Stomach ...

Based on the large amount of medical research reviewed for this book, it appears that
in lieu of a short course of shotgun antibiotics, artificial re-acidification of the
stomach is the best initial action the vitiligo sufferer might undertake.

This is somewhat tricky, however, and the individual should be aware that hes got to
play it by ear and work out practically -- through trial and error -- just how much acid
his current stomach lining can comfortably tolerate.

If he has been hooked on cyclically using acid-reducing pills for indigestion and
heartburn, then the lining of his stomach might be pretty raw, and not initially
tolerate much supplemental acid. A person without any particular symptoms of
indigestion, will be able to comfortably tolerate higher levels of acidification.

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The general approach used by the MDs-of-Old was practical and sound, and is as
legitimate today as when they worked it out. That approach is to initially take small
amounts of acid supplementation for a typical meal. If there is no untoward feeling
of warmth and after-glow felt in the stomach with that amount of acid supple-
mentation, then the amount is increased slightly for the next typical meal. The
person keeps slowly increasing the amount until he starts to notice that warm feeling,
and he pulls back on the dosage until he is comfortable again, and then stays on that

Adequately acidifying the stomach contents kills H. Pylori and other opportunistic
pathogens without antibiotics, kills Candida and fungal overgrowth that is always
present when there is hypochlorhydria, and kills the E. Coli which have worked their
way up the intestines. E. coli is not found in the gastric contents of persons with
achlorhydria after 1-2 weeks of HCl administration. Only by killing off these buggers,
does a person have a chance for regaining normal stomach functions like:

1. Digesting large macromolecules so they dont pass into the liver and circulatory
systems to incite widespread antibody production in the body;
2. Absorption of crucial vitiligo-related nutrients like copper, zinc, vitamin C, B6,
B12, and folate.
3. Absorption of amino acids like tyrosine, and phenylalanine. etc.

The preferred, safest acidifier seems to be Betaine Hydrochloride at and with meals.
This is widely available, and comes in easy-to-use capsules. This is not straight
Betaine which does not deliver HCl; it is betaine hydrochloride which decomposes to
about 24% HCl by weight in the stomach. Commercial preparations often contain
pepsin, which is an enzyme the stomach normally produces to digest proteins, and
seems an acceptable co-ingredient.

Bacteria and fungi are normally and naturally killed in the stomach by the acidic pH.
It kills virtually everything, and bacteria and fungi dont develop resistance to it like
they quickly do to antibiotics. So until the stomach lining is once again healthy and
doing its job, it would seem wise to get it acidic through supplementation, and to
keep it acidic between meals to a level consistent with comfort and tolerance.

Ascorbic Acid is a safe, readily available acid which can produce pH levels of 2.5 or
below which are bactericidal for H. Pylori. Such pH levels will not kill more
pathogenic organisms, but it will kill Candida which is always overgrown in the g.i.
tract when there is hypochlorhydria. Although some studies refer to 5 grams of
vitamin C daily as being large, such amounts are really small to moderate, and a
person can safely push the amount to a much higher intake between meals in order
to keep the stomach acidified. The limiting factor on dosage is really only gastric

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... Correcting Vitamin Deficiencies ...

As weve seen, people with vitiligo are well-known to have certain vitamin
deficiencies. As one starts re-acidifying his stomach, he would probably be
well-advised to start pushing these vitamins into his body in therapeutic doses.

A therapeutic dose of something has virtually nothing at all to do with minimum daily
adult requirements or usual maintenance doses. It has to do with depleted stores in
the body as a whole which may take considerable time to replenish, even with large
daily intakes. The idea here is to take maximal, non-toxic doses of these things until
the whole-body deficits can be replenished.

Vitamin B12

B12 is an essential, must-have vitamin which is not made by humans, and cannot be
obtained from a vegetarian diet. It is very important to the body and is involved in
many chemical processes. It is so important to the body, in fact, that the normal
stomach has a very special way of assuring its absorption (intrinsic factor). When B12
is grossly deficient, a person gets Pernicious Anemia, which, as we have seen, is a
disease well-known to be associated with vitiligo.

It would be wise for a person with vitiligo to either get B12 shots as were given by
MDs in the past, or to simply use large, multi-milligram supplemental vitamin B12
tablets placed under the tongue to bypass stomach absorption problems.

Vitamin B6, specifically in the form of Pyrodoxal-5-Phosphate

Vitamin B deficiencies have been associated with vitiligo, as been described

previously. Vitamin B6, specifically in the form of Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate, is crucial in
the metabolism of tyrosine to form adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, dopamine in the
adrenal gland and sympathetic nerves, and to forming melanin pigment in the skin.

The chemical form of the B6 vitamin is important, because other forms of B6 do not
or may not function in these particular processes. Because people who have B12 and
B6 deficiencies usually have other B vitamin deficiencies as well, taking a B-100
tablet containing 100 mg of each of the B vitamins should be entirely safe. As
mentioned above, vitamin B12 is a special vitamin and deserves special consideration.

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Folic Acid

Folic acid has innumerable uses in the body, and is actually a B vitamin, Vitamin BC.
The MDs-of-old were curing vitiligo and other skin diseases basically with HCl acid
and Brewers Yeast as a source of B vitamins. Brewers Yeast is a good - but still
rather mediocre - source of B vitamins generally.

What is completely remarkable about Brewers Yeast, however, is that it contains a

tremendous amount of folic acid. Brewers Yeast has 100 times the folic acid in
bananas, and 400 times the folic acid in oranges. The MDs of old were not dumb.

Folic Acid is a cofactor for the enzyme (phenylalanine hydroxylase) that catalyzes the
conversion of phenylalanine to our old friend, tyrosine. Folic Acid is an essential
cofactor for the conversion of tyrosine to L-Dopa. Folic acid works synergistically
with vitamin B12 and is required for the methylcobalamin form of B12.

Health bureaucrats say that, in adults, the minimum recommended daily dose of folic
acid should be only perhaps 400-500 micrograms. 10 times that amount has been
shown to be completely devoid of any adverse effects whatsoever in any person.
Someone with vitiligo may want to consider really pushing their intake of this
particular nutrient.

... Correcting Mineral Deficiencies ...

Copper deficiencies have been found in patients with vitiligo. Copper is an essential
co-factor for an enzyme (tyrosinase) which converts tyrosine to L-Dopa, and also
catalyzes the conversion of L-Dopa to dopaquinone in the production of melanin.

Zinc deficiencies have been found in people with vitiligo. Hydrochloric acid
production in the stomach is the result of an enzyme which acts on water and carbon
dioxide to produce HCl. The function of this enzyme is almost totally dependent on
the zinc it contains. It would make sense to take supplemental zinc.

Calcium (as calcium citrate), as well as boron and other minerals, should probably
also be included in the diet, but research is scant in specific regard to vitiligo, and
little additional info seems to be available for guidance.

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Additional Dietary Measures You May Wish to Consider ...

Amino Acids

These are basic building blocks of the body. Two of these in particular, tyrosine and
phenyl-alanine, have been highlighted previously in this book, and are of special
significance in vitiligo. But the person with vitiligo likely has multiple nutritional
deficiencies, and it would be more to the point for a person to assure that his dietary
intake of all the amino acids, rather than only one or two of them.

Some people with vitiligo have claimed improvement by taking phenylalanine

supplements. [Phenylalanine can be converted to tyrosine in the body.] However, if
you dont want to risk excessive phenylalanine lowering your serotonin levels, and
making you a cranky, irritable, anxious insomniac with headaches, you may want to
do a pass on this. Others taking specific tyramine and lysine supplements have
claimed benefit in vitiligo, but this seems fairly insignificant and is probably because
these particular amino acids stimulate a slight increase in stomach acid.

It would be more important for a person to just assure that there is a rounded, well-
balanced intake of all the amino acids. The cheapest and best source of all the amino
acids is probably supplemental Whey Powder. Do note that many manufacturers of
whey powder add aspartame (or its other-named relatives, like acesulfame), and a
sensible person would not buy such products, much less put them in his mouth.

Stomachics and Bitters

For centuries people have used stomachics, bitters, and herbal bitters to stimulate
digestion in the stomach. The basic and true principle in human physiology is that
whatever stimulates saliva production, also stimulates acid secretion in the stomach.
So putting something very bitter in your mouth will make you salivate, and cause the
stomach to secrete acid (if the stomach is, of course, able to make acid).

Gentian, ginger, black pepper, and cayenne have been used for this purpose, but
there doesnt appear to be anything particularly unique about any one of them.
The simple physical act of chewing also stimulates acid production in the stomach
(which is controlled by the same vagal nerve system). So when your mother told you
to chew your food, there was actually a lot of inherited wisdom in her words.

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None of these stomachics and bitters are effective enough to cure anything, but they
may, or may not, be something you wish to consider as interestng adjuncts once
youve gotten the needed nutrients on board, and have taken such measures as your
good judgement dictates to address the overall problems.


Everything in the world is always at war with everything else , and even bacteria are
fighting other bacteria to establish territorial rights in your guts. People have taken
advantage of this fact and used Lactobacillus Acidophilus (a harmless bacteria for
humans) to do war with harmful bacteria like H. Pylori.

There are many studies which the reader can find for himself in this regard. Although
acidophilus by itself is inadequate to eradicate H. Pylori, taking acidophilus as yogurt
seems a very easy-to-use, useful adjunct to other basic measures one might take early


... Concluding Thoughts ...

This writer has spent considerable time and effort studying Vitiligo. It is hoped that
the reader may find something in this book which will help free him from this 4000
year-old scourge which impairs health and the quality of life.

Everything presented should be regarded as the personal opinion of the author.

The reader should use his good judgement and common sense to make decisions
for himself, and to try to stay in control of his own health.

Many people will tell you many things which are untrue, or only partially true,
just to get you hooked on their products and services.

People in this world will try to make simple, straightforward things seem complex
to keep you confused and dependent on them so they can take advantage of you.

It is sincerely hoped that this book has opened your eyes, and that you now have
the confidence and personal fortitude to take a course of action, and stick with it.


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