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Brugada Phenocopy: New Terminology and Proposed

Adrian Baranchuk, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.R.C.P.C., Timothy Nguyen, B.Sc.,
Min Hyung Ryu, B.Sc., Francisco Femena, M.D., Wojciech Zareba, M.D., Ph.D.,
Arthur A.M. Wilde, M.D., Ph.D., Wataru Shimizu, M.D., Ph.D.,
Pedro Brugada, M.D., Ph.D., and Andres R. Perez-Riera, M.D., Ph.D.
From the Division of Cardiology, Kingston General Hospital, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada;
Cardiology Division, Hospital Espanol, Mendoza, Argentina; Cardiology Division, University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY, USA; Heart Failure Research Center, Department of Cardiology, Academic Medical Center,
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Division of Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, Department
of Cardiovascular Medicine, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka, Japan;
Cardiovascular Division, Heart Rhythm Management Center, UZ Brussels-VUB, Free University of Brussels,
Belgium; and ABC Faculty of Medicine (FMABC), Discipline of Cardiology, Foundation of ABC (FUABC),
Santo Andre, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Brugada syndrome is a channelopathy characterized on ECG by coved ST-segment elevation (2 mm)

in the right precordial leads and is associated with an increased risk of malignant ventricular arrhyth-
mias. The term Brugada phenocopy is proposed to describe conditions that induce Brugada-like ECG
manifestations in patients without true Brugada syndrome. An extensive review of the literature iden-
tified case reports that were classified according to their suspected etiological mechanism. Future
directions to learn more about these intriguing cases is discussed.
Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol 2012;00(0):116
Brugada syndrome; Brugada-like ECG pattern; Brugada-like ECG findings; Brugada syndrome

Brugada syndrome is a putative channelopathy some drugs and conditions can induce a Brugada
characterized on ECG by a coved ST-segment Type-1 ECG pattern in the absence of true con-
elevation (2 mm) and subsequent inverted T genital Brugada syndrome, representing a discrete
wave in a minimum of two right precordial leads clinical entity with a different pathophysiology.1
(Brugada Type-1 ECG pattern). It is associated with Presently, the terminology used in the litera-
a propensity for malignant ventricular arrhythmias ture to describe Brugada Type-1 ECG patterns in-
leading to sudden cardiac death in the absence of duced in patients without Brugada syndrome is di-
structural heart disease. The syndrome has been verse and variable, including acquired forms of
linked to over 80 mutations in the SCN5A gene Brugada syndrome, Brugada-like ECG patterns,
and demonstrates an autosomal dominant mode of Brugada-like ECG findings, Brugada-like ECG ST-
transmission.1 segment abnormalities, and Brugada syndrome
The distinct Brugada Type-1 ECG pattern is dy- mimicry. The lack of consensus throughout the
namic and can often be concealed. Unmasking of literature is confusing and creates uncertainty
the ECG signature can be accomplished by sodium when differentiating between congenital Brugada
channel blockers and febrile states.1 In addition, syndrome,unmasked Brugada syndrome, and an

Address for correspondence: Dr Adrian Baranchuk, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.R.C.P.C., Associate Professor of Medicine, Cardiac Electrophysi-
ology and Pacing, Kingston General Hospital K7L 2V7, Queens University. Fax: +613-548-1387; E-mail:

C 2012, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
2 r A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy

induced Brugada Type-1 ECG pattern in the ab- sitioned over the RVOT (V2 IC3 ). The current is re-
sence of the true condition. It would be advanta- flected as the elevated ST segment on V2 IC3. Simi-
geous to unify the nomenclature under a single, larly, another current traveling between the RVOT
reasonable descriptor. Riera et al. introduced the and the RV is formed at the end of the action poten-
term Brugada phenocopy to describe an acquired tial given that now the RVOT becomes more pos-
Brugada-like ECG pattern in the setting of propo- itive than the RV; the later current travels in the
fol infusion syndrome.2 As discussed by Riera, the opposite direction of earlier current and is reflected
term phenocopy describes an environmental con- as the negative T wave seen on V2 IC3 . Similar
dition that imitates one produced by a gene and to regional transmural ischemia, ventricular tach-
serves as a reasonable, succinct description of ac- yarrhythmias seen in Brugada syndrome patients
quired Brugada-like manifestations.3 is believed to originate from the border zone be-
Although there has been advancement in our tween early and delayed depolarizations.7 Delayed
understanding of true Brugada syndrome, there is conduction is presumably caused by discrete struc-
currently limited discussion in the literature of the tural abnormalities in the RV wall, preferentially
underlying mechanisms by which Brugada pheno- in the RVOT. Strong evidence for this substrate is
copies develop. provided by recent epicardial mapping studies in
The objective of this study is to review all pub- 10 severely symptomatic patients, demonstrating
lished cases of Brugada phenocopies and classify fractionated potentials during 200300 ms after the
them according to their pathogenesis. To under- QRS complex. Substrate ablation resulted in reso-
stand how different mechanisms can produce a lution of the ST-segment elevation and associated
Brugada pattern in the absence of the genetic mu- arrhythmias.8 Further evidence from body surface
tation, we will briefly discuss the current theories maps (BSM) indicating heterogeneity of depolariza-
that explain the ECG manifestations and arrhyth- tion activity in the RVOT supports the depolariza-
mogenesis of true Brugada syndrome. tion theory.5 Epicardial electrograms recorded at
the conus branch of the right coronary artery also
indicated abnormality in the RVOT in some of the
CURRENT THEORIES EXPLAINING patients with Brugada syndrome, providing sup-
TRUE BRUGADA ECG port for the depolarization theory.6
Depolarization Theory
Repolarization Theory
The depolarization theory hypothesizes that the
ST-segment elevation is caused by the conduction The repolarization theory was founded on exper-
delay in the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), imental data from studies using canine coronary-
and the ventricular arrhythmia associated with the perfused right ventricular wedge preparations. Ac-
Brugada syndrome is induced by the abnormal cur- cording to this theory, a reduced inward sodium
rent created by the delayed depolarization of the current and prominent outward current leads to
RVOT.46 This model is based on the mechanism the accentuation of the action potential notch in
explaining ST-segment elevation in regional trans- the right ventricular epicardium relative to the en-
mural ischemia, where large potential difference docardium.4 This produces a transmural voltage
between ischemic and nonischemic regions create gradient, which manifests electrocardiographically
current that reflects as ST-segment elevation.7 The as the characteristic ST-segment elevation seen in
delayed depolarization of the RVOT with respect Brugada syndrome. At the end of phase 1, certain
to the other RV action potentials creates a poten- epicardial sites undergo all-or-none repolarization,
tial difference between the right ventricle and the losing their action potential dome and resulting
RVOT. The membrane potential of the RVOT is in the development of a local epicardial disper-
more negative than that of the RV during the hatch sion of repolarization. This heterogeneous repolar-
phase action potential. Hence, the intercellular cur- ization environment leads to phase 2 reentry and
rent flows toward the RVOT, and the extracellular coupled extrasystoles when action potential domes
current travels away from the RVOT, forming a migrate from sites where they are present to sites
closed circuit. At the RVOT, the current conducts where they were lost. A transmural dispersion of
from the RVOT intercellular space to the extracel- repolarization and extended refractory period are
lular space, traveling toward the ECG electrode po- also generated, which presents the opportunity for
A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy r 3

the phase 2 reentry extrasystoles to trigger poly- these entities and cases of unmasked congenital
morphic ventricular tachycardia.4 Brugada syndrome. In the latter case, concealed
or latent ECG manifestations are unmasked by
Cardiac Neural Crest Cell Theory certain agents and conditions in the presence of
true Brugada syndrome. The defining feature of a
Elizari et al.9 proposed that the Brugada syn- Brugada phenocopy is the absence of true Brugada
drome phenotype may be explained by abnormal syndrome despite the presence of characteristic
expression of neural crest cells in the development Brugada Type-1 ECG findings.
of myocardial structures, primarily the RVOT. In accordance with the previously discussed re-
They hypothesize that the RVOT and its nearby polarization theory, the characteristic ST-segment
structures have different embryologic origins than elevation seen in Brugada phenocopies can be ex-
the rest of the heart and consequently possess dif- plained by a transmural gradient that arises from
ferent physiological, anatomical, and clinical char- an accentuated I to -mediated action potential notch
acteristics. As well, the RVOT is identified as a and a loss of the AP dome in the epicardium but
vulnerable region of the heart based on the obser- not the endocardium. The loss of the AP dome can
vation that conditions and drugs, which typically result from a disruption in the homeostasis of ac-
exhibit diffuse and uniform depolarization and/or tive inward and outward currents at the end of
repolarization changes have the greatest effect in phase 1 of the AP.10 Specifically, any mechanism
the RVOT. The neural crest cell theory is built upon that increases outward currents (i.e., I to , adenosine
the idea that the Brugada syndrome manifestations triphosphate-sensitive potassium current [I KATP ],
are due to two underlying electrophysiologic mech- delayed rectifier potassium current [I Ks ,I Kr ]) or de-
anisms: heterogeneity of ventricular repolarization, creases outwards currents (i.e., I CaL , fast I Na ) will
which follows the concepts of the repolarization result in the characteristic ST-segment elevation
theory outlined earlier, and abnormal conduction seen in the Brugada Type-1 ECG.10 This provides
slowing in the RVOT.9 a possible explanation of the general, underly-
The cardiac neural crest is vital in the morpho- ing pathogenesis of the diverse forms of Brugada
genesis of the RVOT and its neighboring structures. phenocopies.
An essential molecule in the regulation of neural
crest development is connexin 43 (Cx43), which is UNMASKING TRUE BRUGADA
a gap junction protein that contributes to neural SYNDROME BY FEVER IS
crest cell migration and the propagation proper- DIFFERENT FROM BRUGADA
ties of the cardiac impulse. Gap junctional com- PHENOCOPY
munication facilitated by Cx43 has been linked to
the differentiation of neural crest cells into car- The relationship between febrile states and the
diac myocytes. Consequently, improper gap junc- Brugada syndrome is a particularly interesting
tional communication in the RVOT leads to er- phenomenon that deserves elaboration. There are
rors in cardiac neural crest cell expression, which numerous published cases of fever unmasking or
may result in tissue remodeling and altered gap accentuating the ECG manifestations of Brugada
junctional channel configuration. These abnormal syndrome which are occasionally accompanied by
changes in the myocardium provide a possible ventricular arrhythmias.1130
explanation for the repolarization heterogeneities Upon review, all these cases demonstrated the
contributing to the Brugada syndrome phenotype. normalization of Brugada ECG findings with reso-
In addition, the transmural and regional hetero- lution of the fever and no family history of sudden
genic Cx43 distribution resulting from tissue re- death. In only one case did the patient report a his-
modeling can cause the conduction slowing and tory of syncope, which involved several episodes
late action of the RVOT that underlies Brugada syn- associated with a past febrile episode. The results of
drome manifestations.9 drug provocation testing upon defervescence were
mixed: some cases reports elicited a Brugada ECG
THE BRUGADA PHENOCOPY pattern12,13,19,23 whereas the remainder described
CONCEPT negative findings or did not indicate whether the
test was completed.
Of importance in understanding the concept of A possible mechanism by which fever un-
Brugada phenocopies, is distinguishing between masks true Brugada syndrome can be explained
4 r A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy

by temperature-sensitive SCN5A mutations. Us- antiarrhythmic agents, ajmaline and procainamide,

ing mammalian cell lines, Dumaine et al. demon- and two class 1C antiarrhythmic agents, flecainide
strated that Thr1620Met missense mutations on the and pilsicainide.1,33 In addition, propafenone is an-
SCN5A gene are temperature dependent, result- other class 1C antiarrhymthic agent that can un-
ing in dysfunction at elevated temperatures due to mask Type-1 ECG manifestations through sodium
the accelerated decay of inward sodium currents channel blocking effects but is not used for di-
(I Na ).29 Consequently, febrile states may exacerbate agnostic purposes. All five of these antiarrhyth-
the mutant sodium channels, leading to an accen- mic agents have been associated with malignant
tuation or unmasking of ECG manifestations and arrhythmias.33
an increased risk of malignant arrhythmias in pa- Following the organizational scheme outlined by
tients with Brugada syndrome. In addition, Keller Postema et al. (,33 there
et al. discovered a novel SCN5A mutation (F1344S) are two broad categories of agents that can un-
in a patient with Brugada syndrome and fever- mask a Brugada Type-1 ECG: (1) agents that have a
induced ventricular fibrillation.30 The authors pre- clear association with malignant arrhythmias, and
sented evidence that sodium channel dysfunction (2) agents without a clear risk of inducing arrhyth-
coupled with a febrile state can lead to a shift in ac- mias.33 These categories will arbitrarily be referred
tivation that is sufficient to produce Brugada ECG to as Group 1 and 2 drugs, respectively.
manifestations.30 Group 1 is composed of tricyclic antidepres-
The positive and negative predictive values of sants (amitriptyline, clomipramine, desipramine,
the sodium channel blockage test using flecainide and nortriptyline), antipsychotic agents (loxap-
among SCN5A-positive patients and their fam- ine and trifluoperazine), lithium, bupivacaine,
ily members were 96% and 36% respectively.31 propofol, acetylcholine, alcohol, cocaine, and
Given such a low negative predictive value, neg- ergonovine.33 Akin to the antiarrhythmic agents
ative sodium blocker test results for fever-induced previously described, nearly all these substances
Brugada syndrome patients may not be sufficient induce a Type-1 ECG by augmenting ST-segment
to classify these cases as Brugada phenocopies. elevation in leads V1V3 via sodium channel block-
The unmasking of concealed Brugada syndrome ade.3358 Given the mechanistic similarity to the
during febrile states may increase the risk of life- diagnostic agents that unmask true Brugada syn-
threatening cardiac arrhythmias.27 drome, it would suggest that Group 1 drugs also
Juntila et al. reported that the induction of a function to unmask rather than mimic Brugada
Brugada ECG pattern during acute events, includ- syndrome. Consequently, the Group 1 drugs for
ing fever, can lead to the development of malig- the most part cannot be considered Brugada
nant arrhythmias even in the absence of a SCN5A phenocopies.
mutation.32 Prompt recognition and treatment with There are a few exceptions. Acetylcholine, er-
antipyretics is indicated and may be lifesaving. gonovine, and alcohol act on sites other than
sodium channels to induce a Brugada Type-1
UNMASKING TRUE BRUGADA ECG pattern.34,35 Acetylcholine and ergonovine
SYNDROME BY SODIUM CHANNEL have been reported to decrease inward calcium
channels, accentuating the action potential notch
and leading to ST-segment elevation and ven-
BRUGADA PHENOCOPY tricular fibrillation in patients with Brugada syn-
Of the three types of Brugada ECG patterns, drome.34 Similarly, alcohol has been shown to in-
only the Type-1 manifestations are considered to hibit calcium channels as well.35 There are at least
be a positive diagnostic sign of Brugada syndrome. two documented cases of alcohol associated with
Type-2 and 3 ECG are not considered diagnostic on Brugada ECG manifestations. The first case in-
their own, however, conversion of either of these volved a patient diagnosed with Brugada syndrome
ECG patterns to a Type-1 ECG via the administra- who developed a sustained monomorphic ventric-
tion of a sodium channel blocker is considered to ular tachycardia from alcohol provocation.36 It is
be diagnostic for Brugada syndrome.1 Currently, uncertain whether or not the alcohol had a role in
there are four sodium channel blockers used to unmasking or accentuating ST-segment elevation,
unmask a Brugada Type-1 ECG in a patient sus- so this case may be outside the scope of our current
pected to have Brugada syndrome: two class 1A discussion. The other case was of a patient who
A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy r 5

presented with both alcohol and fluoxetine intox- On all of the databases, the Brugada Syndrome
ication. Fluoxetine has been shown to induce a MeSH heading search results were combined with
Type-1 ECG as well, so it is difficult to deter- key word search results for Brugada-like, mim-
mine whether the ECG changes were due to al- icking Brugada, induced Brugada syndrome,
cohol or fluoxetine in this case.44 Noda et al. report Brugada type, Brugada sign, Brugada-pattern,
that acetylcholine and ergonovine are capable of and acquired Brugada, The combined search re-
augmenting ST-segment elevation in patients with sults were initially reviewed by two reviewers
Brugada syndrome, however, there is yet to be re- (MR, TN). Case reports were selected according to
ports of either substance acting as a Brugada phe- the inclusion criteria described below and ambigu-
nocopy.34 It is evident that additional investigation ous cases were reviewed by an expert electrophys-
is required to discern exactly how acetylcholine, er- iologist (AB) until consensus was reached.
gonovine, and alcohol relate to Brugada syndrome In addition, the references of the included pa-
and/or Brugada phenocopies. pers were reviewed for any outstanding case re-
The Group 2 drugs include antiarrhythmic ports that were missed in the initial search.
drugs (amiodarone, cibenzoline, disopyramide, li-
docaine, verapamil, and propranolol), psychotropic
Inclusion Criteria
drugs (carbamazepine, cyamemazine, dosulep-
ine, doxepin, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, imipramine, (1) The case report is published.
maprotiline, paroxetine, perphenazine, phenytoin, (2) The case describes a patient with a Brugada
and thioridazine), analgesics/ anesthetics (ketamine ECG pattern (Type-1, 2, or 3) that is con-
and tramadol), dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine, firmed by an ECG tracing included in the
edrophonium, indapamide, metoclopramide, and article.
terfenadine.33 All Group 2 drugs are all either (3) The patient described in the case does not
confirmed or believed to possess sodium channel have true Brugada syndrome, which is de-
blocking effects.33,5970 There are also a number termined by an assessment of low clini-
of antianginal drugs that may be associated with cal probability (symptoms, past medical his-
a Type-1 ECG,1,33 however, given the current lack tory, family history), genetic testing, and/or
of evidence on the existence and nature of this re- provocative testing with flecainide, ajma-
lationship, the issue was not explored in this ar- line, or procainamide or other sodium chan-
ticle. As well, not yet included on the Brugada nel blockers.
drugs Website is a case of cannabis intoxication
eliciting a Brugada-like ECG pattern. Not unlike
Exclusion Criteria
the majority of agents associated with the Type-1
ECG, Daccarett et al. speculate that the manifesta- (1) The case is an example of the unmasking
tions are due to the sodium channel blocking effects of an underlying true (or possible) Brugada
of cannabis.71 As a result, a Brugada Type-1 ECG syndrome.
associated with the Group 2 drugs and cannabis (2) The Brugada ECG pattern is likely due to
suggests that they are cases of unmasked Brugada the administration of flecainide, ajmaline or
syndrome rather than Brugada phenocopy. procainamide. These drugs are commonly
used in provocative testing as a means of
NEW PROPOSAL FOR A diagnosing true Brugada syndrome. Cases
CLASSIFICATION OF BRUGADA associated with other drugs, which their
PHENOCOPIES mechanism of action is blocking sodium
channels are listed separately in section un-
Methods masking Brugada syndrome.
Search Strategy
A literature review was performed on the fol-
lowing databases: Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Ovid Thirty-one cases were identified as meeting our
OLDMEDLINE(R) from 1947 to January Week 4 inclusion criteria.72102 To confirm these cases as
2011, EMBASE from 1980 to February Week 1 2011 manifestations of Brugada phenocopies, we first
and PubMed (March Week 1, 2011). sought to assess the clinical probability that the
6 r A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy

Table 1. Summary of Brugada Phenocopies

Number of Presence
Individuals of Structural Case
(Number of Mean Age Male: Heart Report
Category Case Reports) (Range) Female ECG Type Disease References

Metabolic conditions 14(14) 51.9 17.8 13:1 13 Type-I 0Y 7285

(2889) 5 Type-II 14 N
4 Variable
Mechanical compression 6(5) 45.7 18.5 3:3 6 Type-I 3Y 8690
(1966) 0 Type-II 3N
0 Variable
Ischemia 4(4) 60.0 6.7 2:2 4 Type-I 9194
(5568) 1 Type-II 1Y
1 Variable 3N
Myocardial & 8(6) 46.2 13.9 5:3 5 Type-I 2Y 95100
pericardial disease (2872) 4 Type-II 6N
2 Variable
Miscellaneous 2(2) 22.5 0.7 1:1 2 Type-I 1Y 101102
(2223) 1 Type-II 1N
1 Variable

Mean age is reported with standard deviation. ECG Type = presence of more than one type of Brugada ECG pattern.

patients had true Brugada syndrome. A patient was (Table 3). Six patients were described in the five
thought to have a low clinical probability of hav- publications and all patients developed a Brugada
ing true Brugada syndrome if they had a negative Type-1 ECG pattern. The cases were further cate-
sodium channel blocker challenge test result, a lack gorized into the subcategory extracardiac mechani-
of family history of syncope or sudden death, no cal compression. The male to female ratio was 1:1.
previous history of syncope or cardiac arrhythmia, Two Japanese patients had pectus excavatum,86
and was afebrile. Some cases fell under multiple and one Japanese patient had right ventricular hy-
categories and in those instances we assigned clas- pertrophy.87 Other publications did not report any
sification based on the most probable or dominant structural heart disease. The mean age of this cat-
mechanism thought to induce the Brugada ECG egory was 45.7 18.5 with the age range of 1966
pattern. years old.
Five general categories were devised based on Four cases were identified as ischemia-induced
the underlying mechanism and are as follows: Brugada phenocopies.9194 All four patients had
metabolic conditions, mechanical compression, is- Brugada Type-1 ECG, and one patient had an
chemia, myocardial/pericardial diseases, and mis- ECG that varied between Brugada Type-1 and
cellaneous (Table 1). 2 ECG pattern. The male to female ratio was
Fourteen cases were included in the metabolic 1:1. The mean age was 60.0 6.7 with the age
condition category. 7285 Thirteen patients showed range of 5568 years old. One patient described by
Brugada Type-1 ECG and five showed Type-2 ECG. Eggebrecht et al. had left ventricular hypertro-
Four of the patients ECG switched between a phy with reduced RV function and was resusci-
Brugada Type-1 and a Type-2 ECG pattern (i.e., had tated from ventricular fibrillation.91 The cases were
both). No case reported the presence of structural further categorized into two subcategories: right
heart disease. The male to female ratio in this cate- coronary and left coronary artery involvement
gory was 13:1. The mean age was 51.9 17.8 with (Table 4).
a range of 2889 years old. Fourteen cases were The last category is Brugada phenocopies in-
further categorized into three sub-categories: hy- duced by myocardial and/or pericardial dis-
pothermia, electrolyte disturbance, and hypothy- ease. This category includes six publications, de-
roidism (Table 2). scribing nine patients.95100 Six patients showed
We identified five publications of Brugada phe- Brugada Type-1 ECG pattern whereas four had
nocopies induced by mechanical compression8690 Type-2. Two patients had the ECG pattern switch
Table 2. Classification Table for Metabolic Condition Induced Brugada Phenocopies
First Author Age/ EKG Heart
Categories (Publish year) Descriptor Gender type Disease Note Outcome

Electrolyte Irani (2010)74 Hyperkalemia 46/M Type-1 Nonreported Cocaine use ECG normalization after resolution
disturbance of hyperkalemia
Kovacic Acidosis, 38/M Type-1 Nonreported Polyuria, polydipsia Normalization of ECG after
(2004)76 Hyponatremia treatment
Kurisu Hyperkalemia 89/M Type-1 & 2 Nonreported Pancreatitis treatment Normalization of ECG after
(2009)77 with mesilate treatment
Kutsuzawa Hypokalemia 53/M Type-1 Nonreported Hypokalemia Normalization of ECG after
(2001)78 treatment, ICD implants
Mehta Hypercalcemia 62/M Type-1 Nonreported Rhabdomyolysis caused Normalization of ECG after
(2009)79 hypercalcemia treatment
Mok (2008)80 Hypokalemia 64/M Type-1 Nonreported Indapamide Normalization of ECG after
Hyponatremia treatment
Ortega- Hyperkalemia 34/M Type-1 Nonreported Diazepam and Normalization of ECG after
Carnicer phenytoin hemodyalisis
(2002)81 administered
Tamene Hyponatremia 63/M Type-1 Nonreported Metoprolol, Normalization of ECG after serium
(2010)83 hydrochlorothiazide, sodium correction
lisinopril, valproic
acid and oral
Tanawuttiwat Hyperkalemia 47/F Type-1 Nonreported Jaundice, leukocytosis, Died during treatment, no
(2010)84 hepatitis with ventricular fibrillation or
cirrhosis, thiamine polymorphic ventricular
and empiric tachycardia was noted
antibiotics, renal
failiure, respiratory
Electrolyte Tsai (2010)85 Thyrotoxic periodic 51/M Type-1 Nonreported Low potassium, Brugada ECG resolved after
disturbance paralysis with hypothyroidism, resolution of hypokalemia and
hypokalemia hyper glycemia.
Hypothermia Ansari Hypothermia 29/M Type-1 Nonreported Diabetes mellitus. Normalization of ECG after
(2003)72 regaining of temperature
Bonnemeier Hypothermia 28/M Type-2 Nonreported Severe hypothermia, Normalization of ECG after
(2008)73 regaining of temperature
Ortega- Hypothermia 78/M Type-1 Nonreported COPD Normalization of ECG after
Carnicer regaining of temperature, patient
(2008)82 died four weeks later from
multiorganic failure
Hypo- Khalil (2010)75 Adrenal insufficiency 47/M Type-1 & 2 Nonreported Primary adrenal Normalization of ECG after steroid
thyroidism insufficiency, supplementation

Descriptor = the primary condition that is believed to cause Brugada ECG pattern; M = male; F = female; Note = any medication taken or clinical condition that the
patient presented; Outcome = resolution of Brugada ECG and patient mortality and morbidity, if available.
A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy r 7
8 r A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy

Table 3. Classification for Mechanical Compression Induced Brugada Phenocopies

First Structural
Author Age/ EKG Heart
(Publish Year) Descriptor Gender type Disease Note Outcome

Extracardiac Kataoka Pectus excavatum 19/M Type-1 A patient (30/M) Not reported
mechanical (2002)86 30/M Type-1 showed
compression confirmed
reduced RV
Nakazato Anterior mediastinal 52/F Type-1 Right ventricular Fever/ Gradual normalization
(2003)87 mass lesion hypertrophy compression of ECG after
of RVOT improvement of
Sasaki (2010)88 Reconstructive 63/M Type-1 Nonreported Compression of Gradual normalization
operation for Anterior RV of ECG after
esophageal treatment.
Tarin (1999)89 Mediastinal tumor 66/F Type-1 Nonreported Amiodarone, 6 month follow-up
Confirmed showed ECG without
tumor Brugada ECG
Tomcsanyi Hemopericardium 44/F Type-1 Nonreported Tumor Normal ECG after the
(2002)90 (organized removal of tumor
the RV

Descriptor = primary condition that is believed to cause BRUGADA ECG pattern; M = male; F = female; Note = any medication
taken or clinical condition that the patient presented; Outcome = resolution of Brugada ECG and patient mortality and morbidity,
if available.

between Type-1 and 2. Bramos et al. described a eleven cases were suspected to be a result of an
patient that had concentric hypertrophy.95 Nayyar electrolyte disturbance. The patients described in
et al. described a patient with biventricular se- these cases had underlying conditions, such as hy-
vere global systolic dysfunction.97 The myocardial pokalemia,78,80,85 hyperkalemia,7477,81,84 hypona-
and pericardial cases were further categorized into tremia,76,80,83 and hypercalcemia.79 It has been
the following four subcategories: acute myocardi- speculated that electrolyte disturbances, such as
tis, chronic myocarditis, acute pericarditis, and my- hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, and
otonic dystrophy. The male to female ratio was 2:1. hypocalcemia, can amplify the transient outward
The mean age of this category was 46.2 13.9 with current (I to ) mediated action potential notch and
the age range of 2872 years old (Table 5). lead to the subsequent loss of the AP dome in
The last two publications, we identified as Bru- the epicardium of the RVOT, which gives rise to a
gada phenocopies, do not belong in any of the transmural voltage gradient and consequently pro-
categories described above and so were classified duces the Brugada ECG pattern.103
as miscellaneous. One case presented Ebsteins Hyperkalemia is thought to reproduce the
anomaly. 101 This patient was a 23-year-old female Brugada sign by decreasing the resting membrane
who developed a Brugada Type-1 ECG. The second potential, which inactivates the cardiac sodium
case was a presentation of a Brugada phenocopy re- channels.103,104 The level of the inactivation varies
lated to external electrocution.102 The patient was a across the cardiac tissue, showing more pro-
22-year-old male who showed both Brugada Type-1 nounced inactivation in the anteroseptal region.103
and 2 ECG patterns (Table 6). The inactivation of sodium channels leads to an im-
balance between inward sodium current and out-
ward potassium current, resulting in a predomi-
DISCUSSION nantly outward potassium current. This outward
Metabolic Conditions current is most pronounced in the right ventri-
cle and is more active in the epicardial cells than
Of the fourteen cases categorized as Brugada in the endocardium and M cells.104 Based on the
phenocopies induced by a metabolic condition, ionic mechanisms underlying Brugada syndrome
A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy r 9

Table 4. Classification of Ischemia Induced Brugada Phenocopies

Author Structural
(Publish Age/ EKG Heart
Categories Year) Descriptor Gender type Disease Note Outcome

Right Eggebrecht Isolated 55/F Type-1 Left Resuscitated Not reported

coronary (2009)91 right ventricular from
ventricular hypertro- ventricular
infarction phy with fibrillation
reduced RV
Nakazato Inferior my- 58/M Type-1 Nonreported Stenosis in the Not reported
(2000)92 ocardial proximal
infarction segment of
the right
Left coronary Itoh (1999)93 Vasospastic 68/M Type-1 Nonreported Intercostals No syncope,
artery angina neuralgia, dizziness,
orthostatic chest pain
hypotension, recurred
ST-segment during a
exaggeration follow-up
after pro- period of
cainamide 13 months
Tomcsanyi Acute my- 59/F Type-1 & 2 Nonreported Raised cardiac Not reported
(2003)94 ocardial marker

Descriptor = the primary condition that is believed to cause Brugada ECG pattern; M = male; F = female; Note = any medication
taken or clinical condition that the patient presented; Outcome = resolution of Brugada ECG and patient mortality and morbidity,
if available.

proposed by Antzelevitch,105 dominance of I to may unknown. Our review found only one case report
lead to the loss of the action potential dome in of hypercalcemia-induced Brugada phenocopy,79
the right ventricular epicardium resulting in the in which the authors did not speculate on the mech-
Brugada Type-1 ECG pattern. Hyperkalemia, a anism underlying the Brugada ECG manifestations.
common electrolyte disturbance in adrenal insuf- Hyponatremia is believed to reduce I Na current due
ficiency, is believed to have induced the Brugada to a diminished ionic gradient, leaving the I to unop-
syndrome phenocopy.76 It is worth noting that posed which may cause a loss of the action poten-
Littmann et al. showed a significant difference in tial dome in the right ventricular epicardium.80 It is
the ECG manifestation between the hyperkalemic- worth to note that individual case reports may fa-
induced Brugada ECG pattern and the true Brugada vor the depolarization or the repolarization theory,
ECG pattern.103 The differences include wide com- however; we may prefer to leave both hypotheses
plex rhythm or wide complex tachycardia without open.
visible P waves and abnormal axis deviation no- The remaining three cases were hypothermia-
tably seen in hyperkalemic-induced Brugada phe- induced Brugada phenocopies.7273,82 In all these
nocopy patients.103 Whether this difference is also cases, the Brugada ECG pattern resolved after nor-
seen in other Brugada phenocopies induced by elec- malization of body temperature. Ortega-Carnicer
trolyte disturbances is worth investigating. et al. hypothesized that hypothermia causes a total
Hypokalemia is also known to accentuate the loss of the epicardial action potential dome lead-
Brugada ECG pattern by enhancing the I to .106 ing to coved ST-segment elevation.82 It has been
Whether hypocalcemia can also augment the I to is previously demonstrated in vivo canine model that
10 r A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy

Table 5. Classification of Myocardial, Pericardial Disease Induced Brugada Phenocopies

First Structural
Author Descriptor Age/ EKG Heart
Categories (Publish Year) of Condition Gender type Disease Note Outcome

Acute my- Bramos Cardiac 72/F Type-1 Concentric Narrow Normalization

ocarditis (2009)95 amyloidosis hypertrophy complex of ECG after
tachycar- 1 day
dia was
Kim (2008)96 Hematologic 42/M Type-1 Nonreported Increase Patient 1, ECG
disease 46/M Type-1 &2 WBC count normalized
leading to after 2
acute months
myocarditis Patient 2
Nayyar Myocarditis 56/F Type-1 Biventricular Aluminum Died on third
(2009)97 severe Phosphide day of
global Poisoning admission
systolic dys- from acute
functions renal
Chronic Brito (2010)98 Chagas 56/F Type-1 & 2 Nonreported Syncope, Not reported
my- disease palpitation,
ocarditis cardiomy- apical left
opathy ventricular
Acute peri- Ozeke (2006)99 Pericarditis 28/M Type-2 Nonreported Both patients ECG
carditis 36/M were normalized
afebrile, no after
prescrip- treatment
tion drug ibuprofen
Myotonic Rudnik- Myotonic 49/M Type-2 Nonreported Metformin, Not reported
dystro- Schoneborn dystrophy myotonic
phy (2010)100 dystrophy
by genetic

Descriptor = the primary condition that is believed to cause Brugada ECG pattern; M = male; F = female; Note = any medication
taken or clinical condition that the patient presented; Outcome = resolution of Brugada ECG and patient mortality and morbidity,
if available.

cooling the epicardium of the RVOT resulted in Ischemia

a reproducible generation of a Brugada-like ECG
pattern.106 Furthermore, increased transmural dis- There is a limited number of Brugada pheno-
persion and increased ventricular arrhythmogen- copy cases associated with ischemia currently in
esis were observed in canine models, raising the the literature, and the current understanding of
question that perhaps the high fatality rate in hy- the association between the two conditions is poor.
pothermic patients can be, in part, attributed to We identified four case reports as ischemia-related
cardiac arrhythmia linked to sodium channel dys- Brugada phenocopies.9194 Two of the cases were
function. This is only speculative, giving the fact associated with right coronary artery as the culprit
that hypothermia induces repolarization changes vessel, and the other two were linked to the left
that could be considered proarrhythmogenic by coronary artery. Out of the four cases, one case re-
itself. ported left ventricular hypertrophy with reduced
A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy r 11

Table 6. Miscellaneous Cases of Brugada Phenocopies

First Structural
Author Age/ EKG Heart
Categories (Publish Year) Descriptor Gender type Disease Note Outcome

Tricuspid Kaiser Ebsteins 23/F Type-1Tricuspid Left posterior Not reported

valve defect (2010)101 anomaly valve defect fascicular
block, right
External elec- Rangaraj Accidental 22/M Type-1 & 2 Nonreported Persistent ECG
trocution (2009)102 electric early repo- normalized
burn larization, over time

Descriptor = the primary condition that is believed to cause Brugada ECG pattern; M = male; F = female; Note = any medication
taken or clinical condition that the patient presented; Outcome = resolution of Brugada ECG and patient mortality and morbidity,
if available.

RV function,91 whereas the other three showed tricular free led to the development of the Brugada
no structural heart disease. No family history of phenocopy.86
sudden cardiac death was reported and the clini-
cal presentation suggested that the cases were true
Brugada syndrome. Itoh et al. reported a case of Myocardial and Pericardial Disease
coronary spasm accompanied by Brugada ECG pat- Chagas disease is acquired from a parasitic in-
tern but suspected that the case was coincidental.93 fection by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi that can
The other three cases were related to myocardial result in a form of chronic myocarditis. The ma-
infarction, but there were no explanations offered jority of cases in North America have arisen from
as to how ischemia and Brugada ECG pattern may individuals who contracted the infection whereas
be related.9192,94 in endemic areas outside the continent.107 A histor-
ical paper from the Rosenbaums team in the early
Mechanical Compression 80s reported up to 7% of ST-segment changes af-
ter the administration of ajmaline.108 Some of these
Several cases reported mechanical compression changes resemble the Brugada Type-1 ECG pattern.
as the main inducer of a Brugada phenocopy. A Since then, several reports suggested that in some
general trend is that the Brugada ECG normal- patients with Chagas disease; a Brugada Type-1
izes after the source of mechanical compression ECG can be found.3 Brito et al. reported a case
is relieved. Tarin et al. reported the first case of a woman with a long-time diagnosis of Chagas
of compression-induced Brugada phenocopy89 in disease presenting with syncopal episodes and was
which the compression of the RVOT by a medi- found to have a Brugada Type-1 ECG pattern upon
astinal tumor led to the Brugada-like ECG pattern. further investigation.98 The authors speculate the
The normalization of the ECG abnormalities after ECG findings are due to the pathological changes
the removal of the tumor suggests that the mechan- associated with Chagas disease, particularly in the
ical compression was the cause. Nakazato et al. re- right ventricle (dromotropic disorders). The previ-
ported a similar case of a mass lesion compressing ously discussed depolarization theory attributes the
the RVOT and inducing the Brugada ECG. Once Brugada ECG manifestations to conduction delays
again the ECG normalized after the compression and depolarization abnormalities in the RVOT. In
was relieved by antibiotic treatment. However, in- addition, although the Brugada syndrome has been
flammation could have also played a role.87 In addi- defined as a condition without structural cardiac
tion, Kataoka et al. reported cases of Brugada ECG defects, there has been increasing evidence that
pattern related to pectus excavatum and suspected these patients may have concealed structural ab-
that long term mechanical injury to the right ven- normalities particularly in the region of the right
12 r A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy

ventricle.98,109 Specifically, Takagi et al. found episodes of syncope and no family history of sud-
abnormalities in the right ventricle using elec- den cardiac death. Further investigations were de-
tron beam computed tomography in patients with nied by the patient so neither genetic testing or
Brugada syndrome.109 provocation testing were completed. The structural
Myotonic dystrophy Type-2 is a genetic condi- abnormalities that can result from cardiac amyloi-
tion that exhibits an autosomal dominant mode dosis include ventricular wall thickening, atrial en-
of inheritance and affects multiple organ systems, largement, diastolic dysfunction, wall echogenicity
frequently including the heart.100 A recent paper and strain of myocardial contractile function. De-
by Rudnik-Schoneborn et al. describes two cases fects can also arise with the conduction system and
of myotonic dystrophy Type-2 associated with a include prolongation of the infra-His conduction
Brugada-like ECG pattern.100 The first involves a times and HV interval, which have been shown to
recent presentation of myotonic dystrophy in a pa- be predictors of sudden cardiac death.95 Although
tient that also had several near syncopal episodes. it is not completely clear how cardiac amyloidosis
Genetic testing showed a missense mutation in may precipitate a Brugada phenocopy, it would ap-
the SCN5A gene and the patients uncle died sud- pear that the ECG changes can be attributed to the
denly at 61 years old. The second is a chronic case conduction and structural (particularly in the right
of myotonic dystrophy in which the patient had ventricle) abnormalities of the disease.
two episodes of near syncope and induction of a There is also evidence of pericardial disease pre-
Brugada Type-2 ECG pattern upon ajmaline provo- senting as a Brugada phenocopy. Ozeke et al. re-
cation, but was negative for SCN5A gene muta- ported on two separate cases of acute pericarditis
tions and reported no family history for sudden presenting with an associated Brugada Type-2 ECG
cardiac death. Although Rudnik-Schoneborn et al. pattern.99 Currently, there is insufficient informa-
addressed that these cases could represent a rare as- tion in the literature to discern the mechanism
sociation of myotonic dystrophy and Brugada syn- by which acute pericarditis might induce Brugada
drome (particularly in the second case), they also phenocopies.
proposed that myotonic dystrophy Type-2 may be-
have as a Brugada phenocopy. This idea is sup- Miscellaneous
ported by a French study that examined 500 cases
of myotonic dystrophy Type-1 and found that the In our review of the literature, we encountered
incidence of Brugada-like ECG pattern in this study two cases of Brugada phenocopies that did not
sample was 80 times the incidence in the normal fit into the mechanistic categorization scheme out-
population.110 The mechanism by which myotonic lined above, leading to the creation of a miscella-
dystrophy may present as a Brugada phenocopy is neous section.
still unclear and requires further investigation. The first case is a nonoperated Ebsteins anomaly
In addition, two cases of acute myocarditis lead- inducing a Brugada ECG pattern. Also noted on
ing to Brugada phenocopy were reported by Kim the patients ECG were signs of left posterior fas-
et al.96 The first case presented with myocarditis cicular block (LPFB) associated with right bun-
due to hypereosinophilic syndrome, whereas the dle branch block (RBBB). The ECG manifestations
second was due to acute lymphoblastic leukemia are attributed to the activation of the left ventric-
with myocardial involvement. The authors specu- ular anterolateral wall and delayed activation of
lated that the ECG manifestations may be due to the left ventricular posteroinferior wall due to the
isolated myocardial injury or infiltrative malignant LPFB.101
cells leading to ischemia, localized conduction de- In the second case, a young man presented with
lay or spatial heterogeneity of refractoriness.96 trauma sustained from an electrical burn injury as-
Bramos et al. documented the first case of a car- sociated with an ECG exhibiting a Brugada Type-1
diac amyloidosis inducing an intermittent Brugada ECG pattern in lead V 1 and a Type-2 in lead
Type-1 ECG pattern.95 Cardiac amyloidosis is an V 2 .102 His past medical history was unremark-
infiltrative disease that involves the deposition of able and there was no family history of syncope
protein fibrils in the myocardium, which can re- or sudden death. Because the ECG manifesta-
sult in abnormalities in cardiac structure and con- tions resolved spontaneously after 24 hours and
duction. In this case, the patient had experienced his family members were found to have normal
short episodes of presyncope in the past but no ECG recordings, no provocative testing or further
A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy r 13

Table 7. Terminology of the Brugada Syndrome and its Associated Manifestations

Manifested Concealed Brugada
Brugada Syndrome Brugada Syndrome Phenocopy

ECG Spontaneous Normal ECG, Normal ECG, Brugada

ST-segment ST-segment Type-1 or 2 ECG
elevation in one or elevation in pattern induced by
more precordial precordial lead, exposure to
leads, V 13 . V 13 only when pathological
exposed to conditions or drugs
unmasking agents. that are not known
to be unmasking
Resolution of ECG Spontaneous Brugada Brugada Type-1 or 2 Brugada Type-1 or 2
ECG persists ECG pattern ECG pattern
resolves once resolves once
unmasking agent is underlying condition
withdrawn. is treated.
Family history Often associated with Often associated with Unlikely to have a
a family history of a family history of family history of
syncope and/or syncope and/or syncope or sudden
sudden death sudden death death
Patient outcome Increased risk of Increased risk of Unknown
cardiac arrhythmia Cardiac arrhythmia
and sudden death and sudden death

investigations were pursued. Rangaraj et al. specu- members were recorded is also important in help-
lated that the Brugada phenocopy may have been ing to rule out true Brugada syndrome. Finally, it
caused by electrical injury to the myocardium re- would be beneficial to report whether the Brugada
sulting in spatial dispersion of repolarization.102 ECG pattern resolved after the treatment of the un-
derlying cause; otherwise it is difficult to classify
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE them as a Brugada phenocopy, because we cannot
BRUGADA PHENOCOPY CASE know whether the underlying condition was truly
REPORT PUBLICATION behind the Brugada ECG manifestation. It is im-
portant to document the resolution of the Brugada
Having reviewed the case reports currently pub- ECG to infer a direct association between the en-
lished on Brugada phenocopies, we would like vironmental factor and the Brugada ECG pattern.
to propose a few recommendations to ensure fu- In addition, it would be good practice for au-
ture case reports present a clear clinical picture thors to comment on patient outcomes to further
that is distinct from the true Brugada syndrome the investigation on whether there is a correlation
(Table 7). Firstly, it is essential to include a 12- between Brugada phenocopies and malignant car-
lead ECG tracing with emphasis on the right pre- diac arrhythmia.
cordial leads V 1 V 3 . The ECG manifestations are
a defining feature of the Brugada syndrome and CONCLUSIONS
Brugada phenocopies and thus a clear ECG trac-
ing of reasonable quality is required. The inclusion Given the extensive and variable terminology
of additional leads is desirable and highly recom- currently in use to describe a Brugada-like ECG pat-
mendable.111 Secondly, it is paramount to comment tern in the absence of true Brugada syndrome, our
on the presence of a past medical history of syncope first objective was to propose the adoption of the
and a family history of sudden death or syncope, term Brugada phenocopy, coined by Riera et al., to
which can be of help in differentiating between prevent confusion.
true Brugada syndrome and Brugada phenocopies. Given the growing collection of Brugada pheno-
Including whether or not provocative testing, ge- copy cases, we believe our classification scheme
netic testing, and ECG tracings of immediate family based on etiological mechanism will provide much
14 r A.N.E. r 2012 r Vol. 00, No. 0 r Baranchuk, et al. r Brugada Phenocopy

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20. Patan`e S, Marte F. Revelation of Brugada electrocardio-
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