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Name: Brenda Staton

For this lesson, students will be given an assignment to upload a podcast to our class blog. This specific
lesson is designed as an extension to a field trip to a science museum. They will be creating their own
podcast of a particular science exhibit, or what they learned on this field trip, to share with the entire class.
The standards that will be used are S3E2 on fossils and past organisms or S3L1 on differences between
plants, animals, and habitats found within geographic regions. This format is essential in helping students
achieve a higher level LoTi of learning with technology. They will not only learn about how to research the
appropriate information, but will also incorporate their use of technology to create and develop their own
podcast to share with their others. By uploading their podcast, they can share what they learned from the
field trip to their classmates and parents. This promotes a LoTi level of 4 or 5 in learning development.

Grade Level: 3
Content Area: Science

Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

S3E2: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information on how fossils provide evidence of past organisms.
S3L1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the similarities and differences between
plants, animals, and habitats found within geographic regions.
ISTE 3.b. Model Digital Age Work and Learning: b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents and
community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.
Brief Description of Learning Experience:
Students will gather research about their topic, following a field trip to the science museum. In class,
we will discuss and practice with creating an audio podcast and how students will effectively create
theirs. Students will research or write down their information they learned from the field trip on
their topic or exhibit they want to discuss/share with their classmates. They will write down the
information they want to record and then create a podcast to share. We will then upload these to our
class blog for a grade. This project will take about a week to successfully complete and upload,
including the research time.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking:
This promotes a higher LoTi level of 4 or 5, as students will be creating and sharing their work with
others outside the classroom. Parents and peers will be able to listen to their podcast through the
class blog.

Importance of technology:
By using the multimedia tools, students are adding a creative feature to their projects and learning a new
technology feature that will help them in creating other projects. By including a podcast, they are creating
something of their own, and sharing it with their friends and others through the blog. This promotes a
critical component to the lesson in higher level of Blooms. They could easily do this project without this
element, but it would not be as effective or build in the technology element, which most students prefer to
use. This makes the lesson more appealing and engaging.


Inspiration (optional): This multimedia lesson was created by me.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

As students are creating their podcast, they will be adding music as one of the features. Many music
downloads may be copyright protected, and students will need to be aware of the sites that offer free
downloads and what is acceptable. For this lesson, we will all use the same music download in our podcasts
to minimize risks of students downloading any copyrighted music.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:

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