EEW FY18 Approps Sign-On

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Congress of the United States ‘Washington, BC 20515 March 30,2017 ‘The Honorable Ken Calvert ‘The Honorable Betty MeColln Chaiemin Ranking Member Subcommittee on the Interior, Environment, and ‘Subcommitte onthe Inteir, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Related Agencies Appropriations 308 Rayburn House Office Building 1016 Longworth House Ofte Building ‘Washington, DC 20515 ‘Washington, DC 20515 ‘Dea: Chairman Calvert and Ranking Member McCollum: _As you craft the Fiscal Year 2018 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill, we respectfully equest that you protde the US. Geological Survey (USGS) with $16.1 milion forthe constriction, operation and maintenance ‘of a West Coast Earthquake Early Waring System. ‘The USGS, in collaboration wth Caltech, UC Berkeley the University of Washington and the University of (Oregon has developed an Earthquake Early Waning system that detects waves radiating from the epicenter of a {quake and would prove people with several to tens of seconds of warning in California, and up to few minutes in Washington and Oregon through their phones, computers and other media. This sa "smart infastruture™ investment that vil ultimately provide advanced notice so people cin take cover, sutomatedeystoms can be triggered to slow down trains and manage the power grid, doctors can pause surgeries, and more. The technology has deen tested and proven to work effectively. FEMA has estimated that earthquakes cost the United States, averaged over the long term, mor than $5 billion & yeat This common-sense investment will sve lives, protect businesses, and could make a real diference in more ‘pid recovery for local communities, the federal goverment and the economy as a whole. ‘We appreciate the growing support from the Committe that we saw over the past few years, and we hope that this support will contine into this new Congress While we cannot predict when and where the next major eahquake will it, we must do all we canto prepare fourelves so that we can mitigate the injures, destruction, and chaos as much as posible. We appreciate your ‘consideration of our request, nd we look forward 10 working with you rg es fi A Ae 7 ‘Congress Member of Congas Sincerely, ‘Member of Congress ‘Seir ERA, MD. ‘Member of Congress hab lhsemin—— FARL BLUMENAUER “Member of Congress Stage lppane Suzanke powantcr ‘Member of Congress JULIA BROWNLEY ‘Member of Corgress oC ‘SALUD CARBAJAL “Member of Congress suby Cao, ‘Member of Congress JIM Cost “Member of Congress ‘SNA G. ESHOO ‘Member of Congress = come naharse ‘Member of Congress. Member of Congress ‘SHEILA IN LEE ‘Member of Congress PRAMILA Sor Member of Congress RICK LAI ‘Member of Congress BARBARA LEE. Member of Congress Dh W. $e ‘TED W.LIEU Member of Congress LOFG. lenber of Cfyhress Wan. ZueHfh ALANLOWENTHAL ‘Member of Congress DORIS MATSUL ‘Member of Congress ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON “Member of Congress PE’ Member of Congress yy ve “Member of Congres i” ‘Member of Congress TINDA Member of Congress L-ALLARD ‘KURT SCHRADER ‘Menbes of Congsess ‘BRAD SHERMAN “Member of Cn Marke Lrhar— MARK TAKANO ‘VARGAS Member af Congress of Cong MIKE THOMPSON ‘MIKINE WATERS. Member of Congress “Member of Congres

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